Welcome to 
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       /___\___/ \___|_|  |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|   |___/
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         __ _  ___  _ __ | |__   ___ _ __  | |__   ___ | | ___
        / _` |/ _ \| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| | '_ \ / _ \| |/ _ \
       | (_| | (_) | |_) | | | |  __/ |    | | | | (_) | |  __/
        \__, |\___/| .__/|_| |_|\___|_|    |_| |_|\___/|_|\___|
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       Email:       zoerhoff@sdf.org
       Mastodon:    zoerhoff@mastodon.sdf.org
       XMPP/Jabber: zoerhoff@jabber.sdf.org
       PGP key:     04EF 8B9F F273 8016 1114  D503 B881 E56B 9BCC 747F
  HTML Surface Web
  HTML JArchive profile
       A weird mix of cycling, semiconductors/EDA, and whatever else
       comes to my mind. Buckle up.
  TEXT What the heck is EDA, anyway?
  TEXT So what do you do, exactly?
  TEXT A brief overview of automated place and route
  TEXT Books of 2024
  TEXT Books of 2023
  TEXT Books of 2022
  TEXT Books of 2021
  TEXT Books of 2020
  TEXT Books of 2019
  TEXT Books of 2018
  TEXT Books of 2017
  TEXT Books of 2016
  TEXT Books of 2015
  TEXT Books of 2014
  TEXT Cycling Equipment List
  TEXT 15 Apr 2024 : A Spring Break to Remember
  TEXT 18 Dec 2023 ; More Experiments
  TEXT 08 Oct 2023 ; On Changes That Stick, and Those That Don't
  TEXT 17 Sep 2023 ; Seasons and Change
  TEXT 20 Aug 2023 ; Climbing Del Valle again
  TEXT 13 Aug 2023 ; Del Valle Rd, after a long break
  TEXT 03 Aug 2023 ; Big Summer Catch-up: Covid and More Travel
  TEXT 06 Jul 2023 ; June Wrap Up
  TEXT 04 Jun 2023 ; Del Valle Rd, slowly improving
  TEXT 31 May 2023 ; Catch-up Post
  TEXT 29 May 2023 ; Del Valle again
  TEXT 07 May 2023 ; Arroyo Rd
  TEXT 30 Apr 2023 ; Once More into the Breach
  TEXT 28 Apr 2023 ; Weekly Wrap Up
  TEXT 23 Apr 2023 ; First ride in ages
  TEXT 22 Apr 2023 ; Irrigation Irritation
  TEXT 21 Apr 2023 ; First post on SDF Gopher
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