This directory contains files relating to Aaron Reed's
       2017 Interactive Fiction Spring Thing.
       24 items:
  TEXT 2017readme.txt
       Information about the competition.
  TEXT AFlyOnTheWall-info.txt
       A Fly On The Wall, by Peregrine Wade (Ink)
   BIN AFlyOnTheWallOrAnAppositionalEye.zip
       A Fly On The Wall, or An Appositional Eye,
       by Nigel Jayne (Inform/Glulx)
  HTML BackThen.html
       Back Then, by Janelynn Camingue (Twine)
  HTML BalefiresBurning.html
       Balefires Burning, by Cassandra Wolf (Twine)
   BIN BobbyAndBonnie.gblorb
       Bobby and Bonnie, by Xavid (Inform/Glulx)
   BIN BrevityQuest.zip
       brevity quest, by chris longhurst (Twine)
   BIN BuckThePast.zip
       Buck the Past, by Andrew Schultz (Inform/Glulx)
   BIN EnlightenedMaster.z8
       Enlightened Master, by Ben Kidwell and
       Maevele Straw (Inform/Z)
   BIN GetSeenTonight.zip
       Get Seen Tonight, by Hannah Powell-Smith (Texture)
  HTML Gnoem.html
       GNOEM, by Joyce Lin & Matthew Reed (Twine)
   BIN GuttersnipeCarnivalOfRegrets.quest
       Guttersnipe: Carnival of Regrets,
       by Bitter Karella (Quest)
   BIN HappyPonyValleyRidingSchool.zip
       Happy Pony Valley Riding School,
       by Lynda Clark (Twine)
  HTML IfYoureHere.html
       If You're Here, by Serene Sherman (Twine)
   BIN Ishmael.zip
       Ishmael, by Jordan Magnuson (Twine)
   BIN LeftRight.zip
       left/right, by chandler groover (Inform/Glulx)
   BIN Niney.zblorb
       Niney, by Daniel Spitz (Inform/Z)
   BIN NotQuiteASunsetAHypertextOpera.zip
       Not Quite a Sunset - a hypertext opera,
       by Kyle Rowan (Twine)
   BIN Refugee.zip
       Refugee, by Mark C. Marino (Ink)
   BIN SpringThing2017.zip
       All of the entered games, available in one archive.
   BIN TedStrikesBack.zip
       Ted Strikes Back, by Anssi Raisanen (ALAN 3)
   BIN TheBonyKingOfNowhere.quest
       The Bony King of Nowhere, by Luke A. Jones (Quest)
  HTML TheFirstQuest.html
       The First Quest, by Matthew Mayr (with some help
       from Mike Bryant) (Twine)
   BIN TheWeightOfASoul.gblorb
       The Weight of a Soul, by Chin Kee Yong (Inform/Glulx)
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
  HTML http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
  HTML http://661.org/