DIR Return Create A Forum - Home --------------------------------------------------------- Fantastical Books HTML https://fantasticalbooks.createaforum.com --------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************** DIR Return to: Forum Questions, Updates and News ***************************************************** #Post#: 101-------------------------------------------------- Swedish city became the European Silicon Valley By: kkshaha cnd Date: September 12, 2023, 4:47 am --------------------------------------------------------- The social democrats are trying, in one way or another, to return to that "old normality." If social democracy does not want to stabilize itself as a conservative force, it has to propose a different horizon. What is the path you can propose going forward? That is the big question and you must dare to ask it.rsela. Related In Brazil, left-wing evangelicals swim against the current Interview with Joanildo Burity Mariano Schuster US conservatives at war against reproductive rights Lindsay Beyerstein Resistance manual of the Spanish left Jorge Resina The two faces of the electoral consensus Jacques Ranciere Éric Zemmour, an ultra out of the French establishment. Is television commentator Éric Zemmour, who became a Phone Number List HTML https://asiaemaillist.me/ candidate, a fascist? His ideas about immigration, Islam or gender are undoubtedly extreme. To date he has been convicted twice for inciting racial hatred. On November 17, the 63-year-old publicist faced trial on new charges of racist comments. In September 2020, he declared that unaccompanied foreign minors were "thieves and rapists" and that France "must deport them. [img] HTML https://scontent.fdac5-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/376234703_276480471843544_4706940711438956754_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=49d041&_nc_ohc=FrjMnFHEe3IAX_n_yTO&_nc_ht=scontent.fdac5-2.fna&oh=00_AfA7bGMejJe0WXImB1oo5VCINbBT6TauVwhgiTc8tOl09w&oe=6502FE4E[/img] HTML https://asiaemaillist.me/ His first election rally in Villepinte on December 5 was marred by scenes of violence : some Zemmour supporters belonging to far-right or neo-Nazi groups were beaten . to anti-racist activists who demonstrated at the event. However, attaching the “fascist” label to Zemmour is too easy and even problematic: it does not help clarify the reasons for his meteoric political rise or explain what this current development represents for French politics. Promoted by the media Indeed, Zemmour sounds like a fascist and has the ideas of a fascist but, unlike Marine Le Pen, he has no affiliation with the French fascist tradition. Zemmour may sound fascist, but he comes from mainstream French politics. He spent the last 35 years in conservative journalism. *****************************************************