_      __    __                    __
       | | /| / /__ / /______  __ _  ___  / /
       | |/ |/ / -_) / __/ _ \/  ' \/ -_)/_/
       You find yourself in Vivi's Phlog! Bask in it!
       I'm not sure how often I'll use this, or what for,
       but I'll certainly put something on it now!
       I can be contacted, of course, at vivi266@sdf.org
       Updated : 2022 Jan 25
       I also have a website at neo.b266.ca
   DIR Phlogs
  TEXT About me!
       I frequent two different BBSes:
TELNET finalzone.ddns.net
TELNET basementbbs.ddns.net:9000
       (not accessible in general-access SDF,
       though ARPA users might have telnet access).
       (Might also be a syntax issue.)
                                   Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3