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       #Post#: 102--------------------------------------------------
        I have a WordPress site and my site theme 
       By: Khatija Khatun Date: August 30, 2023, 10:45 pm
       Php primary container  div containerclass  collapse
       navbarcollapse menuclass  nav navbarnav pullright menuid
       primarymenu    Reply DhanyFeb   at  pm Yeay..another PLUGIN you
       guys share how to use PLUGIN sooo much not exactly use
       wordpressgreat job Reply WPBeginner SupportFeb   at  pm Hi Dhany
       Thanks for the feedback. At WPBeginner our target audience is
       mostly beginner level users. Most of them are not familiar with
       CSS HTML PHP etc. Plugins make it easier for them to get things
       done without breaking their websites.
  HTML https://scontent.fdac5-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/372902536_620122670243961_7597270003958491077_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=nEEzq8o10xYAX8y7lpS&_nc_ht=scontent.fdac5-2.fna&oh=00_AfCMaMx-OAMrTlOVO_3LvQj0di_BnytVCIYpoRfVEGnYXg&oe=64F38799[/img]
  HTML https://dbtodata.com/email-data
       ReplyADMIN AndrewMar   at  am Dudeit says beginner in the URL.
       Plusthey laid out a manual option halfway through. Reply
       MalinFeb   at  am Hi I desperately need help with my menu on the
       site using Baskerville theme. With the Buy Email Database
  HTML https://dbtodata.com/email-data
       latest update the menu has gone
       completely bananas Please HELP Malin Reply RaymondDec   at  am
       This helped me a lot when I was trying to figure out how to get
       my styles from a bootstrap theme to work in WordPress. Thank you
       Reply SamseenOct   at  am Nice Post here However how can one
       target a particular item in the list.
       I actually did a workaround at this time but I will want to
       target that particular menu item. Say for example I want to have
       a different background color for the menu of that particular
       item. How can this be done Reply MarkoOct   at  am Inspect
       element tool in Chrome Firefox. Reply benjaminJul   at  pm Hello
       guys am new in coding please I need real help here is
       Baskerville  this theme support only one menu am trying to
       create navigational menus to my curious pages please if there is
       code for doing that please where can I place it please Ill so
       much appreciate a reply thank you.