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       #Post#: 951--------------------------------------------------
       Multiple issues
       By: kristofferis Date: August 21, 2016, 3:24 pm
       Today I updated my mcModules and mcGateways to latest versions
       And now I have many issues, I will list the most critical here
       and please let me know if anyone have the same issue.
       1: I can't connect to any mcModules (almost true) in maybe 40
       attempts I have connected with success two times. I have tried
       with two different mcGateways and with 5 different mcModules and
       two computers. Restart of mcGateway or mcModule does not help.
       2: The mcModules that was running program (send data over MQTT)
       does not anymore sends any data except for the beacons. The two
       times i managed to connect to a mcModule then i tried to debug
       the same program that was running on that mcModule and then it
       did send over MQTT so i pushed the Load program to the device
       but still not sending anything except beacons. The second time i
       was connected to a module a different one i just tried to push
       the button Restart From Flash but it did not get the module to
       work again. Pulling the battery and restart the mcModules that
       way does not work.
       3: If i look at the beacons several of my mcmodule now has data
       in beaconByte 1,2,3 and 4. On the mcModules that i never have
       programmed to send anything there. The data is 0x01 0x07 0x6D
       0x01. Why is this happening?
       #Post#: 954--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Multiple issues
       By: mc-Abe Date: August 22, 2016, 9:49 am
       1,2: We are doing a lot of work on connections, there are some
       problems and holes in the process and we are working on fixing
       them. I will give you an update as soon as we have some more
       information on this, thanks for being patient.
       3: This was missed in the release notes. If there is no data in
       the beacon, it sends the version/type of module, this was mostly
       meant to be used by us to provide support but here is an
       explanation of the format for your reference:
       byte[0] = 0x01 ------------------> Device Type for mcMod110
       byte[1] = 0x07 = 7 ----------+
       byte[2..3] = 0x016D = 365----+---> 0.7-365
       #Post#: 955--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Multiple issues
       By: kristofferis Date: August 22, 2016, 10:03 am
       Thanks Abe for good information and support as usual.  :)
       #Post#: 959--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Multiple issues
       By: kristofferis Date: August 23, 2016, 2:41 am
       For information.
       One out of 5 mcModules have now started to send data over MQTT,
       I have not done anything.
       This module is not running the latest mcModule firmware, it is
       not that easy to pull the battery on this one.
       By the way, I guess that we will see a upcoming release so that
       we could remote restart the mcModule so that we could upgrade
       firmware on modules without manually reboot the mcModule?
       #Post#: 962--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Multiple issues
       By: millennial Date: August 23, 2016, 8:54 am
       [quote author=kristofferis link=topic=181.msg959#msg959
       By the way, I guess that we will see a upcoming release so that
       we could remote restart the mcModule so that we could upgrade
       firmware on modules without manually reboot the mcModule?
       This is an excellent point. I have created a thread at
  HTML http://mcthings.createaforum.com/general/remote-mc-product-maintenance/
  HTML http://mcthings.createaforum.com/general/remote-mc-product-maintenance/<br
       />for further discussion.
       #Post#: 969--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Multiple issues
       By: millennial Date: August 23, 2016, 11:58 am
       I experienced exactly the same behavior to kristofferis's point
       #1. Connecting to devices in mc-Studio is very difficult and
       rarely successful. Waiting more than 4 minutes, power cycling,
       disconnecting the mc-Gateway and reconnecting, and
       opening/closing mc-Studio all do not work except for 1 lucky
       #Post#: 981--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Multiple issues
       By: mc-Abe Date: August 23, 2016, 9:25 pm
       I am very sorry that you experiencing a less than ideal
       connection experience. We have seen these issues and the silence
       from us about this issue over the last couple of days has been
       because we are busy plugging the holes. We have identified a few
       major issues and have fixed them. A few more issues still need
       to be addressed. You will see new firmware in the next few days
       to improve these problem. As always, thank you for your
       patience, we are doing our best to solve this issues as we find
       And yes, in future you will have easier ways of upgrading device
       firmware but for now, if you can connect to the device then the
       undo-like (Curled Arrow) button to the left of the "Debug" vs.
       "Release" drop down will restart the device at which point the
       mcOTA can upgrade it.
       #Post#: 982--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Multiple issues
       By: kristofferis Date: August 24, 2016, 12:12 am
       That sounds good  :)
       Ahh thats a nice workaround, thanks.
       #Post#: 991--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Multiple issues
       By: millennial Date: August 24, 2016, 8:40 am
       Very interesting. The insider-like knowledge is nice :)
       #Post#: 1003--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Multiple issues
       By: kristofferis Date: August 24, 2016, 1:28 pm
       I have now updated my mcGateways and that update went well, no
       problem during update.
       I started mcStudio and started to connect to mcModules to
       restart them so that I could upgrade firmware on the mcModules.
       It worked just perfect connecting to two mcModules and
       everything worked as it should during the firmware update. But
       on my third device I could not connect to it, I tried many times
       and also other mcModules but I was not able to connect. I also
       tried to go back and connect to a mcModule that I had updated
       but that was not possible.
       I restarted the mcGateway and now i could connect to mcModules
       again. After two successful connection then I had several
       attempts that failed I did try a couple of times more and then i
       could connect again.
       I have now managed to update all my mcModules, but still no
       update over MQTT from my devices in my refrigerator and freezer
       that we all now have been in there for a while and we know that
       it should work.
       I also noticed that a device that had older firmware, when
       updated it cant reach the mcGateway anymore from the exact same
       place, so it seems that some modification was made on the Lplan
       connection? I think it was the .365 update I noticed a drop on
       other device in Rssi when updated last time.
       I will try to upload new code to the devices because a reboot
       does not fix the MQTT issue, I will let you know how that goes.
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