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       #Post#: 106--------------------------------------------------
       The car of the future will be transparent
       By: kkshaha cnd Date: September 12, 2023, 4:03 am
       That position, however, is no longer the exclusive heritage of
       identitarians, but has become part of the repertoire of
       conservatives who become radicalized. In the case of Kurz, which
       we have been talking about, this thesis was expressed very
       clearly when his party, the ÖVP , statedor that the left sought
       to change the composition of the country through mass
       naturalizations and giving the right to vote to foreigners.
       Added to this, very clearly, was Kurz's battle against what he
       called " political Islam ", when he wanted to introduce, in
       2020, a law in which he organized Muslims as a homogeneous
       population and imputed to them uniform positions . voices The
       far right used to have anti-Semitic characteristics.
       Now there seems to be a mixed scene: on the one hand,
       anti-Semitic Phone Number List
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       associated with conspiracy theories
       about George Soros are being expressed – whom some even portray
       with the facial characteristics that Nazism attributed to the
       Jews in their caricatures – but on the other hand, At the same
       time, there is a defense of the State of Israel and, above all,
       of its leader , Benjamin Netanyahu. Has the radical right
       slipped into Islamophobia, even while maintaining anti-Semitic
       substrates? Indeed, it is a complex scene and there are slides
       from anti-Semitism to Islamophobia.
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       But, as you say, there are anti-Semitic positions that remain
       and are verified, for example, in the personification of Soros.
       The truth is that part of the extreme right may have an
       anti-Semitic cultural substratum, but link with Netanyahu's
       illiberal regime. Viktor Orbán is the perfect example of this
       situation: he is someone who has not only campaigned on the
       Soros issue, but has expressed anti-Semitic positions, and yet
       maintains that Netanyahu is a "great leader." But, on the other
       hand, we must add something else to this question: in this
       general strategy of the radical right, Netanyahu does not seem
       to care too much about having close relationships with leaders
       with anti-Semitic undertones.logic there and it is necessary to
       think about it.