Directions = { "N": [0, "NORTH"], "S": [1, "SOUTH"], "E": [2, "EAST"], "W": [3, "WEST"], "U": [4, "UP"], "D": [5, "DOWN"] } class Player: def __init__(self): self.inventory = [] = 1 self.counter = 0 self.wantDescription = True self.coinFound = False self.ratsAsleep = False self.computerActive = False self.manualFound = False self.computerDead = False self.loggedIn = False self.bats = True self.mountedTape = False self.copyRunning = False class Thing: def __init__(self, description, takable): self.description = description self.takable = takable class Room: def __init__(self, description, contents, exits): self.description = description self.contents = contents self.exits = exits def describe(self): print(self.description) if len(self.contents) > 0: print("You see:") for thing in self.contents: print(thing.description) print("Exits are:") for direction in Directions: if self.exits[Directions[direction][0]] != 0: print(direction, end=" ") print() Things = { "RATS": Thing("Hungry rats", False), "TAPE": Thing("Computer tape", True), "MACHI": Thing("Vending machine", False), "TERMI": Thing("Broken-down terminal", True), "COIN": Thing("Coin", True), "CANDY": Thing("Candy Bar", True), "COMPU": Thing("Computer", False), "BATS": Thing("Bats", False), "DESK": Thing("Desk", False), "MANUA": Thing("Computer Manual", True), "CLOCK": Thing("Elaborate Clockwork", False), # pseudo-objects "ROAD": 1, "DIR": 2, "ADVEN": 3, "COPY": 4, "LOGOU": 5, "NORTH": 6, "SOUTH": 7, "EAST": 8, "WEST": 9, "UP": 10, "DOWN": 11, } Rooms = [] Rooms.append(Room("You are nowhere.", [], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])) Rooms.append(Room("You are in front of an old factory with a clock tower.", [], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])) Rooms.append(Room("You are at the bottom of the stairwell.", [], [3, 1, 0, 0, 7, 0])) Rooms.append(Room("You are at the top of some basement steps.", [], [0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4])) Rooms.append(Room("You are in a damp cellar.", [Things["RATS"]], [0, 0, 5, 0, 3, 0])) Rooms.append(Room("You are in a storeroom.", [Things["TAPE"]], [0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0])) Rooms.append(Room("You are in the cafeteria.", [Things["MACHI"]], [0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0])) Rooms.append(Room("You're at a landing on the stairs.", [], [0, 0, 8, 6, 9, 2])) Rooms.append(Room("Around you is a manufacturing area.", [Things["TERMI"]], [0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0])) Rooms.append(Room("You're at a landing on the third floor.", [], [0, 0, 10, 0, 12, 7])) Rooms.append(Room("You are in the computer room.", [Things["COMPU"]], [0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0])) Rooms.append(Room("You are inside the clock tower.", [Things["CLOCK"]], [0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0])) Rooms.append(Room("You're at the top of the stairs.", [], [11, 0, 13, 0, 0, 9])) Rooms.append(Room("You are in a long corridor going east.", [Things["BATS"]], [0, 0, 14, 12, 0, 0])) Rooms.append(Room("You're at the east end of the corridor.", [Things["DESK"]], [0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0])) def parse(command): words = command.upper().split()[:2] # Convert to uppercase and split words into list if len(words) <= 0: return if len(words) > 0: # Split command into two words and shorten to five characters verb = words[0][:5] if len(words) > 1: noun = words[1][:5] else: noun = None if verb in Directions: # Special treatment for directions doGo(verb) elif verb == "GO": doGo(noun[0]) elif not verb in Verbs: print("I don't know the verb", verb) else: act = Verbs[verb] if noun == None: act(None) else: if not noun in Things: print("I don't know the object", noun) else: thing = Things[noun] if verb != "TYPE" and not thing in Rooms[].contents and not thing in player.inventory: print("It isn't here.") else: return act(thing) def doGo(object): if Rooms[].exits[Directions[object][0]] == 0: print("You can't go that way.") elif == 4 and not player.ratsAsleep: print("The rats look too fierce.") else: = Rooms[].exits[Directions[object][0]] player.wantDescription = True return True def doEat(object): if not object == Things["CANDY"]: print("That's silly!") else: print("GAG! COUGH! CHOKE! PUKE!") if Things["CANDY"] in Rooms[].contents: Rooms[].contents.remove(Things["CANDY"]) if Things["CANDY"] in player.inventory: player.inventory.remove(Things["CANDY"]) def doKick(object): if object == None: print("Please give an object.") return False elif object != Things["COMPU"] or player.computerDead: print("Nothing happens.") elif player.computerActive: player.counter = 9 else: print("The computer starts up!") print("The console displays: 'PLEASE LOG IN.'") player.computerActive = -1 return True def doInsert(object): if object == None: print("Please give an object.") return False elif object != Things["COIN"]: print("That's silly!") return False elif != 6: print("You can't do that now.") else: player.inventory.remove(Things["COIN"]) Rooms[].contents.append(Things["CANDY"]) print("A candy bar comes out.") return True def doType(object): if object == None: print("Please give an object.") return False elif != 10: print("You can't do that now.") elif not player.computerActive: print("The computer isn't running.") elif not player.loggedIn: if object != Things["ROAD"]: print("'Invalid login ID.'") else: print("'ROAD' logged in.'") player.loggedIn = True elif not player.copyRunning: if object == Things["DIR"]: print("'COPY LOGOU ADVEN'") elif object == Things["ADVEN"]: print("'Welcome to Adventure! W#uld Y#$*'") player.counter = 9 elif object == Things["COPY"]: print("Mount tape then type filename.") player.copyRunning = True else: print("'Invalid command.'") else: player.copyRunning = False if player.mountedTape: if object in [Things["COPY"], Things["DIR"], Things["ADVEN"]]: print("The tape spins...") print("'File copied.'") if object == Things["ADVEN"]: print("Congratulations, you've done it!") exit() else: print("'No such file'") else: print("'Error: Tape not mounted'") return True def doTake(object): if object == None: print("Please give an object.") return False elif not object.takable: print("That's beyond your ability.") return True elif object in player.inventory: print("You already have it!") return False elif object == Things["TERMI"] and not player.coinFound: print("There was a coin underr it.") Rooms[].contents.append(Things["COIN"]) player.coinFound = True elif object == Things["TAPE"]: mountedTape = False Rooms[].contents.remove(object) player.inventory.append(object) print("O.K.") return True def doDrop(object): if object == None: print("Please give an object.") return False elif not object in player.inventory: print("You don't have it.") else: player.inventory.remove(object) Rooms[].contents.append(object) if == 4 and object == Things["CANDY"]: print("The rats devour the candy and get sleepy.") Rooms[].contents.remove(Things["CANDY"]) Things["RATS"].description = "Sleepy rats" player.ratsAsleep = True return True def doInventory(object): print("You are carrying:") if player.inventory == []: print("Nothing.") else: for thing in player.inventory: print(thing.description) return True def doMount(object): if object == None: print("Please give an object.") return False elif object != Things["TAPE"]: print("That's silly!") return False elif != 10 or player.mountedTape: print("You can't do that now.") else: player.inventory.remove(Things["TAPE"]) Rooms[].contents.append(Things["TAPE"]) player.mountedTape = True print("O.K.") return True def doRead(object): if object == None: print("Please give an object.") return False elif object == Things["MACHI"]: print("'INSERT COIN.'") elif object == Things["MANUA"]: print("'...USER ID IS ROAD...'") print("'TYPE DIR FOR LIST OF COMMANDS...'") print("The rest is illegible.") else: print("Nothing is written on it.") return True def doFight(object): print("That won't work.") return True def doStart(object): if object == None: print("Please give an object.") return False elif object == Things["COMPU"]: print("Nothing happens.") else: print("That's silly!") return False return True def doOpen(object): if object == None: print("Please give an object.") return False elif object == Things["DESK"]: if player.manualFound: print("It already is.") else: Rooms[].contents.append(Things["MANUA"]) player.manualFound = True print("Inside it is a manual.") else: print("That's silly!") return False return True def doQuit(object): exit() def doLook(object): player.wantDescription = True return False def doWind(object): if object == Things["CLOCK"]: if player.bats: print("The clock chimes deafeningly and something flies past.") player.bats = False Rooms[13].contents.remove(Things["BATS"]) else: print("It's fully wound.") else: print("That's silly!") return True def doExamine(object): if object == Things["MACHI"] or object == Things["MANUA"]: print("Something is written there.") elif object == Things["DESK"] and not player.manualFound: print("It is closed.") elif object == Things["TERMI"]: print("It looks beyond repair.") elif object == Things["COMPU"]: print("This is an ancient mainframe with a console.") elif object == Things["CLOCK"]: print("There is a large handle for winding the clock.") elif object == Things["TAPE"] and player.mountedTape: print("It is mounted on the computer.") else: print("You see nothing special.") return True Verbs = { "N": doGo, "S": doGo, "E": doGo, "W": doGo, "U": doGo, "D": doGo, "GO": doGo, "EAT": doEat, "KICK": doKick, "INSER": doInsert, "DEPOS": doInsert, "TYPE": doType, "TAKE": doTake, "GET": doTake, "DROP": doDrop, "THROW": doDrop, "INVEN": doInventory, "I": doInventory, "MOUNT": doMount, "READ": doRead, "FIGHT": doFight, "KILL": doFight, "START": doStart, "POWER": doStart, "OPEN": doOpen, "QUIT": doQuit, "LOOK": doLook, "WIND": doWind, "EXAMI": doExamine } player = Player() while True: if player.wantDescription: Rooms[].describe() player.wantDescription = False complete = parse(input("> ")) if complete: if player.computerActive: player.counter = player.counter + 1 if player.counter >= 10 and == 10: print("The computer dies with a loud pop.") player.computerDead = True player.computerActive = False Things["COMPU"].description = "Dead computer" if Things["BATS"] in Rooms[].contents: print("A horde of bats carries you out.") = 1 player.wantDescription = False