trdaisuke's text records Geek, technology enthusiast, gamer, college administrator. Finally starting a gopher hole to try to beat a mental block when writing. 2022-07-23: Work Travel and Upcoming Interview Driving a rental SUV is exhausting, and now there's apparently going to be a 5-hour Zoom interview... TEXT Continued... 2022-07-15: 4pm Firefighting on a Friday Nothing like having a dumpster fire to put out right before the weekend. TEXT Continued... 2022-07-13: I underestimated how long 500 words is I finished my "written interview" for the job I applied for, but not without a bit of panic because my initial answers were way too short. TEXT Continued... 2022-07-11: Celebrating a busy and productive weekend I've been kind of listless the past few months, but I got a good amount done this weekend and decided to write about it. TEXT Continued... 2022-07-07: Not sleeping I've always had a hard time dealing with the long days and hot weather of summer, but this year it seems particularly bad. TEXT Continued... 2022-06-25: Preferred UNIX desktop environments There was a good thread on bboard the other day about preferred desktop environments, so I thought I'd cross-post and expand on my thoughts here. TEXT Continued... 2022-06-11: You look smarter asking questions Well it's maybe time for another post, but I don't know what to write about. TEXT Continued... 2020-10-4: Frustration regarding mental block Originally written 4 October 2020. TEXT Continued... Obviously I'm just getting started here! I've got more on the web: HTML HTML Blog (mostly about games) HTML SDF Homepage ____________________________________________________________________________ Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3