Solution and Walkthrough for SoFar send feedback to or ================================== First some hints for the different sections, the walkthrough is at the end of this document. What to do in the different sections in the game: (hot, sticky): You have to find your way to the first shadow. Did you feel the breeze of air inside the theatre? There is another one outside the theater. Explore it and you will find a doorway behind the shrubs. Behind it you will find a cupboard, inside which rests a box. Take it. Did you examine the cupboard? Did you have a look at the shadow? Enter it and you will be in (autumn, cool, smoky). (autumn, cool, smoky): You will have to open the gate. West of the chimney you can find something, which will help you opening the hatches of the pillars. You should open the hatch on the western pillar first, because there are 3 more pods in it. Have you tried pushing the western pillar (save your game first)? Now think what you can do, to open the gate. You have to oil the wheel in the eastern pillar and push the western after it. Voila, the gate is open. Next, you will have to turn on the generator in the dome. If you die after you have been in the small chamber inside the dome, you should examine the plants. If you touch them and smell the vapor, you will be save for a few turns. Now what to do with the blocks? Try moving them. But only as close as you have to. Listen carefully! If you managed that, you can pull the western lever at the castle to gain entrance to the balcony. The shadow here leads to (bright, bitter, wind), but you need something from (warm, arid, dusty) before you enter it. (mild spring, quiet): When you are here for the first time, there is not much you can do. So search for another shadow. You will find it east from the center of the mall. You can only go east from the mall, if there is just one "guard" standing around. You will need the ceramic square. A boy will eventually drop it in the mall. The shadow will lead you to (warm, arid, dusty). If you solved (autumn, cool, smoky), (warm, arid, dusty), (bright, bitter, wind), (bitter reek) and (formless) you can have a look at the animals. You will need a saddle and a knife. The saddle can be found in the arena, north of the dusty yard. You have to get it, when three people are cleaning the arena. What to do with the animals? Did you try freeing the violet or green one (save your game first)? What if the crested one was not tied to the wall? So you now have to choose the right one to ride. The green one does not like water, so put the saddle (orange thing) on the violet creature and enter and untie it. Whee, ok, the shadow at the flagpole leads you to (dank, black). (warm, arid, dusty): You will have to get some things from the tents. You must be careful not to disturb the people. Use the flattened path as it muffles your steps. Which things to get from the man? You will need the jar and the knife. After you take the second thing from the man you have to get as quickly as possible to the shadow. Walk SE 2 times. There you are. Enter the shadow, then come back. The angry people have disappeared and you can fill your jar with water now. (bright, bitter wind): First, find something to protect you from the cold. You can wear the blanket, lying at the pole. You should not lick the pole, because you can only get your tongue off again, when you light it, and you have better uses for your light. How to come in the cave? Perhaps if you break something off the cliff you could reach it. Noticed that crack? Try to pour your water in. After the cliff has collapsed you can enter the cave. You will find a shadow leading to (bitter reek). (bitter reek): There is nothing to do here, just find the shadow on the west side, which will lead you to (formless). (formless): Pay attention to the messages, which appear when you move. You will have to go the way, where it says that you feel a faint resistance. When you get another message use undo and try a different direction. You will then come to a place where you feel an intense resistance in every direction. Wait for the shadows to form a ring and enter it. It leads you back to (bitter reek) where you now find a sphere. Notice that the sphere will change its form depending in which area you are! (dank black): You will have to use your ears here. Notice that you can "take" some sounds here, which will allow you to move in directions you could not, when you were not "holding" the sound. Note: You can also take the "low plooping" sound, although it is not listed like the other ones. You will find a place of silence which you can enter. It leads to (cramped, crawling). (cramped, crawling): You will need a light source here. Therefore examine your jar. You have something, which will make it into a light source. Right, your leftover pod. Squeeze it in the jar. Now you need something to light it. Have you examined the square? Break it. Do not light the whole oil at once! Wait a moment and you notice a trickle of oil coming out of the jar. Light this and you will have a light source. Then you have to find out how to use the pipes. You have to hit them. You will eventually find a boy here and you should have a thick pipe left when you find him. If you have not, try to hit the pipes in another order. When you find the shadow, drop the jar and the shadow will lead you to (meaningless). (meaningless): When you check your inventory you will notice that your sphere has changed into a ridged brown cube. You have to make it a regular colorless cube. When you move the cube you get information about what happens with the cube, when you move in certain directions. Take the right way and your cube will lose its color. There you will see a ring like in (formless). You have to enter it (twice) and answer the question. That's it. Now, for the walkthrough: (hot, sticky) >stand up >w >w >w >w >s >s >feel air >s >s >w >feel air >x shrubs >n >feel air >n >w >open cupboard >x it >get box >x shadow >enter it (autumn, cool, smoky) >n >w >x vine >get pod >e >x chimney >x shadow >n >w >x pillar >squeeze pod on hatch >open hatch >z >enter pillar >u >get pods >d >out >e >e >squeeze pod on hatch >open hatch >enter pillar >u >squeeze pod on wheel >d >out >w >w >push pillar >e >n >n >nw >w >open hatch >touch plant >breathe vapor >w >move left block >g >g >g >g >e >e >ne >pull lever >s >s >s >s >s >enter shadow (mild spring, quiet) >w >sw >e >s [wait until there is only one person here] >e >enter shadow (warm, arid, dusty) >s >w >n >n >n >get knife >get jar >se >se >enter shadow (mild spring, quiet) >enter shadow (warm, arid, dusty) >s >w >fill jar >n >e >enter shadow (mild spring, quiet) >w [if the ceramic square is not here, wait a while and look for the boy, who drops it eventually] >get square >n >w >ne >e >enter shadow (autumn, cool, smoky) >n >n >n >n >w >e >enter shadow (bright, bitter wind) >s >get blanket >wear it >w >nw >s >pour water in crack >z >z >z >z >z >n >se >sw >enter rubble >w >w >remove blanket >x shadow >enter it (bitter reek) >nw >x dome >x shadow >enter it (formless) >w >n >n >n [You always have to go in the direction where >sw it says "..faint resistance..", use undo if >n you went the wrong way] >sw >n >sw >n >sw >n >sw >n >w >n [You will then come to a place, where you cannot move in any direction:] >z >z >z >x ring >enter it >x shadow >enter it (bitter reek) >get sphere >se >enter shadow (bright, bitter wind) [notice that your sphere has transformed into a plaque] >e >e >e >ne >e >n >enter shadow (autumn, cool, smoky) [notice that your plaque has transformed into a book] >w >s >s >s >s >s >enter shadow (mild spring, quiet) [notice that your book has transformed into a casket] >w >sw [wait until three people appear and open the northern gate] >n >get orange >s >cut tether with knife >s >put orange on violet >enter violet >untie it >z >z >z >z >x flagpole >x shadow >enter it (dank black) [notice that your casket has transformed into a mass] >s >sw >get thudding >ne >n >w [when you hear the chord use "sing to box"] >n >drop thudding >get low plooping >s >get thudding >ne >e >s >se >x silence >enter it (cramped, crawling) [notice that your mass has transformed into a block of wood] >get all >hit thick >get all >hit thin >hit thin >hit thin >get all >squeeze pod in jar >z >z >z >break square >light trickle >hit thick >get all >hit thick >hit thick >hit thick >get thick >z >ask boy for pipe >get thick >hit it >x shadow >drop jar >enter shadow (meaningless) [notice that your block of wood has transformed into a ridged brown cube] >move brown cube >move it [it says you what the cube looks like in different directions, you have to choose the one, where it looks more regular/smoother/paler/fainter] >walk in right direction >move brown cube [repeat until your cube switches his color to tan] >move tan cube >walk in direction where the cube becomes paler [the color of the cube should have faded now] >x ring >enter it >enter it >no