DIR Return Create A Forum - Home --------------------------------------------------------- KPT HTML https://kpt.createaforum.com --------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************** DIR Return to: OCs ***************************************************** #Post#: 111-------------------------------------------------- Alex - Toto's OC for KPTM space team By: Toto Date: July 26, 2013, 9:42 am --------------------------------------------------------- OMG OMG OMG, I finally sketched something and am happy with it! *^* Sorry if she doesn't look too spacey maybe, but I just couldn't find a good suit. But maybe she has some more clothes.. This is just her casual all day wear. :P I will also try to start filling out the questionnaire for her.. But only with things that are already on my mind, no extra hardcore planning yet. ^^ HTML http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/207/8/8/alex___first_sketches___kopie_by_toto_the_cat-d6f94cr.jpg QUESTIONNAIRE FOR OUR KPTM-SPACE-RANGER-TEAM-OCs General data Name: Alex Nicknames/ Aliases: Sex and/ or Gender: sex: female/ gender: queer Age: 29 Origin/ Ethnicity/ Species: Earthling, probably European Height: 1,74m (=5,7 feet) Weight: 62kg (=136.68 pound) Hair colour and style: short, black pony and bangs, rest of very short trimmed hair is pale violet/ lilac Eye colour: grey-blue, also as pale as hair Skin/ scale/ hide colour: pale 'white', because is mostly outside at nighttime Distinguishing marks (tattoos, piercings, scars, special accessory): her hairstyle, I guess, but she has a secret tattoo somewhere Describe physical appearance in one passage: slender, but strong Explain any deviations from average: Family/ Status Parents: Siblings: Other (important) relatives: Significant others/-s, mates: only group mates, I guess Titles (granted or earned): Status/ caste (Noble, merchant, peasant, etc.): Education/ Work/ Home/ Group Education (Subjects learned): is a secret ^^ she says, she started studying psychology and some other subjects but without having graduated Vocational/ occupational skills: tactical and strategical thinking, knows some technology things for spyware, knows psychology and manipulation Task in group: strategist, gathers informations about enemies or villains, about areas, gadgets etc. Place in group (worker, leader, etc.): worker Describe your room in the group's house: Psychology Fears: to be left alone, to be poisoned by Madwon's food XD Secrets: her secret is that she was a spy in governments secret services but got caught and was kicked out and is now more or less undercover, this is where she knows all the spy and psychology things from and why she doesn't tell her last name Intelligence: high, but she focuses too much on single things Eating habit: vegetarian, loves pills that replace real food Sleeping habits: she hates sleeping, because she thinks it's waste of time and that one could spy better on others when they sleep, so she tries to sleep only 2-3 times per week. but she ends up just being grumpy and a caffeine addict, because one needs sleep, of course. Socializing habits: she loves people, but is paranoid and careful, due to her former job and experiences and own skills. she loves feeling superiour, though, but tries to be nice and to not be snappy or arrogant. Group or alone: both. she loves the group and from rational and tactical views loves profiting and also found good friends in the guys. ^^ but then, she sometimes freaks out, when she 'must' hang out with others, for example for meal. Leader or follower: autonomous ^^ Planned or spontaneous: [s]control freak[/s] depends on situations, but she loves to plan and to get a plan working Careful or reckless: careful to close people, like the group mates, reckless when she is too focused on her goal Optimist/ realist/ pessimist: realist Hobbies/ recreation/ past-times: Pet peeves/ stressors: when people tell her what to do or criticize her. Obsessions/ addictions: Ambitions/ desires: JUSTICE. *Batman voice* ... x'D Prejudices: Attitudes/ common behaviours: Other unusual habits: she loves randomly posing when she stands somewhere on a rock or such. and her hair annoys her, but she also loves her hairstyle. ôO most of the time she acts a bit artificial, because she thinks, IF she is filmed right now by other spies, she doesn't want to get caught in a silly position or saying something stupid As seen by others: strong, cool, loyal and faithful friend, weird cop-like girl As seen be self: insure, helpless, melancholic, stranger, dependent on friends, but always ready to fight Religion/ Faith/ Magic Personal beliefs: she believes in reincarnation and in... the theory of the panoptikum. XDD she also dislikes eating animals. Spells, prayers, rituals: World view of religion (are you feared, hated, loved, etc.): Sorcery (instant)/ wizardry (incantations)/ clerical (items/ prayers): Possessions carried/ Possessions owned Pouches/ Purses/ Bags: Backpack, thight pocket, belt pocket Pockets/ sleeves: erm, remote shield on right arm Scrolls: thousands of maps, but they are no actual scrolls List all travel equipment (should one travel): List weapons owned/ used: neutralizer pistol gun that can paralyze persons for ~10 min (doesn't hurt or harm) Pantry/ food stores: Clothing (describe): one black overall suit with short collar, short sleeves and short pants, black stockings, black all-weather boots, gloves Chest/ locker/ armoire: List tool used in vocation/ occupation: Other Hobbies: disturbing Madwon at his work, collecting ancient and new maps of Earth or space If we would have patrol shifts, would you prefer night or day shift? night Talents, skills, of powers not yet listed: Physical flaws: Physical strengths: Special places: Special people: Special memories: Criminal side in you or past? Do you have a rival? Your most desired wish? [img][/img] #Post#: 120-------------------------------------------------- Single bust pic ^^ By: Toto Date: July 26, 2013, 5:10 pm --------------------------------------------------------- HTML http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/207/6/4/alex_headshot_by_toto_the_cat-d6fb5pd.jpg *****************************************************