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                 / /__/ _ `/  ' \/ -_) __/ _ \/ _ \|/(_-<     
                 \___/\_,_/_/_/_/\__/_/  \___/_//_/ /___/__   
                  / ___/__  ___  / /  ___ ____/ /  ___  / /__ 
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                 \___/\___/ .__/_//_/\__/_/ /_//_/\___/_/\__/  
                           Online since 2020-06-27
  TEXT About Me
   DIR Phlog
  HTML Website
   DIR Anime Stuff (e-zine 1987-1994)
   DIR Anime ASCII Art Collection (1994-1995)
  TEXT My Slide Rules
   BIN Radio Stations I Listen to
       This gopherhole is graciously hosted by the SDF Public Access 
       UNIX System, est. 1987.
   DIR SDF.org
       Last updated 2024-08-31
                                   Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3