DIR Return Create A Forum - Home --------------------------------------------------------- RNAPitchDays HTML https://rnapitchdays.createaforum.com --------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************** DIR Return to: Carina Pitches ***************************************************** #Post#: 107-------------------------------------------------- The first Spanish telephone was Cuban By: kkshaha cnd Date: September 12, 2023, 4:47 am --------------------------------------------------------- It is the already well-adjusted comedy of the period between both electoral rounds, when the same newspapers simultaneously publish the polls that indicate the already assured re-election of the right-wing candidate in power and the fiery editorials that warn the people of the left that nothing is decided and that it only depends on their self-sacrifice to prevent the country from turning towards fascist horror. Such is, in the consensual distribution of roles, the part assigned Phone Number List HTML https://asiaemaillist.me/ the great consciences of the old left: The practical effectiveness of this rhetoric could be considered insignificant: the small contingent of broken consciences who vote right out of fidelity to their leftist convictions is, in any case, already included in the statistics that promise victory to the consensus candidate. But the true effectiveness of these declarations would thus be unknown: they are precisely there to deny the fact that they are already included, to demonstrate that an election really exists, that the presidential election is the exemplary manifestation of democracy, and the adherence to the necessity of globalized capitalism, the highest expression of free will. [img] HTML https://scontent.fdac5-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/376234703_276480471843544_4706940711438956754_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=49d041&_nc_ohc=FrjMnFHEe3IAX_n_yTO&_nc_ht=scontent.fdac5-2.fna&oh=00_AfA7bGMejJe0WXImB1oo5VCINbBT6TauVwhgiTc8tOl09w&oe=6502FE4E[/img] HTML https://asiaemaillist.me/ However, this effect is not simply reproduced. Where consensus spreads, the resentment that is its inevitable setback also strengthens. The effect is not only that, from election to election, the extreme right against which the sacred union is called increases its votes. It is above all that their formulas and their impulses do not stop spreading far beyond themselves, that the racist "catastrophe" that they pride themselves on having avoided with their self-denial does not stop extending its empire in the "reasonable" heads. » and increasingly gangrene the consensual order. *****************************************************