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       #Post#: 112--------------------------------------------------
       Talking about Big Data is talking about foreseeing the future
       By: kkshaha cnd Date: September 12, 2023, 4:03 am
       Let me ask you one last question. His book begins by raising an
       essential question: that there is too much discussion about the
       crisis of the left and social democracy, and too little about
       that of traditional conservatism. But, in very concrete terms,
       you relate one crisis situation to the other. Has the left also
       had a responsibility in this process? What has been your
       problem? Not having managed to unify material and post-material
       demands? None of the leaders of radical conservatism fell from
       the sky.
       To a large extent, and I agree with what you propose, they are
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       to the preceding model. For too long,
       conservatives and social democrats looked alike, and a dynamic
       was established in which it seemed that no other type of change
       was possible. This idea of ​​an impossibility of
       change led to what Colin Crouch called a "post-democracy." By
       failing to produce substantial changes, the Social Democrats
       were seen as part of a system that had itself become
       conservative. The radicalization of conservatives and their
       appeal for changes and transformations modified a political
       panoramaithic ossified into something worse.
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       But, certainly, there is a responsibility of the forces of the
       partisan left that, for years, have occupied a place in the
       political system without developing a series of coherent
       policies from power itself. But in this regard, I would like to
       tell you something: going back is not the solution either. I
       believe that a certain nostalgia for the past can even produce
       positions that do not encourage transformation. The political
       system is changing significantly and the state that I knew, and
       especially the one that my parents knew, no longer exists. We
       have said it: since 1945, social democrats and conservatives
       stabilized the political system, developed a social market
       economy and sought a conciliation of interests. But the
       conservative parties are clearly not in that position today.