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       #Post#: 986--------------------------------------------------
       Weisel's (terrible) videos
       By: Weisel Date: October 29, 2014, 8:27 pm
       I have to reupload all my videos because I'm an idiot and
       managed to delete everything when I deleted my spare email...
       FUck. I'll just post a link to my new channel here.
  HTML https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3_3jy28tOnWgVgJ8rvsIlA
       #Post#: 996--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Weisel's (terrible) videos
       By: Ahiku Date: October 30, 2014, 10:46 am
       Can't watch the first, but the other 3 are really funny! XDDD
       My favorite is shrilly shrieking Nezumi!
       #Post#: 997--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Weisel's (terrible) videos
       By: Yuneyn Date: October 30, 2014, 11:58 am
       I'm a very big fan of the first video because my friends and I
       have been having fun with The Lonely Island songs for many
       year^^ So when I saw the title I was like... "nooo... nooo... it
       can't be... OMG YES" *laughs hysterically*. So thank you for
       this. I love it when people have the same kind of twisted mind
       as mine hehe^^
       (Of course between this video and the "sex sounds" video that
       was on Tumblr at some point it's safe to say that I might never
       be able to watch the anime seriously ever again - but that's ok
       because I didn't like it that much to begin with).
       #Post#: 999--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Weisel's (terrible) videos
       By: Vox Date: October 30, 2014, 12:22 pm
       My favourite is the one about getting in touch with your
       Also, I showed my roommate all of these and she just laughed
       forever. (Me too!)
       What happened to the one where Safu is Nicki Minaj???
       #Post#: 1006--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Weisel's (terrible) videos
       By: Weisel Date: October 30, 2014, 1:48 pm
       @vox I still have Safu Minaj on my youtube channel! I just
       picked out my favorites to post here.
       And I'm glad you guys thought it was funny. After I posted them
       all I was like "oh god, they're going to think I'm so stupid..."
       #Post#: 1643--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Weisel's (terrible) videos
       By: Weisel Date: November 20, 2014, 7:26 pm
       (sorry, again, have to reupload the video that was here before.)
       #Post#: 1647--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Weisel's (terrible) videos
       By: Ahiku Date: November 21, 2014, 4:38 am
       XDDDD It's perfect!
       #Post#: 5783--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Weisel's (terrible) videos
       By: Weisel Date: September 26, 2015, 7:03 pm
       Okay, almost everything's back up on my new channel! (Sorry
       Ahiku, you still can't watch No.6 in My Pants because it's
       blocked in some countries again...)
       #Post#: 5845--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Weisel's (terrible) videos
       By: Weisel Date: October 7, 2015, 1:20 am
  HTML https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3Bka7n-Kyo
  HTML https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3Bka7n-Kyo
       Can't sleep, make more videos.
       #Post#: 5846--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Weisel's (terrible) videos
       By: Ahiku Date: October 7, 2015, 11:30 am
       LOL X'D
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