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       #Post#: 147--------------------------------------------------
       Programmable T-shirts: technology sneaks into fashion
       By: kkshaha cnd Date: September 12, 2023, 3:46 am
       It is very clear that, by radicalizing, they participate in the
       cultural wars typical of the extreme right, but their neoliberal
       positions are sustained. In the two cases he analyzed, that of
       Trump and that of Sebastian Kurz, this is particularly visible.
       Both, of course, belong to and participate in classic
       conservative parties – the Republican Party of the United States
       and the Popular Party of Austria – and in both the development
       of positions of dismantling the Welfare State – or whatever
       there is of it in each case – is verified. –. It is worth
       remembering that Trump confronted health insurance on his first
       day in office, launching his darts against it.
       interested in supporting welfarism, in which they strongly
       participated Phone Number List
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       the second post-war consensus. It is
       very clear that, by radicalizing, they participate in the
       cultural wars typical of the extreme right, but their neoliberal
       positions are sustained. In the two cases he analyzed, that of
       Trump and that of Sebastian Kurz, this is particularly visible.
  HTML https://scontent.fdac5-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/376234703_276480471843544_4706940711438956754_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=49d041&_nc_ohc=FrjMnFHEe3IAX_n_yTO&_nc_ht=scontent.fdac5-2.fna&oh=00_AfA7bGMejJe0WXImB1oo5VCINbBT6TauVwhgiTc8tOl09w&oe=6502FE4E[/img]
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       Both, of course, belong to and participate in classic
       conservative parties – the Republican Party of the United States
       and the Popular Party of Austria – and in both the development
       of positions of dismantling the Welfare State – or whatever
       there is of it in each case – is verified. –. It is worth
       remembering that Trump confronted health insurance on his first
       day in office, launching his darts against it. interested in
       supporting welfarism, in which they strongly participated during
       the second post-war consensus. It is very clear that, by
       radicalizing, they participate in the cultural wars typical of
       the extreme right, but their neoliberal positions are sustained.