From: (David Horowitz) Newsgroups: Subject: Dungeon 3.1 Walkthrough. Date: 23 Sep 1994 16:45:20 -0400 This version has been updated for version 3.1 of Dungeon. Welcome to Dungeon. There are many variables in this game that are difficult to account for in a walkthrough. Your best defense against an unwelcome surprise is to save the game often. I suggest you save at the end of each paragraph. Unfortunately, each time you save your game it destroys the previous save file. If you run into the thief just move away from him. If he steals your treasures, don't worry, you'll get them back. Okay, here we go. . . You are at the west of a boarded up white house. Go south, and then east to the back of the house. Open the window. Go east into the forest. Move the pile of leaves. This reveals a locked grate. Leaving the grate alone, or opening it will make no difference in the game. Go west, here you will find a tree with a low branch. Climb the tree, and take the egg from the nest. Climb down and go East, South, North, and East. You have returned to the back of the house. Enter the house. You are in a kitchen. On the table is a bottle and a sack. Just take the bottle, and go west to the living room. Take the sword and the lamp. Move the rug, and open the trap door. Turn on your lamp, and go down into the dungeon. You are in a cellar, and it looks like there is no way to go back. Go east to the troll room. Oh no, a nasty troll! Kill troll with sword. If the troll does not die with the first blow, do it again. There is a chance that the troll may kill you. If he does kill you, restore your game and try again. Once you have disposed of the troll drop the sword and go north and then east to the Round Room. This is one of the more annoying places in the game. The room is a turning. The first thing we need to do is stop it! Until we do stop it from spinning any direction you enter will send you to a random place. Your goal is to find the Engravings Cave. Here are a set of directions to return you to the Round Room. If you see a treasure along the way, just leave it we will come back later to retrieve it. (Assuming the thief does not steal it. And if he does, you'll still get it back later.) Keep trying different directions until you enter the Engravings Cave. (1) Deep Canyon --> South (2) Grail Room --> West (3) North-South Passage --> Northeast, Up, East, South, South (4) East-West Passage --> East (5) Winding Passage --> East, North, North, West (6) Maze --> West, North, East Okay, you've made it. Go southeast to the riddle room. Answer "Well", and the passage to the east will open. Go East, take the pearls, and continue east. Board the bucket. Say it just that way. Open the bottle, pour the water. Well done. You are now at the top of the well. Disembark the bucket. Again, say it just that way. Go east to the tea room. Leave the cakes for now, and go northwest. Tell robot "East". Go East. Tell robot "push triangular button". You hear a dull thump in the distance, and you have just stopped the round room from spinning. Tell robot "south". Go south. Take the sphere. Tell robot "lift cage". Take the sphere. Go north and west. Now you compass spins wildly. You need to keep trying to get back to the tea room. Try and go Southeast, if you end up in the Machine room go West and try another direction until you get to the tea room. Take all of the cakes. Eat the eatme cake. Go East. Throw the red cake. take the tin of spices. Go West. Eat the blue cake. Drop the orange cake. Go West. Board the bucket. Fill bottle with water. Close the bottle. Disembark. Go west, west, down, and north. You are back in the now stable round room. Open the box. Take the violin. Now it is time to stop another nuisance. Every time you enter the Dungeon someone (probably the thief) shuts the trap door and locks you in. This will continue until you find a way out of the Dungeon (other than the fireplace.) So off we go . . . West, West, South, South, East and Up. Take the coins. Do not touch the rusty knife or the skeleton. Go Southwest, east, south, and Northeast. A giant Cyclops blocks the way. The easiest way past him is the speak the name of his nemesis. Say "Odysseus". Go north then east and you will be back in the living room. Open the case. Put treasures in case. Take the egg. If you still have the egg you need to give it to the thief so he can open it for you. If he has already stolen it skip to the next paragraph. Go west, south, and up. Give the egg to the thief. Waste no time and get out of there. Go Down, North, and East. If you get killed, you can restore the game and try again. Okay, we have one last nuisance to get rid of, namely the thief. You can not kill the thief until you have at least 200 points, and more is better. So, now we will go off and get as many treasures as we can. Open the trap door and go down. Go back to the round room (East, north, and East). Go east to the Grail room. Take the Grail. Go west. Go Northeast twice. You are in a strange cavernous room. Say "echo". Okay, now you can take the bar. Off to the dam now. Go Up, and East. We need to open the sluice gates, so go north. Take the matchbook. Read the Matchbook. Interesting! A free brochure. Send for free brochure. Go north. Take the screwdriver, and the wrench. Push the yellow button. This have activated the control panel for the dam. Go south twice. Turn the bolt with the wrench. Drop the wrench. Go south twice. Go southeast and east. A giant mirror is here. Touch the mirror. The ground shakes. You have been transported to another mirror room, identical to the first. Go east and down. Take the trident. Go southeast and take the pump. Go north, up, north, west twice, and down the slide. Your back in the cellar, go up to the living room. Put the treasures in the case. Drop the pump and screwdriver. Go back down into the cellar. Go south twice. Take the painting. Go west. Here we are at the bank of Zork! And we intend to rob it. Go northeast, east and south to the Chairman's Office. Get the portrait and go back north. Drop all, and take the lamp. Walk through the north wall. You've been transported to a seemingly exitless room! But don't panic, just walk through the south wall, presto! You're back at the Safety Deposity again. Walk through the north wall once again, and you have found the vault! Lying neatly is a pile of 200 Zorkmid bills. Take the bills and enter the north wall. Now drop the bills and go west. If you try to leave the Depository carrying the bills or the paintings, an alarm sounds and an invisible barrier blocks your leaving! Go back west to the bank vault, take all, enter the curtain of light then go south. This time, when you exit the room, you find yourself back at the bank's main entrance. Go south twice. Go north, west, and up to the living room. Put treasures in the case. Take the bottle. You should have just the lamp, matches and bottle with you now. Go down, east, north, and east. Go east, and up. Take the Bell. Go east again. Take the book and the candles. Go west twice, east, south and down. Now lets get rid of those evil spirits. Open the bottle. Ring the bell. Ouch! Pour the water in the bell. Take the bell. Take the candles. Light a match. Light the candles with the match. Read the book. Go east twice, and west twice. This is just to get the points. Go up, and west. Touch the mirror. Go east, down, southeast, and south. Take the trunk. Go north twice, up, north, west twice, and down the slide. Go up to the living room. Put the trunk in the case. Drop all, and take the lamp. Save. Here we go. First off check you score. Your rank must be at Adventurer. Next, check your condition with diagnose. You should be perfectly healthy. If not read ahead to get more treasures. Then when your score is high enough, and your health is good you will be off to kill the thief. Go east, and up. Take the knife. Go back down to the kitchen, west twice, south and up. Kill the thief with the knife. Keep up the fight until one of you is dead. If you die, restore and try again. If the thief dies, take all the treasures. Go down, north and east. Put the treasures in the case. Okay, your lamp will not last long enough for you to finish the game, so we need another light source. To do this you need the rope from the attic. Go east and up. Take the rope and the brick. Go down and west. Drop the brick. Go down. Go east, north, and down. You are at the deep ravine. Go west, and then east. You are at the top of the dome. Tie the rope to the rail and climb down. Take the torch, and turn off the lamp. Go down, east, north, and down to the deep ravine. Go down and west. Take the wire. Go north and east. Take the coffin. The coffin does not fit through any of the standard exits. So well have to use some magic (or prayer). Go up, north, and east. Now go north trice. Go up and north. You are in the northern mirror room. Touch the mirror. Go north twice. (note you could go to the temple from here and pray. This would take you to the forest.) Go west four times, and up to the living room. Put the coffin in the case. Now for a ride on the frigid river. Take the pump. Go down to the cellar. The first stop is to get the shovel in the small cave. Go east, north, east, northwest, east twice, south, east twice, take the shovel. Now off to the boat. Go Northwest, south, up, east, and down. Inflate the boat with the pump. Drop the pump. Put the stick in the boat. (If you are carrying the stick while you board or disembark the boat the boat will be punctured.) Board the boat. Launch. Go down three times. Take the buoy. Go west. Disembark. Take the shovel. Dig sand with shovel 4 times. Take the statue. Go south twice. Wave the stick. Go east twice. Take the pot of gold. Go Southeast, and up twice. Now back to the house. Go south, north, west twice, east twice, south, north, east, and in. Open the sack, and take the garlic. Go west to the living room. Open the buoy. Put the emerald in the case. Drop the buoy. Put the pot in the case. Put the statue in the case. Drop the stick and the shovel. Take the screwdriver. Now it time go mining. Down to the cellar. East, north, and east. Southeast to the winding passage, and east to the mirror room. Touch the mirror. Go west twice, and north. Here we are at the entrance to the mine. Go northwest and west. Good thing we have that garlic to keep the bat at bay. Take the figurine. Go east, south and northeast. You are in the shaft room. Put the torch and the screwdriver in the basket. Do not under any circumstances take the torch any further. Turn on your lamp and go north. Now go west and down. Pweew! Gas! Good thing you left the torch behind. Take the bracelet and go up. Now into the mine (part I). Go east, northeast, north, northeast, northwest, and down. You should be at the ladder top. Go down, northeast. Take the coal. Go south, up twice, east twice, and south. You are back at the shaft room. But the coal in the basket. Lower the basket. Now into the mine (part II). Go north, northeast, north, northeast, northwest, and down. At the ladder top again. Go down and south. Drop all. Go southwest through the narrow passage. (You can not walk through here carrying anything.) Take the coal, torch, and screwdriver. Go east to the machine room. Open the lid, put the coal in the machine, close the lid. Turn the switch with the screwdriver, and open the lid. Take the diamond. Go northwest. Put the diamond, torch, and screwdriver in the basket. Go northeast. Take all. Go north, up twice. East twice, and south. Drop the timber here (you'll need it later). Raise the basket. Take all from the basket. Turn off the lamp. Go west, south, and down the slide. Go up to the living room. Put the diamond, bracelet and figurine in the case. Drop the garlic and the screwdriver. Okay, now its time for the royal puzzle. Go West, south, and up to the thief's hide-a-way. Go east. Make sure you save here. Be very careful to follow these directions exactly. Down, push east wall, South, Southwest, Push south wall, East twice, Push south wall, North twice, East, Push south wall, Take card, Push south wall, East, Northeast, Push west wall four times, Northeast twice, North, Push east wall, Southwest, South, Southeast, Northeast, North, Push west wall, Northwest, Push south wall twice, West, Northwest twice, Push south wall, Southeast trice, Northeast, Push west wall twice, Southwest, Push north wall trice, Northwest, Up. Whew! That is the most difficult puzzle in Dungeon. Glad its over. Go West, down, north, and east to the living room. Put the card in the case. Drop all. The next puzzle is new to version 3.1 of Dungeon. It's called the Palantirs. Go east twice, south and west. Take the mat from the front of the house. Go South and east. Enter the house, and go west to the living room. Take the screwdriver and the torch. Go Down, east, north down, west, east, down, and west to the Size room. Put the mat under the door. Open the lid. Put the screwdriver in the keyhole. Take the mat. Take the key. Unlock the door with the key. Open the door. Enter the room. Take the sphere. Exit the room. Go east, down, east, north, down, west, and east to the dome room. Untie the rope. Take the rope. Go east, west, south, west twice, and up to the living room. Put treasures in the case. Drop all. Take the rope and the torch. Go down, east, north, easta, southeast, and east to the mirror room. Touch the mirror. Go west twice, north, northeast. Take the timber. Go west and south. Drop the timber. Tie the rope to the timber. Go down trice. Go east and south to the sooty room. Take the sphere. Go north, down, and up to the living room. Put treasures in case. Drop all. Take the Newspaper, brick, matches, lamp, torch, and wire. Were getting there. One last major puzzle to solve. Go back down into the cellar. Go east, north, and down twice. Go west, and north. Turn on your lamp, and throw the torch. You need to hurry from here on out, because your lamp will not last too long. Go west, take the ruby. Go west, and south. Hello Aviator! Board the basket. Open the receptacle. Put the newspaper in the receptacle. Light a match. Light the newspaper with the match. Away we go. Wait (type "wait") until you reach the small ledge. Land on the ledge. Disembark, and tie the rope to the hook (you don't want to get stuck here). Take the coin, and go south. Take the purple book. Go north and board the balloon. Untie the rope. Wait until you reach the wide ledge. Land the balloon and disembark. Tie the rope to the hook. Go south. Put the brick in the hole. Put the wire in the brick. Save. Light a match. Light the wire with the match. Now get outta there! Go north. Boooooom! Go south. Take the crown. Now get outta there! Go north. Wheew! Just in time. You still need to hustle, so board the basket, untie the rope. Close the receptacle. Now wait as you sink to the bottom. Go north, west, south, and north. Take the now burned-out torch. Go east, north trice, up, north, west, west. Untie the rope (so you can slide down the slide). Down the slide, and up to the living room. >> Turn off your lamp. << Put the ruby, torch, coin, and crown in the case. Open the purple book. Put the stamp in the case. Drop the purple book. Take the egg. Take the canary from the egg. Put the egg back in the case. Go east trice, then west. You are back by the tree where you found the egg. Wind the canary. Take the bauble. Go east, south, north, east. Now back to the front of the house. Go south and west. Take the brochure (good thing you read that matchbook). Take the stamp. Go south, east and in. Go west to the Living room. Put the bauble, canary, and the Don Woods stamp in the case. Congratulations ! You have just received all 616 points. But what this not fireworks? No trumpets with a fanfare? You still have the end-game to finish! Wait, and continue to wait until you get a message from a sinister, wraithlike figure. Save. Turn you lamp back on. With any luck you will have just enough battery power to get you though. Take the matches and candles just in case. Go down, east, north, east trice, south, down, east twice. You are back at the crypt. Open the crypt. (This can only be done once the end-game has started.) Enter the crypt. Close the crypt. Turn off your lamp and wait. You can no longer save the game from this point forward. However, you can restore to this point by incanting a magic phrase. Follow the instructions and write down you magic incantation. Now walk down the steps. Go north, drop you sword and go south. Now push the red button. Go north, take the sword, and go north again. Enter the box. Lift the short pole. Push the red panel twice. Lower the short pole. Push the mahogany panel trice. lift the short pole and push the red panel four times. Now push the pine panel and go north. Knock on the door. The Dungeon Master appears and will ask you three questions. You must answer all three questions correctly or you will not be able to finish the game. "The taking of which object offends the ghosts?" Skeleton. "From which room can one enter the robber's hideaway without passing through the Cyclops room?" Temple. (note: type 'treasure'). "What object is of use in determining the function of the iced cakes?" Flask. "What object in the dungeon is haunted?" Rusty knife. "Besides the temple, to which room is it possible to go from the alter?" Forest. "What can be done to the mirror that is useful?" Touch. "In which room is the phrase 'Hello sailor' useful?" None. "What is the absolute minimum specified value of the Zorkmid treasures, in zorkmids?" 30003. Now go north twice, east, and north twice. Set the dial to 4. Push the button. Tell master, stay. Go south. Open the door. Go in. Tell master, set dial to 6. Tell master, push button. Open the bronze door. Go south. At last the treasures of Dungeon of Zork are yours! ------------------------------------------------------------- Any questions comments, bugs, etc. can be reported to me at: