12 items:
   MAC DefinitiveInfocomIcons.sit
       37 Infocom icons for the Macintosh, by
       Christopher Drum. Miniature repoductions of the
       cover artwork of the Infocom "book" packaging
       series, redrawn from scratch.
   BIN DefinitiveInfocomIcons.zip
       36 icons from DefinitiveInfocomIcons.sit (except
       Fooblitzky which has a non-standard size) by
       Christopher Drum, converted to Windows format
       by Volker Blasius.
   BIN IconLauncher_1.0.zip
       Infocom Icon Launcher, version 1.0,
       by Matthew Twomey. A set of stub executables
       with custom Infocom icons that can be set up to
       launch an Infocom interpreter.
   BIN Infocom_256x256.zip
       256x256 icons for all Infocom releases, created
       by David Donarumo. Also includes icons for
       Cornerstone, Infocomics, and later releases such
       as Nemesis and Grand Inquisitor.
   MAC OSX_Infocom_Icons_Volume_1.sit
       A set of 34 colour icons for Mac OS X, one for
       each Infocom "grey box" release, created by
       Christopher Drum.
   BIN WinXP_Infocom_Icons_Volume_1.zip
       A set of 34 colour icons for Windows XP, one for
       each Infocom "grey box" release, created by
       Christopher Drum.
   BIN ZorkLetters.zip
       Windows icons with the Letters Z, O, R, K, the
       number 0, and a Planetfall icon.
   BIN icons256.zip
       67 256-colour Windows icons for all the Infocom
       games, by Mark Peterson. Includes one or more
       icon for each game and a utility to use them
       under Windows 95.
   BIN ificons.zip
       Windows icons for Infocom/Inform, TADS and
       Hugo, by Giulio Veneziani.
   MAC infocomicons.sit
       35 Infocom icons for the Macintosh.
   BIN masters.zip
       33 16-colour Windows icons for the Infocom
       games on the "Masterpieces of Infocom" CD,
       by David Dyte.
   BIN zicons.zip
       A set of Windows icons for game files, by
       Nicholas Daley: A compass rose with text
       "Z" - "Z8" and "TADS".
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
  HTML http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
  HTML http://661.org/