This directory contains files relating to Aaron Reed's
       2020 Interactive Fiction Spring Thing.
       24 items:
  TEXT 2020readme.txt
       Information about the competition.
   BIN 4x4GalaxyScreenReaderFriendly.zip
       4x4 Galaxy, by Agnieszka Trzaska (Twine)
   BIN 77Verbs.zip
       77 Verbs, by Mathbrush (Inform/Glulx)
   BIN AMurderInEngrams.zip
       A Murder In Engrams, by Noah Lemelson (Twine)
   BIN AnotherLoveStory-Linux.tar.bz2
       Another Love Story (for Linux), by Hélène Sellier (Ren'Py)
   BIN AnotherLoveStory-Mac.zip
       Another Love Story (for Mac OSX), by Hélène Sellier (Ren'Py)
   BIN AssemblageOfAngels.zip
       Assemblage of Angels, by Els White (Twine)
   BIN Braincase.zip
       Braincase, by Dan Lance (Twine)
   BIN CatchThatKitty.zip
       Catch that kitty, by Rohan (Twine)
   BIN Composites.zip
       composites, by B Minus Seven (Twine)
   BIN Gunbaby.zip
       GUNBABY, by Damon L. Wakes (Twine)
   BIN HawkTheHunter.zip
       Hawk the Hunter, by Jonathan B. Himes (Quest)
   BIN Jelly.zip
       JELLY, by Tom Lento and Chandler Groover (Twine)
   BIN Khellsphree.zip
       Khellsphree, by Ralfe Rich (Twine)
   BIN NapiersCache.zip
       Napier's Cache, by Vivienne Dunstan (Inform/Glulx)
   BIN QuestForTheHomeland.zip
       Quest for the Homeland, by Nikita Veselov (Ink)
   BIN Silences.zip
       silences, by beams (B Minus Seven) (Texture)
   BIN SoAreTheDays.zip
       So Are the Days, by Dawn Sueoka (Twine)
   BIN SpringThing2020.zip
       All of the entered games, available in one archive.
   BIN StatesOfAwareness.zip
       States of Awareness, by Kerry Taylor (Twine)
   BIN TheGameThatNeverEnds.zip
       The Game That Never Ends, by Earth Traveler (Inform/Glulx)
   BIN TheGolden.zip
       The Golden, by Kerry Taylor (Twine)
   BIN TheLandOfBreakfastAndLunch.zip
       The Land of Breakfast and Lunch, by Daniel Talsky (Inform/Glulx)
   BIN ThePronglemanJob.zip
       The Prongleman Job, by Arthur DiBianca (Inform/Glulx)
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
  HTML http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
  HTML http://661.org/