This directory contains games that can be played with
  HTML http://instead.syscall.ru/
       1 Subdirectory:
   DIR japanese
       4 items:
   BIN 6th.zip
  HTML IFDB entry
       Sixth City, by Oreolek.
   BIN promise-nomusic.zip
  HTML IFDB entry
       "A promise" (no music), by Oreolek.
   BIN promise.zip
  HTML IFDB entry
       "A promise" (with music), by Oreolek.
   BIN quantum-cat.zip
  HTML IFDB entry
       Returning the Quantum Cat, version 1.6,
       by P.Kosyh. English and Russian packed together.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
  HTML http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
  HTML http://661.org/