file harwell/readme for overview of harwell file harwell/ma28ad.f for LU factorization, general sparse matrix, pivoting for sparsity and , stability, may be unsymmetric gams d2a4 file harwell/ma28id.f for LU factors from (harwell/ma28ad or ma28bd), solves linear equations , by iterative refinement gams d2a4 file harwell/ma28cd.f for solves linear equations using LU factors computed from , (harwell/ma28ad) or (harwell/ma2bbd) gams d2a4 file harwell/ma28bd.f for LU factorization, general sparse matrix, previously factored by , (harwell/ma28d) but with numerical different values gams d2a4 file harwell/ma30ad.f for Performs an LU factorization of a general sparse unsymmetric matrix, , with pivoting for sparsity and stability. , (For an easy-to-use driver for this , subroutine, see Harwell subroutine MA28AD). gams d2a4 file harwell/ma30bd.f for Performs an LU factorization of a general sparse unsymmetric matrix , with a similar sparsity pattern to a matrix previously factored by , subroutine MA30AD. (For an easy-to-use driver for this subroutine, , see Harwell subroutine MA28BD). gams d2a4 file harwell/ma30cd.f for Solves a system of linear equations (without iterative refinement), , using LU factors from MA30AD or MA30BD. , (For an easy-to-use driver for this , subroutine, see Harwell subroutine MA28CD). gams d2a4 file harwell/blkdta000.f for BLOCK DATA subprogram to initialize data in COMMON blocks , ma28ed, ma28fd, ma28gd, ma28hd. Needs to be linked with , routines using these COMMON blocks. file harwell/blkdta001.f for BLOCK DATA subprogram to initialize data in COMMON blocks , ma30ed, ma30gd, ma30id. Needs to be linked with routines , using these COMMON blocks. file harwell/blkdta002.f for BLOCK DATA subprogram to initialize data in COMMON block , mc23bd. Needs to be linked with routines using this COMMON , block. .