DIR Return Create A Forum - Home --------------------------------------------------------- Community HTML https://warriorsheaven.createaforum.com --------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************** DIR Return to: Rules ***************************************************** #Post#: 151-------------------------------------------------- Is no risk of having By: Abdur Rouf Date: September 9, 2023, 5:57 am --------------------------------------------------------- And USB keys in particular are one of the biggest risks to data security these days because you so easily forget them or drop the little gadget out of your pocket. Toshiba is now trying to create significantly greater security around portable data with this new USB key. First it is equipped with a keyboard on which a code must be entered before the USB drive opens the port. Secondly data can be encrypted with bit AES so that it becomes almost impossible to misuse data on the USB key should it be possible to access the content. Toshiba When you remove Toshibas USB key from your computer it will automatically lock and can only be reopened by entering a code. Should someone including a forgetful person try to gain access Phone Number List HTML https://btocdatabase.com/ times with an incorrect code the USB key will automatically delete its contents. According to Toshiba the robust and secure USB drive is approved for use by government agencies in the United States. It is available in capacities of and. The prices are around USD approx. [img width=301 height=177] HTML https://github.com/mdsakib0012/image/blob/main/phone%20number.png?raw=true[/img] HTML https://btocdatabase.com/ Here is the super secure USB key posted onfebruary min reading Here is the super secure USB key SHARE By Leif Bomberg Toshiba incorporates both a code keyboard and encryption into its new stick. Then there your USB key stolen or lost as so many do. Toshiba Even if you try to save your vital data behind up to several passwords on your computer it does not help much if the same information is transported around unprotected on a USB key. *****************************************************