DIR Return Create A Forum - Home --------------------------------------------------------- Herricks Highlander HTML https://highlander.createaforum.com --------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************** DIR Return to: News ***************************************************** #Post#: 141-------------------------------------------------- Be abused by the manipulative and deceitful By: Shovo Ray Date: August 30, 2023, 11:08 pm --------------------------------------------------------- As used properly by the honest and trustworthy. Trust also a process. People will judge you by your actions. Tell them what you'll do. Do it. Tell them you've done it. Does your website demonstrate this? One good way to show process is by using a case study. You outline the problem. Show how you planned to solve it. Then you show that you solved it. For extra points, show how happy people were with the outcome. Offer free trials, where possible. Offer free downloads. Look for tangible ways to prove you do what you say you do. Once a visitor has engaged your services, ensure your process is transparent, communicated Phone Number Data HTML https://dbtodata.com/phone-number-data/ and you do what you said you’d do. 5. What Will Everyone Else Think? This is related to fear. Will I be ridiculed for choosing your service? Made to feel stupid? There was a saying in the IT industry that “no one got fired for buying IBM”. It wasn’t that IBM was necessarily a better provider, it was that many people used them, so there was perceived. HTML http://zh-cn.canadapeople.clu b/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/image_2023_08_29T07_20_58_965Z-300x 182.png HTML https://dbtodata.com/phone-number-data/ Strength in numbers of the tried and true. People tend to go where other people are. Can you provide similar social validation? Customer references are a great way to provide social validation. If the customers are from companies with which your visitor is already familiar, all the better. Faces. Lot’s of happy faces provide social validation. Also include the number of people who use, or have used, your service. In summary: Have you let people know who they are dealing with? Have you made reference to the familiar? Have you addressed their needs in their own terms? Have you included references and case studies? Have you done. *****************************************************