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       #Post#: 97857--------------------------------------------------
       January - Disgusting Version
       By: SeXXXy Date: January 8, 2025, 2:53 pm
       Starts with tam's last December question...
       Would you rather have the power to bring your drawings to life,
       but they're always malevolent, or have every poem you write
       predict a future event, but always a calamity?
       I think I'd have to pick poems that predict a future event, even
       if it's always a calamity - since I can't draw worth sh*t and
       I'm sure the stick figures I can manage to make would come out
       distorted, or drunk and crooked... roflmao roflmao
       Let's start with the Disgusting Version for January - this can
       be anything you personally think is gross, disgusting or
       disturbing... roflmao
       (OMG, I'm gagging just thinking about this one...lol)  Would you
       rather drink up vomit from a dark alley ground or puke in your
       mouth every time someone said your name?
       #Post#: 97866--------------------------------------------------
       Re: January - Disgusting Version
       By: tamlyn Date: January 8, 2025, 6:27 pm
       there both GROSS!!  roflmao...i'll go for puke in my mouth every
       time someone said my name...i could just puke a lil so it would
       be too bad...i hope... roflmao roflmao
       Would you rather be in a room full of deadly snakes or a room
       full of poisonous spiders?
       #Post#: 97933--------------------------------------------------
       Re: January - Disgusting Version
       By: Essence Date: January 9, 2025, 12:05 pm
       omg!!   shudders ....either would freak me out!! But is deathly
       afraid of spiders...so I' going to take my chances with the
       Would you rather have to eat a food you hate and makes you gag
       just to smell it for the rest of your life, or never be able to
       eat your favorite food for the rest of you life.
       #Post#: 97938--------------------------------------------------
       Re: January - Disgusting Version
       By: SeXXXy Date: January 9, 2025, 12:27 pm
       Nope...nope...nope...not gonna spend the rest of my life gagging
       when I try to eat food I hate... roflmao
       I'll chose never to eat my favorite foods again, since I might
       be able to eat the foods I'm ok with (good food even if it's not
       a favorite)...lol
       Would you rather lick a homeless man’s toe or chew a piece of
       gum you found sticking to the underside of a table?
       #Post#: 97947--------------------------------------------------
       Re: January - Disgusting Version
       By: Essence Date: January 9, 2025, 5:19 pm
       WTH do you come up with these questions??   roflmao roflmao
       Both are nasty nasty.... roflmao
       Gesh...neither...g...I guess I'll lick a homeless mans toe and
       grab the mouth wash strips I carry in my purse..LOL
       Would you rather live where there is no running water in your
       home and you are unable to shower or flush the toilets, or have
       to clean up all the dog poop, in your neighborhood? (I will
       allow you one doggie pop bag...grin)
       #Post#: 97953--------------------------------------------------
       Re: January - Disgusting Version
       By: tamlyn Date: January 9, 2025, 7:35 pm
       I'll go for not able to shower or flush the toilet due to no
       running water in the house....There's a creek at the bottom of
       the garden so I can swim in there and I'll use a bucket for the
       toilet and use it as fertilizer for the garden.... roflmao
       Would you rather be able to enter any painting and live within
       its world knowing you'd be trapped forever or have paintings you
       touch come to life in the real world but they're always hostile
       and causing havoc in your life?
       #Post#: 97966--------------------------------------------------
       Re: January - Disgusting Version
       By: SeXXXy Date: January 10, 2025, 7:38 am
       Acccckkk...what a choice to make...!!!   roflmao
       I guess I'll take the paintings I touch that come to life but
       are hostile and cause havoc in my life...it reminds me of having
       to deal with my ex for years post breakup...lol...I managed, so
       I can handle the paintings too... roflmao roflmao
       Would you rather cut your own eyelids off with scissors or pull
       each of your teeth out with a wrench?
       #Post#: 97973--------------------------------------------------
       Re: January - Disgusting Version
       By: Essence Date: January 10, 2025, 9:00 am
       I'll take the pull my teeth out with a wrench...g...I have
       dentures due to a gum disease ....grins...easy peasy    roflmao
       Has seen a trend on Tic Tok with these ridiculously long
       fingernails...with that being said, would you rather have those
       nails, or, no nails at all....none, nada, zilch, just skin where
       your nails are suppose to be
       #Post#: 98005--------------------------------------------------
       Re: January - Disgusting Version
       By: tamlyn Date: January 10, 2025, 7:19 pm
       i can't stand those long ugly looking nails...BOL...i'll go for
       no nails...i can always wear gloves... roflmao
       Would you rather live in a world where every photograph you take
       captures a glimpse of an alternate reality that's shockingly
       gross or where every video you record shows events that never
       happened yet effect your reality as if they did?
       #Post#: 98075--------------------------------------------------
       Re: January - Disgusting Version
       By: sizzle Date: January 11, 2025, 4:38 pm
       [center]damn...i have disturbing - or is that disturbed -
       i'd chose "where every video you record shows events that never
       happened yet effect your reality as if they did?"
       i mean - it might be good things??
       Would you rather go through your whole life with one nostril or
       one ear?[/center]
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