Nitfol - an Infocom interpreter by Evin Robertson,
       designed to work with the Glk system for I/O.
       9 items:
   MAC Nitfol-05.hqx
       Nitfol 0.5, by Evin Robertson. Macintosh
       executable, compiled by Andrew Plotkin.
   BIN nitfol-0.5-patches.zip
       Patches for Nitfol 0.5 to fix a crash, run V2 games,
       display accented characters correctly, remove
       unwanted flickering in XGlk-built nitfol, and fix
       undo/redo, by Simon Baldwin.
   BIN nitfol-0.5.tar.gz
       Source code for Nitfol 0.5, by Evin Robertson,
       packaged as a tarred gzipped file.
   BIN nitfol-0.5_linux.tgz
       Linux Glk executables of Nitfol 0.5 compiled with
       the patches in nitfol-0.5-patches.zip, compiled by
       Simon Baldwin.
   DOS nitfol05.exe
       Nitfol 0.5, by Evin Robertson, MS-DOS executable.
   BIN nitfol05.zip
       Source code for Nitfol 0.5, by Evin Robertson,
       packaged as a zip file.
   BIN nitfolb.zip
       MS-DOS 32-bit executables of Nitfol 0.5, built
       with GlkDOS 0.19.1 by L. Ross Raszewski.
  TEXT undo_redo.patch
       A patch to Nitfol 0.5 to cure a bug affecting
       the use of UNDO and REDO in .z8 games.
   BIN winnitfol-0_5.zip
       Nitfol 0.5, by Evin Robertson, Windows executable.
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       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
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       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
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