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       #Post#: 107--------------------------------------------------
       Adapting content to all devices has a reward: Pulse
       By: kkshaha cnd Date: September 12, 2023, 4:03 am
       If the recent presidential election can invite reflection, it is
       evidently not because of its result. This was known before the
       start of the campaign. In September 2021, a first survey
       announced a victory for Emmanuel Macron with 55.5% of the votes
       against 44.5% for Marine Le Pen. On April 24, 2022, the verdict
       of the polls attributed 58% to the first and 42% to the second.
       What the recent campaign was able to contribute is, above all, a
       clarification regarding our form of government and the role that
       the presidential election plays in it.
       A first reflection is therefore necessary: ​​the
       predictability of Phone Number List
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       president's re-election and the very
       slight increase in votes he obtained with respect to the first
       estimates cannot be explained by the effectiveness of his
       campaign. Everyone could see that he did not campaign at all,
       while his opponent developed intense activity. He was not chosen
       because he had displayed a greater power of persuasion than his
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       His choice does not reflect a superior power of persuasion, but
       rather corresponds to the prevailing order of things.
       Consequently, it is this order of things that should be
       analyzed. Its first element is evidently the very institution of
       the presidential function and the election of the president by
       universal suffrage. The latter represents for us the supreme
       incarnation of democracy. His history shows that the opposite is
       true. It was invented by monarchists under the Second Republic
       as a way of restoring a monarchical system, something that it
       effectively constituted, except that the monarch was not the one
       they expected.