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       #Post#: 139--------------------------------------------------
       New York prepares to pay for taxis with a smartphone
       By: kkshaha cnd Date: September 12, 2023, 3:46 am
       Firstly, the Nouvelle Droite recovered what the Swiss publicist
       Armin Mohler called, in 1949, the " Conservative Revolution ."
       Mohler used the term to designate an informal network of
       anti-egalitarian and reactionary thinkers such as Oswald
       Spengler, Edgar Julius Jung, Otto Strasser and Ernst Jünger,
       who, unlike other reactionary thinkers, sought, not only a
       "return to the past", but a breakthrough in history. That is,
       they had a future perspective.
       Secondly , the Nouvelle Droite It has been important in that
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       approach has consisted, fundamentally,
       in choosing as the main battlefield, no longer the strict
       terrain of politics, but that of culture. In this sense, he
       assumed a "pre- political " attitude , aspiring to first wage a
       "cultural battle." To do this, it was based on the theoretical
       positions of Antonio Gramsci, taking advantage of his concept of
       hegemony and displacing it to the struggle of the right. Of
       course, they discarded all aspects of Gramsci's communist
       position and concentrated on the procedural logic proposed by
       the Italian thinker.
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       They assumed the Gramscian position that, to achieve true
       political transformation, a prerequisite had to be met:
       achieving broad social acceptance. In this sense, they assumed
       that the right needed to build cultural and social hegemony, and
       not just access power. They also took the Gramscian notion of a
       "historical block "» and used it for their own motivations. The
       main drift of this position has focused on language. Although
       Gramsci understood hegemony as a broad and complex process in
       which language was only one element, the New Right has tended to
       see it as a substantial aspect. In his reasoning, language
       constitutes a weapon to destroy democratic discursivity. An
       important aspect to take into account to understand the
       relationship of the New Right with radicalized conservatism is
       that, from the beginning, it was a mixed or overlapping space.