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My original idea for Gamma was to be a character that only shows up in DIRE situations. This would go along with the GAMMA RAY BURST idea of being a brief, super powerful brilliance in space, beautiful to witness, however, super deadly to be near ( -Gamma- sulks about). She was going to be that beautiful (but odd looking) & overpowering ONE HIT wonder that all the baddies fear the moment they see her. Except for the main baddie characters of course. They would stand there with their snide and cocky looks just not realizing the ass whooping they are about to receive. Hahaha. GAMMA is meant to be shiny, glowing, sparkly, almost ghost like, but not transparent. I also wanted to give GAMMA stages in which she would change but not have them similar to cannon Senshi, because Gamma is so different than the planetary idea Senshi. Gamma's first form would remain very basic. Nothing fancy as far as Senshi style, since, she isn't a Senshi, but she would have the appearance like one since she has a Senshi Heart created by Jenna and Reena combining. So no chest bow, Collar or brooch for Gamma. Just a back bow, her armlets and leglets and shoes which btw...were meant to be a cream sort of color (since white isn't a very good color to use I'm told), but because Gamma glows, it would reflect the light of her hair and her dress. GAMMA's wings. Yeah, Cheddar really threw that one at me, but it was such a cool idea. Since Gamma is basically a space creature, why not represent her with wings of space ! Couldn't argue with the idea. SO I went with it. But how her wings behave? I wanted to see how everyone drew them and then finally come to a conclusion on what the design should be. Gamma's wings were meant to be jets of dark matter energy coming from her shoulder blades on her back. Two streams that jet out and take the appearance of wings. But since you can't see dark matter and I wanted them able to be seen, had to think of something else. SO I thought that Gamma's glow is such a strong source of light that her wings, even being Dark Matter would reflect her power off from them and give the wings a look as if you were in outer space viewing stars, which is what Dark Matter does in space. Gamma's hair....why so long? why odango buns? why the gold color? I read about intense energy waves. Energy that is at the GAMMA level of intensity can't be seen except by special equipment...because our eyes are not attuned to seeing such fast moving proton particles. Kind of like watching a Ceiling fan spin. You see the blur of the blades but if it were spinning even faster...you wouldn't see it at all. Gamma's hair is basically her fast moving energy but not so fast that you can't see it. IF you put Gamma's hair under an electron microscope you'll see that it's just fast moving energy / particle waves, it's not even hair just resembles it. IF you touch her hair, you feel something there, but it's like putting your hand in water, without being wet. GAMMA is NOT HUMAN ! She just resembles it. She can't have babies (Sadly), She has a female (human structured) anatomy, but romance isn't in her future. Unless she can find another energy base being in space somewhere....which there could be one day :) Gamma Rei (VOID GAMMA) Pre-Senshi AGE: n/a Appears to be in her mid 20's HEIGHT: 6' 1" (73 inches - 1.86 M) WEIGHT: Varies EYES : Golden Iris' SKIN: 3 Level TAN ELEMENT: High Energy Waves SYMBOL: GAMMA (lower case) HAIR: Gold / Brown Blend Powers: * Moderate Control over Gravity - Can lift and propel or stop physical objects. - Reduce her weight to Fly or increase her weight to stabilize and strenghten. - Energy Collection (a power up accretion disc that allows her to burst energy as a weapon) ** Sailor Gamma has absolute power over gravity. * Burst Wave - An expelled amount of charged up energy Gamma collects with her hands that she throws and damages enemies. Especially damaging to associates of the VOID & BH Collective. ** Sailor Gamma has more control and can lessen the energy to create Fire bursts, Electricty bursts, & Plasma bursts. * Resistance to Magic/Energy Forces - Gamma cannot be harmed by Energy of any kind. She will just absorb it. - She can be harmed by Physical Damage if she is not prepared. She feels pain, but she is tough and can dish it out too! whew...I will add more to this later. *****************************************************