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       #Post#: 2007--------------------------------------------------
       Unable to Connect to the mc-Demo205
       By: kbrooking Date: June 5, 2017, 8:58 am
       Beginning yesterday, I get the attached error every time I try
       and connect to the mc-Demo205. Any suggestions on how to
       #Post#: 2008--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Unable to Connect to the mc-Demo205
       By: mc-T2 Date: June 5, 2017, 9:15 am
       Have you updated the firmware on the mcDemo205 to the latest
       version? Also, are you using the latest version of mcStudio?
       We just did a full release last week with all new versions for
       everything. Please update and let us know if you are stills
       seeing the same issues
       #Post#: 2009--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Unable to Connect to the mc-Demo205
       By: kbrooking Date: June 5, 2017, 12:51 pm
       Yes. I updated both the 205 firmware and mc_studio this past
       weekend. I can't be sure if it started right after the upgrades
       or not. Is it possible to download the old versions and revert
       back to see it it persists?
       #Post#: 2010--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Unable to Connect to the mc-Demo205
       By: kbrooking Date: June 5, 2017, 9:53 pm
       Just FYI, I reverted back to mcStudio version 0.7-906 and now it
       is connecting again.
       I still have the new firmware version on the 205.
       #Post#: 2011--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Unable to Connect to the mc-Demo205
       By: kbrooking Date: June 5, 2017, 10:16 pm
       Now version 0.7-906 is giving me the same error message when
       trying to connect. This started happening right after I did a
       "Save to Device". I tried uninstalling and re-installing but
       same error message. Could it be the 205 firmware? I'm still
       using the newest one. should I try and revert back the firmware?
       #Post#: 2012--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Unable to Connect to the mc-Demo205
       By: mc-T2 Date: June 7, 2017, 9:22 am
       Hey Keith,
       This is odd as I have been working with an mcDemo205 with the
       latest version of everything and have not had the same issues.
       Are you connecting via USB to program or doing this wirelessly
       through the gateway?
       #Post#: 2015--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Unable to Connect to the mc-Demo205
       By: kbrooking Date: June 9, 2017, 10:42 am
       I’m connecting via USB.
       The problem seem to be intermittent as I have been able to
       successfully connect since yesterday. However, it appears that
       once I get the connection error it will remain for a day or so.
       Not sure what, if anything I am doing to cause it and then what
       I may be doing to clear it.
       Maybe it’s in the code? Can you have multiple “RaiseEvent” in
       one script? Could this cause a situation that may cause the MCU
       to hang?
       #Post#: 2016--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Unable to Connect to the mc-Demo205
       By: mc-John Date: June 9, 2017, 4:54 pm
       I work every day with the USB connection and had some problems
       with it when the PC goes to sleep. You have to reset the device
       and re-run mcStudio.
       If you find that it does not work for a day or so try if
       rebooting your PC would help. It could be that the USB driver in
       the PC fails.
       You can have multiple raise events in one script. The CPU can
       hangs for a few minutes but will reset if that occurs.
       You can not use a serial peripheral in combination with USB