3 items:
   BIN advos2.zip
  HTML IFDB entry
       OS/2 2.x executable of Colossal Cave, by John W. Kennedy;
       based on Jerry D. Pohl's version giving separate values for
       treasures, survival, and score.
       C source code of this version is in games/source/advos2s.zip,
       the original DOS executable is in games/pc/adv.arc
   BIN drmwld.zip
  HTML IFDB entry
  HTML IFDB entry
  HTML IFDB entry
       The Dreamworld Trilogy 2.1 for OS/2, by Lawrence McAlpin.
   BIN gross2.zip
  HTML IFDB entry
       Gross2, a small text adventure for OS/2, by Bill Moore
       and Mark Williams.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
  HTML http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
  HTML http://661.org/