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       #Post#: 89--------------------------------------------------
       Chapter 11 Weaving Your Way through the Web
       By: Birdie Date: July 10, 2018, 6:16 am
       Hello Book Club Peeps,
       Hope your week is starting off well.  I know that this book club
       has been a struggle to keep up with since it's summertime and we
       are all busy with our schedules, but I hope you all find some
       quick quiet-time to get some of the reading in this week!  This
       Chapter is all about social media and how we deal with it in our
       lives.  I think we all can relate to this chapter.  Because this
       book is older, it doesn't include all the updated social media
       out there, but I think the videos offer some really good advice.
       1. How do you balance your life with social media?
       2. How do you use social media in your life?
       3. Do you let your children use social media and if so, do you
       have limitations/rules?
       4. What was the most important thing you took away from the
       Hope everyone has an awesome week!
       #Post#: 91--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chapter 11 Weaving Your Way through the Web
       By: MommaAshley Date: July 12, 2018, 3:14 pm
       Oooo I'm the first one on this post!!!
       I can pretend like I am all caught up, lol!
       1. How do you balance your life with social media?
       First, how sad is this question? I don't mean that in the sense
       that your question is sad, but that we have to sit and think
       about how much time we invest in the internet. I personally feel
       like I waste a lot of time on social media. I don't let it come
       in the way of my responsibilities, but I could be doing
       something else. For instance, when I'm nursing Ruby. I have to
       stay put, so I whip out my phone and scroll. I nurse her 8-10
       times a day...up to 15 minutes, that's a lot of time. However,
       on the flip side, I use social media to boost my photography
       business. 95% of my business is from connections through social
       media. Very few are from outside sources.
       2. How do you use social media in your life?
       I sort of answered this one in question one, but I use it to
       stay in touch and for my business. Since I moved away from the
       place I grew up, I am not able to see my childhood friends.
       Social media has allowed me to stay in touch, see their family
       and share our lives together. It also helps to find out about
       fun events going on in my area and connect with local moms. I
       use Facebook for my photography business, it has helped a lot
       over the last 12 months.
       3. Do you let your children use social media and if so, do you
       have limitations/rules?
       My older two kids are on Instagram. We are friends, so we see
       what they post. Their account is private, however, this doesn't
       stop random people from requesting them or messaging them. We
       have taught them to ignore requests from strangers and to be
       mindful of what they post. Never where they are, just the
       picture. I personally think my kids need some sort of exposure
       to the internet and social media. They need to learn what it is
       and how it can be useful, but also how it can be dangerous.
       Completely shielding them from social media doesn't really help
       to educate them. Growing up in a time where social media didn't
       exist really allows for me to see both sides. I am thankful that
       I never had to deal with bullying via the internet, (mind you,
       bullying still happens, just in different forms) and it's sad to
       read stories of children who are affected by it.
       4. What was the most important thing you took away from the
       I confess that I did not read this chapter.
       My apologies.
       #Post#: 97--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chapter 11 Weaving Your Way through the Web
       By: Birdie Date: July 14, 2018, 9:18 am
       Hi guys - sorry late with my posting!!
       How do you balance your life with social media?
       I think I have a good balance using social media.  I’m not one
       to constantly have my phone with me and respond to text, insta,
       snapchat…  I’ve actually just started using social media
       recently and it’s just to stay connected to my family since we
       are all over the place right now.  I think it’s a great way to
       keep in touch and know what is happening in the moment.  I
       remember back when I was young you had to take polaroid pics and
       send them in the mail.  Family that didn’t live close missed out
       on a lot of stuff ☹ But, I think it’s important to balance
       your social media use and not let it take over your life or
       interfere with your family.
       How do you use social media in your life?
       Like I said above, I use social media to stay connected to my
       family and have the opportunity to see “in the moment”
       happenings!  I love sharing pics, videos, using facetime and
       just seeing the funny comments!  I also love Giffy’s – they are
       the best!!  The one thing I don’t like about social media, and I
       try to make sure I don’t fall into it, is being fake!  I had a
       facebook years back and I saw a lot of people from high school
       and felt that not everyone was being real!  If you are not
       careful you can judge yourself against other people’s facebook
       postings, pictures, etc.  I have a couple of Instagram / blogs
       that I follow and I have found myself comparing my life to
       theirs – which is not good.  So, I have made a conscience effort
       to realize that they choose what they post so I’m not seeing
       everything that happens in their life!
       Do you let your children use social medial and if so do you have
       I have no control over what my kids do – haha!!!  But if they
       were young I would be very concerned and worried about them
       getting caught up in social media.  I would worry about them
       comparing themselves to others and/or finding things they don’t
       need to be seeing!  I would hate for them to compare themselves
       to the Kardarsians 😊
       What was the most important thing you took away from this
       I think there are really good sites you can go to and find
       interesting information whether it’s for recipes, decorating,
       religion, education…  So, I think this part of social media can
       be a good part of your life but I realize there are also dangers
       that come along with the good.  So, as long as you are aware of
       those dangers and keep yourself in check you can enjoy the gifts
       of social media!
       #Post#: 98--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chapter 11 Weaving Your Way through the Web
       By: Birdie Date: July 14, 2018, 9:22 am
       [quote author=MommaAshley link=topic=12.msg91#msg91
       Oooo I'm the first one on this post!!!
       I can pretend like I am all caught up, lol!
       1. How do you balance your life with social media?
       First, how sad is this question? I don't mean that in the sense
       that your question is sad, but that we have to sit and think
       about how much time we invest in the internet. I personally feel
       like I waste a lot of time on social media. I don't let it come
       in the way of my responsibilities, but I could be doing
       something else. For instance, when I'm nursing Ruby. I have to
       stay put, so I whip out my phone and scroll. I nurse her 8-10
       times a day...up to 15 minutes, that's a lot of time. However,
       on the flip side, I use social media to boost my photography
       business. 95% of my business is from connections through social
       media. Very few are from outside sources.
       2. How do you use social media in your life?
       I sort of answered this one in question one, but I use it to
       stay in touch and for my business. Since I moved away from the
       place I grew up, I am not able to see my childhood friends.
       Social media has allowed me to stay in touch, see their family
       and share our lives together. It also helps to find out about
       fun events going on in my area and connect with local moms. I
       use Facebook for my photography business, it has helped a lot
       over the last 12 months.
       3. Do you let your children use social media and if so, do you
       have limitations/rules?
       My older two kids are on Instagram. We are friends, so we see
       what they post. Their account is private, however, this doesn't
       stop random people from requesting them or messaging them. We
       have taught them to ignore requests from strangers and to be
       mindful of what they post. Never where they are, just the
       picture. I personally think my kids need some sort of exposure
       to the internet and social media. They need to learn what it is
       and how it can be useful, but also how it can be dangerous.
       Completely shielding them from social media doesn't really help
       to educate them. Growing up in a time where social media didn't
       exist really allows for me to see both sides. I am thankful that
       I never had to deal with bullying via the internet, (mind you,
       bullying still happens, just in different forms) and it's sad to
       read stories of children who are affected by it.
       4. What was the most important thing you took away from the
       I confess that I did not read this chapter.
       My apologies.
       OMG you posted without reading the chapter!!!  JK:)  Love your
       post!  And I agree that social media can really help with
       promoting your business!  I forgot about that aspect of using
       social media.  I have read stories on how companies have grown
       by just using social media and they don't have to pay for ads
       and stuff.
       #Post#: 100--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chapter 11 Weaving Your Way through the Web
       By: Jday1106 Date: July 16, 2018, 5:47 pm
       Oh goodness, it took me forever to realize that I wasn't logged
       in. I was on this page and able to read everything but I was
       looking everywhere for how to reply to the postings and finally
       I realized, there isn't a reply tab because I'm not logged in.
       Alright so chapter 11 I didn't enjoy at all, as yall all know I
       am not into social media at all. I will say that the internet I
       find extremely useful and would die without it. I love being
       able to access the internet to look stuff up that I'm interested
       in. I just recently got into youtube and I love being able to
       get on it and search stuff on different topics I'm interested
       in. However when I think of social media what comes to my mind
       is facebook, Instagram, snapchat, and whatever else is popular
       right now that I'm not aware of. Social media is something I
       personally choose not to participate in, I don't look negatively
       on other people that use it, it's just my personal chose, and I
       feel good knowing it's not something that consumes me that
       unfortunately for a lot of other people it does.
       The biggest reason I choose not to participate in social media
       is because like I said earlier, I feel like it consumes peoples'
       lives. So many people I encounter are obsessed with it, they are
       constantly on their phone checking their social media sights. I
       also feel like it causes people to become obsessed with their
       persona. People want to take a million selfies or pictures in
       general to post on their sights to get their friends/followers
       attention. So many young girls who are brought up with social
       media are posting, let's be honest, slutty pictures of
       themselves. It's embarrassing! They do this to get guy's
       attention or to make other girls jealous. This is the type of
       behavior I don't want to participate in. I also don't like how
       people want to post every little part of their day to all their
       friends/followers. I find it sad that people feel the need to do
       this. I'm not going to sit down in the morning with a cup of
       coffee and book and take a selfie and post it updating everyone
       on what I'm doing and I don't know if this is still popular but
       putting my location out there so people know where I am (YIKES
       who came up with that, honestly why would anyone post their
       location, HELLO don't you know there are psychos out there who
       might stalk you and track you down). I'm also a very private
       person and don't want people stalking me. I feel like when you
       have social media so many people want to be "your friend" but
       they aren't really your friend, they just want to see what
       you're up to, and let's be honest you just accept to be their
       friend because you want to know what they're up to. This is also
       a big reason I don't want to participate because I would get
       addicted to looking people up and stalking them and I don't want
       to waste my day doing that so I make sure it's not something I'm
       susceptible to.
       I feel so free knowing  that I'm completely ignorant of the
       drama that is going on on people's social media sights. No one
       knows what I'm up to and I don't have to worry about what they
       are thinking about me, and I don't have to worry about what
       people are posting! Our neighborhood has a facebook page and
       there is always so much gossip and drama. I am SO glad I am
       ignorant to it all. It is so sad to think that so many of these
       people, actually ALL of these people are older then me and they
       just sit around on their facebook pages posting so much crap.
       I'm thinking really? Do you not have anything better to do?
       A flip side to social media that pretty much everyone will tell
       you for their reasoning behind why they have a social media
       sight is because they have it to keep in contact with certain
       people (family, friends, whatever). I have no trouble keeping in
       contact with the people I choose to keep in contact with. If you
       have a smartphone you can keep in touch with anyone, it's called
       get their phone number. You can text message, talk on the phone,
       send pictures, email, it's no harder to do this then use social
       media. I love communicating this way because I get to choose who
       has my phone number, as opposed to social media, anyone can look
       you up, and yes you can make your page private but they can
       still find you and ask to be your friend.
       So as of right now, social media is not for me. I feel adequate
       keeping in touch with people via my cell phone. I think social
       media is more so negative then positive and I feel like it can
       be extremely addictive for most people. I know that if I had one
       it would become addicting for me, I also know that if I had one
       I would start worrying about stupid stuff like how I am
       portraying myself and what people are thinking about me. I would
       also get drug into people's drama.
       Side note, hope I didn't offend anyone on my views of social
       media, I know yall all have one. I think as long as you don't
       get caught up in the negative aspects of it then it's fine to
       have. For me I just rather be safe then sorry so choose not to
       paticipate. I think if I had a business though I would
       definitely get one because it is a great way to reach out to
       people and find cliental.
       #Post#: 106--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chapter 11 Weaving Your Way through the Web
       By: Birdie Date: July 19, 2018, 6:21 pm
       [quote author=Jday1106 link=topic=12.msg100#msg100
       Oh goodness, it took me forever to realize that I wasn't logged
       in. I was on this page and able to read everything but I was
       looking everywhere for how to reply to the postings and finally
       I realized, there isn't a reply tab because I'm not logged in.
       Alright so chapter 11 I didn't enjoy at all, as yall all know I
       am not into social media at all. I will say that the internet I
       find extremely useful and would die without it. I love being
       able to access the internet to look stuff up that I'm interested
       in. I just recently got into youtube and I love being able to
       get on it and search stuff on different topics I'm interested
       in. However when I think of social media what comes to my mind
       is facebook, Instagram, snapchat, and whatever else is popular
       right now that I'm not aware of. Social media is something I
       personally choose not to participate in, I don't look negatively
       on other people that use it, it's just my personal chose, and I
       feel good knowing it's not something that consumes me that
       unfortunately for a lot of other people it does.
       The biggest reason I choose not to participate in social media
       is because like I said earlier, I feel like it consumes peoples'
       lives. So many people I encounter are obsessed with it, they are
       constantly on their phone checking their social media sights. I
       also feel like it causes people to become obsessed with their
       persona. People want to take a million selfies or pictures in
       general to post on their sights to get their friends/followers
       attention. So many young girls who are brought up with social
       media are posting, let's be honest, slutty pictures of
       themselves. It's embarrassing! They do this to get guy's
       attention or to make other girls jealous. This is the type of
       behavior I don't want to participate in. I also don't like how
       people want to post every little part of their day to all their
       friends/followers. I find it sad that people feel the need to do
       this. I'm not going to sit down in the morning with a cup of
       coffee and book and take a selfie and post it updating everyone
       on what I'm doing and I don't know if this is still popular but
       putting my location out there so people know where I am (YIKES
       who came up with that, honestly why would anyone post their
       location, HELLO don't you know there are psychos out there who
       might stalk you and track you down). I'm also a very private
       person and don't want people stalking me. I feel like when you
       have social media so many people want to be "your friend" but
       they aren't really your friend, they just want to see what
       you're up to, and let's be honest you just accept to be their
       friend because you want to know what they're up to. This is also
       a big reason I don't want to participate because I would get
       addicted to looking people up and stalking them and I don't want
       to waste my day doing that so I make sure it's not something I'm
       susceptible to.
       I feel so free knowing  that I'm completely ignorant of the
       drama that is going on on people's social media sights. No one
       knows what I'm up to and I don't have to worry about what they
       are thinking about me, and I don't have to worry about what
       people are posting! Our neighborhood has a facebook page and
       there is always so much gossip and drama. I am SO glad I am
       ignorant to it all. It is so sad to think that so many of these
       people, actually ALL of these people are older then me and they
       just sit around on their facebook pages posting so much crap.
       I'm thinking really? Do you not have anything better to do?
       A flip side to social media that pretty much everyone will tell
       you for their reasoning behind why they have a social media
       sight is because they have it to keep in contact with certain
       people (family, friends, whatever). I have no trouble keeping in
       contact with the people I choose to keep in contact with. If you
       have a smartphone you can keep in touch with anyone, it's called
       get their phone number. You can text message, talk on the phone,
       send pictures, email, it's no harder to do this then use social
       media. I love communicating this way because I get to choose who
       has my phone number, as opposed to social media, anyone can look
       you up, and yes you can make your page private but they can
       still find you and ask to be your friend.
       So as of right now, social media is not for me. I feel adequate
       keeping in touch with people via my cell phone. I think social
       media is more so negative then positive and I feel like it can
       be extremely addictive for most people. I know that if I had one
       it would become addicting for me, I also know that if I had one
       I would start worrying about stupid stuff like how I am
       portraying myself and what people are thinking about me. I would
       also get drug into people's drama.
       Side note, hope I didn't offend anyone on my views of social
       media, I know yall all have one. I think as long as you don't
       get caught up in the negative aspects of it then it's fine to
       have. For me I just rather be safe then sorry so choose not to
       paticipate. I think if I had a business though I would
       definitely get one because it is a great way to reach out to
       people and find cliental.
       Great post Jen!  Social media isn't for everyone and I agree
       that a lot of people spend way too much time on their phones.
       It can be a good thing, but also a bad thing if you let it.  We
       do miss that you are not able to share in our insta and snapchat
       fun :)