POE::Stage(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation POE::Stage(3)
POE::Stage - a base class for message-driven objects
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package App;
use POE::Stage::App qw(:base);
sub on_run {
print "hello, ", my $arg_whom, "!\n";
App->new()->run( whom => "world" );
POE::Stage is a set of base classes for message-driven objects. It
cleanly implements standard patterns that have emerged from years of
working with POE and POE::Component modules.
As I hope the name implies, POE::Stage objects encapsulate discrete
steps, or stages, of a larger task. Eventually they come together to
implement programs.
For example, HTTP requests are performed in four or so distinct stages:
1. The server's address is resolved. 2. The client establishes a
connection to the server. 3. The client transmits a request. 4. The
client receives a response.
By design, POE::Stage promotes the decomposition of tasks into
multiple, smaller stages. If these stages are generic enough, new
tasks may be handled by reusing them in different configurations.
The hypothetical HTTP client might be a single stage composed of three
smaller ones: A DNS resolver stage, which accepts DNS requests and
returns DNS responses. A TCP client connection factory, which takes
socket endpoint descriptions and other parameters, and eventually
returns established connections. Finally, there would be an HTTP
protocol stage that uses established connections to send requests and
parse responses.
These stages would be encapsulated by a higher-level HTTP client stage.
This would accept HTTP requests and return HTTP responses after
performing the necessary steps to gather them.
This will sound familiar to anyone working with objects.
These objects are asynchronous and message-driven, however. The base
message class, POE::Request, and its subclasses, implement a standard
request/response interface between POE::Stage objects. Where possible,
these messages attempt to mimic simpler, more direct call/return
syntax, albeit asynchronously. POE::Stage also provides a powerful
closure-based system for maintaining request and response state, so you
don't have to.
To do its job, POE::Stage requires some methods for its own. To be
extensible, it reserves other methods for standard purposes. To remain
useful, it reserves the least number of methods possible.
_n_e_w_(_) creates and returns a new POE::Stage object. An optional set of
named ARGUMENT_PAIRS will be passed to the object's _i_n_i_t_(_) callback
before _n_e_w_(_) returns.
Subclasses should not override _n_e_w_(_) unless they're careful to call the
base POE::Stage's constructor. Object construction is customized
through the _i_n_i_t_(_) callback instead.
_i_n_i_t_(_) is a callback used to initialize POE::Stage objects after they
are constructed. POE::Stage's _n_e_w_(_) constructor passes its named
ARGUMENT_PAIRS to _i_n_i_t_(_) prior to returning the new object. The values
of these arguments will be available as $arg_name lexicals within the
_i_n_i_t_(_) callback:
my $object = POE::Stage::Something->new( foo => 123 );
package POE::Stage::Something;
sub init {
print my $arg_foo, "\n"; # displays "123\n".
The _i_n_i_t_(_) callback is optional.
The Handler method implements an attribute handler that defines which
methods handle messages. Only message handlers have access to the
closures that maintain state between messages.
The Handler method is used as a subroutine attribute:
sub some_method :Handler {
# Lexical magic occurs here.
sub not_a_handler {
# No lexical magic happens in this one.
Methods with names beginning with "on_" acquire Handler magic
sub on_event {
# Lexical magic occurs here. No :Handler necessary.
_e_x_p_o_s_e_(_) is a function (not a method) that allows handlers to expose
members of specific request or response OBJECT. Each member will be
exposed as a particular LEXICAL variable. OBJECTs must inherit from
The LEXICAL's name is significant. The part of the variable name up to
the leading underscore is treated as a prefix and ignored. The
remainder of the variable name must match one of the OBJECT's member
names. The sigil is also significant, and it is treated as part of the
member name.
The following example exposes the '$cookie' member of a POE::Request
object as the '$sub_cookie' lexical variable. The exposed variable is
then initialized. In doing so, the value stored into it is saved
within the request's closure. It will be available whenever that
request (or a response to it) is visible.
use POE::Stage qw(expose);
sub do_request :Handler {
my $req_subrequest = POE::Request->new( ... );
expose $req_subrequest, my $sub_cookie;
$sub_cookie = "stored in the subrequest";
LEXICAL prefixes are useful for exposing the same member name from
multiple OBJECTs within the same lexical scope. Otherwise the variable
names would clash.
TODO - Describe how POE::Stage is used. Outline the general pattern
for designing and subclassing.
POE::Stage implements the most important and common design patterns for
POE programs in a consistent and convenient way.
POE::Stage hides nearly all of POE, including the need to create
POE::Session objects and explicitly define event names and their
handlers. The :Handler subroutine attribute defines which methods
handle messages. There's never a need to guess which message types
they handle:
# Handle the "foo" message.
sub foo :Handler {
POE::Stage simplifies message passing and response handling in at least
three ways. Consider:
my $request = POE::Request->new(
stage => $target_stage,
method => $target_method,
args => \%arguments,
on_response_x => "handler_x",
on_response_y => "handler_y",
on_response_z => "handler_z",
First, it provides standard message clasess. Developers don't need to
roll their own, potentially non-interoperable message-passing schemes.
The named \%arguments are supplied and are available to each handler in
a standard way, which is described later in the MAGICAL LEXICAL TOUR.
Second, POE::Stage provides request-scoped closures via $req_foo,
$rsp_foo, and _e_x_p_o_s_e_(_). Stages use these mechanisms to save and access
data in specific request and response contexts, eliminating the need to
do it explicitly.
Third, response destinations are tied to the requests themselves. In
the above example, responses of type "response_x" will be handled by
"handler_x". The logic flow of a complex program is more readily
apparent. It gets better, too. See HANDLER NAMING CONVENTIONS.
The mechanisms of message passing and context management become
implicit, allowing them to be extended transparently. This will be
extended across processes, hopefully with few or no seams.
POE::Stage includes object-oriented classes for low-level event
watchers. They simplify and standardize POE::Kernel's interface, and
they allow watchers to be extended cleanly through normal OO
techniques. The lifespan of each resource is tightly coupled to the
lifespan of each object, so ownership and relevance are clearly
POE::Stage standardizes shutdown semantics for requests and stages.
Requests are canceled by destroying their objects, and stages are shut
down the same way.
POE::Stage simplifies the cleanup of complex, multi-stage activity.
Resources for a particular request should be stored within its closure.
Canceling the request triggers destruction of that closure and its
contents, which in turn triggers the destruction of the resources
allocated to that request. These resources include stages and requests
created during the lifetime of the request. They too are canceled and
POE::Stage uses lexical aliasing to expose state data to message
handlers, which are specified by either the :Handler method attribute
or the use of an on_ prefix in the method's name.
Lexical variable prefixes indicate the data's origin. For example,
$arg_name is the "name" argument included with a message:
my $request = POE::Request->new(
method => "something",
args => { name => "ralph" },
sub something :Handler {
my $arg_name; # already contains "ralph"
The full list of prefixes and data sources:
TThhee ""aarrgg__"" lleexxiiccaall pprreeffiixx,, ee..gg..,, $$aarrgg__ffoooo
Argument (parameter) "xyz". If an "args" parameter is passed to a
POE::Request constructor, its value must be a reference to a hash.
Usually it's an anonymous hashref. Anyway, the hash's members are
named arguments to the message handler. See above for an example.
TThhee ""rreeqq__"" lleexxiiccaall pprreeffiixx,, ee..gg..,, $$rreeqq__ffoooo
An incoming request may trigger more than one handler, especially if a
POE::Stage object calls itself, or sends sub-requests to a helper
stage. The "req_" lexical prefix refers to data members within the
current request's scope. Their values will magically reflect the
proper request scope, regardless what that is.
TODO - Example.
TThhee ""sseellff__"" lleexxiiccaall pprreeffiixx,, ee..gg..,, $$sseellff__ffoooo
The "self" scope refers to the currently active POE::Stage object.
Data may be stored there, in which case it's available from any and all
requests handled by that object. This scope is useful for "singleton"
or static data that must be shared between or persistent between all
TODO - Example
TThhee ""rrsspp__"" lleexxiiccaall pprreeffiixx,, ee..gg..,, $$rrsspp__ffoooo
The "rsp" scope refers to data stored in a sub-request's scope, but
from the response handler's point of view. That is, when persisting
data between a request to a substage and its response, one should store
the data in the substage's request, then retrieve it later from the
corresponding "rsp" variable.
TODO - Example.
TThhee $$sseellff, $req, and $rsp lexicals
Certain variables are standard: $self refers to the current object; it
need not be initialized from @_. $req refers to the higher-level
request we're currently handling. When handling responses from
substages, $rsp refers to those responses.
All three variables are intended as invocatnts for method calls. Other
prefixes exist to access data members within each object's scope.
TODO - Example.
The techniques used here have been abstracted and released as
Message handlers are defined in one of two ways. They may be named
anything as long as they have a :Handler attribute, or they may be
prefixed with "on_". In both cases, they gain lexical persistence
magic, as discussed previously.
# Handle the "foo" message.
sub foo :Handler { ... }
# Handle the "on_foo" and "foo" messages.
sub on_foo { ... }
The _o_n___f_o_o_(_) method above handles both "on_foo" and "foo" messages.
Given both a _f_o_o_(_) and an _o_n___f_o_o_(_), however, _o_n___f_o_o_(_) will take
Requests include on_* parameters that map response types to response
handlers. For example, this request expects two return types,
"success" and "failure". On success, the _h_a_n_d_l_e___s_u_c_c_e_s_s_(_) method is
called. On failure, _h_a_n_d_l_e___f_a_i_l_u_r_e_(_) is called.
my $req_subrequest = POE::Request->new(
on_success => "handle_success",
on_failure => "handle_failure",
Response types are specified by the "type" parameter to $req->_e_m_i_t_(_)
and $req->_r_e_t_u_r_n_(_). "emit" and "return" are the default types for
_e_m_i_t_(_) and _r_e_t_u_r_n_(_), respectively.
Requests can also have roles, which are usually descriptive of the
transaction. For example, consider a DNS request for a web client
my $req_resolve = POE::Request->new(
role => "resolver",
This is the role of the request, not of the stage that will handle it.
In this case, there are no on_* parameters. Success and failure come
back to methods named "on_" . $request_role . "_" . $response_type. In
the previous example, they are:
sub on_resolver_success { ... }
sub on_resolver_failure { ... }
When subclassing a POE::Stage class, it's sometimes useful to intercept
_e_m_i_t_(_) and _r_e_t_u_r_n_(_) messages. The subclass may implement handlers
directly, or it may override or extend the response. This is done by
defining "on_my_" . $response_type methdos in the subclass. For
example, a TCP connection stage might emit an "input" event, like so:
sub on_socket_readable {
$req->emit( type => "input", input => $data );
A subclass might implement the code to handle the input. It can do so
by defining _o_n___m_y___i_n_p_u_t_(_):
sub on_my_input {
# send a response here
Messages intercepted like this will not be rethrown automatically to
the caller. If that's desired, _o_n___m_y___i_n_p_u_t_(_) will need to _e_m_i_t_(_) or
TODO - Make a better example. Something that can tie all these things
together conceptually.
POE::Stage is not ready for production. Check back here early and
often to find out when it will be. Please contact the author if you
would like to see POE::Stage production-ready sooner.
POE::Stage is the base class for message-driven objects. POE::Request
is the base class for POE::Stage messages. POE::Watcher is the base
class for event watchers.
- POE::Stage is hosted here.
- SEDA, the Staged Event
Driven Architecture. It's Java, though.
Rocco Caputo.
POE::Stage is Copyright 2005-2009 by Rocco Caputo. All rights are
reserved. You may use, modify, and/or distribute this module under the
same terms as Perl itself.
perl v5.10.0 2009-07-28 POE::Stage(3)