You can't take that with you!You can't take that with you!You can't take that with you!You can only take objects.You can't take things from that!You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't open that.You can't open that.You can't open anything with that.You can only close objects.You can't close that.You can't close anything with that.You can't lock that!You can't lock that!You can't lock anything with that!You can't lock that!You can't lock that!You can't lock anything with that.You can't eat that!You can't drink that!You can only throw objects.You can only throw objects.You can't throw anything at that.You can't be serious.You can't throw anything to that.Don't be silly.You can't throw anything in that.You can't push that.You can't push that.You can use only objects to push things with.You can't listen to that!You can't examine that!You can't examine that!You can't look inside that.You can't search that!You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't read that.You can't put that anywhere.Y ou can't put anything inside the $1.You can't put that anywhere.You can't put anything on that.You can't put that anywhere.You can't put anything under that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can only give away objects.You can't give things to that!Nothing happens.You can't say that.You can't talk to that.You can't ask about that.You can't talk to that.You can't ask about that.You can't talk to that.You can't ask about that.You can't talk to that.You can't talk to that.You can't attack that.You can't attack that.You can't attack anything with that!You can't do that.You can't smell that!You can't touch that.You can't touch that.You can use only objects to touch with.You can't turn that on.You can't turn that on.You can't switch that on.You can't switch that on.You can't turn that off.You can't turn that off.You can't switch that off.You can't switch that off.You can't knock on that!You can't jump on that!You can't do that.You can't wear that.You can't wear that.You can't wear that.You can't wear that.You can't $v that.You can't remove that.You can't remove that.You can't do that.That is not something you can play.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't bring yourself to think about anything productive regarding the $1.You can't do that.That would be futile.You can't do that.That would not accomplish anything.You can't do that.You can't do that.That would not accomplish anything.That would be futile.That would be futile.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Taken.You can't take that!You've already got that - you're wearing that.You've already got that.That is too heavy to lift.Dropped.You aren't carrying that.You can't take things from yourself!That wouldn't accomplish anything.You already havethe $1$$.That doesn't work.You open the $1.You can't open that!It's already open.You can't openthe $1withthe $2$$.You don't havethe $2$$.You close the $1.You can't close that.It is already closed.You can't closewiththe $1 withthe $2$$.You don't havethe $2$$.is now locked.The $o is now locked.You can't lock that!It's already now locked.The $o is now locked.You can't lock that!It's already locked.You don't havethe $2$$.is now unlocked.The $o is now unlocked.You can't unlock that!It's already now unlocked.The $o is now unlocked.You can't unlock that!It's already unlocked.You don't havethe $2$$.You eatthe $o$$.You can't eat that!You drinkthe $o$$.That is not drinkable.You can't throw very far,ends up on the ground.the $1 ends up on the ground.You haven't got that!That wouldn't accomplish anything.You haven't got that!You are carryingthe $2$$!You would probably miss from this distance, so it is safer not to try.You haven't got that!Now, that would be a good trick!Nothing happens.That would not accomplish anything.Usingyou pushthe $2 you pushthe $1$$.You can 't push that.You hear nothing unusual.You hear nothing unusual.There is nothing special aboutthe $o$$.You can't examinethe $o$$.You can't look insidethe $o$$.You find nothing of interest.There's no point in doing that.You find nothing of interest.[You don't have to look behind things in this game.]You can't do that.You can't do that.You readthe $1$$.There is nothing written onthe $1$$.That wouldn't accomplish anything.You haven't gotthe $1$$!You can't put something into itself!That wouldn't accomplish anything.You haven't gotthe $1$$!You are carryingthe $2$$!You can't do that.You can't insert yourself anywhere.You can't do that.You don't havethe $1$$!You can't insert something into itself!You already havethe $o$$!You givetothe $1 tothe $2$$.You don't havethe $1$$.That wouldn't accomplish anything.Nothing happens.Better not.You can't talk to that.That wouldn't accomplish anything.You can't talk to that.That wouldn't accomplish anything.You can't talk to that.That wouldn't accomplish anything.You can't talk to that.That wouldn't accomplish anything.Violence is not the answer.You don't have that object to attack with.No point attacking anything with that!Violence is not the answer.You can't reach it from here.You smell nothing unusual.You smell nothing unusual.You feel nothing unexpected.You can't touch that.You can't reach it from here.You touchwiththe $1 withthe $2$$.You can't touch that.You can't reach it from here.It doesn't make sense to touch something with itself.You turn on$$.the $o.You can't turn that on.It's already on.You turn offthe $o$$.You can't turn that off.It's already off.You turn the $1 in your hand but find nothing of interest.You can't do that.There is no answer.You need to specify what you want to knock on.That would not accomplish anything.You jump on the spot, to no avail.The ceiling is so low that you'd better not be jumping here.(You pickup.)$nthe $o up.)$nYou put onthe $o$$.You can't wearthe $o$$.You are already wearingthe $o$$.You can't pickup.the $o up.That would not accomplish anythin g.You are not wearingthe $o$$.That would not accomplish anything.You're not wearing anything you can remove.[Besides conventional text-adventure commands like GO NORTH (or NORTH or just N), SOUTHWEST, UP, IN etc., EXAMINE BOOKSHELF, TAKE LAMP, EAT APPLE, FOLLOW OLD MAN, DROP EVERYTHING and so forth, this piece of interactive fiction makes use of common proverbs such as A BIRD IN THE HAND IS WORTH TWO IN THE BUSH, EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING and so on, for reasons which become apparent early in the story. Feel free to experiment with different proverbs as you might think appropriate in the various situations in the course of the game. The rule of thumb is to use conventional commands as far as possible and if you cannot see any other way to progress, a proverb is probably needed. The game is more challenging if you try to come up with the needed sayings on your own (there should be enough vague hints for the player to be able to deduce what phrase is needed in each individual case), but if you feel you ne ed some help, the command RECALL PROVERBS will present a list of the phrases that the hero can bring to mind. Note, however, that some of them will not be needed at all in the story, and there are also one or two which the hero doesn't remember and which are thus not in the list but which will be necessary to figure out in order to proceed in the adventure. Resorting to the above-mentioned command shouldn't, then, give away too much. $i(Please note that proverbs containing the words 'all', 'and' and 'it' cannot be used, since those words are predefined in the parser and have other uses. Please also avoid using commas and apostrophes.) $pIf you need some further help, please consult the walkthrough file. $pDying is a factor in this game; i.e. in a dangerous situation the hero might die, but (s)he is always auto-resurrected in a recent location. $pYou can SAVE your game and RESTORE it later on. To end the session and stop playing, type QUIT. $pFor info about the author, acknowledgements etc, type CREDITS. $pHa ppy gaming!][(c) 2003 by Anssi Raisanen. $nThis game was written using ALAN v2.8. $nFurther information about the ALAN system can be obtained from the World Wide Web Internet site $i $pSpecial thanks to Thomas Nilsson and Goran Forslund for ALAN. $pThanks to Steve Griffiths for Library 0.3.1. $pMany thanks to Jennifer Vaughan and J.P. for betatesting the game. All remaining errors and incongruities are entirely my own fault. $pComments, questions, bug reports etc. can be sent to]$p[If you need some help, please consult the walkthrough file. It is in the form of a narrative and provides gentle hints (in addition to those that are provided by the game itself as you proceed) before revealing the commands needed.]That would not accomplish anything.That is not something you can play.That would not accomplish anything.That would not accomplish anything.That would not accomplish anything.You $v a little melody.The $1 isn't going anywhere.You can't see any such thi ng.You can't do that.That would not accomplish anything.You must also state whom you want to show the $1 to.You can't do that.Thedoesn't show much interest in the$$.You can't show something to itself!That would not accomplish anything.You'll have to be holding the $1 first.The $1 is already empty.That would not accomplish anything.You can't do that.That doesn't seem to be fastened anywhere.You can't do that.You can't do that.You can't do that.That would not accomplish anything.You can't do that.That would not accomplish anything.That would not accomplish anything.That would not accomplish anything.You're already standing up.You're already standing up.You can't do that.You can't do that.You utter a short prayer.You don't feel like resting right now.That doesn't need $ving.Nothing helpful comes to your mind.Nothing helpful comes to your mind. Maybe it would help if you thought about something specific.That's right here!You can't see any such thing.That would not accomplish anything.You can't do that.You can't do that here.This is not the moment.The $1 doesn't look hungry.You're not particularly hungry.The $1 isn't going anywhere.You can't see any such thing.You can't do that.That would not accomplish anything.You didn't bring your wallet with you.That would not accomplish anything.You greet $1.You smile at $1.That useful spell has no effect presently.$nYou utter the Transfer Spell. There's an almost silent pop, and you find yourself standing in the mellow grass of the strange garden!Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Any given spell can be used successfully only once on any particular day.That useful spell has no effect presently.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Right after you have mumbled the Dislocation Spell, the rock rolls silently and with ease to one side, revealing a dark passageway!You feel there maybe was one or two words wrong in that phrase, because nothing happens.That useful spell has no effect presently.Any given spell can be used successfully only once on any particular day .You utter the Transformation Spell and in a flash turn into a furious grey wolf! Flashing your teeth and making your eyes gleam with rage you attack the unsuspecting guards who, taken aback by surprise, give out angry shouts. You bite one of them in the hand and, taking advantage of the commotion that follows, rush free from their midst. A spear thrown in your direction barely misses you, making you take longer leaps and hastening your pace. Soon the spell wears away and you regain your human shape, but fortunately you are at a somewhat convenient distance already. You reach a road and start running alongside it, not daring to stop for a moment. Only when you are perfectly certain that none of the guards is following you anymore, you resume your walking pace, rather out of breath by now. $iSoon afterwards, you see the first red of the sun in the horizon, and the surroundings get more familiar. You start breathing more peacefully. Not much longer and you will finally be able to see your family again. Next ti me, though, you must seriously consider taking a different route! $p$t*** All's well that ends well ***$pThat useful spell has no effect right now.That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.You have hardly finished uttering the Unlocking Spell when you hear a small click in the lock and the diary swings open!That useful spell has no effect presently.Any given spell can be used successfully only once on any particular day.Looking very carefully around you manage to spot a long pole, half buried in the sand here!That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.You utter the Kindling Spell, and the pillar of smoke flames into a pillar of fire! You step back a bit, because of the heat.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.That useful spell has no effect presently.Any given spell can be used successfully only once on any particular day.After yo u have uttered the Rodents-Summoning Spell, there appear numerous rats from small cracks in the wall, a bit shy and probably afraid of the beast that they know to inhabit this cave. Nevertheless, unable to resist the spell, they run out and start climbing the uneven walls. Noticing the yellow crystal, some of them must mistake it for a piece of cheese (like you did first too) for they climb to it with curiosity and start gnawing on it eagerly. Unable to get a bite they gnuff and push it with their little bodies, until the crystal drops onto the floor! Startled, the mice run back into the holes and shadows of the cave.That useful spell has no effect presently.Any given spell can be used successfully only once on any particular day.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.You utter the Anaesthetizing Spell, and instantaneously the dogs lie down and fall asleep!That useful spell has no effect presently.Any given spell can be used successfully only once on any particular day.That useful spell has no effect presently.You utter the Duplication Spell, there is a puff, and instantly you notice that you are carrying two identical heads, instead of just one!You utter the Duplication Spell, there is a puff, and instantly you notice that also the right statue now has a head!You utter the Duplication Spell, there is a puff, and instantly you notice that also the left statue now has a head!That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.Any given spell can be used successfully only once on any particular day.Any given spell can be used successfully only once on any particular day.You utter the Duplication Spell, there is a puff, and instantly you notice that you are carrying two identical heads, instead of just one!You utter the Duplication Spell, there is a puff, and instantly you notice that also the right statue now has a head!You utter the Duplication Spell, there is a puff, and instantly you notic e that also the left statue now has a head!That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.Any given spell can be used successfully only once on any particular day.Any given spell can be used successfully only once on any particular day.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Deciding that it is better to leave things be and not interfere with matters that don't belong to you, youdrop the egg,decide to forget about the garden and head for home. $iAfter all, better safe than sorry.$pThat useful spell has no effect presently.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.Deciding that it is better to leave things be and not interfere with matters that don't belong to you, youdrop the egg,decide to forget about the garden and head for home. $iAfter all, better safe than sorry.$pThat useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no eff ect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.Something seems to be wrong with that wording.That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.Now that the dogs have surrounded you, they are more growling than barking. That spell is of no help to you now.That useful spell has no effect presently.That useful spell has no effect presently.Now that the dogs have surrounded you, they are more growling than barking. That spell is of no help to you now.Verbose mode is now on.Brief mode is now on. Location descriptions will only be shown the first time you visit.[Please write the full 'quit' command to exit from the game.]Done.Done.$nThere is no score in this game.Time passes...[The 'again' command is not available. You can probably use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through your previous commands, unless you're using the MSDOS interpreter in which case you can press the F3 key to repeat your last command.][Unfortunately you cannot 'undo' commands in this game.]The grass in the garden seems remarkably greener than the grass on this side of the wall. You gather that the gardener must be very skillful in his profession.The grass is deep green.You can't see any such thing.You smell nothing unusual.You can't see any such thing.You can't reach the grass in the garden from here.You feel nothing unexpected.You can't see any such thing.You can't take that!You can't see any such thing.You find nothing of interest.You can't reach the grass in the garden from here.You can't see any such thing.You're not a cow.You can't see any such thing.That wouldn't accomplish anything.You can't see any such thing.You speak out the word with slightly exaggerated pathos, just to be on the safe side. Sure enough, the door opens with a creak!Nothing happens.Nothing happens.You drop the diary and exit the cell. The fire in the small torch is extinguished even by the faint current of air here, and you throw the now useless torch on the cell floor behind you.Y ou can't do that.You can't carry anything more. You have to drop something first.You can't carry anything more. You have to drop something first.inventoryYou are carryingYou are empty-handed.implied_containerYou can't wear anything more. You have to remove something first.You can't wear anything more. You have to remove something first.wornYou are wearingceilingThere is nothing special about the ceiling.Only the sky is the limit here.You can't do that.You can't see any such thing.You can't do that.You can't see any such thing.Can't reach.You can't see any such thing.Can't reach.You can't see any such thing.Can't reach.You can't see any such thing.Your present degree of agility won't allow that to happen.You can't see any such thing.wallThere is nothing special about the walls.The wall follows the road for several hundred yards. It is made of grey stone and is very tall.$iLetting your gaze wander along the length of the wall you see some high branches of a tree growing in the garden reach over to this side of the wall, and suddenly you notice that a golden egg has fallen onto the road from a nest in the branches!The wall is made of grey stone and it is very tall.You can't tell any difference since the wall was invisible, after all.The wall is invisible.You can't see any such thing.Nothing happens.You can't see any such thing.You can't do that.You can't see any such thing.The wall is too tall and smooth for you to climb it successfully.You can't do that.The wall is too tall and smooth for you to climb it successfully.You can't do that.Nothing happens.That wouldn't accomplish anything.There is no wall to attack here.Nothing happens.That wouldn't accomplish anything.There is no wall to attack here.floorThere is nothing special about the floor.You can't see any such thing.Looking carefully around you find a small diary in one of the dark corners!There is nothing special about the floor.The faint light here doesn't illuminate all of the dark corners of the cave, but presently you can't see anything of interest on the floor.You find nothing of interest.You can't see any such thing.Looking carefully around you find a small diary in one corner!You find nothing else of interest.The light of the torch doesn't reach to all of the dark corners of the cave, but at present you can't see anything of interest on the floor.That's just scenery.You can't see any such thing.You can't do that.You can't see any such thing.windskyThe sky is blue.You can't see any such thing.The sky is filled with stars. A moon crescent is visible in the horizon.That's just scenery.You can't see any such thing.The sky doesn't look particularly threatening now.You can't see any such thing.Can't reach.You can't see any such thing.Interesting...You can't see any such thing.Interesting...You can't see any such thing.Interesting...You can't see any such thing.You can't do that.You can't see any such thing.sunThe sun is shining brightly from a cloudless blue sky.You can't see any such thing.It is the middle of the night.That's just scenery.You can't see any suc h thing.You can't see any such thing.Interesting...You can't see any such thing.You'd just burn your tongue.You can't see any such thing.You can't see any such thing.Interesting...You can't see any such thing.Interesting...You can't see any such thing.There is nothing new under the sun.You can't see any such thing.You can't see any such thing.Interesting...You can't see any such thing.groundThere is nothing special about the ground.You can't see any such thing.At a swift glance, there is nothing special about the ground here.That's just scenery.You can't do that."Look before you leap!", you remember one of the phrases you have learned during your apprenticeship years. Looking at the ground more closely, you do spot a long pole which is half buried in the sand here! Someone has probably used it to jump over the chasm.You find nothing of interest.You find nothing of interest.roomYou can't see any such thing.You can't do that.You can't see any such thing.You can't do that.You can't see any such thing.You can't do that.You can't see any such thing.You can't do that.You can't see any such thing.houseYou'll have to examine one room at a time.You can't see any such thing.You are inside the house already.You can't see any such thing.moonThe moon is only a crescent but somehow it still manages to cast enough light for you to see a bit better around.You can't see any such thing.Can't reach.You can't see any such thing.Can't reach.You can't see any such thing.Can't reach.You can't see any such thing.Can't reach.You can't see any such thing.backpackIt is your trusted and faithful backpack that has accompanied you on many a journey.Opening the backpack reveals the remnants of the provisions you took with you from the castle. There are a couple of sandwiches, a small bottle of juice and some fruit inside.You're already carrying it!There is no reason to do that.some provisionsThere are a couple of sandwiches, a small bottle of juice and some fruit in the backpack.You don't feel particularly hungry right now.You don't feel par ticularly hungry right now.bottle of juiceYou don't feel particularly thirsty right now.You don't feel particularly thirsty right now.clothesproverbsLarumis has taught you a great many useful proverbs. The ones that you are able to recall are: $iAn apple a day keeps the doctor away. $iThere is no smoke without fire. $iThe drowning man is not troubled by rain. $iStrike while the iron is hot. $iLet sleeping dogs lie. $iAs you sow, so shall you reap. $iYou cannot tell a book by its cover. $iActions speak louder than words. $iTwo heads are better than one. $iWhen the cat is away, the mice play. $iNever look a gift horse in the mouth.$iThe grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.$iThere is a black sheep in every flock. $iLightning never strikes twice in the same place. $iHomo homini lupus. $iRepetitio est mater studiorum. $pYou are sure you know a couple of other ones as well, but you can't bring yourself to think about them right now.ironotherfencegolden eggIt is a gold-coloured egg, miraculously intact after its fall.$iYou feel you should try and return the egg to the nest. Besides the bird it belongs to, also the gardener - or whoever is in charge of the garden - might appreciate your gesture.$iYou cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs - an old saying comes to your mind and you sneer at yourself dismissing it soon after. Larumis's teachings seem to have sunk into you well - his eternal belief in the power of proverbs. It feels strange to think that they were once commonly known among all people; their power forgotten, they are now in the knowledge of few, passed on from sorcerer to apprentice. Larumis has taught you a whole lot of them but as you well remember him saying: "Use them sparingly, for they come to your help most powerfully only when you really need them!", you haven't had much practice in using them, for nothing exciting or dangerous ever seems to happen in Larumis's isolated castle.That would be rude.In spite of its beauty the egg doesn't appear particularly appetizing.That wou ld be rude.That would be rude.That wouldn't accomplish anything.nestThe nest is very high up a tree the branches of which reach over to this side of the wall.You can't reach the nest from here.iron gateIt's a sturdy iron gate. Through the bars you see a well-attended garden.The gate must be locked from the inside since you cannot seem to get it open.Nothing happens.Nothing happens.The gate proves to be unsuitable for climbing.The garden is lush with exotic trees, bushes and flowers, and the grass isveryunsuallystrikinglygreen. You hear birds singing strange and enchanting songs. Further away in the premises there seems to be a white castle, but it is so far away that you can't distinguish it in any greater detail.roadThe road is long and winding, and somewhere far ahead is your dear home.$iLetting your gaze wander up and about the wall following the roadside you see some high branches of a tree growing in the garden reach over to this side of the wall, and suddenly you notice that a golden egg has fallen ont o the road from a nest in the branches!$iThere is a golden egg lying by the roadside.gardenThe garden is lush with exotic trees, bushes and flowers, and the grass isveryunsuallystrikinglygreen. You hear birds singing strange and enchanting songs. Further away in the premises there seems to be a white castle, but it is so far away that you can't distinguish it in any greater detail.$iLetting your gaze wander up and about admiring the garden you see some high branches of a tree reach over to this side of the wall, and suddenly you notice that a golden egg has fallen onto the road from a nest in the branches!The gate blocks your path.treesThe trees here are of unknown species to you.You can't reach the $o from here.You can't reach the $o from here.bushesThe $o here are of unknown species to you.You can't reach them from here.white distant castleYou cannot distinguish the castle in any greater detail from this distance. You gather that it must belong to one of the kings in the numerous small kingdoms that the ro ad passes through - you don't even know them all.It's too far away!It's too far away!nestThe nest is very high up the tree and you'd have to climb into the tree to reach it.You can't reach the nest from here.Trying that would be risky.That wouldn't accomplish anything.Trying that would be risky.That wouldn't accomplish anything.You can't do that.It's too far away!It's too far away!birdsYou can't see any of the birds, just hear their singing.You can't see any of the birds, just hear their singing.They're too far away!They're too far away!treesThere are many different kinds of trees here but you don't recognise any of them. The tree with the nest in it stands solemnly near the stone wall.It turns out that all of the trees here are unsuitable for climbing. You'll have to find some other way to return the egg to the nest.sturdy wooden doorThe surface of the door is smooth - there is no window or hatch in it, nor can you see any locking mechanism. The words "This door protected by magic" written on its wooden sur face can barely be distinguished in the faint light of the cave.The door refuses to co-operate."This door protected by magic."Your attempts at burning the door with the little torch prove to be unsuccessful.You haven't got anything to burn the door with!writing"This door protected by magic.""This door protected by magic."torchStanding on your toes you manage to unattach the torch from its little holder in the wall.The torch is already lit.diaryThe cover of the diary is beautiful and ornamented.You cannot open the book as it is equipped by a small lock to keep unwanted eyes away from its contents.The contents themselves seem rather uninteresting except for a text on one of the pages saying in big letters "Magic word: GHOTI".You open the diary.Amidst pages of unclear and uninteresting handwriting you find on one page the text "Magic word: GHOTI" written with big letters.The diary is locked.You open the diary.The diary is locked.The diary is open already.You can't unlock that!The diary is already unlocked.You d on't know how.The diary is already locked.coverThe cover of the diary is beautiful and ornamented.small lockIt's a small lock only but effective enough to keep the diary's contents secret for you.The diary is now unlocked.The lock proves rather strong despite its small size.Your attempts at breaking the lock are not successful.cellYou drop the diary and exit the cell. The fire in the small torch is extinguished even by the faint current of air here, and you throw the now useless torch on the cell floor behind you.You can't do that.huge compass roseIt is an ornamented compass rose decorated with images of mural plants, monsters, flames, and weapons. All of the eight arrows pointing to the different directions are painted red except for the one pointing to the south which has been painted green.huge heavy round stoneThe round rock is very heavy-looking and reaches you up to the waist.Apart from some moss growing at the base of the boulder you find nothing of interest.Some moss is growing at the base of the bou lder.The rock doesn't budge.You can't roll the huge boulder with your bare arms.That wouldn't accomplish anything.mossholeThe huge rock is in the way.The dislocated boulder has revealed a low, dark passageway in the southwestern wall of the large cave.You see nothing from here.The huge rock is in the way.cracksmokeSmall puffs of smoke are coming out of a crack in the floor.Nothing happens. If you want to light up the torch, you should hold it in a fire.That wouldn't accomplish anything.fireThere is a pillar of fire burning in the crack where there was only smoke before!You hold the unlit torch in the pillar of fire, and soon enough the torch is lit!The torch is already lit.That wouldn't accomplish anything.That wouldn't be prudent.toolsYou can see a couple of broken sledgehammers and a distorted iron bar lying on the floor. It seems like somebody deliberately damaged the tools to make it impossible to use them.Please be more specific.You don't have the means nor the expertise.$iThere is a flaming torch lying on the ground here.$iThere is a flaming torch lying on the ground here.$iThere is an unlit torch lying on the ground here.unlit torchflaming torchThe torches here are unused and the handles are rather long. It would probably be handy to have one of them to help you with your escape as you can't tell to what extent you'll have to find your way out of here in darkness, so you grab one of them.You are carrying an unlit torch.You are carrying a flaming torch.Dropped.That wouldn't be prudent.You pick up one of the unlit torches.Taken.You hold the unlit torch in the pillar of fire, and soon enough the torch is lit!You can't do that presently.The torch is already lit.You can't do that of ironYou can see a couple of broken sledgehammers and a distorted iron bar lying on the floor. It seems like somebody deliberately damaged the tools to make it impossible to use them.You wouldn't have any use of the damaged tools.Forget about the tools.That wouldn't be of any use.You haven't got anything to burn the iron w ith!That wouldn't be of any use.You haven't got anything to heat the iron with!You don't have the means nor the expertise.chainThe chain has been fastened onto the wall.That wouldn't be particularly wise.You can't do that, and even if you could, it wouldn't be particularly wise.You can't do that, and even if you could, it wouldn't be particularly wise.eyesThe pair of gleaming eyes look threatening and hungry.That wouldn't be prudent.$iYou see a round yellow crystal on top of the left pillar.$iYou see a round yellow crystal here.yellow crystalIt is a round crystal, glowing a yellowish light.The round crystal is shining a bright yellow light.You put the yellow crystal into the round dent. It fits perfectly and starts to shine more brightly than before!You can't do that.You cannot reach the round crystal.You put the yellow crystal into the round dent. It fits perfectly and starts to shine more brightly than before!You put the yellow crystal into the round dent. It fits perfectly and starts to shine more brightl y than before!You can't do that.You cannot reach the round crystal.You've got that already!Taken.You cannot reach the round crystal. However, now that the big cat is out of the way, you might experiment with a spell.It is fine where it is.depressionThere is a round yellow crystal lying on the shelf!The shelf is empty.large dark holeThe hole is large and dark.There's a panther there.No.$iYou see a blue square crystal on top of the right pillar.$iYou see a blue square crystal crystalIt is a square crystal, glowing a faint blue light.The square crystal is shining a bright blue light.You put the blue crystal into the square dent. It fits perfectly and starts to shine more brightly than before!You can't do that.You put the blue crystal into the square dent. It fits perfectly and starts to shine more brightly than before!You can't do that.Taken.It is fine where it is.short black thick pillarsThe two pillars are black in colour and about one meter tall. Both are featureless except for a large dent on the flat round top of each.large dentsBoth dents are regular and probably some kind of receptacles. The dent on the left pillar is round and the dent on the right pillar is square.left dentThe dent on top of the left pillar is round.right dentThe dent on top of the right pillar is square.elevatorThe elevator is very simple-looking, having in fact just the floor and a crude wooden framework on three sides. It has no door and can be freely entered.You enter the elevator.You don't want to go back to the elevator; all you wish to do now is to escape and head for home as fast as possible.You are standing in the elevator already!You exit the elevator.But you are not in the elevator!small green buttonYou push the green button. The elevator trembles a bit and soon starts ascending, with an ominous creak now and then putting your nerves on edge. However, after some time the elevator reaches an upper level and comes to a halt. You exit as soon as you can.Nothing happens. It seems like the elevator lacks operating all round golden sun plaqueFastened into the cliff wall above the tunnel mouth is a round golden plaque depicting the sun and ornamented with a couple of red letters. It must an official symbol of the kingdom as you saw similar symbols in the castle where your unjust trial took place. Seeing the plaquette makes you just want to get sooner out of here.sandYou really can't tell anything much from this distance.A loose stone head, probably part of a statue, is half buried in the sand.glintYou really can't tell anything much from this distance.You really can't tell anything much from this distance.$iThere is a long pole lying in the ground here.poleIt's a long, wooden pole. Someone has probably used it to jump over the wide chasm.That wouldn't be prudent.You fling the pole at the invisible wall with all your might, but it just bounces back and ends up on the ground.That wouldn't accomplish anything.That wouldn't accomplish anything.That wouldn't be prudent.You can't do that.You decide to test if the pole would d o as a fake spear. You put it into the hand of the left warrior statue, and to your surprise it does fit!You are not carrying the pole!The statue is already holding the pole!That doesn't work.You decide to test if the pole would do as a fake spear. You put it into the hand of the left warrior statue, and to your surprise it does fit!That doesn't work.You are not carrying the pole!The statue is already holding the pole!That doesn't work.You decide to test if the pole would do as a fake spear. You put it into the hand of the left warrior statue, and to your surprise it does fit!That doesn't work.You are not carrying the pole!The statue is already holding the pole!That doesn't work.You pull the spear but nothing happens.You pull the spear but nothing happens.You pull the spear but nothing happens.You pull the spear. You hear a small click somewhere inside the statues, but nothing else happens.You pull the spear. You hear a small click somewhere inside the statues, but nothing else happens.You pull the spear. Th ere is a click, and the eyes of the warrior statues start to shine a red light! Powerful red beams are emitted from them and they hit the round golden sun plaquette above the tunnel mouth across the valley! It seems like the plaquette actually works as a kind of reflector, as the red beams of light bounce back from it as one intensified beam that shoots over your head and hits the invisible wall. There is a loud tumbling sound, the beam dies down and everything is quiet once more.You pull the spear but nothing happens.You can't do that.spearYou pull the spear but nothing happens.You pull the spear but nothing happens.You pull the spear but nothing happens.You pull the spear. You hear a small click somewhere inside the statues, but nothing else happens. Seems like the statues are still missing something essential.You pull the spear. You hear a small click somewhere inside the statues, but nothing else happens. Seems like the statues are still missing something essential.You pull the spear. There is a click, a nd the eyes of the warrior statues start to shine a red light! Powerful red beams are emitted from them and they hit the round golden sun plaquette above the tunnel mouth across the valley! It seems like the plaquette actually works as a kind of reflector, as the red beams of light bounce back from it as one intensified beam that shoots over your head and hits the invisible wall. There is a loud tumbling sound, the beam dies down and everything is quiet once more.You pull the spear but nothing happens.You can't do that.chasmThe chasm looks rather wide and deep.That would be a foolish thing to try, as the chasm is clearly too wide for your jumping abilities.$iYou dimly recall something suitable for a situation like this - something Larumis taught you that would be a good thing to do before performing a jump.Once more, you jump over the chasm with the help of the pole.You back up a bit, start running and, in the manner of the best pole vaulters, manage to swing yourself over to the other side!a statue heada st atue heada statue headtwo statue headsIt looks like the head of a warrior, complete with a helmet. The face has an intimidating look in it.They look like heads of warriors, complete with helmets. The faces have an intimidating look in them.They look like heads of warriors, complete with helmets. The faces have an intimidating look in them.Taken.$iOk, now you have one head. But, you distantly remember an old saying about two...That wouldn't accomplish anything.You don't want to let go of theheadheadsnow.You placeone of the stone headsthe stone headon the shoulders of the left statue. It fits just perfectly.The left statue already has a head!You placeone of the stone headsthe stone headon the shoulders of the right statue. It fits just perfectly.The right statue already has a head!You can't do that.You placeone of the stone headsthe stone headon the shoulders of the left statue. It fits just perfectly.The left statue already has a head!You placeone of the stone headsthe stone headon the shoulders of the right statue. It fits just perfectly.The right statue already has a head!You can't do that.You placeone of the stone headsthe stone headon the shoulders of the left statue. It fits just perfectly.The left statue already has a head!You placeone of the stone headsthe stone headon the shoulders of the right statue. It fits just perfectly.The right statue already has a head!You can't do that.You placeone of the stone headsthe stone headon the shoulders of the left statue. It fits just perfectly.The left statue already has a head!You placeone of the stone headsthe stone headon the shoulders of the right statue. It fits just perfectly.The right statue already has a head!You can't do that.narrow crackThe crack is rather narrow and about two meters long. There is no way you could enter it.You see an ancient sword in the bottom of the crack.Curiously enough,theasword is floating on the surface of the water that is now flowing down into the crack, and you could probably reach it.The crack is empty save for some water in the bottom.You see an ancient sword in the bottom of the crack.Curiously enough, a sword is floating on the surface of the water that is now flowing down into the crack, and you could probably reach it.The crack is empty save for some water in the bottom.anancient swordIt's an ancient-looking sword.It is made of some porous material, as if not intended to be an actual weapon but some kind of decoration.Curiously enough, the sword is floating on the surface of the water that is now flowing down into the crack, and you could probably reach it.You reach into the crack with one of your arms but can't quite reach the sword.Curiously enough, a sword is floating on the surface of the water that is now flowing down into the crack.Curiously enough, the sword is floating on the surface of the water that is now flowing down into the crack.You reach down into the hole and manage to pull the sword up!That wouldn't accomplish anything.Taken.You put the sword into the hand of the right warrior statue. It fits perfectly.That d oesn't work.You are not carrying the sword!The statue is already holding the sword!You put the sword into the hand of the right warrior statue. It fits perfectly.That doesn't work.You are not carrying the sword!The statue is already holding the sword!You put the sword into the hand of the right warrior statue. It fits perfectly.That doesn't work.You are not carrying the sword!The statue is already holding the sword!brookA brook babbles merrily down the cliffside. Taking a closer look, you notice that earlier the water used to flow straight into the crack (probably the crack was formed through erosion), but due to some debris now blocking the original passage, the brook has taken a different route and the water disappears underground at the cliff base.The water wouldn't taste very good.The water wouldn't taste very good.debrisSome debris has blocked the original passage of the brook.You remove the debris and the water starts flowing down along what must have been its original passage, into the narrow crack.Yo u remove the debris and the water starts flowing down along what must have been its original passage, into the narrow crack.You remove the debris and the water starts flowing down along what must have been its original passage, into the narrow crack.warrior guarding statuesMost likely the statues depict warriors. You are not completely sure as both of them are missing their heads for some reason or other - probably because they are very old, or because someone performed some vandalism on them. Anyway, the way the torsos are clad gives you enough assurance of the matter. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are likewise empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The head of theleftrightwarrior statue is in its place, but the other one is still missing. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are likewise empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The heads of the warrior statues are now in place, making them look much more majestic now. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are likewise empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Most likely the statues depict warriors. You are not completely sure as both of them are missing their heads for some reason or other - probably because they are very old, or because someone performed some vandalism on them. Anyway, the way the torsos are clad gives you enough assurance of the matter. The left statue is holding a spear. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The head of theleftrightwarrior s tatue is in its place, but the other one is still missing. The left statue is holding a spear. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are likewise empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Thanks to you, the warrior statues both have regained their heads. The left statue is holding a spear. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Most likely the statues depict warriors. You are not completely sure as both of them are missing their heads for some reason or other - probably because they are very old, or because someone performed some vandalism on them. Anyway, the way the torsos are clad gives you enough assurance of the matter. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue is holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The head of theleftrightwarrior statue is in its place, but the other one is still missing. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue is holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Thanks to you, the warrior statues both have regained their heads. The left statue is holding a spear. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Most likely the statues depict warriors. You are not completely sure as both of them are missing their heads for some reason or other - probably because they are very old, or because someone performed some vandalism on them. Anyway, the way the torsos are clad gives you enough assurance of the matter. The left statue is holding a spear and the right one is holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The head of theleftrightwarrior statue is in its place, but the other one is s till missing. The left statue is holding a spear and the right one is holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The warrior statues are standing complete now, with their heads in place and the left statue holding a spear and the right one holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.left warrior statueMost likely the statues depict warriors. You are not completely sure as both of them are missing their heads for some reason or other - probably because they are very old, or because someone performed some vandalism on them. Anyway, the way the torsos are clad gives you enough assurance of the matter. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are likewise empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The head of theleftrightwarrior statue is in its place, but the other one is still missing. T he left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are likewise empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The heads of the warrior statues are now in place, making them look much more majestic now. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are likewise empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Most likely the statues depict warriors. You are not completely sure as both of them are missing their heads for some reason or other - probably because they are very old, or because someone performed some vandalism on them. Anyway, the way the torsos are clad gives you enough assurance of the matter. The left statue is holding a spear. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are empty . There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The head of theleftrightwarrior statue is in its place, but the other one is still missing. The left statue is holding a spear. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are likewise empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Thanks to you, the warrior statues both have regained their heads. The left statue is holding a spear. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Most likely the statues depict warriors. You are not completely sure as both of them are missing their heads for some reason or other - probably because they are very old, or because someone performed some vandalism on them. Anyway, the way the torsos are clad gives you enough assurance of the matter. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue is holding a swo rd. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The head of theleftrightwarrior statue is in its place, but the other one is still missing. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue is holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Thanks to you, the warrior statues both have regained their heads. The left statue is holding a spear. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Most likely the statues depict warriors. You are not completely sure as both of them are missing their heads for some reason or other - probably because they are very old, or because someone performed some vandalism on them. Anyway, the way the torsos are clad gives you enough assurance of the matter. The left statue is holding a spear and the right one is holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The head of theleftrightwarrior statue is in its place, but the other one is still missing. The left statue is holding a spear and the right one is holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The warrior statues are standing complete now, with their heads in place and the left statue holding a spear and the right one holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.small plaqueThere is a small poem written on the plaque. You eye through it quickly: $n$iWhen you pull the spear I'm holding $ithe exit starts for thee unfolding $ibut hark! my friend must his sword possess $ifor unarmed we never let anyone pass.There is a small poem written on the plaque. You eye through it quickly: $n$iWhen you pull the spear I'm holding $ithe exit starts for thee unfolding $ibut hark! my friend' must his sword possess $ifor unarmed we never let anyone pass.right warrior statueMost likely the statues depict warriors. You are not completely sure as both of them are missing their heads for some reason or other - probably because they are very old, or because someone performed some vandalism on them. Anyway, the way the torsos are clad gives you enough assurance of the matter. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are likewise empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The head of theleftrightwarrior statue is in its place, but the other one is still missing. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are likewise empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The heads of the warrior statues are now in place, making them look much more majestic now. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the s pear is missing. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are likewise empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Most likely the statues depict warriors. You are not completely sure as both of them are missing their heads for some reason or other - probably because they are very old, or because someone performed some vandalism on them. Anyway, the way the torsos are clad gives you enough assurance of the matter. The left statue is holding a spear. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The head of theleftrightwarrior statue is in its place, but the other one is still missing. The left statue is holding a spear. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are likewise empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Thanks to you, the warrior statues both have regained their heads. The left statue is holding a spear. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Most likely the statues depict warriors. You are not completely sure as both of them are missing their heads for some reason or other - probably because they are very old, or because someone performed some vandalism on them. Anyway, the way the torsos are clad gives you enough assurance of the matter. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue is holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The head of theleftrightwarrior statue is in its place, but the other one is still missing. The left statue holds its arm in a gesture that looks like it has been holding a spear, but the spear is missing. The right statue is holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Thanks to you, the warrior statues both have regained their heads. The left statue is holding a spear. The right statue has probably been holding a sword, but its hands are empty. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Most likely the statues depict warriors. You are not completely sure as both of them are missing their heads for some reason or other - probably because they are very old, or because someone performed some vandalism on them. Anyway, the way the torsos are clad gives you enough assurance of the matter. The left statue is holding a spear and the right one is holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The head of theleftrightwarrior statue is in its place, but the other one is still missing. The left statue is holding a spear and the right one is holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.The warrior statues are standing complete now, with their heads in place and the left statue holding a spear and the right one holding a sword. There is a small plaque in the pedestal of the left statue.Nowh ereOutside The GardenA long, tall stone wall follows the eastern side of the road. A beautiful garden can be glimpsed through the bars of an iron gate. Everything is quiet in the hot afternoon save the chirping of birds that you can hear coming from the garden. The road goes on to the north, back towards Larumis's castle, and to the south, towards your home.$iThere is a golden egg lying by the roadside.The gate blocks your path.You do not wish to return to Larumis's castle now that you have managed to get a vacation after two years' service there. You will be returning to the castle soon enough anyway.You ponder for a moment whether to resume your journey or to linger here for a tad longer. It does feel good to rest your feet for a while.You hesitate for a moment. You really feel you should try to return the egg before you go on with your journey.Deciding that it is better to leave things be and not interfere with matters that don't belong to you, youdrop the egg,decide to forget about the garden and head fo r home. $iAfter all, better safe than sorry.$pIn The GardenThe garden is lush with trees, bushes and flowers unknown to you. You hear birds singing strange and enchanting songs. Further away in the estate there seems to be a white castle, but it is so far away that you can't distinguish it in any greater detail.In A Dark CaveThe cell you have been thrown into is extremely dull and bare.Faint illumination is provided by a little torch a bit higher up the wall and the pale, flickering light dances restlessly on the uneven walls.The little torchyou are holdinglying on the ground hereis not doing a very good job trying to illuminate a cell of even this size with its pitiful, flickering light.The only notable feature here is a sturdy wooden door that blocks the only exit.$iA small diary lies in one of the dark corners.The door blocks your way.You drop the diary and exit the cell. The fire in the small torch is extinguished even by the faint current of air here, and you throw the now useless torch on the cell floo r behind you.In The Large CaveYou are in a very large cave with the ceiling quite high up. It is light enough for you to see around, even if you cannot tell where the illumination exactly comes from. A huge compass rose has been painted onto the floor.A huge pillar of fire rises blazing from a narrow crack in the cave floor.Small puffs of smoke emerge through a narrow crack in the cave floor now and then, making you deduce that there must be volcanic action going on somewhere below.Through an open wooden door to the northwest you can see the dark cave which held you prisoner just a while ago.There is a closed wooden door to the northwest leading to the dark cave which held you prisoner just a while ago.An open doorway to the east allows a glimpse of what seems an old storage, a passageway to the southeast leads into the darkness, and there is a very narrow opening in the southern wall.Beside the narrow opening, to the southwest, a heavy boulder rests against the cliff. It seems to block a small hole in the w all.In the southwestern wall, a small hole has been revealed by the relocated boulder.Now that you have managed to escape from the cell you don't wish to have anything to do with it again.You enter the dark passageway. After stumbling along in the corridor for a short time you find that it widens into a bigger room.The panther is looking at you from the little hole in the wall but doesn't have the courage to attack you as you are carrying the flaming torch in your hand.You manage to squeeze through the opening. A narrow corridor slopes gently upwards and soon you find yourself...The boulder blocks your way.You crawl through the small opening.In An Abandoned Storage RoomYou are in a small room which you label as an old storage, as the only thing you can see here are are some discarded tools and unused torches lying about on the floor.In The Round CaveThis cave is round and featureless except for a large hole in northern wall. A small depression has been carved high into the wall, forming a kind of a shelf. In the depression there is something that you first mistake for a piece of cheese but soon afterwards you realise that it is a round yellow crystal! The exit is back to the northwest.This cave is round and featureless except for a large hole in northern wall. A small depression has been carved high into the wall, forming a kind of a shelf.In the depression there is a round yellow crystal!The exit is back to the northwest.No.In The Tiny CaveThis is an utterly small cave with the ceiling very low. There are no distinguishing features to speak of.$iThere is a beautiful blue square crystal lying on the ground here!You crawl back through the opening.At The ElevatorA narrow corridor from the north has widened into a bit larger room dominated by a crude elevator in the middle. On both sides of the elevator stand black, round pillars.In The ElevatorYou are standing inside the crude elevator. The only thing there is to see here is a small green button set in the wooden framework.You exit the elevator.You exit the eleva tor.Push the button to move up or down.You exit the elevator.But you are not in the elevator!In The Narrow TunnelYou are in a narrow tunnel that ends to the elevator shaft to your south. The mouth of the tunnel is about fifty meters to the north, revealing a nightsky with shining stars.You don't want to go back to the elevator; all you wish to do now is to escape and head for home as fast as possible.At The Mouth Of The TunnelThe tunnel opens to show a very small valley which extends a few hundred meters to the north, east and west. The cliff walls surrounding the valley are very steep, however, and the only way out would seem to be further north where the valley narrows into a pass. Just at the entrance to the pass you distinguish a peculiar structure, but you would have to get closer to be able to tell what it is. To the south you see the tunnel disappear into darkness, the elevator shaft no more visible from here. Above the tunnel mouth, in the cliff wall, there is a small plaque. The valley is illuminate d faintly by a crescent moon shining in the clear nightsky.You wander off to the western part of the small valley.At The Wide ChasmYou are standing at the eastern brink of a wide chasm that separates the westernmost nook of the valley from the rest. The tunnel mouth is to the southeast, and the valley narrows into a pass to the northeast.The ground beyond the chasm seems rather uninteresting, but a faint glint in the sand catches your eye.You see nothing of interest beyond the chasm.The chasm blocks your path.You back up a bit, start running and, in the manner of the best pole vaulters, manage to swing yourself over to the other side!Once more, you jump over the chasm with the help of the pole.Beyond The ChasmYou are standing at the westernmost point of the valley, isolated by a wide chasm in the ground.$iA loose stone head, probably part of a statue, is half buried in the sand here!Once more, you jump over the chasm with the help of the pole.The chasm blocks your path.At A Small BrookYou are in the eastern part of the small valley. The only thing worth noticing here is a small brook babbling down the cliff wall nearby, the water providing a merry, comforting sound against the otherwise quiet scene.You see also a narrow crack in the ground here.The water of the brook flows down into a crack in the ground here.The tunnel mouth is to the southwest, and the valley narrows into a pass to the northwest.Pass EntranceYou are standing at the entrance to a narrow pass leading north, out of the small valley. Two statues,probablydepicting warriors and about twice your size, stand to your left and right as if guarding the way out. The valley spreads in every direction but to the north, and the tunnel mouth is further south.Heading north, you start walking past the statues. Your progress is immediately halted, however, when you hit your head against an unseen barrier. It seems like your escape is obstructed by yet another magic, an invisible wall.Even if invisible, that's a wall there alright.You walk past the statues with no problems and leave the valley. After walking some time forward, the pass narrows into a very tight and dark passage with many foreboding nooks and holes that you don't want to give any thought to.In A Dark PassThe pass has become very narrow at this point, and consequently it's rather dark here. You can go north and south.Even if the passage to the north doesn't look too inviting, you have even less desire to go back south - all you want is to find a way out of here.As you are about to continue to the north, a new problem faces you.The dogs won't let you pass.Carefully you step over the sleeping dogs and proceed north.At The Guards' HutThe pass widens into an open meadowland. A guards' hut is near the pass entrance - through a lit window you see many guards sitting by a table and playing cards.No, not that way.You try to run as fast as you can, but the guards are faster.You can't go that way.You take a few cautious steps onwards.MeYou notice nothing unusual about yourself.You ask yourself whether that wou ld be a wise thing to do.You can't do that.You can't tell yourself anything that you don't already know.You can't tell yourself anything that you don't already know.That would not accomplish anything.You can't do that.Following yourself wouldn't be very productive.You can't insert yourself anywhere.You can't insert yourself anywhere.You can't do that.You can't do that.Larumis$iA pair of gleaming, yellow eyes follow your moves from the hole in the northern wall.$iThe pair of gleaming, yellow eyes follow your moves from the hole in the northern wall.$iA black panther charges out of the hole roaring fiercely and making a leap at you! It almost reaches you with its paws and nasty-looking nails, but a chain that it has been attached to draws it back at the last moment. Frightened, you run back to the large cave along the dark passageway!$iA black panther charges out of the hole roaring fiercely and making a leap at you! It almost reaches you with its paws and nasty-looking nails, but a chain that it has been atta ched to draws it back at the last moment. Frightened, you run back to the large cave along the dark passageway!$iThe black panther charges out of the hole in the wall roaring fiercely! It almost reaches you with its paws and nasty-looking nails, but a chain that it has been attached to draws it back at the last moment. Frightened, you run back to the large cave along the dark passageway!$iA panther keeps eyeing you from the hole!$iThe panther keeps eyeing you from the hole.$iThe panther makes a move with its paw at you but doesn't have the courage to attack you.$iThe panther lets out a mighty roar in frustration.$iThe panther keeps looking at the flaming torch from its hole.PantherThe gleaming eyes of the creature look rather malevolent.It's a huge black panther, fastened into a chain.That wouldn't be prudent.That wouldn't be prudent.Mice$iSome fierce-looking dogs appear from behind and from the front, surrounding you everywhere and growling angrily! You don't have a chance to proceed in any direction.$iThe dogs approach you, flashing their sharp teeth! You try to recall feverishly any spell that would calm those dogs down.$iA couple of dogs come very close and take a nip at you, and you stumble a bit, recovering your balance after a short while! $iPreferably you would need a spell that not only calms them down but puts them to sleep.$iThe dogs attack and bite you! They sink their teeth to your flesh, and you can only fall to the ground and watch them finish what little is left of your life. $p$t*** You have died *** $pResurrecting...DogsThese are some fierce-looking dogs. They seem rather hungry, too. You wouldn't like to end up in their teeth.$iA couple of the guards open the door to get some fresh air. Fortunately they can't notice you as they are facing another direction.$iThere is a loud yell as one of the guards spots you and alerts the other ones. Soon enough, there are several of them running in your direction. $i"You there, stop!", they shout.$iDespite your running abilities, the guards soon reach you and circle you. "Don't make us use these", they say showing their swords and spears. $iYou remember there might be a spell for this situation too, something about turning oneself to a beast... that would give you better odds to get clear of the guards.$iYou stare at the stupidly grinning guards all around you. $iYou are pretty certain the spell had something to do with a wolf.$iThe guards grab you and escort you back into the dark cave underground. This time one of them stays at guard on the other side of the door. Looks like you are not going to escape from here again any time soon. $p$t*** You have failed *** $p$p$pResurrecting...GuardsYou must admit the guards look dedicated to their work.The odds are against you.$iThe grass in the garden does certainly look notably green.$pAs if out of the blue, a guard appears. $i"Hello, what is going on here?", he inquires in a sharp tone. $iHe doesn't wait for your answer as he now sees the golden egg in your hand. Grabbing hold of you, he exclaims angrily: $i"How dar e you, little rascal? Things are not looking good for you, let me tell you. The king is extremely severe against trespassers to his private property, let alone thieves. But, we shall hear what he has to say about the matter himself." Having spoken, he begins to drag you towards the castle in the distance and you can but follow him. $iTo cut a long story short, the king didn't have a lot of favourable things to say about it all, and the reward for your act of goodwill is to be led blindfolded to a small cave deep in the dark dungeons 'in the remotest parts of the kingdom' (actually a couple of kilometres from the castle only, but the king just wanted to make his kingdom sound bigger than what it really is). When your blindfold is removed and the door slammed shut, it takes some time for your eyes to get accustomed to the dark.$iYou hear fierce barking behind you!$iYou take a look at the pole you're carrying. If you could only find the spear, as well... hmm.Huh?[That command or proverb is not understood. Pleas e rephrase, or try something different.][It is not clear what you mean by 'all'.][It is not clear what 'it' refers to presently.][It is not clear what 'them' refers to presently.][You can't refer to multiple objects with '$v'.]I can't guess what you want to $v.[You must supply a noun.]You must give an object after 'but'.You can only use 'but' after 'all'.That doesn't leave much to $v![It is not clear which $1 you mean.]You can't see any such thing.There is nothing interesting in that direction.You can't do that.You can't $v the $1.There is nothing here that you can $v.$n$tYou see$$, and here.Thecontains, and $$.Theis empty.You have scoredpoints out of[That word is not recognised.]...(again)Enter file name to save in.$nThe default isThat file already exists, overwrite (RETURN confirms) ? Failed.Failed.Sorry, the save file was created by a different version.Sorry, the save file did not contain a save for this adventure.Enter file name to restore from.$nThe default isAre you sure (RETURN confirms) ? Do you want to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, or QUIT?$p>> aThere's no place like home. $iTwo years of apprenticeship in the castle of Larumis the Sorcerer have been a priceless experience for you. Still, nothing can beat seeing your family and friends after the long absence and spending a well-deserved summer vacation together with them. Having left all the magical formulae, potions and wands behind and carrying only your trusted backpack, you are walking along the winding road towards your home village, whistling good-humouredly and in great anticipation of being very shortly reunited with your close ones. $iThe road traverses through regions rather unfamiliar to you. At one point, a stately stone wall follows the road to your left for several hundred yards. An iron gate in the wall reveals a sight of a well-attended garden, surrounded in a certain air of mystery, and you stop to peak through the bars with some fascination, wondering whom such a splendid estate might belong to. $iYou have happily forgotten al l about curiosity killing the cat. $p$iPUDDLES ON THE PATH $n$t$tA proverbial predicament $n$t$t$t(C) 2003 by Anssi Raisanen $n$t$t$t$tProgrammed with ALAN v2.8 $n$t$t$t$t$tVersion 1.0 $n$t$t$t$t$t$tFirst-time players should type 'help'.$p