This directory contains files relating to Aaron Reed's
       2019 Interactive Fiction Spring Thing.
       26 items:
  TEXT 2019readme.txt
       Information about the competition.
   BIN 69105MoreKeys.zip
       69105 More Keys, by Andrew Schultz (Inform/Z)
   BIN AShortWalkInTheSpring.zip
       A short walk in the spring, by Amorphous (Twine)
   BIN AmongTheSeasons.zip
       Among the Seasons, by Kieran Green (Twine)
   BIN Bullhockey2.zip
       Bullhockey 2: The Return of the Leather Whip, by B F Lindsay (Infor
   BIN Darkness.zip
       Darkness, by Jeff Schomay (Elm Narrative Engine)
   BIN DashiellHamlett.zip
       Dashiell Hamlett: The Blue Dane Meets the Black Bird, by Tony Piscu
   BIN DoIDate-1.0-linux.tar.bz2
       Do I Date?, by Aurora Kakizaki (Ren'Py)
   BIN DoIDate-1.0-mac.zip
       Do I Date?, by Aurora Kakizaki (Ren'Py)
   BIN DoIDate-1.0-pc.zip
       Do I Date?, by Aurora Kakizaki (Ren'Py)
   BIN Escape_Linux.zip
       Escape!, by Marnix van den Bos (XVAN)
   BIN Escape_Mac.zip
       Escape!, by Marnix van den Bos (XVAN)
   BIN Escape_Windows.zip
       Escape!, by Marnix van den Bos (XVAN)
   BIN FoundersMercy.zip
       Founder's Mercy, by Thomas Insel (Inform/Glulx)
   BIN IWillBeYourEyesAndHands.zip
       I Will Be Your Eyes And Hands, by Cam Miller (Twine)
   BIN OurDarkestThoughts.zip
       Our Darkest Thoughts, by Jesse Villa (Twine)
   BIN PorterCaveAdventure.zip
       Porter Cave Adventure, by Cam Miller (Inform/Z)
   BIN Quiet.zip
       Quiet, by Martyna "Lisza" Wasiluk (Twine)
   BIN SanFrancisco2118.zip
       San Francisco, 2118, by Leah Case (Twine)
   BIN SpringThing2019.zip
       All of the entered games, available in one archive.
   BIN TheDevilAndTheMayor.zip
       The Devil and the Mayor, by Jonathan Laury (Twine)
   BIN TheEmptyChamber.zip
       The Empty Chamber - A Celia Swift Mystery, by Tom Sykes (Inform/Glu
   BIN TheHunter.zip
       The Hunter, by MADAO (Twine)
   BIN TheMissingRing.zip
       The Missing Ring, by Felicity Drake (Twine)
   BIN WeRTheWorld.zip
       WE R THE WORLD, by Dan Hoy & Mike Kleine (Twine)
   BIN WritingProgramFive.zip
       Writing Program Five, by Dan Cox (Twine)
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
  HTML http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
  HTML http://661.org/