DIR Forthworks
       Nga is a lightweight, stack based virtual machine with a MISC inspired
       instruction set. It's intended as a successor to Ngaro, the VM behind
       Retro 10 & 11.
        * Small core (under 250 lines of C code)
        * Extensible design
        * 30 instructions
        * No enforced I/O requirements
        * All code, documentation, and binaries are provided under the
          ISC License.
       The core Nga toolchain includes the virtual machine and an assembler.
       RETRO, a Forth implementation, runs on Nga and includes examples of
       extending with I/O and additional implementations in C#, Python, and
       Literate Sources:
  TEXT Nga
  TEXT Muri Assembler
       Extracted C:
  TEXT Nga
  TEXT Muri Assembler
       See Also:
   DIR Retro
       forthworks.com:70 / atua / running on retro