DIR Return Create A Forum - Home --------------------------------------------------------- Freedom of Speech Staff Forum HTML https://fosffstaff.createaforum.com --------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************** DIR Return to: Newsletters ***************************************************** #Post#: 582-------------------------------------------------- [10/10/2013] By: Felina Frenzy Date: October 10, 2013, 11:38 pm --------------------------------------------------------- Our weekly meeting, albeit a bit short notice, was held today. I believe it is okay to say, without going so much into detail about what we had discussed, we have a couple of things planned out for the opening of the site. Which, regrettably, we had to push back a couple of days. So the new opening will be around October. 18, I believe. This is as much information I am willing to share until Dot unravels the news, fully. As for the actual opening of the site, to prepare, we will ask for you guys (the community) to go ahead and start preparing your bios if you feel like you want to. Also, nearer to the date (around the 15th), I am going to be putting up a request thread for categories to be requested UNTIL the new site-hosted forum will be up. Then we simply move requests (and everything else) over there. For now, I am going to remind you guys of the Holiday contests, so please direct your attention to the last two posts Dot had created: Halloween contest 2013 HTML http://fosffstaff.createaforum.com/newsletters/%28100713%29-halloween-contest-2013/<br />and Writing Competitions HTML http://fosffstaff.createaforum.com/newsletters/%28100713%29-writing-competitions/. *****************************************************