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       #Post#: 154--------------------------------------------------
       Origo, Wayra acceleration to discover subjective
       By: kkshaha cnd Date: September 12, 2023, 3:41 am
       However, when they emerge they do so in a violent way, pointing
       directly against the social contract and spaces of solidarity.
       Among the bourgeois strata and the more affluent middle classes,
       this crudeness manifests itself in strong feelings of cultural
       superiority that, previously, had been hidden by a façade of
       external softness. When that façade disappears, the bourgeoisie
       appears crudely, appealing to an ideology that sees groups and
       people as inherently unequal.
       In that sense, the raw bourgeoisie positions itself clearly
       against the Welfare Phone Number List
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       and against social benefits for
       disadvantaged people, at the same time that it maintains a
       certain position of social Darwinism. On the other hand, he
       establishes ideal types of society based on meritocracy,
       despising those groups that he sees as contrary to it.
       [img width=301
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       The difference between this bourgeois crudeness and other
       crudeness is that it tends to be socially accepted. When
       conservatives make use of that crudeness – which seemed reserved
       for more radical expressions of the extreme right – a passage to
       radicalized conservatism is evident. Or, in other words, when
       classical conservatives assume the cultural position of the
       extreme right and are driven by bourgeois crudeness – sliding
       towards a discourse that directly attacks socially disadvantaged
       sectors and foreigners –, the operation of radicalized
       conservatism is carried out.