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       #Post#: 6802--------------------------------------------------
       Technologies for Smart Cities
       By: anno rani Date: September 10, 2023, 6:38 am
       In short, the SDP did not finally develop to its full extent, as
       the decision was made that this embryonic European defense would
       be coordinated with NATO , an organization that, in all EU
       documents , continued to play the role of undisputed pillar. of
       European defense.
       In December of the same 1999, a new meeting of supporters of
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       will take place at the Helsinki
       Summit, where the so-called Petersberg Missions were approved.4,
       with the aim of maintaining peace through humanitarian
       interventions, in crisis management and with the capacity to act
       outside the North Atlantic. But once again these forces were
       linked to NATO through an operation called Combined Joint
       Operational Forces, which would allow the European Eurocorps
       Forces to have access to NATO resources.
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       NATO 's continued expansion towards Russian borders was
       accompanied by the United States' rupture of the Anti-Ballistic
       Missile Treaty ( ABM Treaty ) in 2002.5signed with the USSR ,
       which limited the installation of missiles and anti-missiles in
       Europe in order to avoid a nuclear war and which was based on
       the so-called "mutual assured destruction", something that
       despite the terrifying definition was effective. By breaking
       that treaty, the United States intended to launch an
       Anti-Missile Shield in 2015, composed of spy satellites, radars
       and missiles intended to detect an attack by Russia against the
       United States.