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Also, i’ve decided to revise this FAQ because i’ve recently come up with better strategies and i’ve also had someone help me with the scoring and i will credit him later. So i’ll update mostly scores and hints in this revisement. Once again, I am helpless without the 2p gun at school so one significant change in this revised walkthrough is that i’ll only account for multiple headshots that i know give points and i’ll comment on the score after the end of the chapter to see whether the score makes any sense. Also, I’ve made this walkthrough to help people understand the game better, from one person to another, and i don’t really care about some copyright crap but just give credit when credit is due ‘cause the information that i’ve provided in the walkthrough is pretty straight forward and i’m pretty sure that other people have found the same information on their own, the only difference between those people and myself is that i’ve used my freetime to type this up and provide it for people everywhere. That’s good enough for me. Multiple headshots... Here’s a list of zombies that i’m not certain if you get multiple headshots off of but if you want to shoot them in the head a billion times feel free. WHITE MONKEY ZOMBIES: chapter 1 TOP HAT ZOMBIES: chapter 2 METAL CLAW MONKEY ZOMBIES: chapter 3 /final chapter NEW AND IMPROVED WHITE MONKEY ZOMBIES: chapter 3 /final chapter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's just go straight to the problem... how do you score 100000 pts on House of the Dead? At first it seems impossible but after you've reached the 6 figs, one might say to themself, how could i have not gotten 6 figs before? I, myself, am not the best HotD shooter but the logic is still there. The key idea in this game is patience; in order to score high you need to kill more enemies for more points. Also, i can't stress enough on how much headshots make a difference. By aiming for their head, you not only kill the zombies faster, but you get extra points for just shooting them in the head; this will become a key factor in your point total. Another key factor (outside of the game) is the gun. The gun where i play (cal state university fullerton -$0.25 4 lives) has a loose trigger for fast shooting which i love. I've been to another arcade (Arcade World; Stonewood Mall; Downey, CA -$0.50 3 lives) and the machine and gun sucks there, you have to squat in order to shoot the lower portion of the screen and the trigger is tight making boss levels tougher. I've only managed to reach the 99000 zone on that machine. Also important is the way you hold your gun. Hold the gun in a way that you can aim well and reload effeciently; remember that anywhere outside of the screen can reload your magazine. After saying that, I've seen some people use the cheat reload method where they use their finger to cover the lens and reload, I, personally, would not rely on that as a strategy for a couple reasons but it does have it's pros and cons. Pros: Maintain gun position on screen, less effort to reload Cons: Finger coordination must be precise on each reload, same hand must be used for trigger and holding the rear of the gun, tougher to maintain accuracy because both arms are not equidistant from your body, takes more effort to move around the screen because the entire upper body is used, both arms just get tired faster Those are reasons why i rather not use that scheme. Instead, my approach for proper gun ettique is to use your aiming hand to hold the gun and the other to shoot. This way you can get a fast trigger and you can get more shots off and reload quicker. To reload i suggest you use the wrist snap; quickly snap your wrist down and shoot and when you pop back up it'll be in the same place which i think is much better than the on-screen reload scheme and since you'll know where to aim on each scene, maintaining you aim position won't be a problem after reloading. To get a feel at how fast i can shoot by using this method, i had my friend time me on how fast i can shoot 18 bullets, 1.12 secs, that's about .379 secs for one magazine. There is a scene on the 3rd chapter when to zombies come up the elevator, I can headshoot both of 'em so fast that it seems that they died at the same time (wrist snap) and it's not like they are right up against each other. On average I score around 103500 and it takes about 40-45 mins from the time I insert my token 'til I enter M on the high score list. But my lowest score on “my” machine is in the 104000 range so any score below that will not do for me. I'll go scene by scene explaining what should be done and what to anticipate. As for scoring, I wish I could give the exact scores but they took the 2nd player gun from the arcade I played at and I couldn't test whether certain headshots gave the 120 or not so my scoring might be off by a couple 1000 or so. If someone could test these for me, I'd really appreciate it. I'll mark down the headshots as I reach that point in the walkthrough. If you follow this guide scene by scene then scoring high should be a 'piece of cake' but I should advise you now that if you take a wrong path or miss a hostage then it'll be more than likely that your score will not reach the 6 fig. range but you should continue to play to get to know the muscle strain for each scene and do better next time around. Each scene will be comprised 6 parts - approximate enemy position, difficulty, number of enemies, number of headshots, notes, total score. I'll set up the screen like a 5x5 grid, an >< will represent the approximate aiming position [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] Now for the walkthrough... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Easy - 1 - 1 - shoot once in head - 200 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - shoot twice in head - 520 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Difficult - 2 - 2 - Shoot the right one then the left, Difficult because of the hostages and going for the HS - 1720 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - Left side of screen wait 'til you see a head - 1920 [][][][][] [][][][][] ><[][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - Right side of screen again wait 'til you see a head - 2120 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][]>< [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - Wait 'til they jump at you then shoot 'em in the mouth First the right one then the left one - 2520 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] >Easy - 1 - 1 - Same thing, wait 'til it jumps at you and shoot in the mouth Be cafeful not to miss or delay your shot otherwise you'll get bitten - 2720 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Hangedman appears HOLD YOUR FIRE >Easy - 2 - 3 - shoot right one once then the left one twice - 3240 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - shoot it in the air right when it jumps out of the fountain, if you miss just wait 'til it lands and aim at it's head designated by () on the aim map - 3440 [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][]()[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 0 - I'd recommend not going for the headshot so that you don't accidently shoot the hostage, just shoot its chest several times not its arms because it won’t die - 3920 +Life Up [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 5 - 0 - Five worms, the come by pairs so wait 'til they start moving at you then wait for the next group then the last one - 4320 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 3 - 3 - There are 2 zombies at the top of the screen shoot for the right one then the left, both headshots, then shoot the axe that is probably coming at you then shoot the zombie's head - 4920 []><[][]>< [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 5 - 2 - Two zombies, three frogs... go for the left zombie then the middle frog then the far zombie then either the left or right frog depeding on which one is jumping at you - 5560 [][][][][] [][]><[][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - Just shoot him twice as you go up the stairs - 5880 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 1 - try for the middle barrel, if you killed the zombie before you reached the top of the stairs a medal will be there otherwise try the other barrels, if you miss it don't worry you can try for them later go for the left one but wait 'til it runs down to the bottom of the screen and get a good look and shoot it in the head - 6280 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[][][] >Easy - 3 - 3 - right, right, left - 6880 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 2 - 2 - go for the monkey attacking the hostage then catch the other in mid-flight - 7680 [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - if you missed the medal earlier, now is the time to go for it. aim above the area where the axe hits the door then when it breaks shoot it in the head twice - 8000 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Difficult - 2 - 4 - Not sure if headshots taken in the air count but anyhow, try to hit their head in the air and you can get 2 each then just shoot them one each once they hit the ground. If you miss the headshots and they start rushing you, do your best and try for the headshot - 8400 [][][][][] [][]><><[] []><[][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - DO NOT KILL THIS ZOMBIE, I REPEAT, DO NOT KILL THIS ZOMBIE... shoot it's head once then let him knock you down - 8420 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - simple headshots - 8820 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - aim and shoot as its head pops out from the tunnel - 9020 [][][][][] [][][][][] ><[][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - two simple headshots - 9340 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 0 - aim right then left - 9500 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] >Easy - 6 - 0 - right side x3, top x1, left x2 - 9980 [][]><[][] [][][][][] ><[][][]>< [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 1 - 1 - there's a life behind the crate, once you see the zombie shoot it's right arm then if it tries to attack you with the other, shoot the other arm and it'll attack you but not hit you, use this time to get the life behind the crate to bring you back to full health and get the easy headshot - 10180 +Life Up [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><>< [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - shoot it once in the air then once when it lands - 10500 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - one shot that's all it takes just don't miss otherwise you have the risk of accidentally shooting the hostage while trying to shoot the flying axe - 10700 [][][][][] [][][]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - Just as the door opens shoot him once then shoot him again after he recovers - 11020 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - Easy enough left then right or vice versa - 11420 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - simple headshot, but it you miss it'll be havoc as another zombie appears and both throw axes - 11620 [][][][][] [][][]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - simple headshot, this scene might be combined with the previous scene if you didn't kill the zombie fast enough - 11820 [][][][][] []><[][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - Dog zombies, same routine as before wait 'til they rush you then shoot 'em in the mouth - 12220 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><><[] >Easy - 3 - 3 - Middle, left, right; right, middle, left; it doesn’t matter - 12820 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><><><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - Get it twice as you're on the move otherwise it might be too late - 13140 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - left then right - 13540 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - First encounter with the chainsaw zombie, strategy: just as he attacks with the chainsaw, shoot his right arm (the one w/ the saw) then get two easy headshots - 13860 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 1 - 1 - This one is a bit hard 'cause you have to shoot around the hostage and you have to kill the zombie before it kills the hostage... aim just above the center of the screen and you should get the headshot easily - 14460 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - wait 'til the left dog rushes you and then shoot it but make sure you know where the other one is so you don't get surprised - 14860 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><><[] >Medium - 1 - 1 - i haven't yet figured out where the monkey will jump from so try this... aim to the left side of the door and as it opens see if its there, if not quickly aim to the right side of the door, based on my experience, about 95% percent of the time it's on the right so beware - 15060 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - Aim just below the center of the screen to get one shot then get the other as it begins to attack you - 15380 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - if you're impatient then aim left towards the entrance of the left corridor and if you time it right then you can get a quick headshot otherwise just wait 'til he charges you and hit it in the head - 15580 [][][][][] [][][][][] ><[]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 3 - shoot the right zombie as it's coming out then shoot the other one twice - 16100 [][][][][] [][][]><[] []><[][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - coming from the lower left - 16300 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 1 - 1 - Wait ‘til it throws an axe then shoot the axe and give it a shot in the head - 16500 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - quick headshot while it is still holding the oil drum - 16700 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - same chainsaw zombie routine - 17020 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 3 - try to hit the barrel hidden behind the far pillar before the start of the scene, there's a medal enclosed but just worry about breaking the barrel first the zombies come from behind the left pillar, first one once, second one twice in the head - 17940 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - If you got mad 'cause the hostage didn't give you a life, don't worry, once she thanks you start shooting at her and get the 3rd barrel which contains a life shoot the chainsaw zombie in the head as it comes out then another when you get a good look but after you kill it, don’t forget about get the medal where the barrel was, if you miss don't worry there's a second chance but don't rely on that 'cause it goes by fast - 18260 +Life Up [][][][][] [][][][][] []><><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 1 - shoot left barrel, right barrel, right zombie, left zombie, even though there are two zombies, you only one zombie counts... don't know why that is but I pretty sure that this is true - 18460 [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 3 - 3 - middle, right, left - 19060 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><><>< [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - if you missed that medal aim at the () on the aiming map again i don't know if you get more points on the white monkey's but shoot both in the head while they're in the air, then shoot the barrel to the left of them to reveal the medal, then shoot the monkeys again then get the medal - 19660 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><><[][] [][][][][] ><[][]()[] >Sophie screams HOLD YOUR FIRE >Easy - 2 - 3 - the first one takes one shot and the other takes two - 20180 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >BOSS TIME - CHARIOT - Weak spot that little red part on it upper right chest I've seen so many people waste so many rounds of bullets on this guy and still not beat it, well let me just say now that you can kill it with only 13 shots, believe me, it only takes 13. first hit it on it's weak spot then wait a while 'til he recovers then again shoot, repeat this for 4 hits... then he'll start swing his scythe this time it's only 3 shots... once his armor is gone shoot him in the head twice, chest twice, then abdomen and finally his pelvic area and that's it but be sure you wait 'til he recovers after each hit otherwise the shot will not connect and it's a waste of a shot... finish him off and check on sophie - 21680 after one chapter... Hostages rescued: 7 Lives: 5 Total score: 21680 Wait a minute... it doesn’t add up ‘cause my personal best is 22400. Maybe the monkey zombies do count for multiple headshots. If that’s the case then i’ll have to add 4 more headshots 4 x 120 = 480 + 21680 = 22160 but it still doesn’t add up. 22400 - 22160 = 240. Maybe more headshots on the monkeys? I’ll just stick to 22160 then after one chapter... Hostages rescued: 7 Lives: 5 Total score: 22160 off to chapter 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Easy - 1 - 2 - First encounter with the fat oil drum zombies, if you're a quick shooter then you can shoot the barrel 4 times (i think) then get the two headshots else just shoot it twice in the face - 22480 [][][][][] [][]><[][] []><><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - simple headshot - 22680 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 1 - 2 - This one's pretty tough 'cause of the timing, my approach is to not shoot it right away when you see it 'cause the shots won't connect, wait 'til it begins its attack and get a couple of quick headshots - 23000 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >DO NOT SHOOT THE FLOOR TO BREAK OPEN THE LOWER PATH, TAKE THE DOUBLE DOORS >Difficult - 4 - 4 - A lot of important things are going to happen in the next scene. First as you go through the double doors you'll see an elevator arrow pointing up, shoot it an odd number of times (preferably once) to point it down. This will be the best chance you'll have without having to panic but if you miss or mess up you'll have a second chance at it but you'll have to remember what to do. You'll then look left and there'll be four zombies, do your best to get the headshots - 23800 [][][][][] [][]><><[] []><[][]>< [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2?4? - Not sure if you can get multiple headshots on these guys but just shoot them twice in the head while they're in the air and you'll get 2 easy headshots but if you missed that elevator arrow then only get one zombie and shoot the other zombie somewhere other than it's head, i’ll only account for two headshots as i’m uncertain about these zombies. You'll then get a good look at the elevator switch so get it now and get the headshot on the zombie - 24200 [][][][][] []><><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 4 - 4 - You'll go down and look right, this time the zombies are closer and easier to grab a couple of headshots if not all. Start at the bottom right and work your way up - 25000 [][][][][] []><[][][] [][]><[][] [][][]><[] [][][][]>< >Easy - 1 - 1 - You'll see a glance of this zombie as you turn back left but it'll disappear from site but it'll come back up from the bottom of the screen so aim low and time it right and you'll get the headshot - 25200 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - You'll turn right and right away will be a zombie attacking you, kill it first (it's the one in the middle of the screen) then shoot the other - 25600 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 4 - There'll be 2 zombies rushing at you (one from the left and one from the right) the left will attack first so wait 'til that one appears and take 2 shots to the head then as it shifts over to the right one, kill that one - 26240 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][]><[] []><[][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 3 - 2 - Once you open the double doors, two bats will fly towards you one in the middle and one to the left be sure to kill them then the chainsaw zombie - 26720 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - Chainsaw routine but wait ‘til it starts to attack otherwise it will be too early and it’ll hit you as it disappears underneath the screen - 27040 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] []><[][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - you'll recognize where you are if you've taken the down route in the beginning before and up to this point, you can see why you get more points taking this route than the down route. Two zombies out of the closet, kill right then left - 27440 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 4 - 2 shots to the left one then two shots to the right one - 28080 [][][][][] [][][]><[] []><[][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - If you aim between the two ><'s you can get both of the zombies easier but risky 'cause the far zombie isn't stationary and will attack the hostage if not killed - 28880 +Life Up [][][][][] [][]><[][] []><[][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 2 - 2 - after awhile, this scene will be easy but at first it's hard. One HS(headshot) each is all it takes but beware 'cause if you miss, you'll have yourself an axe frenzy - 29280 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - center of screen. time it right for a quick HS - 29480 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2?4?6? - Not sure if the (HS)s count for more than one when shot while hanging so i'll just count 2 headshots, shoot them both 3 times each then once each once run passed the table - 29680 [][][][][] [][]><><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 3 - 4 - First up is the slime guy, shoot it once in the chest then the head, next is the chainsaw guy, then a zombie - 30400 [][][][][] []><><[][] []><[][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - To the left will be barrels, enclosed in one is a medal, shoot each barrel 'til a medal appears and shoot it, but hurry 'cause you're on the move, then go for the zombie in the background - 30800 [][][][][] [][]><[][] []><[][][] ><[][][][] ><[][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - To be really precautious about shooting the hostage, it's is easy to shoot the zombie around the chin/neck area or aim at the chest and slowly shoot your way up, if you need a life up this hostage will give you one - 31400 +Life Up [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1?2? - This one comes falling from the ledge above, aim for it's head and shoot it before it lands, then as it flies back after it's head has been removed shoot it again - 31600 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 3 - 4 - right, left, middle twice - 32320 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><><><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >AFTER THAT LAST SCENE A SLIMEY ZOMBIE WILL FALL FROM THE LEFT BUT YOU DON’T HAVE TO SHOOT IT BUT YOU CAN. I DON’T KNOW IF IT GIVES YOU ANY POINTS BUT I HOPE SOMEONE WOULD TEST THIS FOR ME ‘CAUSE USUALLY I GET 2-3 HEADSHOTS ON THAT ZOMBIE, SEEING THAT I DON’T MISS. >Easy - 3 - 3 - Green Slimey Guys. bottom, center, center - 32920 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][]><[] [][][][][] [][]><[][] >Easy - 3 - 0 - Three bats, for quick kills follow the aimimg map and shoot right when he kicks the bookcase else wait for the bats to fly around usually they come right, left then center - 33160 [][][][][] [][]><><[] []><[][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - First turn, no zombie, second turn, yes zombie, aim dead center - 33360 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - after the next two turns you'll see the end of the staircase but you'll turn left and there'll be 2 zombies, kill the left then the right one - 33760 [][][][][] [][]><[][] ><[][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Difficult - 3 - 3 - This scene is quick and they're never at the same place each game so try your best at these (HS)s - 34360 [][][][][] [][][][][] ><><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 3 - left one once then for the chainsaw zombie i suggest this; most of the time it’ll start with its arms up, just get the headshots as opposed to waiting for it, it saves a lot of time - 34880 [][][][][] [][][]><[] ><[][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 4 - 0 - 4 worms on the bed, just shoot 'em, nothing special... then as you move on, shoot the bookcase twice at the bottom and a hostage will give you a life up if needed - 35600 +Life Up [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] []><><><[] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - Do not use the basic chainsaw routine ‘cause you’ll only get one headshot instead shoot at its head when the arms start to go up or just continue to shoot at its head regardless if the arms are down - 35920 [][][][][] [][]><[][] []><[][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1?2? - shoot it twice in the air as it breaks through the glass then once as it lands - 36120 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 4 - 0 - again four worms nothing special but as you move to the next scene try to shoot the bookcase early to link for the next scene - 36440 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] []><><><[] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - If you shot the bookcase before the scene shifts you'll get a good look at the zombie, give it a couple of (HS)s and get your easy points - 36760 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Difficult - 1 - 1 - getting a headshot on the far far far zombie is crazy but possible, next, shoot the two barrels, enclosed in one is a medal - 37160 [][][][][] [][]><[][] ><[][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 1 - 1 - This one is a bit hard, i used to hate this part 'cause i'd always miss and it always end up killing the hostage but i found out what i was doing wrong, do not shoot it's right arm 'cause it'll start rushing faster at the hostage, instead shoot just to the right of it before it starts to move and you'll most likely get the headshot - 37760 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1?2? - Shoot it twice as it jumps out of from under the bridge then once as it lands - 37960 [][][]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 2 - 4 - The trick on this one is similar to the zombie in the first chapter in the sewers with the crate behind it containing the life up. Wait ‘til you see which arm it’s attacking with then shoot that arm, then give it two headshots then aim a bit lower and get the fat zombie behind it - 38600 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] >DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT SHOOT THE ELEVATOR SWITCH >Easy - 1 - 1 - Simple headshot - 38800 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - Two shots this time - 39120 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - Shoot it once then let it recover then once again [Note: the past three scenes can be done w/out reloading] - 39440 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 1 - 2 - This one is a bit hard ‘cause the zombie throws the drum just as you turn to see it. Once you start turning, shoot towards the left side of the screen and when you see the oil drum start to aim towards the center then get the two headshots (remember: oil drum takes 4 shots) - 39760 [][][][][] ><[]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - As you reach the top of the stairs, be ready, there'll be an attacking zombie. Aim and shoot right away - 40080 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - Enter the corridor and shoot the statue if you wish but as you open the door take a quick shot to its head and then as it recovers get the other - 40400 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - Slime guy, chest then head - 40600 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - The same as the last scene - 40800 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] >Medium - 2 - 2 - Aim good as they throw axes almost immediately and then run away - 41200 [][][][][] []><><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 4 - Shoot the left one twice, then shoot the barrel in the zombies hands, then shoot the left barrel behind the zombie, then 2 shots to the zombie, then if you see a gold frog, GET IT!!! 1000 pts, else it's in the remaining barrel, shoot that one and get the frog - 42840 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][]><[][] ><[][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2?4? - Shoot each twice in the air then once each as they land, then reload and start shooting the glass in the background, preferably the ones to the right - 43240 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - With the glass broken, you can get a good look at the zombie two shots is enough - 43960 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - simple (HS) - 44160 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - aim at the stationary aim point on the aiming map and wait 'til the zombie reaches that point and shoot it - 44760 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >BOSS TIME - HANGED MAN - WEAK POINT - ENTIRE BODY (BONUS WEAK POINT - HEAD +120 PTS) This by far is the most time consuming boss in the game but it is worth it, every shot to its head gives 120 points so don't waste any shots on it. Here's the plan... 1st segment - DO NOT SHOOT HIM AT ALL... only kill the bats, they come in order 1, 2, 3, then 4 for a total of 3 times = 30 bats = 2400 points 2nd segment - as he charges you, it takes 3 shots to back him off, go for it's head. I've noticed that he always charges from the upper right of the screen in this part and that after a certain point you can keep you gun stationary and continue to get (HS) i'll give you the aiming spots: 1st charge [][][][][] [][][]><[] Note: it's a bit lower and to the left of the >< [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] 2nd charge [][][][][] [][][]><[] Note: again, a bit lower and to the left [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] 3rd charge [][][]><[] [][]><[][] Note: start at the right >< and finish your 3rd shot at the left >< [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] 4th charge [][][][][] [][][]><[] Note: Right on the ><, trust me even though you can’t see it, aim right there [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] 5th charge [][][][][] [][][]><[] Note: a little to the right will be better but not too much [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] All the rest for this segment [][][][][] [][][]><[] Note: like the last one, it's a little to the right [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] I've counted a total of 80 shots in that segment for a total of 9600 points 3rd segment - he'll charge 5 times assuming you don't get hit, remember 3 hits will back him off 1st charge [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] 2nd charge [][][][]>< [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] 3rd charge [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] 4th charge [][][][]>< [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] 5th and final charge [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] 5 charges, 3 shots each = 15 shots = 1800 points 2400 + 9600 + 1800 + 1500 = 15300 `- For actually defeating it 44760 + 15300 = 60060 so after two chapters... Hostages rescued = 13 Lives = 5 Total Score = 60060 My personal best is 55580, i see i need a lot of work on this chapter... A LOT of work. So how does your score compare so far... don't worry if it's a lot lower 'cause it takes time to learn each event and get all those headshots. It took me 3 semesters, 4 days a week, and $0.25 a day to reach where i am. and now to chapter 3... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Easy - 3 - 3 - Try left, middle, then right - 60660 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><><><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 4 - Wait 'til the glass breaks then go left then right two shots each - 61300 [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2? - wait 'til it throws it's claw at you then shoot the claw then shoot the head. sometimes it’ll charge right away, if it does, shoot it in the head before it leaps or aim at the top of the screen when it jumps at you. shoot the one that doesn’t throw the claw first then alternate - 61700 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 3 - 3 - Middle, left, right (get the left and right ones just as they pop up)- 62300 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] ><[][][]>< [][][][][] >THIS MUST BE THE SECURITY CARD (Duh!!! [chop] it only says security card) HOLD YOUR FIRE >Easy - 2 - 4 - The right one will attack first so shoot it once in the head when it comes out then again when it remains stationary then give the other one 2 quick shots - 62940 [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 5 - 7 - This scene looks hard but in fact, it is real easy. Coming into the scene shoot the oil drum that the zombie to the right is holding 4 times, then as the gate opens, shoot the left zombie twice, the one charging next once, reload, shoot the one charging on the right once, then the one behind it twice, then to the left get a good look and shoot it 'cause if you miss the (HS), then too bad 'cause it dies after one shot and it's an easy 120 - 64180 [][][][][] []><[][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - You'll see two boxes off in the distance, shoot the right one once and you’ll see a life-up. get the life up if you need it otherwise leave it for later. Wait 'til the zombie stops running then give it two quick headshots - 64500 +Life Up [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 3 - 6 - Shoot the lock at the right first then reload then take the next (HS)s one shot at a time: right (then wait for it to recover) shoot it again, then middle, left, left, middle - 65860 [][][][][] [][][][][] ><[]><><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - Just follow the usual routine - 66260 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 3 - 6 - If you aim just left of the center, you can get a quick (HS) just as the gate opens, then let it recover then shoot it again, next shoot the zombie behind it twice, then the screen will shift to the right and then shoot that one twice - 67220 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - Just as the last scene finishes a green slime zombie will appear at the lower right of the screen... don't shoot right when you see it, wait like 1/2 second then shoot - 67540 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][]>< [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - this scene has 2 metal zombies that fall from the ceiling, if you like, you can shoot one of the zombies head as they are falling and get the other one later - 67940 [][][]><[] [][][]><[] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 7 - 0 - This scene will have 5 green spiders that come out from the door to the right, then two on the ceiling. For the first set of 5, wait 'til three come out then start at the lower left then work your way up right to finish them off. Next, there'll be two on the ceiling, aim left then right of the center - 68500 [][][][][] [][][]><[] [][]><><[] []><><[][] [][][][][] >Medium - 2 - 2 - These are pretty hard 'cause they're so far away to get a good shot but do your best to get them - 68900 [][][][][] [][]><[]>< [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 1 - 2 - This will be trouble if you don't aim at the right place and you don’t shoot quickly because if you shoot its arm it won’t die, other than that it's pretty easy. Right when you turn to your left, begin to shoot otherwise it might be too late - 69220 [][][][][] []><[][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >On the way to the next scene there'll be some crates, inside one of them is a medal, shoot them all until the medal is uncovered and shoot it - 69420 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[][][] ><[][][][] [][][][][] >HERE'S A MAJOR BREAK IN THE CHAPTER WHERE SCORING MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE. SHOOT THE LEFT ARROW SO THAT THE ARROW POINTS UP, IF SOMEHOW YOU GOT THE ELEVATOR TO THE RIGHT TO GO UP THEN YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG AND YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT SCORING HIGH >Easy - 2 - 2 - This is my favorite scene because I can kill both enemies so fast that it seems as though both got shot simutaneously, a fast trigger and the wrist snap technique is the best combination in this game. Simple (HS)s, either left then right or right then left - 69820 [][][][][] [][][][][] []><[]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Medium - 1 - 2 - After the elevator says DOWN, you won't be able to shoot for a while, so reload continuously until the screen flashes and you hear the gun reload, now that you're fully loaded, wait until you see the opening and an oil drum zombie will await you there, right when when you see the opening, shoot at the lower portion of the screen and work your way up as the elevator goes down, then when the drum is destroyed, get the two headshots - 70140 [][]><[][] [][]><[][] [][]><[][] [][]><[][] [][]><[][] >Easy - 2 - 2 - This is the similar to the last one except it's an axe zombie, this time aim just above the center of the screen and when you see the opening begin your shots above the zombie and slowly move down for the (HS) then off in the distance you'll see a zombie crossing a bridge, you'll get a couple of good looks at it before you reach the bottom floor so try your best for the (HS) - 70540 [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 2 - 4 - Shoot the left one twice then the right one twice... each shot taken at 1/2 second intervals - 71180 [][][][][] [][][][][] ><[][]><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 2 - Just wait for the lift to dock and then when you get a clear look, shoot it twice but be careful not to shoot too low or too slow otherwise the hostage will die - 71900 +Life Up [][][][][] [][][][][] [][]><[][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Difficult - 2 - 4 - This is hard 'cause the zombies are far away but are close enough to aim at... shoot the left zombies arm once then twice in the head, then shoot the other in the arm then twice in the head... if done right, there's no need to reload. If you’re not confident with your aiming then do not shoot the arms at all because the scene will go by faster and you get a lesser amount of time to shoot. Instead, shoot their head slowly but fast enough that they don’t throw the oil drum. - 72540 [][][][][] [][]><><[] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] >Easy - 1 - 1 - If you aim right on the money you'll get the (HS) in one shot otherwise you'll either miss and shoot down an axe or two before
		getting the headshot or you'll not get the (HS) at all - 72740


>Easy - 3 - 0 - As you approach the stairs a green spider will fall in front
		of you, kill it, then as you look up there'll be two more, kill
		them too - 72980


>IMPORTANT!!! As you kill the last spider, aim at the lower right and shoot
 the crates off in the distance 'cause inside one is a Golden Frog (1000 pts.!)
 don't go for the frog yet 'cause you'll most likely not see it... just
 concentrate on breaking all the crates.

>Easy - 1 - 2 - Same as the previous barrel zombies: arm, head, head or head pause
		head - 73300


>Easy - 3 - 4 - Just wait 'til the two zombies land on the floor then go for the
		middle, left then two shots to the right one but if you’re impatient
		like me then get the middle on while it’s swinging down but if you do
		this, the next two zombies will be closer and attack you faster - 74020


>Easy - 2 - 2 - Going into this scene you'll most likely see the frog...
		GET IT NOW!!! if you don’t see it shoot the boxes ‘til you see it.
		if you miss, don't worry you can get a second chance.
		The first zombie will fall, wait then kill it either in the air or
		when it lands, now for the second one, if you missed the frog
		earlier then you'll have to kill the zombie before it reaches the
		ground at all costs otherwise you won't get a clean look at the
		frog, if you did get the frog and want to speed things up then
		kill the zombie before it lands - 75420

  [][]><[][] <--- first zombie
  []><[][][] <--- where to aim to get the headshot for the second zombie



>Easy - 3 - 4 - Left, Right, then the middle one twice - 76340


>Easy - 2 - 4 - More oil drum zombies... for this scene i suggest you: shoot
		the left zombie's head then its arm once, then the right zombie's
		arm and then its head twice, then back to the other zombie...
		it'll be easier than to kill one then the other this way - 76980


>Medium - 1 - 0/1 - If you want to try the headshot on this one it is possible
		but i warn you now, you might kill the last hostage, if you want
		the headshot then shoot the zombie's left shoulder (it's the same
		as your left 'cause it's facing away from you) then shoot there
		again except a little higher and you'll get the headshot, else
		just shoot its shoulder 3 times and it'll die then after the hostage
		gives you the security card, shoot the boxes on the floor behind it
		and you'll hopefully get another medal - 77460


>Medium - 2 - 2 - This one gets tough 'cause sometimes they jump into the
		blind spot zone either to the left or the right of you... if
		that happens you'll have to wait then quickly shoot at the side
		of the screen it jumped to otherwise they get a cheap shot on you.
		To avoid this, try to keep them away by shooting them once as they
		come near. Other than that it’s the basic routine - 77860


>Easy - 1 - 2 - This one'll pop out from the left, get a shot of when it jumps
		out and another as it begins to attack - 78180


>Easy - 1 - 1 - It'll break out from the glass cylinder so you can get the
		headshot while it's in the air or when it lands - 78380


>Easy - 2 - 2 - First encounter with these white zombies.  It seems that even
		after being given a headshot, their head doesn't come off. A while
		back i was given a tip that you can continue to shoot at their head
		as they fall and get headshot points but i need to check that.  So
		for now i will only count one headshot.
		Same as the last one, shoot it when it's in the air then one
		shot when it lands, for the other, wait 'til it throws a blue disc
		at you, shoot that away and go for the (HS), if it starts to charge
		you aim high and get it as it tries to attack you in mid-air - 78780


>Easy - 1 - 2 - This one is similar to the chainsaw zombie except for two things,
		well one it's a firesaw and two the saw won't deflect as many shots.
		That means you can go straight for the headshots - 79100


>Medium - 2 - 4 - Ball & chain zombies, the goal is to get it to stop swinging
		so you can shoot it, if you time it right you can get its shin,
		right arm or left arm... those are better than the chest 'cause you
		can still get both headshots.
		Right zombie first then left zombie - 79740


>Easy - 2 - 2 - This is the most intriguing part of the game for me ‘cause if
		it is true that all headshots to it will result with points i can
		get at least 26 before it falls... Yes that's right 26... while
		the white zombies are hanging or in the air every shot would be
		worth 120 pts, i've managed to get 4 full rounds before they
		recovered on the ground.  But for the sake of the FAQ i’ll just
		count 1 headshot each.
		Go for the left one first then kill the other as it lands - 80140



>Easy - 3 - 6 - No reload 6 shots, middle twice, right twice, left twice - 81100


>Easy - 2 - 2 - Off in the distance on the bridge, go left then right - 81500


>Easy - 2 - 4 - Once they land, left twice, right twice - 82140


>Easy - 2 - 2 - Shoot the left one in the air then get them both as they land - 82540


>Easy - 2 - 2 - Exactly the same as the last scene - 82940


>Easy - 1 - 1 - Going to the next scene you'll see a zombie on the bridge to
		the upper right, try your best for a headshot - 83140


>Easy - 3 - 6 - Your first shot will be to the ball & chain zombie's right arm
		(left of screen) then reload, then left twice, then the ball &
		chain zombie twice, then right twice - 84100


>Easy - 3 - 6 - Shoot the middle zombie once, wait for it to recover, shoot
		it again, then go for the right one, two shots, then the left
		one, two shots - 85060

>BOSS TIME - HERMIT - Weak spot it's head (BONUS: Just like the hangedman,
 every shot to the head is an additional 120 points even after you kill it
 and it starts to die)

For this boss you really need a steady hand 'cause you'll need to shoot as
precise as you can to get a lot of points.  Every shot to it's head is 120
but it is smart enough to block it's head 'cause, it too, is it's weak point.
There are two types of reactions after it gets shot in the head, a quick one
and a slower one; after a quick reaction you can get about 4 shots to the head
before it counts as a normal hit and for the slower reaction, you can get a full
round off if you're quick enough, but remember, precision is the key to nailing
each shot as a headshot.  Scoring for this will be hard 'cause i have yet to
determine why it reacts a certain way, but i'm pretty sure it has to do with
when you attack it, whether it's moving or standing still, but i'll treat each
shot as one that'll make it do the fast reaction.  Also, i'll count the headshots
to kill it 'Normal headshots' and the others 'free headshots' so that it won't
get mistakened.

>As you start quickly aim just above center, aim and shoot, otherwise it'll get
 a quick cheap shot on you.
>It'll then nod it's head up and back a little, use this time to get free
>Repeat this for 6 normal headshots and it falls down the well, after the 6th
 normal headshot you won't get any free headshots while it falls.
>Next it'll shoot 6 white venomous balls so shoot them down, then it'll charge
 you, aim just under it's head and when it attacks it'll nod it's head down first,
 that's when you get the normal headshot, quickly reload and get as many shots
 on it's head before it recovers... you don't want to get a normal headshot
 right after the free headshots 'cause it'll most likely resuly in a quick
 reaction and you lose headshots.
>If you’ve got a steady arm like me then just go for the continuous headshots
 and skip the venomous balls section until you make it’s like about 1/10 of the
 bar.  If you’ve played this boss a lot, then it’s the point where it needs 2
 more shots to die, i’ll explain later why you should do this.

>It'll then back up and start to shoot the venomous balls at you except it'll
 spew out 7 this time, follow the same procedure as last time
>Each time it backs up to shoot the balls, it'll add one more to the count
 assuming you don't get hit by the balls, you'll repeat it until you hit it
 for 5 normal headshots before it changes it's attack routine

>If you followed the continuous headshot routine then don’t shoot it any longer
 until it starts to charge at you then aim underneath it’s chin and as it attacks
 shoot it and do the continuous headshot routine ‘til it dies but DON’T STOP SHOOTING!
 now skip the next section if you follow this routine.

>The next routine is much easier than the last, when it backs up watch which
 direction it's standing and aim under it's head, preferably below the chin,
 and wait for it to attack, then like the previous routine, when it's head nods
 down shoot it, reload and get a round off then let it back up, do this 4 more
 times for a total of 5 normal headshots on this routine and 16 normal headshots
 on the boss stage.

>Now here's the fun part... after the last normal headshot, you are free to get
 as many free headshots as you can :) :) :) WOoOooHooOoOo!!! i've managed to get
 6 rounds and some after it died, don't know how many were actually headshots
 but most were.

Total:  First routine    6 normal headshots = 6 x 120 = 720
			 4 chances for free headshots = 4 x 4 x 120 = 1920
	Second routine   5 normal headshots = 5 x 120 = 600
			 5 chances for free headshots = 5 x 4 x 120 = 2400
	Third routine    5 normal headshots = 5 x 120 = 600
			 4 chances for free headshots = 4 x 4 x 120 = 1920
	End		 6 chances for free headshots = 6 x 6 x 120 = 4320

(720) + (600 x 2) + (1920 x 2) + (2400) + (4320) + (1500) = 13980
                                                       `--- for actually defeating the boss

Add that to previous total
 85060 + 13980 = 99040

so after three...

Hostages rescued = 16
Lives = 5
Total score = 99040

My personal best is only 85520 which is nothing compared to where I should be...
geez 99040? that’s almost the 6 fig range.  i'm pretty sure that this faq is right
'cause it's hard to perfect headshots and timing and it also depends on the
sensitivity of the light gun trigger 'cause i'm basing this faq on the machine
i play on, which i think is flawless except for the 2nd player gun missing, but i
don't mind 'cause i don't have to worry about someone barging in and messing with
my high score run... ahh...enough... back to the walkthrough... well don't worry
if your score doesn't meet the score on the walkthrough 'cause mine sure doesn't
but i now know why... making this walkthrough kind of showed me what i've been doing
wrong all this time...

Final Chapter

>Easy - 2 - 4 - Shoot the left one once then let it recover then while it
		charges you for the attack hit it with another shot, then do the
		same for the zombie on the right - 99680


>Easy - 2 - 3 - Kill the ball & chain zombie first then the zombie to the
		right - 100200


>BOSS - CHARIOT - Same old Chariot, doesn't know when to give up... use the
 same strategy as before - 101700

>BOSS - Hanged Man - They just don't give up do they... just like before,
 don't shoot it, just kill the bats, the first 5 charges are the same except
 that when he charges from the left, he hesitates a little, this a good
 opportunity to aim and shoot, also, he doesn't do the flight charges at the
 end.  This time there are only 20 bats and only 54 headshots

101700 + (20 x 80) + (54 x 120) + 1500 = 111280

 If you saved all the hostages, assuming you did, there'll be a bonus
 room filled with life ups, medals, and frogs

First you'll look to your right and you'll see:

    /     5th          4th
[frog]    /            /      3rd           2nd
      [Life up]     [Frog]    /             /         1st
                           [Medal]       [Life up]    /

Shoot them in that order and you won't have to reload or hesitate but i warn
you that the frog tends to jump up and down so for your 4th and last shot aim
good or you’ll have to reload and spray where the frog was to get it.

Next you'll look to your left and see:           6th
                            4th                  /
           2nd              /            5th  [Frog]
           /         3rd  [Life up]      /
   1st  [Medal]      /                 [Life up]
   /               [Medal]

Shoot them from left to right otherwise you won't get the medals to the left
if you start from the right

Total room bonus = 4 Life ups, 3 Golden Frogs, & 5 medals = 4000 points = 115280

>Easy - 2 - 4 - Shoot the right one twice then the left one twice - 115920


>Easy - 2 - 2 - Don't shoot these in the air 'cause when they land, a headshot
		won't kill it automatically, you can get 3 headshots (i think) on
		each but i’ll only count 1 for each - 116320

>Easy - 2 - 2 - These also come from the side, i prefer to shoot the left one
		as i jumps out from behind the wall, try to get a full round off
		then one headshot each once it is on the ground, again i’ll only
		count 1 headshot each - 116720

>Easy - 2 - 4 - Aim at the center first and 2 quick shots will kill the one
		hidden behind the mist, as for the one to the right, take one
		shot, let it recover, then kill it - 117360


>Easy - 2 - 4 - Oil Drum zombies, same technique, shoot the left zombie's arm
		and take 2 shots then the right zombie's arm then 2 shots or just
		go straight for their heads - 118000


>Easy - 2 - 4 - Ball & chain zombies, no need to reload, start on the left one,
		leg, head, head, then on to the right one, leg, head, head - 118640

>BOSS - MAGICIAN -  Weak spot:  glowing area's with the wires sticking out (left
			thigh, right shin, left & right arms)

I preferably go for the left thigh 'cause it's bigger than the other areas plus
it's close to the arm for any shots that i miss to the thigh will likely go to
the arm.  I didn't really keep count one how many hits it takes to kill it 'cause
i was more worried about getting hit and losing 100 points but anyhow bare with me

First off it'll stand there when you see him... don't shoot just yet 'cause it
won't hit him at all... wait for it to move and start to throw fireballs at you

1. While it's charging up for the fireballs, get 4 shots on it then save 2 for
   the fireballs that come at you.

2. Next, instead of spinning it'll stand there and charge up for the blast,
   get a full round off then reload and shoot the fireballs down and get the
   arms with the rest of the bullets

3. This time it'll charge up for 4 fireballs, try to get a full round on it
   then go for the fireballs

Repeat the last three steps until it doesn't do the fireball routine anymore

I’ve tried counting and i’ve came up with 22 shots plus or minus
So if done right then when it charges up for the 4 fireballs you can get a round
off and reload and finish the remainder of the 22 shots and if it threw any
fireballs, they will disappear.

This time it'll Shadow step 3 times and attack you from the last side it moved
to (either left or right) one shot will back him off and i’ve counted a total
of 6 shots until it changes it’s attack strategy.  Everytime you hit it and you
don’t get hit, it’ll start to come faster at you so be warned everytime it begins
to advance at you.

L. If it comes from the left, aim:

  [][]><[][] <-- actually a little to the left of center

and go for his left thigh

R. If it comes from the right, aim:


and go for the thigh or the arm behind the fireball

So after 6 shots it'll go back to steps 1-3, then it will only take 6 shots for
it to go back to the shadow steps.  When it goes to the shadow steps, it’ll take
another 6 shots for it to change it’s attack strategy.

After the Shadow steps, it'll gather up energy to throw fireballs into the sky,
use this time to shoot at it's weak spot, usually i'm quick enough to kill it
before it throws the fireballs, i think it’s again 22 shots until it dies, but
if he does manage to throw them, shoot as many as you can as they go up into the
sky. Once they're in the sky, it'll be in a formation of an ellipse and one in
the middle, shoot them all down and then he'll start gathering up energy again...
I haven’t really counted but i’m pretty sure that there’s about 15 fireballs or so.
this time around your guaranteed to kill it.  Put down the gun and breathe... - 121140

Wait for the credits to roll, 'cause you can’t fast forward it, and shoot your
initials in assuming you followed the walkthrough correctly...

This then concludes the high score walkthough for now... i hope this will
answer your, "How do you get 100000 points" question and to anyone who is
curious... my best score is 106500 and my next best is 105160.

In addition, if anyone as any comments or suggestions or fixes that should
be made concerning the walkthrough, feel free to email me or hit me up on AIM.

After saying that, I think I'm done... Happy Playing and Good Luck!




I decided to add a credits section for all the people i want to give credit to.

AM1 - for developing the game

SEGA - for publishing it

Cal State Fullerton - for having an arcade room

Spectrum Games - the company that the school rented the arcades from

Me - who inspired myself to make this walkthrough

Destan - inspired me to revise my walkthrough

and last but not least

Sophie for being hit by a humongously large scythe and finding her way out
through the front door unharmed just as Rogan/G were about to leave.