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       #Post#: 14--------------------------------------------------
       Chapter 1 (A match made in heaven)
       By: Jday1106 Date: June 4, 2018, 9:52 am
       Before I begin, I just wanted to let yall know how this is going
       to work. Each week we will be doing two chapters, the discussion
       for each chapter will be posted on Monday and Thursday and
       everyone's responses need to be posted by the end of each
       Tuesday and Friday.
       Alright ladies, after reading this first chapter, what did
       everyone take away from it? Did you think the chapter was
       helpful? After reading the chapter and watching some of the
       YouTube videos associated with it, I took some time to write
       down some topics for discussion. Don't feel the need to respond
       to every topic if you don't want to, I more so wrote them to get
       everyone thinking. You can also bypass all the questions if you
       want and just tell us your thoughts on the chapter if you
       prefer, or if there was something in particular in the chapter
       that just stuck out to you that you want to comment on go for
       1. What does marriage mean to you?
       2. What has helped your marriage?
       3. What have been some struggles in your marriage, and how do
       you deal with struggles that arise?
       4. Is God a part of your marriage and if so what does it mean to
       you to have God in your marriage?
       5. How do you balance being a wife and a mom?
       6. What are some ways that you show unspoken signs of love?
       Now I know not all of these questions will apply to everyone, so
       like I said don't feel the need to try to answer every question.
       Each of us will get a different outlook on this chapter because
       we are all each on different paths, so it will be nice to see
       everyone's responses and how we may differ or be similar. Emily
       for you, I know you may be thinking this is pointless I'm not
       even married, but maybe one day you will and you can still share
       with us how you picture what a marriage will look like for you
       and what you picture your husband being like.
       #Post#: 15--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chapter 1 (A match made in heaven)
       By: mnlepage328 Date: June 4, 2018, 6:44 pm
       I've read the chapter and looked over your questions. I'm
       working on watching the videos! I will be posting my reply's
       tomorrow :)
       #Post#: 16--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chapter 1 (A match made in heaven)
       By: Birdie Date: June 5, 2018, 10:21 am
       I am working on my post in-between work, so I will post the
       final this afternoon!  Looking forward to reading what everyone
       thought about the first chapter on marriage :)
       #Post#: 17--------------------------------------------------
       Jennifer's reply to Chapter 1
       By: Jday1106 Date: June 5, 2018, 10:25 am
       I enjoyed reading the first chapter of our book, I felt like I
       connected with a lot of the things the author discussed. The
       biggest thing I connected with her about is my faith and sharing
       it with Andrew. I got back into my faith in my early 20s and
       became very passionate about it, and in the beginning Andrew was
       very resistant to Catholicism, we use to get in debates all the
       time and both of us can be very stubborn at times. As everyone
       knows in the end Andrew became open to the Catholic faith
       (thanks to what I accredit it to, ALOT of prayers) and now he
       loves debating other people on the faith, which to me is now
       humorous knowing his stance on it a few years ago. After Andrew
       was confirmed in the church and we were married in the church,
       my vision for our Catholic marriage hasn't turned out exactly as
       I had planned. Don't get me wrong I feel very blessed to have a
       husband that chose to become Catholic and who goes to Church
       with me just about every Sunday, but like the author in the
       book, I wanted more. I want Andrew to be more passionate in the
       faith with me. If he has an excuse to miss Church he is on it,
       and that kills me because I wish it was more important to him.
       Confession, he never goes to that, and by doing that he isn't
       participating in the faith the correct way. During the Easter
       season, he doesn't fully participate in Lent like I would like.
       These are a few examples of Andrew not participating in the
       faith fully. Anyways my point is that I pictured a husband who
       would be as passionate as me in the faith and the two of us
       would encourage each other to grow closer to God, but instead I
       find I'm the one encouraging. This has been a struggle for me
       that I had to just let go and like the author in the book I just
       pray for Andrew and try to be a good example. I use to nag him
       all the time but I want him to want to participate fully, not
       feel forced. When I feel frustrated I just think about how
       blessed I am to have a husband to share my faith in period, he
       may not be as passionate as me but at least he is participating
       with me. I also have to remember that like myself neither Andrew
       nor I were raised in the Catholic Church and for me to expect
       him to know the faith inside and out is wrong, this is why I've
       learned it's important for me to be patient, a good example,
       pray for Andrew, and encourage little things to add to our daily
       faith life together.
       So when Andrew and I struggle in our marriage, communication is
       the biggest thing, that and apologizing. These two things have
       been the hardest for me to perfect and are still a work in
       progress. In marriage, communication really is the key and not
       only just communicating but doing it the right way. There were
       many times that I found myself bottling stuff up because I
       didn't want to discuss an issue just to have it turn into an
       argument. I'm definitely not good at this but my goal in
       handling issues that arise is (1)addressing the problem at the
       right time (if he does something stupid in public, don't turn
       around and cut into him right there, wait until the two of you
       are in private), and then when it's the right time (2)don't
       accuse him of something, instead tell him what he did and how it
       made you feel, (when you're really upset it can be hard to do
       this in a non-threatening way that keeps him from becoming
       defensive), and next after you tell him the issue (3)try to then
       have at least a couple solutions to resolve the problem, and
       lastly (4)sometimes you just have to let things go. This was a
       big one for me, I'm sure I can be a pain to live with and there
       have been lots of things I've had to learn to just let go. When
       you're married, you're sharing your life with another person so
       not everything is going to go like you want. There has to be
       compromise on both sides. AND one biggy, (5)learn to apologize.
       Sometimes you have to swallow your pride and apologize
       (apologize sincerely) even when you're thinking in your head
       this is ridiculous and I'm not the one whose wrong, but like I
       said before, some things you just have to let go and know you
       can't always have your way. So like I said this has been
       something I definitely struggle with, and when I'm struggling
       with something with Andrew and I can't seem to work things out,
       I pray. I pray a lot. After all God is the third person in my
       marriage and a lot of the time I need him to help Andrew and I
       get back on track.
       One other piece of advise I read somewhere before I got married,
       never speak badly about your husband. Remember that your husband
       and you are now one, and you should treat him the way you would
       want to be treated. You should always respect him and speak
       kindly about him, when you and him are going through something,
       keep it private. I use to tell mom every little issue I had with
       Andrew and after a while she would start to stress the two of us
       were going to break up and probably was starting to worry if
       Andrew was a good guy or not. This is why it's important to keep
       your issues to yourself, you don't want people looking
       negatively at your husband and your marriage.  Keep
       communication open with your husband and when you need to talk
       to someone else to rant out your frustrations, talk to God. (Now
       just a side note, I'm refering to little things, if you have a
       serious issue that's going on definitly seek help from another
       person if it's something you and your husband aren't able to
       resolve on your own.)
       To end this, I just want to say I love unspoken love signs and
       think they are very important in marriage. I love when Andrew
       does something without me even asking, one of the big things
       he's been doing lately is letting George out to go potty without
       me having to ask him, which seems silly but to me it means
       something. For Andrew he loves getting his head scratched or his
       shoulders and back massaged so I try to remember to do that
       often without him asking me. Those are just a couple examples of
       how Andrew and I show unspoken love.
       #Post#: 18--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chapter 1 (A match made in heaven)
       By: MommaAshley Date: June 5, 2018, 10:51 am
       [quote author=Birdie link=topic=3.msg16#msg16 date=1528212077]
       I am working on my post in-between work, so I will post the
       final this afternoon!  Looking forward to reading what everyone
       thought about the first chapter on marriage :)
       Just wanted to show you guys how to respond to a specific post.
       So I selected mom's post. I hit "quote" at the top right of her
       text box and then it added her post and I can respond directly.
       Hope that makes sense!!!
       #Post#: 19--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Jennifer's reply to Chapter 1
       By: MommaAshley Date: June 5, 2018, 11:03 am
       I wanted to try and quote a little something for everyone's
       post, I will do my best to keep this up throughout the threads.
       [quote author=Jday1106 link=topic=3.msg17#msg17 date=1528212336]
       (4)sometimes you just have to let things go. This was a big one
       for me, I'm sure I can be a pain to live with and there have
       been lots of things I've had to learn to just let go. When
       you're married, you're sharing your life with another person so
       not everything is going to go like you want. There has to be
       compromise on both sides.
       Jenny, I loved your response, very detailed and specific. Giving
       examples from your real life can help others who may be feeling
       the same way. The part of your post that stood out most is
       quoted above. Learning to let things go in a relationship is a
       huge "task." It is something you learn and continue to practice
       throughout your marriage. It is also something you can implement
       into other relationships, whether friendships or work
       relationships. As a mother, I use this everyday. "Is what my
       child continues to do really that bad?" Learning to let things
       go gets easily with time and maturity. Whether the maturity
       evolves from yourself or your marriage, it's not an overnight
       #Post#: 20--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chapter 1 (A match made in heaven)
       By: Emilydaaay Date: June 5, 2018, 1:19 pm
       My favorite part in chapter one was this quote..”Love is never
       something ready made, something merely given to a man and a
       woman, it is always at the same time a task, which they are set.
       Love should be seen as something which in a sense never is but
       is always becoming, and what it becomes depends upon the
       contribution of both persons and the depth of their commitment.”
       That quote was really important to me because I completely agree
       with it. A relationship with anyone on this earth is something
       that needs to be continually watered and cared for. A all
       relationships go through hard times and it is what you choose to
       do through those hard times that determines the relationship.
       That’s important because a lot of people think the hard times
       determine the relationship, when that isn’t the case. Hard times
       are necessary, they make us better people. I think the same goes
       for marriage. Everyone is going to have a “cross to bear” in
       their relationship, maybe even multiple crosses to bear! That’s
       when you either turn to each other and get through it or you
       turn away from each other and either go it alone or find comfort
       in another person.
       Communication is very important in a relationship as well.
       Communication with one another and communication with God or the
       universe. You have to know what you want out of life and your
       marriage, and you have to pray and believe in it. I think you
       have to have conviction to stay with someone. It isn’t easy
       anymore and you can’t just rely on yourself or your partner. I
       talk to a lot, and I always feel better in the days I have
       talked to God a whole whole lot. When I tell God what I feel it
       relieves a burden of me. When I tell God what I’m hoping for it
       relives even more of a burden off of me. I also think it
       relieves a burden off your partner when you are able to talk to
       God about the relationship. We can’t always download all of our
       problems with our spouse to our spouse. Then the whole
       relationship becomes a constant “how to improve so you deserve
       this” type thing. I believe if you pray to God for your partners
       heart to change, it will happen. I have seen it before in life.
       So, yes I do believe it is not “vital” for survival, but vital
       for a peaceful life to keep God at the center of all your
       relationships because when you do that you remember how to treat
       people, how to have an accepting heart, and it just keeps your
       from going “low” and doing things youll regret.
       Also, sorry for any typing errors. I’m typing from my phone e
       and for some reason I can’t see the whole text box.
       #Post#: 21--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chapter 1 (A match made in heaven)
       By: Birdie Date: June 5, 2018, 4:00 pm
       Hey Girls!
       So I read the first chapter and watched half the videos, I still
       have a few to go.  I loved this chapter and thought it had some
       really good advice on keeping your marriage strong!  Below are
       my answers to the posted questions from this chapter.   Since
       you all are my children and know first hand how I deal with my
       husband, some of this may not come as a surprise.  But I don’t
       know if you all know what’s in my heart and the things I try to
       do to make sure my marriage stays healthy.  I know for sure that
       you all know I am not perfect and I have had my struggles along
       the way, but that only makes me human. I like to think that I
       try my best to learn from mistakes and correct behaviors that
       are not conducive to a heathy marriage.  Disclaimer:  I take no
       responsibility for things Tamara does – she’s my husband’s
       second wife – haha!!
       1. What does marriage mean to you? If I were to define marriage
       in a simple sentence it would be, "going through life with the
       person I love the most in this world!"  Marriage sometimes gets
       a bad rap, but if nurtured and cared for your marriage can
       become something really wonderful and worth all the effort you
       put into it.  I love the quote from Pope John Paul II in the
       book, “Love should be seen as something which in a sense never
       “is” but is always only “becoming,” and what it becomes depends
       upon the contribution of both persons and the depth of their
       2. What has helped your marriage? I can think of three important
       aspect of a healthy marriage, communication, putting your
       husband first and respect.
       Communication is so important when sharing your life with
       someone.  Men really don't know what we are thinking, we have to
       share our worries, fears, upsets and things they do that drive
       us crazy.  But, in saying that, I think it's important in how we
       present those issues.  I think it was the youtuber Laura that
       put it so nicely:  presentation is everything!  And I myself am
       not always the best at presenting my issues, but I have learned
       through the years when I do say things nicely and not
       mean-spirited I usually end up with a better response!
       Secondly, I would say putting my husband first before my family,
       friends and even children.  I know putting your husband before
       you children may sound crazy.  But it really works and is
       something your children will respect as they get older.  I have
       always made it a priority to make sure our relationship was
       being nurtured and not forgetting that we came first and we will
       be the last to leave.  Kids will come into your life and then
       leave to start their own families.  If you put your husband on
       the back burner while you raise your kids, your relationship
       will suffer and when it’s you and him again, you might not even
       know each other!  So you can’t take that for granted and just
       assume it will be the same if you don’t make the relationship a
       priority and make your husband a priority.  Make sure to carve
       out time alone by going on a date or just spending time together
       after the kids are asleep.
       Another thing I think is important is “take your husband’s
       side.”  I’m a known “mama bear” but I’m also a known “hubby
       bear!”  Even if sometimes you don’t always agree with him, let
       him know you are on his side and will support him.  And, don’t
       keep secrets from each other.  Respect is so important!  Respect
       the man you married and promised to spend the rest of your life
       with, he deserves that!
       Now, have I always done my best at everything, NO, but I wake up
       and try every day because I think having a strong and healthy
       marriage is one of the most rewarding things you could ever do
       in your life.  I truly feel it’s worth every ounce of energy,
       frustration, and sacrifice because with that also comes love,
       companionship and happiness!
       3. What have been some struggles in your marriage, and how do
       you deal with struggles that arise? Well after being married for
       over 30 years, we have had a lot of struggles.  I don’t have
       time to write them all out.  Some I have handled well and some
       not so much!  When we do have struggles, communication and
       leaning on each other is important.  Don’t blame one another or
       unleash your fears or worries on your husband but talk to each
       other and be there for one another.
       4. Is God a part of your marriage and if so what does it mean to
       you to have God in your marriage? Yes,  God is part of my
       marriage.  Even though my husband is not where I am spiritually,
       I try and keep God in my marriage whether it’s praying for my
       husband or praying that I can be a good wife and make the right
       choices.  I feel like things work better when God is a priority
       in my marriage, because when it comes down to it, God always
       wants what is best for us.  We sometimes think we know what is
       best for us, but I find that when I look to God for direction it
       always seems to be what is best for us and our marriage.
       I can relate to the author, in that I find myself jealous of the
       families in the church and wish that my family would have been
       able to experience faith together and made it a center of our
       marriage and our family unit.  But I know that I can look to God
       for direction and pray for my husband and my family.  I think we
       each have a different spiritual journey in our life and it
       doesn’t have to always be at the same time.  I think as a wife,
       it’s my job to pray for my husband and be the best example I can
       be. It’s up to him to experience his journey with God on his on
       terms and in his own time.  I totally agree with the author and
       how she dealt with her situation on this topic.
       5. How do you balance being a wife and a mom? That can be very
       hard at times.  Like I said in the earlier question, it’s
       important to put your husband first and then your children.
       That’s not to say ignore your children because your husband’s
       needs are more important.  It’s just make sure you schedule time
       to also focus on being a wife.  I see women all the time,
       putting their marriage and their husband’s needs on the back
       burner and focusing their sole attention on whatever the
       children need.   But children learn from watching their parents
       and feel safe when they see their parents loving each other.  So
       I think it’s so important to make sure you also take care of
       your husbands need.
       6. What are some ways that you show unspoken signs of love?  I
       think we both do a good job at showing our love for each other
       through unspoken signs of love.  For me, it can be ironing his
       shirt while he is in the shower.  Something he doesn't ask me to
       do, but I know it will make his morning easier.  I always make a
       point to wash his favorite coffee mug every evening so that it's
       ready for him to grab in the morning.  Making his lunch and
       cutting his sandwiches in half - I know this sounds silly, but
       he really loves that and it's something so small but makes him
       smile!  Taping Nascar or Motorcross and surprising him when he
       asks, "what are we going to watch tonight?"  These are just a
       few things off the top of my head, but I think its important to
       do those unspoken acts of love for one another.  It brings me
       happiness to do this without him even acknowledging it or saying
       thank you because I know it means a lot to him.
       #Post#: 22--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chapter 1 (A match made in heaven)
       By: MommaAshley Date: June 5, 2018, 4:49 pm
       [quote author=Emilydaaay link=topic=3.msg20#msg20
       My favorite part in chapter one was this quote..”Love is never
       something ready made, something merely given to a man and a
       woman, it is always at the same time a task, which they are set.
       Love should be seen as something which in a sense never is but
       is always becoming, and what it becomes depends upon the
       contribution of both persons and the depth of their commitment.”
       Emily, I like that you used this particular quote in your
       response to week one! The very first line, "love is never
       something ready made," is a pretty powerful message. I think a
       lot of us get wrapped up in a fairy tale idea of love or
       marriage and in all reality, it's a job. I don't say job to mean
       chore, job is simply to do a task or piece of work. You could
       think of life as work and your marriage is a piece of that job.
       We have to learn to adapt and evolve because we change over
       time, whether we admit this or not.
       #Post#: 23--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Chapter 1 (A match made in heaven)
       By: MommaAshley Date: June 5, 2018, 5:01 pm
       [quote author=Birdie link=topic=3.msg21#msg21 date=1528232404]
       “Love should be seen as something which in a sense never “is”
       but is always only “becoming,” and what it becomes depends upon
       the contribution of both persons and the depth of their
       "Something he doesn't ask me to do, but I know it will make his
       morning easier.  I always make a point to wash his favorite
       coffee mug every evening so that it's ready for him to grab in
       the morning."
       Tamara, great response!! I know Tammy would be honored!
       I like the quote you posted, Love is always becoming. Love is
       always changing and evolving, just like those that are "in
       love," or "in a marriage."
       Also, I find the unspoken things you do very similar to what I
       do. Always making sure laundry is done, underwear are fresh and
       without holes, white shirts are good, dry cleaning is dropped
       off. Packing snacks or drinks when we go out to run errands.
       It's the little things that add up.
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