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       #Post#: 140--------------------------------------------------
       Is Wikipedia stopping growing
       By: kkshaha cnd Date: September 12, 2023, 3:47 am
       On the one hand, it operated in the more clearly neo-fascist or
       neo-Nazi extreme right. On the other hand, he worked
       intellectually on members of the educated right-wing elites,
       mainly conservative. In this sense, it covered both the most
       clearly radical section,s. When analyzing the way in which the
       ideas of the Nouvelle Droite entered more strongly into the
       field of classical conservatism, which became radical, you
       emphasize a series of organizations that you call the heirs of
       those ideas born in the decade of 1960.
       What are these organizations and what role have they played
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       the dissemination of these ideas and
       their "normalization"? When I refer to the "new organizations of
       the new right" I think, specifically, of expressions such as
       those that have taken place in Italy with CasaPound or in
       Germany with the Institute for State Policy (IfS, by its acronym
       in German ) . These organizations have inherited and read in
       depth the proposals of the Nouvelle Droite and Alain de Benoist,
       but they have advanced more strongly in the cultural battles.
       CasaPound1, an organization born in Rome in 2003, has tried,
       from the beginning, to mix the tradition of fascism and Italian
       neo-fascism with pop culture.
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       CasaPound's strategy has consisted, fundamentally, in the
       development of " metapolitical " actions», developing media, but
       also sports activities, musical groups and artistic exhibitions.
       The fundamental point of organizations like CasaPound is to
       dispel the old and outdated image of the extreme right and adapt
       it to a young and modern audience. In fact, most of CasaPound's
       members, supporters and activists are young people, generally
       from middle-class and university backgrounds. To a large extent,
       and as I have analyzed together with my colleagues Julian Bruns
       and Kathrin Gloesel, organizations such as CasaPound, but also
       Generation Identitaire in France, belong to what is known as the
       "identitarian movement.