================== == LAPACK 3.1.1 == ================== Release date: 02/26/2007. Base on LAPACK 3.1 released on Su 11/12/2006. (see below) * LAPACK 3.1.1: What's new * Bug fix =============================== == LAPACK 3.1.1: What's new == =============================== 1) Add blas routines so that the blas provided is complete Following the question from Tobias Burns on the LAPACK Mailing list and the previous discussions on providing the complete reference BLAS through LAPACK. The routines missing in the BLAS/SRC directory were: CSROT DROTM DROTMG DSDOT (was in LAPACK/SRC directory) SDSDOT SROTM SROTMG ZDROT (was in LAPACK/SRC directory) new routines taken from the *** NETLIB BLAS*** website arranged with a Lapack coding style: - sdsdot.f - srotmg.F - srotm.f - drotmg.f - dsdot.f - drotm.f Move 2 routines from SRC to BLAS/SRC: - zdrot.f - csrot.f 2) Provide 5 flavours of SECOND and DSECND second_EXT_ETIME.f: SECOND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME [Default] second_EXT_ETIME_.f: SECOND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME_[RS6K] second_INT_ETIME.f: SECOND will use the INTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME [gfortran] second_INT_CPU_TIME.f: SECOND will use a call to the INTERNAL FUNCTION CPU\_TIME [Nag Compiler, etc..] second_NONE.f: SECOND will always return 0 Add the TIMER variable in the make.inc to chose which routine to use # Default : SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME TIMER = EXT_ETIME # For RS6K : SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME_ # TIMER = EXT_ETIME_ # For gfortran compiler: SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the INTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME # TIMER = INT_ETIME # If your Fortran compiler does not provide etime (like Nag Fortran Compiler, etc...) # SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the INTERNAL FUNCTION CPU_TIME # TIMER = INT_CPU_TIME # If neither of this works...you can use the NONE value... In that case, SECOND and DSECND will always return 0 # TIMER = NONE ============================= == Bug Fix == ============================= CHANGE FROM 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/ctgsen.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/ctgsyl.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/dtgsen.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/stgsen.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/ztgsen.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/ztgsyl.f From Sven Hammarling, following a bug report from Michael Wimmer (see email below) I have looked at the bugs reported by Michael Wimmer and agree with what he says. I have additionally corrected comments in s/dtgsen. I attach my modified files. s/dtgsen - Removed the comment "IF IJOB = 0, WORK is not referenced." c/ztgsen - Replaced references to WORK(1) and WORK(2) by TEMP1 and TEMP2 inside the DO 60 loop, so that WORK is not referenced when IJOB = 0. c/ztgsyl - Removed the comment "IF IJOB = 0, IWORK is not referenced." Sven. Michael Wimmer wrote: Dear LAPACK team, I would like to report bugs in the LAPACK functions ZTGSEN and ZTGSYL. Affected are the documentation of ZTGSEN and ZTGSYL and the workspace query in ZTGSEN. My observations are based on the LAPACK source as available today, 20 Sep 2006, on www.netlib.org: .......... SUBROUTINE ZTGSEN( IJOB, WANTQ, WANTZ, SELECT, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, $ ALPHA, BETA, Q, LDQ, Z, LDZ, M, PL, PR, DIF, $ WORK, LWORK, IWORK, LIWORK, INFO ) * * . LAPACK routine (version 3.0) . * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 .......... SUBROUTINE ZTGSYL( TRANS, IJOB, M, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, C, LDC, D, $ LDD, E, LDE, F, LDF, SCALE, DIF, WORK, LWORK, $ IWORK, INFO ) * * . LAPACK routine (version 3.0) . * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 .......... According to http://www.netlib.org/lapack/release_notes.html the two affected functions have not been changed since June 30, 1999. In the following I describe the bugs: * ZTGSYL: (http://www.netlib.org/lapack/complex16/ztgsyl.f) ....- In the documentation to the function it says: * IWORK (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension (M+N+2) * If IJOB = 0, IWORK is not referenced. however, even if IJOB = 0, ZTGSYL uses IWORK, as for example in this code snippet (ll 325-342) * Determine block structure of A * P = 0 I = 1 40 CONTINUE IF( I.GT.M ) $ GO TO 50 P = P + 1 IWORK( P ) = I I = I + MB IF( I.GE.M ) $ GO TO 50 GO TO 40 50 CONTINUE IWORK( P+1 ) = M + 1 IF( IWORK( P ).EQ.IWORK( P+1 ) ) $ P = P - 1 * which is executed regardless off the value of IJOB. This means that providing a too small IWORK (as, according to the documentation, it is not referenced) can result in crahes due to overwritten memory. * ZTGSEN: (http://www.netlib.org/lapack/complex16/ztgsen.f) ....- Here is a similar bug to the one in ZTGSYL, but here it also affects the workspace query. In the documentation it says: * WORK (workspace/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LWORK) * IF IJOB = 0, WORK is not referenced. Otherwise, * on exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. and * IWORK (workspace/output) INTEGER, dimension (LIWORK) * IF IJOB = 0, IWORK is not referenced. Otherwise, * on exit, if INFO = 0, IWORK(1) returns the optimal LIWORK. Again, even if IJOB = 0, WORK and IWORK are used within the code. For IJOB = 0, a workspace query return LWORK = 1 and LIWORK = 1 as the optimal workspace size (ll 395 - 404): IF( IJOB.EQ.1 .OR. IJOB.EQ.2 .OR. IJOB.EQ.4 ) THEN LWMIN = MAX( 1, 2*M*( N-M ) ) LIWMIN = MAX( 1, N+2 ) ELSE IF( IJOB.EQ.3 .OR. IJOB.EQ.5 ) THEN LWMIN = MAX( 1, 4*M*( N-M ) ) LIWMIN = MAX( 1, 2*M*( N-M ), N+2 ) ELSE LWMIN = 1 ........ LIWMIN = 1 END IF But even for IJOB = 0, WORK(1) and WORK(2) are referenced as shown in this code snippet: (ll 617 - 623) DO 60 K = 1, N DSCALE = ABS( B( K, K ) ) IF( DSCALE.GT.SAFMIN ) THEN WORK( 1 ) = DCONJG( B( K, K ) / DSCALE ) .....- WORK( 2 ) = B( K, K ) / DSCALE .....- B( K, K ) = DSCALE CALL ZSCAL( N-K, WORK( 1 ), B( K, K+1 ), LDB ) Again, providing a Workspace of size 1 only will result in overwritten memory and possibly a crash. ........................- If you have further questions in this matter, don't hesitate to contact me. Kind regards Michael Wimmer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/dtgsy2.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/stgsy2.f Re-add the modifications submitted by Daniel Kressner on dtgsy2 and stgsy2 See log Revision 8 DTGSY2: line 58 (doc): STGSYL should be replaced by DTGSYL line 61 (doc): STGSYL should be replaced by DTGSYL line 146 (doc): STGSYL should be replaced by DTGSYL line 509: LDB should be replaced by LDE LDC should be replaced by LDF The same applies to STGSY2. These modifications had been overwritten by revision 75. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/dormrz.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/sormrz.f Add a missing ELSE at line 179 ( reported by Sven) That bug was introduced at the revision 95. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/dbdsqr.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/sbdsqr.f In s/dbdsqr the workspace requirement should be max(1,4*N) rather than max(1,4*N-4), because that is what is required by slasq1. (reported by Sven) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/derrab.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/zerrab.f "Fix" a problem is in the testing of Julien's iterative refinement with fort77 "compiler" (pearl scrit using f2c). The "compiler" was complaining about the CHARACTER(32) syntax. Replaced CHARACTER(32) by CHARACTER*32. Note from Jason: The CHARACTER* syntax was declared obsolescent in Fortran 95. It shouldn't be used in new code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/SRC/Makefile A /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/SRC/csrot.f (from /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/csrot.f:386) A /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/SRC/drotm.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/SRC/drotmg.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/SRC/dsdot.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/SRC/sdsdot.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/SRC/srotm.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/SRC/srotmg.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/SRC/zdrot.f (from /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/zdrot.f:386) M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/Makefile D /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/csrot.f D /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/zdrot.f Following the question from Tobias Burns on the LAPACK Mailing list and the previous discussions on providing the complete reference BLAS through LAPACK. The routines missing in the BLAS/SRC directory were: CSROT DROTM DROTMG DSDOT (was in LAPACK/SRC directory) SDSDOT SROTM SROTMG ZDROT (was in LAPACK/SRC directory) new routines taken from the *** NETLIB BLAS*** website arranged with a Lapack coding style: - sdsdot.f - srotmg.f - srotm.f - drotmg.f - dsdot.f - drotm.f Move 2 routines from SRC to BLAS/SRC: - zdrot.f - csrot.f Modification to BLAS/SRC/Makefile and SRC/Makefile ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/ilaver.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/clag2z.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/dlag2s.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/dsgesv.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/ilaenv.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/ilaver.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/slag2d.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/zcgesv.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/zlag2c.f Some format modification to follow Lapack Style Coding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/cunmrz.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/dormrz.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/sormrz.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/zunmrz.f Modification given by Sven -------------------------- Here are c/zunmrz.f and a slightly modified version of s/dormrz.f, where I just moved a comment relative to the ELSE statement, so that all four routines are consistent. c/zunmrz.f needed the same change that was made to s/dormrz.f; that is, the missing ELSE statement needed to be reintroduced into the calculation of LWKOPT (line 175). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/cchkge.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/dchkge.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/schkge.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/zchkge.f These problems have been found with the NAG Fortran compiler. with the following flag "-C -C=undefined -dcfuns -g -gline -info -nan -u" insert the line CALL XLAENV( 1, 1 ) into these routines so that IPARM(1) is initialised before it is referenced in ILAENV (the /LIN version). Inserted at line 163 for s/dchkge.f and 168 for c/zchkge.f. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/cerrvx.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/derrvx.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/serrvx.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/zerrvx.f These problems have been found with the NAG Fortran compiler. with the following flag "-C -C=undefined -dcfuns -g -gline -info -nan -u" insert a line EQ = ' ' into these routines so that it is initialised before being referenced. Line 89 in s/derrvx and line 92 in c/zerrvx. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/dchkq3.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/dchkqp.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/dchktz.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/dqrt12.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/schkq3.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/schkqp.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/schktz.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/sqrt12.f These problems have been found with the NAG Fortran compiler. with the following flag "-C -C=undefined -dcfuns -g -gline -info -nan -u" change the test in line 76 of d/sqrt12 from: IF( LWORK.LT.M*N+4*MIN( M, N )+MAX( M, N ) ) THEN to IF( LWORK.LT.MAX( M*N+4*MIN( M, N )+MAX( M, N ), $ M*N+2*MIN( M, N )+4*N) ) THEN because d/sbdsqr is called with the argument M*N+2*MIN( M, N )+1 and requires 4*N workspace. I added the same thing at line 152 of d/schkqp, line 156 of d/schkq3 and line 149 of d/schktz. Not having enough workspace only seemed to affect the real routines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/cdrvls.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/ddrvls.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/sdrvls.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/zdrvls.f These problems have been found with the NAG Fortran compiler. with the following flag "-C -C=undefined -dcfuns -g -gline -info -nan -u" These routines also needed to have elements of IPARM initialised before they were referenced. For d/sdrvls I moved the calls CALL XLAENV( 2, 2 ) CALL XLAENV( 9, SMLSIZ ) to be in front of the statement IF( TSTERR ) at line 183. For c/zdrvls I inserted a call CALL XLAENV( 9, SMLSIZ ) in front of the statement IF( TSTERR ) at line 188 and added the statements INTEGER SMLSIZ PARAMETER ( SMLSIZ = 25 ) at line 122. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/cchkgt.f These problems have been found with the NAG Fortran compiler. with the following flag "-C -C=undefined -dcfuns -g -gline -info -nan -u" Removed the declaration of CMPLX in the INTRINSIC statement at line 113, because CMPLX is not referenced. (So just a cosmetic change.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/cchkaa.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/dchkaa.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/dchkab.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/schkaa.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/zchkaa.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/zchkab.f Modify the header of the output files for the LIN testing. Instead of writing "Lapack 3.0, released bla bla...", the tester will get the LAPACK version from a call to ilaver and then write "Lapack X.Y.Z" where X.Y.Z is the LAPACK version given by ilaver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/cchkee.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/dchkee.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/schkee.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/zchkee.f Modify the header of the output files for the EIG testing. Instead of writing "Lapack 3.0, released bla bla...", the tester will get the LAPACK version from a call to ilaver and then write "Lapack X.Y.Z" where X.Y.Z is the LAPACK version given by ilaver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/dsgesv.f Replace single precision by real in comment of SWORK ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/dlaed6.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/slaed6.f These problems have been found with the NAG Fortran compiler. with the following flag "-C -C=undefined -dcfuns -g -gline -info -nan -u" put the test IF( D(1).EQ.TAU .OR. D(2).EQ.TAU .OR. D(3).EQ.TAU ) THEN TAU = ZERO ELSE before TEMP = FINIT + TAU*Z(1)/( D(1)*( D( 1 )-TAU ) ) + $ TAU*Z(2)/( D(2)*( D( 2 )-TAU ) ) + $ TAU*Z(3)/( D(3)*( D( 3 )-TAU ) ) at line 50 because in running the test ./xeigtstd < svd.in > dsvd.out I got *** Arithmetic exception: - aborting In DLAED6, line 150 of dlaed6.f Called by DLASD4, line 619 of dlasd4.f Called by DLASD3, line 239 of dlasd3.f Called by DLASD1, line 210 of dlasd1.f Called by DLASD0, line 217 of dlasd0.f Called by DBDSDC, line 353 of dbdsdc.f Called by DCHKBD, line 853 of dchkbd.f Called by DCHKEE, line 1869 of dchkee.f which was due to TAU being equal to D( 3 ). I was surprised that these could be equal, but the fix cures the problem for me, and looking at the later code it seemed reasonable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/zgglse.f These problems have been found with the NAG Fortran compiler. with the following flag "-C -C=undefined -dcfuns -g -gline -info -nan -u" replaced two calls to CTRTRS with ZTRTRS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/cchkee.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/dchkee.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/schkee.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/zchkee.f These problems have been found with the NAG Fortran compiler. with the following flag "-C -C=undefined -dcfuns -g -gline -info -nan -u" inserted a number of calls to XLAENV in order to initialise IPARMS before it is referenced. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/cchkhs.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/dchkhs.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/schkhs.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/zchkhs.f orrection submitted by Sven. These problems have been found with the NAG Fortran compiler. with the following flag "-C -C=undefined -dcfuns -g -gline -info -nan -u" replaced calls of the form CALL SCOPY( N, WORK, 1, TAU, 1 ) with CALL SCOPY( N-1, WORK, 1, TAU, 1 ) at line 694 for s/dchkhs and line 698 for c/zchkhs. (TAU is only of length N-1.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/cdrges.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/zdrges.f These problems have been found with the NAG Fortran compiler. with the following flag "-C -C=undefined -dcfuns -g -gline -info -nan -u" removed the declarations of IASIGN and IBSIGN as they are not used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/cdrgev.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/zdrgev.f These problems have been found with the NAG Fortran compiler. with the following flag "-C -C=undefined -dcfuns -g -gline -info -nan -u" changed line 722 from DO 200 JR = 1, 9 to DO 200 JR = 1, 7 as only 7 results are formed, which led to an undefined reference to RESULT(8). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/cchkbb.f These problems have been found with the NAG Fortran compiler. with the following flag "-C -C=undefined -dcfuns -g -gline -info -nan -u" replaced 'ZBB' by 'CBB' in calls to SLAHD2 and SLASUM so that the test results referred to the correct tests. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/cslect.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/dslect.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/sslect.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/zslect.f we agree that this is probably what is intended for these routines, and it avoids the undefined references to SSLECT and DSLECT. Here is a note from Daniel Kressner ----------------------------------- SSLECT is supposed to return whether a complex number zR + i*zI corresponds to a selected eigenvalue. If SELOPT = 0, this is simply done by checking whether zR < 0 (-> invariant subspace for stable eigenvalues). If SELOPT > 0, I think it wants to find the eigenvalue closest to zR + i*zI and checks whether this eigenvalue is selected (by looking up the common array SELVAL). However, the following lines RMIN = ZERO DO 10 I = 1, SELDIM X = SLAPY2( ZR-SELWR( I ), ZI-SELWI( I ) ) IF( X.LE.RMIN ) THEN make little sense to me. RMIN should initially be set to a large number or SLAPY2( ZR-SELWR( 1 ), ZI-SELWI( 1 ) ). Otherwise, the test will certainly fail for real matrices, because the recomputed reordered eigenvalue will not correspond exactly to an original eigenvalue if there are 2x2 blocks in the Schur form. The common arrays SELWR, SELWI, SELVAL control the selection of eigenvalues. They are set in SGET24 such that NSEL eigenvalues having smallest real part are selected. SSGET24 is used in SDRVSX but not in SDRVES (which uses SELOPT = 0). > > Surprisingly, the complex version does not fail with CSLECT undefined. The reordered eigenvalues for complex matrices correspond exactly to the original eigenvalues (see CTREXC). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/SRC/Makefile M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/TESTING/Makeblat1 M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/TESTING/Makeblat2 M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/TESTING/Makeblat3 M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/Makefile M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/Makefile M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/Makefile M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/Makefile M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/MATGEN/Makefile Add -o $@ to the .f.o rule. + single file compilation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/clarrv.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/dlarrv.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/slarrv.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/SRC/zlarrv.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/alahdg.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/cerrbd.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/cdrvls.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/LIN/sdrvls.f Remove useless external declaration ... This was a warning given by fort77 compiler ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/TESTING/EIG/zdrgsx.f Add initilization of INFO to suppress the following error: *** XERBLA was called from ZTGSYL with INFO = -6 instead of 20 *** *** XERBLA was called with SRNAME = ZDRGSX instead of ZTGSYL *** This bug was found while looking at the following INFO error with the Intel 2 Core Duo with ifort 9.1 From zgd.out: >Matrix order= 10, type=16, seed=3602, 505,1199,2389, result 1 is 4.504D+15 > ZGS drivers: 1 out of 1549 tests failed to pass the threshold > *** Error code from ZDRGES = 6 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/TESTING/cblat2.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/TESTING/cblat3.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/TESTING/dblat2.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/TESTING/dblat3.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/TESTING/sblat2.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/TESTING/sblat3.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/TESTING/zblat2.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/TESTING/zblat3.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/cblat2.in M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/cblat3.in M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/dblat2.in M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/dblat3.in M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/sblat2.in M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/sblat3.in M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/zblat2.in M /branches/june-release/lapack/BLAS/zblat3.in M /branches/june-release/lapack/Makefile Instead of moving the .SUMM files to .out files in the Makefile for BLAS 2 and BLAS 3 testings, change the output name in the .in files to .out. Change the behaviour of make cleanblas_testing Before it was removing the BLAS/x* and BLAS/*.SUMM files Now it just removes the BLAS/x* files (like make cleantesting just remove TESTING/x* files) The make cleanall is removing the BLAS/*.out files ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/Makefile A /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/dsecnd_EXT_ETIME.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/dsecnd_EXT_ETIME_.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/dsecnd_INT_CPU_TIME.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/dsecnd_INT_ETIME.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/dsecnd_NONE.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/make.inc.ALPHA M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/make.inc.HPPA M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/make.inc.IRIX64 M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/make.inc.LINUX M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/make.inc.O2K M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/make.inc.RS6K M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/make.inc.SGI5 M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/make.inc.SUN4 M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/make.inc.SUN4SOL2 A /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/make.inc.gfortran M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/make.inc.pghpf A /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/second_EXT_ETIME.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/second_EXT_ETIME_.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/second_INT_CPU_TIME.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/second_INT_ETIME.f A /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/second_NONE.f M /branches/june-release/lapack/make.inc.example modification for ETIME. I chose the approach suggested by Jason to have a variable in the make.inc to chose which SECOND and DSECND routine to use. Give 5 flavours of SECOND(same for DSECND) second_EXT_ETIME.f: SECOND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME [Default] second_EXT_ETIME_.f: SECOND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME_[RS6K] second_INT_ETIME.f: SECOND will use the INTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME [gfortran] second_INT_CPU_TIME.f: SECOND will use a call to the INTERNAL FUNCTION CPU\_TIME [Nag Compiler, etc..] second_NONE.f: SECOND will always return 0 More information on the discussion can be found on the LAPACK wiki: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/trac/lapack-dev/wiki/Etime Added a new make.in for gfortran called make.inc.gfortran Made modication to existing make.inc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changed paths: D /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/dsecnd.f D /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/dsecnd.f.RS6K D /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/lawn81.pdf D /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/lawn81.ps M /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/lawn81.tex D /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/second.f D /branches/june-release/lapack/INSTALL/second.f.RS6K Made some modifications on the lawn81 for the 3.1.1 release (Comment from Sven + ETIME modification) Remove INSTALL/second.f INSTALL/dsecnd.f.RS6K INSTALL/second.f.RS6K INSTALL/dsecnd.f Remove INSTALL/lawn81.pdf INSTALL/lawn81.ps ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .