This here is the solution to Acid Whiplash (acid.z5), by Rybread Celsius and Cody Sandifer. The zcode game file can be found on in /if-archive/games/competition98/inform/acid. If you haven't already done so, you should probably try Liquid (games/competition96/liquid/liquid.z5), Rippled Flesh (games/competition96/ripflesh/ripflesh.z5), and Symetry (games/competition97/inform/reflect/reflect.z5) before giving acid.z5 a shot. Trust me on this one -- it's worth it. Anyway, here goes: get scroll. read it. w. push button. w. u. open tip. i. open book. z.z.z.z.z. punkrock. s. x hat. x designs. x crucifix. pull thread. in. drop thread. break law. drink puddle. z. (12 times) w.w.w.w.n.w.n.w. z. (15 times) e.e.e.u.u.u.w.w. open book. That's it. Don't forget to hit AMUSING for a list of pleasurable treats.