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       #Post#: 4198--------------------------------------------------
       BM075- A Guide to Writing
       By: blackmustangs075 Date: January 19, 2013, 11:05 am
       Hello, this is BM075! Today, I'm going to teach you the steps
       you should follow in order to create a successful Writer's
       ~Step 1- Brainstorming~
       In order to create a successful written work, you should
       keep one important thing in your mind; A good story needs a good
       plot. A plot is the events that make up a story (What happens in
       the story). Be patient with this step; you have to have a very
       interesting idea, or the reader will get bored. Worst case
       scenario in an application; you're denied, when the recruiter
       has only read a few sentences. Keep the reader interested.
       That's the golden rule. You should find a good, open spot in
       your schedule to brainstorm. Before you begin writing, make sure
       that you don't just have an idea, but you must have a good plot.
       If you're having writer's block, you can also just go somewhere
       and if you see something interesting, write about it! Once you
       are confident with what you are writing, start writing!
       ~Step 2- First Draft~
       Now that you have a good idea/plot in mind, you can begin
       writing! It doesn't matter how you write it, just pick up your
       pen and let your hands do the thinking. It's okay if you make a
       mistake, because you can revise it later. After you write each
       paragraph, you should be looking it over and making sure
       everything is the way you want it.
       ~Step 3- Revise
       Your hands have been doing the thinking, so now it's time
       to give your hand a rest and start thinking yourself! Read over
       your story a couple of times, and fix any mistakes you see. This
       includes spelling mistakes, words that can be improved, and so
       on. If you see any weak words that you think could be improved,
       find a thesaurus and improve it! Remember that you're trying to
       be descriptive, and catch the reader's attention and interest.
       Read descriptions over, and if you're having trouble picturing
       it (Base your image only on what you wrote), then fix it!
       ~Step 4- Final Draft
       Your story is all revised, and you are now ready to write
       everything out on your paper! As you're writing, if you see
       anything that you think you missed while revising, fix it! It's
       not uncommon for a writer to come across something they want to
       change while writing their final draft, even after it has been
       ~Step 5- Typing it Out (Optional)
       If you have a computer, it would be wise to type out your
       written work to make it look more neat and formal. Don't be
       afraid to spice it up a bit and make it look stylish, like give
       it interesting font, pictures, etc!
       ~Step 6- Presentation
       Final revision. Make sure that the written work looks
       presentable. This means that everything is neat an organized,
       and that the story is interesting. If everything looks good,
       you're done! Now enjoy reading your story!  :)
       #Post#: 4209--------------------------------------------------
       Re: BM075- A Guide to Writing
       By: nijkolime Date: January 19, 2013, 12:29 pm
       Very good guide
       #Post#: 4211--------------------------------------------------
       Re: BM075- A Guide to Writing
       By: daflowergirl Date: January 19, 2013, 1:10 pm
       Thanks!!  ;D
       #Post#: 4219--------------------------------------------------
       Re: BM075- A Guide to Writing
       By: blackmustangs075 Date: January 19, 2013, 1:42 pm
       Lol, thank you! Remember to refer to this before you post your
       next applications!
       #Post#: 4223--------------------------------------------------
       Re: BM075- A Guide to Writing
       By: daflowergirl Date: January 19, 2013, 3:46 pm
       Yeah, when can I try again?
       #Post#: 4286--------------------------------------------------
       Re: BM075- A Guide to Writing
       By: blackmustangs075 Date: January 20, 2013, 2:13 pm
       Check the denied tracker under Writer Applications.
       #Post#: 4291--------------------------------------------------
       Re: BM075- A Guide to Writing
       By: daflowergirl Date: January 20, 2013, 2:48 pm
       I see it. When i posted that i wasnt on the denied tracker
       #Post#: 4296--------------------------------------------------
       Re: BM075- A Guide to Writing
       By: blackmustangs075 Date: January 20, 2013, 5:21 pm
       Lol, sorry about that  :D
       #Post#: 4302--------------------------------------------------
       Re: BM075- A Guide to Writing
       By: daflowergirl Date: January 20, 2013, 8:44 pm
       Yeahlol ;)
       #Post#: 4306--------------------------------------------------
       Re: BM075- A Guide to Writing
       By: bob123f Date: January 20, 2013, 9:36 pm
       Very nice guide, BM075! I'm sorry that I'm not posting as
       frequently as before, this is because I am on a vacation.
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