This directory contains files relating to Aaron Reed's
       2014 Interactive Fiction Spring Thing.
       12 items:
   BIN AdventuresOfAHexagon.zip
       The Adventures of a Hexagon, by Tyler Zahnke (HTML)
   BIN BearCreek.zip
  HTML IFDB entry
       Bear Creek, Part 1, by Wes Modes (Glulx)
   BIN Bibliophile.zip
  HTML IFDB entry
       The Bibliophile, by Marshal Tenner Winter (Glulx)
   BIN GameOfLifeAndDeath.zip
       A Game of Life and Death, by Kiel Farren (ChooseYourStory)
   BIN PriceOfFreedom.zip
       The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost,
       by Briar Rose (ChooseYourStory)
   BIN SpringThing2014.zip
       All of the entered games, available in one archive.
   BIN StoryOfMrP.zip
  HTML IFDB entry
       The Story of Mr. P., by Hannes Schüller (Z-code)
   BIN Surface.zip
  HTML IFDB entry
       Surface, by Geoff Moore (Twine)
   BIN ThroughTime.zip
       Through Time, by MC Book (ChooseYourStory)
   BIN WeekendAtRubys.zip
       Weekend At Ruby's, by Liam Butler and Jackson Palmer
   BIN WyldkyndProject.zip
  HTML IFDB entry
       The Wyldkynd Project, by Robert DeFord (Alan)
  TEXT readme.txt
       Information about the competition.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
  HTML http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
  HTML http://661.org/