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       #Post#: 118--------------------------------------------------
       Avoiding the Flu
       By: Rrashid Date: February 15, 2013, 7:27 pm
       Avoiding the Flu
       Sahil Rawal ‘15
       Every year people catch the seasonal flu with symptoms like
       coughing, fever, and stuffy noses. The normal recovery time is
       approximately two weeks, but in those two weeks the virus that
       causes the flu spreads and harms millions of people. There are
       three types of influenza viruses: A, B, and C. The one that
       causes the most harm is A, and the mortality rate from the
       influenza virus A is about 0.1 % of those who have the virus.
       The influenza virus mutates every year, so scientists must
       develop a new vaccine to counteract new viruses. The real
       science behind how the virus affects us has to do with our
       antibodies. When we are infected with the virus, we develop
       antibodies that protect us from it. Unfortunately, the original
       antibodies cannot recognize new strains of the virus because it
       is constantly changing. As a result, we take vaccines which are
       formed from morphed, dead virus cells. These cells form
       antibodies which recognize the transformed virus, and the newly
       formed antibodies keep us healthy.
       Many of us know from experience how easy it is to contract the
       flu, but there are ways to lessen the chance of getting it. The
       Central for Disease Control and Prevention has three steps to
       fight against the flu:
       The first step is to get vaccinated. This is probably the most
       important step because it protects against the most common
       viruses people get each year like the H1N1 or the H3N2.
       The second step is to prevent the spread of the virus. It is
       paramount that you do not go out in public if you are sick.
       Going out in public will worsen the situation and spread the
       virus to other people. In addition, when you cough or sneeze,
       use a tissue, because releasing the virus into the air could be
       detrimental to the people around you.  Moreover, make sure to
       wash your hands with soap and water frequently in order to
       ensure that the virus does not stay on your body. You should
       also avoid making direct contact with surfaces that are known
       for having a lot of germs, such as door knobs or gas pumps.
       Viruses can easily spread through contact.
       The third suggestion is to take antiviral drugs prescribed by
       your doctor. This can easily shorten the duration of the flu and
       can halt the spread of the virus. Studies by the Center for
       Disease Control and Prevention show that if a person takes
       antiviral drugs within two days of getting influenza, he will
       have better chance of recovering. The influenza virus is
       dangerous to one’s life, and the virus can easily be spread
       among people to cause mass damage. Following these simple
       suggestions could mitigate your chance of contracting the flu
       and maybe even help the people around you.