GLADIUS (Gamecube) FAQ/Walkthrough By Ultima13 Version 1.05 January 26, 2004 Email: See Contact Info section DISCLAIMER This FAQ is for personal use only. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. The latest version of this FAQ will always be found on If you wish to use this FAQ on your website, email me and ask first (see Contact Info). Please do not take this FAQ and use it on your site without my permission; doing so is a violation of copyright laws. VERSION HISTORY 1/26/04 - Version 1.05 - Added Contact Info and made some minor corrections. 10/8/04 - Version 1.00 - Walkthrough for Ursula's quest completed. 7/31/04 - Version 0.75 - Complete walkthrough for Valens's quest in the first two regions and a walkthrough for the rest of the game; Ursula's quest in the first two regions not yet complete. INTRODUCTION Hello everyone, and thanks for reading my FAQ. After starting to play Gladius, I realized that there were no walkthroughs for it, so I figured I would go ahead and write one. I hope you find it useful in helping you complete the game. -------- CONTENTS -------- Note: If you want to jump straight to a specific section, press Ctrl + F and type in the code you see in brackets before the section you want. Intro - Disclaimer, Version History, and Contents {HP2} How to Play {HP2.1} Controls {HP2.2} General Info {HP2.3} Towns, Leagues, and Tournaments {HP2.4} Shops and Recruiting {HP2.5} The World Map {HP2.6} The School Menu {HP2.7} Battles {HP2.7.1} Basics {HP2.7.2} Battle Strategies {HP2.8} Multiplayer Modes {HP2.9} Tips and Hints {FQ3} Frequently Asked Questions {WK4} Walkthrough {VL1} Valens's quest {VLII} Imperia {VLI1} Pirgos {VLI2} Belfort {VLI3} Trikata {VLI4} Syrna {VLI5} Cro Beska {VLI6} Orus {VLI7} Syrna (Championship) {VLNI} Nordagh {VLN1} Roanor {VLN2} Orin {VLN3} Roanor Revisited {VLN4} Fliuch {VLN5} Mordare {VLN6} Vargen {VLN7} Sloan Forest {VLN8} Vargen Revisited {VLN9} Mordare Revisited {VLN10} Fliuch Revisited {VLN11} Orin (Championship) {US1} Ursula's Quest {USNI} Nordagh {USN1} Fliuch {USN2} Orin {USN3} Roanor {USN4} Vargen {USN5} Mordare {USN6} Sloan Forest {USN7} Fliuch Revisited {USN8} Mordare Revisited {USN9} Vargen Revisited {USN10} Sloan Forest Revisited {USN11} Orin (Championship) {USII} Imperia {USI1} Belfort {USI2} Syrna {USI3} Cro Beska {USI4} Belfort Revisited {USI5} Pirgos {USI6} Trikata {USI7} Syrna Revisited {USI8} Cro Beska Revisited {USI9} Orus {USI10} Syrna (Championship) {WSPI} Windward Steppes {WS1} Yuset {WS2} Altahrun {WS3} The Wastes {WS4} Ononhaar {WS5} Altahrun (Championship) {SEEI} Southern Expanse {SE1} Akar An {SE2} Qaa Rah {SE3} Saraa Izel {SE4} Qaa Rah Revisited {SE5} Saraa Izel Revisited {SE6} Akar An Revisited/Championship {IR5} Imperia Revisited {NR6} Nordagh Revisited {SR7} Steppes Revisited {HT8} High Tournaments {FV9} The Final Battles (Valens) {FU9} The Final Battles (Ursula) {SG5} Secrets and Glitches {CC6} Character Classes {EN7} Enemies {CI8} Contact Info {CL9} Closing =============================================================================== HOW TO PLAY {HP2} =============================================================================== These are the basics of how to play Gladius. Some of this information can be found in the instruction manual, but I'll cover some other things too. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CONTROLS {HP2.1} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here are the controls for Gladius (Gamecube version): World Map/Field: A - Talk to people, or enter a town X - Open the school menu Y - Rest (at night) Control Stick - Move character Start - Pause the game Menus: A - Select options B - Cancel/back X - View enemies (character selection in battles) Y - View enemy details (character placement in battles) Z - Arrange items by different category L - Move to previous character (School menu) R - Move to next character (School menu) C Stick - Zoom/rotate character Control Stick - Move cursor Start - Pause the game Battle: A - Select/confirm, used in swing meters B - Cancel, used in swing meters X - View character details, used in swing meters Y - View skill description, used in swing meters Z - Change the path your character takes L - View full list of skills R - Show character's line of sight and the order of turns Control Stick - Move cursor Control Pad - Select skill categories and skills C Stick - Rotate/zoom camera =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GENERAL INFO {HP2.2} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gladius is a strategy RPG. For almost all of the game, you will be traveling throughout different regions competing in gladiatorial games. You will visit every town and compete in the local tournaments, then you'll compete in a regional tournament. Your ultimate goal is to enter and win the High Tournament. You will be the leader of a gladiator school. As your school grows more powerful and beats more regional championships, you will be able to recruit more and more characters. There is a large variety of classes to recruit; you won't be able to have all the classes in your team at once. And the requirements for entering some battles ensures that you'll use all or most of the classes throughout the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TOWNS, LEAGUES, AND TOURNAMENTS {HP2.3} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You will need to visit every town in the world of Gladius and win the tournament there. There are four regions, and each of them have from 2 to 6 towns. All together, there are 18 towns you need to visit. You can't enter a tournament right away. You will need to compete in several leagues of battles in order to enter the tournament. Each league is worth a certain number of points, and you need to gain enough points to enter a tournament. Within a league, there are several battles. You normally don't have to complete every battle in a league in order to win the league. Again, each battle is worth a certain number of points, and you need to gain enough points to win the league, which in turn gives you points towards the tournament. After you win all the local tournaments in a region, you need to enter and win the regional championship to progress to the next region. When you complete the regional tournament in every region, you will be able to enter the High Tournament. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SHOPS AND RECRUITING {HP2.4} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In almost every town, there is a shop. The main purpose of a shop is to outfit your characters with weapons and armor. You can buy various weapons, helmets, shields, and armor in shops. It is a good idea to stop off at the shop before you enter any battles and see if they have any new equipment. Money is pretty easy to come by, so you can upgrade everyone's equipment often. This will give you a big advantage in battle. In addition to buying equipment in shops, sometimes you can receive sidequests from the shop owners. You will always have the option to talk to the shopkeeper. Sometimes, they will just tell you about the town and the arena, but sometimes they will offer you sidequests. If you choose to accept these sidequests, you will often be rewarded with money, items, and sometimes new recruits. It's always a good idea to talk to the store owners every now and then to see if they have a sidequest available. For more information on specific sidequests, see the walkthrough. In the town's league office, there will be an option to recruit new gladiators into your school. The gladiators available for recruit will vary from town to town and from region to region. You will be able to recruit gladiators into your school permanently, or you can just hire them for one battle if you want. Not all gladiators will join you, though. Sometimes, you need to have a certain amount of popularity in the town, or you need to be at a high enough level to recruit them. Refer to the character classes section on where to recruit certain characters. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= THE WORLD MAP {HP2.5} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The world map is where you will travel between towns. It shows the whole region, and you'll be able to walk around and go wherever you want. Sometimes there will be people on the world map that you can talk to. There will also be an accessory salesman that you can buy accessories from. One thing you need to be careful of on the world map is random battles. You can get into a battle at any time on the world map. But you need to be very cautious, because unlike the arena, a gladiator that dies in a random battle will be gone from your school. So it would be safest just to press B as soon as a random battle starts and run away to avoid anyone being killed. If your main hero dies, you'll get a game over. However, if your other main characters die (Ursula/Valens, Urlan, and Eiji), they will revive after battle. The encounter rate for random battles is pretty low to begin with. It's even lower if you walk slowly and stick to the roads. However, the encounter rate increases at night, so you can press Y to rest until daybreak if you want. In the upper corner of the screen, there is a clock of sorts. It tells you if it's day or night, and which day you're on. It's day when the edge of the sunny side of the circle points straight up. It becomes night when the edge of the dark side of the circle points straight up. At night, you can rest until day by pressing Y. Also, if you pause the game from the world map, you can choose to view your Goals. This tells you what you've completed, and what you need to complete before you can enter the High Tournament. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= THE SCHOOL MENU {HP2.6} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You can enter the school menu by selecting your school's name at a town menu, or by pressing X on the world map. In the school menu, you can prepare your gladiators for battle, and view information. If you choose Gladiators from the menu, you will see a list of your characters. From here, you can equip them with new items, teach them new skills, customize their appearance, or expel them from your school. As you level up, you'll gain Job Points. You can use them to learn new skills in the skill menu. You can customize your characters' hair, skin, and outfit colors too. If your school is full and you need more room, you can expel a character. An expelled character will go to a recruiting office, most likely in the same region. So you can get them back if you want. You can also view your Journal from the school menu. This will show rumors and quests you receive from shopkeepers, as well as a summary of the events that happen to you on your quest. From the school menu, you can select Rouges Gallery to see information on every type of enemy you've encountered on your journey. Also, you can view statistics on your school, such as the number of battles you've won, or the number of enemies you've killed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BATTLES {HP2.7} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Battles are the main part of Gladius. Most battles are fought in arenas in different towns. Here is a guide to help you battle effectively. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASICS [HP2.7.1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battles usually consist of two teams of gladiators. Normally, you're trying to defeat all the units of the enemy team in order to win. MOVING The battles are turn-based. Each character will get a turn to move and/or attack. You can move the cursor around the arena to control where your character will move. Usually, a character can move about two spaces in one turn, but can continue moving through other characters' turns to cover longer distances. ATTACKING In order to defeat your enemies, you'll need to attack them. You will have a wide variety of skills and attacks that can be used against the enemy. Once you select an attack, be it a regular attack, skill, or combo, you'll see all the possible targets for this attack highlighted by an orange circle. For example, if you choose a regular attack, you can move to attack someone two or three squares away. Anyone within two or three squares is a valid target, and will be highlighted. TYPES OF ATTACKS To use skills, you normally have to be in a square adjacent to the enemy you want to use it on (you can't move and use a skill on the same turn). You can then select the skill or combo you want to use. There is a bar on the bottom of the screen which lets you select skills. There are 5 categories - regular attacks, special skills, combo attacks, support skills, and affinity attacks. Skills are special attacks that usually require the character to be right next to the enemy to use it. However, there are many different skills, each with their own range and requirements. Combos are several regular attacks combined. The first attack in a combo will do the most damage, followed by less powerful attacks. Combos can have from 2 to 5 hits. Special skills are normally not attacking skills. They usually boost the stats of your characters. They also include magic attacks for arcane characters. Affinity attacks are elemental attacks. Each weapon has an affinity rating. The higher the rating, the more affinity gained when a character attacks. When enough affinity is accumulated, you can unleash an elemental attack. There are four main affinities - Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. There is also defensive affinity, which guards against attacks from a certain affinity. You get defensive affinity from armor, shields, and helmets. Most skills require Skill Points (SP) to use. A character starts with 5 SP, which is the maximum a character can have. When skills are used, the SP is consumed. Each turn, the character recovers 1 SP. Pay attention to the SP cost of skills, and manage your SP effectively. SWING METERS The power of your attacks are determined by the Swing Meter. There are different types of Swing Meters, but they all have the same basic concept - you press buttons according to the type of meter. If you do it correctly, you'll get a critical hit (in the red area of the bar). A normal attack is in the orange section of the bar. If you get in the blue area of the bar, your attack will be weak. Here are some different types of meters: Regular - This is used for standard attacks. There is a bar with a long orange bar, a short red segment, and a blue segment at the end. Try to press the button when the bar is in the red zone to get a critical hit. Combo - Used for combo attacks. This is basically several regular meters squished into one. Sometimes the buttons you need to press will vary, so pay attention to which buttons need to be pressed. Also, if you get a hit in the blue area, the combo will end. Aiming - There will be a long orange strip, then a blue strip, and short red area, and more blue. You need to aim for the red in the middle of the two blues. Matching - There will be 2 or 3 buttons displayed at a time. You need to press the buttons displayed as quickly as possible. If you press all 8 buttons while the timer is in the red zone, it's a critical hit. If you take too long, it will be a normal or weak hit. If you press the wrong button, it counts as a weak hit. Alternating - Most people hate this meter. You have to alternate pressing two buttons as fast as you can. The red zone is all the way at the end, so you'll need to press the buttons very quickly to get a critical hit. Note: You have the option to turn off the swing meters in the options menu. If you do this, the game will randomly work the meters for you. INITIATIVE STACK/LINE OF SIGHT If you press R in battle, you can see two things - the initiative stack and the character's line of sight. The initiative stack displays the turn order for all the characters in the arena. Use it to plan your battle tactics. You may also want to see the character's line of sight. For most attacks, you have to be able to see your enemy in order to attack them. You may need to move your long-range characters in order to see an enemy. STATUS EFFECTS Characters can be affected by positive and negative status effects. Positive status effects normally just increase a character's stats, such as Attack and Defense. Negative status effects can negatively affect a character's stats. They can also have various other effects. For example, Poison and Bleeding reduce a character's HP by a small amount every turn. Most status effects wear off after a few turns. Some of them heal when the affected character is attacked. And they also wear off when the enemy who inflicted the status effect is defeated. Here is a list of various status effects and what they do: Poison/Bleeding - Character's HP is reduced by a small amount each turn Fear - Character will pass his turn several times Confusion - You will lose control over the character Stun/Petrification/Freeze - Character can't act until status is removed Root - Character can't move Charm - Character becomes controlled by the enemy team Blind - Character's accuracy is lowered AFFINITY I've already given a brief description of affinity attacks. Most weapons that you equip on your characters have an affinity rating. Your affinity gauge has 5 circles that represent 20 points each. A weapon's affinity rating measures how many points of affinity are gained per attack. For example, if a weapon's affinity rating is 10, it will gain 10 points (or half a circle) for every hit. You need at least 40 points (2 circles) to use an affinity attack. There are four levels of affinity attacks, which increase in power and the amount of affinity required to use it. There is also defensive affinity. Armor, shields, and helmets provide defensive affinity. The character's defensive affinity rating is determined by the largest number of affinity points out of the armor, shield, and helmet. For example, if a character had armor with a Fire affinity of 10, a helmet with a Water affinity of 7, and a shield with a Water affinity of 5, the character would have a defensive affinity of Water with 12 points (7 + 5 = 12). Defensive affinity is used to guard against attacks of a certain affinity. If you had Water defense and were attacked by a Water weapon, it would do much less damage than usual. The higher the defensive affinity rating, the more damage is reduced. GLADIATOR CLASSES There are several classes of gladiators. The ones you need to pay attention to are Light, Medium, and Heavy. Heavy characters are strong against Medium characters. Medium characters are strong against Light characters. And Light characters are best against Heavy characters. Effective use of skills and strategy can overcome a weight class advantage, but keep in mind the class of your enemy and use the right classes against them. The other classes (Arcane, Support, and Beast) don't have any advantages or disadvantages. Here is a list of the classes and the types of characters in each: Heavy - Centurion, Samnite, Minotaur, Ogre, Yeti, Cyclops Medium - Valens, Ursula, Legionnaire, Murmillo, Barbarian, Undead Legionnaire, Dark Legionnaire Light - Bandit, Secutor, Berserker, Dervish, Satyr, Mongrel Arcane - Channeler, Summoner, Undead Summoner, Mongrel Shaman, Galdr Support - Archer, Amazon, Gungnir, Peltast Beast - Wolf, Bear, Plains Cat, Greater Wolf, Greater Bear, Greater Plains Cat, Scarab, Scorpion Note: Beasts each have their own weight class. Wolves, Cats, and Scorpions are Light and the rest are Heavy. HEIGHT ADVANTAGE This one is pretty simple. If you are standing on higher ground than your opponent, you will deal more damage to them. Likewise, if you're standing below your enemy, you will take more damage from them. Whenever there is a crate or a rock nearby, try to stand on it so you can have an advantage over your enemy. FACING When an enemy and one of your characters have both attacked each other, they are engaged in combat. At this point, you can have another character attack the enemy's back or side to increase the damage done. Just be aware that the enemies can do the same thing to you. POPULARITY The whole purpose of the games is for the crowd. If you are doing well in a battle, the crowd will support you. The same goes for the enemy. You can see your popularity and your enemy's popularity on a meter on the side of the screen. When you defeat an enemy or use a special skill, the crowd meter will increase. Your meter will usually decrease when the enemy takes a turn. At each level of the crowd meter, you'll gain a stat boost. Also, at the end of the battle, you'll be awarded total popularity based on how high your crowd meter was raised. Some leagues require a certain popularity for you to enter. TYPES OF BATTLES There are several types of battles, listed here: Regular - In a standard battle, the goal is to defeat all the enemies Points battle - You score a point for each point of damage you inflict on an enemy. The team with more points at the end of the time limit is the winner. King of the Hill - There is a stack of rocks/crates. When you stand on the top rock/crate, you're awarded a point every few seconds. The team with more points at the end of the time limit is the winner. Vandal battle - The goal is to destroy more barrels than your enemy. Rival nations - Each team has a monument. The goal is to destroy the enemy's monument while keeping yours safe. Series battles - You fight the battles one after the other, but they are still separate battles Endurance battles - You fight waves of enemies, back-to-back, without a chance to heal in between battles Note: Sometimes there will be more than one enemy team in battles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BATTLE STRATEGIES {HP2.7.2} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a list of some general battle strategies: - A very important thing to always keep in mind is NEVER let the enemy surround any of your characters. If one of your characters gets surrounded, it will be hard to keep them alive. - If you're fighting some hard enemies, or you're outnumbered, it's usually best to have your team stick together and take out the enemies one at a time by surrounding one of them and attacking until he falls. Repeat for the other enemies. - If you're fighting weaker enemies, or you outnumber them, split your team apart and have each person or each group go after one enemy. - To deal with long-range enemies like Gungnirs and Peltasts, close the distance between your team and the enemies. Long-range characters can deal a lot of damage at long-range, but are much weaker up close. - Always look at your enemies before the battle starts. You can do this at the character selection screen by pressing X. You can examine your enemies and their classes, and choose the best classes from your own school to fight them. - Many battles have enemies that are randomly chosen. If this is the case, you can look at your enemies at the character selection screen. If the enemies look too hard, you can just back out of the battle by pressing B, then enter the battle again. You can repeat this until you get some easy enemies. - Place your characters effectively in the arena. Place your Heavy characters next to Medium enemies, your Medium characters next to Light enemies, and so on. Also, place your Arcane and Support characters further away from the enemies. - For groups that have multiple enemy teams, you can do two things. One, you can split your team up and have each person go after an enemy on a different team. This way, the enemy teams' numbers stay even, so they can keep attacking each other as well as you. Another thing you can do is to place your characters as far away from the enemies as possible, then have them retreat further back. Usually when you do this, the enemies will ignore you and fight with each other. Then you'll just be left to deal with one or two survivors. - There isn't much in the way of healing. Certain classes have abilities that will heal a small amount of HP. The only really decent healing you can get is Ameliorate, which is an ability for the Channeler. - To defeat Arcane enemies, have a Heavy character attack them. Since they have no class advantage, Heavies work best against them because of their high attack power. - To defeat ranged enemies, use your own ranged enemies. This works faster and better than having close-range characters run to the ranged enemies, getting hit in the process - The number next to the enemies' HP bar is the accuracy of your attack (in a percent). Sometimes the accuracy will be very low (especially when a Heavy character attacks a Light character). However, critical attacks will never miss, so always try hard to get that swing meter in the red zone. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MULTIPLAYER MODES {HP2.8} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are two multiplayer modes in the game, Co-op and Versus. CO-OP MODE You can access this mode at any time simply by plugging in another controller to your console and pressing Start. You can then specify which characters will be controlled by which players. The battles will be the same as in single player mode, except of course there will be more than one person controlling your team. VERSUS MODE After you beat the first regional championship and save your game, Versus mode will become available as an option at the main menu. You'll have to load your school from a regular game, then each player will be able to select characters. You can select which arena you want to play in as well. Then you can just fight battles against each other. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TIPS AND HINTS {HP2.9} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here are some general tips you should follow when playing Gladius: - Keep a diverse school. As good as Centurions are, it's still not a good idea to have 10 of them in your school. Balance your school out - have a few Lights, a few Mediums, some Heavies, an Arcane or two, some Supports, and a Beast or two. Make sure you have characters from different regions, and make sure some are male and some are female. The reason for this is because there are some battles that have strict requirements (like Nordagh characters only or Light characters only or females only). - Always stop in at shops and see what items are available. Shop inventories change as you level up, and shops get better equipment as you progress in the game. Having the proper equipment is much more important than being at a high level. - Equipment has a level requirement, but it's actually based on your school tier. You can equip items up to Lv. 5 at the amateur tier, up to Lv. 10 at the Semi-Pro tier, and the rest at the Pro tier. However, the level requirements will affect recruits and enemies - they will only equip items with level requirements of the level they're at. - Remember that enemies level up as you do, so the enemies' levels will be about the same as yours. Don't think you're going to have an easier time by getting everyone to Lv. 30, because it will make your enemies just as strong. The only real advantage to leveling up is to get new skills. - Save your game often, especially on the world map. You never know what's going to go wrong, so it's better to be safe than sorry. - Keep in mind that your shields have HP too. You can see the shield's HP below the character's HP. Shields take damage in place of the character, so they will break if their HP is depleted. Some shields are unbreakable. - Always read the hints the game gives you. Usus will give you a question and answer before every battle - read it. Also read the tips that the league officers give you. You can learn things you never knew that will make battles go much easier. =============================================================================== FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS {FQ3} =============================================================================== Here are some answers to commonly asked questions: Q1. How can I go back to a region once I've left? A1. You cannot return to a region until after you've completed all the regions. After you finish the Southern Expanse, the last region, you'll be able to travel between any of the regions. Q2. What's the difference between Valens's and Ursula's quests? A2. The first two regions are in a different order. Valens's quest is a bit harder because it starts in Imperia, but it's still not very hard. After the first two regions, there are only minor differences in the storyline. Q3. When/where can I recruit a ? A3. Refer to the Character Classes section on where you recruit different classes. Q4. I can't level up any more, why not? A4. In the first region, your levels are capped at 5. You can't level up beyond that until the next region. In the second region, your levels are capped at 10. After the second region, your levels will be capped at 30, which is the highest possible level. Q5. I can't leave Imperia. Usus won't give me the option to leave. A5. I've never encountered this problem before. Most people who have had this problem fixed it either by restarting the game, or by going to Caltha and watching a couple of battles there. Then Usus should ask you if you want to leave. Q6. I can't leave the Expanse, what do I do? A6. Again, I've never had this problem, but try restarting the game. If that doesn't work, go to the dock east of Akar An. During the day, there is a man there who will take you to Imperia on his boat. Q7. How can I beat the Insect Ze league? A7. Refer to the walkthrough for a detailed strategy. Q8. Where can I get an Executioner's Sword? A8. You can get them from Centurions, Samnites, and sometimes Ogres at Lv. 17 and up. They will drop them when they die, or you can recruit one and take the sword from him. Q9. How do I get a Minotaur? A9. You can get one from the Historian's League in Cro Beska the first time you are in Imperia and in Syrna the second time you're in Imperia. Refer to the walkthrough for more information. Q10. How can I do the alternating meters? A10. The alternating meters are the ones most people have trouble with. A lot of people have come up with their own strategies, but here's one that works well for me. Take a piece of smooth cloth, like a shirt, and put it between your fingers and the controller. Then you can rapidly move your finger back and forth between the two buttons. Q11. How long is this game? A11. It depends on how much you do. On average, I'd say around 40 or 50 hours. But you can do a lot more than the minimum. My game clock was at around 100 hours after completing every battle. =============================================================================== WALKTHROUGH {WK4} =============================================================================== The first two regions of the walkthrough are different depending on which character you choose. Valens's quest starts in Imperia and then goes to Nordagh. Ursula's quest starts in Nordagh, then goes to Imperia. The game says Valens's quest is harder, but I don't think it's much harder. You start out with a larger variety of enemies, but you also get a larger variety of characters. So just pick whoever you want. For the first two regions, follow the walkthrough for whichever character you chose. After that, starting at the Windward Steppes, both characters have the same walkthrough. When you reach the final battles, follow the walkthrough there for whichever character you chose as well. Also, be aware that you do not have to complete every battle within a league to beat the league, and you don't have to beat every league in a town (although I would recommend doing most of them in order to get the prizes and battle experience). I have covered every battle in the game in case you want to do them all, or just choose some of them to do. Here is a brief explanation of the format used: I'll give the name of a town, followed by all the leagues available in that town. Leagues make up the vast majority of the walkthrough, and are separated from the rest of the walkthrough by lines of stars. Sometimes I'll tell you about your next goal between leagues or after a town, so you can skip over the leagues if you're not looking for in-depth battle strategies. Sidequests will also be listed in the walkthrough under their appropriate town. Note: If you need help on a certain battle or league, press Ctrl + F and enter the name of the battle/league to find it quickly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VALENS'S QUEST {VL1} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You'll start out in Imperia. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IMPERIA {VLII} +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After the opening scene, Ludo will challenge Valens to a match. There's not much you can do in this battle. Choose to attack Ludo, and press A when the swing meter is in the red zone for a critical hit. Ludo will then attack you, then you'll use Empower Self. Attack Ludo once more to end the battle. After a short scene, you will meet Usus, who will give you a short tutorial on moving and attacking. Just do what he says, and then you'll head off for Pirgos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIRGOS {VLI1} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After learning about the arena, you'll need to complete the Training League, which consists of 5 training rounds and 1 final round. ******************************************************************************* PIRGOS TRAINING Badges required: None Prize: 100D-300D, Imperia Talisman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1ST TRAINING BATTLE Prize: 100D-300D My team: Valens, Ludo Enemies: 2x Legionnaire Usus will give you a lesson on moving, attacking, and using skills. You can skip this lesson if you want. When you gain control of your characters, move them to attack one of the Legionnaires until he dies. Then take out the other one. Not hard at all. 2ND TRAINING BATTLE Prize: 100D-300D My team: Valens, Ludo Enemies: 2x Legionnaire Usus will tell you that attacking your opponent's side or back will cause more damage. When you start the battle, have Valens and Ludo go after one person at a time, and try to hit them from the side or back to do more damage. 3RD TRAINING BATTLE Prize: 100D-300D My team: Valens, Ludo Enemies: 2x Legionnaire This time Usus will teach you about height advantages. The higher you are above your enemy, the more damage you do. Just be sure that you're not too high, or you won't be able to reach your enemy. When the battle begins, have each character attack the enemy in front of him; you'll win easily due to your height advantage. 4TH TRAINING BATTLE Prize: 100D-300D My team: Valens, Ludo Enemies: Centurion, Bandit This battle teaches you about class relationships: Heavy classes are good against Medium classes, Medium classes are good against Light classes, and Light classes are good against Heavy classes. Start out by attacking the Centurion since he poses the biggest threat. Attack him from the back or from up on the crates to bring him down. Then go after the Bandit. 5TH TRAINING BATTLE Prize: None My team: Valens Enemies: Ludo, Legionnaire This battle will teach you about affinity attack and defense. Usus will tell Ludo to select his affinity attack, but you don't have enough affinity power. Attack the Legionnaire a few times to charge your power, then use the affinity attack. It will do no damage because the enemy is protected against fire. FINAL EXAM Prize: 100D-300D My team: Valens, Ludo Enemies: Centurion, Legionnaire, Bandit Now it's time to use what you've learned in the training battles. The Centurion is the biggest threat again, and the Legionnaire can be a pain also. The Bandit won't be much of a problem. Try to keep yourself on the highest crates. I would suggest teaming up and killing the Centurion first, then going after the Legionnaire, and finally the Bandit. ******************************************************************************* Well, you've won your first league, and now you have the Imperia talisman, so you can take part in more battles. Ludo will gain a level after this battle, and Usus will explain how to learn skills. You can learn any skill you want. I would probably go with the 1st combo attack. You can also recruit some new characters now, and I strongly suggest you do so. Try to get a Light and Heavy character, such as a Centurion and a Secutor. If you have enough money, you can stop at the shop and buy some new equipment. Now, you can fight in some more leagues. Note that you do not have to complete every league or every battle in the league if you don't want to. You only have to get enough battle points to complete the league and enough league points to enter the tournament. However, completing all the matches will give you money, EXP, and popularity, and prizes so I would recommend doing more than the absolute minimum. ******************************************************************************* PIRGOS COMMINUS Badges required: None Prize: 1500D-1750D, Plated Circlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIROCINIUM Prize: 500D-550D My team: Valens, Ludo, Secutor Enemies: 3x Secutor This is a pretty easy battle. You should avoid taking a Centurion into this battle because there are 3 Light enemies. So take Medium or Light characters into this battle. You can fight this battle however you want, either gang up on one enemy at a time, or have each person go after one enemy. You will probably want to take out the guy with the spear first as he can do the most damage. Also, be sure to make use of Ludo's combo attack if you learned it. LAMETICUS Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 50D Required: Heavy My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Secutor Enemies: 2x Legionnaire, 2x Bandit Your Centurion should be able to handle both the Legionnaires with relative ease, especially if he's standing on one of the crates. You can have Valens or Ludo help him out if you want. Have your Medium or Light characters attack the Bandits. This is a pretty easy battle. BRUTUS ATROX Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 100D Prohibited: Beast, Arcane, Support My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Secutor Enemies: Secutor, 3x Centurion This battle is a little harder. Have Ludo and your Light character go after the Centurion and Secutor. Have your Centurion and Valens attack the other 2 Centurions. Make good use of your skills and combos and you won't have much of a problem. EMINUS Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Beast, Arcane, Support My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Secutor Enemies: 5x Peltast The key to winning this battle is to close the distance between you and your enemies. Their long-range attacks are pretty strong, but they are almost harmless at close range. You'll probably take a few hard hits while you're closing in on them, but after that you can just attack them with regular attacks, skills, or combos and win pretty easily. ARCANUM Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 300D Prohibited: Beast, Arcane, Support My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Secutor Enemies: 4x Channeler This battle can be annoying because the enemies will steal your affinity power and use affinity attacks against you, and they have a very annoying skill called Tornado, which scatters everyone across the battlefield. However, they aren't that strong and you should be able to kill them without any serious problems. LUDUS Prize: 5000D-7500D Fee: 400D Prohibited: Beast, Arcane, Support My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Peltast Enemies: 6 enemies total; combination of Samnite, Centurion, and Legionnaire This battle is considerably harder than the other ones, so you may want to start another league and level up some before doing this battle. This battle can be very tough if there are a lot of Centurions. I would suggest going to the character selection menu for this battle and pressing X to see your opponents ahead of time. If there are too many Centurions, restart the battle. I got lucky once and only had to face 1 Centurion and 5 Legionnaires. I also went back and recruited a Peltast because my Secutor kept getting killed in this battle. If you have a Peltast, have him use Long Throw or a combo attack at long range. Have your Centurion go after the other Centurion(s). I found the Spear Attack to be useful here; you can use it if you buy your Centurion a spear. If you have Ludo/Valens and your Centurion gang up on the enemy Centurion(s), they will go down quickly. Then you can focus on the Legionnaires. You might die once or twice in this battle, but it's much easier if you get lucky and only have 1 Centurion to fight. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* CIVILIS LEAGUE OF PIRGOS Badges required: None Prize: 1000D-1150D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now you're going to start seeing randomized enemies in leagues. This league has 6 battles, and the enemies in each battle is completely random. So this means I can't give a specific strategy for any of these battles; instead, I'll just give general directions and strategy. You should have enough experience by now to know how to deal with the different types of enemies, but here are some strategies for the different classes you will be encountering in this league: Centurion - Gang up on him and use your strongest attacks. Attack him using your Centurion Channeler - Watch out for the Steal Affinity and Tornado. Otherwise, just attack normally or use skills. Samnite - Like Centurion, gang up on him and take him out quickly. Legionnaire - Centurions work well against them, especially Spear Attack Peltast - Get up close, then attack. Bandit - Have Ludo or Valens take them out easily with combos. Secutor - Pretty much the same as Bandits. Citizens - Sometimes you will encounter ordinary citizens, which are very weak. Defeat them any way you want, they're very easy. OPEN BATTLE I Prize: 500D-550D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion Number of enemies: 2 This battle is very easy. Have your Centurion take out one of the enemies alone, and have Valens and Ludo go after the other. OPEN BATTLE II Prize: 500D-550D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ludo, Centurion Number of enemies: 2 This battle is the same as the last one, except you only have 2 characters. Have the Centurion go after one enemy and Ludo go after the other. OPEN BATTLE III Prize: 500D-550D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion Number of enemies: Up to 3 The number of enemies in this match (as well as the next 3) varies. Have the Centurion kill one of the enemies and Valens and Ludo go after the other(s). Have the Centurion help them after he kills the first enemy. OPEN BATTLE IV Prize: 1000D-1500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Centurion Number of enemies: Up to 3 Like the last battle, but you only have 2 characters. Have your Centurion go after one of them and Valens go after another. If there are 3 enemies, have the Centurion take out the last one. OPEN BATTLE V Prize: 1000D-1500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion Number of enemies: Up to 4 A pretty easy battle, especially if there are only 3 enemies. As usual, have each person go after one enemy, and have the Centurion clean up whatever is left. OPEN BATTLE VI Prize: 1000D-1500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Peltast Number of enemies: Up to 5 This one can be a little tougher if there are 5 enemies. Keep in mind that you can restart the battle before you even start to get the number/type of enemies you want. Have your Peltast attack from long-range with Long Throw. Valens and Ludo can each take out one enemy. Your Centurion should be able to handle the rest. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* AGONY OF SATURNO Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-2500D, Badge of Perpetuity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like the last league, this one has random enemies. Refer to the section above if you need strategies on how to beat certain types of enemies. Also, this league is a series, which means you have to fight all the battles consecutively. SERIES I Prize: 500D-550D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Peltast Number of enemies: 4 Depending on what enemies you get, these battles can be easy or hard. Just remember how to deal with each class of enemy and you'll do fine. I had Ludo up to Lv. 3 at this point and learned his 2nd combo attack. My Centurion also had a spear equipped so he could use Spear Attack. There are 4 enemies in this battle, so each person can go after one. Remember to keep your Peltast at long-range so he can use Long Throw or a combo attack. SERIES II Prize: 500D-550D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 Like the last battle except you only have 3 team members. Your Centurion should be able to take out 2 enemies while Valens and Ludo take care of the other 2. You just have to hope that you don't end up fighting a bunch of Samnites and Centurions, because you can't restart this battle without restarting the whole league. SERIES III Prize: 500D-550D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 This battle is pretty much the same as the last battle except the enemies are a little tougher. Just use the same strategy as the last one and you'll be okay. ******************************************************************************* Now you've beaten every league available to you in Pirgos. That means it's time for the tournament. Before you compete in the tournament, make sure you have 5 team members. You may want to check the available recruits and get another team member. Also, you should have plenty of money at this point, so stop off at the shop and make sure everyone has good equipment. This includes weapons, shields, and hats. There isn't much in the way of armor, but the hats sold at the shop will give you a decent HP boost, so buy those. When you're ready, enter the tournament. ******************************************************************************* PIRGOS TOURNAMENT Prize: 3000-3500D, Keys to Pirgos Fee: 1000D My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Peltast, Secutor Number of enemies: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again, the enemies here are random. So you might want to take a look at your enemies and restart if you get a bunch of Centurions. Since there are the same number of people on each team, it's not hard at all. Have each person go after one enemy. Your Centurion will be able to assist your other team members too. This battle actually isn't that hard; the Ludus battle was much harder. ******************************************************************************* After you win the tournament, there's nothing for you to do in Pirgos, so exit to the Town Menu, then go to the world map. Usus will take you to the next town, Belfort. If you want, you can exit Belfort as soon as you get there, which will give you access to the whole region. You can visit all the towns and see all the recruits and get anyone you want. Another thing you can do is recruit people, strip them of their equipment, and sell the equipment for a lot more money than you paid for the recruit. Then expel the recruit. If you do this several times, you'll end up with a lot of money. Then you can recruit higher level characters and buy more powerful equipment from the shops. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Before leaving here, you can start a sidequest. Go into the shop here and talk to Cresus. He probably won't give you the sidequest right away, so keep leaving and reentering the shop and keep talking to him. Eventually, he'll tell you that his father is being held captive in the Southern Expanse. You'll save him later in the game. In this battle, you'll only be allowed to use Channelers. It would be a good idea to check in with the accessory salesman every once in a while. If he has any Talismans, buy them. Talisman's raise a Channeler's magic attack, and will make this battle go much more smoothly. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BELFORT {VLI2} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can stop in at the shop to update your weapons, or go to the recruiting office and see who's there. You might want to hire another Centurion now. Then you can take on the league battles. ******************************************************************************* CHALLENGE OF LYKOS Badges required: None Prize: 250D-300D, Lupus' Master badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DINNER TIME Prize: 500D-700D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion Enemies: 6x Wolf Although there are 6 wolves in this battle, you only need to defeat 3 of them to win. So focus all your attacks on 3 wolves. Valens and Ludo will be more effective than the Centurions because Wolves count as Light characters. So Valens will be able to take one out with a combo or two, and the same for Ludo. Have your Centurions go after the other one. Also, since your Centurions have low accuracy against the Wolves, don't use attacks like Spear Attack. Instead, use a regular attack or combo and get a critical hit; that way your attacks will always connect. DINNER TIME II Prize: 500D-700D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion Enemies: 4x Wolf This time there are only 4 wolves, but you have to kill all of them to win. Again, have Valens and Ludo each kill one with a good combo attack. Then have them help the Centurions take the other two down. Not too hard. PACK MENTALITY Prize: 500D-700D Fee: 225D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion Enemies: 4x Wolf This battle is exactly the same as the last battle, except some of the wolves have higher levels. Use the same strategy as the previous battle. DARK MOON Prize: 500D-700D Fee: 300D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Centurion Enemies: Greater Wolf, 3x Wolf This battle is a little harder. You start out with only the Greater Wolf in the arena. After you kill it, 3 more regular Wolves will come. The Greater Wolf is a powerful opponent - it has over 200 HP, and it takes up several squares of space. This means it can also attack the 2 squares in front of it. So if you have 2 people standing in front of it when it attacks, they will both be hit. However, its attacks are not all that powerful. Just surround it and hit it with your strongest combos and attacks, and it will eventually go down. Now you will have to contend with 3 more Wolves. Have Valens and Ludo gang up on one of them and bring it down with combos. Have your Centurions gang up on another one, using combos and attacks with critical hits. Then have whoever is left alive finish the remaining Wolf. THE FRAY Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 300D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion Enemies: 2x Greater Wolf, 4x Wolf This is probably the toughest battle so far. You start out with 2 Greater Wolves and when you kill one of them, two Wolves come. And they are all quite strong, too. What you want to do is take down the Greater Wolves one at a time to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed by 4 Wolves. So concentrate all your attacks on one of them until he goes down. Their attacks aren't all that strong, but they do have a move that makes you retreat 1 space, which can prevent you from using combos. But you shouldn't have too much trouble taking down the first one. After it falls, 2 Wolves will come. These guys seem to be more of a threat than the Greater Wolf because they are faster, harder to hit, and can use combos. Have one Medium character (Valens or Ludo) and one Centurion gang up on each of them. Use your strongest attacks and combos and bring down those Wolves as fast as you possibly can. And remember that the Centurions will have low accuracy against them, so you have to hit with critical attacks unless you're attacking their backs. After those two Wolves die, repeat the process. It will be easier this time, though, because you have one less Greater Wolf bothering you. Just concentrate on the remaining Greater Wolf, then use the same strategy to take down the last two Wolves. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* REGIMENTAL CHALLENGE Badges required: None Prize: 1000D-1030D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another league which has randomly selected enemies. The enemies in this league will always be Legionnaires, Samnites, and Centurions, but they are randomly selected in each battle. This also means that you can take a look at your enemies and restart if you get a lot of hard enemies. CLASSIC BATTLE I Prize: 500D-750D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion, Secutor Number of enemies: 3 You outnumber your enemies by quite a bit, and your enemies also start out in the pits, so take advantage of this. You should be able to kill any Legionnaires right off if you have a Centurion nearby. Then team up and take out the Heavy enemies one at a time. CLASSIC BATTLE II Prize: 500D-750D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Ludo, 2x Centurion Number of enemies: 3 Since you only have 3 team members this time, make sure you take a look at your enemies before the battle starts, and restart if you get something like a Lv. 4 Samnite. If you don't get too many Centurions or Samnites, this battle will be pretty easy. Have your Centurions take out any Legionnaires quickly, then team up and use combos and Spear Attacks to defeat the remaining enemies. CLASSIC BATTLE III Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 25D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 This time, you will start out in the pits, so get out as quickly as possible. The teams are even this time also, so have your Centurions wipe out the Legionnaires with Spear Attack and/or combos. Have Valens and Ludo start attacking the Heavy enemies, and have your Centurions assist them when they can. CLASSIC BATTLE IV Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 50D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Ludo, Centurion, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 I don't know if this battle has random enemies or not; every time I tried, I got 2 Centurions and 1 Legionnaire. You start out in the pit again, so get out immediately. Have one of your Centurions quickly kill the Legionnaire. Your other Centurion and Ludo should go after one of the enemy Centurions with combos. Then have all three of your team members gang up on the last Centurion. CLASSIC BATTLE V Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 50D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Ludo, Centurion, Centurion Number of enemies: 5 Once again, get out of the pit before your enemies can attack you. There are usually a lot of Legionnaires in this battle and less Centurions. Have your Centurions take out all the Legionnaires with Spear Attack or combos while Ludo starts using combos on a Centurion. Have your Centurions help him out after the Legionnaires are dead, then team up and take out the other Centurion, if there is one. CLASSIC BATTLE VI Prize 1000D-1500D Fee: 50D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Ludo, 2x Centurion Number of enemies: 5 This battle is just like the last one, except the enemies are a little tougher. Use the same strategy as the previous battle. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* BEST OF BELFORT Badges required: None Prize: 1500D-1700D, Badge of Belfort, Regal Cape ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVE DUTY Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Centurion, Secutor Enemies: 2x Centurion, 2x Legionnaire You only need to defeat the 2 Centurions in order to win this battle. However, you may want to take out the Legionnaires if they're annoying you. The enemies start out in the pits, so hit them hard before they can get out. Then just concentrate all your attacks on the two Centurions. Use combos and Spear Attack and they will go down in no time. DAMAGE CONTROL Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion, Centurion, Secutor Enemies: 3x Centurion, 2x Legionnaire Once again, you only need to defeat the Centurions to win. You can have 2 people team up against each Centurion and take them out with your most powerful attacks. Just ignore the Legionnaires. HOSTILE INTENT Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 300D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Valens, Ludo, 3x Centurion Enemies: 2x Centurion, 3x Legionnaire This time you have to kill everyone to win, not just the Centurions. Have your two strongest Centurions go after the Legionnaires. You should be able to kill them in one or two hits. Then have Valens, Ludo, and your other Centurion start attacking the other Centurions. I'd recommend taking them down one at a time. Your other two Centurions can help out if need be after they kill the Legionnaires. LAW OF WAR Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 300D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Valens, Ludo, 3x Centurion Enemies: 2x Centurion, 3x Legionnaire This battle is almost exactly the same as the last battle, except it's a bit easier since your enemies start out in the pits. Use the same strategy as above to win this battle. PACKAGED FORCES Prize: 5000D-5500D Fee: 400D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion 2x Centurion, Secutor Enemies: 4x Centurion, 2x Legionnaire This battle starts out with only 2 Centurions in the arena. When you kill 2 Centurions, a Legionnaire joins the battle. Start out by ganging up on 2 of the Centurions. Don't attack all of them, just pick 2 and start beating on them. When they go down, a Legionnaire will come out. Have a Centurion or two take down the Legionnaire while the rest of your team starts attacking the remaining 2 Centurions. When they fall, the last Legionnaire will appear. Kill him using a Centurion. TACTICAL CONTROL Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 450 Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Ludo, 2x Centurion Enemies: 3x Centurion, 3x Legionnaire This battle is very difficult because you're outnumbered 2 to 1. The most important part of this battle is where you place your team members. Do NOT place Ludo in the spot surrounded by enemies, because they will kill him in a heartbeat. Try to place everyone kind of close together, away from the enemies. The strategy I used here is to get your team members together, and wait for the enemy to come to you. Spear Attack and a combo will take down the Legionnaires, probably. As for the Centurions, use your strongest combos and use Spear Attack from behind. You can also use the pits to your advantage to lure the enemies into them. This battle may take you a few tries, but you will eventually win. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* GLORY OF IMPERIA Badges required: None Prize: 2500D-2650D, Glory of Imperia (badge) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league is very, very easy. You're fighting against Barbarians and Berserkers from Nordagh. Even at higher levels, they are quite weak, so this league should be a breeze. Also note that the enemies in each battle are random, but it will always be either Berserkers or Barbarians. ANCESTAN CHALLENGE Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 500D Required: From Imperia My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 You only have to defeat 3 of the 4 enemies to win this battle. Have Valens or Ludo kill the Berserkers and have your Centurions kill the Barbarians. You don't really need a strategy here, it's really easy. BLOOD OR BOREAS Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 500D Required: From Imperia My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 Just like the last battle, you only need to kill 3 of the enemies to win. Use the same strategy as above. FIRE IN THE GULLET Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 500D Required: From Imperia My team: Valens, Centurion, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 You only have 3 team members here, but the enemies have lower levels than before and they start out in the pits. You should be able to kill one or two of them before they can get out. Have Valens use a combo on the Berserker(s) and the Centurions use Spear Attack on the Barbarian(s) YEILD TO NONE Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 500D Required: From Imperia My team: Valens, Centurion, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 You will start out at the opposite end of the arena from your enemies. So just make your way across to them and crush them. Even though they are at Lv. 4, they are still pretty weak and you'll have no problem defeating them. ONLY THE STRONG Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 500D Required: From Imperia My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 Use the same strategy you've used against these guys in the previous battles. They are at a higher level now, so make sure Valens and Ludo stay away from the Barbarians and focus on killing the Berserkers. Have your Centurions take care of the Barbarians. RETRIBUTION OF THE SWORD Prize: 100D-1500D Fee: 500D Required: From Imperia My team: Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion Enemies: 3x Barbarian This time you will only face Barbarians, no Berserkers. So have Valens and Ludo team up to defeat one of them. Your Centurions should be able to handle a Barbarian by themselves. Use Spear Attack and strong combos. Sometimes the Barbarians will transform into animals. Remember the weight classes of animals - bears are Heavy and wolves are Light, so use the appropriate character when dealing with animals. ******************************************************************************* When you've fought all the league battles you want, you can enter the tournament. Make sure you're equipped and prepared. There are two rounds to the tournament this time; one against Wolves and one against the Belfort team. ******************************************************************************* BELFORT TOURNAMENT Prize: 1000D-1700D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAST MASTERY Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion Enemies: 2x Greater Wolf, 4x Wolf This battle is just like The Fray, except much easier because the enemies are only at Lv. 2-3. Use the same strategy as The Fray. Concentrate all your attacks on one of the Greater Wolves (I would suggest taking the Lv. 3 one down first). Then two Wolves will enter the arena. Valens and Ludo should be able to handle them by themselves, while the Centurions start attacking the other Greater Wolf. After the Wolves are dead, have Valens and Ludo help them. When the second Greater Wolf is defeated, two more Wolves will come, so kill them and you'll win. BELFORT CONQUEST Prize: 100D-1500D Fee: 1000D My team: Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion Enemies: Samnite, 2x Centurion, 2x Legionnaire Once again, you only have to defeat the Centurions to win. Take note of where you place your characters. Place a Centurion and either Valens or Ludo near each enemy Centurion. When the battle starts, just use combos and Spear Attack and they will fall in no time. You can also take advantage of the wall in the back near one of the Centurions. If you climb up on the wall, you can take that Centurion down in one hit, probably. Just ignore the Samnite and Legionnaires. ******************************************************************************* Now you've completed everything in Belfort, so head out to the world map. Now, there are four other towns you haven't visited yet: Orus, Cro Beska, Trikata, and Syrna. I would recommend going to Trikata first, because you will need a badge from there to enter other leagues in other towns. So follow the road to the south and keep going until you reach the third turnoff. This is Trikata. Also, be aware that there are random battles on the world map. You can greatly decrease the number of random battles by walking on the roads. The random battles are normally pretty easy, but keep in mind that a character who dies in a random battle will be dead forever, so be very careful and save before going to the world map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRIKATA {VLI3} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There is a sidequest you can do here in Trikata. You will sometimes be able to find a sidequest by talking to the shop owners in different towns. Visit the shop here, and talk to the owner. Choose the third option when it asks you what to talk about, and keep talking to her and she will eventually tell you about someone who killed her brother. She will ask you to kill him to avenge her brother. You have 7 days to find him. He is located on the world map, on the beach south of Trikata. You can only encounter him at night. When you do encounter him, you'll have to fight one-on-one. I would recommend using your strongest Centurion or a Samnite if you have one. When you defeat him, take his sword back to the shop owner in Trikata, and she will give you a set of good equipment - Teres Moles, Latticed Skirt, Iron Campana, and Ring of Maritimus. Now you can stop at the recruiting office or buy some new equipment, then start doing some league battles. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******************************************************************************* PEOPLE'S LEAGUE OF TRITAKA Badges required: None Prize: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another league with completely random enemies. You will find every type of enemy you've encountered so far, and a few new ones - the Amazon and Minotaur. An Amazon is an archer that can charm your male characters, so fighting at close range is effective. A Minotaur is another type of Heavy enemy, so use the same strategies as you would with Centurions or Samnites. BATTLE OF THE PEOPLE I Prize: 1500D-1650D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ludo, Centurion Number of enemies: 2 There are only 2 enemies here and they are fairly weak. Be sure to take a look at your enemies and form your party accordingly, or reset until you get what you want. A couple of combos should take down your enemies. BATTLE OF THE PEOPLE II Prize: 1500D-1650D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion Number of enemies: 4 This battle is similar to the last, but the teams have 4 members instead of 2. The important thing in these battles is to take a look at your enemies before you start, form your team according to your enemies' weaknesses, then place your characters in the correct places on the map. For example, put Ludo close to a Bandit and put a Centurion next to a Murmillo. Then you can have each of your 4 team members fighting one enemy. BATTLE OF THE PEOPLE III Prize: 1500D-1650D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ludo, 2x Centurion Number of enemies: 3 Again, take a look at your enemies, form your team accordingly, and place them in effective spots in the arena. Then you should have no problem taking down your enemies. BATTLE OF THE PEOPLE IV Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ludo, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 This battle is insanely tough because you are outnumbered and outleveled by your enemies. The best thing you can do to win this battle is to restart over and over until you get some easier opponents. For example, if you plan on using Ludo and a Centurion, restart until you get 2 Bandits and 2 Murmillos or something close. Then place Ludo next to the Bandits and the Centurion next to the Murmillos if possible. Then you should be able to use your combos and special skills or affinity attacks to win. This battle might take several tries, even if you get the right enemies. Don't worry, though; the next battle is much easier. BATTLE OF THE PEOPLE V Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ludo, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 Just like the last battle, but there are only 3 opponents. This makes things a lot easier. Make sure you use the same strategies as above; place your team members close to enemies that they are strong against, then use your most powerful skills. If you managed to beat the last battle, this one will be a breeze. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* HAMMER OF JUSTICE Badges required: None Prize: 1000D-1300D, Hammer of Justice badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you're fighting against criminals to punish them. Most of your opponents will be Bandits, but you will occasionally run into an Imperial Citizen, which are much easier. You will also have to use Heavy characters only (except for the first battle), so that will make things a little harder. PRISONER'S APPEAL Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 250D Required: 2 Heavy characters My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 4 You will probably be fighting 3 Bandits and 1 Imperial citizen in this fight, but it varies a little. This is the only battle in the league that lets you use Medium characters, so take advantage of that. Have Valens and Ludo go after a Bandit each, and have your two Heavy characters go after the citizen if there is one, and a Bandit. Even though their levels are kind of high, they don't pose much of a threat. DEFAULT JUDGEMENT Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 250D Required: Heavy My team: Centurion, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 3x Bandit You can actually have 4 characters, but I only had 3 Heavy characters at this point. There won't be any Imperial Citizens in this battle, so you'll be fighting high-level Bandits. Their evasion is very high against Heavy characters, so you can't use attacks that don't have a swing meter with a critical hit. Stick to regular attacks and combos. You can also use affinity attacks if you build up your gauge. Beware that the Bandits can use a skill that petrifies Heavy characters. This can be annoying, but the effect will wear off in time or if you get attacked. JUDGE'S ORDERS Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 200D Required: Heavy My team: Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 3x Bandit Like the last battle, except the enemies are a little weaker and you only have 2 characters. Since you're outnumbered, team up on one of the Bandits first and take care of him. Then you can each go after one Bandit and take them out just like you did in the last battle. NOLO CONTENDERE Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 175D Required: Heavy My team: 2x Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 3 You will probably be fighting 2 Bandits and one Imperial Citizen here. Their levels can be pretty high, and they can kill a team member if they surround him. Take care of the Bandits first and then kill the citizen. I would suggest killing both the Bandits at the same time, teaming up against them. When they're gone, kill the citizen. VOIR DIRE Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 150D Required: Heavy My team: Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 3x Bandit You're outnumbered again, so have your characters stick close together and kill the Bandits one at a time. Be careful of their petrification attack. And be sure to use only critical hits, or your attacks will miss. Since they are at lower levels this time, you shouldn't have much of a problem. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* LEAGUES BELLATUS Badges required: None Prize: 5000D-5050D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of 6 one-on-one battles; 2 with each weight class. One battle is against the same weight class and one battle is against their weakness. If you're like me and used a lot of Centurions and not many Light characters, the Light character battles might be tough. Be sure to buy the best weapons and armor for the characters you're going to use. BELLATUS HEAVY Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 300D Required: Heavy My team: Centurion Enemies: 1 Heavy enemy This match is Heavy vs. Heavy. I would recommend having a Centurion and just keep using Spear Attack. The enemy might use combos against you, but if you just keep using Spear Attack you will probably win. Combos are also effective. BELLATUS HEAVY CHALLENGE Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 300D Required: Heavy My team: Centurion Enemies: 1 Light enemy This match can be difficult. You can't use Spear Attack this time, because it will miss. The only thing you can count on is critical hits, so you have to get the swing meter just right. I had my Centurion start out by using Roam and getting a critical hit. Then you don't really have a choice except to use combos and get the critical hits every time. Watch out for your enemy using Surprise Attack, which will probably deal a good bit of damage. BELLATUS LIGHT Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 300D Required: Light My team: Secutor Enemies: 1 Heavy enemy This battle can be pretty hard. First, wait for your enemy to come into your range, then run up to him and use Running Attack with a critical hit. On your next turn, use Sand Toss to get more turns in. Then use Surprise Attack if you have it. If not, keep using Running Attack. If you just use Surprise Attack and Running Attack, you'll win. Make sure your equipment is good, and you have a shield. BELLATUS LIGHT CHALLENGE Prize: 500D-700D Fee: 300D Required: Light My team: Secutor Enemies: 1 Medium enemy This battle is actually easier than the last, I think, because this time there is a crate you can stand on. So quickly get on top of the crate and wait for your enemy. The use Sand Toss, followed by Surprise Attack. It will probably take 3 Surprise Attacks to win. BELLATUS MIDWEIGHT Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 300D Required: Medium My team: Ludo Enemies: 1 Light enemy Very easy battle. Wait for your enemy to come in range, then use a couple of 3-hit combos to win. MIDWEIGHT CHALLENGE Prize: 500D-700D Fee: 300D Required: Medium My team: Ludo Enemies: 1 Heavy enemy Before you start the battle, place your character on top of the crate, which is the bottom-left spot available. Since you're on a tall crate, you have a big advantage. Wait for your enemy to come in range, then use two 3-hit combos. That will probably get his HP pretty low. You can then use regular attacks or an affinity attack to finish the job. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* SURVIVE TRIKATA Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-2500D, Gift of Perseverance badge Fee: 700D Required: Medium My team: Ludo Enemies: 4x Bandit, Murmillo, Ogre ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of 4 consecutive battles. This means you have to defeat all the enemies without being healed between rounds. You have to use a Medium character, so go with either Valens or Ludo. Make sure you have a good combo. The 3-hit combo will work best. And make sure that you have the best possible equipment. Note that you only have to beat the first 3 rounds to beat the league, so it's okay if you just can't beat the last round. Round 1: 2x Bandit Hopefully, you will get a Lv. 2 and a Lv. 3 Bandit here. If not, you can reset. Wait for them to come to you, don't move to attack them. You will be able to take them down with 1 or 2 combos. If you use the 3 hit combo, it will do good damage, maybe kill them, and you can use it twice in a row for 3 skill points each. If you get lucky, you can defeat both of them with 2 combos. Round 2: 2x Bandit This round is exactly like the last one. Use your 2 combos, then attack to finish them off if need be. Round 3: Murmillo Start the battle by passing. The Murmillo will then move within attacking range. Move forward and attack him once. Then use 2 combos on your next turn and you should kill him. Watch out for a move that reduces your speed; that can be bad. Also watch out for combos. Try to bring him down as fast as you can. If you're doing good, you should still have more than half of your HP. Round 4: Ogre Wait for him to move within attacking range, then move up and attack him once. Two combos might finish him off if you get critical hits on all of them. If not, another attack or affinity attack should do the trick. The key to winning this battle is just to have enough HP left after the first 3 battles. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* TRIKATA TOURNAMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOODY HALO FINALS I Prize: 2000D-6000D Fee: 2000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 4 The enemies in this battle are completely random. Examine your enemies before the battle starts and restart if you want. The battle is pretty easy if you use the right characters and your enemies aren't too hard. Just use the standard strategies to win. BLOODY HALO FINALS II Prize: 2000D-6000D Fee: 2000D My team: Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 5 Again, the enemies here are somewhat random. You'll probably have a Centurion, a couple of Legionnaires, and some other random enemies. The annoying thing about these battles is that there are huge crates everywhere, which split your team into two groups. So be sure to look at your enemies' placement ahead of time and place your team members accordingly. In the inside area of the crates, have two people stand next to the entrance so they can attack whoever tries to come in. I had Valens and a Samnite blocking the entrance and attacking, and a Centurion attacking diagonally with Spear Attack. This way, your enemies will go down easily. On the other side of the crates, just use your most powerful attacks and bring down the enemies like you normally do. ******************************************************************************* Now you're done in Trikata. You may want to stop off at the recruiting center and get a new team member, like a Channeler if there is one. Then, head off to the world map. The next town you need a badge from is Syrna, which is located just to the west of Trikata. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYRNA {VLI4} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first thing you need to do is stop of at the recruiting center and make sure you have at least 3 female gladiators in your school. I would recommend having a Centurion/Samnite, Legionnaire/Murmillo, and a Channeler. You will need them because the next league, Spirit of the Valkyrie, is a female-only league. ******************************************************************************* SPIRIT OF THE VALKYRIE Badges required: None Prize: 6000D-6500D, Honor of the Valkyrie badge, Leather Bikini, Amazon's Bracelet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a female-only league. You will need 3 or 4 female gladiators on your team for these battles. Also note that some of the battles have randomly selected enemies. EYES OF THE VALKYRIE Prize: 1500D-1650D Fee: 1000D Required: Female My team: Centurion, Murmillo, Channeler Number of enemies: 3 The enemies in this battle are randomly selected, so you can restart and get the easy ones if you want. You should know how to defeat the enemies with your Centurion, so I'll go over the strategies for using a Murmillo and Channeler. Murmillo: These are similar to Legionnaires. They are Medium-weight characters and are effective against Light characters. They have two good skills that you should have now: Gut Basher, which lowers the enemy's speed and does damage, and Throw Shield, which does a lot of damage. Channeler: Channelers are physically weak, but they have excellent affinity skills. Their weapons have a lot of affinity charge as well. One attack will fill up 20 points (one circle) on your affinity gauge. If you recruited one at Lv. 5, she will have a lot of decent affinity skills. So attack once or twice, then use an affinity attack. You can also use Steal Affinity to take another character's affinity charge. Tornado is a skill that rearranges the position of all the characters in its range, and it's useful in a tight spot. So use Throw Shield or attack with your Murmillo, have your Centurion use Spear Attack or attack normally, and have your Channeler use affinity attacks. FISTS OF THE VALKYRIE Prize: 1500D-1650D Fee: 1000D Required: Female My team: Centurion, Murmillo, Channeler Enemies: 3x Amazon The Amazons will start off on the upper level, shooting at you down below. So quickly get to the upper level so you can attack them. Their attacks are not particularly powerful, but they are pretty fast. Have a Legionnaire or a Murmillo take care of one of them. Have your Channeler and Centurion take the other two out. One thing you need to be careful of is the Amazons' poison arrow attack, which can inflict Poison on your characters. This will lower their HP every turn, but will wear off in time. CUNNING OF THE VALKYRIE Prize: 1500D-1650D Fee: 1000D Required: Female My team: Centurion, Murmillo, Channeler Number of enemies: 3 Again, the enemies are random so you can restart and get the enemies you want. This battle is pretty much the same as the first, but the enemies are a little stronger. Also, there are crates scattered around the arena, so get on top of them if you can. Use the same strategy as in the first battle. FORCE OF THE VALKYRIE Prize: 1000D-1300D Fee: 1000D Required: Female My team: Centurion, Murmillo, Channeler Enemies: 4x Amazon More Amazons, this time at a higher level. However, you can start out closer to them this time so they aren't sniping at you while you climb up to them. Defeat them the same way you did in the second battle. Use affinity attacks with your Channeler (Sleet is good because it will freeze them for a turn). Have your Centurion attack normally, or use Spear Attack from behind. Have your Murmillo use Throw Shield or a Legionnaire use combos. Use the crates to your advantage, too. This battle is not much tougher than the second one. HEART OF THE VALKYRIE Prize: 1000D-1100D Fee: 1000D Required: Female My team: Centurion, Murmillo, Channeler Number of enemies: 4 Note that you can have 4 team members here, but I only had 3 females in my school. Take a look at your enemies and restart if you want better ones. Make sure to place your team members effectively at the start of the battle. Use the same strategies as the first and third battle. I managed to beat this battle with 3 characters fairly easily, so it will be even easier with 4. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* CIVILIS ANTIQUITIS Badges required: None Prize: 1500D-1650D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most of the battles in this league have randomly selected enemies. Most of them are Legionnaires, Centurions, and Samnites, but you can run into just about every type of enemy you've seen so far. VERSUS CULTUS OCULARIS Prize: 1500D-1650D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 5 Take a look at your enemies before the battle starts and reset if you like, to get easier enemies. Place the characters effectively on the map before the battle starts. The numbers are even, so have each person kill one enemy. VERSUS FEMINA FORMOSOS Prize: 1500D-1650D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ludo, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 3 Even though the battle is called "Femina Formosos", you will encounter males and females in this match. So bring whoever you want into battle. This is pretty much the same as the last battle, but with smaller teams. VERSUS CLARIOS' AVENGERS Prize: 1500D-1650D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 3 Pretty much the same as the last two battles. Just use the same strategy as before. VERSUS HERALDS OF CERTO Prize: 1500D-1650D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 4 The same as the last few battles, but with teams of 4. Use the same strategies as with the last battles. VERSUS SCHOOL OF ANTONIO Prize: 1500D-1650D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Samnite, Centurion, Murmillo Enemies: 5x Amazon Another Amazon battle, but this time you have the option of using male characters. I strongly recommend you take as many female characters as you can. Amazons can immobilize and stun your male characters, which will put you at a great disadvantage with only 3 characters. Go after the Amazons one or two at a time, and have your team stick together. They will be shooting you a lot at first, but they aren't that strong. So just stick together and kill them one at a time; don't have each character go after one of them. Also, if you do have a male character that gets stunned or rooted, the effect will wear off after a while or after you kill the enemy who inflicted it. VERSUS BRUTUS FERINUS Prize: 1500D-1650D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 4 The same as most of the other battles in this league. The enemies are at a higher level this time, though. So you may want to team up and take them out one or two at a time instead of having each character kill one enemy. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* TRIBUNAL OF BRUTALITY Badges required: Hammer of Justice badge Prize: 2000D-2200D, Justice of Syrna badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another endurance league. You have to fight all 5 waves of enemies in a row, without healing. The enemies are mostly Bandits, with some Citizens and a couple of Channelers. I used a team of Valens, Ludo, a Murmillo, and a Samnite. Medium characters are best here because almost all of your enemies are Light. First Circuit: 3x Bandit Your Medium characters should each go after one Bandit. Try to minimize the damage you take, because you have to last for 5 rounds. Combos work well here, as well as Throw Shield if you're using a Murmillo. Also, there are crates in the arena for the whole league, so you can stand on them if you want. Second Circuit: 3 enemies The Citizens are incredibly weak. One Medium character can take down a Citizen with one short combo. Have your other characters go after the Bandits or any other enemies left. Third Circuit: 2 enemies Only two enemies here. Have two characters attack each one and you will be done in no time. Fourth Circuit: 3 enemies Have Valens and Ludo kill any Bandits, and have your other characters kill the other enemies. Their levels are pretty low, so you should have no trouble. Final Circuit: 3x Bandit You should still have a good portion of your HP left here. Sometimes the Bandit will use Running Attack and do some decent damage, but you should still survive this round. Just take them down quickly using combos. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* STRENGTH OF AFFINITY Badges required: None Prize: 1000D-1500D, Xiphos, 2x Visigoth Shield, Praetorian Italic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I really, really hate this league because you have to have a certain affinity to enter the battles. So you will probably only have 2 characters for each affinity. And these battles are hard if you only have 2 characters. If you need to, equip someone with a different weapon that has the affinity you need. If you don't have a weapon of a certain affinity, you can go to Cro Beska to buy weapons of all 4 affinities. You might just want to do 2 of these battles, which is all you need to win the league, so you don't have to switch everyone's weapons around and buy new ones. AERIS VERSUS EXURO Prize: Rigid Circlet Fee: 1500D Required: Air Affinity Team: 1-3 members Enemies: 3 enemies (either Samnite, Bandit, or Secutor) This one isn't that hard if you have at least 2 characters, especially if they are Medium weight. You can restart to get the enemies you want, then start the battle. If you only have 2 characters, stick together and take the enemies out one at a time to avoid them ganging up on one of your characters. SOLUM VERSUS MARITIMUS Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 1500D Required: Earth Affinity Team: 1-3 members Enemies: 5 enemies (Peltast, Murmillo, or Minotaur) If you don't have 3 Earth affinity characters, I would recommend skipping this battle because there are 5 enemies. Some of the enemies will be at Lv. 1 and the others will be at Lv. 5. So if you have 3 characters, stick together and take out the Lv. 5 enemies first. Then take out the Lv. 1 enemies. EXURO VERSUS AERIS Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 1500D Required: Fire Affinity Team: 1-3 members Enemies: 4 enemies (Bandit, Secutor, or Peltast) Again, if you only have 2 characters, you may want to skip this battle. Medium characters are good here against Bandits and Secutors, so if you have a Medium character, use combos against them to kill them. Again, stick together so they can't kill you as easily. MARITIMUS VERSUS SOLUM Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 1500D Required: Water Affinity Team: 1-3 members Enemies: 2 enemies (Centurion, Peltast, Bandit, or Secutor) This battle is a little better, but still kind of hard if you only have 2 characters. You can keep restarting to get the enemies you are good against, then start the battle. Have each character attack one enemy, or stick together and take them out one at a time. ******************************************************************************* After you've done all the league battles you want to do, you can enter the tournament. ******************************************************************************* SYRNA TOURNAMENT Prize: 5000D-5500D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYRNA CHAMPIONSHIP Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 500D My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo, Samnite, Secutor Enemies: 4x Secutor This is a pretty easy tournament. Take all the Medium characters you have, and you'll do fine. You outnumber them, so have a Medium character each kill one enemy, and two of your team members can team up against one of them. Use combos and Throw Shield and you'll win in no time. ******************************************************************************* You're done in Syrna now. The next stop is Cro Beska, which is the town east of Trikata. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRO BESKA {VLI5} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may want to stop at the recruiting center and get a Wolf or a Mongrel if you have room. Now, for the leagues. ******************************************************************************* IMPERIA UNTAMED Badges required: Lupus' Master badge Prize: 800D-1100D, Imperia Untamed badge, Collar of Force ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league introduces some new classes - the Plains Cat, Scarab, Scorpion Gungnir, Mongrel, and Ogre. Here is a brief description/strategy for each: Plains Cat: Fights as a Light character, so use Medium characters against them. A lot like a Wolf. Scarab: A giant beetle, fights as a Heavy character, similar to a Bear. Has some decent long-range attacks, too. Scorpion: A Light beast that has some very strong attacks like Poison Flick and Venom. Defeat them quickly using Medium or Heavy characters. Gungnir: A long-range gladiator that uses javelins to attack. Similar to a Peltast. Can also transform into a Bear. Mongrel: A Light warrior, similar to a Bandit or Secutor. Use the same strategies to beat them. Ogre: Very similar to a Samnite. A very large and Heavy warrior. Defeat them using other Heavy characters or using Surprise Attack from behind them. TOOTH AND CLAW Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Wolf You've dealt with Wolves before and should be able to handle yourself here. Attack them using combos and Throw Shield. Also, take a look at the arena here. It has different levels, like a staircase. Take advantage of this and attack your enemies from the level above whenever possible. ACTIVE SUBMISSION Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 500D My team: Ludo, Valens, Murmillo, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 4x Wolf Use the same strategies here as the last battle. Each Medium character should be able to take on a Wolf by themselves and defeat them pretty quickly. Have your other two characters team up and defeat the other one. FEARSOME PACK Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 500D My team: Ludo, Valens, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 4 enemies (Plains Cat, Bear, Scarab, Wolf, or Gungnir) The enemies here are random. Put someone close to the Gungnir if there is one, and try to kill him before he can transform into a Bear. Have a Medium character use combos from above to take care of the Cats and Wolves. Have your Heavy characters bring down the Bears and Scarabs. Try to get the Scarabs first, because their attacks are pretty strong. SWEEPING ATTACK Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 500D My team: Ludo, Valens, Murmillo, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 3 enemies, (same enemies as above + Mongrel) The Mongrels are pretty easy. Valens or Ludo should be able to kill them with one big combo if they're at lower levels. Have your Medium characters take care of them. As for the other enemies, just kill them the way you did in the last battle. THE HUNT Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 500D Required: Human My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 3x Mongrel, Ogre The same as the last battle, with the addition of an Ogre. Have your two Heavy characters take down the Ogre while Valens and Ludo kill the Mongrels just like in the last battle. Just don't get surrounded by Mongrels, because they can kill you if you let that happen. A DANGEROUS SPORT Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 500D Required: Human My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo Enemies: 4x Wolf, Plains Cat This battle is pretty hard. Make sure your Murmillo is on a higher level when the battle starts. If he uses Throw Shield from above, it will probably kill a Wolf or Cat in one (critical) hit. So your Murmillo should be able to kill 2 or 3 enemies with Throw Shield. Just have Valens and Ludo use big combo attacks from above to take care of the rest. Once again, don't get surrounded or they might kill you. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* MONGREL SIEGE Badges required: Imperia Untamed badge Prize: 4500D-5000D, Mongrel Butcher badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you will fight nothing but Mongrels and a few Ogres. This is a really easy league because the enemies are sometimes at very low levels, and it's a great way to make some fast money (up to 6400D per fight). MONGREL SIEGE I Prize: 5500D-6400D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo, Samnite Enemies: 4x Mongrel Two of the Mongrels will be at higher levels and two will be at lower levels. Have your Murmillo use Throw Shield to kill one instantly. Have your Samnite go after a low-level one. Then have Valens and Ludo combo the other two to death. MONGREL SIEGE II Prize: 5500D-6400D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo Enemies: 4x Mongrel This is just like the last battle, but you have one less character. Take all your Medium characters and kill the Mongrels like you did in the last battle. MONGREL SIEGE III Prize: 5500D-6400D Fee: 500D Required: Valens, 1 Light, 1 Heavy My team: Valens, Secutor, Centurion Enemies: 3x Mongrel, Ogre Valens should be able to kill two of the Mongrels by himself. Have your Light character go after a low-level one. Your Heavy character should attack the Ogre, and Valens can help him after he kills the Mongrels. MONGREL SIEGE IV Prize: 5500D-6400D Fee: 500D Required: 1 of each Affinity My team: Valens, Murmillo, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 4x Mongrel It helps if you have at least 2 Medium characters for this fight. You can buy affinity weapons from the shop here if you need to change a character's affinity. Take care of the Mongrels as usual - Valens/Ludo use combos, Murmillo use Throw Shield, and other characters just attack normally. MONGREL SIEGE V Prize: 5500D-6400D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 3x Mongrel, 2x Ogre Take out the Mongrels quickly the way you've been doing. They are all at Lv. 5, but you should still be able to kill them in one or two turns. While your Medium characters are killing the Mongrels, have your Heavy characters attack the Ogres. Your Medium characters can help them after the Mongrels are dead. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * After this battle, you can talk to the shopkeeper here and ask him about any interesting battles. He will tell you of one that takes place 7 days after you talk to him. He says you will be fighting Minotaurs and Satyrs. Remember to come back to Cro Beska in 7 days for this fight. You'll probably be in the next town by then, so make sure you remember. Also, make sure you have an empty slot for another character. When you come back in 7 days, there will be another league available with the battle "The Mythic Invasion". In it, you will have to fight 2 Satyrs and 2 Minotaurs. It doesn't matter if they kill the citizens, just fight them. Satyrs are Light enemies, but they have a few strong attacks. Minotaurs are Heavy characters, and they are very strong. Watch out for Rampage, which can kill you in one hit. When you win, you'll get some money, a Scorched Skull Cap, and a Bull Ring. One of the Satyrs or Minotaurs will also offer to join you. I would go with the Minotaur, so if the Satyr offers to join, reset and try again until you get the Minotaur, Langston. He is very powerful, and you'll use him a lot. Also note that he is at a higher level than you are, so he can join your team at Lv. 6 even though the level cap is 5. Note: If you don't want to restart the battle to get Langston, here's an easier way. Enter the battle with a full school. After the battle, go out to the world map, expel someone, and save your game. Then go into Cro Beska and one of the characters will join you. If it's not Langston, reset and try again. This way, you only have to do the battle one time. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now, for the other leagues. ******************************************************************************* CONDEMNED HOPE Badges required: Hammer of Justice, Justice of Syrna Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you have to fight the enemies off, and you can also break open the barrels in the arena to free Bandit prisoners. Once they are freed, they will break open the other barrels and fight on your side. However, you don't have to free them in order to win. These battles have either all Mongrels or all Mongrels and an Ogre. CAPTIVE TRIAL Prize: None Fee: 800D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo Number of enemies: 2 There are 2 barrels with prisoners in them if you want to break them open. If not, just kill the enemies using the normal method. You may want to restart the battle until you get all Mongrels instead of a Mongrel and an Ogre. FREE THE PRISONERS Prize: None Fee: 800D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo Number of enemies: 3 Again, you might want to restart until you get all Mongrel enemies. Then either go around and break all the barrels open and free the prisoners, or just skip the prisoners and kill the enemies. There are 4 barrels this time. EMANCIPATION Prize: None Fee: 800D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo, Samnite Number of enemies: 4 Now there are 5 barrels you can break open if you want. If not, just go after all the Mongrels as usual. FIGHT FOR THE OPPRESSED Prize: None Fee: 800D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Ludo, Murmillo Number of enemies: 4 Only two barrels this time. You can break them open if you need help defeating the enemies, but you'll probably have an easier time just killing the enemies. You can restart until you get all Mongrels if you don't want to deal with an Ogre. Combos, Throw Shield, and affinity attacks will bring down your enemies very quickly. LIBERATION Prize: None Fee: 800D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo Number of enemies: 2 (Mongrel, Ogre, Wolf, or Plains Cat) If you want, you can break the 4 barrels around the arena and free the prisoners. Or just stick together and defeat the enemies. There are only two, so it should be pretty easy. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* QUARREL IN THE MAW Badges required: None Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of 4 one-on-one point battles. In a point battle, the goal is to do as much damage as possible in the allotted time. You get a point for every HP of damage you deal to your opponent, and your opponent gets points for damaging you. Whoever gets the most points at the end of the time limit wins. Also, your HP does not decrease in these battles. Note that you only have to win one of these battles to win the league, so it's okay if you don't have a certain class. However, you should try to do all of them because they give you some good equipment (even though you can't equip most of it yet). SECUTOR CONTEST Prize: 800D-950D, Poison Axe, Studded Shield Fee: 800D Required: Secutor (above Lv. 2) My team: Secutor Enemies: Secutor Your enemy is a level lower than you are, so you have the advantage. Just make sure you have the best weapon and armor you can. Start off with a Running Attack. Your enemy has weaker attacks, so he won't get as many points, especially if you get critical hits every time. You may want to use Sand Toss to lower his speed and get more turns in. Just keep using Running Attack or Surprise Attack for 3 minutes and you will win by a huge margin. MONGREL CHALLENGE Prize: 800D-950D, Dried Bones, Wooden Bludgeon Fee: 800D Required: Mongrel or Mongrel Shaman My team: Mongrel Enemies: Mongrel You can recruit a Lv. 5 Mongrel from the recruiting center here if you don't have one yet. This is pretty much the same as the Secutor battle. Start out with a Running Attack. Then alternate between Running Attack and a regular attack (Running Attack costs 2 skill points for a Mongrel). Do this for 3 minutes and you will win. MURMILLO FIGHT Prize: 800D-950D, Throwing Hoplite, Copper Campana Fee: 800D Required: Murmillo My team: Murmillo Enemies: Murmillo This one might be a little closer match than the last two, but it's still easy if you have a Lv. 5 Murmillo. If the enemy Murmillo uses Gut Basher, be sure to use Gut Basher on him in return, because you can't afford to lose any turns. You can use Throw Shield, but I found it best to just keep attacking and getting critical hits. Use Gut Basher every once in a while to lower the enemy's speed. Do this for 3 minutes to win. SAMNITE BATTLE Prize: 800D-950D, Metal Suit, Scutum Fee: 800D Required: Samnite My team: Samnite Enemies: Samnite Start out my passing, so your enemy will come within range and you will get the first attack. Use regular attacks, and an occasional combo if your Samnite learned a combo attack. When you get enough affinity built up, use a Level 1 or 2 affinity attack to deal a lot of damage. The enemy's attacks are much weaker than yours, and a lot of times you will block them, so just attack him for 3 minutes to win. ******************************************************************************* Now you're ready for the tournament. ******************************************************************************* CRO BESKA TOURNAMENT Prize: 1000D-1500D, Stone Club, Tortoise's Scalp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This time the tournament is 3 battles, back-to-back. However, it's pretty easy because your enemies are all around Lv. 3. MONGREL'S MAW TOURNAMENT Prize: 2000D-2500D Fee: 5000D My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo, Samnite You can encounter just about every enemy you've come across so far, and one new one - the Dervish. These are Light characters, so take them out the same way you would a Bandit or Secutor. First Battle: 3 enemies Prize: 1500D-1800D You will fight 3 random enemies here. You should know how to deal with each type of enemy by now. You outnumber your enemies here, and their levels are pretty low, so you should be able to win without losing very much HP. Second Battle: 3 enemies Prize: 1500D-1800D This fight is the same as the last. 3 random, low-leveled enemies. Try to take them out while losing as little HP as possible. Third Battle: 3 enemies (Mongrels and Ogres) Do this fight just like you have all the other Mongrel and Ogre battles. Have the Medium characters go after the Mongrels and your Heavy character take on the Ogre. ******************************************************************************* After the tournament, you're done with Cro Beska, and it's time to head off to the last town in Imperia, Orus. It's located just to the north of Cro Beska. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORUS {VLI6} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy some Fire equipment in the shop if you want, then start on the leagues. ******************************************************************************* ASSEMBLY OF IMPERIA Badges required: None Prize: 2500D-3000D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERGAMENE GIANTS Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 300D Required: Air Affinity My team: Valens, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 3 enemies (mix of Centurions and Samnites) If you need any Air affinity weapons, they can be bought at Cro Beska. I would recommend taking Heavy characters in this battle if possible. First, take a look at the arena. There are pits of lava in places, and an elevated area in the middle and on each side. Take advantage of those. Make your way around to your enemies. I would recommend staying together and taking your enemies out one at a time if possible. Also, try to get on top of one of the higher areas if you can. This will increase the damage given and decrease the damage taken. Also, there is a chest on the ledge in the middle. You can get it if you want. It contains a Contubernium. MONGREL BAND Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 300D Required: Medium My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Mongrel More Mongrels. Deal with them the same way you did in Cro Beska. Have each of your characters go after one of them. Use long combos and Throw Shield to take them out quickly. CULTUS OCULARIS Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 800D Required: Medium My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Centurion This battle can be a little tough because you're facing 3 Heavy opponents. It is very important that you do NOT let yourself get surrounded. Centurions have a Group Attack ability, and if they use it, you will die, fast. Start out by getting one or two characters up on the rock in the middle. Then surround one of the Centurions and attack him until he dies. Use your strongest attacks. After you kill the first one, it will be easier. I would recommend getting all your characters to the top ledge of the rock and attacking the other two Centurions from above. Keep using combos and Throw Shield, which is very effective from above, and they will go down. BRUTUS ATROX Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 800D Required: Heavy My team: 2x Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 4x Legionnaire Since your characters are all Heavy, they should be able to dispatch the Legionnaires easily. There will be two pairs of them. Take out the pair closest to you quickly, before the other ones get to you. Use Spear Attack if you still have a spear equipped, or combos and/or affinity attacks. Repeat for the other two. MASTERS OF THE ARCANE Prize: 5000D-5500D Fee: 800D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo, Langston Enemies: 4x Channeler If you talked to the shop owner in Cro Beska (see the sidequest section in Cro Beska), you might have gotten Langston by now. If not, it's okay, but try to get him soon because he's very strong and will help you a lot. There are 4 Channelers here, and their levels vary a lot. There will most likely be 2 strong ones and two weaker ones. Go after the stronger ones first. The weaker ones will be on the other side of the arena to start with, anyway. They just use the normal skills - Steal Affinity, Fire Cloud, Sleet, and Tornado. Tornado is annoying, but at least it doesn't do any damage. Try to get up close to them, because then they will attack you physically, and they're weak physically. Use your combos and skills, and take advantage of the rock ledges. If you have Langston, Rampage is very strong. Just make sure you check the accuracy of it to make sure it can hit, and use it from the back or from above if you can. Otherwise, combos and regular attacks are effective. ORCUS DOMINI Prize: 5000D-5500D Fee: 800D Prohibited: Light My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo Enemies: 2 enemies (either 2 Secutor or a Secutor and a Samnite) The enemies here are very strong and can kill you quickly. The Secutors use Surprise Attack a lot, which does a lot of damage usually. Also, they can use Sand Toss to lower your speed and get even more turns than usual. You might want to restart until you get a Secutor and a Samnite, then take Langston to defeat the Samnite. Use your Medium characters to kill the Secutors, one at a time. And stand on the rock in the middle if you can. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* CIVILIS LEAGUE OF ORUS Badges required: None Prize: 1500D-1650D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, the enemies are chosen at random. You will find just about every type of enemy you've encountered so far. CIVILIS ORUS I Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo, Langston Number of enemies: 4 I can't really give any specific strategy here since the enemies are completely random, but you should know what to do. Take a look at your enemies and keep them in mind when choosing a party. Place your characters effectively, and use the rocks to your advantage. CIVILIS ORUS II Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo Number of enemies: 3 This battle is just like the previous one, except there are only 3 members on each team. Stick together to take out more powerful enemies like Samnites, and split up to take care of enemies like Mongrels and Bandits. Make sure you use the right weight classes against each enemy. CIVILIS ORUS III Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Langston Number of enemies: 5 You are outnumbered here by quite a bit, so you might want to restart and try to get some easy enemies. If you got Langston from the Cro Beska sidequest, which I strongly recommend you do, now would be a great time to put him to use. Since you're outnumbered, stay close together and let your enemies come to you. Then surround them and kill them one at a time. CIVILIS ORUS IV Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo Number of enemies: 3 You're outnumbered by one in this battle, and the enemies are at a little higher level this time. Try to get some weaker enemies like a Mongrel if you want to make things easier. Again, stick together and kill your enemies one at a time, and try not to get surrounded. CIVILIS ORUS V Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Langston Number of enemies: 1 This is a one-on-one match, so pick your strongest gladiator and make sure you get an enemy that he is effective against. Use the rocks to get a height advantage if you can. Use combos and affinity attacks and/or skills such as Throw Shield or Rampage. CIVILIS ORUS VI Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo Number of enemies: 4 Pretty much the same as Civilus Orus IV, but with one more enemy. So it's important that you choose effective characters for dealing with your enemies. A bunch of Ogres or Samnites is bad, so try to get some weaker enemies. Stick together and try to take them out one at a time, instead of splitting up and getting surrounded. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* FURY & FLAME LEAGUE Badges required: Lupus' Master badge, Imperia Untamed badge Prize: 1000D-1500D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will be introduced to some new enemies in this league. Here is a basic description of each: Cyclops: A Heavy gladiator. Can inflict some good damage with Punch and other physical attacks. Can also inflict Fear, which makes you Pass every turn, and he has a low-accuracy instant death attack. However, his HP/Defense seems a little lower than other Heavy characters. Satyr: You should have already fought some of these at the Cro Beska sidequest. They are Light characters, so Medium characters are best for defeating them. They have a few attacks that can inflict quite a bit of damage, and they have an attack that raises their crowd meter. Undead Legionnaire: Similar to a Legionnaire, but has some different attacks that can inflict various status effects. A Medium character, so use Heavy characters to defeat them. Rampage works well if you can get it to hit. Minotaur: You've already fought a few of these. They are Heavy gladiators, and they have some very strong attacks. Rampage can kill you in one hit or break your shield in one hit. To defeat them, surround them and use combos and all your strongest attacks. EMBERS OF EXURO Prize: 5000D-5500D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: Light My team: Valens, Samnite, Langston Enemies: 1 enemy (Cyclops/Satyr/Undead Legionnaire) Here you will fight one enemy: A Cyclops, Satyr, or Undead Legionnaire. See the section above for descriptions of each. Whatever enemy you're fighting, surround them and just use your strongest attacks. Since you outnumber the enemy, it will be pretty easy. BEASTLY FLAME Prize: 5000D-5500D Fee: 1000D Required: Beast Team: 1-4 beasts Enemies: Minotaur You can only use beasts here, and the only beast you have available now is a Wolf. So if you don't have 3 or 4 Wolves in your team, you might just want to skip this battle. If you do have Wolves, use the basic strategy for dealing with Minotaurs - surround them and use all of your strongest attacks. If he uses Rampage and it hits, it will probably kill you, so be careful. ADVERSARY'S PYRE Prize: 5000D-5500D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: Air Affinity My team: Ludo, Murmillo, Langston, Channeler Enemies: 2x Cyclops, Satyr If all your good characters are Air affinity, you might want to give them another weapon for this battle. First, take care of the Satyr. He should go down rather quickly if you use a big combo on him. Then kill the Cyclopes (yes, that is the plural of Cyclops) one at a time. Surround them and use your strongest attacks, and try to get up on the rock in the middle. ENTRANT'S FERVOR Prize: 5000D-5500D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: Water Affinity My team: Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 2x Cyclops, Satyr This battle is exactly like the last one, except Water is prohibited this time. So use the same strategy as in the last battle. CURSE OF MISCREATION Prize: 5000D-5700D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Langston Enemies: Minotaur You're fighting one Minotaur in this battle. He can use Rampage, so be aware that he can kill your Medium and Light characters in one hit. Have your own Minotaur use Rampage on him, and have your other character use his biggest combo attack. Use the rock in the middle if you want. DEVOURING ELEMENT Prize: 5000D-5700D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: 1 Air Affinity, 1 Water Affinity, 1 Summoner/Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Samnite, Langston Enemies: 2x Minotaur I would recommend using only Heavy characters in this battle to avoid being killed by Rampage. Take care of the Minotaurs one at a time by surrounding them and using the strongest attacks you have. Again, you can stand on the rock to do more damage. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* FIRES OF JUSTICE Badges required: Hammer of Justice badge, Justice of Syrna badge Prize: 25000D-3000D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AB INITIO Prize: 500-700D Fee: 350D Required: 3 Heavy Prohibited: 1 Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Samnite, Centurion, Langston Enemies: 3x Bandit You have to use mostly Heavy characters here, so that means you need to use only critical hits, otherwise you will miss. Have one Medium character take one of the Bandits out with a combo, and have your Heavy characters team up and take care of the other two. CORAM NON JUDICE Prize: 500D-700D Fee: 350D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo, Langston Enemies: 2x Bandit There are only 2 Bandits here, and you have 4 members. So split into 2 groups and have each pair defeat one Bandit. Not hard at all. DE LEGE LATA Prize: 2000D-2500D Fee: 350D Required: 3 Light, 1 Heavy Team: 4 members Enemies: 3x Bandit I just skipped this battle because I only had 2 Light characters and my school was full, and you might want to do the same if you're in the same situation. If you can meet the requirements, just use the usual method for dealing with Bandits. Your Heavy character should be able to kill one on his own, while your other 3 Light characters can team up and use attacks like Running Attack and Surprise Attack on the other two. IN TERROREM Prize: 2000D-2500D Fee: 350D Required: Fire Affinity My team: Ludo, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Bandit You can buy Fire affinity weapons from the shop here if you need to. Try to use Medium characters in this battle. Then you can easily deal with the Bandits. Just use the same strategy; use combos with critical hits to win. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* THE ONSLAUGHT Badges required: Badge of Perpetuity, Gift of Perseverance Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a tricky league. It is a series battle, which means you can't heal between rounds. And to make things worse (or better, if you're lucky), there are Archers on the rocks, and you cannot get to them to kill them. If you have a Murmillo, you can get within range of using Throw Shield, but it can't target them. So don't try to kill them. Sometimes they will attack you, and sometimes they will attack the enemy. So if you stay far away from them and the enemies are close to them, they will most likely attack the enemies. Also, the enemies in the first two waves are random, but nothing new. FIRST WAVE: 3 enemies Prize: 5000D-5700D Choose your 5 characters. I went with Valens, Ludo, a Murmillo, a Samnite, and Langston. For this battle, I'd recommend just waiting in the far back of the arena, away from the archers. They can still hit you here, but they will more likely shoot the enemies instead. They might even kill an enemy or two before the enemies can reach you. So stay put and wait for the enemies to come, then finish them off. SECOND WAVE: 3 enemies Prize: 5000D-5700D Just like the last battle, except the archers are all on the side wall this time. Again, I would recommend keeping your distance so they will be more likely to shoot the enemy. When the enemies get to you, just finish them off with combos or whatever you want to use. THIRD WAVE: 3 enemies Prize: 5000D-5700D This is the same as the last two rounds. Hopefully the Archers haven't shop you too many times, so you still have some HP left. Let the enemies come to you, hopefully being shot by Archers on the way. Then kill the enemies when they reach you. ******************************************************************************* Now it's time for the tournament. ******************************************************************************* ORUS TOURNAMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXURO'S THREAT Prize: 3000D-3500D Fee: 3000D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Valens, Langston, Centurion, Samnite, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Minotaur There are 3 Archers in this battle. Hopefully they will shoot the Minotaurs and not you. Use the same basic strategy as The Onslaught. You can wait for the Minotaurs to come to you, then surround them and let loose with your most powerful skills and combos to bring them down. You can also split your team and go around the rock in the middle and then attack them in smaller groups if you want. ******************************************************************************* Now you've completed every goal in Imperia. It's time to head to the regional championship, held in Syrna. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYRNA (CHAMPIONSHIP) {VLI7} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* IMPERIAL CHAMPIONSHIP Badges required: Glory of Imperia, Honor of the Valkyrie, Gift of Perseverance Prize: 5000D-7500D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The championship consists of two battles. GRAND IMPERIA Prize: 5000D-7500D Fee: 500D My team: Valens, Ludo, Langston, Centurion, Samnite, Murmillo Enemies: Centurion, Peltast, Legionnaire, Channeler This is pretty easy for a championship. You have 6 team members, and they only have 4 members. Place your team members effectively on the map. Have the Heavy characters deal with the Centurion and Legionnaire. Have the Medium characters take out the Peltast and Channeler. Just use combos, Throw Shield, Spear Attack, Rampage, and whatever other skills you have. You've fought much harder battles than this, so you should be fine. SINISTER FORCES Prize: 5000D-75000D Fee: 5000D My team: Valens, Ludo, Langston, Centurion, Samnite, Murmillo Enemies: Mongrel, Ogre, Minotaur Another easy battle. You outnumber your enemies 2 to 1. Have two Medium characters take care of the Mongrel. One combo or two should do the trick. Have your two strongest characters go after the Minotaur. Use your best attacks to take him down. Then have your other two characters kill the Ogre. ******************************************************************************* After this battle, you're done with Imperia. Usus will give you the option to go to Nordagh. You can go now, or you can wait a little and stay here to finish any league battles or buy anything you need. Note that your school tier will stay at Amateur until you are in Nordagh. When you're ready, enter and exit a town, and Usus will ask you to go. *Note: You probably don't have a whole lot of money now, but if you did the recruit/strip/expel trick to get some money, you might have a decent amount by now. If you want, you can go shopping at Caltha before leaving Imperia. The equipment there is pretty expensive, but it's stronger than anything you'll be able to buy in the next two regions. However, if you buy it, you won't be able to equip it until you're at the Professional Tier. If you have the money, you may want to invest in at least some helmets and shields, since they're not too expensive. If you have a lot of money, you may want to consider buying a few weapons as well. Don't bother with the armor though; it's much too expensive and doesn't give you that much extra HP. You'll probably want to save enough money to shop in Nordagh, though. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NORDAGH {VLNI} +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Usus will take you to Roanor first to get your Talisman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROANOR {VLN1} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only league available to you now is the Talisman battle. ******************************************************************************* NORDAGH TALISMAN Badges required: None Prize: 100D-300D, Nordagh Talisman My team: Valens, Langston Enemies: 2 enemies (Bandit/Barbarian) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A very easy battle. Take Medium characters to kill Bandits and Heavy characters to kill Barbarians. Kill them using the usual methods - combos and skills. After the battle, you'll get your talisman. Also, if you were maxed at Lv. 5 before, all your characters will level up now. This means some more skills at last, and you can equip better items too. So go to your school menu and teach your characters some new skills if you want, and make sure everyone is equipped with the best items you have. You should have some from Imperia that you were not able to equip because your level was too low. Equip those now. Then go to the shop. You should have plenty of money here from league battles in Imperia (I had around 90,000D). So buy some new weapons and armor if you need to. You party will be much stronger now. I had Langston doing over 120 damage in one normal attack after the equipment upgrade. There are now 2 more leagues open to you here in Roanor. ******************************************************************************* MIXED PAIRS Badges required: None Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The enemies in this league are randomly selected, and you will see just about every enemy you've come across so far. You may encounter a few new ones in this league and the next, the Mongrel Shaman and the Yeti. The Mongrel Shaman is an Arcane character, who uses magic. Treat him like you would a Channeler. The Yeti is another Heavy character that has some powerful attacks, so treat him like you would a Minotaur or Cyclops. Also, in this league, you will have to use 1 human male and 1 human female in each battle. PLAY TOGETHER Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 50D Required: 1 Human Male, 1 Human Female My team: Centurion, Murmillo Number of enemies: 2 You should know by now which team members to choose to deal with the different types of enemies. Also, the arena here is very small, so you can place your characters very close to your enemies at the start of the battle. Then you can kill one as soon as the battle starts. With your new equipment, there should be no challenge at all in this battle. Use regular attacks, combos, whatever. STAY TOGETHER Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 50D Required: 1 Human Male, 1 Human Female My team: Centurion, Murmillo Number of enemies: 2 This battle is just like the last one. Use the same strategy as before. LIVE TOGETHER Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 50D Required: 1 Human Male, 1 Human Female My team: Valens, Murmillo Number of enemies: 2 Again, it's pretty much the same as before. The enemies are a little higher level this time. Just be sure to look at your enemies beforehand and select the right team members. DIE TOGETHER Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 50D Required: 1 Human Male, 1 Human Female My team: Ludo, Murmillo Number of enemies: 2 The enemies are 1 level higher than the last battle. That's really the only difference. They're still pretty weak and will fall easily if you have some good equipment. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES QUALIFIER Badges required: None Prize: 500D-1000D, Circle Qualification badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first Circle league. You will be seeing a lot of these leagues in Nordagh. Again, there are random enemies in this league. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 1000D-2000D Fee: 100D My team: Samnite, Langston Number of enemies: 2 This is another points battle, like the ones in Cro Beska. You just have to deal more damage than your enemy in 3 minutes to win. I would recommend restarting until you get at least 1 Medium enemy, and take your two strongest Heavy characters. Only focus on one enemy. Surround him and use all the strongest attacks you have. Just ignore the other one. Their attacks will do very little damage compared to yours. I ended up winning this battle by about 2500 points. If you bought some strong weapons from the shop, this battle will be pathetically easy. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 1000D-2000D Fee: 100D My team: Langston, Centurion Number of enemies: 2 This is your first King of the Hill battle. Basically, you have to stand on top of the pile of crates or rocks. Every few seconds you are standing on it, you'll get a point. Eventually the points will double and you'll get 2 every few seconds. Whoever ends up with the most points wins. You can also just kill your enemies to win. So take a couple strong characters and have one of them stand on top of the pile of rocks. The enemies will try to attack you, and you can just attack them and kill them if you don't feel like waiting on top of the rocks for 3 minutes. If the enemy gets on top, you have to kill them to get them off. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 1000D-2000D Fee: 100D My team: Langston, Ludo Number of enemies: 2 This is just a standard battle. Kill both enemies to win. There are crates all over the arena here, so try to stay above your enemy. One combo each will probably take them down. ******************************************************************************* After this battle, you've done all you can do in Roanor for now. You need the Kingdom Open badge to compete in the rest of the leagues here. So head out to the world map. If you want, you can stop and recruit a Barbarian or Gungnir before you leave. When you leave Roanor, Valens will see Ursula and her brother Urlan fighting some Galdr and he will want to help them. In the battle, there are 4 Galdr). Your team will be Valens and Ludo, and Urlan and Ursula will also be fighting. The Galdr aren't very strong. They will usually waste a few turns raising each other's movement and speed. Their attacks are very weak. Ursula and Urlan will probably take care of the two on their side, so focus on the two nearest to you. A 3 or 4 hit combo will kill one of them. Not a very hard battle. After you defeat the Galdr, Ursula will take you to Orin. You'll see a scene in which King Orin will ask you to take care of Ursula. She will then join your school. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIN {VLN2} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can now obtain the Kingdom Open badge from the Kingdom Open league. ******************************************************************************* KINGDOM OPEN Badges required: None Prize: 1000D-3000D, Kingdom Open badge, Light Pick, Reinforced Targe, Confortari, Cured Leather Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will encounter many different types of enemies in this league. Most will be from Nordagh (Barbarians, Berserkers, Gungnirs, Satyrs). The enemies in each battle is random. CLASH OF KINGS Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Langston, Murmillo, Samnite, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 The enemies here are random, but will most likely by Gungnirs, Barbarians, and Berserkers. You have dealt with all of them before. Gungnirs are similar to Peltasts. Get in close range and they will do less damage. Barbarians are Medium characters, and they can also transform into animals. Berserkers are Light characters. They can inflict various status effects and use Rage to boost their strength. For this battle, since the numbers are even, just have each person go after one enemy. HILLTOP KINGDOM Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Langston, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 2 groups of 3 There are 3 teams here, and all of them are fighting all the other teams. That means that your enemies can kill each other, too. This is a King of the Hill match. There are a lot of enemies for you to take out, so it would be best to just get up on top of the pile of crates and stay there for the whole battle. Place someone close to the bottom-center area of the arena before the battle. Then have them climb up on the crates and stay there. Make sure this person can take some damage and kill enemies pretty easily. I would recommend a Centurion or Langston. Your other two characters can try to kill the enemies. Just defend your spot on top until the time runs out, and you'll win. TAX RELIEF Prize: 300D-900D Fee: 100D My team: Valens, Ludo, Murmillo Number of enemies: 2 groups of 3 This is pretty much a normal battle. You have to defeat both groups of enemies to win. The enemies will kill each other, too, so there's less work for you. There are 3 treasure chests on each side of the arena containing money and/or items. You can get them if you want. Make sure you stay together, and take out enemies from both groups. That way they will still be fighting with each other as well as fighting with you. DOMINANCE Prize: 600D-1800D Fee: 150D My team: Valens, Langston, Murmillo, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 Dominance is basically just like King of the Hill, only there is more than one "hill". There are 3 crates in this battle. You get points for standing on each one. You can do this battle two ways. One is to race and get up on the crates, and defend your position there until the time is up. An easier way is just to kill all your enemies. You're not outnumbered this time, so you can go ahead and have each character take out one enemy. Then you don't have to worry about the crates. Even if your enemy is ahead in points, if you kill them all, you'll still win. ROYAL TALLY Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 150D My team: Langston, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 groups of 2 This is another point battle, but there are 4 teams this time. This means that not only do they get points for attacking you, they also get points for attacking each other. So it's actually to your advantage if the enemies are attacking you, because they'll probably do less damage that way. Make sure you take your two strongest gladiators in this fight. When the battle starts, pick one enemy, surround him, and start attacking. Ignore everything else that's going on. Your attacks will be much more powerful than the enemies' attacks, so just use your combos and attacks like Rampage and Spear Attack, and you will win easily. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 1000D-2000D Fee: 250D My team: Valens, Langston, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 4 This is your first Rival Nations battle. In this type of battle, each team has a monument. The object of the game is to destroy the enemy's monument, or kill all the enemies. It's usually easier just to destroy the monument. So make sure you always leave one or two people behind to protect your monument. I find the easiest way to win these matches is to leave two of your characters in the back by your monument, and send two good offensive characters out to the center of the arena. The enemies will meet you there, and you can attack and maybe kill them. Then they will go past towards your monument, usually leaving one guard behind. Send your two characters to kill the guard and destroy the monument wile your two guards kill the enemies. Watch out for ranged attacks, too. The Berserkers have one and Gungnirs have one. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* LEAGUE OF NORTHERN PRIDE Badges required: None Prize: 1200D-3600D, Hercules Club, Mountain Lion Hide, Ring of Fans, Ansuz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will need 4 gladiators from Nordagh to be able to compete in this league. So if you don't have them, go to the recruiting center and get some. I would recommend a couple of Barbarians and a Gungnir, plus Ursula. The enemies in this league are random, but they are all from Nordagh, so you'll be fighting Barbarians, Gungnirs, and Berserkers. CONTEST OF HONOR I Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Gungnir, Barbarian Number of enemies: 2 groups of 3 This is another 3-team battle. The objective is just to defeat all enemies, on both teams. They will be attacking you and each other. Have your Gungnir stay at long-range and use Long Throw. Have Ursula and your Barbarian go after the Berserkers if there are any, then the Gungnirs. Barbarians are a little harder to kill, so attack them with your Gungnir first, then finish them off with a combo from Ursula. Remember to kill enemies from both teams evenly to they can still attack each other. CONTEST OF HONOR II Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D Required: From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Gungnir, 2x Barbarian Number of enemies: 4 Another normal battle. Just defeat all your enemies to win. You may want to stick together to defeat the Barbarians. A Barbarian or Ursula can probably handle a Berserker or a Gungnir on their own. Have your own Gungnir use Long Throw on the enemies to help them out. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D Required: From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Gungnir, 2x Barbarian Number of enemies: 4 Another Rival Nations match. This time, you might want to leave all 4 of your characters in the back and defeat the enemies when they come to you, since you probably don't have as powerful characters as the last time. Three of the enemies will come after you while one defends their monument. Just wait for the enemies to come and kill them when they get to you. Your Gungnir might be able to kill them before they can get to you. Then the guard will come to you. You can either kill him to win, or send a few people to the other side to destroy the enemy monument. CONTEST OF HONOR III Prize: 600D-1800D Fee: 200D Required: From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Gungnir, 2x Barbarian Number of enemies: 4 This battle is pretty much identical to Contest of Honor II. Use the same method you did in that battle to win. THE SACK OF BELFORT Prize: 600D-1800D Fee: 200D Required: From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Gungnir, 2x Barbarian Number of enemies: 4 The goal in this battle is to destroy more barrels than your enemies can. The barrels are all al Lv. 1 and have around 25 HP. So you can destroy a barrel in one hit. Put one character right next to the barrel in the center, and put the other characters on the northern side of the arena. When the battle starts, have the character in the center destroy the barrel there. Then have your Gungnir destroy another barrel with Long Throw. Then have your two Barbarians go in and destroy at least one more. You will probably be able to destroy the barrels before the time runs out. Your enemies will probably get one, maybe two. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ORIN'S KEEP TOURNAMENT Prize: 750D-2250D, Lignator, Fur Hat, Shoulder Brace, Leather Armband ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIN TOURNAMENT Prize: 1200D-3600D Fee: 500D My team: Langston, Centurion, Ursula, Ludo Number of enemies: 4 You just need to defeat all the enemies here to win. You can use your Imperial characters this time, thankfully, so just pick the best ones to deal with the enemies. The enemies are selected at random, but will most likely be Gungnirs, Barbarians, and Berserkers. So choose the right characters for each enemy and then destroy them with your best attacks. ******************************************************************************* You've got the badge you need now, and you're done in Orin for now, so head back to Roanor and finish the leagues there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROANOR REVISITED {VLN3} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can finish 3 more leagues now that you have the Kingdom Open badge. ******************************************************************************* LAST ONE STANDING Badges required: Kingdom Open badge Prize: 1000D-3000D, Flamberge, Iron Targe, Heavy Fur Skirt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 3 battles here - a normal battle, a king of the hill battle, and a points battle. The enemies are randomly selected, but nothing new. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Samnite Number of enemies: 3 teams of 1 This is just like the other King of the Hill battles, but there are more teams this time. Choose a character that can dish out a lot of damage as well as take some damage, like a Samnite or Langston. When the battle starts, immediately get on top of the pile of rocks. Your enemies will attack you from below, so you need to take them out. Since you're above them, a good combo will probably kill an enemy in one hit. You will win if you kill all the enemies or if the timer runs out. SURVIVAL Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Langston Number of enemies: 3 teams of 1 You just need to defeat all the enemies to win here. The enemies will attack each other and you. Pick a weaker enemy and kill him with a combo. The two other enemies will probably be fighting each other. So take care of them with a combo or strong affinity attack. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 1000D-3000D Fee: 200D My team: Langston Number of enemies: 3 groups of 1 Another points battle, so take your strongest character. There are crates in the arena, so try to stand above your enemy. You will most likely be fighting one enemy, while the other two fight each other. They will do more damage to each other than they would do to you, though, so that's not really a good thing. However, if you take Langston, you'll be able to make at least twice as many points as the enemies by using combos and even regular attacks. Make sure if you're using Langston that you attack a Medium character to do the most damage. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ONE AGAINST MANY Badges required: Kingdom Open badge Prize: 500D-1500D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a survival league - three consecutive matches, one-on-one. So take your best character, probably Langston or a Centurion. You will not be able to win the last match now, but you can come back here later and try again when your levels are much higher. Battle 1 - 1 enemy Just use a 3-hit combo with all critical hits, and your enemy will die. Battle 2 - 1 enemy Just like the last battle. One critical combo will bring down just about any enemy you're facing. Battle 3 - Greater Bear This battle is impossible now. The Greater Bear will be able to kill you in one or two hits. It's at a whopping Lv. 15, with almost 800 HP, so you can't really win now. You will probably want to just come back later on in the game. For now, just let it kill you. You'll still win the league. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* THE DUEL Badges required: Kingdom Open badge Prize: 500D-1500D, Flamberge, Fur Hat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of 4 one-on-one battles. The enemies are random in the first 3 battles, so make sure you look at your enemy ahead of time so you can select the proper gladiator for the battle. DUEL 1 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 50D Prohibited: Arcane, Support My team: Centurion Number of enemies: 1 If you look at who your enemy is before the battle starts and choose your gladiator accordingly, they don't stand a chance. One or two combos will win you the battle. DUEL 2 Prize: 1000D-3000D Fee: 100D Prohibited: Arcane, Support My team: Valens Number of enemies: 1 Again, look at your enemy before the battle starts and choose the right character to take care of him. Then just use your combos and/or skills to win. DUEL 3 Prize: 1000D-3000D Fee: 100D Prohibited: Arcane, Support My team: Valens Number of enemies: 1 This is just like the last two battles, but the enemy is at a higher level. It should still be pretty easy, though. Just do the same as with the last two battles. DUEL 4 Prize: 1000D-3000D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Arcane, Support My team: Langston Enemies: Samnite You will always fight a Samnite in this battle, so choose a strong character like Langston to take him out. Rampage will probably miss, so just stick to critical hit combos to win. ******************************************************************************* Now you're done in Roanor (at least for now, until you can come back and beat that bear later in the game), so head for the tournament. ******************************************************************************* TOURNAMENT Prize: 2000D-5000D, Bazo, Digladio, Wing Hat, Braced Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROANOR TOURNAMENT Prize: 1000D-3000D Fee: 500D My team: Ursula, Centurion Number of enemies: 2 There are crates all over the arena in this battle. Take a look at your enemies before the battle and select the proper weight classes to take into battle. Then just wait on the upper level of crates where you start, and let the enemies come to you. Take them out from above if you can, using combos or whatever skills you have. ******************************************************************************* Now you're pretty much finished in Roanor, so you can go to the next town. You can go to them in pretty much any order. I'll start with Fliuch. To get to Fliuch, go towards Orin, but turn north at the fork. Continue up the path and you'll arrive in Fliuch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLIUCH {VLN4} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 2 leagues open to start with, and two more will open up when you get enough popularity. ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 1 Badges required: Circle Qualification Prize: 1000D-3000D, Fliuch Circle 1 badge, Dolabra, Ivory Mallet, Spiked Round Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first main Circle of Elites league you'll fight. There are two tiers. You must complete Tier 1 in every town to qualify for Tier 2. So you'll be making 2 trips around the towns in Nordagh for the Circle leagues. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 1000D-2000D Fee: 50D My team: Langston, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 groups of 2 Another points battle, with 4 teams of 2. They will attack you and each other, and can hit each other for a decent amount of damage. So take your two most powerful offensive characters. There are crates around the edge of the arena, forming a square. So get on top of them and pick someone to attack, preferably a Medium character if you're using Heavy characters. Then just use your combos and skills. Spear Attack works well here too. I had Langston doing 400+ damage with a good combo from above. So it's pretty easy to win. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 1000D-2000D Fee: 50D My team: Langston, Centurion, Ursula Number of enemies: 3 This is just a regular battle - defeat all the enemies to win. There is a stack of crates in the middle of the arena, so try to get a height advantage over your opponents. The numbers are even, so you can have each of your characters go after one enemy. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 1000D-2000D Fee: 50D My team: Langston, Samnite, Ludo, Ursula Number of enemies: 4 You have to destroy the enemy monument while keeping yours safe. This time, it's a little harder to protect your monument because it's open on all sides, unlike the last Rival Nations battles. There is a line of crates running across the arena in the middle, but you can just ignore them. I'd recommend having your best character (probably Langston) head for the enemy monument while your other 3 characters stay behind to protect yours. The enemies will pretty much ignore your offensive character and just head for your monument, leaving one guard behind. Just race up to their monument and destroy it with a good combo to win. If the enemies get close to your monument, have your guard characters kill them. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* LEAGUE OF REDEMPTION Badges required: None Prize: 750D-2250D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another league where you're fighting criminals as their punishment. You will mostly be fighting Bandits in this league, but you may see a Barbarian or two. ATONEMENT 1 Prize: 500D-1500D My team: Ludo, Ursula, Murmillo Number of enemies: 3 You will probably fight 3 Bandits here, so take 3 Medium characters. If you see a Barbarian, take a Heavy character. I would suggest waiting for your enemies to come to you. If you're using a Peltast, Gungnir, or Murmillo, you can have them attack the enemies from long-range while their coming at you. Throw Shield 1 and Throw Shield 2 are very effective. When they get within fighting range, use combos to bring them down quickly. ATONEMENT 2 Prize: 500D-1500D My team: Murmillo, Ursula, Langston Number of enemies: 4 Again, it will probably be all Bandits here, or maybe 3 Bandits and a Barbarian. Select your team accordingly. There are crates stacked in the middle of the arena here, so run up on top of them. When your enemies reach you, use regular attacks or combos to defeat them. A Medium character should be able to kill a Bandit easily with one combo. ATONEMENT 3 Prize: 500D-1500D My team: Ursula, Murmillo Number of enemies: 3 The enemies are a little lower-leveled in this battle, but outnumber you by 1. There is a line of crates in the middle of the arena here. I would suggest doing like in the first battle - wait for them to come to you, using long-range attacks in the process. Then finish them off when they get within attacking range. ******************************************************************************* Now, you can do the other two leagues. ******************************************************************************* CONTEST OF THE FREE PEOPLES Badges required: None Prize: 1000D-3000D, Free Peoples badge, Horn Hammer, Night's Guardian, Ring of Fangs, Heavy Leather ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The enemies in this league are random, but consist mostly of Barbarians, Berserkers, and Gungnirs. VANDAL BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 25D My team: Ludo, Murmillo, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 In this battle, you have to break more barrels than your opponents. Long-range characters (Murmillo, Peltast, or Gungnir) are helpful here. Place your characters in line with the barrels so they can hit them from long range. Have your other characters run forward as quickly as possible and get the other barrels. You need to break 3 barrels to win; the enemies will probably get the other two. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 25D My team: Langston, Murmillo, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 4 Another Rival Nations battle. Again, your monument is unprotected on all sides so you need to leave at least two people behind to protect it. Send Langston out to the enemies' monument, ignoring any enemies he passes. Just get to the enemies' monument as fast as you can, and destroy it with a couple of regular attacks or a combo. FREEDOM FIGHT Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 25D My team: Ludo, Murmillo, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 Just defeat the enemies to win this battle. Since the arena is so long here, I like to wait for the enemies to come, and attack them from long-range as they come. When they reach you, finish them off with close-range attacks. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 25D My team: Langston, Ludo, Barbarian Number of enemies: 3 There are crates stacked up in the middle, so send a strong character up to the top crate. Hopefully, you'll get there in time, and then you can just wait for the time to end while attacking the enemies. If an enemy beats you to the top, quickly kill him using combos. Then his body will disappear and you can claim the top crate. FREEDOM FIGHT 2 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 25D My team: Ursula, Murmillo, Samnite, Langston Number of enemies: 4 Wait for the enemies to come to you, using long-range attacks if you have them. Then, keep your team together and take out the enemies one or two at a time. The enemies are stronger here, so they could kill you if they gang up on you. Don't let that happen. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 25D My team: Centurion, Langston, Samnite, Ludo Number of enemies: 4 This battle will probably be a little closer than previous point battles because the enemies are at a higher level than you. Take your powerhouse characters for this battle. Try to restart so there are as few Gungnirs as possible, since they can do good damage from long-range. When the battle starts, find a Barbarian and surround him. Then just do like the other point battles. Ignore the other enemies since you can't kill them, just focus on doing as much damage as possible to one enemy. Combos work the best for dealing big damage. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* LIGHTNING CIRCUIT Badges required: None Prize: 1000D-3000D, Wooden Shield, Fur Hat, Mountain Lion Hide, Berkana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hate this league, because you can only use Light and Support characters. If you're like me and hate using Light characters, you're going to have to recruit some. You can recruit Bandits and Gungnirs here in Fliuch if you need them. The enemies in these battles are random, but will always be Light/Support characters like Bandits, Gungnirs, and Berserkers. THUNDERHEAD 1 Prize: 100D-1500D Fee: 25D My team: Secutor, Bandit, Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 There are 3 enemies here, so the numbers are even. I'd suggest waiting for the enemies to come to you, while you attack them with your Gungnir. When they get within attacking distance, use Running Attack (or Sprint Attack if you have it) to get the first hit. Then keep using Running Attack or Surprise Attack to kill them. THUNDERHEAD 2 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 25D My team: Gungnir, Secutor Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 This is a team battle, and you have to defeat all the enemies. The enemies will probably be in pairs from different teams, fighting each other. I'd recommend having a Gungnir and placing him on the outside edge of the arena to attack distant enemies. Have your other character attack one enemy. Then just wait for the other enemies to kill each other and finish off whoever is left. LORD OF THE CLOUDS Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 25D My team: Gungnir, Secutor Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2 This is a King of the Hill battle. What I would recommend for this battle is to kill all the enemies, instead of trying to hold your place at the top of the crates. Once you get on top of the crates, you will most likely be killed by all the other enemies. So instead, stay off the top crate. When someone gets on the top crate, attack them with your Gungnir, and you other character if you can get close enough. Then another enemy will get on top. Repeat the process until all the enemies are dead, and you will win. THUNDERHEAD 3 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 25D My team: Bandit, Gungnir, Secutor Number of enemies: 3 This is just a standard battle. There is a square of crates around the outside of the arena, so use them if you want. I'd recommend staying on your end and waiting for the enemies to come to you, while attacking from above with your Gungnir. Then, while staying on the higher crates, finish off whoever is left. THUNDERHEAD 4 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 25D My team: Gungnir, Bandit, Secutor Number of enemies: 3 This battle is similar to Thunderhead 3 and Thunderhead 1. This time, there is a line of crates across the middle of the arena. Just ignore them. Stay on your end and wait for the enemies to approach while attacking them with your Gungnir, then finish them when they get close enough. FAST MONEY Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 25D My team: Gungnir, Bandit, Secutor Number of enemies: 3 Just like the Thunderhead battles, only this time there are chests on the other side of the arena. Most of them just contain money, but you can get them if you want. If you want the chests, move your team across the arena and kill most of the enemies. Then collect the chests and kill the remaining enemy. If you don't care about the chests, just wait where you are, attacking with your Gungnir, then kill the enemies. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* FLIUCH TOURNAMENT Prize: 1000D-4000D, Fuscina, Heavy Bronze Shield, Ring of Fangs, Lauguz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEDOM TOURNEY Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D My team: Valens, Murmillo, Centurion, Langston Number of enemies: 4 The enemies are random here, so look at them ahead of time and plan your team with your enemies in mind, as usual. There is a square of crates around the arena, so use them if you can. You can either wait for your enemies to come in range, then kill them, or you can move across the arena and kill them halfway. Just use your combos and skills and they will die. ******************************************************************************* You're done in Fliuch for now, until you can do the Circle of Elites Tier 2. The next town on the list is Mordare. To get there, go south from Fliuch and go north at the fork. Mordare is in a cave at the end of the trail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORDARE {VLN5} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you start anything, there is a sidequest you can do. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Go to the shop here and talk to Xandl. Ask him about the town/arena and keep talking to him. He will eventually give you a sidequest to find Sigi the Galdr. To find her, go to the wilderness area north of Roanor and get into a random battle there. You will be fighting 6 Mongrel Shamans who are after Sigi. You need to kill them all before they can kill Sigi. Take your best gladiators, and remember that it's a random battle so don't lose anyone. Start out by running up to the Mongrel Shamans so some of them will attack you instead of Sigi. They are pretty weak individually, but they can gang up on you, so try to avoid that. A good combo should kill one of them. Just make sure you get all of them away from Sigi because she doesn't have much HP or attack power. The hard part isn't defeating the Mongrels, it's keeping Sigi alive. When you win, go back to Xandl in Mordare. You will receive the Signet of the Valkyrie, a couple of weak weapons, and some money. Now, you can fight battles in Mordare. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The only battle open to you at first is the Sacred Battle against the Berserkers. ******************************************************************************* TEST OF THE TRIBES Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-6000D, Francisca, Sickle, Wunjo, Uruz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 3 similar battles in this league, but you can only do the first one right now. SACRED BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D Required: Valens, Ludo, Ursula My team: Valens, Ludo, Ursula Enemies: 4x Berserker Berserkers are pretty weak at first, but they can be very powerful opponents if they get powered up. They will use Rage in this battle, which greatly increases their attack and defense. So try as hard as you can to kill them before they use Rage. Also, when their HP is low, they will use Adrenaline to boost their attack power. A Berserker with Rage and Adrenaline is very dangerous. Also, they can inflict Fear (causes you to Pass every turn), Confuse (you lose control over the character), and Root (you can't move). So be careful of those statuses. When the battle starts run up to the Berserkers. Don't wait for them to come to you or they might use Rage. One of them probably will use Rage on the first turn. Kill the weak ones first, before they can use Rage. Take them out one or two at a time with combos. The weak ones shouldn't be hard to kill. For the one or two that use Rage, surround them and bring them down with combos. They might kill one of your characters when their HP gets low, but that's okay. Just stick to combos for this battle and you'll make it. After this battle, the other leagues are open, but you might as well just finish this one. SACRED BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 300D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Centurion, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Berserker You can choose your characters in this battle. I'd recommend a Medium for the weak Berserkers and a Heavy character in case they use Rage. A Murmillo is a good choice for your Medium character because they will probably be able to kill at least one of the Berserkers from long range before they can attack you. Then you can move in and kill the remaining ones. Use your Medium character for the non-Rage ones and your Heavy character for the Rage ones. SACRED BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 300D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Centurion, Murmillo, Valens Enemies: 4x Berserker This battle is similar to the first, but the enemies are a little stronger and you can pick your team. Take 2 Mediums and a Heavy. Use the same strategy as the last two battles - use Throw Shield to kill one of them as soon as the battle starts, then take care of the other ones with combos. ******************************************************************************* Now, I would recommend doing the Dead of Night league. It's a bit difficult, but it will enable you to get an Undead Summoner and later, an Undead Legionnaire. You can only enter this league at night, so go to the world map and wait for nightfall if need be. ******************************************************************************* THE DEAD OF NIGHT Badges required: None Prize: 500D-2500D, Quaddara, Death's Head Cap, Hooded Cloak, Cudgel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a survival league - 3 battles against Undead Legionnaires and Undead Summoners. Here is a strategy for each: Undead Legionnaires: They are Medium characters, so Heavy characters are effective against them. They have a range of status-inflicting attacks like Fear and Poison. They can lower your speed as well. They're resistant to physical attacks but weak against affinity attacks, so a Lv. 2 or 3 affinity attack will kill one of them. When they die, they inflict poison on the characters around them, but it doesn't last long. Undead Summoners: They are Arcane characters, so any weight class is the same against them. They will use a skill that lowers their HP and increases their affinity. Then they will summon Undead Legionnaires. Ignore the summoned Legionnaires and kill the Summoners, then both of them will die. They have some spells similar to a Channeler. Use strong combos to take them down. For this series of battles, I would recommend using your 3 strongest Heavy characters, and a Medium character like a Murmillo. SUN'S WITHDRAWAL: 3x Undead Legionnaire, Undead Summoner I would recommend waiting for them to come to you. The Summoner will lower his HP to boost his affinity, then summon a Legionnaire. Use the strategies above to defeat the enemies. A good combo from Langston or a Centurion will probably kill a Legionnaire. I would recommend sending 2 characters to kill the Summoner first, while the other two start killing the Legionnaires. Then have the other two help them. Hopefully, you still have a lot of HP for the next two battles. MIDNIGHT: 2x Undead Summoner, 2x Undead Legionnaire Take out the Summoners first so the Legionnaire they summon will also die. Have all 4 of your characters concentrate on killing the Summoners, then kill the Legionnaires. FALSE DAWN: 2x Undead Summoner, 2x Undead Legionnaire This is the same as the last battle. Hopefully, you have enough HP to survive this battle. Use the most powerful skills you have. Combos work okay, and affinity attacks work very well against the Legionnaires. Make sure you kill the Summoners first, though. ******************************************************************************* After you win, go to the recruiting office. There, you will find an Undead Summoner, Taithleach. He is an excellent character and you will probably use him a lot, so recruit him (it doesn't cost anything). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now, go back to the shop and talk to Xandl. He will tell you a long story about the Undead. Exit the store, then go back and talk to him again. He will give you a quest to investigate the Undead. Now, exit Mordare and go down the path, towards Fliuch. At the fork, you will notice a hill with two rocks and a tombstone on it. You have to wait for nightfall again to be able to enter the battle. When it's night, run around on that hill and you'll get into a battle. Remember to save your game first, because if you lose someone, you'll probably want to restart. In the battle, you'll fight 5 Tombstones. The Tombstones will summon Undead Legionnaires. You can kill the Legionnaires, but the Tombstones will just summon more in their place. So you need to destroy the Tombstones. Completely ignore the Legionnaires. Take your best characters for this battle, and run up to the Tombstones and start attacking them. I'd recommend destroying them 2 at a time. 2 or 3 combos should destroy one of them. When the Tombstone is destroyed, the Undead Legionnaire it summoned will also disappear. You'll probably be a little overwhelmed at first, but once you destroy the first couple of Tombstones, it will be better. Then just head for the next two Tombstones and destroy them the same way. Then there will only be one left. Destroy it just like the others. After you win, you will receive the Talisman of Unlife. If you approach the tombstone on the world map, an Undead Legionnaire will offer to join your school. Accept his offer. Then you can go back to Xandl and he will tell you about the Talisman of Unlife. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now that you have those sidequests done, you can do the rest of the leagues. ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 1 Badges required: Circle Qualification Prize: 2000D-6000D, Mordare Circle 1, Francisca, Gladius, Heavy Bronze Shield, Confortari ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Circle league is just like the last - one point battle, one regular battle, and one rival nations battle. The enemies are also random, but are mostly Barbarians, Berserkers, and Gungnirs. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Langston, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 3 This is just like all the other points battles you've fought. Take your 3 best offensive gladiators. Then pick one character, preferably a Barbarian, to attack. Use combos and regular attacks when you run out of skill points, and you'll win easily. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Ursula, Undead Legionnaire, Samnite Number of enemies: 3 Defeat all the enemies to win. Stay where you are and let the enemies come to you. When they reach you, let loose with your combos for a quick and easy win. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Murmillo, Ludo, Gungnir, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 This time, it might be easier to hold your ground and defeat all the enemies, rather than try to destroy the enemy monument. Three of the enemies will come at you, and the Berserkers and Gungnirs have ranged attacks. So send a couple of your characters out to the middle of the field to meet them. Take them out with a combo. Then the other character will come. Defeat him the same way. It's easier to do it this way because the arena is long and there is a torch in the middle, so the enemies can easily avoid you and get to your monument. And it's open on most sides, so you need at least one or two guards. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* DRAGONHEART OPEN Badges required: None Prize: 3000D-8000D, Mug, Spiked Round Shield, Wood Armored Hat, Heavy Leather ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists mainly of regular battles, with one point battle and one barrel-breaking battle. Like the other open leagues, the enemies are random. WYRMBELLY BRAWL 1 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Murmillo, Valens, Langston, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 Have a ranged attacker like a Murmillo take one of the enemies out at the start of the battle. Then wait for the enemies to come to you. When they get within attacking range, combo them to death. You can probably have each character kill one enemy. DRAGON'S HOARD Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Centurion, Langston, Samnite, Ursula Number of enemies: 4 Use the same method to defeat the enemies as last time. There are chests on the opposite side of the arena from where you start, which contain some decent money and items. If you want them, kill all the enemies but one, then send a character with high movement to the other side. Have him collect the chests, then have your other characters kill the remaining enemy. WYRMBELLY BRAWL 2 Prize: 1000D-3000D Fee: 500D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Centurion, Langston, Valens Number of enemies: 3 Pretty much the same as the first battle. Wait for the enemies to come to you, then surround them and take them out one or two at a time. Not very hard. VALNDAL BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Gungnir, Murmillo, Samnite Number of enemies: 3 You need to break more barrels than the enemies in this battle. Have at least 2 long-range characters for this battle. Place them in line with the barrels so they can break a barrel on their first turn. Place another character next to the barrel on your side. When the battle starts, have him break the barrel near him, then have your long-range characters break the two in front of them. Now there is no way you can lose. Break another barrel if you want, but it doesn't matter. WYRMBELLY BRAWL 3 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Murmillo, Samnite, Langston Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2 Another 3-group battle. Your enemies will probably attack each other, so the best thing to do is run off to a far end of the arena and let your enemies kill each other. Then finish of whoever is left. DRAGON'S FURY Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Langston, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 This is a point battle. This one is a little hard, because your enemies are close together and can start attacking each other immediately, but you're a ways away. So you have to get to them first. If you have long-distance attacks like Roam and Running Attack, you should be able to reach them in 2 turns. Then use the usual strategy for points battles - pick one enemy and keep using combos until you run out of skill points, then switch to using regular attacks. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* THE WYRD Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-4000D, Mug, Stone Club, Leather Cloak, Rabbit Pelt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you are not allowed to use human characters. You'll probably be using Langston and the two Undead characters you just got. You can also use a Wolf or Bear if you have one in your school. You need at least 3 non-human characters to complete this league. The enemies in this league are random, too. You will see mostly Satyrs, Wolves, and Bears. PECULIAR PILLAGE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ Prohibited: Human My team: Langston, Undead Legionnaire Number of enemies: 2 This is another break-the-barrels battle. You need to break at least 3 barrels to win. So start out by placing your characters near a couple of barrels. Have each character destroy one. Then have Langston use Running Attack to get another one. After that, the battle is yours. STRANGE FRAY 1 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ Prohibited: Human My team: Langston, Taithleach, Undead Legionnaire Number of enemies: 3 You need to defeat all the enemies to win. You should know how to use Langston well by now, so here's how to use the Undead characters effectively: Taithleach: You will normally start out the battle by using Darkness from Life. This will take some HP away and fill 4 of your affinity circles. Then, you can use affinity attacks or summon a Legionnaire. The Legionnaire will act like a temporary character - he will fight on your side, but you cannot control him. If Taithleach dies, the summoned Legionnaire will also die. Undead Legionnaire: He comes with some decent attacks already learned. He probably won't have any combos yet, but he has some other good attacks. His normal attack will inflict Poison. He also has an attack that causes the enemy to retreat, and an attack that inflicts Fear. Those and the regular attack are probably what you will use most often. Use the strategies above to take your enemies out. Summon another Legionnaire to help you, then use combos/skills. Take the enemies out two at a time - Langston should be able to kill one while the Undead characters kill another. STRANGE FRAY 2 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ Prohibited: Human My team: Langston, Undead Legionnaire Number of enemies: 2 groups of 2 Again, since there are 3 teams here, it would be a good idea to run off to a corner and watch your enemies kill each other. If you have Taithleach, summon a Legionnaire in the process, and he will go fight. When one enemy team is finished, take care of the survivors. STRANGE FRAY 3 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ Prohibited: Human My team: Langston, Taithleach, Undead Legionnaire Number of enemies: 3 This battle is pretty much the same as Strange Fray 1, only the enemies are a little bit stronger. Use the same strategies as before to win. STRANGE FRAY 4 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ Prohibited: Human My team: Langston, Taithleach, Undead Legionnaire Number of enemies: 3 Again, it's the same as before. Just use the same tactics as the previous battles to win - summon a Legionnaire, and use combos/skills. WEIRD RECKONING Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ Prohibited: Human My team: Langston, Taithleach, Undead Legionnaire Number of enemies: 3 This is a point battle. Langston will probably do most of the work here. Have him attack a Bear using combos for the best damage. Have Taithleach use Darkness from Life (which will count towards your points, by the way) and summon an Undead Legionnaire. Have your Legionnaire help the summoned one by attacking a Wolf or Satyr. ******************************************************************************* Now it's time for the tournament. ******************************************************************************* MORDARE TOURNAMENT Prize: 3000D-9000D, Doloire, Throwing Hoplite, Ring of Fangs, Leather Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEART OF THE DRAGON Prize: 100D-300D My team: Samnite, Langston, Valens Number of enemies: 3 This battle is just like almost all the other ones you've fought here in Mordare. Use the same strategy. Wait for your enemies to approach, then surround them and kill them one or two at a time. Use combos or affinity attacks for a quick victory. ******************************************************************************* Now, you're finished in Mordare until you come back for Circle Tier 2. The next town is Vargen. To get there, head southwest on the trail from Mordare and take the northern path when you come to a fork. This is Vargen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VARGEN {VLN6} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only league available to you at first is Ahead of the Pack. Once you complete it, the other leagues will open up. ******************************************************************************* AHEAD OF THE PACK Badges required: None Prize: 1600D-4800D, Egchos, Bamboo Shield, Confortari, Hooded Wrap Fee: 1000D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a series battle against Wolves. The first two matches are very easy, but the last one has a Greater Wolf in it. It's still pretty easy, though. Also, you're required to use Valens, Ludo, and Ursula in this league. WOLF BATTLE 1: 3x Wolf Prize: 500D-1500D Have your team stand in a line at the edge of the ice where the wolves are and wait for them to come. When they get within range (they will probably get the first attack), surround them and bring them down with 3 normal attacks or a good combo. Repeat for the 3 Wolves. WOLF BATTLE 2: 3x Wolf Prize: 500D-1500D This is exactly the same as the last battle. You should still have most of your HP left after this round. WOLF BATTLE 3: 2x Wolf, Greater Wolf Prize: 500D-1500D The Greater Wolf won't go anywhere until the 2 Wolves are dead. So kill them using the method described above. Then send one character around the side towards the Greater Wolf while the other two characters go straight to him. Attack him with combos, then use affinity attacks if you can. He has almost 500 HP, but a few combos and affinity attacks will kill him. ******************************************************************************* Now the other leagues are available. I would recommend you start on the Trial of the Elders league, because you will get a Yeti from it. ******************************************************************************* TRIAL OF THE ELDERS Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-6000D, Boar Tooth, Stone Club, Hercules Club, Lion Tooth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will be fighting Yetis in this league. The first two battles are not that hard, but the last one is insanely tough because you have to fight one-on-one using Ursula. BASIC TRIAL Prize: 250D-750D Fee: 300D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Langston, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 2x Yeti First, I'll give a brief description/strategy for Yetis: Yetis are Heavy characters. Other Heavy characters work best against them. Combos and affinity attacks work well against them. They are like Minotaurs - high attack power, but low defense. They also have lower HP than other Heavy characters. They have some strong attacks, and they can use Cry of Anger to boost their attack power even more. Start out by passing until the Yetis get within range of Roam or Running Attack. Then use those attacks. After that, surround one of them and use combos on it to bring it down. Then repeat for the other Yeti. STRICT TRIAL Prize: 250D-750D Fee: 300D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Langston, Centurion Enemies: 2x Yeti This battle is just like the last one, except you have one less team member. Use the same strategy - wait for them to come into range, then use Roam and Running Attack to get to them. Kill them one at a time by surrounding them and using combos. ADVERSE TRIAL Prize: 250D-750D Fee: 300D Required: Ursula My team: Ursula Enemies: Yeti This is an incredibly difficult battle. I had to restart this battle about 15 times before I won. Here is what you need to do to win: Make sure Ursula has the right equipment. She will probably need an affinity attack, so equip her with a strong weapon that has an affinity charge of around 10 that is NOT Water. Give her the best armor, hat, and shield you have. Then equip her with the Ansuz, an accessory that makes her affinity gauge charge twice as fast. Then, check her abilities. She will need a Lv. 1 or 2 affinity attack of the same type as the weapon you have equipped, not Water. She should already have learned Empower Self and the first 2 combo attacks. When you're ready, enter the battle. Place Ursula right next to the Yeti on the arena. The Yeti is faster than you, so he will get the first attack and sometimes get two attacks in a row. He will most likely start out by using Cry of Anger to raise his attack power. This usually works, but sometimes it will fail and he'll have to do it again. When you get your turn, use Empower Self. If you don't, you will die for sure. On your next turn, use Combo Attack 2. This should deal about 1/3 or 1/4 of his HP in damage and charge your affinity gauge about 3 circles. Now you can use your affinity attack, which should deal a good bit of damage if it's not Water, because the Yeti has Water affinity. After the affinity attack, one more 3-hit combo will probably kill him. You just have to get lucky in which attacks he uses, so he doesn't kill you. It will probably take several tries to win this battle. ******************************************************************************* After you finally win, go to the recruiting office. There will be 2 Yetis there. However, you can only recruit Iaar. The other one is temporary-only. So talk to Iaar and get him in your school. ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 1 Badges required: Circle Qualification Prize: 2000D-6000D, Vargen Circle 1 badge, Carnificina, Lacquered Shield, Rimmed Thracian, Braced Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Circle league consists of a King of the Hill battle, a Dominance battle, and a point battle. The enemies are random, but are mostly Barbarians, Berserkers, and Gungnirs. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 300D My team: Iaar, Centurion, Langston Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 Have Iaar move to the top of the pile of rocks. He should make it there first. Then just have him use Defend until the time is up. If he uses Defend, the enemy attacks will do very little damage and you should be able to survive until the end. Have your other characters kill some of the enemies if you want, but it's not necessary. DOMINANCE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 300D My team: Langston, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 This is the second Dominance battle you've done. You need to be on at least one of the blocks from the start of the battle to ensure your victory. Place Iaar on the bottom-left square that's available for placement. This is 2 squares away from one of the blocks. So on him first turn, have him move there and use Defend until the battle is over. The other enemies will probably leave him alone and go for another crate. Have your other character move and try to get on another crate. There will be an enemy there, so kill him using combos. When he dies, get on the crate. Then use Defend until the battle is over. If you got Iaar on at the start of the battle, you probably don't even need to be on a second crate, but doing so will ensure your victory. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 300D My team: Iaar, Langston, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 4 Restart this battle until you get a Barbarian as an enemy. Then take all your powerful Heavy characters. When the battle starts, wait for your enemies to come within range, then use Running Attack or Roam to get to them. Then surround the Barbarian and use combos and regular attacks when you're out of skill points and you will win. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* HORDES OF THE NORTH Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-6000D, Horn Hammer, Warlord's Shield, Bronze Italic, Leg Brace Fee: 1000D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a survival league. There are 3 battles against 4 enemies. The enemies are Barbarians, Berserkers, and Gungnirs. You can only use characters from Nordagh in this league, so hopefully you have enough. It's pretty hard to win all 3 rounds, but you only need to beat the first two to win the league. My team: Ursula, Iaar, Undead Legionnaire, Gungnir Round 1: 4 enemies Prize: 500D-1500D Hopefully, you won't get too many Gungnirs in these battles, because they are pretty strong at long range. Make your way over to your enemies and just attack them with combos to kill them. Have your Gungnir stand in the back and use Long Throw to help you out. Round 2: 4 enemies Prize: 500D-1500D You should have at least half of your HP left. Do this battle just like the last one - move to where the enemy is and attack them with your best skills. Round 3: 4 enemies Prize: 500D-1500D You might not be able to win this battle, but that's okay. You really just have to get lucky in the first two battles to win this one. Just use the same strategy as before, and don't worry if you die. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* MILEHIGH CIRCUIT Badges required: None Prize: 1000D-3000D, Francisca, Reinforced Targe, Wood Armored Hat, Mountain Lion Hide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VANDAL BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 150D My team: Murmillo, Gungnir, Secutor Number of enemies: 3 You need to break the barrels to win this battle. The problem is, the barrels are mostly on the enemy's side of the arena. So you'll need a quick character and a couple of long-range characters. Place your long-range characters in line with the barrels so they can break them on the first turn. You should be able to break 2 barrels at the start. Now have a Bandit or Secutor run to the other end of the arena, where all the other barrels are. When you get close enough, use Sprint Attack to destroy it. It will be close if you use Running Attack, but you should make it if you use Sprint Attack. THIN AIR 1 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 150D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Centurion, Samnite, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 Just beat all the enemies to win this time. If there are Gungnirs, then move to where you enemies are and take them out at close range. If there are no Gungnirs, you can do whatever you want - move to where the enemies are or wait for them to come to you. Use combos to kill them. THIN AIR 2 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 150D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Centurion, Samnite, Iaar, Murmillo Number of enemies: 4 Just like the last battle only with teams of 4. Use the same tactics you used in the last battle. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 300D My team: Langston, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Another group point battle. You should know how to do these by now. Take your two best offensive characters and have them attack a Barbarian. Use combos until you run out of skill points, then use regular attacks. You should be able to win by a huge margin. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 300D My team: Langston, Centurion, Murmillo, Iaar Number of enemies: 4 Your monument is pretty well guarded, so you probably only need 1 or maybe 2 guards. Send Langston to the opposite end to destroy the enemy monument. Send one or two people to the middle of the arena to kill the enemies as they come. Leave a strong character like a Centurion to guard the monument in case any enemies get by. If you have your Minotaur run to the other side, he should be able to get to the monument and destroy it with one regular attack and one combo before the enemies can reach your monument. THIN AIR 3 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 500D My team: Langston, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 3 Just like Thin Air 1, but the enemies are a little bit stronger. Use the same battle plan as before and you'll do fine. ******************************************************************************* That's it for the leagues. Now for the tournament. ******************************************************************************* VARGEN TOURNAMENT Prize: 2000D-6000D, Sickle, Reinforced Targe, Confortari, Cured Leather Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASTERS OF ICE Prize: 100D-300D My team: Murmillo, Centurion, Langston, Samnite Number of enemies: 4 There are 4 enemies here - a mix of Barbarians, Berserkers, and Gungnirs. You should be able to defeat them easily. If there are any Gungnirs, rush at them and kill them at close range with a couple of combos. Have Medium characters kill the Berserkers, unless they use Rage. Then have a Heavy character kill them. Heavy characters can kill a Barbarian with one combo. ******************************************************************************* Now it's time to head to the last area in Nordagh, the Sloan Forest. It's located down the trail to the southwest of Vargen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOAN FOREST {VLN7} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is only one battle open to you at first. ******************************************************************************* DREAS OPEN LEAGUE Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-6000D, Dreas Open Badge, Egchos, Hard Leather Shield, Wood Armored Hat, Heavy Leather ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to start out with the Sylvan Skirmish battle, then the other battles and leagues will open up. SYLVAN SKIRMISH Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Valens, Ludo, Ursula, Lv. 3+ My team: Valens, Ludo, Ursula, Langston Enemies: 2x Galdr, Barbarian, Berserker You've dealt with the Galdr in battle once before. They mainly use skills to boost the stats of their teammates and decrease your stats. They will increase their team's speed a lot, so you will get less turns than them. The Berserker and Barbarian will come at you, so kill them when they reach you. Have Valens and Ursula both use a combo to kill the Berserker and have your Heavy character kill the Barbarian. Then move forward towards the Galdr. They will continue to use the stat-boosting skills on themselves and lowering your stats. However, their attacks are very weak. You can kill them with a couple of combos each. Now the other battles will be available. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Centurion, Langston, Iaar Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 Take some strong characters that have the Defend ability. Have the quickest one head for the top of the crates. You should make it in time, but if not, you can just kill the person who is on top and claim their spot after they disappear. When you get on the top crate, just use Defend until the time runs out. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Langston, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Pick one enemy, preferably a Barbarian, to attack. Have your two strongest characters use combos on him. You should be strong enough that a couple of combos will ensure your victory. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Minotaur, Centurion, Murmillo, Valens Number of enemies: 4 This will be a long battle because to get to the enemies, you have to cross the arena, climb up the hill to the top, then cross to the other side where their monument is. You can do this battle two ways, both of them work. One is to stay where you are on the bottom and wait for your enemies to come. Three of them will come to you, so you can kill them when they reach you. Then the last enemy will come, so kill him too. A faster way is to leave one strong person at the bottom to guard your monument and send the other 3 to the top. You can kill the enemies on the way or just leave them alone. If you make it to the top fast enough, the enemies will not have reached your monument yet, and you can destroy theirs with a couple of solid blows. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 1 Badges required: Circle Qualification Prize: 2000D-6000D, Sloan Forest Circle 1 badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the last Circle Tier 1 league. It's just like all the others. DOMINANCE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Langston, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 The crates are all grouped together this time. Place your characters on the right end of the available area; that's where the crates are. Then have two of them climb up as quickly as possible. You should be able to get both of them on before the enemies can get on. Then just use Defend until the time runs out. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Iaar, Centurion, Langston Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 This King of the Hill battle is just like the last one you fought here. If you place your characters towards the right side and at the bottom of the available area on the map, you should be in line with the top crate. Then send the character who is in front of it to the top. Use Defend until the battle ends. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Iaar, Centurion, Langston, Murmillo This Rival Nations match is similar to the last one, but your enemies are down on the bottom level with you. Their monument is still on the top, though. So I would recommend killing all your enemies instead of destroying their statue; it's probably quicker that way. Send three of your characters to meet them as they come at you. Kill them with combos and skills. One of them will probably go up towards their monument, but will come back down when the other enemies are dead. Take care of him when he gets down to your level. ******************************************************************************* Now you should be all done with the Circle of Elites Tier 1 leagues. If you've done them all, you will have the necessary badges to enter the Tier 2 leagues. ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 2 Badges required: Mordare Circle 1, Fliuch Circle 1, Sloan Forest Circle 1, Vargen Circle 1 Prize: 2000D-6000D, Sloan Forest Circle 2 badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tier 2 is just like Tier 1, only it's a little harder. The types of battles are the same, and the enemies are random but mainly consist of Barbarians, Berserkers, and Gungnirs. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Langston, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 This points battle is like the one you just fought. Pick one enemy that you can do a lot of damage to and use combos until you run out of skill points. Then just use regular attacks. Don't worry about the other enemies, you should be able to do much more damage than they can. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D My team: Valens, Taithleach, Samnite Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 This is just a regular, defeat-all-enemies battle. There are 2 teams, though. So be sure to kill the enemies from both teams evenly. If you kill all the enemies on one team, the other team will only attack you. If you leave some alive on both sides, they will keep attacking each other. You can use whoever you want for this battle, but if you're starting to max out your EXP on some characters, give your other characters a chance to catch up. DOMINANCE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D My team: Secutor, Iaar, Undead Legionnaire, Ursula Number of enemies: 4 The crates are all together again. So place your team members on the far right side of the available area. When the battle starts, have them all move to the crates. You might be able to get all 3, but 2 is enough. When you're on top of them, you can have your other character(s) attack the enemies, and have the people on the crates use Defend until the time runs out. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* FIGHT THE BEAR Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-6000D, Francisca, Reinforced Targe, Chain Collar, Arm Brace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is just a regular league, except all the enemies are Bears. You will fight one Greater Bear in the end, too. BEAR BATTLE 1 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Secutor, Centurion Enemies: 2x Bear Heavy characters work the best for killing bears quickly, but if you have some Light characters that need some EXP, you can use them here. Combos from a Heavy character will bring them down quickly. BEAR BATTLE 2 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Langston, Centurion Enemies: 2x Bear This battle is just like the last one, only the Bears are a little stronger this time. Use the same strategy to beat them. BEAR ON THE HILL Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Valens, Iaar, Centurion Enemies: 3x Bear This is a King of the Hill battle. Place your characters in a line along the bottom of the available area on the map. When the battle starts, have the character directly in front of the top crate run to the top. You should be able to make it before the Bears do. Then just use Defend until the battle ends. DOMINATING BEARS Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Centurion, Langston, Iaar Enemies: 3x Bear Another Dominance battle, and once again the crates are all together. The Bears will be closer to the crates than you are at the beginning, so they will probably get the first crate and maybe the second crate. You should be able to run to the last crate, though. If you get on top of two of the crates, just Defend until the time runs out. If the Bears get two crates, it would probably be easiest just to kill them. Use combos with your Heavy characters to kill them before the time runs out. BEAR BATTLE 3 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Langston, Secutor Enemies: Greater Bear Don't worry, this Greater Bear isn't as strong as the one in Roanor, and you get two characters this time. Take one Light character and your strongest Heavy character. Have the Light character use Sand Toss at the start of the battle so you will get more turns in. Have your Heavy character use his best combo attack. If you get all criticals, you should be able to reduce the bear's HP by quite a bit with one combo. Have your other character run around to the side or back of the bear and use Surprise Attack for some decent damage. A few combos and Surprise Attacks should bring it down. He can kill you in a couple of hits, but you should be able to kill him before he can kill you. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* TO THE WOLVES Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-6000D, Horn Hammer, Spiked Round Shield, Confortari, Iron Choker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 3 battles here, all against Wolves. You will fight one Greater Wolf at the end. WOLF BATTLE 1 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Murmillo, Ursula Enemies: 3x Wolf Take two Medium characters here. A Murmillo's Throw Shield will work well. Place your characters together, side by side, on the arena so they can't get surrounded. Then wait for the Wolves to come to you. You might be able to kill one using Throw Shield before they can get to you. When they do get to you, use combos and affinity attacks to bring them down. Also, if you have Ursula or Valens, use Empower Self right before they reach you. WOLF BATTLE 2 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Murmillo, Centurion, Langston Enemies: 5x Wolf Medium characters work best against Wolves, but you should probably take one or two Heavy characters into this battle. Since you're outnumbered, the Wolves can surround a Medium character and kill him quickly, but a Heavy character is harder to take down. Also, you will start at the top of the arena for this battle. If you place your characters properly, you can form an L-shape next to the tree, which will block your enemies off. That way, they can't surround you and you only have to fight 2 at a time. Then you can just wait for them there and use combos on them one or two at a time until they are all dead. WOLF BATTLE 3 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Murmillo, Centurion, Langston Enemies: 3x Wolf, Greater Wolf Take 2 heavies and one Medium for this battle. Place your two heavies next to the Greater Wolf and your Medium close to a Wolf, but not too far away. When the battle starts, have your Heavy characters unleash their best combos on the Greater Wolf. He has a lot of HP, but his attacks aren't all that strong. You should be able to kill him in 2 or 3 turns before he can do any major damage. Have your Medium character start attacking one of the Wolves. The other ones might surround him and kill him, but try to kill at least one Wolf before that happens. Then have your Heavy characters clean up the surviving Wolves after they take care of the Greater Wolf. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* MAN AND BEAST Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-6000D, Pole Axe, Wooden Shield, Ring of Fangs, Mountain Lion Hide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, your teams have to be composed of at least half beasts. So you will need 2 beasts to beat this league. If you don't have them, go to the recruiting office here and recruit one Bear and one Wolf. You might have to check around in other towns if they don't have Lv. 10 Bears and Wolves in the Sloan Forest. If your school is full, you have to expel a couple of people. You can get rid of your Undead Legionnaire if you want, because you can raise an unlimited amount of them if you go to the gravestone at night. Also, when you expel a character, he will likely go to a nearby town's recruiting office a day or two later. So you can expel someone and re-recruit them after this league. If you really don't want to expel anyone, you can just skip this league. Also note that the enemies in each battle are random, but they will be composed of 2 humans and 2 beasts. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D Required: 2 Human, 2 Beast My team: Centurion, Murmillo, Wolf, Bear Number of enemies: 4 Again, you start at the bottom and the enemies start at the top. So the best way to beat this battle is to kill all the enemies. Send all your characters except for one guard out to the bottom of the hill to meet the enemies. Three enemies will come, so kill them. If you have not used a Wolf or Bear before, they are similar to a Human as far as skills go. They have variations of Strike and Running Attack, as well as combos and skills. Wolves are considered Light characters and Bears are Heavy. With that in mind, take out the enemies that come down. Then the enemy guard will come down, so wait for him and kill him when he reaches you. INTERSPECIES EFFORT 1 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D Required: 2 Human, 2 Beast My team: Centurion, Murmillo, Bear, Wolf Number of enemies: 4 You will start at the top this time, and your enemies will be at the bottom. You can form an L-shaped blockade at the top of the hill, near the tree, so you only have to fight 2 enemies at a time. So do that and wait for your enemies to come. When they get to the top, kill them using the same methods as you did in the last battle. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D Required: 1 Human, 1 Beast My team: Centurion, Bear Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Pick an enemy like a Barbarian to attack. Use Roam/Running Attack/Charge to reach him. Then just use combos until you run out of skill points and then regular attacks. The enemies are still pretty weak compared to you, so you should be able to do much more damage, even with just regular attacks. INTERSPECIES EFFORT 2 Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D Required: 1 Human, 1 Beast My team: Centurion, Bear Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Your enemies will be attacking each other, mostly. Pick enemies on different teams to attack, so you don't kill both member of a team. That way, they will still attack each other. So team up and go after an easy enemy like a Bear or Barbarian first. If you can, stay away from the main battle so your enemies will kill each other off first. Then you can finish the survivors. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D Required: 1 Human, 2 Beast My team: Centurion, Bear, Wolf Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 Place your Centurion on the bottom row, on the second space from the right, of the available area on the map. This will put him right in front of the top crate. Have him run to the top of the stack of crates when the battle starts. He will be able to make it if you placed him in the right spot. Then just use Defend until the battle ends. The enemies won't be able to kill you if you Defend. ******************************************************************************* Once you've beaten all the leagues you want to, head for the tournament. ******************************************************************************* SLOAN FOREST TOURNAMENT Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOREST KINGS Prize: 500D-1500D My team: Langston, Murmillo, Ludo Number of enemies: 3 The enemies here are random. Take a look at them ahead of time and select the right characters to defeat them. When you place your characters, place them next to an enemy they are effective against. Then you'll be able to win in one or two rounds. Just use a combo or two for each enemy to win. ******************************************************************************* You're done in the Sloan Forest now and you can actually head for the Nordagh championship in Orin. However, there are 3 more Circle of Elites Tier 2 leagues (in Vargen, Mordare, and Fliuch) that you can do. Then you can do the Circle of Elites championship in Orin. It's not required that you do this, but it will get you some decent prizes. If you don't want to do this, skip ahead to the Nordagh championship in Orin. If you do want to do it, go to Vargen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VARGEN REVISITED {VLN8} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 2 Badges required: Mordare Circle 1, Fliuch Circle 1, Sloan Forest Circle 1, Vargen Circle 1 Prize: 2000D-6000D, Vargen Circle 2 badge, Heavy Spear, Wooden Shield, Wood Armored Hat, Ringmail Guard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 3 battles here. You only need to beat one of them to win the league if you don't want to do them all. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 500D My team: Langston, Centurion, Ludo Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 You start out close to one of the teams and further away from the other. So you'll most likely need to kill all the members of both teams. Start out by placing your characters effectively on the map so they can kill the enemies in one or two turns. Then you can wait for the other team and take care of them when they get to you. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 500D My team: Langston, Secutor Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 This is the hardest King of the Hill battle you've fought. You start out a little farther away from the hill than some of the enemies, so you'll have to use a fast character if you want to get on top first. However, if you use a Light character, he will get killed within a couple of turns. So you'll need to have a stronger character in the next square to take his place when he dies. Then you can use Defend until the time is up. It might take you a few tries to win this battle, you need a little luck. And restart if there are too many enemy Gungnirs. VANDAL BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 500D My team: Secutor, Murmillo, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 The barrels here are all pretty close to the enemies, so you'll need to be fast. Have one character in front of the nearest barrel so they can move in and attack it on the first turn. Have another long-range character in front of the next barrel so they can attack it on the first turn if possible. Then you'll need one more crate. Have a Secutor as close to the north end of the arena as you can, so they can use Sprint Attack to get to the last one. Again, it may take a couple of tries to get it right. ******************************************************************************* When you're done with this league, head to Mordare. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORDARE REVISITED {VLN9} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 2 Badges required: Mordare Circle 1, Fliuch Circle 1, Sloan Forest Circle 1, Vargen Circle 1 Prize: 2000D-6000D, Mordare Circle 2 badge, Hak, Wooden Shield, Confortari, Heavy Leather ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VANDAL BATTLE Prize: 1200D-2400D Fee: 350D My team: Murmillo, Secutor, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 Place a Secutor closest to the barrel up on the ledge so you can reach it in one Sprint Attack. The other two barrels are easy to get; an attack like Roam or Running Attack will get them. The barrels are closer to you than the enemies, so this is an easy battle. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 1200D-2400D Fee: 350D My team: Langston, Ursula, Centurion Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 Remember for the multi-team battles that you take out enemies on both sides evenly, so they can still attack each other. That way you won't have to deal with all 6 enemies. So pick an enemy on either side to get rid of, while the other enemies attack each other. Then clean up whatever is left. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 1200D-2400D Fee: 350D My team: Centurion, Langston, Iaar, Samnite Number of enemies: 4 Take your 4 strongest gladiators for this battle. Then pick an enemy or two, surround them, and attack them with combos. Your attacks should be strong enough that a few combos will guarantee your victory. ******************************************************************************* Now, the last Tier 2 league is in Fliuch, so head over there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLIUCH REVISITED {VLN10} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 2 Badges required: Mordare Circle 1, Fliuch Circle 1, Sloan Forest Circle 1, Vargen Circle 1 Prize: 1000D-2000D, Fliuch Circle 2 badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D My team: Langston, Centurion Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2, 1 team of 3 Another point battle, similar to all the other ones. Except this time, there is one team of 3. It shouldn't matter, though. Pick an enemy to attack and use Running Attack or Roam to get to him, then attack him relentlessly using combos until you run out of points. Then use regular attacks or affinity attacks until you're out of time. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 1200D-2400D Fee: 200D My team: Ursula, Langston, Centurion, Murmillo Number of enemies: 4 There are crates along the outside of the arena, and some of the enemies will probably start on top of them. So place your characters in the center of the arena to start out with. When the battle starts, kill everyone in the center of the arena, then wait for the enemies on the outside to come. When they arrive, kill them too. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 1200D-2400D Fee: 200D My team: Centurion, Langston, Iaar, Valens Number of enemies: 4 Place your team along the right edge of the available area. When the battle begins, have the closest character climb to the top. Then use Defend until the battle ends. You should be able to make it to the top in time, but if the enemy gets there first, the best thing to do is just kill all the enemies. You have enough time to kill them all, and it's easier just to kill them than to try to get on the top crate before another enemy can get on. ******************************************************************************* Well, you're done with every league in Nordagh. Now go to Orin for the Circle and regional championships. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIN (CHAMPIONSHIP) {VLN11} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you did the Circle of Elites Tier 2 leagues, you can do the Circle Championship now. ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE CHAMPIONSHIP Badges required: Fliuch Circle 2, Mordare Circle 2, Sloan Forest Circle 2, Vargen Circle 2 Prize: 2000D-4000D, Eow, Gebo, Ingwaz, Uruz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is only one battle here. It's just a regular defeat-all-enemies battle. The enemies in it are random, but just the standard Nordagh enemies. CHAMPIONSHIP Prize: 1200D-3600D Fee: 500D My team: Centurion, Langston, Valens, Murmillo Number of enemies: 4 Look at your enemies ahead of time and choose your party accordingly. Place all of them in the line in the middle of the arena. Then have each character go after one enemy. Have the Heavy characters kill Barbarians, Bears, Gungnirs, and raged Berserkers. Have the Medium characters kill Berserkers, Wolves, and Satyrs. Use combos to bring them down. This certainly isn't a very hard battle for a championship. ******************************************************************************* When you're ready, enter the Nordagh championship. ******************************************************************************* NORDAGH REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Badges required: Kingdom Open, Free Peoples, Dreas Open Prize: 4000D-12000D, Nordagh Champion badge, Bone Axe, Reinforced Targe, Iron Campana, War Hammer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAMPIONSHIP Prize: 300D-900D Fee: 100D My team: Valens, Centurion, Langston Number of enemies: 3 This isn't much of a challenge for the regional championship. You've fought many more difficult battles than this. Take your three best characters and place them in the center of the arena. You can have them stick together and take the enemies out one at a time, or have each of the go after one enemy. Either way, you'll win easily. ******************************************************************************* When you're done with this battle, Urlan will join your school. You'll then be given the option to stay here in Nordagh, or proceed to the Windward Steppes. Make sure you've done everything you need to do in Nordagh - sidequests, recruiting, whatever. When you're ready to move on, enter and exit a town and Usus will ask you if you want to leave. Choose yes to proceed to the Steppes. You can now pick up the walkthrough at the Windward Steppes section, below Ursula's Quest. *IMPORTANT* Before leaving Nordagh, make sure you've completed the Sigi sidequest in Mordare. If you don't do it now, you won't be able to get the Hell's Fury ability later in the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= URSULA'S QUEST {US1} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ursula's quest begins in Nordagh. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NORDAGH {USNI} +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Watch the opening scene. Then Ursula will challenge Urlan to a fight. You can't do much in this battle. Attack on your first turn, trying to get the swing meter in the critical zone. On the next turn, you'll use Empower Self, then you can attack Urlan one more time to end the battle. After another scene, Usus will give some a basic tutorial. Just listen and do what he says to learn the basics of fighting. Afterwards, you'll head off to earn your talisman in Fliuch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLIUCH {USN1} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The league officer here will explain a little about leagues and battles. Select Leagues from the menu, and enter the Arena Certification league. ******************************************************************************* ARENA CERTIFICATION Badges required: None Prize: 100D-300D, Nordagh Talisman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, you can enter the Practice battle to fight against the target post if you want some extra practice using the swing meters. There are 5 training battles and the final exam. If you already know how to battle, you can just skip to the final exam. CERTIFICATION 1 Prize: 100D-300D My team: Ursula, Urlan Enemies: Barbarian, Wolf Usus will give you a lesson on skills and targeting. Listen to what he says, then you'll need to defeat the Barbarian and Wolf. Go after to Wolf first. Have Urlan and Ursula each attack him once. If he has any HP after that, just attack him one more time. When the Wolf is down, move to the Barbarian and attack him the same way. CERTIFICATION 2 Prize: 100D-300D My team: Ursula, Urlan Enemies: 2x Barbarian Usus will teach you about facing. When two characters have both attacked each other (or one of them blocked the other's attack), they are engaged. You can then hit the engaged enemy in the side or the back to do extra damage. Have Ursula hit the Barbarian that is engaged with Urlan in the back. Then have Urlan attack from the front again, which will probably kill the Barbarian. Repeat the process for the other Barbarian. CERTIFICATION 3 Prize: 100D-300D My team: Ursula, Urlan Enemies: 2x Barbarian Now Usus will explain height advantages. If you're on higher ground than your enemy, you'll do more damage to them and they'll do less to you. Just attack the Barbarians while you're standing on the crates. Two or three attacks each will bring them down. CERTIFICATION 4 Prize: 100D-300D My team: Ursula, Urlan Enemies: Bandit, Samnite Usus will explain about classes. Light characters are weak against Medium characters, who are weak against Heavy characters, who are weak against Light characters. The Bandit will be easy to kill; two hits will do it. The Samnite will be tougher, though. To beat her, get up on the crates and attack from there. It's a good idea to surround her and attack her from the back, too. CERTIFICATION 5 Prize: 100D-300D My team: Ursula, Urlan Enemies: Barbarian Usus will teach you about affinity attacks. Listen to what he says, then keep attacking the Barbarian until Urlan has 2 full circles of affinity. Then use the affinity attack on the Barbarian. You'll notice that it will do no damage because her defensive affinity cancels out your offensive affinity. FINAL EXAM Prize: 100D-300D My team: Ursula, Urlan Enemies: Bandit, Barbarian, Samnite Now it's time to use what you've learned in a real battle. Try to take out the Samnite first, because she can deal the most damage to you. To defeat her, get up on the crates and attack her using critical hits. She'll go down quickly if you're attacking from a tall crate. After the Samnite is down, take care of the Barbarian the same way, then go after the Bandit. ******************************************************************************* After this battle, Urlan will gain a level and you'll be taken to the school menu to learn about skills. Listen to what Usus says, then you can learn a new skill. I'd recommend learning Combo Attack 1 first. You can now visit the recruiting office by selecting Recruiting at the league office. You should have some money by now, so you can recruit a new character or two. Gungnirs are good to have, and you might want to get a Bandit too, if you have the money. You can also go to the shop now. To get there, exit to the town menu and select the second option there (The Stopover). This is the shop. You'll be given an explanation on shopping. Then you can buy some equipment for your characters. Get Ursula a shield if you can. Now, there's a trick you can use to get a lot of money. Exit to the world map by pressing B at the town menu. Usus will take you to Roanor. Exit Roanor, and you'll have access to the world map. There are 6 towns in Nordagh - Fliuch is where you came from, which is located up the road to the north of Roanor. If you go towards Fliuch, there will be a fork in the road. Take the north path to get to Fliuch, and the west path to get to Orin. If you head northwest from Roanor or southwest from Fliuch, there will be three more towns along the path there - Mordare, Vargen, and the Sloan Forest. You can enter all of these towns and shop there and get new recruits. However, you should wait on doing leagues in any towns other than Fliuch for now. At the recruiting office of each town, you can hire someone. Then you can strip them of their equipment and sell it to make a nice profit. Then you can expel the recruit. If you do this with some Lv. 2 or 3 Barbarians and Gungnirs, you'll make quite a bit of money. I did it for 10 or 15 minutes and ended up with over 30,000D. You can use this money to go shopping in Roanor to buy some good helmets and weapons for your characters. While you're out on the world map, you can check the different towns' recruits and get a couple of Gungnirs if you don't already have them. Buy them the best weapon you can afford, and get a Wolf Cowl for them at Roanor. Also buy Urlan and Ursula some good weapons and a good helmet. Armor is pretty expensive, and you can get it from other leagues, so you don't have to buy everyone armor. Weapons and helmets are best. There is also an accessory salesman just west of Roanor. You can shop for accessories there (if you don't know what an accessory does, press Y to view info on it). When you're ready, head back to Fliuch. Now you can enter some of the other leagues here. ******************************************************************************* LEAGUE OF REDEMPTION Badges required: None Prize: 200D-400D, Main Gauche ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you'll be fighting criminals to punish them. You'll mostly fight Bandits here, but you may run into a Barbarian occasionally. ATONEMENT 1 Prize: 100D-300D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 For this battle, wait where you start at and let the enemies come to you. You can use Long Throw with your Gungnir to kill the enemies before they get to you. If you got some good equipment before, you should be able to kill a Bandit with one Long Throw or one combo attack. So use Long Throw until they get within close range, then kill them with combos from Urlan and Ursula ATONEMENT 2 Prize: 200D-500D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 There will be a stack of crates in the middle of the arena this time, so try to get on top of them so you can deal more damage. Use Long Throw with a Gungnir and combos from Urlan and Ursula to kill your enemies. It's important that you stay close together so your enemies don't surround one character. Again, one combo or Long Throw will kill an enemy if you bought some good equipment. ATONEMENT 3 Prize: 100D-300D My team: Urlan, Ursula Number of enemies: 3 Like the first battle, wait at the starting point until the enemies get to you. You can have Ursula use Empower Self right before they get to you. Then use combos on the enemies to kill them. Urlan and Ursula should each be able to kill a Bandit with one combo with their new equipment. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* CONTEST OF THE FREE PEOPLES Badges required: None Prize: 200D-700D, Free Peoples badge, Banded Shield, Fur Hat, Jackal Pelt, Small Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you'll be fighting a variety of different kinds of battles. You'll also find a new enemy here - the Berserker. Berserkers are Light characters, so defeat them the same way you would a Bandit. VANDAL BATTLE Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 25D My team: Ursula, Urlan, Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 The object of a Vandal Battle is to destroy more of the barrels on the field than the enemies can. Once all the barrels are destroyed or the time runs out, the team with the most barrels destroyed wins. Place Urlan and Ursula near a barrel, and place a Gungnir in a place where you can use Long Throw to destroy a barrel. The barrels have 24 HP, so you should be able to destroy them in one hit. If Urlan, Ursula, and your other character each destroy one barrel, you will win. The enemies will probably get the other two. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 25D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir, Bandit Number of enemies: 4 This is your first Rival Nations battle. The point of this battle is to destroy your enemies' statue before they can destroy yours. Have a Gungnir get on a high create, so you can use Long Throw at any enemies that come near. Leave one other person behind to guard your statue, either Urlan or Ursula. Send your other two characters toward the enemy monument. A Bandit will be able to reach the enemy monument the fastest. Ignore any enemies you pass on the way, they'll probably ignore you too. When you get to the enemy statue, attack it a couple of times to destroy it. FREEDOM FIGHT 1 Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 25D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 This is a standard battle, you need to defeat all the enemies to win. Long Throw is effective for killing enemies at a distance, and you should be able to kill them in one hit if you bought a good spear. When the enemies come within range of your close-range characters, use combos on them to take them out. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 25D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Bandit Number of enemies: 3 This is a King of the Hill battle. There will be a stack of crates in the center of the arena. If you stand on the top crate, your team will be awarded a point every few seconds. The team with the most points at the end of the time limit will win. You can also win by simply defeating all of the enemies. Place your characters as close to the center of the arena as you can. When the battle starts, have everyone run towards the top crate. You will probably be able to get there before the enemy does. Once you're on the top crate, use combos to attack the enemies, who will be trying to kill whoever is on the top crate. You might even be able to kill them all before the time runs out, but as long as you don't move off the top crate, you'll win. FREEDOM FIGHT 2 Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 25D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir, Bandit Number of enemies: 4 This is very similar to Freedom Fight 1. You simply need to defeat all the enemies to win. Use Long Throw until the enemies reach you, then use combo attacks at close range to finish them off. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 25D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir, Bandit Number of enemies: 4 The object of a Points Battle is to deal more damage to the enemy than they can deal to you. Nobody actually loses HP, but the damage is kept track of by the league officer. The best way to win these battles is to find a weak enemy that your weight class is strong against and attack them with combos. Have Ursula and Urlan find a Bandit or a Berserker to attack. Use combos to deal the most damage. You can also have your Gungnir use Long Throw on any enemy. With your new equipment, you will deal far more damage to the enemy than they can deal to you. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* LIGHTNING CIRCUIT Badges required: None Prize: 200D-700D, Iron Buckler, Hand Axe, Patched Cape, Spiculum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you're only allowed to use Light and Support characters. If you looked around the recruiting offices in Nordagh, you have the following options available to you for Light and Support characters - Gungnir, Bandit, Berserker, and Satyr. You probably have a Gungnir or two and a Bandit. Gungnirs are best for this league, especially if they have a good spear. The enemies in this league are random, but will consist of Support and Light characters. THUNDERHEAD 1 Prize: 500D-2500D, Quaddara, Death's Head Cap, Hooded Cloak, Cudgel Fee: 25D Required: Light, Support My team: 2x Gungnir, Bandit Number of enemies: 3 Have your Gungnirs use Long Throw at any enemy that comes within range. Your close range characters like Bandits won't be able to do much damage here, so Long Throw is your best bet. You should be able to kill an enemy with one hit. Just be careful of the Gungnirs, which can change into a Bear. This will increase their HP by quite a bit, so it will take a couple of Long Throws to kill them. THUNDERHEAD 2 Prize: 500D-2500D, Quaddara, Death's Head Cap, Hooded Cloak, Cudgel Fee: 25D Required: Light, Support My team: 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 This is the first multi-team battle you've seen. Each enemy team is on its own, so enemy teams can attack each other as well as attacking you. The best way to win this battle is to place 2 Gungnirs along the back where no enemies are. Have them use Long Throw at the enemies, who will be fighting each other. Just keep using Long Throw until all the enemies are dead. LORD OF THE CLOUDS Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 25D Required: Light, Support My team: 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2 This is another King of the Hill battle. You can do this battle two ways - one is to have a Gungnir get on the top crate, then change into a Bear so you can last the whole battle. Another way that will probably be easier is to stand off on the side while the enemies fight over the hill. Use Long Throw at the enemies until they're all dead. There are only 4 of them, so you'll have plenty of time to kill them all. THUNDERHEAD 3 Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 25D Required: Light, Support My team: 2x Gungnir, Bandit Number of enemies: 3 There are crates around the arena forming a box. Have your Gungnirs get on a high crate and use Long Throw at the enemies. Just keep your Gungnirs several squares apart, so if an enemy gets to close to one of them, the other one can kill the enemy (since Long Throw doesn't work at close range). THUNDERHEAD 4 Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 25D Required: Light, Support My team: 2x Gungnir, Bandit Number of enemies: 3 There will be a line of crates in the middle of the arena. For this battle, it's best if you wait at the starting point and let the enemies come to you. You can probably kill them all using Long Throw before they even reach you. FAST MONEY Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 25D Required: Light, Support My team: 2x Gungnir, Bandit Number of enemies: 3 This battle is almost exactly like Thunderhead 3, except there are some treasure chests on the far side of the arena. First, have your Gungnirs get on the high crates and use Long Throw to kill at two of the enemies that come near you. If you want the chests, leave one enemy alive and send a Bandit to the other side of the arena. Just walk over the chests to collect them. They contain money and items. After you get the chests, kill the remaining enemy using Long Throw. ******************************************************************************* Now you're finished with all the leagues in Fliuch for now, until you get the Circle of Elites qualification badge. You've now done enough leagues to enter the tournament. Choose Tournament from the league office to fight in the local tournament for Fliuch. ******************************************************************************* FLIUCH TOURNAMENT Prize: 500D-1500D, Maul, Cured Leather Shield, Sowilo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the tournament battle. The enemies are random, but will most likely be Barbarians, Gungnirs, and Berserkers. FREEDOM TOURNEY Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D My team: Urlan, Ursula, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 There is a box of crates around the arena, so you can use them to your advantage by getting on the top ones. Have your Gungnirs use Long Throw from a distance to kill one enemy each. Urlan and Ursula can each use a combo attack on an enemy and probably kill him. This is a pretty easy battle, much like the ones you've already fought. ******************************************************************************* After the tournament, you need to go to another town. Roanor is where Usus took you when you first exited Fliuch, but you should go to Orin first to get a badge there. To get to Orin, take the road south from Fliuch. When you get to a fork in the road, take the west road to find Orin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIN {USN2} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter the Kingdom Open league first. ******************************************************************************* KINGDOM OPEN Badges required: None Prize: Kingdom Open badge, Patched Cape, Death's Head Cap, Wicker Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league has a mixture of different types of battles. The enemies are randomly selected in each battle. Remember to look at the enemies' weight classes and choose your team accordingly. Also remember that if there's more than one enemy team, press X two or three times to view all the enemies. If you see a lot of hard enemies, just restart the battle. CLASH OF KINGS Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Urlan, Ursula, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 Your Gungnirs will be your main attackers here, probably. Hopefully, you have the best spear available at this time. If you do, one Long Throw will probably kill an enemy. Have your Gungnirs kill as many enemies as they can, and your other team members can go after some of the weaker enemies close up. HILLTOP KINGDOM Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 100D My team: Ursula, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 The hill is located in the middle of the bottom-left area of the field, so place your characters around that area. Have one of your characters climb onto the top crate. Then have your Gungnirs start using Long Throw to kill any enemies that come near you. Make sure you stay on the top crate. After the timer runs out or all the enemies are dead, you'll win. TAX RELIEF Prize: 150D-450D Fee: 100D My team: Urlan, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 There will be three chests on each side of the arena, containing money and/or items. I'd recommend getting them. Have one character (not a Gungnir) go to one side of the arena to get the chests. Meanwhile, have your Gungnirs kill one enemy from each team using Long Throw. The enemies will probably ignore you and attack each other. Keep using Long Throw until only one enemy is left standing. Then have your other character move to the opposite side of the arena and get the chests there. Then finish the last enemy. DOMINANCE Prize: 200D-600D Fee: 150D My team: 2x Gungnir, Urlan, Ursula Number of enemies: 4 Dominance is just like King of the Hill, except there are multiple crates that you need to stand on. For this battle, I would recommend forgetting about the crates and just killing the enemies. Your Gungnirs can each kill one with Long Throw, and Urlan and Ursula can kill a Light enemy with a combo. ROYAL TALLY Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 150D My team: Ursula, Urlan Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 This is another points battle. Take Urlan and Ursula, making sure they're equipped with strong weapons. Place them next to a Light enemy, like a Bandit. Then just have them use combos on that one enemy until the time runs out. If you have good weapons, you will win very easily. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 300D-600D Fee: 250D My team: Urlan, Ursula, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 Place your two Gungnirs along the middle of the arena. Place Urlan and Ursula near your monument. There will probably be an enemy near you at the start of the battle, so have Urlan move to him and take him out with a combo. Have your Gungnirs move within range of the enemy monument. When they're in range, use Long Throw a couple times to break the monument. ******************************************************************************* Now you've got the Kingdom Open badge, which is required to do most of the leagues in Roanor. As long as you're here in Orin, you can finish up the available leagues and the tournament. ******************************************************************************* LEAGUE OF NORTHERN PRIDE Badges required: None Prize: 600D-1000D, Jaculum, Wolf Cowl, Jackal Pelt, Berkana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you're only allowed to use characters from Nordagh. The only non-Nordagh character you could have at this point is an Imperial Bandit, so you don't have to worry about the requirement. The enemies are random, but will mainly consist of Barbarians, Berserkers, and Gungnirs. CONTEST OF HONOR 1 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Bear, Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 Place your characters as far away from the enemies as you can. This way, the enemies will attack each other. You can use Long Throw to kill some of them if you want. Once the enemies have killed each other off, finish the survivor(s) by using Long Throw. CONTEST OF HONOR 2 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: From Nordagh My team: Urlan, Bear, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 Have your Gungnirs use Long Throw at the enemies from a distance to kill one or two of them at the start of the battle. Have Urlan or Ursula attack any Berserkers. Long Throw works well against Barbarians. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 200D Required: From Nordagh My team: Urlan, Bear, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 Place two Gungnirs along the middle of the arena. Have them both move within range of the enemy's monument, ignoring any enemies on the way. One Long Throw will probably destroy the monument, so this battle will be quick. CONTEST OF HONOR 3 Prize: 200D-600D Fee: 200D Required: From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Bear, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 This battle is very easy because you can place your characters almost anywhere in the arena. Place Urlan or Ursula next to a Berserker, and place your Gungnirs 3 or 4 squares away from the other enemies. When the battle starts, take out any Berserkers using a combo, then kill the other enemies with Long Throw. They probably won't even get a chance to attack you. THE SACK OF BELFORT Prize: 200D-600D Fee: 200D Required: From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Bear, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 You need to destroy barrels in this battle. Place your Gungnirs so they can each hit a barrel with Long Throw. If you have a Bear or a Bandit, have them use Charge or Running Attack to extend their range and destroy a barrel. Once you destroy at least 3 barrels, you'll win. ******************************************************************************* Now you can enter the tournament in Orin. ******************************************************************************* ORIN'S KEEP TOURNAMENT Prize: 750D-2250D, Lignator, Fur Hat, Shoulder Brace, Leather Armband ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIN TOURNAMENT Prize: 300D-900D Fee: 500D My team: Urlan, Ursula, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 You'll be fighting a combination of Barbarians, Berserkers, and Gungnirs in this battle. Urlan and Ursula can kill a Berserker very easily with a combo. Your Gungnirs can take care of the other enemies using Long Throw. If Urlan and Ursula finish killing any Berserkers, have them help the Gungnirs. ******************************************************************************* Your finished in Orin (until you come back for the championships). Now go back to Roanor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROANOR {USN3} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, the leagues here will be available to you since you have the Kingdom Open badge. ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES QUALIFIER Badges required: None Prize: 100D-200D, Circle Qualification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first Circle of Elites league. These leagues consist of various types of battles, such as regular battles, points battles, rival nations, and King of the Hill battles. The enemies in this league are random, but will mainly be Gungnirs, Berserkers, and Barbarians. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 300D-600D Fee: 100D My team: Urlan, Ursula Number of enemies: 2 Restart the battle until you fight a Berserker. Then take Urlan and Ursula for the battle. Have them attack the Berserker using Combo Attack 1 until they run out of SP, then use regular attacks or affinity attacks. You'll win by a huge margin. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 300D-600D Fee: 100D My team: Ursula, Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 The easiest and fastest way to win this battle is just to defeat both of the enemies. Try to get on the top rock anyway for a height advantage. Just use combos on Light enemies and use Long Throw on the other enemies. You'll be able to kill them well before the time runs out. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 300D-600D Fee: 100D My team: Ursula, Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 There are crates all over the arena in this battle, so use them to your advantage. Have Urlan or Ursula attack any Light enemies, and have a Gungnir take care of the other enemy. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* LAST ONE STANDING Badges required: Kingdom Open Badge Prize: 300D-900D, Praecido, Banded Shield, Jackal Pelt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league has three battles with 4 teams of 1. So use your best characters for this league. Also, you may want to restart the battle if the enemies are too hard. You may encounter a couple of new enemies here - the Murmillo and the Peltast. Murmillos are Medium characters. Watch out for their Throw Shield and Gut Basher. Peltasts are pretty much the same as Gungnirs. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 100D My team: Urlan Number of enemies: 3 teams of 1 Again, don't worry about the hill, just kill all the enemies. Wait for one enemy to get on the hill, then the other enemies will kill him. Another enemy will then get on the hill, and the other enemy will kill him. At this point, try to get on the top rock to gain a height advantage, then attack the last enemy with combos until he dies. SURVIVAL Prize: 200D-600D Fee: 100D My team: Ursula Number of enemies: 3 teams of 1 The goal here is to defeat every enemy. If there are any Light enemies near you, attack them using a combo to kill them. Then wait for the other enemies to kill each other. When there is only one enemy left, use a combo or two to bring him down. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D My team: Ursula Number of enemies: 3 teams of 1 Restart this battle until there is at least one Light enemy. There are crates around the arena, with the highest crates on the outside of the arena, so place a Medium character there. Wait for a Light enemy to come to you, then attack him from above with combos. If you attack from the high crates, you'll win. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ONE AGAINST MANY Badges required: Kingdom Open Badge Prize: 200D-500D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of 3 battles, back-to-back. You only get 1 character for the whole 3 battles. The last battle is against an incredibly strong Greater Bear, which you won't be able to beat at this point in the game. I used Urlan for this league. BATTLE 1 (1 enemy) Since this is the first battle, you can restart until you get a Light enemy. Place Urlan next to him and attack with a 2 or 3 hit combo to kill him. BATTLE 2 (1 enemy) If the enemy is within range, run and attack him. Then finish up with a combo or two. Once you finish this battle, you'll win the league (since the last round is pretty much impossible now). BATTLE 3 (Greater Bear) The Greater Bear is at a very high level, and you won't be able to kill him. You can come back here later in the game to defeat him. For now, just let him kill you. You'll win the league anyway. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* THE DUEL Badges required: Kingdom Open Badge Prize: 500D-1500D, Flamberge, Fur Hat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 4 one-on-one battles in this league. It's best if you use Urlan or Ursula and keep restarting the battle until you're fighting a Light enemy. DUEL 1 Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 50D Prohibited: Arcane, Support My team: Ursula Number of enemies: 1 Restart this battle until you're fighting a Light enemy. When you get a Light enemy, just attack him with a combo or two to kill him. DUEL 2 Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 50D Prohibited: Arcane, Support My team: Urlan Number of enemies: 1 Same as last battle, restart until you get a Light enemy. Then kill him using combos. DUEL 3 Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 50D Prohibited: Arcane, Support My team: Ursula Number of enemies: 1 This battle is just like the previous ones. Use the same strategy. DUEL 4 Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 50D Prohibited: Arcane, Support My team: Urlan Enemies: Samnite This battle is tough. You'll always be fighting a Samnite, which is a Heavy character. You may be able to win with Urlan if he's at a high enough level and he has a good weapon. Place him on the tall rock at the start of the battle, which is in the middle of the upper-left area of the arena. Use Combo Attack 2 twice, then use an affinity attack. This should kill the Samnite before he can kill you, as long as you get critical hits on all your combos. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* MIXED PAIRS Badges required: None Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you have to use one male and one female on your team. Your enemies will do the same. These battles are all the same, but the enemies get a little harder towards the end. PLAY TOGETHER Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 50D Required: 1 Human Male, 1 Human Female My team: Urlan, Ursula Number of enemies: 2 Remember that you can restart the battle to get the enemies you want. Attack with combos or Long Throw. Go after the enemies one at a time, unless they're Light enemies. Then you can probably kill each enemy in one hit. STAY TOGETHER Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 50D Required: 1 Human Male, 1 Human Female My team: Urlan, Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 Just like the previous battle, use the same strategy. LIVE TOGETHER Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 50D Required: 1 Human Male, 1 Human Female My team: Urlan, Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 Again, it's exactly the same thing. DIE TOGETHER Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 50D Required: 1 Human Male, 1 Human Female My team: Urlan, Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 This is the same as the previous battles, but the enemies are a little stronger here. Still, it shouldn't be too hard. ******************************************************************************* Once you're done with the leagues, enter the tournament. ******************************************************************************* ROANOR TOURNAMENT Prize: 500D-1500D, Uruz, Shielded Ridge Helm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROANOR TOURNAMENT Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 500D My team: Urlan, Ursula Number of enemies: 2 There are tall crates at the area you start in, so stay there and let the enemies come to you. A combo attack or two will kill the enemies. Remember that you can restart if necessary to get easier enemies. ******************************************************************************* You're finished in Roanor now. I would recommend going to Vargen next, so you can get Iaar the Yeti in your school. To get there, go north to Fliuch and keep following the road around into the mountains, past Mordare. Vargen is the next town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VARGEN {USN4} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only league available at first is Ahead of the Pack. ******************************************************************************* AHEAD OF THE PACK Badges required: None Prize: 300D-900D, Pike, Bone Club, Wolfskin, Wolf Cowl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you fight three waves of Wolves. In the last wave, there is one Greater Wolf. You're required to use Ursula and Urlan. Take a Gungnir as you third character. WOLF BATTLE 1 (3x Wolf) Have your Gungnir use Long Throw and hopefully kill a Wolf or two before they can reach you. When they do reach you, have Urlan and Ursula use combos to kill them. You should lose almost no HP in this round. WOLF BATTLE 2 (3x Wolf) This is the same as the last battle. Again, you should still have most of your HP left after this battle. The next one is a bit harder. WOLF BATTLE 3 (2x Wolf, Greater Wolf) The Greater Wolf will stay in the back probably, and the Wolves will come at you. Have your Gungnir kill them with Long Throw, or have Urlan or Ursula use a combo on them. Then have your Gungnir use Long Throw once or twice on the Greater Wolf before he reaches you. When he does reach you, use combos and/or affinity attacks with Urlan and Ursula, while you Gungnir continues to use Long Throw to kill him. ******************************************************************************* Now the other leagues will appear. I suggest doing the Trial of the Elders first, because you can recruit a Yeti after you complete it. ******************************************************************************* TRIAL OF THE ELDERS Badges required: None Prize: 500D-1500D, Dabus, Bear Tooth, Wolfskin, Wicker Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're going to be fighting Yetis in this league. They're pretty tough, and they're Heavy. The best way to kill them is with your Gungnirs by using combos and Long Throw from a distance. They can kill Ursula and Urlan with a few hits, but Ursula and Urlan can inflict some decent damage on them. BASIC TRIAL Prize: 250D-750D Fee: 300D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Ursula, Urlan, Gungnir Enemies: 2x Yeti Have your Gungnir use Long Throw if the Yetis are in range, and combos if they are too far away to use Long Throw. Hopefully, you can kill one or get its HP pretty low before it can reach you. Have Ursula use Empower Self in the meantime. When the Yetis get to you, keep using Long Throw with your Gungnir and use combos with Ursula and Urlan. Make sure you concentrate on one Yeti at a time. STRICT TRIAL Prize: 250D-750D Fee: 300D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Ursula, Gungnir Enemies: 2x Yeti Have your Gungnir use Long Throw or combos while Ursula uses Empower Self. You might want to move Ursula on top of a rock to get a height advantage. Then keep using Long Throw while Ursula uses combos to bring the Yetis down, one at a time. ADVERSE TRIAL Prize: 250D-750D Fee: 300D Required: Ursula My team: Ursula Enemies: Yeti This is a very difficult fight. You can only use Ursula against a higher level Yeti. Make sure Ursula is equipped with the strongest possible weapon. Also, try to get her a decent affinity rating by equipping an accessory if need be. Make sure she has at least an Affinity Attack 1 of the same element. Also, equip her with a good shield. Before the battle starts, place Ursula in the top-left corner of the available area (near the rock). When the battle starts, move Ursula onto the rock and have her use Empower Self. The Yeti will probably use Cry of Anger to raise his damage, but it will sometimes miss. Then he'll move to attack you. Use a Combo Attack 2 on him. Then use an affinity attack, followed by another Combo Attack 2. This will probably kill the Yeti. However, you need to get a little lucky and have some of his attacks miss. You'll probably need to try several times to win this fight. ******************************************************************************* After you win the league, go into the recruiting office. There will be two Yetis there. You can recruit Iaar permanently, but Rugh can only be recruited temporarily. ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 1 Badges required: Circle Qualification Prize: 400D-1200D, Vargen Circle 1 badge, Dabus, Jaculum, Cured Leather Shield, Dark Band ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is your first Circle Tier 1 league. There are four Tier 1 leagues and four Tier 2 leagues, then the championship. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 300D My team: Urlan, Gungnir, Iaar Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 This battle can be very hard if you don't get on the hill first. Place Urlan in the top-left corner of the available area and have him run to the top rock. If you don't get there in time, reset until you do. Once you're on the top rock, just attack the enemies around you. Have Iaar use combos on Barbarians, Urlan use combos on Berserkers, and you Gungnir use Long Throw to help. If Urlan's HP starts to get low, have him change into an animal to restore some HP. DOMINANCE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 300D My team: Iaar, Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Place Iaar in the bottom-left corner of the available area. This is right next to one of the crates. Have him move onto the crate on his first turn. This will probably get him on a crate before any of the other enemies. Then have him use Defend until the time runs out. If you're the first on a crate, you'll probably win. Have your Gungnir kill any enemies that need to be killed. If both members of an enemy team are on a crate, they'll win, so don't let one team take over. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 300D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir, Iaar Number of enemies: 4 This is the same as the other point battles. Have Urlan and Ursula use combos on a Berserker to deal a lot of damage. Iaar will also deal huge damage by using combos on a Barbarian. Have a Gungnir support them. Use Combo Attack 1, because it only uses 2 SP and it still does big damage. The Berserkers might use status attacks on you, but you should be far enough ahead that it won't matter. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* HORDES OF THE NORTH Badges required: None Prize: 500D-1500D, Fur Hat, Lignator, Wolfskin, Flamberge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an endurance league consisting of three battles. You'll be fighting four enemies in each round. The enemies are random, but they'll be Gungnirs, Barbarians, and Berserkers. I'd recommend taking Urlan, two Gungnirs, and Iaar. THEY COME (4 enemies) Have your Gungnirs use Long Throw or combos on the enemies immediately. Try to take one or two of them out before they can reach you. Have Urlan use combos on Berserkers and Iaar use combos on Barbarians to kill them easily. If you're low on HP, leave one weaker enemy alive. Then have your Gungnirs and Urlan change into an animal, then change back into a human. This will restore a good portion of their HP. Iaar probably doesn't know Hibernation yet, but if he does, have him use it to restore some HP. Then finish the last enemy. CAN'T HOLD OUT (4 enemies) This is the same as the last battle, fight it the same way. Have your Gungnirs kill an enemy or two before they reach you, then have Urlan and Iaar take care of the rest when they reach you. Again, you can change into an animal and back to restore some HP if you need to. Once you win this battle, you'll win the league. HOW MANY ARE THERE?! (4 enemies) Iaar is probably pretty low on HP by now, but have him attack a Barbarian to kill him. Have your Gungnirs attack with Long Throw and Urlan attack with combos. If you get really low on HP, change into an animal. You might not be able to win this battle, but it's okay if you don't. You'll still win the league for beating the first two battles. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* MILEHIGH CIRCUIT Badges required: None Prize: 500D-1500D, Mannaz, Wolfskin, Fur Hat, Jaculum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of several types of battles. The enemies are mostly Barbarians, Gungnirs, and Berserkers. VANDAL BATTLE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 150D My team: 2x Gungnir, Bear Number of enemies: 3 There are 5 barrels, and you need to destroy at least 3 of them to win. The barrels are closer to the enemies, though, so you'll need to be quick. Place one Gungnir to the north of the arena, and another Gungnir and a Bear or Iaar on the south. Have your Gungnirs use Long Throw (or a combo, which has greater range). Have your Bear or Iaar use Charge or Running Attack to extend the distance they can move and destroy another barrel. Your enemies will get the other two barrels. THIN AIR 1 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 150D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: 2x Gungnir, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 Take a look at your enemies and choose your team according to the enemies' weight classes. Have your Gungnir(s) attack with Long Throw in the beginning, and have your other characters finish the enemies with combos. THIN AIR 2 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 150D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: 2x Gungnir, Urlan, Ursula Number of enemies: 4 This is like the last battle, but with one more person on each team. Use the same tactics as in the last battle to win. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 300D My team: Urlan, Ursula Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Take Urlan and Ursula and have them attack a nearby Berserker for the best damage. Use Combo Attack 1 until you're out of SP, then use affinity attacks and/or normal attacks. Iaar can also do a lot of damage if he attacks a Barbarian with combos. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 300D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir, Iaar Number of enemies: 4 Leave Iaar in the back to guard your monument and send your other characters to destroy the enemies' monument. Ignore any enemies on the way. Have your Gungnir use combos as soon as you're in range of the monument. Have your other characters use combos when they get there. THIN AIR 3 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 500D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 This battle is the same thing as Thin Air 1. Just pick your team according to the enemies' weight class and you'll be fine. ******************************************************************************* When you've done all the leagues you want to do, enter the tournament. ******************************************************************************* VARGEN TOURNAMENT Prize: 750D-2250D, Light Wrap, Banded Shield, Iron Pendant, Eow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASTERS OF ICE Prize: 100D-300D My team: Urlan, Iaar, Gungnir, Bear Number of enemies: 4 You'll be fighting a combination of Barbarians, Gungnirs, and Berserkers. Choose your team according to how many of each enemy there are. Use Long Throw, combos, and whatever other attacks you have to kill the enemies. Not hard at all. ******************************************************************************* After you're finished in Vargen, head to Mordare. Mordare is located along the road north of Vargen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORDARE {USN5} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you do anything in the league office, go into the shop for a sidequest. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Talk to Xandl in the shop, and ask him about the town/arena. Eventually, he'll give you a sidequest to find Sigi the Galdr. Sigi is found in a random battle in the field north of Roanor. Make sure you save before entering the battle, because it's a wilderness battle. If you lose someone in this battle, they're gone from your school. And if Ursula dies, it's a game over. Sigi is being attacked by 6 Mongrel Shamans. You need to defeat the Mongrels while keeping Sigi alive. Sigi is at Lv. 15, so she'll be able to take care of herself, but her attack power is very low. She'll aid your team by using songs to boost your stats. Have your Gungnirs use Long Throw on the Mongrels, one at a time, to kill them. Urlan and Ursula can run to where the Mongrels are and kill them using combos. The Mongrel Shamans don't have any powerful attacks; they have some weak physical attacks and one or two pathetic spells. You should have no problem winning this battle. When you win, go back to Mordare and talk to Xandl again. You'll receive a couple of weapons, some money, and the Signet of the Valkyrie. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now you can battle in Mordare. There will only be one battle open to you at first, the Sacred Battle in the Test of the Tribes league. ******************************************************************************* TEST OF THE TRIBES Badges required: None Prize: 500D-1500D, Lignator, Kard, Algiz, Ingwaz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you'll be fighting Berserkers. Berserkers are pretty weak at first, but they can become powerful enemies. Once their HP falls below 1/2, they'll use Adrenaline to boost their attack power. They can also use Rage, which raises their HP and attack power and turns them into Heavy fighters. They can be pretty dangerous then, but they don't use Rage to much at lower levels. Just focus on killing them quickly with combos and you'll be fine. SACRED BATTLE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Urlan, Ursula, Lv. 3+ My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir Enemies: 4x Berserker Have your Gungnir use Long Throw and hopefully kill one of the Berserkers. Wait for the other ones to get in range, while still using Long Throw. When they get to you, have Urlan and Ursula use combos on them. One combo attack will kill a Berserker. After you complete this battle, the other leagues will become available. You might as well finish this league, though. SACRED BATTLE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Ursula, Gungnir Enemies: 3x Berserker Have your Gungnir use Long Throw to possibly kill one of the Berserkers on the first or second turn. Continue using Long Throw as the Berserkers get closer to you. When they reach you, have Ursula or Urlan start using combo attacks. There are only three of them, so they'll go down pretty quickly. SACRED BATTLE Prize: 500D-1500D Fee: 200D My team: Urlan, Gungnir Enemies: 4x Berserker Hopefully, you can kill one or two enemies before they can reach you by using Long Throw. Then have Ursula or Urlan use combos at close range to finish them off. Have your Gungnir get back a little so you can continue using Long Throw. ******************************************************************************* I'd recommend doing the Dead of Night league next, since it will get you an Undead Summoner and another sidequest. ******************************************************************************* THE DEAD OF NIGHT Badges required: None Prize: 500D-2500D, Quaddara, Death's Head Cap, Hooded Cloak, Cudgel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can only enter this league at night, so go out to the world map and wait for nightfall if necessary. You'll be fighting 3 waves of undead enemies. Here are some strategies for dealing with each type: Undead Legionnaire - They're Medium characters, so Iaar can take care of them very quickly. They have attacks that can cause Fear, which is pretty annoying, and cause you to retreat. They also use a sacrificial attack when their HP gets low. Undead Summoner - These are Arcane characters that summon Undead Legionnaires. Always ignore the skeletons they summon. When you kill the summoner, the skeleton will go with him. They will use Darkness from Life to gain affinity, which damages them. They also have some basic magic attacks. Deal with them by repeatedly using combos until they die. You probably haven't learned Hibernation for Iaar yet. If you have, it will be very helpful in this league, since Iaar's defense is so low. You will definitely want to take Iaar. You should also take Urlan and at least one Gungnir, because they can restore HP by changing into animals and back. Be warned, though - skeletons are very resistant to projectile attacks, like a Gungnir's attacks. Occasionally, Long Throw or a combo will damage them normally, but they usually don't do very much damage. However, I still recommend taking a Gungnir or two because of their ability to regain HP. It will be very useful in this league. SUN'S WITHDRAWAL Enemies: 3x Undead Legionniare, Undead Summoner Start using combos with your Gungnirs as soon as you can and hope to get some decent damage in. When the Legionnaires get close, have Iaar take care of one or two of them by using combos. One combo will probably kill one. Have Urlan and your Gungnirs take out the other one. Then kill the Summoner using the same method, but he'll be a little harder to kill. Hopefully, you'll take minimal HP loss in this battle, especially for Iaar. If he doesn't have Hibernation, be careful. You'll want him to last as long as possible. MIDNIGHT Enemies: 2x Undead Legionniare, 2x Undead Summoner If Urlan or your Gungnirs need HP restoration, change to an animal and back. Otherwise, start using combos and/or Long Throw to try to damage the skeletons. When the Legionnaires get close, have Iaar kill them with combo attacks, or Urlan use combos with your Gungnirs helping him. Your Gungnirs can actually just use regular attacks; they do more damage than Long Throw most of the time. When the Summoners get close, take them out with combos and Long Throw. Affinity attacks also work well against them. FALSE DAWN Enemies: 2x Undead Legionniare, 2x Undead Summoner Hopefully, Iaar still has enough HP left to deal with the Legionnaires. Change into an animal and back to restore anyone else's HP. Then start using Long Throw. This battle is the same as the last one, so use the same strategy. If Iaar dies, things will be a little harder. But just focus on one enemy at a time, and remember to ignore summoned skeletons. If the summoned skeletons are bothering you, kill the Summoners. ******************************************************************************* After this league, go to the recruiting office and get Taithleach, the Undead Summoner. He's the only Undead Summoner you can get, and he'll prove to be useful in some battles. Also, stop in at the shop for another sidequest. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Talk to Xandl in the shop and he'll tell you about the Undead. Exit the shop and reenter. Talk to him again, and he'll give you another sidequest. You need to investigate the appearance of the Undead. Exit Mordare and go towards Fliuch. Just south of Fliuch is a hill with a gravestone on it. Wait until nightfall, save your game, then approach the gravestone for a battle. You'll be fighting 5 tombstones. The tombstones don't attack, but they summon Undead Legionnaires. Take Ursula, Urlan, Iaar, and a couple of Gungnirs for this battle. Ignore the Legionnaires, just go after the tombstones, one or two at a time. Have your Gungnirs attack them with Long Throw. Have Iaar, Urlan, and Ursula use combos. Just stay two or three squares away from the Undead Legionnaires and they won't be able to attack you. After you destroy the first two or three tombstones, things will be easier. Just destroy the last few the same way. After the battle, you'll receive the Talisman of Unlife. Using this, you can approach a gravestone on the world map and an Undead Legionnaire will join you. You can only recruit them at night, and you can't recruit one if you already have one in your school. If you have room now, get one here in Nordagh. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now for the rest of the leagues in Mordare. ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 1 Badges required: Circle Qualification Prize: 500D-1500D, Mordare Circle 1 badge, Jackal Pelt, Framea, Confortari, Banded Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Circle league is similar to the others you've done. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 100D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 Hopefully, you'll be fighting at least one Berserker. If there are any Barbarians, take Iaar with you. Have Urlan and Ursula use combos on a Berserker and Iaar use combos on a Barbarian. You can also use Long Throw for some good damage. Just do this until the time runs out. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D My team: Urlan, Iaar, Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 This is just a regular battle. Choose your team according to the weight class of your enemies. Start out by using Long Throw on any enemies in range. When the enemies reach you, finish them off by using combo attacks. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 100D My team: Urlan, Iaar, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 Leave Iaar in the back to guard your monument and send everyone else to the other side. Ignore any enemies along the way. When your Gungnirs get within range of the enemy's monument, use Long Throw to destroy it. You can do this pretty quickly if you just ignore the enemies. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* THE WYRD Badges required: None Prize: 500D-1500D, Chain Collar, Soldier's Scalp, Owl Beak, Flask ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you're not allowed to use human characters. You'll probably want to use Iaar, and a Bear is useful. You can also use Taithleach and your Undead Legionnaire. The enemies are random in this league, but you'll see a lot of Bears and Satyrs. PECULIAR PILLAGE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ Prohibited: Human My team: Iaar, Bear Number of enemies: 2 Take Iaar and a Bear, since both of them have extended distance attacks. Have them use Running Attack or Charge to destroy two of the barrels in the middle of the arena. Then have one of them go back and use Running Attack to get the barrel on the ledge next to where you started. Once you get three barrels, you're safe. STRANGE FRAY 1 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ Prohibited: Human My team: Iaar, Bear, Undead Legionnaire Number of enemies: 3 Wait for your enemies to come to you. If you're using Taithleach, use Darkness from Life to get affinity, then summon a skeleton. When the enemies get to you, use combo attacks on them. Satyrs will fall easily after a couple of attacks from an Undead Legionnaire. For Bears, have Iaar use combos on them while another character supports him. STRANGE FRAY 2 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ Prohibited: Human My team: Iaar, Bear Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2 Allow the enemies to come to you, so you don't have to deal with each team separately. Pick one enemy and kill him, then kill an enemy from the other team. As long as you keep the team numbers even, you won't have to deal with all the enemies at once since they'll be attacking each other as well. STRANGE FRAY 3 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ Prohibited: Human My team: Iaar, Bear, Undead Legionnaire Number of enemies: 3 This is like Strange Fray 1, except the enemies start out close to where you are. Have Iaar use combos on the stronger enemies, while your other characters help him or attack weaker enemies. Just don't get Iaar surrounded, because he can die pretty quickly if that happens. STRANGE FRAY 4 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ Prohibited: Human My team: Iaar, Bear, Undead Legionnaire Number of enemies: 3 This is pretty much the same as Strange Fray 1. Use the same strategy you've been using. WEIRD RECKONING Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ Prohibited: Human My team: Iaar, Bear, Taithleach Number of enemies: 3 Iaar will be your main attacker here. Have him use combos on a Bear to deal quite a bit of damage. If you're using Taithleach, use Darkness from Life and then summon a skeleton, then use magic attacks. You should be able to win easily. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* DRAGONHEART OPEN Badges required: None Prize: 800D-2400D, Crowbill, Plated Band, Jackal Pelt, Kenaz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an open league, which means you'll see a variety of different enemies. You may see some new enemies here like the Secutor and Murmillo if you haven't fought them already. Just pay attention to the weight class of the enemies. And remember that if you get a bunch of hard enemies, like Samnites, you can exit and reenter the battle to try to get easier ones. WYRMBELLY BRAWL 1 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir, Iaar Number of enemies: 4 You start out pretty close to the enemies. Place your characters on the arena so you can attack the right weight classes with the right characters. Combos work best here. If you can get a Gungnir in a position to use Long Throw, do so. It's hard to get surrounded in the position you're at, so just attack with combos until the enemies are dead. DRAGON'S HOARD Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir, Iaar Number of enemies: 4 You start out on the opposite side of the arena this time. Use Long Throw as the enemies approach, then finish them with combos when they reach you. If you want the chests, which contain money and equipment, leave a weak enemy alive and send a couple people to the other side of the arena to get them. Then kill the last enemy. WYRMBELLY BRAWL 2 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 500D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Iaar, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 Same routine; use Long Throw as the enemies approach, then use combo attacks when they reach you. Not too hard. VANDAL BATTLE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: 2x Gungnir, Bear Number of enemies: 3 Have your Gungnirs destroy the barrels closer to your enemies by using Long Throw or combos. Have Iaar use Running Attack or a Bear use Charge to get another barrel. Once you have three, you'll win. WYRMBELLY BRAWL 3 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D My team: Urlan, Gungnir, Iaar Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 You start out in between the enemy teams, so let them come to you. Be sure you kill one enemy at a time from both teams. As long as the numbers stay even, you'll have an easy time. DRAGON'S FURY Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Ursula, Urlan, Iaar Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 Restart the battle if necessary so you're fighting at least one Light and one Medium enemy. Have Ursula and Urlan use combos on a Light enemy and Iaar use combos on a Medium enemy. Do this until the time runs out. ******************************************************************************* Now, enter the tournament for Mordare. ******************************************************************************* MORDARE'S DEN TOURNAMENT Prize: 750D, Shoulder Brace, Cured Leather Shield, Framea, Attic Durus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEART OF THE DRAGON Prize: 100D-300D My team: Iaar, Gungnir, Urlan Number of enemies: 3 This is just like most of the other battles you've fought here. Use Long Throw on the enemies as the come to you, then attack them with combos at close range. Remember to pay attention to the weight classes, and this will be a very easy battle. ******************************************************************************* The only town you haven't been to yet is the Sloan Forest. To get there, head south from Mordare, past Vargen. The Sloan Forest is in the southwest corner of Nordagh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOAN FOREST {USN6} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only league available to you at first is the Dreas Open League. ******************************************************************************* DREAS OPEN LEAGUE Badges required: None Prize: 750D-2250D, Dreas Open badge, Banded Shield, Jaculum, Horned Band, Full Moon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to start out with the Sylvan Skirmish battle. SYLVAN SKIRMISH Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Urlan, Ursula My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir, Iaar Enemies: 2x Galdr, Barbarian, Berserker The Galdr will use songs to increase their team's movement and initiative mostly. They can also lower your team's initiative, so after a while the enemies will be getting quite a few more turns than you. Have your Gungnir use Long Throw on the Galdr or another enemy in range. Just stay in your place and wait for the enemies to come. Iaar can take the Barbarian and Urlan and Ursula can take the Berserker. Then the Galdr will come. Use Long Throw and combos to kill them. After this battle, the other battles and leagues will become available. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Urlan, Iaar, Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 Place Iaar on the bottom row, the second space from the right. This will put him right in front of the top crate. When the battle starts, have him move to the top (or use Running Attack to get there if there's an enemy nearby). Then have him use Defend until the time runs out. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Urlan, Ursula Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Have Urlan/Ursula attack a Berserker and Iaar attack a Barbarian, using combos. When you run out of SP, use affinity attacks and regular attacks. Repeat until the time runs out to win easily. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Urlan, Iaar, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 Playing Rival Nations in the Sloan Forest really sucks, because there is so much distance between your monument and the enemy's monument. So when you're playing Rival Nations here, it's probably faster and easier to just defeat all the enemies rather than trying to destroy their monument. So just hold your position and let the enemies approach (they'll leave one guard behind). Start using combos or Long Throw with your Gungnirs as soon as the enemies are in range. Then use combo attacks when they get in range of your other characters. When the first enemies are dead, the last one will come down, so defeat him the same way. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 1 Badges required: Circle Qualification Prize: 500D-1500D, Sloan Forest Circle 1 badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOMINANCE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 200D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Iaar, Bear Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 This time, the crates are all together. The placement of your characters is very important. Place your characters on the far right side of the available area; one of them 4 spaces down and one of them 6 spaces down. This will put them right next to the crates, so they can get there on the first turn. Once you're on the two crates, just use Defend if you have it, until the time runs out. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 300D-600D Fee: 200D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Iaar, Gungnir, Urlan Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 Place Iaar on the bottom row, on the second space from the right. This will put him right in line with the top crate. Have him move or use Running Attack to get there on his first turn, then use Defend until the time runs out. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 200D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Urlan, Iaar, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 Again, it's much easier to just kill the enemies instead of trying to destroy their monument. They start out close to you this time, so use Long Throw as soon as you can. They'll probably send one enemy up to guard their monument. The other three will come at you, so kill them with combos and Long Throw. Then the last enemy will come back down, so kill him the same way. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* FIGHT THE BEAR Badges required: None Prize: 350D-1050D, Wolf Cowl, Battle Collar, Crook, Beast's Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll be fighting nothing but Bears in this league, and a Greater Bear in the last battle. If you want to quickly win this league, just do the last battle; it's pretty easy. BEAR BATTLE 1 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Iaar, Gungnir Enemies: 2x Bear Have Iaar use Cry of Anger while your Gungnir starts using Long Throw. When the Bears get close to you, have Iaar use combos to kill them while your Gungnir keeps using Long Throw. Take them down one at a time. BEAR BATTLE 2 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Iaar, Gungnir Enemies: 2x Bear Place Iaar next to one of the Bears and have him use two combo attacks to kill it. Have your Gungnir use Long Throw on the other one from a distance, and have Iaar finish it off after he kills the first Bear. BEAR ON THE HILL Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Iaar, Urlan, Gungnir Enemies: 3x Bear Once again, place Iaar on the bottom row, on the second space from the right. This puts him right in front of the top crate. Have him run on top of it and use Defend until the time runs out. DOMINATING BEARS Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Iaar, Urlan, Gungnir Enemies: 3x Bear This battle can be tough because the Bears are closer to the crates than you. You should be able to get on the upper crate pretty easily. However, the Bears will most likely get the other two crates. Have your Gungnir use Long Throw while Iaar uses combos to kill one of the Bears. Try to do it as quickly as possible, so Iaar can climb up onto the second crate. If you did it quickly enough, you should catch up during the double point phase. BEAR BATTLE 3 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Iaar, Urlan Enemies: Greater Bear Place Iaar on one side of the Greater Bear and Urlan on the opposite side. Have the two of them use combos until the bear dies. Hopefully, it will only get one or two attacks in, which shouldn't kill you. If somebody dies, just restart the battle. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* TO THE WOLVES Badges required: None Prize: 400D-1200D, Bone Club, Iron Choker, Collared Cloak, Woven Collar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll be fighting Wolves in this league. If you want to win the league quickly, just do the last battle. WOLF BATTLE 1 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Urlan, Ursula Enemies: 3x Wolf You're outnumbered, so stay together. Have Ursula use Empower Self on the first turn. When the Wolves reach you, have Urlan and Ursula each attack one using combos. A couple combos each will do the trick. Then finish the last one the same way. It's very important that you don't get surrounded, because the Wolves have a group attack ability that lets them all attack you if one of them gets a critical hit. WOLF BATTLE 2 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Urlan, Ursula, Iaar Enemies: 5x Wolf You'll want to place your characters in an L-shape at the top of the hill, so you block the enemies' paths and keep yourself from getting surrounded. Place your characters like this in relation to the tree: (Tree) X XX That way, the enemies will come right to you, only two at a time, and you can kill each of them very easily with combo attacks. WOLF BATTLE 3 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 100D Required: Lv. 3+ My team: Urlan, Ursula, Iaar Enemies: 3x Wolf, Greater Wolf This battle is easier than it looks. Place your characters together, and take out two of the Wolves first using combo attacks. Then focus on the Greater Wolf. Iaar can do the most damage to it (you can use Cry of Anger to increase that). Have Ursula use Empower Self, too. A couple of combos from each character will kill it. It will waste some turns using Snarl to cause you to retreat, but its attacks aren't all that strong. When it's dead, kill the last Wolf with a combo or two from Urlan and Ursula. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* MAN AND BEAST Badges required: None Prize: 500D-1500D, Wolfskin, Cured Leather Shield, Pike, Collar of Spite ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For this league, you're required to use beasts for half your team and humans for the other half. You probably have a Bear and/or Wolf to use here; if not, either skip this league or recruit whatever you need to. Your enemies will also use half beasts and half humans. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 200D Required: 2 Human, 2 Beast My team: Urlan, Gungnir, Bear, Wolf Number of enemies: 4 Great, another Rival Nations battle. Wait for the enemies to come down the hill, and use Long Throw as soon as you can. When they reach you, use combos on them. Bite, Charge, and Swipe also do good damage if you're using a Bear. When the first 3 enemies are dead, the last one will come down. Wait for him, then take care of him the same way you did the others. INTERSPECIES EFFORT 1 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 200D Required: 2 Human, 2 Beast My team: Urlan, Gungnir, Bear, Wolf Number of enemies: 4 Use the same formation as in Wolf Battle 2 to have a big advantage over the enemies. You can also put a Gungnir so he can see diagonally through your characters to use Long Throw at the enemies. This way, you'll only have to deal with two enemies at a time. Kill them with combos. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 200D Required: 1 Human, 1 Beast My team: Urlan, Bear Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Have Urlan attack a Berserker and your Bear attack anyone. Urlan will do enough damage to the Berserker by using combos that you'll easily win. INTERSPECIES EFFORT 2 Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 200D Required: 1 Human, 1 Beast My team: Urlan, Bear Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Place your characters in the back corner, away from the enemies. Hopefully, they'll leave you alone and attack each other. If any enemies do come your way, kill them with combo attacks. When all the enemies have killed each other off, move in and finish the survivors. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 200D Required: 1 Human, 2 Beast My team: Urlan, Bear, Wolf Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 Place Urlan on the bottom row, on the second space from the right, to put him right in front of the top crate. Have him move to the top. If you can change into a Cat, do so. Then use Growl every other turn to keep your enemies petrified. If you don't have Cat Form/Growl, just attack the enemies as long as you can. If Urlan dies, have your Bear move to the top crate. ******************************************************************************* Now for the tournament. ******************************************************************************* SLOAN FOREST TOURNAMENT Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOREST KINGS Prize: 200D-500D My team: Ursula, Urlan, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 You can place your characters right next to the enemies, so pick the right weight classes to put next to the enemies. Then just use combos on the first turn to kill all the enemies. Very easy. ******************************************************************************* Now, you have a choice to make. You're ready for the Nordagh regional championship now. However, you haven't completed the Circle of Elites leagues yet. If you complete Tier 1 and 2, you can do the Circle championship too. This will get you some decent prizes. However, if your EXP is maxed out and you just want to move on, you can skip ahead to the Nordagh championship in Orin. If you want to complete the Circle leagues, head back to Fliuch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLIUCH REVISITED {USN7} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you were first here, you didn't have the Circle Qualification badge, so you couldn't enter the Circle of Elites Tier 1 here. Do so now. ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 1 Badges required: Circle Qualification Prize: 100D-400D, Fliuch Circle 1 badge, Jaculum, Wicker Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS BATTLE Prize: 300D-600D Fee: 50D My team: Urlan, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Place Urlan next to a Berserker and Iaar next to a Barbarian. Just use combos on them until you run out of SP. Then use affinity attacks/regular attacks to restore some SP, then use combos again until the time runs out. There are crates around the outside of the arena that you can use if you want. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 300D-600D Fee: 50D My team: Urlan, Iaar, Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 There is a stack of crates in the middle of the arena, so place your characters closer to the middle than your enemies so they're higher up. Then use combos, Long Throw, and whatever else you want on your enemies to kill them. RIVAL NATIONS Prize: 300D-600D Fee: 50D My team: Urlan, Iaar, 2x Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 Leave Iaar in the back to guard your monument. Send your two Gungnirs out to destroy the enemy monument. Ignore all enemies you pass by on the way. When you get in range, just use Long Throw a couple times to destroy the monument. ******************************************************************************* If you've beaten all the Tier 1 leagues now, enter the Tier 2 league here. ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 2 Badges required: Mordare Circle 1, Fliuch Circle 1, Sloan Forest Circle 1, Vargen Circle 1 Prize: 500D-1000D, Fliuch Circle 2 badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Tier 2 of the Circle of Elites. It's not really any different from Tier 1. Note that you only need one battle to win this league. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 200D My team: Iaar, Urlan Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2, 1 team of 3 Very simple; just have Urlan attack a Berserker and Iaar attack a Barbarian until the time runs out. You'll win by a huge margin. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 1000D-2000D Fee: 200D My team: Iaar, Gungnir, Ursula, Urlan Number of enemies: 4 You can place your characters right next to any enemy, so make sure you get the right weight classes next to the right enemies. Attack the enemies with combos for a quick and easy win. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 300D-900D Fee: 200D My team: Iaar, Gungnir, Ursula, Urlan Number of enemies: 4 Place Iaar four spaces down on the right side of the available area. Then have him move straight onto the top crate and use Defend until the time runs out. ******************************************************************************* Now you're done in Fliuch for good. Head to Mordare for the next Tier 2 league. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORDARE {USN8} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter the Circle of Elites Tier 2 battle here. ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 2 Badges required: Fliuch Circle 1, Mordare Circle 1, Sloan Forest Circle 1, Vargen Circle 1 Prize: 750D-2250D, Mordare Circle 2 badge, Banded Shield, Pike, Fur Hat, Soldier's Armband ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VANDAL BATTLE Prize: 300D-900D Fee: 350D My team: 2x Gungnir, Bear Number of enemies: 3 Have your Gungnirs each use Long Throw on a barrel, and have another character use a long-distance attack like Running Attack or Charge to get another barrel. After you get three barrels, you'll win. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 300D-900D Fee: 350D My team: Ursula, Iaar, Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 Place your characters in the far back. This way, the enemies will probably ignore you and kill each other. You can attack with Long Throw and use combos on any enemies that do happen to attack you. When there is only one enemy team left, use Long Throw and combos on the survivors until they are dead. POINTS BATTLE Prize: 300D-900D Fee: 350D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Iaar, Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 You should have the hang of these points battles now. Have Ursula/Urlan attack a Berserker and Iaar attack a Barbarian. You can also have a Gungnir use Long Throw. Do this until the time runs out. ******************************************************************************* The next Tier 2 league is in Vargen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VARGEN REVISITED {USN9} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 2 Badges required: Mordare Circle 1, Fliuch Circle 1, Sloan Forest Circle 1, Vargen Circle 1 Prize: 750D-2250D, Vargen Circle 2 badge, Kard, Banded Shield, Horned Band, Leather Cape ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You only have to do one battle in this league in order to win. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 500D My team: Urlan, Iaar, Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 You'll start off close to one team and far away from the other one, so you'll probably end up fighting almost every enemy. Place your characters next to the enemies of the correct weight class and use combos to kill the nearby enemies. The other team will arrive just as you're finishing off the first team. Finish them off, too. If you can, try to keep an enemy from the first team alive when the second team reaches you, so you won't have to deal with all of them at one time. KING OF THE HILL Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 500D My team: Urlan, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 It can be tough to get on the top rock first in this battle. Place Iaar in the top-left of the available area and have him run to the top rock. If someone else gets there first, reset and try again. If you get lucky and are the first to get on the rock, just use Defend until the time runs out. You can also have Urlan change into a Cat and use Growl to petrify some of the enemies. VANDAL BATTLE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 500D My team: 2x Gungnir, Bear Number of enemies: 3 Place one Gungnir on each side of the available area, and one other character that has a Running Attack-like ability. Use combos with your Gungnirs to extend their range and get a couple of barrels. Have your other character move and use Running Attack to get another one. If he can't make it to a barrel, just use another combo with your Gungnir on the next round. For some reason, the battle doesn't end when all the barrels are broken. You just have to wait for the time to run out. ******************************************************************************* Now go back to the Sloan Forest for the last Circle Tier 2 league. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOAN FOREST REVISITED {USN10} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE OF ELITES TIER 2 Badges required: Mordare Circle 1, Fliuch Circle 1, Sloan Forest Circle 1, Vargen Circle 1 Prize: 750D-2250D, Sloan Forest Circle 2 badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS BATTLE Prize: 100D-300D Fee: 200D My team: Urlan, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 This is the same as the other points battles. Have Urlan use combos on a Berserker or Satyr while Iaar uses combos on a Barbarian. Do this until the time runs out. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 200D My team: Urlan, Gungnir, Iaar Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 Place your characters as far away from the enemies as possible so they'll be attacking each other. Kill any enemies that come your way, then wait for the enemies to finish fighting. When there is only one team left, wait for them to some to you while using Long Throw, then finish them off with combos. DOMINANCE Prize: 200D-500D Fee: 200D My team: Urlan, Iaar, Bear, Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 You'll start out very close to the crates, so you should be able to get on at least two of them, probably all three. Once you're on them, just use Defend or something until the time runs out. You can also attack your enemies and probably just kill them all before the time runs out. ******************************************************************************* Okay, now you're ready to go to Orin for the championships. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIN (CHAMPIONSHIP) {USN11} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you did the Circle of Elites Tier 2, enter the Circle Championship league. ******************************************************************************* CIRCLE CHAMPIONSHIP Badges required: Fliuch Circle 2, Mordare Circle 2, Sloan Forest Circle 2, Vargen Circle 2 Prize: 20,000D-40,000D, Eow, Gebo, Ingwaz, Uruz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is only one battle here. The enemies are random. CHAMPIONSHIP Prize: 300D-900D Fee: 500D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Gungnir, Iaar Number of enemies: 4 Make sure you look at the enemies ahead of time and pick the right characters. Have each character go after one enemy of the right weight class. Use combos and Long Throw for an easy win. ******************************************************************************* Now, it's time for the Nordagh championship. Choose Championship from the league office to enter. ******************************************************************************* NORDAGH REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Badges required: Kingdom Open badge, Free Peoples badge, Dreas Open badge Prize: 20,000D-60,000D, Nordagh Champion badge, Flamberge, Fur Hat, Wolf Cowl, Wolfskin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAMPIONSHIP Prize: 150D-450D Fee: 100D My team: Urlan, Iaar, Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 There are only three enemies. I'd suggest taking Iaar, a Gungnir, and Urlan or Ursula. Use Long Throw as your enemies approach you, then attack with combos until they die. This is pretty easy for a championship match. ******************************************************************************* When you exit to the world map, you'll be given the option to leave for Imperia. Make sure you recruit everyone you want to recruit here and have done all the leagues you want. You won't be returning here for a long time. When you're sure you're ready, enter and exit a town and Usus will ask you to go to Imperia. After some cut-scenes, you'll go there. *IMPORTANT* Make absolutely sure that you complete the Sigi sidequest in Mordare. If you don't do it now, you will not be able to get the Hell's Fury skill later in the game. You may have also noticed Galverg walking down the road between Roanor and the Sloan Forest. If you talk to him several times, you'll fight him. It's a very tough wilderness fight, and there are no rewards for doing it, so I suggest you just skip it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IMPERIA {USII} +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Usus will take you to the town of Belfort to obtain your talisman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BELFORT {USI1} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, stop at the recruiting office. Make sure you get a Centurion, one of the best classes in the game. Also stop at the shop. There won't be a whole lot of items for your Nordagh characters here, but upgrade as much equipment as you can. Then enter the talisman league. ******************************************************************************* TALISMAN CHALLENGE Badges required: None Prize: 100D-300D, Imperia talisman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TALISMAN OF IMPERIA My team: Ursula, Urlan, 2x Gungnir, Iaar Number of enemies: 4 You'll be fighting Imperial enemies here, mostly Centurions. Centurions will normally pose a big threat to your Medium characters, but these enemies are at pretty low levels. Have each character kill one enemy. Long Throw works well, and combos too. After one or two attacks for each enemy, you'll win the battle and get your talisman. ******************************************************************************* Now, you have to win one league in Belfort before you can leave. Do the Challenge of Lykos league. ******************************************************************************* CHALLENGE OF LYKOS Badges required: None Prize: 250D-300D, Lupus' Master badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll be fighting Wolves in this league. There are Greater Wolves in the last two battles. Medium characters work best against Wolves, so you can recruit a Legionnaire if you want. However, you probably won't want to keep him after this league. DINNER TIME Prize: 1000D-1500D Required: Ursula Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Urlan, Ursula, Legionnaire, Centurion Enemies: 6x Wolf There are six Wolves here, but you only need to defeat three of them. Have your Medium characters use combo attacks on them for best results. One or two combo attacks per Wolf will kill them. DINNER TIME II Prize: 1000D-1500D Required: Ursula Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Ursula, Urlan, Legionnaire, Centurion Enemies: 4x Wolf You need to kill all the Wolves this time. Place one character near each Wolf. Then simply use combo attacks with each character until the Wolves are dead. Each character can take care of one Wolf. PACK MENTALITY Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 225D Required: Ursula Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Ursula, Urlan, Legionnaire, Centurion Enemies: 4x Wolf This battle is just like the last one, except some of the Wolves are at a higher level. Just use the same strategy as last time to win. DARK MOON Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 300D Required: Ursula Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Ursula, Urlan, Centurion, Iaar Enemies: Greater Wolf, 3x Wolf At the start of the battle, there is one Greater Wolf in the arena. When you defeat it, three Wolves will appear. The Greater Wolf isn't actually that tough. It will waste some turns using Snarl to cause you to retreat. Attack it with combos relentlessly until it dies. Also, try not to put more than one character on one side of the wolf, because it can attack both squares in front of it. When the Greater Wolf is dead, take care of the Wolves using combo attacks. Ursula and Urlan can each kill one, and you other two characters can team up and kill the last one. THE FRAY Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 300D Required: Ursula Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Ursula, Urlan, Centurion, Iaar Enemies: 2x Greater Wolf, 4x Wolf There are two Greater Wolves at the start. When you kill a Greater Wolf, two Wolves will take its place. Concentrate on one of the Greater Wolves and kill it the same way you did in the last battle. When the two Wolves appear, make sure you kill them quickly. They are actually more of a threat than the other Greater Wolf because they're much faster. Kill them with combos from Urlan and Ursula. When they are both dead, kill the other Greater Wolf. It will be easier this time because there's only one. Then kill the last two Wolves with combos. Note: It may be easier if you wait on this battle until you can recruit a Secutor in a different town. Their Surprise Attack can deal massive damage to a Greater Wolf if used from behind, which will make the battle go much easier. ******************************************************************************* After you win this league, exit Belfort. Usus will take you to Syrna. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYRNA {USI2} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The league battles have been postponed, so just check in the recruiting office. Make sure you get at least one Secutor, and a Murmillo. You can also shop for new equipment for your team. When you try to exit Syrna, you'll see a scene between Ursula and an Imperial gladiator. After the scene, save your game and exit Syrna. You'll now have to fight two Summoners using Ursula and Urlan (the gladiator you met in Syrna will help out). Summoners themselves are weak, but they can summon skeletons and beasts to fight with them, similar to an Undead Summoner. Ignore anything they summon and just go for the Summoners themselves. A combo attack will kill a Summoner if you got some good equipment in Syrna. After the battle, you'll go with Valens to his home near Pirgos. He will join your school, and you'll be out on the world map. You can now go to any town in Imperia. The town just north of Valens's home is Pirgos. West of Pirgos is Belfort, where you arrived in Imperia. If you take the road south of Belfort, you'll pass Caltha, where the High Tournaments are held. If you keep going east/south past Caltha, you'll come to a branch-off that leads to Orus. If you follow the road instead of turning off to Orus, you'll come to Cro Beska. Southwest of Cro Beska is Trikata, and west of Trikata is Syrna. Go to every town and check the recruiting offices. You should definitely have a Centurion, a Murmillo, and a Secutor or two. You can also get a Samnite. Sooner or later, you'll want to get a Channeler, but most of them require a certain amount of popularity to recruit, so wait on them until you get enough popularity. You can finish up in Belfort if you want, but I would recommend doing a couple of leagues in Cro Beska first. Since you did the Challenge of Lykos league, you can do a couple of leagues in Cro Beska that will get you a Minotaur on your team. He will be one of your best gladiators, so you should get him as soon as you can. So head over to Cro Beska. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRO BESKA {USI3} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need some badges to complete all the leagues here. We're just here now for two of them - Imperia Untamed and Mongrel Siege. You need to do Imperia Untamed first. ******************************************************************************* IMPERIA UNTAMED Badges required: Lupus' Master badge Prize: 800D-1100D, Imperia Untamed badge, Collar of Force ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you'll be fighting various beasts and monsters. Here are some new enemies you'll encounter in this league: Plains Cat: A Light beast, so defeat them the same as a Wolf. They have a petrification attack that you should watch out for. Scarab: A Heavy beast. To defeat them, have a Heavy character use combos on them, or use Surprise Attack from behind with your Secutor. Scarabs have a couple of poison attacks and some long-range attacks. Scorpion: A Light beast. Defeat them using combos from a Medium or Heavy character. They have some very damaging attacks, so take them out first in any battle. Mongrel: Mongrels are Light characters, and very weak. A combo attack from a Medium character will probably kill one. A Murmillo's Throw Shield works well, too. Ogre: They are Heavy characters. To beat them, use Surprise Attack from behind them and/or use combos from a Heavy character. TOOTH & CLAW Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ursula, Valens, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Wolf Notice that the arena has steps on it. Whenever possible, try to get on the step above your enemy. Use Medium characters for this battle. A couple of combo attacks to each Wolf will end the battle. Have your Murmillo use Throw Shield, too. ACTIVE SUBMISSION Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 500D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Valens, Murmillo, Centurion Enemies: 4x Wolf You outnumber the enemies, so this should be easy. Use Throw Shield and combo attacks on the Wolves. This is pretty much the same as the last battle, but the odds are in your favor this time. FEARSOME PACK Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 500D My team: Centurion, Murmillo, Valens, Secutor Number of enemies: 4 You'll be fighting mostly beasts here. If there are any Scorpions, make sure you kill them first. Refer to the strategies at the beginning of this league to beat the other enemies. SWEEPING ATTACK Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 500D My team: Valens, Murmillo, Centurion, 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 3 You'll be fighting three stronger beasts here. If you can place one of your Secutors behind an enemy at the start of the battle, do so. That way, you can start out by using Surprise Attack from behind the enemy and possibly kill it on the first turn. Wait for the enemies to come to you (try to get on a step above them), and use combo attacks until they are dead. THE HUNT Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 500D Required: Ursula, Urlan, Human My team: Ursula, Urlan, Valens, Murmillo Number of enemies: 4 You'll probably be fighting 4 Mongrels here, but you may encounter an Ogre. You may want to restart if you get an Ogre, because Mongrels are much easier. Just wait for them to come to you and use combos and Throw Shield to kill them very quickly. A DANGEROUS SPORT Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 500D Required: Human My team: Ursula, Urlan, Murmillo Number of enemies: 5 You'll be fighting five beasts here, probably Wolves and Plains Cats. Take Medium characters here. Try to be above your enemies, or at least on the same level. Have your Murmillo use Throw Shield a couple of times to take care of an enemy. Repeat for another enemy. Have your other characters use combo attacks. Two combos will probably kill one enemy. When you get down to one or two enemies, you can team up and defeat them with combos. Don't get surrounded in this battle, or you will die. ******************************************************************************* If you did well in the last league, you should have enough popularity to enter the Mongrel Siege league. ******************************************************************************* MONGREL SIEGE Badges required: Imperia Untamed badge Prize: 4500D-5000D, Mongrel Butcher badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you'll be fighting a combination of Mongrels and Ogres. MONGREL SIEGE I Prize: 5500D-6400D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Murmillo, Urlan, Ursula Enemies: 4x Mongrel Mongrels are very easy, and some of them will be at very low levels. Have each character take care of one Mongrel. A combo or two should do the trick. MONGREL SIEGE II Prize: 5500D-6400D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Murmillo, Ursula Number of enemies: 4 You'll probably fight 4 Mongrels here, but you may encounter an Ogre; restart if you do. Then use the same strategy to kill the Mongrels - just use combo attacks and/or Throw Shield until they're all dead. MONGREL SIEGE III Prize: 9500D-10400D Fee: 500D Required: Ursula, 1 Light, 1 Heavy My team: Ursula, Secutor, Centurion Enemies: 3x Mongrel, Ogre Try to place your Secutor behind the Ogre at the start of the battle, so you can use Surprise Attack to kill him on the first turn. Then have Ursula take care of a Mongrel or two using combos, while your Heavy character takes care of the last Mongrel. MONGREL SIEGE IV Prize: 9500D-10400D Fee: 500D Required: 1 of each affinity My team: Valens, Secutor, Urlan, Taithleach Enemies: 4x Mongrel You need one character of each affinity here. Hopefully, you have a Medium character or two. Use combos on the Mongrels for best results. Surprise Attack from the back also works well. Again, don't get surrounded. MONGREL SIEGE V Prize: 9500D-10400D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster Required: Urlan, Ursula My team: Urlan, Ursula, Centurion, Secutor Enemies: 2x Ogre, 3x Mongrel Use Surprise Attack on one of the Ogre's backs to hopefully kill him on the first turn. Have Urlan and Ursula kill two of the Mongrels using combos. Use Surprise Attack on the other Ogre too, if you can get behind him. You can have your other character help with the Ogre, or kill the last Mongrel. ******************************************************************************* Now that you have the Mongrel Butcher badge, go to the shop here for a sidequest. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Talk to Scotia in the shop and ask him if there are any interesting battles. He'll tell you about the Historian's battle coming up in 7 days. Remember which day it is, and make sure you're back here in Cro Beska on the 7th day. When you get here 7 days later, there will be an extra league. Enter the battle in it. You're required to use Imperial characters. Take Valens, a Murmillo, and Centurion, and one other character, like a Secutor. You'll be fighting two Satyrs and two Minotaurs, who will be attacking you and the citizens, who will run to the bottom, probably. Kill the Satyrs first using combos and Throw Shield. The Minotaurs are harder. They're Heavy fighters, and they have some very powerful attacks. Have your Centurion use combos on one of them. They have an ability that renders Surprise Attack ineffective, but you can use it anyway for a little damage. Focus on one Minotaur at a time and you'll do fine. After the battle, one of the characters will join you; either Pan the Satyr or Langston the Minotaur. Make sure Langston joins you. If he doesn't, reset and try again. Note: If you don't want to restart the battle to get Langston, here's an easier way. Enter the battle with a full school. After the battle, go out to the world map, expel someone, and save your game. Then go into Cro Beska and one of the characters will join you. If it's not Langston, reset and try again. This way, you only have to do the battle one time. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now that you've got Langston (or are waiting for the 7 days to pass), head back to Belfort and finish up the leagues there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BELFORT REVISITED {USI4} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are three more leagues here to finish. ******************************************************************************* REGIMENTAL CHALLENGE Badges required: None Prize: 500D-750D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you'll be fighting a combination of Samnite, Centurions, and Legionnaires. Samnites and Centurions are easily killed by using Surprise Attack from behind once or twice. Legionnaires can be killed with combos from Heavy characters. Also, use the pits to your advantage by attacking the enemies while they're in the pits. Also remember that you can restart the battle to get easier enemies if you're fighting too many Centurions. CLASSIC BATTLE I Prize: 1000-1500D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Langston, 2x Secutor, Valens, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 This is an easy battle. The enemies start out in the pits, so hit them hard before they can get out. Place your Secutors so they can use Surprise Attack from behind on the first turn to take out a Centurion or two. Have Langston or your Centurion use combos on any Legionnaires. CLASSIC BATTLE II Prize: 1000D-1500D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Centurion, 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 3 This is like the last battle, except the numbers are even this time. Place your characters together. Have your Centurion or Langston use combos to take out any Legionnaires. Have your Secutor use Surprise Attack from behind; have your Centurion or another Secutor attack an enemy to turn him around so you can hit him in the back. Focus on one or two enemies at a time. CLASSIC BATTLE III Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 25D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Langston, Centurion, 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 4 You start in the pits this time. Place your Secutors so they can move one space and hit an enemy with Surprise Attack. Do so when the battle starts. Have your Heavies attack the Legionnaires, while your Secutors take care of the Heavy enemies using Surprise Attack. Have your own Heavy characters help out when the Legionnaires are dead. CLASSIC BATTLE IV Prize: 2000D-2500D Fee: 50D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: 2x Secutor, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 You start in the pits again, so have your Secutors get out and use Surprise Attack. Langston or a Centurion can kill any Legionnaires, while your Secutors take care of the Centurions/Samnites. CLASSIC BATTLE V Prize: 2000D-2500D Fee: 50D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Centurion, Langston, Secutor Number of enemies: 5 This time you're outnumbered. Have a Secutor get out of the pit and use Surprise Attack on a Heavy enemy's back, hopefully killing him. Your Heavy characters can each kill a Legionnaire or two. When the Legionnaires are dead, have them help your Secutor take care of the Heavies. CLASSIC BATTLE VI Prize: 2000D-2500D Fee: 50D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Centurion, Langston, Secutor Number of enemies: 5 This battle is the same as the last one. Use the same strategy. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* BEST OF BELFROT Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-2200D, Badge of Belfort ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you'll be fighting Centurions and Legionnaires. ACTIVE DUTY Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: 2x Secutor, Langston, Centurion, Iaar Enemies: 2x Centurion, 2x Legionnaire You only need to defeat the two Centurions in this battle, so ignore the Legionnaires. The enemies start out in the pits. Place one Secutor one square away from each Centurion, so you can hit them with Surprise Attack from above and behind them. This will kill them in one hit. The enemies shouldn't even get one turn in. DAMAGE CONTROL Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: 2x Secutor, Centurion, Langston, Valens Enemies: 3x Centurion, 2x Legionnaire Again, you only need to defeat the Centurions to win. A good strategy for getting behind them to use Surprise Attack is to have one character attack them to turn them around, then have your Secutor hit them in the back. You can also have your Secutor use Sand Toss to lower their speed, then you can run around to their back and hit them if you get two turns in a row. Anyway, ignore the Legionnaires and kill the Centurions with Surprise Attack and combos. HOSTILE INTENT Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 300D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: 2x Secutor, Langston, Centurion, Iaar Enemies: 2x Centurion, 3x Legionnaire You need to kill everyone to win this time. Have your Secutors focus on killing at least one of the Centurions with Surprise Attack. Have your Heavy characters go after the Legionnaires. A Running Attack/Roam and one more hit should kill a Legionnaire. Then have them help attack the Centurions. LAW OF WAR Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 350D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: 2x Secutor, Langston, Centurion, Iaar Enemies: 2x Centurion, 3x Legionnaire This is like the last battle, only it's a lot easier since the enemies start in the pits. You can take out both Centurions on the first turn by using Surprise Attack. Then use Running Attack/Roam from above to kill the Legionnaires. The enemies probably won't even get one attack in. PACKAGED FORCES Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 400D Required: Ursula Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Ursula, 2x Secutor, Langston, Centurion, Iaar Enemies: 4x Centurion, 2x Legionnaire There will be four Centurions at the start of the battle. When you kill two of them, a Legionnaire will appear. Use Surprise Attack and/or combos to kill two of them, the have a Heavy character kill the Legionnaire. Then just repeat the process for the last two Centurions and the remaining Legionnaire. TACTICAL CONTROL Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 450D Prohibited: Support - Archer, Gungnir, Peltast My team: Secutor, Centurion, Langston Enemies: 3x Centurion, 3x Legionnaire This battle can be tough. I'd suggest putting your Centurion in the space surrounded by enemies, since his defense will be highest. Have him focus on killing one Legionnaire at a time; he should be able to kill two or three of them. Have Langston and a Secutor move in to help him out. The Secutor can nearly kill a Centurion with one Surprise Attack from behind, and Langston can finish him off. Remember to focus on one enemy at a time, and try to prevent one character getting surrounded. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* GLORY OF IMPERIA Badges required: None Prize: 2500D-2650D, Glory of Imperia badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll be using your Nordagh characters to battle the local Imperial forces in this league, and it's not very easy. NA DIATHAN LEIBH Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 625D Required: Ursula, From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Urlan, Iaar, Gungnir Enemies: 3x Centurion, 2x Legionnaire You'll start out on the opposite end of the arena from the enemies. Try to get your characters positioned so that all the entrances are covered, and nobody can get surrounded. You can have your Gungnir use Cover Area to attack all the enemies that come in a specified area. Use Long Throw too. Iaar can kill a Legionnaire very easily with a combo, and he can take down a Centurion in the same manner. Have someone help him with the Centurions so he doesn't die. Again, when you're dealing with the Centurions, focus on one at a time. BEDHENS YNDELLMA Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 625D Required: Ursula, From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Urlan, Iaar, Gungnir Enemies: 3x Legionnaire, 2x Centurion This battle is just like the last, except it's easier this time since there are only two Centurions. Use the same strategy as the last battle. OSCLAITEAR NA GEATAI Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 625D Required: Ursula, From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Urlan, Iaar, Gungnir Enemies: Centurion, 3x Legionnaire You only need to kill the Centurion to win this match. Have your Gungnir use Long Throw a couple times to kill him. Ignore the Legionnaires. CLAGH BILLEY Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 625D Required: Ursula, From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Urlan, Iaar, Gungnir Enemies: 2x Centurion, 3x Legionnaire This time, you start on the side of the arena with the wall, so take advantage of it. Have everyone climb up onto the wall. Have your Gungnir use Long Throw or Cover Area to kill some enemies before they reach you. When they do reach you, attack with combos from on top of the wall. I found Iaar's Ice Breath to be useful here to freeze the enemies. Then you can use Long Throw and combos on them to kill them, while the other nearby enemies remain frozen. TEINI COISRIGTE Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 625D Required: Ursula, From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Iaar, Gungnir Enemies: Centurion, 3x Legionnaire This is like the last battle, but with one less enemy on each team. Again, have everyone get on the wall. Use Long Throw and/or Cover Area as the enemies approach. Then use combos from above them when they reach you. Ice Breath works well, too. AN RUD SEO Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 625D Required: Ursula, From Nordagh My team: Ursula, Urlan, Iaar, Gungnir Enemies: Centurion, 6x Legionnaire You're greatly outnumbered here. The Centurion will use Impel to begin with, so you can leave him alone if you're not right next to him. Place your Gungnir across the pit, in relative safety, and use Long Throw or Cover Area. It works well if you use Long Throw on one enemy, then finish him off with a combo or regular attack. Focus on two Legionnaires at a time - one for your Gungnir and Urlan/Ursula, and one for Iaar and Urlan/Ursula. When it comes time to defeat the Centurion, use Long Throw and a combo or attack from everyone to bring him down. ******************************************************************************* Now you can enter the tournament here in Belfort. ******************************************************************************* BELFORT CHAMPIONSHIP Prize: 1000D-1700D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two matches here, one against wolves and one against Centurions and Legionnaires. BEAST MASTERY Prize: 2000D-2500D Fee: 1000D Required: Ursula My team: Ursula, Murmillo, Langston, Secutor Enemies: 2x Greater Wolf, 4x Wolf This battle is just like The Fray, only the enemies are a bit weaker. If you defeat one Greater Wolf, two Wolves will appear. Focus on one of the Greater Wolves first. Use Surprise Attack from behind and combos. The wolves will waste turns using Snarl to cause you to retreat, so they aren't that tough. When one of them falls, ignore the other one and concentrate on killing the Wolves that appear. Use combos, Throw Shield, and Surprise Attack to kill them. Then kill the second Greater Wolf, followed by the last two Wolves using the same strategy. BELFORT CONQUEST Prize: 2000D-2500D Fee: 1000D Required: Ursula, Urlan My team: Ursula, Urlan, Secutor, Langston Enemies: Samnite, 2x Centurion, Legionnaire You only need to defeat the two Centurions to win. Focus all your attacks on them until they fall. Use Surprise Attack on one of them with Ursula/Urlan helping. Have Langston attack the other one with combos. Just ignore the other enemies, and you'll win quickly. ******************************************************************************* Okay, you're done with Belfort. You can go to any town you want now, but I'd suggest going to Pirgos next to get a badge there. Pirgos is east of Belfort. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIRGOS {USI5} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only league available to you at first is the Civilis League of Pirgos. ******************************************************************************* CIVILIS LEAGUE OF PIRGOS Badges required: None Prize: 500D-625D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The battles in this league are pretty simple and straightforward. The enemies are randomly selected, and you'll see a lot of different classes here. OPEN BATTLE I Prize: 1000D-1500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: 2x Secutor, Ursula, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 Take a look at your enemies before the battle starts and form your team accordingly. Be sure to place your characters in effective spots, too. If you use the proper weight class against each enemy, you'll win easily. If you're up against Heavies, have your Secutors attack them from the back with Surprise Attack. You may have to have another character attack the Heavy enemy to turn him around. OPEN BATTLE II Prize: 1000D-1500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: 2x Secutor, Gungnir, Langston Number of enemies: 3 This is like the last battle, but with one less enemy. It will be pretty easy, just use the same tactics. OPEN BATTLE III Prize: 1000D-1500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Secutor, Urlan, Valens, Iaar Number of enemies: 4 Again, just use the same strategy as the first battle. The enemies are a bit stronger, but still should pose no problem. OPEN BATTLE IV Prize: 1000D-1500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Murmillo, Gungnir, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 This time it's 3 vs 3. The strategy doesn't change much, though. Just have each person take down one enemy. OPEN BATTLE V Prize: 1000D-1500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Secutor, Centurion Number of enemies: 2 This time, you only have two characters. I'd suggest having them stick together and killing the enemies one at a time if there are any Heavies in the arena. Otherwise, take the enemies out the same way as the last battles. OPEN BATTLE VI Prize: 1000D-1500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Langston, Murmillo Number of enemies: 4 You're outnumbered this time, so stay together. If you get a bunch of Heavy enemies, restart. Combo attacks work well, and distance attacks can weaken an enemy before they reach you. Focus on one or two enemies at a time and don't get surrounded, and you'll do fine. ******************************************************************************* After this league, you'll be forced to enter the Arcane Tempest league. As long as you enter it, you can back out and the other leagues will be available. ******************************************************************************* ARCANE TEMPEST Badges required: None Prize: 3000D, Host of the Arcane badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a series league, so you'll have to fight all the battles one after the other. You'll be fighting Channelers here. Channelers are spellcasters, and they are relatively harmless by themselves, especially earlier on in the game. They will waste a lot of turns stealing affinity from you or each other to build their affinity gauge, then they'll cast some spells at you. Watch out for Sleet, which will freeze you. They also have an annoying attack called Tornado, which rearranges your position on the arena. To defeat Channelers easily, have a Heavy character use combos on them, or use Surprise Attack from behind. BATTLE I Required: Ursula, Urlan My team: Ursula, Urlan, Centurion, Secutor Enemies: 4x Channeler Move your characters towards the Channelers, and use the crates in the middle if you can. A couple of combos will kill one Channeler. Surprise Attack works very well. You can have each character kill one Channeler for an easy win. BATTLE II Required: Ursula, Urlan My team: Ursula, Urlan Enemies: 4x Channeler This is the hardest battle in the league because you're forced to use Urlan and Ursula. It's not too bad, though. Use the crates in the middle of the arena to help you. Go after one Channeler at a time since you're outnumbered. Two or three combos will kill one of them. Just try to stay together and kill them one at a time, and you'll be okay. Watch out for Tornado, which can put you in a bad position. BATTLE III Required: Ursula My team: Ursula, Centurion, Secutor Enemies: 4x Channeler Move towards the Channelers and have a Centurion or Langston take one of them out with Roam/Running Attack and another regular attack or combo. Have a Secutor get behind a Channeler and use Surprise Attack. Ursula can just use combos to speed up the process. Not too hard. BATTLE IV Required: Ursula My team: Ursula, Centurion Enemies: 4x Channeler This is like Battle II, but you get to choose your second team member. Take a Centurion or Langston (I would recommend a Centurion because they have higher defense). Use the same strategy as Battle II to win, but it will be quicker and easier now that you have a Heavy on your team. ******************************************************************************* Now you can do the other two available leagues here in Pirgos. ******************************************************************************* PIRGOS COMMINUS Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-2550D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of six battles against various Imperial enemies. TIROCINUM Prize: 500D-550D Required: Ursula, Urlan My team: Ursula, Urlan, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Secutor Take a Murmillo as your third character. Throw Shield works very well, as do combo attacks. The Secutor should pose no problem to you, just have each character take on one Secutor. And don't get attacked in the back with Surprise Attack. LAMETICUS Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 50D Required: Ursula, Urlan, 1 Heavy My team: Ursula, Urlan, Centurion, Langston Enemies: 2x Legionnaire, 2x Bandit Have Ursula and Urlan kill the two Bandits with combo attacks, while your Heavy characters do the same with the Legionnaires. No problem at all. BRUTUS ATROX Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 100D Required: Ursula, Urlan Prohibited: Beast, Arcane, Support My team: Ursula, Urlan, 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 4 The enemies here are random, so you can restart if you get too many hard ones. Have Ursula or Urlan kill Light enemies, Heavy characters kill Medium enemies, and your Secutors use Surprise Attacks to take down Heavy enemies. EMINUS Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Required: Ursula, Urlan Prohibited: Beast, Arcane, Support My team: Ursula, Urlan, Centurion, Langston Enemies: 5x Peltasts Peltasts are very similar to Gungnirs. They are strong at long range, but much weaker at close range. You need to close the distance between you and the Peltasts as quickly as possible. You will be hit by a Long Throw or two before you can reach them. When you do reach them, have one or two characters attack one Peltast with combos to kill him. Repeat the process until all the Peltasts are down. ARCANUM Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 300D Prohibited: Beast, Arcane, Support My team: Centurion, Langston, 2x Secutor Enemies: 4x Channeler Deal with the Channelers the same way you did in the Arcane Tempest league. Use combos from Heavy characters and Surprise Attack to kill them quickly. Watch out for Sleet, which will freeze you, and Tornado. Other than that, they are very easy. LUDUS Prize: 5000D-7500D Fee: 400D Prohibited: Beast, Arcane, Support My team: Centurion, Langston, 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 6 You can restart this battle if there are too many Heavy enemies. Try to get three or less. Take down the Legionnaires quickly by using combos from your Heavy characters before they can kill your Secutors. To kill the Heavy enemies, have a Heavy character attack them to turn them around while your Secutor uses Surprise Attack on their backs. Again, try to avoid getting surrounded. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* AGONY OF SATURNO Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-2500D, Badge of Perpetuity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an endurance league, which means you fight the enemies in waves without resting in between. However, the enemies are pretty weak in this league, so you should have no trouble. If you want, you can bring a Channeler along for healing purposes. You probably won't even need to, though. I used a Murmillo, 2 Secutors, a Centurion, Langston, and a Channeler for these battles. STAGE I (3 enemies) You're only dealing with three weak enemies here. Just wait for them to come to you, then take them out with a combo or something. Their levels are much lower than yours, probably, so you should hardly lose any HP at all. STAGE II (4 enemies) There are four enemies this time, but they're still at low levels. Use the same strategy as the last round to win. This time, you may have to rearrange the positions of your characters so you're using the right weight classes to defeat the enemies. STAGE III (3 enemies) The enemies' levels are a little higher now. Still, you can use the same strategy to win. Again, make sure you're using the right weight classes against each type of enemy. You should still have most of your HP at this point. If not, have your Channeler steal affinity from someone who has a lot, then cast a healing spell. STAGE IV (4 enemies) Like Stage III, but with one more enemy. Have all your characters attack the enemies and take them down as quickly as possible. Have one or two people go after each enemy. ******************************************************************************* That's all for Pirgos. It's time for the tournament. ******************************************************************************* PIRGOS TOURNAMENT Prize: 3000D-3500D, Keys to Pirgos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIRGOS TOURNAMENT Prize: 3000D-3500D Fee: 1000D Required: Ursula, Urlan My team: Ursula, Urlan, 2x Secutor, Centurion Number of enemies: 5 You'll probably be fighting 2 Peltasts and 3 Centurions, but it may vary a bit. Take out any Peltasts first at close range by using Roam to get to them, then a combo if necessary. To defeat the Centurions, have a character attack them to turn them around so your Secutor can use Surprise Attack on their back to kill them. Not very difficult. ******************************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Before leaving here, you can start a sidequest. Go into the shop here and talk to Cresus. He probably won't give you the sidequest right away, so keep leaving and reentering the shop and keep talking to him. Eventually, he'll tell you that his father is being held captive in the Southern Expanse. You'll save him later in the game. In this battle, you'll only be allowed to use Channelers. It would be a good idea to check in with the accessory salesman every once in a while. If he has any Talismans, buy them. Talisman's raise a Channeler's magic attack, and will make this battle go much more smoothly. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Okay, now you've got two towns done in Imperia. I'd suggest heading to Trikata now to get a badge there. Trikata is on the southern shore of Imperia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRIKATA {USI6} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can start with any league this time. ******************************************************************************* HAMMER OF JUSTICE Badges required: None Prize: 1000D-3000D, Hammer of Justice badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you'll be fighting mostly Bandits with an occasional citizen. Most of this league is restricted to Heavy characters only. PRISONER'S APPEAL Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 250D Required: 2 Heavy My team: Valens, Murmillo, Centurion, Langston Number of enemies: 4 This is your only chance to use some Medium characters, so take advantage of it. Have your Medium characters use combos or Throw Shield to bring down the enemies quickly. Your Heavy characters can probably kill one or two enemies as well. DEFAULT JUDGEMENT Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 250D Required: Heavy My team: Centurion, Langston, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 If you don't have 4 Heavy characters, don't worry, it's an easy battle. Just have your characters stay together and avoid back attacks (Langston is invulnerable to back attacks, though). Use Roam/Running Attack and combos to take the enemies down one or two at a time. JUDGE'S ORDERS Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 200D Required: Heavy My team: Centurion, Langston Number of enemies: 3 Have your characters stay together and take the Bandits out one at a time to avoid getting surrounded. Use Roam/Running Attack and combos. You even though you're outnumbered, it should still be easy. NOLO CONTENDERE Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 175D Required: Heavy My team: Langston, Centurion, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 Fight this battle just like the last one. It should be easier now that you have one more character. VOIR DIRE Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 150D Required: Heavy My team: Centurion, Langston Number of enemies: 3 This battle is the same as "Judge's Orders", but the enemies are a little bit stronger. Still, use the same strategy to win without much difficulty. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* LEAGUS BELLATUS Badges required: None Prize: 5000D-5050D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of 6 one-on-one matches, restricted by weight class. BELLATUS HEAVY Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 300D Required: Heavy My team: Langston Enemies: 1 Heavy enemy Take Langston for this battle. Use Running Attack to get the first hit in, followed by Combo Attack 2 or 3 to finish off the enemy. BELLATUS HEAVY CHALLENGE Prize: 500D-800D Fee: 300D Required: Heavy My team: Langston Enemies: 1 Light enemy Take Langston here too, since he's invulnerable to back attacks. A Running Attack and a combo should do the trick. BELLATUS LIGHT Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 300D Required: Light My team: Secutor Enemies: 1 Heavy enemy Take a Secutor. Look at the initiative stack by pressing R, and make sure you're getting two turns in a row. If not, use Sand Toss to make it that way. On one turn, run around to the enemy's back. Then use Surprise Attack on your next turn. Do this once or twice to win. BELLATUS LIGHT CHALLENGE Prize: 500D-800D Fee: 300D Required: Light My team: Secutor Enemies: 1 Medium enemy Again, use a Secutor. If you can, get on a crate to help you a little. Use Sand Toss if necessary to get two turns in a row. Just like the last battle, run around to the back on one turn and use Surprise Attack on the next. Do this two or three times to win. BELLATUS MIDWEIGHT Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 300D Required: Medium My team: Murmillo Enemies: 1 Light enemy This is very easy. Take a Murmillo and use Throw Shield twice to win. MIDWEIGHT CHALLENGE Prize: 500D-800D Fee: 300D Required: Medium My team: Murmillo Enemies: 1 Heavy enemy Take a Murmillo, since they have the best blocking ability. Climb up on the crate and use Throw Shield or combo attacks. Since you're on the crate, two or three hits will win the battle. You shouldn't take very much damage, either. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* SURVIVE TRIKATA Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-2500D, Gift of Perseverance badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an endurance league, and you only get to use one Medium character. I'd recommend outfitting your Murmillo with the best possible equipment to use in this league. Buy an accessory from the salesman near Syrna that has Face Enemy. It will come in useful here, and is a great accessory for a Murmillo to improve their defense even more. Also note that you only have to beat the first three waves to win the league. FIRST STAGE Enemies: 2x Bandit The Bandits are very weak here. Use Throw Shield to kill them. Hopefully, you can kill them from a distance and/or block all their attacks, so you won't lose any HP. SECOND STAGE Enemies: 2x Bandit This is the same as the last wave, but the enemies may be at a bit higher level. Still, just use Throw Shield, followed by a regular attack if you need to. Again, you should lose very little or no HP. THIRD STAGE Enemies: Murmillo If you have a good shield and Face Enemy, you should be able to block all or most of the enemy's attacks. You can use Throw Shield a couple times (or combo attacks if you want to get more affinity). Then use regular or affinity attacks if you need to. Once you get past this point, you've won the league. FOURTH STAGE Enemies: Ogre If you did good in the previous battles, you should have almost all your HP here. Just use Throw Shield or combo attacks until you run out of SP. Then use regular or affinity attacks until the Ogre dies. If you block his attacks, which you should, you will be able to win pretty easily. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* PEOPLE'S LEAGUE OF TRIKATA Badges required: None Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of five open battles against random enemies. You probably won't encounter any new ones, though. BATTLE OF THE PEOPLE I Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Murmillo Number of enemies: 2 Pick your team according to the weight classes of the enemies. Place your characters next to the correct enemies, and you'll have a very easy battle. Use whatever attacks you want. BATTLE OF THE PEOPLE II Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Ursula, Secutor, Langston Number of enemies: 4 Again, look at your enemies and plan your team accordingly. Place them in effective places. Then use Roam/Running Attack and combos to bring down the enemies. BATTLE OF THE PEOPLE III Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ursula, Valens, Murmillo Number of enemies: 3 This is just like the last two battles, but there are now teams of 3. Use the same strategy as the last two battles to win easily. BATTLE OF THE PEOPLE IV Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Murmillo Number of enemies: 4 This can be a tough battle. I'd suggest restarting until you get some easy enemies; otherwise you're going to have a difficult time. Place your team members so each one can kill two enemies. Hopefully, you'll get lucky with the enemies' weight classes. Have each character focus on killing one enemy at a time using combos. If you use your strongest characters, you should make it. BATTLE OF THE PEOPLE V Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Murmillo Number of enemies: 3 Like the last battle, but with one less enemy. Use the same strategy, but you will have an easier time now that there are only three enemies. Have your stronger character kill two enemies while the other just kills one. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* MAGIC AND MYSTICISM Badges required: Host of the Arcane badge Prize: 2000D, Alchemy Imperius badge, Fine Silk Toga ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league is a real pain, because you can only use Arcane characters. You probably only have Taithleach from Nordagh and a Channeler from Imperia. They will be okay alone for the first three battles, but you're forced to use four Arcanes in the last battle. Since you probably don't have that many, just skip the last battle. You only actually need to win the first two to beat the league. Also, the battle description makes it sound like a point battle, but it's not really. Although points are counted and time is kept, you can still damage the enemy and your enemies can damage you. So you will probably end up killing the enemies before the time runs out. You'll encounter a new enemy here too - the Summoner. Summoners are similar to Undead Summoners, but they can summon other beasts in addition to skeletons. The enemies are randomly selected though, so try to get a bunch of enemies like Galdr or Mongrel Shamans to make things easier. And one more tip - equip your Arcane characters with Talismans if you bought any from the accessory salesman. They increase magical attack power. 6 MINUTE BATTLE Prize: 3000D-4000D, Lucky Charm Fee: 500D Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Channeler Number of enemies: 3 Have Taithleach use Darkness from Life, then summon a skeleton. Have your Channeler steal affinity from someone, Taithleach if necessary. Then use Fire Cloud or Fire Tempest on the enemies. Focus on one at a time. Taithleach can use spells too, if he has the affinity. With a skeleton fighting the enemies up close, they'll probably leave you alone so you can cast spells at them from a distance. 5 MINUTE BATTLE Prize: 3000D-4000D Fee: 500D Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Channeler Number of enemies: 2-3 There are supposed to be three enemies here, but sometimes there are only two. Restart until there are only two if you want to make the battle easier. This is pretty much the same as the last battle, so use the same strategy. 4 MINUTE BATTLE Prize: 3000D-4000D Fee: 500D Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Channeler Number of enemies: 3 This is just like the first battle, so use the same strategy as before. Taithleach summons a skeleton while your Channeler casts spells. Kill one enemy at a time and try to get them to attack the skeleton and not you. 3 MINUTE BATTLE Prize: 3000D-5000D, Sceptrum Fee: 500D Required: Arcane Number of enemies: 4 You will almost certainly not have four Arcane characters with you now. If for some reason you do, just restart until you get easy enemies, then cast spells and summon skeletons to kill the enemies one or two at a time. ******************************************************************************* Now that that's over with, you can enter the tournament. ******************************************************************************* KEY OF TRIKATA Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two battles in this tournament. BLOODY HALO FINALS I Prize: 2000D-6000D Fee: 2000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster Required: Ursula, Urlan My team: Ursula, Urlan, Secutor, Langston Number of enemies: 4 Take a look at your enemies first and plan and place your team accordingly, as usual. Then use whatever attacks you have to win. Have Langston or a Centurion kill the Medium enemies, Ursula and Urlan kill Light enemies or help your other team members, and a Secutor use Surprise Attack to take care of the Heavies. BLOODY HALO FINALS II Prize: 2000D-6000D Fee: 2000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster Required: Ursula, Urlan My team: Ursula, Urlan, Langston, Centurion, Secutor Number of enemies: 5 Three of your characters will start inside an area surrounded by crates while the other two will be outside the crates. Split your team according to which enemies are where. Have the inside characters block the entrance off, then attack the enemies that try to come in with Surprise Attack or combo attacks. Have the outside characters take care of the enemies near them with the same method. If they finish early, have them help the inside characters. ******************************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Before you leave Trikata, there's a sidequest to do. Talk to the shopkeeper here until she assigns you the quest to kill Priam the Murmillo. He can be found in a random battle on the beach just south of Trikata, but you can only encounter him at night. Use either Langston or a Centurion to fight him. A Roam/Running Attack and a combo will do him in. You'll receive the Blade of Tides for winning this battle. You can take it back to the shop and get some weak Murmillo equipment, or you can keep it. If you keep it, you'll be able to equip it when you reach the next region, and it will be pretty strong. You will have to avoid the Trikata shop until then, though. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now you're done with your third town in Imperia. The towns left are Syrna, part of Cro Beska, and Orus. Go to Syrna next to get a badge there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYRNA REVISITED {USI7} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two leagues available at first, until you get more popularity. Do either one. ******************************************************************************* SPIRIT OF THE VALKYRIE Badges required: None Prize: 6000D-6500D, Honor of the Valkyrie badge, Leather Bikini, Amazon's Bracelet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you're only allowed to use female characters. Hopefully, you have enough to use in this league. If now, you're going to have to recruit some, since this league is necessary in order to progress in the game. EYES OF THE VALKYRIE Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 1000D Required: Female My team: Gungnir, Murmillo, Secutor Number of enemies: 3 You start on the top of the theater-arena. You can have a Gungnir move where she can see the enemies, then use Long Throw at them as they approach. Have your other characters ready to attack when the enemies reach you. Use combos and any other skills you have. FISTS OF THE VALKYRIE Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 1000D Required: Female My team: Gungnir, Murmillo, Secutor Enemies: 3x Amazon Here you'll encounter a new enemy - the Amazon. They attack with bows, so they can hit you from a distance. Their Venom Arrow attack is pretty strong, too. They also have a variety of status attacks that work against male characters only, so you don't have to worry about that, yet. Move your characters to the base of the stage area and wait for the Amazons to come down to attack you. You can have a Gungnir attack from a distance, too. Once you get in range of them, just use a couple of combos to kill them. CUNNING OF THE VALKYRIE Prize: 1000D-1100D Fee: 1000D Required: Female My team: Murmillo, 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 3 Just take a look at your enemies and plan your team according to their weight classes. Have each character go after one enemy. This is pretty much a normal battle. FORCE OF THE VALKYRIE Prize: 1000D-1100D Fee: 1000D Required: Female My team: Murmillo, Gungnir, Secutor Enemies: 4x Amazon There are four Amazons this time, but they start at the bottom with you, so they can't shoot you as much from a distance. Have each character go after one Amazon at close range and kill them with combos and/or skills. Then finish the last one. HEART OF THE VALKYRIE Prize: 5000D-75000D Fee: 1000D Required: Female My team: Murmillo, Gungnir, 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 4 Just like Cunning of the Valkyrie, take a look at your enemies and plan your team according to their classes. Have each character kill one enemy with skills, combos, or whatever. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* CIVILIS ANTIQUITIS Badges required: None Prize: 3000D-3250D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll be fighting a wide variety of enemies in this league. VERSUS CULTUS OCULARIS Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Langston, Centurion, Murmillo, Gungnir, Secutor Number of enemies: 5 Cultus Ocularis is a school composed mainly of Legionnaires, Centurions, and Samnites, but you may see some other enemies. You should be familiar with all the enemies up to this point, so make sure you choose your team according to your enemies. Then use the appropriate skills/weight classes on each enemy to win pretty easily. VERSUS FEMINA FORMOSOS Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Langston, Valens, Murmillo Number of enemies: 3 Again, take a look at your enemies before the battle starts and form your team accordingly. Then have each person take care of one enemy, using the correct weight classes. Combos work well here, as always. VERSUS CLARIOS' AVENGERS Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Langston, 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 4 There are supposed to be four enemies here, but sometimes there will only be three. You can restart until there are three if you want to make things easy. If not, have your team stick together and take out the first one or two enemies as a group to avoid getting surrounded and killed. Then split up and take care of the rest of them. VERSUS HERALDS OF CERTO Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Langston, 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 6 Again, there are supposed to be six enemies here, but you can restart until you get five. Either way, you're outnumbered, so stick together to defeat the first few enemies. Use combo attacks and surround the most powerful enemies to take them down one or two at a time. Then go after the rest of the enemies. VERSUS SCHOOL OF ANTONIO Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: 2x Secutor, Langston Enemies: 5x Amazon You'll be fighting Amazons again, so you will want to take all or mostly females for this battle to avoid the Amazons' status effects against male characters. Secutors work very well here. A Surprise Attack from behind with a Supreme Critical accessory will kill an Amazon in one hit. You can get an easy Surprise Attack in by placing your Secutors right behind the Amazons at the start of the battle. Then go around and take care of the rest of them with the same method. VERSUS BRUTUS FERINUS Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: 2x Secutor, Centurion, Langston Number of enemies: 4 You'll be fighting mostly Legionnaires and Centurions in this battle. Have Heavy characters use combos on Legionnaires and Secutors use Surprise Attack on Centurions. Pretty easy. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* TRIBUNAL OF BRUTALITY Badges required: Hammer of Justice badge Prize: 2000D-2200D, Justice of Syrna badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an endurance league consisting of five waves of two or three enemies. You'll mostly be fighting Bandits, but you may encounter some other enemies such as citizens, Channelers, or Mongrels. Take all your medium characters: Ursula, Urlan, Valens, and a Murmillo. 1ST WAVE (3 enemies) Have each character go after one enemy. Use Throw Shield and combo attacks for best results. You should have no trouble defeating the enemies, hardly losing any HP. Just don't get surrounded and attacked from behind. 2ND WAVE (3 enemies) Use the same tactics as the last battle. If for some reason you need to recover HP on Urlan, have him change into an animal and back to restore some. 3RD WAVE (2 enemies) There are only two enemies here, so have two people go after each enemy. Use combo attacks, and two turns should do it for this wave. 4TH WAVE (3 enemies) Just use the same strategy you've been using. You should still have most of your HP left. 5TH WAVE (3 enemies) This is the last round, hopefully everyone is still alive. The enemies are a bit stronger here, but nothing you won't be able to handle. If you've done well and have everyone alive, this last wave will be a breeze just like the other ones. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* STRENGTH OF AFFINITY Badges required: None Prize: 1000D-1500D, Xiphos, 2x Visigoth Shield, Praetorian Italic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a pretty annoying league, because it uses affinity as the battle requirement. You may need to switch around your characters' weapons in order to change their offensive affinity so they can enter different battles. Luckily, you only need to win two of these battles to finish the league. AERIS VERSUS EXURO Prize: Rigid Circlet Fee: 1500D Required: Air Affinity My team: Valens, Ursula, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 The numbers are even here, and you can restart if necessary to get enemies with the right weight classes. Then you can have each of your characters attack one enemy using combos. If anyone finishes their enemy early, have them help someone else out. SOLUM VERSUS MARITIMUS Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 1500D Required: Earth Affinity My team: Murmillo, Langston, Iaar Number of enemies: 5 You're outnumbered here, but at least three of the enemies will be at Lv. 1. So focus on taking out the higher-level enemies first. There will be a lot of Murmillos in this battle, so take some Heavies to deal with them. Langston will make short work of them. When the stronger enemies are dead, finish off the weaker ones with one regular attack each. EXURO VERSUS AERIS Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 1500D Required: Fire Affinity My team: Valens, Centurion, Secutor Number of enemies: 4 You're outnumbered here, so it's best to stay together and take out the first one or two enemies together. You should know how to deal with the different types of enemies, so use whatever strategy you want to defeat them. Once the first one or two are dead, split up and finish the enemies off. MARITIMUS VERSUS SOLUM Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 1500D Required: Water Affinity My team: Taithleach, Murmillo, Secutor Number of enemies: 2 There are only two enemies here, so it should be pretty easy. Use whatever strategy you need for the various classes of enemies. You can either stay together and take the enemies down one at a time, or split up and kill them both at the same time. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* SYRNA'S FAVOR Badges required: None Prize: 1000D-1500D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league is split into two parts. In the first part, you'll be fighting groups of Secutor. In the second part, you'll be using your own Secutors. CETENS PARIBUS Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ursula, Urlan, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Secutor Have each person attack one of the Secutors. They will go down easily after a combo or two. You should have no problem at all. AD HONOREM Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 1500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ursula, Urlan, Valens, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Secutor This battle is just like the last one, except you get one more person on your team. Fight this battle the same way you did the last one, but it will be easier this time since you have that extra team member. Combos and Throw Shield will get you an easy victory. VITA BREVIS Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 2000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Urlan, Valens, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Secutor This is just like the first battle, so use the same strategy as before to win. DOCENDO DISCIMUS Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 2500D Required: Secutor, Lv. 2+ Number of enemies: 3 You'll probably be skipping this battle, since it requires four Secutors. Unless you want to do some rearranging in your school, I'd suggest you skip it. If you do, for some reason, have four Secutors, you can fight it. You outnumber the enemies, so it shouldn't be too hard. Use Surprise Attack from behind for best results. Once the first enemy dies, you can double up and take care of the other two. FESTINA LENTE Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 3000D Required: Secutor, Lv. 2+ My team: 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 4 The goal of this battle is to get the crowd meter full before your enemies do. To make this battle much easier, go outside Syrna and buy a Ring of Honor for your Secutor(s). This will significantly increase the crowd meter for you. If you have these equipped, two Surprise Attacks will raise the crowd meter to full before you enemies even get a turn. VINO INTRANTE Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 3000D Required: Secutor, Lv. 2+ My team: 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 3 Again, if you have a Ring of Honor on, a Surprise Attack from behind will almost fill the crowd meter. Two Surprise Attacks will do the trick. ******************************************************************************* That's all the leagues in Syrna. Now you can go ahead and enter the tournament here. ******************************************************************************* THEATRE ANTIQUITIS CHAMPIONSHIP Prize: 5000D-6000D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYRNA CHAMPIONSHIP Prize: 1000D-1500D Fee: 500D Required: Ursula, Urlan My team: Ursula, Urlan, Valens, Murmillo, Langston Enemies: 4x Secutor You'll be fighting four Secutors here, so take all your Medium characters. Have each person go after one Secutor. They will probably attack in groups of two and maybe surround one or two of your characters, but you should be able to hold out plenty long enough to take them down. Use combos and Throw Shield for best results. ******************************************************************************* You are now finished with Syrna. Now that you have the Justice of Syrna badge, you can go back to Cro Beska and finish up there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRO BESKA REVISITED {USI8} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You already did the Imperia Untamed and Mongrel Siege leagues, so now there are two left. ******************************************************************************* CONDEMNED HOPE Badges required: Justice of Syrna badge, Hammer of Justice badge Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you'll be fighting mostly Mongrels, with an occasional Ogre. They have taken prisoners and locked them in barrels scattered throughout the arena. If you break open a barrel, a Bandit will come out of it and help you fight the enemies. However, it's easier and much faster if you ignore the barrels and just kill the enemies. CAPTIVE TRIAL Fee: 800D Required: Ursula, Urlan Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Ursula, Urlan, Murmillo Number of enemies: 2 You'll probably be fighting two Mongrels here. They're very weak and easy to kill; a good combo or Throw Shield will kill one of them. It shouldn't take you more than two turns to defeat them. You can go around and free the prisoners if you want, but it's faster if you ignore them. FREE THE PRISONERS Fee: 800D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Ursula, Urlan, Murmillo Number of enemies: 3 There are three enemies this time. If you get any Ogres, you might want to restart. Again, just use combos or Throw Shield on the Mongrels to quickly destroy them. You can free the prisoners if you want, too. EMANCIPATION Fee: 800D Required: Ursula, Urlan Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Ursula, Urlan, Murmillo, Secutor Number of enemies: 4 Again, you can just kill the enemies, or you can try to save the prisoners. Use combos and Throw Shield to kill the Mongrels, and use Surprise Attack from behind to kill any Ogres. FIGHT FOR THE OPRESSED Fee: 800D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Valens, Murmillo Number of enemies: 4 You're outnumbered this time, but if you fight a group of four Mongrels, you'll still have no problem. Once again, just use combo attacks and Throw Shield to kill them. Try to stay together so you don't get surrounded by all four of them at once. Free the prisoners if you want to. LIBERATION Fee: 800D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Valens, Urlan, Murmillo Number of enemies: 2 There are only two enemies here. You can have your stronger character take on an enemy alone, while your other two team up to kill the other one. You can break the barrels to free the prisoners if you want, but you don't need to. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* QUARREL IN THE MAW Badges required: None Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of four one-on-one point battles, restricted by class. You only need to complete one of them to beat the league. SECUTOR CONTEST Prize: 800D-950D, Poison Axe, Studded Shield Fee: 800D Required: Secutor, Lv. 2+ My team: Secutor Enemies: Secutor Give your Secutor a Gladiatorial Legend, which has the Supreme Critical ability. Use Sand Toss if necessary in order to get two turns in a row once in a while. When you get two turns in a row, use the first turn to run around to the back of the enemy, then use Surprise Attack on the next turn. If you don't have two turns in a row, just use Surprise Attack from the front. It will still do plenty of damage. MONGREL CHALLENGE Prize: 800D-950D, Rabbit Pelt, Bone Club Fee: 800D Required: Mongrel or Mongrel Shaman My team: Mongrel Enemies: Mongrel Unless you have a Mongrel on your team for some reason, you'll probably want to skip this battle. If you do have a Mongrel, you can enter. Use Kick and/or Running Attack to do some decent damage. You should be able to do more than your enemy, because you can get criticals easier, and you'll probably be a level higher. Just do this until the time runs out. MURMILLO FIGHT Prize: 800D-950D, Copper Campana, Razor Shield Fee: 800D Required: Murmillo My team: Murmillo Enemies: Murmillo Throw Shield doesn't work very well against other Murmillos, so stick to combos and affinity attacks here. Just use Combo Attack 1 five times, then use an affinity attack or two and some regular attacks until your SP is full again. Then repeat this process until the time runs out. If the enemy uses Gut Basher on you, use it back on him, because it will be bad if the enemy gets more turns than you. SAMNITE BATTLE Prize: 800D-950D, Heavy Spear, Digladio Fee: 800D Required: Samnite My team: Samnite Enemies: Samnite Stick to using combos and affinity attacks, just like the Murmillo Fight. Use Combo Attack 1 until you run out of SP, then use affinity attacks and/or regular attacks until your SP is full. Then repeat this process until the time runs out. ******************************************************************************* That's all the leagues in Cro Beska, so enter the tournament now. ******************************************************************************* TOURNAMENT OF PAIN Prize: 1000D-1500D, Stone Club, Tortoise's Scalp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This tournament is a three-wave endurance battle. You can take four characters and are required to take Ursula and Urlan. Take Langston and a Secutor for your other characters. FIRST BATTLE (4 enemies) You can restart this battle until you get the enemies you want. Have Ursula and Urlan each take out a Light enemy, while Langston takes on a Medium enemy, if there is one. If there are any Heavy enemies, have your Secutor hit them in the back with Surprise Attack to bring them down. You should hardly lose any HP in this battle. SECOND BATTLE (3 enemies) There are only three enemies here, so things should be a little easier. Just remember to use the right weight classes to kill the enemies. Ursula and Urlan can take the Light enemies, your Secutor can take the Heavy enemies (with Langston helping, if you want), and Langston can take down the Medium enemies. Hopefully, you have most of your HP left. THIRD BATTLE (3 enemies) This is pretty much the same as the last battle, but probably with different enemies. Just use the same strategy as before. If Urlan needs to be healed at the beginning of this round, have him change into an animal and back. You shouldn't need any healing, though. ******************************************************************************* Okay, you're finished in Cro Beska. The only town left in Imperia is Orus, which is located northeast of Cro Beska. Go there now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORUS {USI9} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are quite a few leagues here, so start with whichever you want. ******************************************************************************* ASSEMBLY OF IMPERIA Badges required: None Prize: 5000D-5050D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll be fighting a wide variety of enemies here, in six battles. PERGAMENE GIANTS Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 300D Required: Air Affinity My team: Ursula, Valens, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 You'll be fighting three Heavy enemies here, so hopefully you have some Lights or Heavies with Air affinity. I managed to do it with only one Heavy, though. Stay together if you can, and kill the enemies one at a time. Use combo attacks, and Surprise Attack if you have a Secutor. Once the first one or two enemies are down, things will be easier. MONGREL BAND Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 300D Required: Medium My team: Urlan, Valens, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Mongrel This will be an easy battle, since you're fighting Mongrels with Medium characters. Have each person attack one Mongrel with combos or Throw Shield. They will go down quickly and easily. CULTUS OCULARIS Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 800D Required: Medium My team: Ursula, Valens, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Centurion This is a very difficult battle, and it requires a lot of luck. Have your characters stay together if they can. If one character is surrounded, he will be killed quickly. Use combo attacks on one enemy at a time. Hopefully, you can kill the first one quickly, and things will be easier after that. Just stay together and kill one enemy at a time, and you have a decent chance of winning. BRUTUS ATROX Prize: 3000D-3250D Fee: 800D Required: Heavy My team: Langston, Centurion, Iaar Enemies: 4x Legionnaire Now you can get even for that last battle. Your Heavy characters are more than a match for the Legionnaires, so just use Roam/Running Attack, followed by combos until the enemies are dead. MASTERS OF THE ARCANE Prize: 5000D-5500D Fee: 800D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner My team: Centurion, Langston, 2x Secutor Enemies: 4x Channeler Your Secutors can kill the Channelers quickly with a Surprise Attack from the back, so try to do that. Have your Heavy characters use combo attacks on the Channelers to kill them. Their attacks are fairly weak, so it will be difficult to lose this battle. ORCUS DOMINI Prize: 5000D-5500D Fee: 800D Prohibited: Light My team: Murmillo, Valens, Ursula Enemies: 2x Secutor The Secutors here are pretty strong, and they like to use Surprise Attack. So try to stay together. Take your Medium characters and use Throw Shield and combo attacks on one Secutor at a time to bring them down fairly quickly and easily. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* CIVILIS LEAGUE OF ORUS Badges required: None Prize: 3000D-3250D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll fight a wide variety of random enemies in this league. CIVILIS ORUS I Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Murmillo, 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 4 Take a look at your enemies before the battle starts, and plan your team accordingly. Then place them next to the enemies with the right weight classes and use whatever attack necessary to kill them. Have each character kill one enemy. CIVILIS ORUS II Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ursula, Urlan, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 This is just like the last battle, but with teams of three. Use the same strategy to defeat the enemies. CIVILIS ORUS III Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Langston, Centurion, Secutor Number of enemies: 5 Since you're outnumbered, you might want to restart the battle until you get some easy enemies. Your Heavy characters should be able to take two enemies each, so place them in areas with more enemies. Your other character can just take one enemy, and help your Heavy characters after that. CIVILIS ORUS IV Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Urlan, Murmillo Number of enemies: 3 Once again, take a look at your enemies and plan your team according to their classes. Since you only have two characters, keep them together and take out the enemies one at a time. If you get too many hard enemies, just restart the battle. CIVILIS ORUS V Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Murmillo Number of enemies: 1 This is a one-on-one match, so choose a character with a class advantage over the enemy. Then just use combo attacks until the enemy is defeated. CIVILIS ORUS VI Prize: 500D-550D Fee: 200D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Langston, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 You're outnumbered here, so take your two strongest characters. You'll have to fight two enemies with each character. Focus on one of them at a time, and you should be okay. It takes a little luck to get enemies that you have a class advantage over, but you should be okay no matter what enemies you have. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* FURY & FLAME LEAGUE Badges required: Lupus' Master badge, Imperia Untamed badge Prize: 1000D-1500D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll be fighting various monsters and beasts in this league, such as Satyrs, Undead Legionnaires and Summoners, Minotaurs, and Cyclopes. Cyclopes are Heavy enemies, but they're not as strong as most Heavies. They will go down easily if you use Surprise Attack, or just hit them with combo attacks from a Heavy character. EMBERS OF EXURO Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: Light My team: Centurion, Langston, Iaar Number of enemies: 1 You're only fighting one enemy here. If you're lucky, it will be a Satyr, but you should have no trouble no matter what enemy you get. Just hit him with combos from all of your characters, and he will go down quickly. BEASTLY FLAME Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 1000D Required: Beast My team: Bear Number of enemies: 1 This is like the last battle, but you are restricted to beasts only. Since you probably only have one or two, it's best to restart this battle until you're fighting a Satyr. Then you can just use combos or skills on him and he'll go down easily. ADVERSARY'S PYRE Prize: 5000D-5500D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: Air Affinity My team: Langston, Murmillo, 2x Secutor Enemies: 2x Cyclops, Satyr Have your Secutors use Surprise Attack on the Cyclopes to kill them easily. Have a Medium character attack the Satyr with Throw Shield or combos. You can have your fourth character attack the Cyclopes to get them in a position for your Secutors to use Surprise Attack. ENTRANT'S FERVOR Prize: 5000D-5500D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: Water Affinity My team: Langston, Murmillo, 2x Secutor Enemies: 2x Cyclops, Satyr This is exactly the same as the last battle, but this time you can't use Water affinity characters. Just use the same strategy as last time to win. CURSE OF MISCREATION Prize: 5000D-5700D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Langston Enemies: Minotaur You'll be fighting one Minotaur, so take two Heavy characters (remember, Surprise Attack won't work on Minotaurs). Just hammer away with combo attacks, and he should go down in two rounds or so. Watch out for Rampage, which will either break your shield in one hit, or do massive damage to your character. It has low accuracy, though. DEVOURING ELEMENT Prize: 5000D-5700D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: Air Affinity My team: Centurion, Langston, Iaar Enemies: 2x Minotaur Focus on one Minotaur at a time, and use combos to bring him down, just like in the last battle. Ignore the second Minotaur until the first one is dead. Then kill the second one with combos as well. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* FIRES OF JUSTICE Badges required: Hammer of Justice badge, Justice of Syrna badge Prize: 5000D-5500D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll be fighting nothing but Bandits in this league. There are some tricky battle requirements, though. AB INITIO Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 350D Required: 3 Heavy Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Langston, Iaar, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Bandit Take one Medium character, who can easily kill a Bandit alone. Langston can also kill one with a good combo, so have your other two Heavy characters team up and take down the last one. CORAM NON JUDICE Prize: 500D-750D Fee: 350D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ursula, Urlan, Valens, Murmillo Enemies: 2x Bandit This is an easy battle. Just take all of your Medium characters, and you can make short work of the Bandits with a few combos. DE LEGE LATA Prize: 2000D-2500D Fee: 350D Required: 3 Light, 1 Heavy My team: 2x Secutor, Bandit, Langston Enemies: 3x Bandit Have your Secutors use Surprise Attack on the enemies' backs for an easy kill. Since Bandits are so fast, you won't be able to run around behind them, so have another character attack the IN TERROREM Prize: 2000D-2500D Fee: 350D Required: Fire Affinity My team: Murmillo, Valens Enemies: 3x Bandit If you need Fire affinity weapons for your Medium characters, the shop here in Orus sells plenty of them. Just take two Medium characters, and take the Bandits down using Throw Shield and/or combos. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* THE ONSLAUGHT Badges required: Badge of Perpetuity, Gift of Perseverance Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league can be pretty tough. It's an endurance battle with three waves, and you cannot take your Channeler for healing. There will be four Archers in unreachable places, sniping at your team and the enemy team. They can do quite a bit of damage and really be a nuisance, but they can also attack the enemies and do a lot of damage to them. I used a team of Urlan, a Murmillo, a Secutor, a Centurion, and Langston. FIRST WAVE (3 enemies) Place your characters along the back wall, as far away from the Archers in the middle as you can. If the other enemies are closer to the Archers, they will probably shoot them instead. If the Archers shoot you too much in this battle, just restart it. The enemies will approach you, hopefully being shot in the process. When they get to you, quickly kill them with combo attacks from the right weight class character so the Archers won't shoot you when you get close to the enemies. SECOND WAVE (3 enemies) This is the same as the last battle. The Archers might shoot at you, but try to get in a spot where they can't see you, or the enemies are in a better spot for shooting. When the enemies reach you, quickly finish them off with combo attacks. THIRD WAVE (3 enemies) Again, get where the Archers will shoot the enemies instead of you. With a little luck, they will just be shooting the enemies, and you can finish them off when they reach you. ******************************************************************************* Now that you're done with the leagues here in Orus, you can enter the last tournament in Imperia. ******************************************************************************* CONTEST OF ORUS Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXURO'S THREAT Prize: 3000D-3500D Fee: 3000D Prohibited: Arcane, Support - Amazon, Archer, Channeler, Summoner Required: Ursula My team: Ursula, Secutor, Langston, Centurion, Iaar Enemies: 3x Minotaur Have your Heavy characters stay together; they will be your main attacking force. You start out close to the center rock where there are some Archers, so stay at the base of the crates, where they can't see you. They'll shoot the Minotaurs as the approach you. Have your Heavy characters attack one or two Minotaurs at a time, but make sure they stay together. Use combo attacks, and nothing else, to bring them down quickly. Once one of them dies, just repeat the process for the next one until they are all down. ******************************************************************************* Now you're finished with every town in Imperia, so it's time for the Imperia Regional Championship. It's in Syrna, so go over there now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYRNA (CHAMPIONSHIP) {USI10} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter the championship here. ******************************************************************************* IMPERIAL CHAMPIONSHIP Badges required: Glory of Imperia, Honor of the Valkyrie, Gift of Perseverance Prize: 5000D-7500D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another very easy championship. There are two battles this time. GRAND IMPERIA Prize: 5000D-7500D Fee: 5000D Required: Ursula, Urlan My team: Ursula, Urlan, Centurion, Langston, 2x Secutor Enemies: Centurion, Peltast, Legionnaire, Channeler Place one of your Secutors behind the Centurion. Use Surprise Attack on the first turn, and it will hopefully kill him. You may need two hits to bring him down, though. Langston can easily kill the Legionnaire. A Running Attack and maybe one regular attack will do the trick. Ursula and Urlan can go after the Peltast and bring him down with combos. Your other Secutor can kill the Channeler with Surprise Attack. SINISTER FORCES Prize: 5000D-7500D Fee: 5000D Required: Ursula, Urlan My team: Ursula, Urlan, 2x Secutor, Centurion, Langston Enemies: Mongrel, Ogre, Minotaur Either Ursula or Urlan can easily kill the Mongrel with a quick combo. Have a Secutor go after the Ogre and kill him with a Surprise Attack from behind. The rest of your characters can focus on taking down the Minotaur. Combos will work best, and remember that Surprise Attack won't work. Since you outnumber the enemies so greatly, you will have no problem at all. ******************************************************************************* Now you can leave Imperia for the Windward Steppes. Make sure you've recruited everyone you want (you will probably want a Channeler, and definitely a Centurion). Also, you should have quite a bit of money by now. If you want, you can go to Caltha and buy some equipment there. Even though the level requirements for it are high, it's actually based on tier, so you can equip it as soon as you reach the next region. I'd recommend buying helmets for everyone, and some shields too. You probably won't be able to afford the armor. I'd suggest buying some weapons here too, like a Thrusting Axe for your Medium characters, a Gavel for your Centurion, and a Declamatio for Langston. Also, buy a Harpe for each of your Secutors. It has a Supreme Critical ability, which will make your Secutors even more deadly than they already are. If you need extra money, sell some of your old equipment. When you're sure you're ready to move on, enter and exit a town and tell Usus you want to go on to the Windward Steppes. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= WINDWARD STEPPES {WSPI} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From here up until the final battles, the walkthrough for Valens and Ursula is the same. There will be some minor differences between the two, but the battles are all the same. Usus will take you to Yuset to get your talisman. Valens and Ursula will also have new outfits here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YUSET {WS1} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The league officer here will tell you that you need an Archer in order to get the talisman here. So you'll leave the league office, and there will be a cut scene. You'll meet Eiji the Archer, and she will join your school. Now, you can go back and get your talisman. Before entering any battles, stop at the shop here. Now, you probably have a ton of old equipment from all the leagues in Nordagh, and you can sell it here. I sold almost all of my old stuff and ended up with over 900,000D. Then you'll be able to afford anything you want to buy. Definitely upgrade everyone's weapons and helmets. Get new shields, too. Some of the armor is pretty expensive, so you might just want to buy armor for the ones who will gain the most HP from it. Once you're done shopping, enter the league office. You can stop at the recruiting center, too, if you want. You'll find some new recruitable classes like Ogres and Archers. Recruit whoever you want. When you're ready, enter the talisman league. ******************************************************************************* ARCHER NYA Badges required: None Prize: 100D-1000D, Archer Nya Talisman, Flaming Bow, Tono ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 3 battles in this league - one against Archers, one against Peltasts, and one against Gungnirs. ARCHERS KE Prize: 1000D-1500D, War Hero Required: Eiji Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Eiji, Centurion, Urlan, Gungnir Enemies: 4x Archer First, familiarize yourself with the arena here. It's pretty big, and there are raised areas that are ideal for Archers, Gungnirs, and Peltasts. The Archers are located on the hills in front of you. Have Eiji use Long Shot on the Archers from long distance. Have a Gungnir or Peltast use Long Throw if you want. For your other characters, have them climb up to where the Archers are and attack them at close range. Also, you will start to see enemies drop treasure chests here when they disappear. You can collect them for items and money if you want. IMPERIA PELTASTS HYO Prize: 1200D-1800D, Ansuz Required: Eiji Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Eiji, Gungnir, Langston, Samnite, Centurion Enemies: 3x Archer, 2x Murmillo Place your Heavy characters as close to the Murmillos as possible. You should be able to kill them very easily. Deal with the Peltasts the same as you did the Archers - have Eiji and another long-range character attack them with Long Shot, and have your other characters climb up to attack them. NORDAGH GUNGNIR JU Prize: 1500D-2300D, Master's Belt Required: Eiji Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Eiji, Gungnir, Murmillo, Ursula, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: 3x Gungnir, 3x Beast There will be 3 Gungnirs and 3 beast enemies here. The beasts can include all that you've seen up to this point, and possibly a couple of new ones: the Scorpion and Dark Wolf: Scorpion - A Light beast. Has some regular attacks/skills and some Poison attacks. Have a Medium character attack them quickly, because they can do some serious damage. Dark Wolf - A Light beast with Dark affinity. Has similar attacks to a Wolf, but can also teleport, use poison attacks, and steal everyone's affinity on the battlefield. Kill them the same way you would a Wolf. Have Eiji and a Peltast/Gungnir attacking the Gungnirs. Have one or two characters climb up to attack them at close range. Have your other characters deal with the beasts. Use the strategies above for Scorpions and Dark Wolves and the usual method to kill the other types of beasts. ******************************************************************************* After you complete this battle, you'll be awarded your Talisman for the Steppes. You can now participate in the other league battles. You will have to do the King of the Hill Ke league next. ******************************************************************************* KING OF THE HILL KE Badges required: Archer Nya Talisman Prize: 5000D-15000D, Sligi, Weighted Mallet, Beast's Shield, Worn Attic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of 5 King of the Hill battles. However, they are slightly different from the ones on Nordagh. There is not one top spot that you are trying to hold. Instead, there are two large 4x4 square platforms. If you stand anywhere on either platform, it counts as a point. So you'll want to get all of your team members on the platforms and stay there for the whole battle. You'll have to start out with the Featherweight Threat battle before the other battles and leagues open up. FEATHERWEIGHT THREAT Prize: 2500D Required: Eiji, Urlan, Ursula, Valens My team: Eiji, Urlan, Ursula, Valens Enemies: 2 teams - 4x Bandit and 4x Secutor Place your team in an L-shape on the map. When the battle starts, quickly move all of your characters toward the nearest platform. They probably won't all make it on, but some of them should. Then you can move the characters to different places on the platform so your whole team can fit on. Do not get off the platforms to attack the enemy; stay where you are. If you need to open up a spot, just kill an enemy with combos and their body will disappear. Then you can move into their spot. So try to get everyone on the platform and stay there. HILLTOPPER RYWIGO Prize: 2500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Urlan, Iaar, Centurion, Langston Enemies: 2 teams of 2 ranged characters and 2 Medium characters Again, place your team in an L-shape, then move quickly onto the platforms. You can use long-distance attacks like Roam and Running Attack to extend your range and get on the platform faster. Once you're on, you can kill the enemies or just use Defend until the time is up. HILLTOPPER CHI Prize: 2500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Samnite, Urlan, Langston, Centurion Enemies: 2 teams of 4x Beast You will encounter just about every type of beast enemy here. Just use the same method as before to get all your characters on the platform. Then use Defend until the battle ends. OPEN THRONE GYO Prize: 2500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Samnite, Urlan, Plains Cat, Centurion Number of enemies: 2 teams of 4 The enemies are random in this battle. Have some faster characters move onto the platforms, then have them move forward to clear a space for the slower characters. Once everyone is on, use Defend until the time is up. MOVING MOUNTAINS Prize: 2500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: 2x Samnite, Centurion, Langston Enemies: 2 teams of 4 Heavy characters Use the same method to get on top of the platforms. A lot of times, the enemy will be one square away from the platform, so you can use Running Attack or Roam to get on top of the platform. When all you characters are on, you can just Defend until the time is up. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* BEAST ZA Badges required: Archer Nya Talisman Prize: 250D-2750D, Leather Collar, Jade, Silken Collar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this league, you are required to use only beasts, except for one shape shifter like Urlan, a Gungnir, or a Barbarian. If you do not have the required characters, go to the recruiting office. You'll need at least 1 beast, but having 3 would make things much easier. I would suggest a Bear, a Wolf, and a Plains Cat. You might not find all of them in the recruiting office in Yuset, so you might want to go to the world map and look at the recruits in the other towns. You will most likely find higher-leveled beasts there. CIRCUS BEARS Prize: 100D-500D Required: Urlan/Barbarian/Gungnir, 1-3 Beasts My team: Urlan, Bear, Wolf, Plains Cat Enemies: Gungnir, 3x Bear The Gungnir will start out in Bear form, and will be weaker than the other Bears. Since Bears are Heavy characters and are pretty strong, have your team stick together and take the Bears out one or two at a time. You should have already used Wolves and Bears, and a Plains Cat is similar. Use skills such as Swipe and Tear Throat and combos if you have them. If you kill the Bears one at a time, they will go down quickly and you'll win fairly easily. FRISKY CATS Prize: 100D-500D Required: Urlan/Barbarian/Gungnir, 1-3 Beasts My team: Urlan, Bear, Wolf, Plains Cat Enemies: 4x Plains Cat This battle is similar to the last one. Plains Cats are a bit weaker than Bears physically, but they are faster and more agile. Still, stick together and kill them one or two at a time. Use combos if you have them, and skills. Make sure you get critical hits, or your attacks are likely to miss due to the cats' high evasion. GREATER BEASTS CHI Prize: 100D-500D Required: Urlan/Barbarian/Gungnir, 1-3 Beasts My team: Urlan, Bear, Wolf, Plains Cat Enemies: Greater Plains Cat, Greater Wolf/Greater Bear You are fighting 2 greater beasts here. You will either fight a cat and a wolf or a cat and a bear. Place your characters around one of them before the battle. When the battle starts, surround it and attack it. Have Urlan use combos and have your beasts use their strongest skills. Despite the greater beasts' huge HP, their attacks aren't as strong as you'd expect. You should probably be able to kill one of them without losing too much HP. After the first one goes down, repeat the process for the other one. WEARY WOLVES Prize: 100D-500D Required: Urlan/Barbarian/Gungnir, 1-3 Beasts My team: Urlan, Bear, Wolf, Plains Cat Enemies: 4x Wolf This battle is very similar to the Frisky Cats battle. Wolves are like Plains Cats - they are a little weaker physically but are fast and agile. Stick together and kill them one at a time by surrounding them and using combos and skills. WILD BEASTS Prize: 100D-500D Required: Urlan/Barbarian/Gungnir, 1-2 Beasts My team: Urlan, Bear, Plains Cat Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2, 1 team of 3 There is normally a team of Gungnirs, a team of Bears, and a team of Wolves, but it might vary a little bit. Have Urlan and your other character (not the Plains Cat) run to a safe distance from the Bears and Wolves. They will attack each other until one of the teams is dead. Then you can move in and finish off the survivors. Meanwhile, have your Plains Cat climb up to the Gungnirs (the cat has an ability to climb a greater distance than normal, so he will be able to reach them). They will be in Bear form, but they might switch back to human form. Either way, they're not that strong. Your cat should be able to kill both of them by using swipe repeatedly, or combos if he has any. When the Gungnirs are dead, have him climb down and help Urlan and your other character. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* INFLATIONARY EGOS SU Badges required: Archer Nya Talisman Prize: Inflationary Egos Su badge, Lion's Pride, The Cat's Claw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEAVY HITTERS RA Prize: 200D-1000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Samnite, Iaar, Langston Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3 There will be a lot of strong Heavy enemies in this battle like Ogres, Centurions, and Samnites. This is a point battle, so choose your strongest characters. You might also want a Light character with Surprise Attack. Pick one enemy and surround him. Use combos until you're out of skill points, then use regular attacks. You should be able to do much more damage then the enemies, so you'll win without a problem. LIMELIGHT NI Prize: 200D-1000D My team: Secutor, Langston, Iaar Enemies: Centurion, 2x Legionnaire Have two Heavy characters go after the Legionnaires. They're pretty weak against Heavy characters, so they'll go down with one or two combos. For the Centurion, you can have another Heavy character use combos on him and have the other ones help him when the Legionnaires are dead. A Secutor with Surprise Attack will also work well against the Centurion. VANDAL TU Prize: 200D-1000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Eiji, Archer, Gungnir Enemies: 3x Bandit You need to break the barrels to win this battle. Take only your long-range characters. Place them so they can see the barrels (located to the north of the arena) to attack them. When the battle starts, have them use Long Throw or Long Shot. An Archer's regular attack will work well, too. You should be able to destroy the 3 barrels you need to win before the Bandits even get close to the other barrels. VANDAL ZO Prize: 200D-1000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Eiji, Archer Number of enemies: 3 The enemies in this battle are random, so restart if there are too many long range enemies. Take two Archers if you have them. It helps if they are equipped with a Master's Belt or Silk Belt to increase their range/movement. Have them use their regular attack or Long Shot to destroy the barrels. If you destroy at least 3 of them, you'll win. CONFRONTATION MU Prize: 200D-1000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Urlan, Murmillo, Centurion Enemies: 2 teams - 3x Secutor and 2x Satyr, Murmillo You will start out near the Secutors. Have two Medium characters deal with them. The other enemies will also come down to attack the Secutors, so give them room so they don't attack you instead. Send a Heavy character up to deal with the Murmillo (and a Satyr if there is still one up there). Remember to kill the enemies from both teams so you don't have to deal with all of them. If you want, you can run away from the main battle and let your enemies kill each other, then finish off whoever's left. ******************************************************************************* Once you're done with the league battles here, enter the tournament. ******************************************************************************* LECAGY OF SINGH IIS THAN Prize: 500D-1000D, Legacy of Singh Iis Than badge, Half Moon, Silk Cap, Ingwaz, Dadao ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This tournament consists of 4 battles, back-to-back. Take a good variety of characters. My team was a Samnite, Secutor, Centurion, Archer, and Urlan. You can also bring a Channeler if you want, so she can heal you team. I made it fine without healing, though. ATTACK OF THE BEASTS Enemies: 4x Beast This is the first battle, so you can restart if the enemies are too hard. For this battle, send Heavy characters to deal with Bears and Scarabs. A couple of combos will kill them. For Wolves, have anyone attack them, but make sure you get critical hits so your attacks connect. Have your Archer attack them from long range with Long Shot. If you do good in this battle, you should hardly lose any HP. If you lose too much HP, have a Channeler use Steal Affinity on someone, then cast Enliven or Ameliorate to heal as necessary. ARROWS OF FIRE Enemies: 5 enemies (Archers and Secutors) Some of the Archers will be on top of the ledges. Sometimes they will come down, but you may have to kill them using your Archer. Have the other characters attack the Archers on the ground and the Secutors. You should be able to have each person kill one enemy. You'll use less HP this way instead of attacking the enemies one or two at a time. Concentrate on the Archers first, then the Secutors. Again, you can leave one enemy alive at the end so your Channeler can heal everyone. QO'AI-MARAEL PROS Number of enemies: 5 The only thing you need to focus on in this battle is the enemy Channeler. If you kill her, you'll win the battle. Do not waste time attacking the other enemies. The Channeler will be up on the ledge, so attack her using Long Shot with your Archer. Sometimes she will be dumb enough to use Tornado, which will likely bring her down from the ledge. If she does this, have your strongest characters use combos on her while your Archer shoots her. Have anyone that isn't attacking the Channeler use Defend to keep the HP loss to a minimum. BLAZING INFERNO Number of enemies: 5 This battle will consist of Imperial enemies like Legionnaires, Centurions, Samnites, and Peltasts. Have your Archer attack anyone that's up on a ledge while your other characters kill the enemies on the ground. Legionnaires will die after one or two combos. For Centurions and Samnites, have two or more characters team up and use combos to kill them. ******************************************************************************* You're done in Yuset now. The next town on the list that you need a badge from is Altahrun. To get there, follow the road to the north, then take the east path when you get to a fork. Head south from there to find Altahrun. Before you go there, however, you might want to go shopping at the other towns. Ononhaar has some pretty good equipment; it's located north of Yuset. Also, you can go to The Wastes, which is located east of Altahrun, off the main path. You can buy equipment and recruits in those two towns if you like. When you're ready, go to Altahrun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTAHRUN {WS2} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, do the Jochi Affinity league to get the badge for the other leagues. ******************************************************************************* JOCHI AFFINITY Badges required: Legacy of Singh Iis Than Prize: 250D-7000D, Jochi Affinity talisman, Death's Head, Horn Hammer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a series league, but thankfully it's not an endurance league. You have to fight the battles back-to-back, but you get a chance to recover and pick new team members in between each one. ENTER THE DARKNESS Required: Valens, Ursula, Ludo/Urlan, Eiji My team: Valens, Ursula, Ludo/Urlan, Eiji Enemies: 4x Dark Legionnaire Here you're introduced to a new enemy - the Dark Legionnaire. Their attacks are similar to a regular Legionnaire. They have a few different attacks, and they have Dark affinity. They also have a very high evasion rate with their Shields. Have your team stick together and take them out one at a time. Just make sure you get critical hits against them, otherwise you will most likely miss and they will counterattack. If you take them one at a time, the battle will be pretty easy. BEASTS RULE MU My team: Samnite, Langston, Iaar, Ursula Enemies: 4x Beast You will encounter just about every type of beast enemy here. You know how to deal with all of them. For this battle, you can have each person attack one enemy and kill them all at once. AIR EXTRA TYO My team: Centurion, Langston, Iaar, Secutor Enemies: Greater Plains Cat Have everyone surround the cat on the first turn by using Running Attack/Roam. This should bring its HP down quite a bit. Then, use combos with your Heavy characters and have your Light character(s) use Surprise Attack to bring the beast down. LONE WELL HE My team: Secutor, Iaar, Centurion, Langston Enemies: 2 teams - Ogre, Centurion and Centurion, Legionnaire Place 2 of your characters near each team of enemies. You're in between them, so they most likely won't attack each other, just you. Surprise Attack from behind is very effective against the Heavy enemies, so use it if you have a Light character. Otherwise, just use combos and kill the enemies two at a time - one on each team at a time. DARKNESS RISING My team: Samnite, Iaar, Archer, Centurion Enemies: 2 teams - Dark Legionnaire, Undead Summoner and Channeler, Undead Legionnaire Once again, have two characters go after each enemy team. Have Heavy characters attack the Undead/Dark Legionnaires with combos to kill them. Also use combos against the Undead Summoner and Channeler. If the Summoner calls a skeleton, ignore it and kill him to get rid of it. ******************************************************************************* The other leagues will be available now. Before you do them, there is a sidequest here. Talk to the shopkeeper, and she'll tell you about a special battle that takes place in the History of the Frontier league 4 days from when you talk to her. Remember to come back to that league if you're done with it in 4 days. For details on the battle, see the battle strategy in the History of the Frontier league, below. ******************************************************************************* HISTORY OF THE FRONTIER Badges required: Jochi Affinity badge Prize: History of the Frontier badge, Scorched Skull Cap, Blindman's Eye ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 4 battles here (plus one extra). They are modeled after historical battles. BATTLE FOR HABAAS RIVER Prize: 700D-4000D, Scalemail Guard, Silk Cap, Warlord's Shield Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Samnite, Langston, Iaar, Secutor, Valens Enemies: 3x Undead Legionnaire, 2x Undead Summoner Place your characters so that the heavies are in front of each Undead Legionnaire. When the battle starts, use Roam or Running Attack on them. You might be able to kill them like this. If not, kill them on the next turn with a regular attack. Then deal with the Undead Summoners in the same manner. Ignore any skeletons that are summoned. BATTLE FOR VOLCANO ANDURO Prize: 350D-5850D, Xan, Snakeskin Armband, Horned Shield Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Secutor, Eiji, Iaar, Murmillo, Langston Enemies: 2x Ogre, 2x Mongrel Shaman, Mongrel First, take note of the statues on either side of the arena. They will occasionally spray fire in one direction. So stay clear of them, and if you can, lure your enemies next to them. Have a Heavy character use combos or a Light character use Surprise Attack on the Ogres to kill them. Have Medium characters kill the Mongrel and Mongrel Shamans. BATTLE OVER ULTASAN GORGE Prize: 400D-5000D, Full Del, Recurve Bow, Silk Cap Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Secutor, Eiji, Valens, Centurion Enemies: Yeti, Gungnir, 2x Satyr Have your Medium characters kill the Satyrs with a combo or two. The Yeti will go down with a couple of combos from a Heavy character or a couple of Surprise Attacks from the side or back. Have someone kill the Gungnir at close range. REPEL THE YETIS Prize: 200D-6000D, Poison Axe, Silk Fez, Jade, Hard Leather Shield Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Samnite, Secutor, Centurion, Langston Enemies: 4x Yeti Stay in a group so you can kill the Yetis one or two at a time. Use Surprise Attack and combos with Heavy characters. They shouldn't be able to kill you if you stick together and kill them quickly, one at a time. IMPERIAL RINGERS Prize: 400D-500D, Horned Thracian, Liberation, Throwing Axe Required: Valens, 2 Imperial characters or Ursula, 2 Nordagh characters My team: Valens, Centurion, Langston or Ursula, Iaar, Gungnir Enemies: 3 teams, one from each region *Note: you have to unlock this battle by talking to the shopkeeper. The goal in this battle is to keep your leader alive while you kill the other enemies' leaders. It's best if you just kill all the enemies, though, to keep them from hurting your leader. Place your leader behind your other two characters and have everyone wait for the nearest team to get to you. Then attack them with combos to kill them. Then just wait. The Expanse and Steppes teams will be killing each other. The Dervish will survive because he is immune to Wind attacks, and the Steppes team is all Wind. The Summoner may be killed, too. In any case, once there is only one team left, have your two characters (not your leader), make their way to the survivor(s) and kill them. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* MINIONS OF THE DARK GOD Badges required: Jochi Affinity talisman Prize: Warlord's Shield, Casus, Phoenix Feather ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will fight Dark enemies in this league, including Dark Cats, Dark Wolves, Dark Legionnaires, Undead Legionnaires, and Undead Summoners. You will also encounter a few regular enemies. ALL HIS CHILDREN GA Prize: 250D-2000D, Horse Tooth Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Samnite, Iaar, Langston, Eiji, Centurion Enemies: Undead Summoner, Undead Legionnaire, Dark Wolf, Dark Cat, Dark Legionnaire There are two fire statues in this battle, so take care to avoid them. Go after the Undead Summoner first since he can summon a skeleton. A couple of skills/combos will do the trick. Have a Heavy character use a combo on the Dark/Undead Legionnaires to kill them. Medium or Heavy characters work well for killing the wolf and cat. DARK BEASTS HYU Prize: 350D-3350D, Fang, Sligi, Rounded Axe, Flaming Bow Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Samnite, Centurion, Murmillo, Ursula Enemies: 2x Dark Cat, 2x Dark Wolf You will start out in the center of the circle of pillars, surrounded by your enemies. Just stay in that position. Each enemy will attack one of your characters. Then you can use combos on them until they die. Just be careful of the status effects like Poison and Petrification. DARK MILITIA BU Prize: 350D-3350D, Fang, Sligi, Rounded Axe, Flaming Bow Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Iaar, Eiji, Langston Enemies: 2x Dark Legionnaire, 2x Archer Place your Heavy characters close to the Legionnaires and the others as close to the Archers as you can get them. Kill each Legionnaire with one combo. To kill the Archers, run up and attack them at close range. Or, have your own long-range character kill them with Long Shot or Long Throw. DARK MILITIA JI Prize: 350D-3350D, Fang, Sligi, Rounded Axe, Flaming Bow Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Secutor, Iaar, Langston, Murmillo, Centurion Enemies: 2x Undead Legionnaire, Mongrel, Ogre, Mongrel Shaman As usual, kill the Undead Legionnaires with a combo from a Heavy character. Kill the Mongrel using a Medium character. To kill the Ogre, have a Light character use Surprise Attack from behind while another character uses a combo on him. This should kill him in one round. The Mongrel Shaman has high defense, so kill him by surrounding him and using combos. DARK MILITIA TYA Prize: 350D-3350D, Fang, Sligi, Rounded Axe, Flaming Bow Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Iaar, Langston, Samnite Enemies: 2x Undead Summoner, 2x Undead Legionnaire Place all your characters near the Undead Summoners. You want to kill them first because they can call skeletons to fight for them. They don't have that much HP, so a Running Attack and a combo will probably kill them. Once the Summoners are taken care of, split your Heavy characters up and go after the Legionnaires. One combo will take care of them. Also, be careful of the statues here, don't get burned. MUTATIONS WO Prize: 350D-3350D, Fang, Sligi, Rounded Axe, Flaming Bow Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Secutor, Centurion, Langston, Iaar Enemies: 3x Cyclops Place your team next to the lone Cyclops. When the battle starts, have your Light character use Surprise Attack from the side or back to do a huge amount of damage. Then finish him off with your other characters using skills or combos. Then wait for the other ones to come to you. When they get to you, use the same strategy to kill them. Take them one at a time. Also note that there are 4 statues in the arena that will use Tornado out one end. This will move you to a random location, which can be pretty annoying. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* MYSTICAL ZO Badges required: None Prize: Scorched Skull Cap, Warrior Del, Traveler's Verse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league can be pretty tough, because only Arcane classes are allowed. A team of only Arcane characters is a bit weak, because they can't attack from a distance, especially attacking other Arcane classes. If you haven't been using your Arcane characters much or you don't have good enough abilities, this league will be incredibly difficult. However, there is one thing that will let you win every battle in this league with relative ease - Death's Head. You should have won it in the Jochi Affinity league. This weapon for Taithleach has the ability to kill an enemy in one hit. So you can just attack each enemy one or two times to kill them. However, there is a drawback to this - you don't get any EXP for the enemies you kill using an instant death attack. So you should avoid using Death's Head too much and only use it when you need it (like you probably will in this league). You can have 4 characters in your team for this league. You probably only have Taithleach and one Channeler. So you may want to recruit one or two Mongrel Shamans here. Mongrel Shamans are probably the worst characters in the game, but they are still better than nothing because they give your enemies a target other than Taithleach. UNDEAD SPELLCASTERS Prize: 300D-4300D Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Channeler, Mongrel Shaman Enemies: 4x Undead Summoner This is one of the hardest battles in this league. There are 4 Undead Summoners in this battle, which means there can be up to 8 enemies on the field at one time. I think this battle would be nearly impossible without using Death's Head. They will start out by using Darkness from Life, then summoning a skeleton on the next turn. They will probably do all this before you even get a turn. Also, they will place the skeletons to block your path to them, so you'll have to kill the skeletons or go around them. It really helps a lot if Taithleach has learned Teleport, because you can instantly move past the skeletons. If he has Teleport, use it to get next to a Summoner, then kill him with Death's Head. The instant death attack isn't 100% accurate, but it will normally work. If you don't have Teleport, you'll have to kill the skeletons if they are completely blocking your path. Then walk up to the Summoners and kill them with Death's Head. You can use your other characters as bait to keep them from attacking Taithleach if you want. Also, if they use Darkness from Life 3 or 4 times, it will lower their HP to the point where you can kill them with regular attacks. That way, you can get EXP from at least one of them. GALDR SPELLCASTERS Prize: 300D-4300D Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Channeler, Mongrel Shaman Enemies: 4x Galdr The Galdr will usually use a song that raises their speed and sometimes they will lower your speed as well. If they do this enough, they will be getting 3 or 4 turns when you only get one. Even so, they can't really kill you, because their attacks are incredibly weak. So take them out one at a time using Taithleach. One or two hits per Galdr will win you the battle. You pretty much have to use Death's Head in this battle, because it would almost literally take forever to win since the Galdr will be so much faster than you. MONGREL SHAMANS Prize: 300D-4300D Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Channeler, Mongrel Shaman Enemies: 4x Mongrel Shaman This is probably the easiest battle in the league. Mongrel Shamans are pathetically weak, and they will have a very hard time killing you. Have Taithleach teleport (if possible) near a Mongrel and give him a quick tap with Death's Head to kill him. Repeat this for the other Mongrels. You can probably also kill some of them with your Channeler using affinity spells if you want to get some EXP. SUMMONERS STYX Prize: 300D-4300D Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Channeler, Mongrel Shaman Enemies: 4x Summoner Summoners are similar to Undead Summoners, except they can summon Scarabs and elemental beasts in addition to skeletons. They also have an annoying long-range attack that might be able to kill you if you're hit enough. This battle will be very hard if you don't have Teleport for Taithleach, because you'll probably have to kill a lot of the summoned beasts to get to the Summoners. But either way, just get to the Summoners and kill them one at a time with Death's Head. If you don't have Teleport, you might have to try a couple times to win. Also, if you don't have Teleport, you can have your Channeler use Tornado if you need to clear the way. It's not nearly as reliable as using Teleport, but it will work sometimes. CHANNELER SPELLCASTERS Prize: 300D-4300D Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Channeler, Mongrel Shaman Enemies: 4x Channeler Once again, have Taithleach walk or teleport near one of the Channelers and kill them in one hit. If you want, you can keep one or two of them alive and kill them using your spells if you want some EXP. ******************************************************************************* When you're done with the leagues, enter the tournament. ******************************************************************************* DREAMCATCHER Prize: 600D-5600D, Dreamcatcher badge, Xan, Nomad's Shield, Garuda Feather, Wing Hat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This tournament is pretty much just like a regular league. There are 6 battles in it. CALL OF THE WILD PE Prize: 500D-4000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Murmillo, Samnite, Iaar, Langston Enemies: 2 teams - 2x Dark Cat, 2x Dark Wolf and 4x Beast (random) Start your characters off in the corner, as far away from the enemies as you can get. When the battle starts, most of the enemies near you will run off to fight the Dark beasts. Sometimes one of them will attack you, so kill it if that happens. After that, just sit there in the corner and watch your enemies tear each other apart. When one of the teams is left, move in and finish off the survivors. FREE OF THE DARK GOD PE Prize: 500D-4000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Eiji, Gungnir, Secutor, Centurion Enemies: 2x Galdr, 2x Cyclops First, focus on killing the Galdr, because they will raise their team's speed and lower yours. A couple of hits should kill one of them. Ignore the Cyclopes until the Galdr are dead. To kill the Cyclopes, have a Secutor use Surprise Attack from behind to deal massive damage. If that doesn't kill it, have a Heavy character use a combo to finish it. Repeat for the other Cyclops. GOOD NEIGHBOR SYO Prize: 500D-4000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Eiji, Secutor, Centurion, Gungnir, Iaar Enemies: 3x Bear, 2x Yeti Have a couple of ranged characters stand near the fallen pillar, so the enemies can't reach them, and have them use Long Shot or Long Throw at the enemies. You can probably kill a couple of them with your ranged characters alone. Have a Heavy character stand at the north end of the arena. The Bears will come after him, so kill them with combos, with your ranged characters helping out. If any Yetis are alive after your ranged characters were shooting them, have a Secutor kill them using Surprise Attack. HUMAN TOUCH DYU Prize: 500D-4000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Eiji, Ursula, Valens, Centurion, Iaar Enemies: 3x Berserker, 3x Murmillo A ranged character is good for standing in the back and shooting the enemies to help your other characters kill them. Have Medium characters kill the Berserkers and Heavy characters kill the Murmillos. Try to get across to the enemies' side (or let them cross to your side) so you don't have one person blocking the way and getting killed by the enemies. HUMAN TOUCH RI Prize: 500D-4000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Samnite, Iaar, Langston, Centurion, Archer Enemies: 3x Dark Legionnaire, 3x Legionnaire This battle is ridiculously easy. Take all or mostly Heavy characters for this battle. Place them so that they surround the circle of pillars where the enemies are. When the battle starts, have them move to attack an enemy (you might actually be able to kill them with Running Attack or Roam). Then use combos to clean up the rest of them. You can probably finish this battle in two turns. UNDEAD CASTER ORIGINS Prize: 500D-4000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Langston, Archer Enemies: 3x Mongrel Shaman, 3x Undead Summoner Place your characters along the back of the arena so that the Mongrels will attack the Undead Summoners instead of you. The Summoners will summon a skeleton, and they will easily destroy all of the Mongrel Shamans. So you will have to take care of the Summoners. Their HP will be down by quite a bit if they've used Darkness from Life a couple times, so a combo from a strong character will probably kill them. ******************************************************************************* Your done in Altahrun. The next town is The Wastes. From Altahrun, go east until you get to a triangle of roads. The Wastes is east from there, off the roads. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE WASTES {WS3} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first league you have to do is the Amazon Tyu league. ******************************************************************************* AMAZON TYU Badges required: Dreamcatcher Prize: Amazon Tyu talisman, Platemail Bikini, Vermillion Bracelet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are only allowed to use females in this league. You should have enough female characters, but if not, you can recruit some. EXPANSE ALLIANCE RO Prize: 250D-2750D Required: Ursula, Ludo/Urlan, Eiji, 2 females My team: Ursula, Ludo/Urlan, Eiji, Samnite, Gungnir Enemies: 2x Channeler, 3x Amazon First, take note of the barrels around the arena. If you destroy one of them, your popularity will go up all the way, and it won't go down for the rest of the battle. You need 10% popularity to enter the other 2 leagues here, so start out these battles by hitting a barrel. Some of the barrels will explode and cause minor damage to the characters around it. Have a strong character run to where the Amazons are and attack them at close range. A good combo might kill one of them. Have a ranged character help by using Long Shot from a distance. Have your other characters attack the Channelers, one at a time. They have strong defense, but a few combos will kill them. LIGHT MY FIRE Prize: 3500D-4000D Required: Female My team: Eiji, Gungnir, Samnite, Murmillo Number of enemies: 2 teams of 4 You will see a lot of different types of enemies here. Try to place your characters away from the enemies so that some of them will attack each other instead of you. You can have your ranged characters attack the enemies from where you are. If any enemies come your way, take care of them with your strongest characters. When the enemies have killed each other, move to where the survivors are and kill them. LIMITED RANGE Prize: 3500D-4000D Required: Female (Amazon, Archer, Gungnir, Peltast) My team: Eiji, Archer, Gungnir Number of enemies: 2 teams of 4 The requirements for this battle are tricky. If you don't have enough ranged females, either recruit a female Archer or two, or just skip this battle. Have your characters move away from the enemies so they will mostly attack each other. They will still be able to reach you, though, so it takes a little luck to not be attacked. Have your characters attack the enemies, one at a time. If you focus on one enemy at a time, and kill enemies from both teams evenly, the enemies will still attack each other, which will make things much easier. When there is only one team left, kill them from long distance one at a time. NORDAGH ALLIANCE HI Prize: 600D-5100D, Tschehouta Required: Female My team: Eiji, Archer, Gungnir, Samnite, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Amazon, 2x Gungnir The enemies here are all long-range attackers, so bring as many long-range characters as you have. Attack the Gungnirs first, because their Long Throw is more powerful than the Amazons' attacks. Have your long-range characters use Long Shot or Long Throw, while your other characters move in to attacking range and kill them with combos. Then repeat the process to kill the Amazons. OPEN BATTLE KU Prize: 3500D-4000D Required: Female My team: Eiji, Samnite, Gungnir Number of enemies: 1 team of 2, 1 team of 3, 1 team of 4 Place your characters as far away from the enemies as you can. Then enemies will attack each other, and you can just stand in the corner and watch. If you take some ranged characters, you can help out by killing enemies one at a time from a distance. When the enemies have all killed each other, run around and grab all the treasure chests, then finish off the remaining enemies. AMAZON CATS Prize: 3500D-4000D Required: Female My team: Ursula, Murmillo, Samnite, Eiji, Archer Enemies: 3x Plains Cat, 2x Amazon Take Medium characters if you have them to deal with the cats. The cats will use Running Attack to reach you on the first turn. On your turn, surround a cat with your Medium characters and kill them one at a time using combos. Throw Shield also works well if you have a female Murmillo. For the Amazons, have Eiji and another ranged character attack them with Long Shot and/or Long Throw. ******************************************************************************* After you finish this league, there will be a couple of Amazons in the recruiting office. I personally prefer Archers over Amazons because their ranged attacks are stronger, but Amazons have a variety of status attacks. If you have room in your school, go ahead and recruit one. ******************************************************************************* LIGHTWEIGHT Badges required: Archer Tyu talisman Prize: Chopper, Hard Leather Shield, Casus, Feathered Armband ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are only allowed to use Light characters in this league. You probably have at least 2 in your school. You need at least 3, but you might want more for the last battle. If you don't have enough, you can recruit Secutors and Bandits in towns here in the Steppes. BLITZING BANDITS Prize: 550D-4050D Required: Light My team: 2x Secutor, Bandit Enemies: 5x Bandit Even though you're outnumbered, this is an easy battle. Move all your units up on the platform. When the Bandits come, they will probably be on the ground below you. Surprise Attack works best here to deal big damage. A Bandit's Pierce Defense is also effective. If you have a Berserker, have him use combos. You can have each character take one or two Bandits. CIRCUS OPEN HU Prize: 550D-4050D Required: Light My team: 2x Secutor, Bandit Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 The enemies here will be mostly Secutors, but there will probably be other Light characters such as Bandits, Satyrs, and Berserkers. Place your units in the far corner, as far away from the enemies as you can. On your turn, move even farther into the corner. The enemies will most likely ignore you and kill each other. So you can just sit there in the corner while your enemies fight, then move in and finish off whoever is left. SECULAR SECUTORS Prize: 550D-4050D Required: Light My team: 2x Secutor, 2x Bandit Enemies: 5x Secutor Again, try to get all of your characters up on the platform so you can attack your enemies from above. Each of your characters can easily take out one of the Secutors, but two at a time might be difficult. So have your team stay in a group so as not to get surrounded. Then use your strongest attacks to kill the Secutors. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* NOMAD SHU Badges required: Amazon Tyu talisman Prize: Axes Conceco, Night's Guardian, Soul's Diadem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of 4 multi-team battles. The enemies in it are mostly random. DESERT WANDERERS Prize: 700D, Mask of the Eagle Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Samnite, Valens, Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 The team near you will most likely have a Galdr and some other enemies. Try to kill the Galdr first. Then surround and kill the other enemies using combos. The enemies on the other side of the arena will be fighting each other. One of the teams will probably be mostly Archers and the other will be Scarabs and Scorpions. The bugs will probably win, so be prepared to kill them when they come to you. A long-range character is good for attacking the bugs before they can reach you. HOMEBASE Prize: 600D, Shank Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Langston, Archer, Murmillo Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 Again, you'll be fighting the enemies near you, while the other two teams fight on the other side of the arena. Surround the enemies near you and kill them one at a time. Combos work the best for killing them quickly. When there is only one team left on the other side of the arena, move in to attack them. Once again, a ranged character is useful for attacking them before you get within attacking range. IMPERIAL RO Prize: 500D, Soldier's Skirt Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Secutor, Iaar, Murmillo Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 Head towards the nearest team and attack them. Legionnaires will die in one hit from a Heavy character. To kill Centurions, have a Secutor use Surprise Attack from the side or back. Once the team near you is dead, wait for the other enemies to finish their fight. The winner will probably be the team with the most Centurions. When only one team is left, move onto the platform and kill them from above. MOUNTAIN RANGERS Prize: 550D, Bear Cowl Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Langston, Eiji, Urlan Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 Just like the last 3 battles, move in and kill the team nearest to you. Combos will kill just about anyone if you use the right weight class. Then wait for the enemies on the other side to fight. When a winner has emerged, run over to the other side of the arena to kill them. Have a ranged character start to attack them, too. ******************************************************************************* Now that you're done with the leagues, enter the tournament. ******************************************************************************* BREAK THE BANK Prize: Break the Bank badge, Thief's Armband ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This tournament consists of 5 battles, some regular and some team battles. There are treasure chests all over the arena, so get them if you want the money (since there are no prizes for these battles other than the chests). Your enemies will not be able to get the chests even if they walk over them, so you can kill all the enemies but one, then take your time getting the chests. Also, be careful of the statues in the middle of the arena. They inflict status effects and sometimes damage out one side, and they rotate every turn. PICKING POCKETS My team: Eiji, Urlan, Valens, Ursula Enemies: 5x Bandit Take mostly Medium characters for this battle. Wait for the Bandits to come to you, then kill them. A combo for each one should do the trick. The statues here inflict damage and Bleeding, so stay clear of them. If you want some money, kill all the Bandits but one. Then go around and collect the money and then kill the last Bandit. LIFE INSURANCE My team: Centurion, Langston, Iaar Enemies: Undead Summoner, 3x Undead Legionnaire Place your strongest character closest to the Summoner so you can kill him with a Running Attack and a combo. Ignore any skeletons he summons. Kill two of the Legionnaires with your other characters. One combo each should kill them. If you want to money, run around the arena and get it. Just be careful of the statues, which inflict damage and Fear, which is very annoying. When you're done, go back and kill the last Undead Legionnaire. PENNY PINCHING GYO My team: Iaar, Urlan, Archer, Valens Enemies: 4x Beast The statues only teleport you this time, which is a minor annoyance, but at least it doesn't do any damage. Wait for the beasts to approach you, placing your characters so you can't get surrounded. Have Heavy characters use a big combo to kill bears. Medium characters are best for killing wolves and cats. Leave one of them alive if you want, so you can pick up all the chests. Then kill the last one. HEAVY HEFFERS My team: Secutor, Centurion Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 (Heavy characters) Take one Light character for quickly killing the Heavy characters, and a Heavy character that can take some damage. Place your characters in the far corner, as far away from the enemies as you can get. If you're lucky, all the enemies will fight each other. But sometimes one or two of the enemies will come to you. If they do, have a Heavy character use combos and a Secutor use Surprise Attack from behind to kill them. Then wait for the enemies to kill each other. When there is only one team left, make your way over to them, taking care to avoid the statues (which inflict Blind in this battle). Kill the remaining enemies using the same strategy. If you want, have your Light character run around and get all the chests while your Heavy character finishes killing the enemies. OPEN GHAZAN RYU My team: Iaar, Langston Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Once again, place your characters in the corner. The nearest enemies might come toward you, so be prepared to take them out if they do. Wait for your enemies to kill each other, then run over to them. The statues inflict Freeze this time, which is pretty obnoxious, so take care to avoid them. Get the chests if you like, then kill the remaining enemies. ******************************************************************************* If you are playing Valens's quest, Ludo will leave your school at this point. The last town in the Steppes is Ononhaar. To get there, go back west to the road and follow it north all the way. Ononhaar is at the northern end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONONHAAR {WS4} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll need to start out with the Firing Range league before the other ones become available. ******************************************************************************* FIRING RANGE Badges required: Break the Bank Prize: Firing Range talisman, Archer's Belt, Patched Cap, Recurve Bow, Flaming Bow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a 4-wave endurance league against Archers. Since the enemies are all long-range, you should take at least two of your own long-range characters. Also, since it is an endurance league and your Archers have low HP, you may need to heal. So I would suggest bringing a Channeler to heal your team when necessary. I had a team of Valens/Ursula (required), a Samnite, Eiji, another Archer, and a Channeler. Place your characters on the map carefully. Put your ranged characters anywhere you want, but make sure their view isn't blocked by another character so they can shoot easily. Put your close-range characters near the edge of the available area so they don't have to move as far to get to the enemy. 1ST WAVE: 2x Archer It starts off pretty easy. First of all, break one of the barrels open to get full popularity. Then have your Archers kill one of the enemies by using Long Shot. Have the closest character to the other Archer run up and attack him. A combo will probably kill him. 2ND WAVE: 3x Archer Again, have your Archers team up and shoot one of the enemies with Long Shot to kill him. Have a close-range character run to one of the enemies and use a combo to bring him down. Then have your Archers kill the other enemy with Long Shot. These first two battles are pretty easy; you shouldn't lose very HP at all. If you do need healing, however, have your Channeler steal someone's Affinity and use one of her healing spells. 3RD WAVE: 5x Archer This time it's a little harder. Hopefully, your close-range characters are near an Archer, so they can run up and kill him. Have your Archers both shoot the same enemy with Long Shot to kill him. Repeat this for the remaining Archers. You might need some healing for your Archers in this round, so use Steal Affinity on someone that has enough, then heal whoever you need to. 4TH WAVE: 4x Archer, Amazon This is pretty much the same as the last battle, except there is one Amazon instead of an Archer. Have someone (preferable a female) attack the Amazon at close range. Have your Archers both shoot the same enemy to kill him. Repeat as many times as needed to kill all the Archers. Remember to heal if you need it. ******************************************************************************* The other leagues will be available now. ******************************************************************************* OPEN GHAZAN Badges required: Firing Range talisman Prize: Open Ghazan badge, Plombee, Slayer, Lacquered Shield, Scalemail Guard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of class-restricted multi-team battles. BEASTS GHAZAN Prize: 300D-1100D, Wind Collar Required: Beast My team: Bear, Wolf Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2 The enemies will start out by breaking a barrel. If you need more popularity to get to 10% for the other league, you can break one too. However, if you break a barrel, you'll probably end up in a big fight with all the other enemies. If you just wait in the corner, you can let your enemies fight each other and finish the winner. If you have a Bear with the Raging Bear ability and a Chain Collar, you will have a hard time losing, even if you go for the barrel and end up fighting with the other enemies. Use Charge, Swipe, and combos for an easy win. HEAVYWEIGHT GHAZAN Prize: 500D-1250D, Horned Shell Required: Heavy My team: Centurion, Iaar Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2 Again, you can break a barrel if you want to. One team of enemies will probably come towards you whether you break a barrel or not. The other team will most likely come around the other way to attack you. If this happens, quickly surround and kill the near enemies by using combos with each character. Then deal with the other enemies the same way. If you get lucky, the enemies will fight each other and you can just finish the winners. But as long as you don't have to fight all 4 of them at once, you shouldn't have any problem. LIGHTWEIGHT GHAZAN Prize: 350D-1200D, Snakeskin Armband Required: Light My team: 2x Secutor Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2 It will be easiest for this battle if you just stay in the corner and let your enemies fight each other. Just Pass every turn until one of the enemy team is defeated. Then move your characters in to attack. A Surprise Attack from behind will probably kill whatever enemies are left. MIDWEIGHT GHAZAN Prize: 400D-1050D, The Crusher Required: Medium My team: Ursula, Murmillo Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2 *IMPORTANT* You can get Munio's gear, the best equipment for Valens, very early on by getting it in this battle. Read the Secrets and Glitches section for how to do it. I very strongly recommend you get it here, it will make Valens very strong. If everything goes well, your enemies should stay on the other side of the arena and fight each other. Then there will probably only be one or two weakened enemies left. You can then move in and finish off the enemies. MYSTICS GHAZAN Prize: 400D-1010D, Moon Charm Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Channeler Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2 Great, another Arcane-only battle. These are really tough because the Arcane enemies are strong against magic. Start off by using Darkness from Life. If you have a Dark Affinity armor, it will take away very little HP (in the single digits). You can buy the Dark Affinity armor in Altahrun, but it's pretty expensive. Anyway, get Taithleach's affinity charged up. The enemies might stay on the other side, but if one of them heads your way, summon a skeleton on the other side of them to distract them. Just keep the enemies on the other side of the arena by summoning skeletons. They will most likely fight with each other until only one is left. If an enemy does get too close, just teleport out of the way. When only one enemy is left, hit him with Death's Head to kill him. And you still get EXP from all the enemies that were killed by other enemies. It's a pretty cheap way to win, but this battle would be very hard otherwise. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* CAT FIGHT SHO Badges required: Firing Range talisman Prize: Moon Charm, Sequined Robe, Slayer, Hard Leather Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another endurance league. You will fight 5 battles, back to back, without resting in between. You'll probably take some damage from the Amazons' Venom Arrow and some other attacks, so it would be a very good idea to bring a Channeler along for healing. Make sure she knows at least Enliven, Ameliorate is even better. You also have to use females only in this league. My team was Eiji, a Murmillo, a Samnite, a Gungnir, and a Channeler. SHOT DOWN Enemies: 4x Amazon Have Eiji and another long-range character attack one of the Amazons and hopefully kill her on the first round. Your other characters should run up to where the Amazons are and kill them at close range. Have your ranged units kill one at a time and you close-range units kill one at a time. If you take a lot of damage from Venom Arrow (1/3 of your HP), have your Channeler steal affinity from someone and case Enliven or Ameliorate to heal them. You should go into the battle with hardly any HP lost. OPEN BATTLE ZI Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2, 1 team of 3 Hopefully, the enemies on the far side of the arena will attack each other, leaving you to deal with the two enemies nearest you. If there is an Amazon, have your ranged characters kill her as quickly as possible. For killing Channelers, have your strongest physical character use a couple of combos on her. When you've killed the enemies closest to you, wait for the other enemies to finish fighting. In the meantime, heal anyone's HP that's below 2/3 full. Then attack the remaining enemies from long range until they reach you, then finish them with close-range characters if you need to. CHANNELERS RU Enemies: 4x Channeler Start out like you normally do by having your ranged characters focus on one of the enemies. You probably won't kill her on the first round, but two rounds should do it. Meanwhile, have your other characters move in to attack. Use combos as close range to kill a Channeler. Remember to have your ranged attackers kill one at a time and your close-range attackers to kill one at a time. Leave one of them alive, though, so you can heal everyone before the next battle. When everyone is near full HP, kill the last one. AMAZONS NE Enemies: 4x Amazon This is just like the first battle. Have ranged characters both attack one of the Amazons to kill her on the first round. Have your other characters move in and kill them one at a time at close range. Leave one of them alive at the end so you can heal yourself. Then finish off the last one. PUT DOWN THE RIOT Number of enemies: 3 Have your ranged characters attack another long-range enemy to kill her on the first turn. Have your regular characters run up to the enemies and kill one of them at close range. Finish the last one with either your ranged characters or your close-range characters, or both. After the battle, you will get an obscene amount of EXP. Probably over half your school will gain a level. So learn some new skills if you want, then enter the tournament. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* UNHOLY ALLIANCES TOURNAMENT Prize: Unholy Alliances badge, Fur Lined Shield, Horned Shell, Slayer, Recurve Bow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a series tournament, but thankfully, it's not an endurance battle. You will have a chance to rest and select new characters between battles. BLIND BANDITS My team: Urlan, Ursula, Archer, Langston Enemies: 2x Bandit, Undead Summoner, Undead Legionnaire First, take note of the statues that inflict Blindness. Try to avoid them. Have your Medium characters move toward the center of the arena to meet the Bandits. One combo each should kill them. Have a strong character run toward the Undead Summoner. A Running Attack and a combo will take him down. Then have a Heavy character kill the Undead Legionnaire with one combo. Pretty easy. LONG DISTANCES My team: Eiji, Gungnir, Archer, Centurion Enemies: 2x Archer, 2x Gungnir, Peltast You will be fighting ranged characters, so have most or all of your team made of ranged characters. Stay where you are when the battle starts. Have the ranged characters all focus on killing one enemy at a time. They should be able to kill one every turn, and maybe start on another one. If you have any close-range characters, send them along the side of the arena (avoiding the Confusion statues) and attack the enemies at close range using combos. OLD TIES NEVER DIE My team: Eiji, Secutor, Samnite, Iaar Enemies: 2x Yeti, 2x Channeler You might want to have an Archer stand at the starting area and help kill the enemies. Heavy characters using combos work best for killing the Channelers. A couple of combos each will kill them. For the Yetis, have a Heavy character attack them first. Then have a Secutor sneak up behind them and use Surprise Attack to kill them. Repeat for the other Yeti. AMAZON ALLIANCE My team: Eiji, Archer, Amazon, Gungnir Enemies: 2x Amazon, 2x Archer I found it best to use all ranged characters in this battle. Have two of them each focus on killing one enemy. You should be able to kill two in the first round. Long Shot works well, and so does an Amazon's combo. If you have a Gungnir or Peltast, use their longest Long Throw attack you have. You should be able to kill the enemies easily. IMPERIAL DESCENT My team: Secutor, Langston, Centurion, Iaar Enemies: Centurion, Murmillo, 2x Dark Legionnaire Kill the Dark Legionnaires first by having a Heavy character use a combo on them. One 2 or 3-hit combo will kill them easily. Do the same for the Murmillo. To kill the Centurion, have a Heavy character attack first to distract him, then use Surprise Attack from behind to finish him. Also, be extra careful of the statues here, which inflict Fear. This is very annoying because you'll lose several turns. ******************************************************************************* You've now done everything in the Windward Steppes, so it's time for the regional championship. Make any preparations you need to - recruits, skills, and equipment. When you're ready, head over to Altahrun for the championship. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTAHRUN (CHAMPIONSHIP) {WS5} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* MAGNA STEPPES Badges required: Open Ghazan, History of the Frontier, Inflationary Egos Su Prize: 45,000D-50,000D, Chopper, The Cat's Claw, Griffin Pelt, Scarlet Anklet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 4 battles in this tournament. They each have 4 teams of 3 people. You can't really retreat and let the enemies kill each other and finish off the winners like in most of these battles because you start out so close together. All the teams will be attacking all the other teams, so you'll have to fight the whole time. Still, it's not very hard. OPEN MYA Prize: 5000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Eiji, Langston, Ursula Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 Have one ranged character stay in the starting position to assist your other team members. Just remember to use the right weight classes when killing the enemies. All the teams will probably split up, so just kill whoever comes near you. If everything goes well, all the teams will lose the same number of people (except for you, of course), so they will continue to fight with each other in addition to you for the whole battle. OPEN SYU Prize: 5000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Archer, Ursula, Langston Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 This is very similar to the last battle. Have a Medium character get rid of any Bandits that come near. Have a Heavy character attack the ranged enemies, and have one Support character in the back. Kill anyone that comes near you, but try to keep even numbers on the teams. When there are only one or two enemies left, go after them and kill them. OPEN GYU Prize: 5000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Urlan, Samnite, Secutor Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 Again, split your team up like the other teams will probably do. Have each character attack one enemy. The other enemies will be doing the same. When it's down to just one or two enemies, wait for them to come to you and kill them. OPEN WO Prize: 5000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Eiji, Valens, Yeti Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 Be careful of the Archers in the back, because they can attack anyone from where they're standing. Have Eiji use Long Shot to kill them, one at a time. The beasts will probably split up; some will go after the Archers, and some will go after the group near you. Have a ranged character like Eiji stay to kill some of the Archers. Have your other two characters take care of the group near you, and maybe some of the beasts. Then finish off whoever is left after that. ******************************************************************************* You're done in the Steppes now, only one region left. Usus will ask you if you want to leave or wait. If you've done everything you need to do here, leave now. If you want, you can make sure you got all the recruits and items you wanted. When you're ready to leave, just enter and exit some towns and Usus will eventually ask you to leave for the Southern Expanse. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SOUTHERN EXPANSE {SEEI} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= When you first arrive in the Expanse, you will see someone being attacked by Bandits and you'll decide to help him. The battle is very easy. Gwazi will hardly help you at all, but you don't really need it. Valens, Ursula, and Urlan can each kill a Bandit easily with a combo. Have Eiji use Long Shot before they get to you. There is one Dervish, too, but just kill him the same way as the Bandits. After the battle, Gwazi will join your school. You'll start out on the world map. The first town you need to go to is Akar An, which is just north of your current location. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AKAR AN {SE1} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, check out the recruits. Get at least one Dervish; they are very useful. Just make sure you get one at a high enough level. You can also recruit a Cyclops if you have room in your school. The shops here don't really have anything new, just some new Dervish equipment. When you're ready, enter the first league here. ******************************************************************************* OPEN AFFINITY PHI Badges required: None Prize: Open Affinity Phi talisman, Acinaces, Samaam, Shumpula, Winged Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first league in the expanse. It's based on affinity as far as enemies go, but you don't have to have a certain affinity to enter. Some of the battles have random enemies, but nothing new. SCIROCCO PYO Prize: 300D-1100D, Braced Armor, Wool Sikke My team: Dervish, Urlan Enemies: 2 teams - 2x Dervish and 2x Plains Cat All of the enemies here have Air affinity. Now, the Dervish is very useful in battles like these because they have an ability which makes them immune to any attack from an Air affinity weapon. So if you're fighting an Air battle like this, you can't lose. Make sure you have a Dervish for this battle, NOT equipped with an Air weapon (as the other Dervishes are immune to Air as well). The cats won't be able to hurt the Dervishes. You can kill them first if you want. Then kill the enemy Dervishes. The only things that can hurt you in this battle are the statues, so stay away from them. Otherwise, it's impossible to lose. DESERT HEAT Prize: 350D-1000D, Naboot Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ursula, Valens, Murmillo, Secutor, Archer Number of enemies: 5 The enemies are random here. Just be sure to pick the right weight classes to deal with each type of enemy. You can fight this battle either way - have each character fight one enemy and take them all out at once, or stay together and take the enemies out one or two at a time. It's pretty easy; just be sure to avoid the freezing statues. ENTER THE DARKNESS TSU Prize: 900D-1450D My team: Secutor, Iaar, Langston Number of enemies: 4 There will be enemies like Cyclopes, Dark Legionnaires, and Undead Legionnaires in this battle. A Secutor or Dervish can kill a Cyclops with Surprise Attack if they use it from behind. Then have your Heavy characters kill the Legionnaires using combos. The statues inflict Fear this time, so make sure you stay clear of them. STENCH OF HUMAN BHA Prize: 200D-300D, Weighted Mallet, Desert Viper Prohibited: Human My team: Langston, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 You can't use humans in this battle, so take Langston and Iaar. You will have to place them on opposite sides of the arena, so there will be 4 different fights between 2 characters going on at once. Have your characters defeat their enemies by using combos. You can probably win in two turns. Then move them both to the center of the arena, on the opposite side from the enemies. Wait for the enemies to finish fighting. If you're in the middle of the arena, they will probably go after each other when they're done with their first enemies. So you just have to wait for them to fight again and then finish off the winner. You can have Iaar use Hibernation in the meantime if you're low on HP. Again, be careful of the statues, which use Tornado this time. LEAKY JI Prize: 250D-900D, Herebra My team: Dervish, Iaar, Ursula, Centurion Number of enemies: 4 You're fighting Water enemies this time. Keep your team together and wait for the enemies to reach you. When they do, surround them with 2 characters each and kill them two at a time. Look at the map ahead of time and place the right weight classes in the right spot to deal with the enemies. Another pretty easy battle. ******************************************************************************* You can now enter the Summoners Endurance league, then the other leagues will appear. ******************************************************************************* SUMMONERS ENDURANCE Badges required: Open Affinity Phi talisman Prize: Kinetic Staff, Talon of Safat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an endurance league, consisting of five back-to-back battles against Summoners. In the first four battles, there will be permanently summoned elemental beasts in addition to whatever the Summoner summons. You will need some healing in this league, so make sure you have a Channeler. It's best if she knows Ameliorate as it's the strongest healing spell, and there's no swing meter so it can't fail. Also, make sure you take a Dervish, which will be very useful in the first battle. My team was Eiji, a Dervish, a Channeler, Urlan, and a Samnite, which worked very well. Place Eiji towards the middle of the bottom section on the map. Place your Dervish towards the front of the bottom section. Place your two melee attackers on the other side of the arena, close to each other. Also place your Channeler on the upper side, but towards the back. This way, you can have your Dervish run and take out the Summoner, with Eiji either helping kill the Summoner or killing a beast, while your other characters kill the other beast and your Channeler heals. 1ST WAVE: Summoner, 2x Avatar of Aeris Your Dervish will not be able to take damage in this battle. Have him run up to where the Summoner is, ignoring the Air beast on the way. Have Eiji shoot the beast from a distance with Long Shot. When your Dervish gets close enough, use Running Attack on the Summoner, then use Surprise Attack until he dies. Ignore anything he summons. On the other side, have your strong characters use combos on the beast over there to kill him. Be sure you leave one beast alive at the end, so your Channeler can use Steal Affinity and heal if necessary. When you're at full health/affinity, kill the last beast. 2ND WAVE: Summoner, 2x Avatar of Solum Have your Dervish run towards the Summoner, ignoring any other enemies. Kill him the way you did in the last round. Have Eiji shoot him from a distance, or shoot one of the Earth beasts. Have your melee attackers kill one of the beasts on their side while your Channeler builds up affinity. When the Summoner is dead, have your Dervish come towards the Channeler for healing if necessary. When everyone is healed and your Channeler has some affinity left, kill the last beast with a combo. 3RD WAVE: Summoner, 2x Avatar of Exuro Once again, have your Dervish run to the Summoner and kill him with Running Attack and Surprise Attack. Have Eiji help her, or attack one of the Fire beasts. Have your other characters kill one of the beasts and your Channeler heal and steal affinity. Make sure your Dervish gets healed if he needs it. Eiji shouldn't lose any HP, so have her stay where she is. Leave one beast alive to heal and prepare for the next wave, then kill it. 4TH WAVE: Summoner, 2x Avatar of Maritimus Just like the last battles, have your Dervish run to the Summoner and kill him quickly, with Eiji helping. Have your other characters kill one of the Water beasts while your Channeler steals affinity. Then heal everyone who needs it, have your Channeler steal more affinity, then kill the last beast. 5TH WAVE: Summoner There is just one summoner here. Have Eiji start shooting him as soon as the battle begins, while your other characters run towards him. If he is still alive after a few shots from Eiji, have a close-range character finish him off. ******************************************************************************* After you beat this league, there will be a Summoner in the recruiting office. You can get him if you want. I personally think Summoners are pretty useless (aside from their summoning, they only really have one attack). However, there is an Arcane-only league coming up, so you might want him for that. ******************************************************************************* SERIERS SYO Badges required: None Prize: Series Syo badge, Quadrelle, Diamond Shield, Body Wrap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a series league, but not an endurance league. You will get a chance to heal and change your team between battles. TEAM CHALLENGE My team: Archer, Dervish, Centurion Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2 Stay where you are at the start of the battle. If any enemies come your way, start shooting them with an Archer, then finish them with a combo when they get close enough. Then wait until the other enemies finish their fight. Then you can go to where the survivors are and kill them. Also, remember NOT to take Air affinity characters if there are Dervishes on the battlefield, because you won't be able to kill them if you do. TROIKA My team: Iaar, Langston Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2 Again, stay where you are when the battle starts. If you're lucky, the enemies will all fight each other on the other side of the arena, leaving you to deal with just one or two survivors. Sometimes, though, the enemies will come to where you are. In that case, just kill one enemy from either team while the other enemies fight each other. Then finish the winner. DOUBLE DIP My team: Dervish, Langston Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2 Take a look at your enemies before the battle starts, specifically their affinity. They will probably be mostly Air affinity, so take a Dervish along if this is the case. Have your other character take out the non-Air affinity enemies while your Dervish kills the Air affinity enemies. FLYING SOLO My team: Samnite Number of enemies: 2 teams of 1 Your enemies will start out close together, and you'll start on the other end of the arena. So when the battle starts, the enemies will fight with each other and leave you alone. Just watch them fight until one of them dies. Then move in and take care of the winner with a combo or two. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* MYSTICAL KO Badges required: Open Affinity Phi talisman Prize: Elephant Axe, Sinan, Desert Turban, Soul's Diadem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another arcane-only league. It's not as bad, though, because you have access to better arcane characters this time. You should have at least one Channeler and Taithleach. Also, if you have not already done so, recruit the Summoner here. There are several Channelers in the recruiting office if you need them. A note - most of the arcane enemies here will be wearing Holy Miters. If a character with a Holy Miter dies, they will be revived at half HP. So you're going to have to kill these enemies 1.5 times each. Since you don't have access to Holy Miters in shops, it would be a good idea to kill an enemy that's wearing one, wait for him to die, and collect the treasure chests he drops. Hopefully, it will contain a Holy Miter. Try to collect a few for your Arcane characters, because the ability to revive once per battle is very nice. BAREBONES Prize: 500D-1500D Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Summoner, Channeler Enemies: 3x Undead Summoner Start out by having Taithleach use Darkness from Life and your Summoner use Summon Power. If the enemies get the first turn, have your Channeler steal affinity from one of them. Then have Taithleach summon a skeleton and your Summoner summon a Scarab (if you can already summon a Scorpion, do so). Then have Taithleach use one of his affinity attacks and your Summoner use Far Strike while your Channeler casts spells (preferable Ice Storm and Sleet to freeze the enemies). Ignore any summoned skeletons, just kill the Undead Summoners one at a time. If you need to, you can have Taithleach attack with Death's Head to kill one of them. BURNING FLAME Prize: 400D-1150D, Naboot, Light Wrap Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Summoner, 2x Channeler Number of enemies: 4 The enemies in this battle are random, but consist of various arcane classes. Have your Summoners build up affinity at the beginning of the battle. Have your Channelers steal some from the enemies when possible. Summon a skeleton and a Scarab (or Scorpion, if you can). They will probably be able to kill an enemy and take some damage in your place. Use your spells and Far Strike on the enemies, one at a time. If you have to, use Death's Head to kill an enemy or two. HIGH FLYING Prize: 400D-1200D, Asaya Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Summoner, 2x Channeler Number of enemies: 2 This battle will give you an opportunity to get an excellent weapon, the Executioner's Sword. This is a sword for the Centurion, Samnite, and Ogre that will cause instant death if you get a critical hit. Sometimes there will be a Samnite in this battle. At higher levels (around Lv. 17), they will carry an Executioner's Sword (you can tell that they have the Executioner's Sword by looking at it, it has a rectangular blade with no point). If you are at a high enough level that the Samnites will have this sword, keep restarting the battle until you see a Samnite that has one. Then start the battle. If there is a Samnite with the Executioner's Sword, you'll need to bring him down quickly before he kills you in one hit. Have Taithleach hit him with Death's Head to kill him. Then wait for the Samnite to disappear and leave a chest. Collect the chest, and hopefully you'll get the Executioner's Sword. Then kill the other enemy with Death's Head or with summons and spells. OPEN KO Prize: 300D-1250D, Heavy Robes, Short Del, Shoum, Crystal Ball Required: Arcane My team: Channeler, Summoner Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 You can do this battle two ways, the cheap way or the real way. If you want to do it the cheap way, start out in the corner. Then teleport or walk quickly to the very far corner, away from the enemies. Wait for your enemies to all kill each other while you accumulate affinity. If will take a while, but there will eventually be one or two enemies left. When that happens, teleport over to where they are and kill them by summoning or casting spells. If you want to do it the real way, start out by gathering affinity, then wait for the near enemies to come to you. Have your Channeler cast a spell while your Summoner calls a Scarab. Kill the enemies near you this way. Remember that you'll have to kill them twice thanks to the Holy Miter. Then wait for the other enemies to finish fighting and kill the winner. You might need to have your Channeler heal if you use this method. SSIMA'S REVENGE Prize: 350D-3350D, Ruby Earrings Required: Arcane My team: Taithleach, Summoner, 2x Channeler Enemies: Channeler and 3 other enemies You will be fighting Ssima the Channeler again. Like the first time you fought here in Yuset, you only need to kill her to win the battle. The other enemies will be powerful enemies like Yetis and Cyclopes, so don't even bother with them. Summon a skeleton and Scarab to distract the other enemies while your Channelers teleport near Ssima. Just don't get hit by a Tornado statue. Have your Channelers steal someone's affinity. Then repeatedly use Ice Storm or Sleet on Ssima to freeze her. You can also use affinity attacks. Just keep up the attack on Ssima and only Ssima and you'll win. You can also kill her with Taithleach's Death's Head, but you won't get any EXP. ******************************************************************************* Now you can enter the tournament. ******************************************************************************* MIRAGE TOURNAMENT Prize: 1500D-16500D, Mirage badge, Sapara, Shank, Oiled Pelt, Shisa Vika ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a series tournament. You'll fight the battles separately, but you have to fight them one after the other. Also, keep an eye out for Samnites with Executioner's Swords. If you see one, make sure you bring Taithleach so he can kill the Samnite with Death's Head. Then wait for him to drop a chest, hopefully containing an Executioner's Sword. FIRE AND ICE KYO My team: Iaar, Ursula Number of enemies: 2 Take a look at your enemies and form your team accordingly. Make sure you use the right weight class for each enemy, and just use combos to defeat them. You can go to where they are, or wait for them to come to you. Just be sure to avoid the statues. If you can, try to get an enemy next to a statue to deal damage or freeze them. BLEEDING HEARTS My team: Taithleach, Langston Number of enemies: 2 This is pretty much the same as the last battle. Pick the right weight classes and then kill your enemies with combos. Try to use the statues to your advantage by luring your enemies in front of them. MOTION SICKNESS My team: Archer, Dervish Number of enemies: 2 Again, take a look at your enemies and choose your team accordingly. Then kill your enemies with the appropriate characters and skills. Avoid the statues. SIGHT FOR SORE EYES My team: Samnite, Centurion Enemies: Ludo, 2x Cyclops Wow, look at how strong Ludo got with all that Dark affinity! Thankfully, you don't have to use Valens in this battle, so take your two strongest Heavy characters. Don't take Langston or Iaar, because their defense is too low. Take a Centurion and/or Samnite instead, because they have shields. First, concentrate on bringing down Ludo. I was able to kill him with one Running Attack and one Combo Attack 3. Just make sure you get critical hits on all your attacks and he'll go down quickly, despite his ridiculously high HP. Then kill the Cyclopes, one at a time. Surround one of them and use combos to kill him quickly. Repeat for the last Cyclops. This battle looks much harder than it actually is. ******************************************************************************* The next town, which is the only other town in the Expanse, is Qaa Rah. To get there, just follow the road from Akar An all the way to the west. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QAA RAH {SE2} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are only two leagues available at first. Do the Treasure Trove league first to get the talisman from it. ******************************************************************************* TREASURE TROVE Badges required: Mirage Prize: 1500D, Treasure Trove talisman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This consists of 4 battles. There is a treasure chest in each of the battles, sometimes containing a good item. MONGREL MASH Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Dervish, Centurion, Channeler, Valens Number of enemies: 4 You will be fighting on the bridge that connects the outer area to the island in the middle. The bridge is only one square wide, so you'll have to either wait the enemy to come off the bridge into the open, or send a strong character to beat him one-on-one. If you are using a Channeler, have her teleport onto the treasure chest, which contains a Voodoo Doll (an accessory that raises Dark affinity by 10). Then have her teleport back out to safety. Kill the enemies one at a time when they come across the bridge, or cross the bridge yourself and fight them on the island. QUARRY BREAK Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Dervish, Centurion, Channeler, Ursula Number of enemies: 4 This is pretty much the same as the last battle. Take out the first enemy on the bridge, then either wait for the others to come, or cross the bridge and kill them over there. If you want, grab the chest, which contains a Hoeroa. SUMMONER'S GWA Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Channeler, Centurion, Iaar, Langston Enemies: 2x Summoner Ignore any summoned monsters, just go for the Summoners. Kill them one at a time, starting on the bridge. Then kill the one on the island. The chest contains a Ringed Diadem, which isn't that great, but get it if you want. THE MORGUE Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Langston, Iaar, Channeler Number of enemies: 4 You will be fighting Dark enemies this time. If you want, teleport and grab the chest, which contains a Death Mask. Kill the enemy on the bridge first. Then either wait and kill the other enemies on the bridge, or cross over and take care of them there. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* BARN BURNER Badges required: Treasure Trove talisman Prize: 3000D-16000D, Barn Burner badge, Hooked Ridge Helm, Leather Bikini, Bazo, Medal of Stature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will only be allowed to use Fire affinity characters in this league. If you don't have any good Fire characters, you'll need to re-equip some good characters with Fire weapons. OPEN BARN BURNER Prize: 700D-1900D, Bronze Gear, Lorica Segmentata Required: Fire Affinity My team: Centurion, Samnite, Eiji Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 Start your team in the far corner. If you're lucky, the enemies will leave you alone and just concentrate on killing each other. If you want, have an Archer snipe at some of the enemies with Long Shot to speed things up. When only one team remains, keep shooting them with Long Shot while your other characters move towards them and take them out with Running Attack/Roam or combos. PHOENIX FLAMES Prize: Scarab Beetle Required: Fire Affinity My team: Centurion, Samnite, Ursula, Dervish Enemies: 2x Summoner Place 2 characters near each Summoner. When the battle starts, have each person use a combo on the Summoner. Ignore any summoned beasts. Just use combos until the Summoners die. Keep in mind that they'll revive with half of their HP if they're wearing Holy Miters. RED EYE NYA Prize: 750D-2000D, Quadrelle Required: Fire Affinity My team: Centurion, Samnite, Dervish, Gwazi Enemies: 4x Cyclops You will be in a line opposite your enemies. Have each person move forward, so everyone is in front of a Cyclops. Have them use their most powerful attacks, like Surprise Attack or combos. The Cyclopes don't really have any powerful attacks, so you should have no trouble beating them. The only annoyance is Glower, which will inflict Fear. It's still not much of a problem, though. TOASTED ROACHES Prize: 650D-1900D, Quartz Required: Fire Affinity My team: Eiji, Ursula, Samnite, Dervish, Centurion Number of enemies: 5 You will be fighting five bugs here. Have an Archer or two stand towards the back of the island and attack the enemies with Long Shot. You should be able to kill a couple of them like this. Have your other characters move off the island into the main area. Attack the bugs with combos to kill them quickly. Your attacks won't do as much damage as they should, because the bugs have Fire defense and all your characters are Fire characters. Still, just keep on attacking with combos to kill the bugs one at a time. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* INSECT ZE Badges required: Treasure Trove talisman Prize: 2000D-17000D, Moonstone, Quartz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, the infamous Insect Ze league. This league is one of the hardest in the game, if not the hardest. You will have to fight 5 waves of bugs (Scorpions and Scarabs). They are not easy opponents by any means, especially Scorpions, which can kill you in two or three hits. Not only will you have to fight 5 continuous waves of them, but their numbers will increase each wave; you'll end up fighting 7 of them in the last wave. First, I'll give a rundown of Scarabs and Scorpions and their attacks: Scarab - Weaker than the Scorpion, but still pretty strong. They have very high HP and decent attack power. They can attack from medium-range using Fiery Spittle and Poison Spittle. They have a pretty strong attack called Carapace Ram, which can also knock you down. They also have a couple of poison attacks. Your strongest Heavy characters will probably be able to kill them in one or two combos, though, despite their high HP. Scorpion - A very powerful opponent, capable of killing you in a couple of hits. The attack you really want to watch out for is Poison Flick, which can attack from several squares away and does massive damage and can inflict Poison. They also have a close-range attack called Venom, which also does huge damage. Then they have some weaker attacks like a Running Attack move and Precision Attack. Kill them as quickly as you can with combos, and don't be at a distance at a straight line from them, because they will hit you with Poison Flick. Now, the basic strategy for the Insect Ze league. This league is going to be impossible without healing. You must have a Channeler to make it past even the first couple rounds. And you must learn Ameliorate. Enliven just doesn't restore enough HP to be of any use in this league. In addition to your Channeler, take your three strongest Heavy units. Centurions and Samnites are best because they have higher defense; however, their shields will be destroyed after the first couple of rounds. Make sure they are equipped with a weapon that has at least 10 affinity, and equip them with an accessory to boost the affinity charge (over 20 is ideal). You're going to need lots of affinity for your Channeler. Also, equip your Channeler with a Holy Miter. She probably won't get hit any, but give her a Holy Miter just to be safe. Also, you can use Valens in this battle if you got Munio's Gear in Ononhaar. He'll be able to constantly give your Channeler affinity since his gauge will fill up in one hit. He'll also be able to block the bugs' attacks pretty easily. Now, for the placement. The bottom-left corner will usually just have one Scorpion in it. So don't put your strongest character down there. Also, don't place them right in the corner, because you'll get Poison Flicked right off the bat. Put them a few squares away from the bottom corner. The bottom-right corner will have one or two bugs in it. Put someone that has high attack there, like Langston. The other place you need someone is the top area. Put your strongest character there, like a Centurion. And make sure they have high Defense, or they will die easily. There will be more bugs up there in the later waves. Place your Channeler right in the middle. No bugs will be able to reach her there. My team: Centurion (top), Langston (bottom-right), Samnite (bottom-left), Channeler 1ST WAVE: 3 enemies Have everyone use Running Attack to get to the enemies. That should take off quite a bit of HP (Langston might even be able to kill his bug). On the next turn, use combos to kill the bugs. Just make sure you leave a Scarab alive (NOT a Scorpion, they are too strong). You can freeze it with your Channeler if you want, but you can just use Defend to keep if from hurting you too much. You should have a lot of affinity from combo attacks, so have your Channeler steal some. Have her heal anyone that needs it. If they are below 2/3 HP, heal them with Enliven or Ameliorate. If they are below 1/2, use Ameliorate. Have your Channeler get some more affinity for the next wave, then kill the Scarab. 2ND WAVE: 4 enemies Use the same strategy as the last battle. This time, there will be one more bug near the top, so have everyone kill their first one with Running Attack or Roam, followed by a combo. Leave the last Scarab alive while your Channeler collects affinity and heals anyone that needs it. Then kill the last Scarab. 3RD WAVE: 5 enemies It's getting harder. There are two bugs in the top and the bottom-right now. Use Running Attack to get to them (hopefully, Langston will kill his). Then use combos to finish the first bug. Then kill the 4th bug with a combo, but leave a Scarab alive. Have your Channeler steal affinity, then use Ameliorate on anyone who needs it. Try to enter the next battle with almost full HP and almost full affinity on your Channeler. Then kill the Scarab with a combo. 4TH WAVE: 6 enemies It's starting to get tough now. There will probably be 3 bugs on the top now, one on the island. Kill the first bugs with Running Attack and a combo if necessary. If anyone gets 5 affinity points, have your Channeler steal some of it so you can keep accumulating affinity. Kill all the bugs on the bottom with combos, but leave a Scarab alive at the top. Then collect affinity and heal whoever is low on HP. The next wave is the last one, so make sure everyone goes into it with near-full HP. Your Channeler should also have 4 affinity points so she can heal someone mid-battle in the next wave. 5TH WAVE: 7 enemies This is it, the last wave. Start off with a Running Attack. Then use a combo on the next round to finish the first bug. Use a 3 or 4 hit combo to kill the second bug. There will be a lot of bugs at the top, so your character up there will need to be healed. Try to keep him alive as long as you can. Don't worry about leaving any bugs alive this time, just kill them all. Heal when necessary, and use combos on the bugs until they are all dead. ******************************************************************************* Whew, that was tough. But it pays off, because you get a huge amount of EXP, and you will now be able to recruit Scorpions and Scarabs in the recruiting office here. I suggest you get at least one Scorpion, and maybe a Scarab if you have room. ******************************************************************************* LEVIATHAN Badges required: Treasure Trove talisman Prize: 500D-15000D, Leviathan badge, Dalima, Poison Barb Shield, Jeweled Diadem, Turtlebone Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league is limited to Water affinity characters only. So if you don't have any good Water characters, you'll need to equip some of your strong characters with Water affinity weapons. Also, Scorpions are Water by default, so take off any affinity accessory on your Scorpion if you want to use it. HEAVYWEIGHT MYA Prize: 2000D Required: Water Affinity My team: Minotaur, Archer, Secutor, Scorpion, Summoner Enemies: 2x Yeti, 2x Samnite, Cyclops Since all of the enemies are pretty strong, you shouldn't split everyone up; go after the enemies on or two at a time. Have Heavy characters use combos on the enemies. Then have a Dervish or Secutor sneak behind them and use Surprise Attack to kill them. If you're using a Scorpion, have him use Venom and/or Poison Flick. Just concentrate on one enemy at a time and you'll do fine. LIQUID SWORDS ZYA Prize: 2000D Required: Water Affinity My team: Minotaur, Centurion, Scorpion, Murmillo, Eiji Enemies: Centurion, 2x Legionnaire, 2x Murmillo Concentrate on the Centurion first. Have a Light character use Surprise Attack from behind and maybe one more attack to bring him down. Then have your Heavy characters take care of the Legionnaires and Murmillos. One combo from a Heavy character will probably kill one of them. Have your other characters help if you want. MYSTICS PO Prize: 2000D Required: Water Affinity My team: Centurion, Samnite, Langston, Secutor Number of enemies: 1 team of 4, 1 team of 2 There will by one team of Arcane enemies and one team of Ogres. You will want to keep the teams even, so kill two Arcanes and then one Ogre. The Ogres will probably kill an Arcane or two. Use combos to kill an Arcane enemy. Use combos and Surprise Attack to kill the Ogres. Just make sure there aren't two Ogres at the end for you to have to deal with. OASIS VAGRANTS Prize: 2000D Required: Water Affinity My team: Centurion, Samnite, Langston Number of enemies: 2 teams of 3, 1 team of 1 Take care of the lone enemy first to get him out of the way. Then wait and see what the other enemies do. They will probably stay on the other side and fight each other. If one of them comes your way, surround and kill him. Just wait for the enemies to finish fighting, while killing any that come near you, then finish off the survivors. ONE ON ONE DU Prize: 2000D Required: Water Affinity, Lv. 16 My team: Scorpion Number of enemies: 3 teams of 1 Hopefully, you have a strong Lv. 16 character in your school. If not, you might just want to skip this battle. You will all start out together in the center island. Focus on killing a strong enemy first; the other enemies will probably help you. Then kill the enemy that has the least HP left, and it will be down to just one enemy. Use a combo or two to kill him. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* CASH MONEY GWA Badges required: None Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only reason you need to do this battle is for money and a little EXP. There are no prizes, and it doesn't give you a cup, so you can just skip it if you have enough money. It consists of battles with 4 teams. In addition to defeating your enemies, you will want to collect treasure chests, which contain money. Even though the fees are high, you will probably gain money if you get enough chests. BREAK THE BANK OPEN Fee: 60,000D My team: Langston, Centurion, Urlan Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 Start out by grabbing all the chests near you. Then wait for some enemies to come to you. The enemy teams will probably split up, and you'll end up fighting two or three enemies from different teams. Just use combos to kill them when they get to you. When the other enemies finish fighting, go around and pick up any chests you want, then finish off the other enemies. BULK OF HULK Fee: 45,000D Required: Heavy My team: Samnite, Centurion, Langston Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 Fight this battle just like the last one. Pick up nearby chests, then kill the enemies that come to you. Try to kill them one at a time by surrounding them since they are all Heavy enemies. Wait for the others to finish fighting, grab any other chests you want, then kill the last enemies. ELEMENTALS PO Fee: 35,000D Required: Arcane My team: Channeler, Summoner, Taithleach Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 Have your Channeler teleport around to the chests. Have Taithleach and your Summoner gather affinity, then summon something. Taithleach can kill the nearby enemies using Death's Head if you don't want to bother with spells and summons. Have your Channeler steal affinity from an enemy, then attack with Fire Tempest for big damage. Just remember to kill off the enemies' teams evenly, so they can still attack each other. When there is only one team left, kill them with summons, spells, or Death's Head. LIGHTWEIGHTS Prize: 20,000D-30,000D Fee: 20,000D Required: Light My team: 2x Dervish, Secutor Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 Once again, grab the nearby chests and kill the nearby enemies using Surprise Attack repeatedly. When all the nearby enemies are dead, wait for the other ones to fight. When there is only one team left, kill them the same way you did the others. RANGED COMBAT Fee: 25,000D Required: Support My team: Eiji, Archer, Gungnir Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 Use Long Shot and Long Throw to take care of the closer enemies, one at a time. Also, collect any chests you can. Then wait for the other enemies to fight. You can hit them with Long Shot if you want to speed things up. Then take care of the remaining enemies with Long Throw and Long Shot. ******************************************************************************* After this league, you're done with all the leagues in Qaa Rah for now. Enter the tournament. ******************************************************************************* ENDLESS HORIZONS Prize: 6000D-30,000D, Endless Horizons badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This tournament consists of 6 one-on-one battles. Most of them are pretty easy. BERSERKER SHI Prize: Liberation My team: Urlan Enemies: Berserker He might use Rage, but he's still kind of weak. Run forward and attack him once. Then use combos until he dies. You shouldn't have any trouble. CYCLOPS ZU Prize: Turtlebone Armor My team: Centurion Enemies: Cyclops Once again, run forward and attack him. Then use combos until he dies. The only thing you need to watch out for is Glower, which inflicts Fear. This will cause you to lose a turn or two, so equip something that protects against Fear if you have it. DERVISH RO Prize: Veiled Sikke My team: Ursula Enemies: Dervish Make sure you don't take an Air affinity character for this battle. The Dervish will probably get the first turn, so use a combo on your turn. If that doesn't kill him, use another combo on your next turn. SAMNITE TSO Prize: Vicious Blade My team: Centurion Enemies: Samnite This battle is a little harder. Go with a Heavy character, because you won't be able to get behind the Samnite and use Surprise Attack if you take a Light character. Just run up and attack him on the first turn. Then use combos on your next turns until he dies. SUMMONER KWA Prize: Eye of the Gods My team: Langston Enemies: Summoner Take a strong offensive character, like Langston. When the battle starts, run up and attack him. Ignore any beasts he summons. Then use a combo to kill him. Remember that he will revive if he has a Holy Miter, so you will need to use another combo on the next turn to kill him for good. UNDEAD CASTER WO Prize: Interment Robes My team: Iaar Enemies: Undead Summoner Again, run up and attack him, then use combos on him until he dies. Ignore any summoned skeletons. You can probably win in 2 or 3 turns. ******************************************************************************* Now, exit Qaa Rah, and be sure to save your game when it prompts you to do so. Gwazi will tell you that a vital affinity stone has been stolen and kept at the Summoner's temple. So of course, you decide to help him. There will be some scenes on the way to the temple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SARAA IZEL {SE3} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you get to the temple, you'll realize that you've been tricked by Gwazi. He and 3 Summoners will attack you. You will have to fight this battle with only Ursula, Valens, and Urlan. Take care of Gwazi first. One combo will do the trick. Then, go after the two Summoners that are close together. Have Urlan attack one and Valens and Ursula attack the other. Use combos to kill them as quickly as you can. Make sure nobody dies, or you will get a game over. Ignore any beasts that are summoned, and just take care of the first two Summoners. When they are dead, go after the last one. Also, beware of Tornado, which can rearrange your positions. There will be a scene after the battle, and Gwazi will be gone from your school. Now you can use that space for a decent character. You'll exit to the world map. There will be two guards out there. Talk to them, and they will give you the option to visit the shop. Equip everyone with the best items you can afford. You can also do some sidequests at this shop, but I'll get to that later. For now, head back to Qaa Rah, where there is a new league. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QAA RAH REVISITED {SE4} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a new league here, Pro Citizen Byu. ******************************************************************************* PRO CITIZEN BYU Badges required: None Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are four battles here. In them, you need to protect the citizen from the enemies. If the citizen dies, you lose the battle. RESCUE HENTUTWEDJEB Prize: 2000D-12500D, Wing of Safat My team: Dervish, Urlan, Ursula, Valens Enemies: 6x Dervish All the Dervishes have Air affinity, so bring your own Dervish along if you want. Just make sure nobody has Air affinity on your team. Place your units surrounding the citizen, so the enemies can't reach him. And stay there for the whole battle, don't move. Wait for the enemies to come to you. Urlan, Ursula, and Valens can probably kill a Dervish with one combo. Have your Dervish use Surprise Attack. Don't move from your position until all the Dervishes are dead. RESCUE ASHURUBALLIT Prize: 1700D-11700D, Snakeskin Bow My team: Langston, Archer, Gungnir, Eiji Number of enemies: 4 There will be a couple of long-range characters across the island, so put a line or Support characters along the back of the island, protecting the citizen. Put a strong character at the bridge to defeat the enemies on that side. When the battle starts, have your Support characters use Long Shot or Long Throw on the enemies across the way. Kill them one at a time. Have your other character kill the enemies over there. If your Support characters finish their enemies, have them shoot the enemies on the other side. RESCUE SEDJEFKARE Prize: 1500D-11500D, Collar of Spite My team: Centurion, Langston, Urlan, Murmillo Number of enemies: 4 There will be 4 beasts here. Place your characters so they block off access to the citizen. If there are any Scorpions, place a strong character near them. When the battle starts, kill any Scorpions, then wait for the other beasts to get to you. When they do get to you, use combos to kill them. Don't move from your position blocking of the citizen, though. RESCUE NUBSHESED Prize: 10,000D-20,000D, Robe of Rebirth My team: Centurion, Langston, Iaar, Samnite Enemies: 4x Summoner Place one character near each Summoner, and take your strongest characters. Don't bother surrounding the citizen, because the Summoners can use Tornado anyway. When the battle starts, move forward and have each person attack a Summoner. Ignore any beasts summoned, even if they are close to the citizen. He can withstand a few hits before he dies. Just focus your most powerful attacks on the Summoners. And if they have Holy Miters on, you'll have to kill them twice, so just use combos on them until they are all dead. Hopefully, you can do it quickly enough to avoid the beasts killing the citizen. ******************************************************************************* Now you're done in Qaa Rah. Head back to Saraa Izel (where you fought the Summoners and Gwazi) to do some sidequests. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SARAA IZEL REVISITED {SE5} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talk to the guards and ask to visit the shop. You can do some more shopping if you want, then talk to the shopkeeper for a sidequest. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * She will ask you to kill a Yeti that everyone thinks she summoned. Exit the shop and go out to the world map. In the southeast corner of the Expanse, there is a group of trees. Save your game, then walk into the trees for a battle. You will be fighting a Yeti using only Valens and Ursula. Start out by using Empower Self with both Valens and Ursula. Then have them move so they are together and can surround the Yeti when he gets to you. Have one of them get on a rock if possible. When the Yeti gets to you, have both of them use a combo. If they used Empower Self, this should kill him. Bring the Yeti's head back to the shopkeeper. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now, exit and reenter the shop and talk to the shopkeeper again for another sidequest. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * She will give you the Mysterious Tablet and wants you to investigate it. Go out to the world map and open the School menu. Choose a gladiator, then choose Equip and go to Accessory to view your accessories. The Mysterious Tablet will be there. Examine it by pressing Y and a "battle" will begin. Move all the way to the other side of the area where there is a man. Once you get to him, he will tell you about the Mysterious Tablet. Then you'll be given The Promise Stone and you'll be back out on the world map. Now, head towards Qaa Rah. In the desert just east of Qaa Rah, run around like you're trying to get into a random battle and you will eventually run into Sarenenutet. He will take the Mysterious Tablet from you. Now, go back to the shop in Saraa Izel. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Talk to the shopkeeper again fro one more sidequest. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This time she will tell you that Sarenenutet was using her for his evil purposes. He was captured, but escaped and may now be an Undead Summoner. Your job is to find him and kill him. Sarenenutet can be located on any continent, in a random battle. I found him a couple of times on the road south of Akar An. If you can't find him there, just wander around the roads in all the regions and you'll eventually come across him. You will be able to revisit the regions again after you complete the Expanse if you can't find him here. When you find him, he's really easy. Take your strongest characters into the battle. One Running Attack and a combo will kill him. Talk to the shopkeeper in Saraa Izel for your reward. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * After you beat Sarenenutet, there is another sidequest you can do. In order to do it, you must have rescued Sigi in Nordagh and obtained the Signet of the Valkyrie. You also need to have the Promise Stone in your inventory, and have defeated Sarenenutet. Also, you need to have at least 6 characters at Lv. 18 or above, otherwise you can't enter the battle. Once you have fulfilled the above requirements, head to the southeastern corner of the Expanse, near where you fought the Yeti. There will be a circle on the ground here. Make sure you SAVE YOUR GAME, then enter it. This is one of the hardest battles in the game. You could probably win it without too much difficulty in the arena, but this is in the wilderness. That means anyone who dies is dead, gone from your school. So you're going to want to beat this battle without losing anyone. For your party - take 4 of your strongest Heavy characters. I went with Langston, Iaar, a Samnite, and a Centurion. Take Eiji as well. Your last character can either be a Channeler for healing, or another Archer for additional attack power. I made it with everyone alive without using a Channeler, but you might want one if you can't get through without someone dying. Place your Heavy characters on the outside and your Archers on the inside. You will be fighting 4 waves of Summoners and then Sarenenutet again. The Summoners have high HP and defense, so they will be hard to kill. For the first wave, start the battle off by having Eiji use Spark or Nerve Shot to stun the nearest Summoner. Have your Heavy characters move forward, two on each side. Concentrate on killing one Summoner on each side. Ignore the Dark elemental beasts they summon. A couple of Running Attacks and a couple of good combos will probably kill a Summoner. When the first two are dead, go after the other two. Have Eiji and your Archer use Long Shot or have Eiji use Nerve Shot or Spark to stun a Summoner. If you have a Channeler, have her teleport and steal affinity from someone, then use Ameliorate on someone that needs it. Repeat this strategy for the next 3 waves of Summoners. You might want to have Iaar use Hibernation once or twice at the start of the battle so heal himself. If there are any characters that have very low, HP, you might want to keep them in the back until there is only one Summoner left, or just leave them in the back so they don't get killed. The first 4 waves are pretty much the same. When you get to the 5th wave, you'll probably be almost dead. There will be 4 Summoners and Sarenenutet. Thankfully, Sarenenutet will start the battle by using Hell's Fury, which will kill the Summoners. Have your Archer shoot him (which won't do much damage), and have all your characters that have some HP left rush forward to attack him. He will probably summon a skeleton, but ignore it. When you get within range, use Roam or Running Attack with two characters to kill him. Whew, that was tough. But it pays off. You will get a huge amount of EXP, probably enough for everyone to gain a level. You'll also get some bizarre equipment - a couple of really strong helmets that look absolutely ridiculous. Put one of them on Iaar, because they are the only helmets he can equip. Also, all of the characters you used in the battle will get the Hell's Fury ability. This is an obscenely powerful skill that causes massive area damage to the enemies. It's a pretty cheap way to win; it can kill just about anything in one hit. It's great for leveling up, but you might get bored just using it in every battle. If you still want a challenge, don't use it much. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now, go back to Akar An. There are a couple of new leagues there, as well as a few sidequests. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AKAR AN REVISITED/CHAMPIONSHIP {SE6} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, stop in the shop. There is some new equipment here, so buy anything you want. Then talk to the shopkeeper for a sidequest. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you go into the store and talk to the shopkeeper, he will tell you about an upcoming battle that's training the royal Dervishes. The battle will be here in Akar An, 7 days after you talk to him. Remember to come back here in 7 days. In the meantime, you can do some other sidequests or leagues. For the battle strategy - you will be fighting 6 Dervishes, and you only have 4 characters. I would suggest taking a Support character and placing him on the far side of where the other characters are. That way he can pick off a Dervish or two before they can get to him. For your other characters, take one Light, one Medium, and one Heavy. Lights can evade well, Mediums do most damage to Dervishes, and Heavy characters can take a lot of damage. Kill the Dervishes one or two at a time using combos and Surprise Attack. You might have to try a few times to win if you're unlucky. But if you have a Support character on the other side, you shouldn't have too much difficulty. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * After you complete the Underclass sidequest, talk to the shopkeeper a couple times for another sidequest. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Talk to the shopkeeper twice and he'll tell you that the Midclass battle is being held in Qaa Rah in 5 days. Remember to be there. This battle is much easier than the first one. Two of the Dervishes will be Air affinity, so bring your own Dervishes and one Medium character. Place them around the non-Air Dervish and kill him on the first round with Surprise Attack and combos. Then you won't be able to lose. Use combos or Surprise Attack on the other Dervishes until they are dead. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now for the last Dervish sidequest. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Go back and talk to the shopkeeper after beating the Midclass battle. Talk to him a couple times and he will tell you that the Overclass battle is being held in Saraa Izel in 3 days. When 3 days is up, go to Saraa Izel and tell the guards that you're there for the Trial of the New. The Dervish has an Air affinity weapon, so bring your own Dervish to fight her. Just use Surprise Attack until she dies, she can't hurt your Dervish with an Air weapon. Just be sure you don't have an Air weapon as well. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There are a couple of new leagues here too. Fight them while you're waiting for the Dervish sidequests. ******************************************************************************* ANTE UP BYO Badges required: Open Affinity Phi talisman Prize: 10,000D-30,000D, Ante Up Byo badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league consists of group battles (4 teams). The fees and prizes range from 1,000D to 20,000D. ANTE UP BYO 1000 Prize: 2000D-6500D Fee: 1000D My team: Urlan, Valens Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 There will mostly be Light characters like Bandits and Secutors in this battle. Pick one team that's closest to you, and head towards them when the battle starts. Take them out with a combo or two. Then wait for the other enemies to finish battling. When there is only one enemy team left, make your way over to them and finish them off. ANTE UP BYO 10,000 Prize: 20,000D-40,000D Fee: 10,000D My team: Archer, Langston Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Use the same strategy as before. Pick one team near you to fight with. Kill them with combos or skills, then wait for the other enemies to finish fighting. Then go to where they are and finish them off. ANTE UP BYO 20,000 Prize: 25,000D-50,000D Fee: 20,000D My team: Iaar, Ursula Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 This is pretty much the same as all the other battles. Take out any enemies near you, wait for the others to kill each other, then finish off whoever is left. ANTE UP BYO 4000D Prize: 5000D-9000D Fee: 4000D My team: Archer, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 This battle is just like all the others in this league. Use the same tactics as the other battles. ANTE UP BYO 6,000 Prize: 8000D-16000D Fee: 6000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Samnite, Valens, Dervish Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 This time, there are teams of 3. It's not really any different, though. If any enemies are near you, kill them with a quick combo. Wait for the other enemies to finish, then kill off the survivors. ANTE UP BYO 8,000 Prize: 10,000D-20,000D Fee: 8,000D My team: Centurion, Ursula Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2, 1 team of 3 There is one team of 3 here, so they will probably beat the other enemy team. Just focus on the ones near you at first, though. When the other team wins, make your way over to where they are and kill them, one at a time, using combos. There will probably be plenty of enemies with Executioner's Swords, so be careful when dealing with them. Bring them down quickly. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* LIGHTWEIGHTS TSU Badges required: None Prize: Eye of the Cyclops, The Bloody Hide, Golden Axe, Desert Viper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league is restricted to Light characters. You can have up to 5 of them in some battles, but you only need about 4. You can recruit some Dervishes if you don't have enough. BANDIT BARRAGE Prize: 700D, Liberation, Pondus Fabula, Silver Bracer Required: Light My team: 3x Dervish, Secutor Enemies: 4x Bandit Make your way over to the Bandits. Use Running Attack to get the first hit in. Then split your team up so there are two characters for one Bandit. Have one character hit him from the side or behind to turn him around, then have another character use Surprise Attack from behind. This will probably kill him. Repeat the strategy for the other Bandits. SWIRLING SANDSTORM Prize: Eye of the Cyclops, The Bloody Hide, Golden Axe, Desert Viper Required: Light My team: 3x Dervish, Secutor Enemies: 4x Dervish The Dervishes here are all equipped with Air affinity weapons, so if you bring your own Dervish (NOT with an Air weapon), you will be guaranteed to win. Place one person near each Dervish. When the battle starts, run forward and use Surprise Attack on the enemy Dervish. Just keep using Surprise Attack until they are all dead; 3 or 4 Surprise Attacks should do it. BLITZED BERSERKERS Prize: 700D, Liberation, Pondus Fabula, Silver Bracer Required: Light My team: 3x Dervish, Secutor Enemies: 5x Berserker Split your team into two groups. Have each of them kill one Berserker at a time the same way you did the Bandits. Place your characters in front and behind a Berserker. Have one person attack him to turn him around, then have the other person use Surprise Attack on his back to kill him. Repeat for the other Berserkers. LIGHT OF HEART Prize: 700D, Liberation, Pondus Fabula, Silver Bracer Required: Light My team: 3x Dervish, Secutor Enemies: 2x Satyr, 3x Secutor Use the same Surprise Attack from behind strategy as before. Kill the enemies one at a time, and remember to leave the Air affinity characters for last, because they can't hurt your Dervishes. Take care of the Secutors first, because they have stronger attacks than the Satyrs. ******************************************************************************* There is one last sidequest you can do here. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you spoke to Cresus in Pirgos, you can now do the battle to rescue his father. Talk to the guards at Saraa Izel and tell them you're here about Acrisius. The Queen will come and tell you that you have one day to bring four Channelers for the battle. Get four Channelers, and equip them all with an Asaya staff (you can buy them at Akar An) and a Talisman accessory (you should have bought some from the accessory salesman, he might sell them here). When you're ready, on the next day, go back and tell the guards you're ready. You'll be fighting four Summoners at first. Acrisius can take care of himself, so just focus on killing the enemies. After they use Summon Power to get affinity (and probably summon monsters), have your Channelers use Steal Affinity on them. Then have your Channelers use combo attacks or a strong spell like Fire Tempest. This can kill the summoners in one hit. When they're dead, you have four Undead Summoners to deal with. You should still have some affinity left, so hit them with whatever spells you can, and they will go down quickly. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * When you're finished with all the sidequests (or are waiting for the Dervish sidequests), you can do the Expanse championship, in Akar An. ******************************************************************************* EXPANSE THRONE Badges required: Series Syo, Barn Burner, Open Affinity Phi talisman Prize: 50,000-60,000D, Kheten, The Steel Skull, Mighty Gear, Sphinx Feather ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 4 group battles here, with 4 teams of 2. You'll just use the same basic strategy as you have been - if there are any enemies near you, kill them, then wait for the other enemies to kill each other and finish off the survivors. Remember to look at all the enemies that you're fighting and form your party accordingly. OPEN SYO Prize: 5000D-15000D My team: Valens, Iaar Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Just use the same old strategy for the group battles - kill the enemies near you (if there are any), wait for the other enemies to finish fighting, then kill anyone who is left. OPEN ZYO Prize: 5000D-15000D My team: Centurion, Ursula Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 This is pretty much the same as the last battle. Use the same strategy. OPEN NYU Prize: 5000D-15000D My team: Ursula, Langston Number of enemies: 3 teams of 2 Again, it's the same as the last two battles, nothing new. OPEN KWA Prize: 5000D-15000D My team: Valens, Iaar Number of enemies: 2 teams of 2, 1 team of 1 The only difference here is that there is a lone Summoner. Take him out first before he summons something near you. A Running Attack and a combo will kill him. Then wait for the other enemies to finish with each other and kill the winners. After the tournament, Usus will give you the option to return to Imperia. Make sure you have done everything you want to do here - the 3 Dervish sidequests, the Yeti sidequest, the Mysterious Tablet/Promise Stone sidequest, the Sarenenutet sidequest, and the Hell's Fury sidequest. You will be able to come back to the Expanse (and the other regions) if you forget something. ******************************************************************************* When you're ready, tell Usus you're ready to go back to Imperia. You can also go to the dock near Akar An and pay the man there to take you to Imperia or the Steppes. You can ride back and forth between there from then on. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IMPERIA REVISITED {IR5} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are some leagues here that you couldn't do before, as well as some new sidequests. First of all, you can go to Caltha and buy some of the best equipment in the game. Also, check around the recruiting offices and make any changes to your school that you want. You can also travel between all the regions now. You can pass through the gate near Belfort to get to Nordagh. Do so if you want to buy any equipment or get new recruits there. You can also climb the cliffs near Orus to get to the Steppes. You will also find boats in the regions that will take you to the Expanse. When you're ready for the leagues, head to Pirgos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIRGOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is one new league here, The Shield & The Spear. ******************************************************************************* THE SHIELD & THE SPEAR Badges required: None Prize: 20000D-20500D, Ranged badge of Pirgos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league is limited to Support characters. That means you can only use Archers, Amazons, Gungnirs, and Peltasts. You will need up to four of them for some battles. TARGET PRACTICE Prize: 5000D-5300D, Eow Fee: 500D Required: Support My team: Eiji, Archer, Gungnir, Peltast Enemies: 3x Peltast Place Eiji and an Archer as far back as possible. If you went to Nordagh and bought a Black Bow, they will have very long range so you can attack from the other side of the arena. Have your Archers kill one enemy with Long Shot. Then have your other characters use Long Throw or Long Shot to kill the other two. ANCHOR POINT Prize: 5000D-5305D Fee: 500D Required: Support My team: Eiji, Archer, Gungnir, Peltast Enemies: 4x Archer Have your Archers use Long Shot on the enemy Archers to kill them one at a time. Have your Gungnirs/Peltasts move into range and use Long Throw to kill the enemies. You should be able to kill them pretty quickly. QUARRELSOME FIGHT Prize: 5000D-5400D Fee: 500D Required: Support My team: Eiji, Archer, Gungnir, Peltast Enemies: 3x Peltast This is pretty much the same as the first battle. Have your Archers kill one of the Peltasts from the back with Long Shot. Then have your Gungnirs/Peltasts kill one while your Archers kill another one. DEAD RELEASE Prize: 5000D-5450D Fee: 500D Required: Support My team: Eiji, Archer Number of enemies: 4 You're outnumbered this time, so it's a tough battle. Not all the enemies are Support characters, there will be some other characters like Secutors and Murmillos. If you have Hell's Fury, now would be a great time to put it to use. If not, you're going to have a hard time. I would suggest having Eiji use Charm on an opponent (doesn't have to be male, for some reason). Then use the Charmed enemy to attack the other enemies and draw their fire. Have Eiji pass in the meantime to build up SP, then use Charm again when the effect wears off. Keep this up, and you'll probably win. TAKE AIM Prize: 2500D-2950D, Jet, Medal of Rank, Infantry Helm Fee: 500D Required: Support My team: Eiji, Archer, Gungnir Number of enemies: 4 This is similar to the last battle, but much easier since you have 3 characters this time. Have your Archers kill an enemy from the back with Long Shot. Have your Gungnir or Peltast move forward and attack with Long Throw when you can. Just keep using Long Shot and Long Throw until you win. FOLLOW THROUGH Prize: 6000D-6350D Fee: 500D Required: Support My team: Eiji, Gungnir Enemies: 2x Gungnir Have Eiji use Long Shot and your Gungnir/Peltast use Long Throw to kill one of the Gungnirs on the first turn. Then repeat for the other Gungnir. ******************************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you finished the Acrisius battle in the Expanse, you can now check in with Cresus. He'll thank you and give you some Arcane equipment as a reward. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * That's all there is to do in Pirgos. Now head over to Belfort for a league and a sidequest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BELFORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, stop at the shop for a sidequest. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Enter the shop and talk to the owner. She will tell you that some Bandits from Nordagh stole some of her items, and she'll ask you to get them back. Go outside to the world map and head northeast. Near the Channelers' temple, in the forested area, you'll see a Bandit. Save your game, then talk to him for a battle. Take Eiji and Urlan and two Heavy characters for this battle. Eiji and Urlan will recover even if killed outside of the arena. Don't let yourself get surrounded, though, and you won't have a problem. Have Eiji shoot the Bandits as they approach. Then surround them and use combos on them to kill them, one at a time. Do the same with the Yeti. Also, if you have Hell's Fury, now would be a great time to use it. After the first four enemies die, you'll have to kill 2 Gungnirs and a Barbarian. A Heavy character can kill the Barbarian. Have Eiji shoot the Gungnirs while someone runs to where they are and kills them with a combo. Go back to the shopkeeper for your reward, which is a Barbarian helmet. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now, there is one more league available in Belfort. ******************************************************************************* TRIAL OF ARMADUS Badges required: None Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a 5-wave endurance league, and you can only use one character. You only need to beat the first three battles in order to win the league, though. All of the battles are one-on-one except the second one, which has two enemies. It takes a little luck to get the right enemies, but it's not too hard if you do. I would suggest using a Centurion or another Heavy character for this league. Also, watch out for Centurions and Samnites carrying Executioner's Swords. The best way to deal with them is to just use Hell's Fury and kill them in one hit. FIRST WAVE (1 enemy) - Use Roam to get to your enemy. If it's a Legionnaire, this might kill him. On the next turn, use a combo. SECOND WAVE (2 enemies) - You'll start out close to the enemies. If there is a Legionnaire, use Combo Attack 2 to kill him. Then use combos on the other enemy. You might lose some HP in this battle if the second enemy is a Samnite or Centurion. THIRD WAVE (1 enemy) - Just like the first wave. Use Roam, followed by a combo if necessary. If you get past this wave, you'll win the league. FOURTH WAVE (1 enemy) - Use Roam, then a combo if you need to. FIFTH WAVE (1 enemy) - Just like before, use Roam and a combo to kill the enemy. ******************************************************************************* That's it for Belfort. There is nothing new to do in Orus, so go to Cro Beska. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRO BESKA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a sidequest you need to do first. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Go into the shop and talk to Scotia. He'll tell you about another Historian's League battle. It will take place in Syrna, 7 days after you talk to him. Remember to be there. You'll be fighting 3 Satyrs, 2 Minotaurs, and a Cyclops. They will mainly focus on attacking the citizens. Take the Minotaurs down first by using combos or Surprise Attack from behind. Then take care of the Cyclops the same way. Once the Heavy enemies are dead, have a Medium character use a combo on each Satyr to kill them. After the battle, you will be joined by either Elexander the Minotaur, a Satyr, or a Cyclops. You can recruit Satyrs in Nordagh and Cyclopes in the Expanse, so if you don't get Elexander, restart and try again. Note: If you don't want to restart the battle to get Elexander, enter the battle with a full school. After the battle, expel someone and save. Enter the Syrna arena again, and one of them will offer to join you. If it's not Elexander, restart until it is. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There is also one new league available in Cro Beska. ******************************************************************************* TASTE OF THE EXPANSE Badges required: None Prize: 5000D-5050D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 4 battles here, mostly against Dervishes. Make sure that none of the characters you use are equipped with Air weapons, or you won't be able to kill the Dervishes. DOUBLE SCRAMASAX Prize: 1000D, Double Scramasax Fee: 1000D Required: 2 Heavy Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Langston, Valens Enemies: 4x Dervish The important thing in this battle is to not get surrounded. A Medium character will be able to kill a Dervish with one good combo, and a Heavy character might be able to also. Focus on one or two at a time, and don't get blocked in between the Dervishes and the pillars in the arena. WOODSMAN FIGHT Prize: 1000D-1150D Fee: 1000D Required: 2 Heavy Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Centurion, Langston, Valens, Urlan Enemies: 4x Dervish This time the numbers are even. And you're not going to start out near the pillars, so you won't get surrounded. Place one character near each Dervish at the start of the battle. Then have everyone use a combo, and you'll win in one or two rounds. DUAL PUGIO Prize: 1000D-1150D Fee: 1000D Required: Dervish My team: Dervish Enemies: 4x Dervish You can have up to 4 Dervishes on your team here, but you probably only have one, maybe two. You can still win this battle, though. Restart until the enemies are mostly Air affinity, except for maybe one of them. Place your Dervish near the non-Air enemy. Use Surprise Attack or Blood Letter on him until he dies. Then you can't lose, because the other Air enemies won't be able to hurt you. Use regular attacks, Surprise Attack, or whatever you want to win. COTE FEZ Prize: 1000D-1150D, Cote Fez Fee: 1000D Required: Dervish My team: 2x Dervish Enemies: 3x Cyclops You probably won't be able to get more than 1 Air enemy, so you'll probably need more than one Dervish. You can just skip this battle if you don't feel like going back to the Expanse to get another Dervish. Place your Dervishes around one of the Cyclopes and use Surprise Attack from the side or behind to kill him. Make sure you leave the Air affinity one for last. Repeat the Surprise Attack strategy to kill the other two Cyclopes. ******************************************************************************* The next town you need a badge from is Syrna, so go there now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYRNA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Circus Antiquitus league is for the professional tier only, so it's new. If you're playing Valens's quest, the Syrna's Favor league was not available when you were in Imperia before. If you're playing Ursula's quest, you had access to that league earlier, so just skip over it here. ******************************************************************************* CIRCUS ANTIQUITUS Badges required: None Prize: 1300D-1750D, Circus Antiquitus badge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The goal of the battles in this league is to break all the barrels. There will also be Satyr enemies, but you normally don't have to kill them. BARREL OF FUN Prize: 3000D-3200D My team: Urlan, Ursula, Archer Enemies: 3x Satyr You only need to destroy one barrel here. The best way to do it is to have an Archer use Indirect Fire. That will destroy the barrel in one turn. If you don't have Indirect Fire, you can just use a regular bow shot, but the barrel has to be in sight. Just ignore the Satyrs. DOUBLE BARRELED Prize: 3000D-3250D My team: Archer, Valens, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Satyr There are four barrels this time, but sometimes some of them are hidden. Destroy all the accessible barrels with Indirect Fire. If there are any hidden barrels, start killing the Satyrs. When you kill a Satyr that hid a barrel, the barrel will move into the arena. Then you can destroy it. CASK TASK Prize: 5000D-5500D My team: Archer, Valens, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Satyr There are only two barrels here, but they have high HP. I would suggest killing the Satyrs first by having Medium characters use combos on them. When the Satyrs are dead, move to the barrels and attack them with combos until they are both destroyed. BARREL RUN Prize: 5000D-5750D My team: Archer, Ursula, Urlan Enemies: 4x Satyr Sometimes there will be hidden barrels here, too. Have your Archer use Indirect Fire to destroy all the barrels in the arena. Meanwhile, have two Medium characters start killing Satyrs using combos. When all the hidden barrels have appeared, use Indirect Fire or a bow shot to destroy them. MYSTICAL HAND Prize: 5000D-5700D My team: Archer, Urlan, Valens Enemies: 3x Satyr Use Indirect Fire to destroy all the barrels. Kill the Satyrs with combos if they're bothering you. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* SYRNA'S FAVOR Badges required: None Prize: 3000D-3750D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 6 battles in this league. The last three require a party of only Secutors. You'll need up to 4 Secutors if you want to do those battles, but you can skip them and still win the league. CETERIS PARIBUS Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 1000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ursula, Valens, Murmillo Enemies: 3x Secutor Secutors are pretty easy if you use Medium characters. A Combo Attack 3 will probably kill one, but if not you can use a regular attack on the next turn to kill them. Have each person take on one Secutor. AD HONOREM Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 1500D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Ursula, Valens, Murmillo, Urlan Enemies: 3x Secutor This is like the last battle, but you have one more team member this time. Use a big combo attack, and if that doesn't kill them, use a regular attack afterward. They won't be able to do any real damage to you unless they get a Surprise Attack in from behind. VITA BREVIS Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 2000D Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Urlan, Ursula, Valens Enemies: 3x Secutor This is pretty much the same as the first battle. The enemies are a bit stronger, but you should still have no problem. A combo and a regular attack will kill one enemy. Have each of your characters kill one. DOCENDO DISCIMUS Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 2500D Required: Secutor, Lv. 2+ My team: 4x Secutor Enemies: Samnite, Murmillo, Secutor You need to have 4 Secutors for this battle. If you don't have them and don't feel like recruiting any, just skip this battle. Focus on the Murmillo first, as he can do the most damage to you. Have one person use an attack to turn him around, then have another one use Surprise Attack on his back to kill him. Then take out the Samnite and then the Secutor using the same method. FESTINA LENTE Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 3000D Required: Secutor, Lv. 2+ My team: 4x Secutor Number of enemies: 4 You don't have to have 4 Secutors for this battle, you just have to have at least one. The goal in this battle is to raise the crowd meter all the way before your enemies do. You may want to go just outside Syrna and buy a Ring of Honor or two from the accessory salesman to boost your crowd meter, but it's not necessary. The crowd here really likes it when you use Surprise Attack from behind an enemy. So start your Secutors out behind an enemy. When the battle starts, use Surprise Attack. Two of them will probably raise your crowd meter to the max and you'll win. VINO INTRANTE Prize: 5000D-5050D Fee: 3000D Required: Secutor, Lv. 2+ My team: 3x Secutor Number of enemies: 3 Again, use Surprise Attack from behind a couple of times to boost your crowd meter to the max and win. ******************************************************************************* That's it for Syrna. Go back to Trikata for the last league in Imperia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRIKATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's one new league here. You need to have completed the Circus Antiquitus league in Syrna to enter. ******************************************************************************* CIRCUS INHUMANUS Badges required: Circus Antiquitus Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is similar to the Circus Antiquitus league. You'll be destroying barrels and fighting off Satyrs. ROLL OUT THE BARRELS Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster Required: Valens, Ursula My team: Valens, Ursula, Eiji, Archer Enemies: 3x Satyr There are three barrels in this battle. When you destroy a barrel, a Satyr will appear and fight on your side. After you destroy all the barrels, you need to kill the enemy Satyrs. Destroy the barrels using your Archers. Have Valens and Ursula each kill a Satyr with a combo. Then move your characters to the last Satyr and take care of him. BREAK THE KEGS Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Eiji, Archer, Urlan, Valens Enemies: 3x Satyr This is a timed battle. Start out by having your Archers destroy all the visible barrels. Have two Medium characters kill the Satyrs with combos. When you kill the Satyrs, more barrels will appear. Destroy them to win the battle. DASH THE COURSE Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Valens, Murmillo Enemies: 2 teams - 2x Satyr and 2x Centurion The Centurions will probably kill a Satyr and leave you alone. If a Satyr is killed, a barrel will appear. So kill any Satyrs near you and let the Centurions kill the rest while you destroy the barrels. When the Satyrs are dead and the barrels are destroyed, you'll win. PROP SMASHER Required: Valens, Ursula My team: Valens, Ursula Enemies: 3x Satyr There are 4 barrels here, and they have high HP. So it's best to kill the Satyrs so you can take your time with the Barrels. One good combo will bring down a Satyr, so kill them all first before you go for the barrels. When they are dead, head for the barrels. One Combo Attack 3 from both Valens and Ursula will destroy a barrel. Do this for all four barrels to win. FINISH LINE Required: Valens, Ursula My team: Valens, Ursula Enemies: 2x Satyr Again, kill the Satyrs first with combos. When they're dead, go for the barrels (there are 3 of them this time). A Combo Attack 3 from each character will destroy one of the barrels. When all the barrels are destroyed, you win. ******************************************************************************* Now you've done everything there is to do in Imperia (except the High Tournaments, of course). You can now head to Nordagh and finish anything you want there. To get there, go to the gate near Belfort. Usus will ask you if you want to go to Nordagh. Say yes. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NORDAGH REVISITED {NR6} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There's not a whole lot of new stuff to do here in Nordagh. The only town with a new league is Roanor. First of all, look around the towns and the shops. Recruit anyone you want to, do any sidequests you missed before (if they can still be done), and buy equipment for your characters. Some of the shops may carry a Gungnir, which is the Gungnir's best weapon. Get it if you can. There are also Black Bows for your Archers, and some decent helmets and armor for your Nordagh/Steppes characters. When you're ready, go to Roanor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROANOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, you can now beat the last round in the One Against Many league. ******************************************************************************* ONE AGAINST MANY Badges required: Kingdom Open Prize: 1000D-3000D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember this league? This is the one with the Greater Bear at the end that you probably skipped before. You can now master it by beating the Greater Bear and get some nice items and a sidequest. I would recommend using a Secutor for this league this time. They are fast and can take down the Greater Bear with one Surprise Attack, maybe two. Also, equip your Secutor with a Gladiatorial Legend, which has the Supreme Critical ability. BATTLE 1 Place your Secutor behind the enemy if possible. Then use Surprise Attack from behind to kill the enemy. If one Surprise Attack isn't enough, another one will do it. BATTLE 2 This is the same as the last battle. Use Surprise Attack from behind if you can to win quickly. To get behind the enemy (if you're not already), press R and see when you will get 2 consecutive turns (use Sand Toss to lower the enemy's speed if necessary). On the first turn, run around to the enemy's back, then use Surprise Attack on the second round. BATTLE 3 Now the Greater Bear. It's still at Lv. 15, and you're probably higher than that now. If you're not behind it at the start of the battle, use the strategy from the last battle to get behind it. Then use Surprise Attack. If you have Supreme Critical, this will probably kill it. If now, it will attack you once, then you can use a regular attack to finish it off. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * After you defeat the Greater Bear, go to the shop and talk to Unna. She'll assign you a quest to capture another Greater Bear. Go to the Sloan Forest (not the actual town, the forested area around it) and get into a random battle. Remember to save your game. Take a Secutor or two into the battle. You'll be fighting a Greater Bear, but you need it alive. Have a Secutor use Surprise Attack on the bear's back to reduce its HP quite a bit. Then use regular attacks if necessary to reduce its HP to 1/4 (in the red). Then go back to the shop in Roanor to get your reward, some money. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There is one new league here in Roanor. ******************************************************************************* LORDS OF THE PIT Badges required: None Prize: 2000D-6000D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This league has 3 basic battles, two-on-two. You should be able to beat them easily. The enemies are random, so make sure you look at your enemies ahead of time and plan your team accordingly. Place your team appropriately in the map too, especially your Secutors. They can kill an enemy in one hit if you use Surprise Attack from behind. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 2000D-6000D Fee: 1000D My team: Secutor, Langston Number of enemies: 2 Refer to the strategy above to beat this battle, and the next two. Pretty easy, really. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 2000D-6000D Fee: 1000D My team: Urlan, Samnite Number of enemies: 2 Use the same strategy for this battle. BASIC BATTLE Prize: 2000D-6000D Fee: 1000D My team: Secutor, Centurion Number of enemies: 2 Again, use the same strategy. ******************************************************************************* That's all there is to do in Nordagh. Make sure you have everything you want, then go back to Imperia through the gate south of Roanor. Now it's time to revisit the Windward Steppes. Head towards Orus. When you get there, Usus will ask you if you want to climb the cliffs to the Steppes. Say yes. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= STEPPES REVISITED {SR7} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There's not a whole lot of new stuff to do here, either. Two sidequests and one league. Go to Yuset. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * First, stop in the shop and talk to Duger. He will tell you about a fight against a Greater Plains Cat. It takes place the next day. When it's time, enter the battle in the Beast Za league. You will notice that all of the enemies are Air affinity, so bring a Dervish along. Ignore all the Archers, just make your way towards the cat. Heavy characters are best for this battle, but you'll probably want a Light character or two for using Surprise Attack. Combos from your Heavy characters and Surprise Attack from Light characters will bring the cat down in no time. Go back to Duger and he'll give you some money. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There is one more sidequest here. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *SIDEQUEST* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Talk to Duger again and he will tell you that Qorin the Amazon was there, and he'll tell you that she's in The Wastes. Exit Yuset, and Eiji will ask you to go to The Wastes. Do so. Enter the new league there. You'll fight Qorin the Amazon and some other enemies, mostly Archers. You'll need Eiji and two other Archers/Amazons for this battle. The easiest way to win is to use Long Shot or Indirect Fire on Qorin. Once Qorin goes down, the battle is over, so focus all your attacks on her. After the battle, Qorin will join you. She's just like all other Amazons, kind of useless. You can keep her if you have room in your school. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now go back to Yuset and enter the new league there. ******************************************************************************* HEAVYWEIGHT GYA Badges required: Lightweight Prize: 200D-5000D, Crescent Moon, Horned Shield, Horned Thracian, Dervish's Scalp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will be fighting mostly Heavy enemies in this league. However, you don't have to use Heavy characters, you can use whoever you want. MONSTER MAYHEM Prize: Horned Shield, Strength Armor Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: 2x Secutor, Langston, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 5 There will mostly be Cyclopes and Ogres in this battle, and there will sometimes be a Minotaur. Go after the Ogres first, because they probably have Executioner's Swords. Use Surprise Attack from behind with your Light units and combos with your Heavy units. Once the Ogres are dead, focus on the other enemies, one or two at a time. The important thing is to not get surrounded. OPEN SEASON BYA Prize: 300D-4000D, Armored Suit, Tou-Fung Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Langston, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: 3 teams of 3 This battle can be difficult, because there are a lot of Executioner's Swords here. A good way to deal with them is to use your own Executioner's Swords, or use Hell's Fury. It will take some luck to beat them without doing one of those two things. Just stick together and take out enemies from all teams evenly. With any luck, they will attack each other more than they'll attack you. Just remember not to kill everyone on one team, because then you'll end up having to deal with almost every enemy. SSIMAS TOYS GWA Prize: Decorated Iron Plate Prohibited: Summoner, Undead Caster My team: Eiji, Archer, Centurion, Langston, Iaar Number of enemies: 5 You're fighting Ssima the Channeler again. Like the previous battles you've fought against her, you only need to kill her to win the battle. So have a couple of Archers for this battle. Make sure they can see Ssima (move them if necessary) and have them use Long Shot repeatedly. Have some Heavy characters fend off the other enemies while your Archers shoot Ssima. If you want, send one Heavy character around the back and have him climb up to Ssima and attack her there. Hopefully, your Archers will kill her by then, though. ******************************************************************************* That's it for the Steppes. There's nothing new in the Expanse, but you can go back if you want. There is a boat south of Altahrun that will take you back to the Expanse, so you can go back and go shopping or pick up some recruits. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT This is your last chance to do anything you need to do before the High Tournaments. Once you start the tournaments, you will not be able to go back to the world map. After the tournaments, there will be no opportunities to go back and do a bunch of leveling up or shopping, so make sure you have everything done. Here are my recommendations: 1. Make sure Eiji knows Charm. If you need to, fight some random battles or unfinished league battles to level her up. There are some tough fights after Caltha, and having Charm will make things much easier for you. 2. Get a couple of Channelers on your team if you don't already have them. Make sure they are each equipped with an Asaya staff and a Talisman accessory. You can buy Asayas in Akar An, and Talismans from the accessory salesman on the world map. You'll probably want them to have Holy Miters on, too. This will help you a lot in the last couple of battles. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you're sure you're ready, head to Caltha and enter the tournament. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HIGH TOURNAMENTS {HT8} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is it, the High Tournaments. If you're completely ready and have done everything you need to do, go into the league office and select the Imperial High Tournament. ******************************************************************************* IMPERIAL HIGH TOURNAMENT Badges required: None Prize: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a series battle, meaning you have to fight them consecutively. But you get to heal and select your new team in between battles. CULTUS OCULARIS My team: Valens/Ursula, Langston, Centurion, Samnite, Secutor Number of enemies: 5 You will mostly fight Centurions and Legionnaires in this battle. Beware of the Executioner's Swords that the Centurions will probably be using. Have two characters go after each Centurion at the start of the battle. Use Roam or Running Attack to get to them, then use combos until they die. After all the Centurions are dead, take out the other enemies with combos. HIGH KRIGARE SCHOOL My team: Valens/Ursula, Langston, Centurion, Murmillo, Eiji Number of enemies: 4 This is the Nordagh school, so you'll fight mostly Barbarians, Berserkers, and Gungnirs. Have an Archer shoot the Gungnir(s) with Long Shot to kill them. Have Heavy characters go after the Barbarians and kill them with a combo. A Medium character can take out a Berserker with one combo. RYWIGO ARROWHEADS My team: Valens/Ursula, Archer, Secutor, Langston, Centurion Number of enemies: 5 This is the Steppes team, consisting mostly of Archers and Amazons. Have your own Archers shoot them with Long Shot while your other characters close the distance. When you reach the enemies, take them out using combos. As long as you get the Archers out of the way first, you should be fine. DESERT OASIS My team: Valens/Ursula, Centurion, Langston, Samnite, Secutor Number of enemies: 4 You're going to be fighting Scorpions and Scarabs here. Hopefully, there will be more Scarabs than Scorpions. Use Roam or Running Attack to kill any Scorpions first. Then do the same with the Scarabs. If you use Heavy units, you can kill them very quickly. A Running Attack and a Combo Attack 1 will probably be enough. As always, don't get surrounded, because they can kill you that way. SCHOOL OF MUTUUS Prize: 50,000D-51,000D, Tidal Guard, Boar's Head, Heavy Scutum My team: Valens/Ursula, Centurion, Samnite, Iaar, Langston Enemies: Ludo, 4x Dark Legionnaire Only bring Heavy characters into this battle. Use Roam or Running Attack to get to Ludo. This should reduce his HP quite a bit, so you can finish him with a combo. Then take on the Dark Legionnaires. One 2 or 3 hit combo will kill a Legionnaire. Pretty easy for the last battle in the High Tournament. ******************************************************************************* The final battles are different for Valens and Ursula. Valens's ending is the section below, and Ursula's ending is after that. So skip ahead to the appropriate section. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= THE FINAL BATTLES (VALENS) {FV9} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After you beat the tournament, you'll see some scenes. It seems Mutuus is trying to return Imperia to its former glory, and is still a part of Nephilia's scheme. You'll exit Caltha, then you'll be given the option to save your game. You'll also be taken to the school menu to re-equip anyone or learn new skills. Make sure Eiji, Urlan, Ursula, and Valens have the best equipment and skills. When you're ready, exit the school menu and enter a battle. Remember that from here on, the battles are to the death. If your main character dies, you'll get a game over. If one of your other characters die, they will be gone. If your other hero characters (Urlan, Eiji, and Ursula/Valens) die, they will recover. BATTLE: GALVERG, 3x DARK LEGIONNAIRE Required team: Eiji, Urlan, Ursula, Valens Prize: Dark Gear, The Carnivore, Crown of Darkness, Death's Head An easy way to win this battle is to have Eiji use Charm on Galverg. You'll then be able to control him for 2 turns or so. You can have him attack his Legionnaires to kill them. Have Eiji pass her turns to recover SP, then use Charm again when the effect wears off. When the Legionnaires are dead and Galverg is still Charmed, the battle will end. You can also just kill all the enemies yourself. Have Urlan, Ursula, and Valens surround Galverg and attack him with Combo Attack 3 while Eiji uses Long Shot until he dies. Then go after Legionnaires, one at a time, using combos. Just be sure to keep your main character alive. Now you'll talk to the Channelers, and they'll tell you to go to the Hall of Titans to obtain the power to defeat the Dark God. Make sure you save your game when prompted. You'll be given the option to equip your characters, so make sure everyone is good to go. Afterwards, you'll fight another battle. BATTLE: 4x UNDEAD LEGIONNAIRE, UNDEAD SUMMONER Required team: Eiji, Urlan, Ursula, Valens Have Eiji use Charm on one of the Undead Legionnaires. Then have the Charmed enemy attack the other enemies with Fear of Death. Have two of your characters kill the Undead Summoner as soon as you can (you may have to kill him twice if he has a Holy Miter). Then focus on the Legionnaires, one at a time. Have Eiji pass to regain SP (arrows are no good against the undead), then have her use Charm on an enemy again. Have your other characters use combos and affinity attacks to win. You'll be given the option to save. Make sure you do so. Then you'll be in the Hall of Titans. You'll now have to prove yourself to the Affinity Gods. BATTLE: TITAN OF FIRE, 2x CHANNELER My team: Valens, Langston, Centurion, Samnite Take your most powerful characters for this battle. Heavies are best. The Titan will start the battle by summoning Exuro, the Fire Affinity God. You'll have to fight him. Ignore the Channelers; they will sometimes cast spells on you and heal Exuro, but the battle will be over quickly and you don't have to worry about them. Use Roam or Running Attack on Exuro. If all your characters do this, it should almost kill him. You can finish him off with a combo. His attacks are strong and usually affect your whole team, but he won't be able to damage you seriously before you can kill him. BATTLE: TITAN OF AIR, 2x CHANNELER My team: Valens, Langston, Centurion, Samnite This time the Titan will summon Aeris. Use the same strategy as the last battle - Roam/Running Attack, then a combo to finish him off. Also, pay attention to your characters' affinity; make sure it isn't the same as the enemy, otherwise you won't do much damage. You'll be prompted to save and use the school menu, then you'll resume the battles. BATTLE: TITAN OF WATER, 2x CHANNELER My team: Valens, Langston, Centurion, Samnite The Titan will summon Maritimus, the Water God. Just use the same tactics as the last two battles to win. BATTLE: TITAN OR EARTH, 2x CHANNELER My team: Valens, Langston, Centurion, Samnite Prize: Feathered Pike, Arcane Mallet, Andimaru, Brimmed Corinthian This is the last battle here. The Titan will summon the Earth God, Solum. Use Roam and/or Running Attack, then finish with a combo, just like before. After this battle, you'll obtain Munio's equipment for Valens. And you'll be out on the world map. Open the menu and equip Valens with an accessory that has the Face Enemy ability. This will come in useful, since Munio's Shield will block almost anything and is unbreakable. Save your game, too. You won't be able to enter any towns or get into any battles, so head to the gate near Belfort for another battle. BATTLE: LUDO, 2x DARK LEGIONNAIRE Required team: Eiji, Urlan, Ursula, Valens Prize: Phalanx, Clycpeus Have Valens move forward and attack Ludo. Have Ursula and Urlan go around and attack him from the side, while Eiji uses Long Shot on him. The Dark Legionnaires will attack Valens, but probably won't be able to hit him. Use Combo Attack 3 on Ludo until he dies. Then repeat the process for each of the Dark Legionnaires, one at a time. Save your game again. Now you'll fight Mutuus. BATTLE: MUTUUS, 4x DARK LEGIONNAIRE Required team: Eiji, Urlan, Ursula, Valens Have Eiji use Charm on Mutuus at the start of the battle. Now, the enemy Legionnaires will attack him. You can have him use a combo or two to kill one of the Legionnaires. Meanwhile, have Eiji pass to recover SP, and have Ursula and Valens use Empower Self. When the Charm wears off, use it again. Hopefully, Mutuus is weak now (the Legionnaires may also break his shield and helmet), and at least one Legionnaire is dead. When the Charm wears off, have Eiji shoot Mutuus to kill him. Have Urlan, Ursula, and Valens stick together and kill each remaining Legionnaire using combos. Once again, save your game. You're about to enter the final battles. You'll see a scene in which Mutuus is dying, and Nephilia appears and summons Mortuus, the Dark God. You will have to fight it in a series of 3 battles. BATTLE: 8x DARK KNIGHT, DRAGON My team: Valens, Ursula, Centurion, 2x Channeler This can be a very tough battle, but having a couple of powerful Channelers will make things much easier. You'll be fighting eight Dark Knights. They can only use regular attacks and Broad Swing, so they can't attack you from a distance. The Dragon, however, will breathe fire on you, which can damage you. Have Valens attack a Knight to get a full affinity gauge. Then have your Channelers steal his affinity (they can also steal from the Knights, as one hit will fill up their affinity). When they have two or three circles of affinity, have them teleport to a Dark Knight and use a combo attack on him. A combo from each of your Channelers will kill one Knight. Then just repeat this process until they are all dead. The only thing you need to watch for is the Dragon, who can kill you if you get hit enough. If any of your characters get low on HP, have a Channeler heal them. If you decided not to take my advice and use Channelers, you're going to have to do this battle the hard way - that is, attack the Knights at close range with Heavy characters. They might kill a couple characters, but just keep attacking them with combos, one or two at a time, until they are all dead. You can save and equip yourself after this battle. Then you'll fight the last two battles. BATTLE: 4x DARK FACE, DRAGON My team: Valens, Ursula, Langston, 2x Channeler This time, you're fighting four Dark Faces. The Faces themselves don't do anything, but they will summon Dark Wolves and Dark Cats to fight for them. Like with Summoners, just kill the Faces to get rid of the Dark beasts. Again, this battle will be easy if you have a couple Channelers. Have them steal affinity from Valens, or anyone who has enough, and use combo attacks on the Faces to kill them, one at a time. Have a strong character fend off the Dark beasts. Again, watch for anyone's HP getting low from the Dragon's fire, and heal them if necessary. Now it's time for the final battle. BATTLE: DRAGON My team: Valens, Ursula, Centurion, Langston, Gungnir The Dragon doesn't have very much HP, but its attacks are fairly strong. However, you can beat it before it can cause any real damage. Use Roam and/or Running Attack to get to it. You can also use Long Throw with a Gungnir to do some decent damage. The Dragon has an attack that affects all your team members and pushes them back a couple squares, so you can't use combos. On the second turn, use Roam or Running Attack again to kill it. Channelers will work here, but it will take you less time if you just use Heavy characters and beat at the Dragon for a couple turns. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= THE FINAL BATTLES (URSULA) {FU9} =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the High Tournament's you'll see some scenes. Mutuus and Nephilia are up to no good, it seems. You'll be given the option to save your game, then access the menu and equip your characters. Be sure everyone has the best possible equipment, especially Valens, Ursula, Urlan, and Eiji. After you equip, you'll fight Galverg. BATTLE: GALVERG, 2x OGRE Prize: Dark Gear, The Carnivore, Crown of Darkness, Death's Head Required: Ursula, Urlan, Valens, Eiji This can be a tough battle, but it will be made much easier if Eiji has learned Charm. First of all, take a look at the Ogres' equipment. If you're above Lv. 17, there's a good chance at least one of them will have an Executioner's Sword, which can kill with one hit. If one of them has an Executioner's Sword, Charm him. While Galverg and the other Ogre attack him, have him attack them back, hopefully killing at least one of them with the Executioner's Sword. Have Eiji pass her turns to recover SP quickly. When the Charm wears off, use it again (you may want to use it on someone else the second time, as it seems to miss a lot if you use it on someone twice). Just keep attacking the enemies with your Charmed enemy until the battle ends. If the battle ends with an enemy Charmed, you won't have to kill him. If you decided not to take my advice and Eiji doesn't know Charm, this battle will be very difficult. You'll have to use Spark or Nerve Arrow with Eiji to stun one or more enemies, which will give you a chance to attack them. Make sure Ursula stays alive, or you'll get a game over. After the battle, there will be some cutscenes; I won't spoil them. Afterward, you'll be given the option to save, then open your menu. Take a look at Urlan's nice new equipment, and learn new skills or change equipment if you need to. When you're ready, exit the menu for another battle. BATTLE: 2x GALDR Required: Ursula, Urlan, Valens This is a very easy battle. The Galdr will hardly do any damage, just waste their turns with stat-increasing abilities. A couple combos for each of them will do them in. Save again, then watch some more cutscenes. You'll now go to Folkvang, the Lost City of the Valkyrie. Make sure your equipment and abilities are optimized. Before you get to Folkvang, you'll run into some enemies. BATTLE: 4x UNDEAD LEGIONNAIRE, UNDEAD SUMMONER Required: Ursula, Urlan, Valens Have your characters focus on killing the Undead Summoner first. He can call another skeleton, and also use Tornado, which can be bad. Once he's down, go after the Undead Legionnaires. Whenever you have enough affinity, use an affinity attack, which are very effective against the Undead. Combos and affinity attacks will take them down with little difficulty. Now you'll get to Folkvang. And lucky you, it's guarded by a bunch of Cyclopes... BATTLE: 4x CYCLOPS Required: Ursula, Urlan, Valens, Eiji Again, this battle will be much easier with Charm. Have Eiji use it on one of the Cyclopes at the start of the battle. All the un-Charmed Cyclopes will attack the Charmed one, and you can use the Charmed one to do some damage back. Have Eiji pass to recover SP so she can Charm someone else after the first one wears off. Repeat this process until they are all dead. You may have to have Ursula, Urlan, and Valens attack a Cyclops or two to speed up the process. Now you can save, and you'll enter a series of battles. BATTLE: HYLAS, 2x CYCLOPS My team: Ursula, 2x Centurion, Langston Hylas will immediately summon a Tainted Incarnation of Exuro, which will be your main enemy for this battle. Ignore the Cyclopes. Have each of your characters use Roam or Running Attack on the Dark Exuro, which will reduce its HP quite a bit. One more combo attack will finish him. His attacks can affect a large area and are fairly strong, but he'll most likely only get one turn. BATTLE: HYLAS, 2x CYCLOPS My team: Ursula, 2x Centurion, Langston This time Hylas will summon a Tainted Incarnation of Maritimus. Just repeat the strategy you used against Exuro in the last battle, and you'll do fine. Roam/Running attack with everyone, then one more combo will end the battle. You'll be given a break to save and re-equip now, then finish up these battles. BATTLE: HYLAS, 2x CYCLOPS My team: Ursula, 2x Centurion, Langston Hylas will now summon a Tainted Incarnation of Aeris. Just use the same strategy as the last two battles to win. Only one more left. BATTLE: HYLAS, 2x CYCLOPS My team: Ursula, 2x Centurion, Langston Finally, you'll fight the Tainted Incarnation of Solum. You should know the drill by now - Roam/Running Attack, then one combo. BATTLE: HYLAS Prize: Spine Staff, Slate Axe, Gungnir, Piercing Hammer My team: Ursula, 2x Centurion, Langston Now Hylas will finally come down from his ledge and fight you. He's not any harder than the Dark Affinity gods you just fought. Again, have each of your characters use an extended-range attack like Roam or Running Attack. This will get his HP down pretty low. Then you can just finish him off with a combo attack. His attacks aren't all that strong, and you'll probably kill him before he can use more than one or two attacks. You'll be given a chance to save and re-equip now. Notice Ursula's new Valkyrie equipment and her new skills. She has a weak healing skill, a moderate-damage Light attack, a new Light affinity weapon (Light affinity can also be used as regular affinity for your affinity attacks). She also has Icarus Wings, a medium-distance teleporting skill. You'll now be on the world map, so save and head down to Roanor. When you get there... BATTLE: LUDO, 2x DARK LEGIONNAIRE Prize: Phalanz, Clypeus Required: Ursula, Urlan, Valens, Eiji Have Ursula, Urlan, and Valens team up and attack Ludo first. He is pretty strong, but you can kill him easily if you team up. A couple combos from each character will take him down. Then you can focus on the Dark Legionnaires, taking them down one at a time. Eiji can help by using Long Shot from a distance. Again, you can save your game. Now you'll meet up with Mutuus. BATTLE: MUTUUS, 4x DARK LEGIONNAIRE Have Eiji use Charm on Mutuus. His Legionnaires will start attacking him, and you can probably kill a Legionnaire or two with Mutuus by using his combo attacks. Have Eiji attack some Dark Legionnaires in the meantime. When the Charm wears off, the Legionnaires will come and attack you, so be ready to deliver a couple combos to kill them. If Mutuus is still alive, have a couple characters surround and attack him to bring him down. You can save and equip, then get ready for the final battles. BATTLE: 8x DARK KNIGHT, DRAGON My team: Valens, Ursula, Centurion, 2x Channeler This can be a very tough battle, but having a couple of powerful Channelers will make things much easier. You'll be fighting eight Dark Knights. They can only use regular attacks and Broad Swing, so they can't attack you from a distance. The Dragon, however, will breathe fire on you, which can damage you. Have Valens or Ursula a Knight to get some affinity built up. Then have your Channelers steal affinity (they can also steal from the Knights, as one hit will fill up their affinity). When they have two or three circles of affinity, have them teleport to a Dark Knight and use a combo attack on him. A combo from each of your Channelers will kill one Knight. Then just repeat this process until they are all dead. The only thing you need to watch for is the Dragon, who can kill you if you get hit enough by his fire. If any of your characters get low on HP, have a Channeler heal them. If you decided not to take my advice and use Channelers, you're going to have to do this battle the hard way - that is, attack the Knights at close range with Heavy characters. They might kill a couple characters, but just keep attacking them with combos, one or two at a time, until they are all dead. You can save and equip yourself after this battle. Then you'll fight the last two battles. BATTLE: 4x DARK FACE, DRAGON My team: Valens, Ursula, Langston, 2x Channeler This time, you're fighting four Dark Faces. The Faces themselves don't do anything, but they will summon Dark Wolves and Dark Cats to fight for them. Like with Summoners, just kill the Faces to get rid of the Dark beasts. Again, this battle will be easy if you have a couple Channelers. Have them steal affinity from anyone who has enough, then teleport and use combo attacks on the Faces to kill them, one at a time. Have a strong character fend off the Dark beasts. Again, watch for anyone's HP getting low from the Dragon's fire, and heal them if necessary. Now it's time for the final battle. BATTLE: DRAGON My team: Valens, Ursula, 2x Centurion, Langston The Dragon doesn't have very much HP, but its attacks are fairly strong. However, you can beat it before it can cause any real damage. Use Roam and/or Running Attack to get to it. The Dragon has an attack that affects all your team members and pushes them back a couple squares, so you can't use combos. On the second turn, use Roam or Running Attack again to kill it. Channelers will work here, but it will take you less time if you just use Heavy characters and beat on the Dragon for a couple turns. Congratulations, you've beaten Gladius! Watch the ending, and save your game at the end if you want to use your final school in multiplayer mode. =============================================================================== SECRETS AND GLITCHES {SG5} =============================================================================== Here are a few secrets and/or glitches in Gladius. MUNIO'S GEAR IN ONONHAAR You can get Munio's gear pretty early in the game, when you reach Ononhaar in the Steppes. To participate in the leagues there, you'll have to beat the other towns in the Steppes. When it's available, go to Ononhaar and enter the Middleweight Ghazan battle in the Open Ghazan league. You'll fight one team of Murmillos and one team of other enemies. There is a very small chance that one of these enemies will be Valens, Ludo, Ursula, or Urlan. Valens can come in two forms - his regular form, or equipped with Munio's armor, which is white and blue. So enter the Middleweight Ghazan battle and press X twice to view the second enemy team. If there is no Valens, exit the battle and reenter. You'll probably have to restart over 50 times to get Valens to appear, maybe more. When Valens does appear, make sure he's wearing Munio's armor. Then enter the battle. Make sure you kill Valens as soon as you can, because you'll need to pick up his chest. Have your own Valens use Empower Self and kill the enemy Valens with combos. Once he dies, he'll leave a chest containing one of more of Munio's gear. You can get Munio's Sword, Munio's Shield, and Munio's Armor this way. You'll have to fight several battles against Valens to get them all. It's worth it, though, because you'll be able to fill your Affinity gauge with special all-elemental affinity with one hit. You'll also be able to block almost anything with Munio's unbreakable shield, especially if you have the Face Enemy ability. I would highly recommend spending a couple of hours getting this equipment here, otherwise you won't be able to get it until the end of the game (and only then if you're playing Valens's quest). TEMPORARY RECRUIT GLITCH There is a glitch that will allow you to recruit most temporary characters permanently. All you have to do is hire them when you don't have enough money to pay them. So buy some stuff at a shop until you have no money left, then try to recruit a temporary character. They'll then disappear from the recruiting office and join your school. This can be done to get the Dervishes and the Amazon in Cro Beska and Syrna, respectively. EXPELLING GLADIATORS This isn't a real glitch or secret, but it's useful to know. When you expel a gladiator, he'll almost always reappear in the recruiting office of one of the towns in the region. You can expel anyone from your school, and you can then just search around the towns to get him back. This can be useful if you need to hire someone for a tricky battle requirement and your school is full. Note: The gladiators you expel will keep their stats, abilities, and equipment from when they left your school. However, they might change outfits. So if you don't like a color scheme on one of your characters, expel him and re-recruit him, and he might change colors. EASY MONEY This isn't a glitch either, but it's a great way to make a lot of money early in the game. You can go around to the different towns recruiting Barbarians and Gungnirs (in Nordagh) and Centurions and Samnites (in Imperia). Then take off their equipment and sell it. Their armor sells for a very high price, so you can use that money to buy yourself some nice equipment. Then you can expel the gladiator. However, make sure you leave a few recruits for later, in case you want to go back at the end of the game and recruit more. After you expel a gladiator, they will stay at the same level they left your school at. DERVISH'S FAITH If you look just south of Akar An in the Southern Expanse, you'll see a small water bottle. Pick it up and take it to the dying Dervish, to the southwest of where you found the bottle. Give her the water and refuse her offer, and she'll give Valens and Ursula the Dervish's Faith ability, which makes them immune to Bleeding if there is a Dervish (ally or enemy) in the arena. WILDERNESS ARENA People have reported finding a secret wilderness arena. Apparently, it's most common when you're walking along the beach south of Trikata. If you get into a random battle, press A immediately. You'll be taken to a secret arena that has some event and sidequest battles. Also, it's reported that you can only enter one battle in the arena, then it will disappear. =============================================================================== CHARACTER CLASSES {CC6} =============================================================================== Here is a complete list of the recruitable characters in Gladius (in alphabetical order) and some information on them. I'd like to thank Jmaneuv011 from the Gladius board on GameFAQs for helping with this part. He went through and calculated the Speed stats for every class, which is much more exact than my estimates of the classes' Speed stats. Here's the explanation he gave for the Speed stats: "what i did was recruit one of each class of the same level (24) and got an initiative score without armor. the range of scores was between 116 (minotaur was slowest) and 154 (wolf was fastest) for a difference of 38 and since we're going on a scale of 10, that means that there's one speed point for every 3.8 over 116 a unit's initiative is. these numbers only determine the order of attack and not actual speed (a 6 obviously isn't twice the speed of a 3)." "a * means that this class wears armor and, as a result, can be slowed anywhere from 1 to 2.5 points (meaning a fully equipped unit rated a *2 will be slower than a 0 rated minotaur). this also means it may not be the best idea to go with the highest hit point armor as it may cost you an important turn" I also went through and did the same for Attack, Defense, and HP. However, these stats will be less accurate due to small differences in equipment; it's harder to measure Attack, Defense, and HP since equipment has a huge effect on these stats. However, it gives a good idea of the stat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS NAME Description of class. Type: The weight class/type (Heavy, Medium, Light, Support, Arcane, or Beast) Origin: The region which the class is from Weapon: Type of weapons the class can equip Shield: Type of shields the class can equip Armor: Type of armor the class can equip Helmet: Type of helmets the class can equip Accessory: Type of accessory the class can equip Final Weapon Affinity: The affinity of the character's strongest weapon. It can be useful to know this so you can plan ahead and stick with one affinity for the characters whose final weapon only comes in one affinity. Thanks to Jmaneuv011 again for helping with this part. *Note: "Any" means that there is no specific final weapon, no specific final weapon, or the class only has one affinity anyway (in the case of Beasts). Attack: Rating of the class's regular physical attack power, out of ten. Note that this can change depending on the weapon you use. Defense: Rating of the class's defense/evasion, out of ten. This value is changed depending on your equipment, so it's not exact. HP: Rating of the class's HP (including equipment HP boosts), out of ten. Note that this is not a 100% exact value, as the HP can vary depending on what armor and helmet you have equipped. Speed: Rating of the class's speed, out of ten (thanks to Jmaneuv011 for this). Skills: Rating of the class's available skills. This is not an exact value, but my opinion on the usefulness of the skills. Overall: The overall rating of the class. Again, this is just my opinion of their usefulness, not an exact value. My opinion about the class. Recruiting: Where/how to recruit this class ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMAZON Amazons are female warriors equipped with a bow. They can use some basic bow attacks, and they also have a variety of status attacks against male units. Type: Support Origin: Windward Steppes Weapon: Plain Bow Shield: N/A Armor: Amazon Armor Helmet: Amazon Helmet, Diadem Helmet Accessory: Bracelet Final Weapon Affinity: Wind (Black Bow; there are some with stronger attack and no affinity, but the Black Bow has much better range.) Attack: 1 Defense: 3 HP: 2 Speed: 2 Skills: 6 Overall: 4 Amazons are much less useful than Archers. Their bow skills are inferior to Archers' skills. However, it is useful to be able to use various status effects, even though they only affect male enemies. I would recommend saving the spot on your team for another Archer. Recruiting: Recruitable in the Steppes (The Wastes) after completing the Amazon Tyu league. You can also get Qorin from a sidequest upon revisiting the Steppes (see the walkthrough section for details). Also available as a temporary recruit in Imperia (Syrna). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCHER Archers attack using bows. They are quite powerful at long range, and they have the longest range of any class in the game. Type: Support Origin: Windward Steppes Weapon: Plain Bow, Archer Bow Shield: N/A Armor: N/A Helmet: Hat Helmet, Helm Helmet Accessory: Belt Final Weapon Affinity: Wind Attack: 2 Defense: 4 HP: 2 Speed: 2 Skills: 8 Overall: 6 Although Archers have low physical strength and HP, they are very strong. Their standard bow attacks don't do much damage, but their skills such as Long Shot do quite a bit of damage. They have the longest range of any character, which can be increased by their equipment. They have low HP, but they have high defense and speed to make up for it. An Archer or two will be very nice to have in your school. Recruiting: Eiji automatically joins you in the Steppes. You can recruit other Archers in the Steppes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANDIT Bandits are common thieves found in most regions. They are small, quick units that rely on their fast skills rather than brute force. Type: Light Origin: Imperia, Nordagh Weapon: Light Axe, Light Sword, Light Spear Shield: Light Shield, Secutor Shield, Bandit Shield Armor: Light Armor, Secutor Armor, Bandit Armor Helmet: Bandit Helmet, Secutor Helmet, Hat Helmet, Gladiatorial Helmet Accessory: Armband Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 2 Defense: 8 HP: 3 Speed: 7 Skills: 8 Overall: 7 I think Bandits are not as good as Secutors, but still useful. They have very high speed and defense and decent skills. Pierce Defense is useful for doing good damage while bypassing enemy defense, and Running Attack and Sprint Attack greatly increase the distance of their attacks. You will probably want to have a Bandit in your school. Recruiting: Recruitable in Imperia, Nordagh, and the Steppes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BARBARIAN Barbarians are strong warriors from the rugged wilderness of Nordagh. They are powerful characters, with their attacks focusing mostly on strength. Although they are Medium characters, they are physically stronger than most Mediums. Type: Medium Origin: Nordagh Weapon: Two Handed Axe, Two Handed Hammer, Two Handed Sword Shield: N/A Armor: Barbarian Armor Helmet: Barbarian Helmet, Hat Helmet, Helm Helmet Accessory: Runestone Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 4 Defense: 4 HP: 2 Speed: 3* Skills: 6 Overall: 7 Urlan is probably the only Barbarian you'll need. They are strong physically, but still fall easily when attacked by Heavy enemies. They have the ability to shapeshift into animals, partially restoring their HP in the process. Other than that, their skills are nothing special. They have fairly high HP, but lower defense and speed. Recruiting: Recruitable in Nordagh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAR Bears are powerful beasts. They have strong attacks and skills, and are quite powerful when used properly. Type: Beast (Heavy) Origin: Nordagh Weapon: N/A Shield: N/A Armor: N/A Helmet: N/A Accessory: Collar Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 5 Defense: 4 HP: 10 Speed: 4 Skills: 7 Overall: 8 Bears are very strong physically. They have high attack and good skills that add even more attack power. They also have very high HP, even though they have not equipment. Not quite as good as other Heavy characters, but one of the best Beast characters. Recruiting: Recruitable in Nordagh and the Steppes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BERSERKER Berserkers are wild tribesman from Nordagh. They aren't very strong at first, but they become quite dangerous when enraged. Type: Light Origin: Nordagh Weapon: Light Axe, Light Sword Shield: N/A Armor: N/A Helmet: N/A Accessory: Runestone Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 2 Defense: 1 HP: 0 Speed: 7 Skills: 7 Overall: 6 Not a bad class, but there are plenty better. Their skills are nothing too great. However, they can use Rage to transform into a Heavy fighter with more power and HP. When they lose some HP, they can use Adrenaline to boost their attack power even more. But in order to be doing a lot of damage, they have to have low HP. They also have a good selection of status attacks, which can come in handy. Recruiting: Recruitable in Nordagh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTURION Centurions are military commanders from Imperia. They are strong Heavy characters with great offense and defense. Type: Heavy Origin: Imperia Weapon: Heavy Sword, Heavy Spear, Heavy Hammer Shield: Heavy Shield, Centurion Shield Armor: Heavy Armor, Centurion Armor Helmet: Military Helmet Accessory: Medal Final Weapon Affinity: Fire Attack: 8 Defense: 7 HP: 10 Speed: 1* Skills: 8 Overall: 10 Centurions are the best class in the game. They have excellent offense and defense as very high HP. Their skills are pretty useful, too. Motivate can increase your entire team's attack, very useful for tough fights. They also have a weak healing skill and various other support skills. Roam increases their damage and range by quite a bit, too. Their only drawback is that they're slower than most classes. Recruiting: Recruitable in Imperia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANNELER Channelers are magical spellcasters. They come from a sect in Imperia, but are also common in the Expanse. Type: Arcane Origin: Imperia Weapon: Plain Staff Shield: N/A Armor: Arcane Armor, Channeler Armor Helmet: Channeler Helmet, Diadem Helmet, Arcane Helmet Accessory: Charm Final Weapon Affinity: Air (Asaya; it's not the strongest in terms of attack power, but it's the best weapon since it boosts magic.) Attack: 2 Defense: 3 HP: 3 Speed: 2* Skills: 10 Overall: 9 Channelers have terrible attack power with physical attacks. However, you'll probably never use a physical attack with a Channeler. They can steal affinity from people and use it for their skills. They have a wide variety of spells of different elements, as well as the only adequate healing spell in the game. You should definitely have a Channeler in your school, they are very useful in long battles and endurance battles. Also, they are excellent offensive characters later in the game, when you can equip them with an Asaya staff and a Talisman accessory. This will boost their magic to unbelievable strength, and it will make them a must-have later in the game. Their ability to teleport all over the arena is quite handy, too. Recruiting: Recruitable in Imperia, Steppes, and Expanse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CYCLOPS Cyclopes are strong but dumb warriors that only have one eye, which they use for their skills. Many of them serve the Dark God. Type: Heavy Origin: Imperia Weapon: Plain Club, Medium Hammer, Medium Axe Shield: N/A Armor: N/A Helmet: Cyclops Helmet Accessory: Eye Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 6 Defense: 1 HP: 4 Speed: 3 Skills: 7 Overall: 6 Nothing too great, they are probably the worst Heavy class. Their weapons are not very strong (many of them are Medium weapons). They have no shield, and their HP isn't very high. They do have some decent skills, such as Eye Beam and Glower. Recruiting: Recruitable in the Expanse. You can also get one from the second Historian's League sidequest in Imperia; see the walkthrough for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DERVISH Dervishes are the royal guards in the Southern Expanse. These Light warriors wield two blades. Type: Light Origin: Southern Expanse Weapon: Dervish Axe, Dervish Sword Shield: N/A Armor: Dervish Armor Helmet: Dervish Helmet Accessory: Anklet Final Weapon Affinity: Water Attack: 2 Defense: 6 HP: 3 Speed: 6* Skills: 8 Overall: 7 Dervishes wouldn't be too great of a class, except for one thing. They have an ability that makes them immune to all attacks from an Air affinity character. So if you're fighting a strong Air enemy or a lot of Air enemies, be sure to bring a Dervish along. They have some decent skills, too, but their Air immunity is what makes them worth using. Recruiting: Recruitable in the Expanse. Also available as a temporary recruit in Imperia (Cro Beska). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUNGNIR Gungnirs are spearmen from Nordagh. They have a good variety of spear attacks, and the ability to shapeshift into a bear. Type: Support Origin: Nordagh Weapon: Plain Spear, Light Spear Shield: Light Shield, Gungnir Shield, Peltast Shield Armor: Barbarian Armor, Gungnir Armor Helmet: Gungnir Helmet, Hat Helmet, Helm Helmet Accessory: Necklace Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 2 Defense: 9 HP: 4 Speed: 2 Skills: 9 Overall: 8 At close range, Gungnirs are worthless unless they transform into a bear. However, they have some great long-range attacks. Their range and power is greater than that of a Peltast, but their Long Throw attacks cost 1 SP more than Peltasts. Their Long Throw attacks can do a ton of damage while keeping a safe distance from the enemy. Recruiting: Recruitable in Nordagh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGIONNAIRE Legionnaires make up the main body of the Imperial army. After the Great War, many of them turned to the games. Type: Medium Origin: Imperia Weapon: Medium Hammer, Medium Axe, Medium Sword Shield: Medium Shield, Legionnaire Shield Armor: Medium Armor, Legionnaire Armor Helmet: Military Helmet Accessory: Medal Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 3 Defense: 8 HP: 5 Speed: 1* Skills: 7 Overall: 7 Legionnaires are pretty average characters. They have well-rounded attacks, but they don't have any real advantages. They have pretty good blocking ability and a counterattack when the enemies miss. However, they fall very easily against Heavy enemies. You should probably save the spot on your team for a Murmillo. Recruiting: Recruitable in Imperia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINOTAUR These huge, fierce warriors resemble bulls. They are incredibly strong and can take on many enemies at a time. Type: Heavy Origin: Imperia Weapon: Two Handed Sword, Two Handed Hammer, Two Handed Axe Shield: N/A Armor: N/A Helmet: Minotaur Helmet Accessory: Bullring Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 10 Defense: 4 HP: 9 Speed: 0 Skills: 8 Overall: 10 The Minotaur is my personal favorite class, even though Centurions are slightly better in battle. They have incredibly high attack power; one solid combo will take down most enemies. However, they have low defense due to not having a shield, and they can't equip armor. Still, their HP is high enough without it. Definitely have a Minotaur on your team, he will serve you well. Recruiting: You can get Langston the Minotaur from the Historian's League sidequest the first time you're in Imperia. You can also get Elexander the Minotaur from the second Historian's League sidequest when you revisit Imperia. Refer to the walkthrough for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONGREL These creatures are mostly contained in Cro Beska, hated by the rest of the civilized world. Type: Light Origin: Imperia Weapon: Mongrel Club, Medium Hammer, Medium Axe Shield: N/A Armor: Mongrel Armor Helmet: Mongrel Helmet Accessory: Scalp Final Weapon Affinity: Earth Attack: 2 Defense: 7 HP: 1 Speed: 7* Skills: 5 Overall: 3 Probably one of the worst classes in the game. They have some mediocre attacks like Kick. But they have very low HP and will die very quickly. Their defense is nothing great either. Don't waste the space in your school on one of these. Recruiting: Recruitable in Imperia and the Steppes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONGREL SHAMAN These are mongrels who have learned arcane abilities. Type: Arcane Origin: Nordagh Weapon: Plain Club, Plain Staff Shield: N/A Armor: Arcane Armor, Mongrel Armor Helmet: Mongrel Shaman Helmet, Diadem Helmet, Arcane Helmet Accessory: Scalp Final Weapon Affinity: Earth Attack: 1 Defense: 3 HP: 2 Speed: 3* Skills: 6 Overall: 3 The only class worse than the Mongrel is the Mongrel Shaman. They have terrible attack power, and the only way for them to gain affinity is by attacking. They have some basic Mongrel skills like Running Attack and Kick, and some halfway decent spells. Channelers are much, much better, though. You may want one in Nordagh if you're playing Ursula's quest, but dump him as soon as you can get a Channeler. Recruiting: Recruitable in Nordagh and the Steppes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MURMILLO Murmillos are the crowd's favorite class. They have decorative equipment and armor and some nice skills. Type: Medium Origin: Imperia Weapon: Medium Sword, Medium Hammer, Medium Axe Shield: Medium Shield, Murmillo Shield Armor: Medium Armor, Murmillo Armor Helmet: Murmillo Helmet Accessory: Ring Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 3 Defense: 10 HP: 4 Speed: 2* Skills: 10 Overall: 10 Murmillos are an excellent class. If you get some of their innate abilities, they will be almost unstoppable. Give them a Razor Shield, Advanced Block, Shield Counter, Humiliate, and Off Guard to seriously damage and disable anyone who misses an attack (which will happen very often). Their Throw Shield ability is very powerful and useful, even at a pretty high SP cost. One of the best classes in the game, make sure you get one in Imperia. Recruiting: Recruitable in Imperia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OGRE Ogres are large humanoid warriors that are often seen with Mongrels, also from Cro Beska. Type: Heavy Origin: Imperia Weapon: Heavy Sword, Heavy Hammer, Two Handed Axe Shield: Heavy Shield, Ogre Shield Armor: N/A Helmet: Ogre Helmet, Gladiatorial Helmet Accessory: Scalp Final Weapon Affinity: Fire Attack: 7 Defense: 6 HP: 8 Speed: 2 Skills: 7 Overall: 8 Not too bad of a class. However, Ogres are not as useful as Centurions, Samnites, and Minotaurs so you might not have room for an Ogre. They have decent all-around stats and some okay skills, so get one if you have enough room. Recruiting: Recruitable in the Steppes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PELTAST These spearmen are part of the Imperial army and are very similar to Gungnirs. Type: Support Origin: Imperia Weapon: Plain Javelin, Light Spear Shield: Light Shield, Peltast Shield Armor: Light Armor, Peltast Armor Helmet: Peltast Helmet, Helm Helmet, Military Helmet Accessory: Necklace Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 2 Defense: 8 HP: 3 Speed: 1* Skills: 9 Overall: 8 Peltasts are similar to Gungnirs. They have mostly the same abilities. Their Long Throw attacks cost 1 less SP than Gungnirs (you can use Long Throw 1 for no SP cost). However, they have slightly less range and attack power than Gungnirs. They also can't shapeshift into a bear like Gungnirs can. Recruiting: Recruitable in Imperia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAINS CAT These large cats roam the plains of the Windward Steppes. They are very agile and pretty powerful creatures. Type: Beast (Light) Origin: Windward Steppes Weapon: N/A Shield: N/A Armor: N/A Helmet: N/A Accessory: Collar Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 4 Defense: 4 HP: 8 Speed: 6 Skills: 8 Overall: 8 Cats have high HP and are quite agile. They also have an ability that lets them climb heights that other classes couldn't reach. They have some pretty good skills, including a petrification skill. Their regular attacks aren't too strong, but their skills add to their power. Recruiting: Recruitable in the Steppes and Expanse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMNITE Samnites are the largest gladiator class. Their skills specialize in pushing other gladiators out of the way. Type: Heavy Origin: Imperia, Windward Steppes, and Southern Expanse Weapon: Heavy Sword, Heave Spear, Two Handed Axe Shield: Heavy Shield, Samnite Shield Armor: Heavy Armor, Samnite Armor Helmet: Gladiatorial Helmet Accessory: Ring Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 8 Defense: 7 HP: 9 Speed: 2* Skills: 8 Overall: 9 Samnites are similar to Centurions, but not quite as good, in my opinion. They have a lot of skills like Bulldoze, that move other characters out of your way. They can equip helmets, shields, and armor which gives them high HP and defense. They are one of the best Heavy classes, along with Centurions and Minotaurs. Recruiting: Recruitable in Imperia, Steppes, and Expanse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SATYR These half-goat, half-human creatures are good at pleasing the crowd, but that's about all they're good at. Type: Light Origin: Nordagh Weapon: Satyr Carafe Shield: N/A Armor: N/A Helmet: N/A Accessory: Poem Final Weapon Affinity: Fire Attack: 1 Defense: 2 HP: 0 Speed: 7 Skills: 6 Overall: 4 Satyrs are not very good. They have Crowd Pleaser and Crowd Charmer, which raises your crowd meter. They also have Jug Bonk, which can knock an enemy down. However, they will die very quickly if attacked by a Medium enemy. There are plenty of better classes to fill the spots in your school. Recruiting: Recruitable in Nordagh. You can also get a Satyr from the first and second Historian's League sidequest; see the walkthrough for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCARAB These giant, powerful scarab beetles are common in the vast deserts of the Expanse. Type: Beast (Heavy) Origin: Southern Expanse Weapon: N/A Shield: N/A Armor: N/A Helmet: N/A Accessory: Jewel Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 4 Defense: 2 HP: 8 Speed: 1 (4 with Jet equipped) Skills: 7 Overall: 7 Scarabs are not bad, but not quite as good as Scorpions. They have very high HP and good skills. Carapace Ram is a powerful attack that can knock the enemy down, and their Poison Spittle and Fiery Spittle can do some decent damage at medium-range. They also have some area poison attacks. Recruiting: Recruitable in the Expanse (Qaa Rah) after completing the Insect Ze league. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCORPION Another giant species of bug (not actually an insect) from the deserts of the Expanse. Type: Beast (Light) Origin: Southern Expanse Weapon: N/A Shield: N/A Armor: N/A Helmet: N/A Accessory: Jewel Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 5 Defense: 4 HP: 9 Speed: 1 (4 with Jet equipped) Skills: 9 Overall: 9 Scorpions are very powerful creatures. Venom and Poison Flick both do huge damage, and Poison Flick is long-range. They have variations of Running Attack as well as some other good skills. It's good to have one on your team, especially after doing all that work to beat the Insect Ze league. Recruiting: Recruitable in the Expanse (Qaa Rah) after completing the Insect Ze league. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECUTOR Secutors are quick, clever fighters that are good at pleasing the crowd. They are also quite deadly on the battlefield. Type: Light Origin: Imperia, Windward Steppes Weapon: Light Axe, Light Sword, Light Spear Shield: Light Shield, Secutor Shield Armor: Light Armor, Secutor Armor Helmet: Secutor Helmet, Gladiatorial Helmet Accessory: Ring Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 2 Defense: 9 HP: 3 Speed: 6* Skills: 9 Overall: 8 Secutors are the best Light class, better than Bandits in my opinion. They have one move that makes them very deadly - Surprise Attack. If it's used from behind, it will do massive damage to any enemy (you can even kill a Greater Bear in one hit with it). They have very high speed and defense and some other good skills too. Recruiting: Recruitable in Imperia and the Steppes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMONER Summoners are arcane spellcasters that can summon various creatures and beasts. Type: Arcane Origin: Southern Expanse Weapon: Plain Staff Shield: N/A Armor: Arcane Armor, Summoner Armor Helmet: Arcane Helmet, Summoner Helmet Accessory: Charm Final Weapon Affinity: Earth Attack: 2 Defense: 3 HP: 2 Speed: 3* Skills: 8 Overall: 6 Summoners themselves are pretty useless. However, they can summon skeletons, bugs, and elemental beasts. It's nice to have an extra expendable character to fight for you. But other than summoning abilities, Summoners only have one other ability, Far Strike. A Summoner can be useful when you're outnumbered to give you an extra fighter, but otherwise they aren't all that great. Recruiting: Recruitable in the Expanse (Akar An) after beating the Summoners Endurance league. This is the only recruitable Summoner in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNDEAD LEGIONNAIRE Undead Legionnaires are the skeletons of fallen Legionnaires, reanimated by the Dark God. Type: Medium Origin: Imperia, Nordagh, Windward Steppes, Southern Expanse Weapon: Medium Sword, Medium Hammer, Medium Axe Shield: Medium Shield, Legionnaire Shield, Undead Shield Armor: Medium Armor, Legionnaire Armor, Undead Armor Helmet: Legionnaire Helmet, Undead Helmet, Military Helmet Accessory: Medal Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 3 Defense: 9 HP: 5 Speed: 2* Skills: 7 Overall: 7 Undead Legionnaires have some good skills, such as Fear of Death and Scare Attack. They are resistant to physical attacks, especially ranged attacks, but are very weak against affinity attacks. They can also equip Dark affinity items, one of the only classes able to do so. Recruiting: You must complete the undead sidequest in Mordare (see the walkthrough). You'll be given the Talisman of Unlife. Once you have it, you can recruit Undead Legionnaires by approaching a gravestone at night. There is one gravestone on the world map in each region. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNDEAD SUMMONER Undead Summoners, also known as Undead Casters, are skeletons of Summoners reanimated by the Dark God. Type: Arcane Origin: Imperia, Southern Expanse Weapon: Plain Staff Shield: N/A Armor: Arcane Armor, Undead Summoner Armor Helmet: Undead Summoner Helmet, Summoner Helmet, Channeler Helmet, Arcane Helmet, Diadem Helmet Accessory: Charm Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 2 Defense: 3 HP: 3 Speed: 4* Skills: 9 Overall: 8 The Undead Summoner is good or bad, depending on how you like to fight. You'll have to gather affinity first, then use skills, so fighting is slower than with other characters. He can only summon skeletons, whereas Summoners can summon various other beasts. However, he has more skills than the Summoner. Also, he can have Dark affinity items fairly early in the game. Recruiting: Complete the Dead of Night league in Mordare. Then Taithleach the Undead Summoner will appear in the recruiting office. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- URSULA Ursula is the princess of Nordagh, the daughter of King Orin II. Type: Medium Origin: Nordagh Weapon: Medium Sword, Medium Hammer, Medium Axe Shield: Medium Shield, Legionnaire Shield Armor: Barbarian Armor Helmet: Barbarian Helmet, Hat Helmet, Helm Helmet Accessory: Runestone Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 3 Defense: 9 HP: 5 Speed: 3* Skills: 8 Overall: 8 Ursula is a well-rounded character. She has decent attack and pretty good defense. Although not as good as a Murmillo, she can deal with Light enemies easily and is a pretty good character. Recruiting: She starts out in your school (Ursula's quest) or she'll join you automatically soon after you arrive in Nordagh (Valens's quest). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALENS Valens is the son of the great warrior Munio and is trying to carry on his father's legacy. Type: Medium Origin: Imperia Weapon: Medium Sword, Medium Hammer, Medium Axe Shield: Medium Shield, Legionnaire Shield Armor: Medium Armor, Legionnaire Armor Helmet: Military Helmet, Legionnaire Helmet Accessory: Medal Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 4 Defense: 9 HP: 5 Speed: 4* Skills: 8 Overall: 8 Similar to Ursula, Valens is a well-rounded character. He has good stats all around, with no real weaknesses. Once you get Munio's gear in Ononhaar, he'll become one of your best characters. Recruiting: Starts out in your school (Valens's quest) or automatically joins you soon after you arrive in Imperia (Ursula's quest). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WOLF Wolves are ferocious beasts that are seen in the games often, and frequently attack in packs. Type: Beast (Light) Origin: Nordagh Weapon: N/A Shield: N/A Armor: N/A Helmet: N/A Accessory: Collar Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 4 Defense: 6 HP: 6 Speed: 10 Skills: 7 Overall: 7 Wolves are similar to cats. They are fast and have high HP. Their attack power is a bit low, but their skills make up for it. Some people like to fight using mostly or only Wolves because of the Pack Mentality ability, which gives a free attack to all surrounding Wolves. Recruiting: Recruitable in Imperia, Nordagh, and the Steppes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YETI These large, fierce warriors mostly stay in the mountains of Nordagh and are rarely seen in the games. Type: Heavy Origin: Nordagh Weapon: Plain Club, Two Handed Hammer Shield: N/A Armor: N/A Helmet: N/A Accessory: Tooth Final Weapon Affinity: Any Attack: 7 Defense: 1 HP: 6 Speed: 3 Skills: 8 Overall: 8 Yetis have high attack power and low defense, similar to Minotaurs. They also have lower HP because they can't equip any armor. They have great abilities, though. Fierce Backhand does a huge amount of damage. Cry of Anger boosts the Yeti's attack power. They also have an ability called Hibernation, which restores some HP. You'll definitely want a Yeti if you're doing Ursula's quest, and you'll probably want him as Valens too. Recruiting: Beat the Trial of the Elders league in Vargen. Afterwards, two Yetis will appear in the recruiting office. Rugh is only a temporary recruit, but Iaar will join you permanently. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ENEMIES {EN7} =============================================================================== Here is a list of all the enemies you'll find in the game and a strategy on defeating them. Most of them are the same as your recruitable classes, but there are some other enemies that you aren't able to recruit. AMAZON The main thing you need to watch out for when dealing with Amazons are their status effects. Keep your male characters away from them. Have female characters move in and attack them with a combo, or have an Archer or two attack using Long Shot to bring down an Amazon. Another good way to kill them is to have a Secutor run up to them and get behind them. Then use Surprise Attack to kill them. ARCHER Archers have some strong long-range attacks. The best way to deal with them is by using your own Archer. A couple of Long Shots with critical hits will bring down an Archer. You can also move into close range and attack with combos. Like Amazons, you can also move in and use Surprise Attack with a Secutor to take them down. BANDIT Bandits are quick and have high defense, so make sure you get critical hits when attacking them or you'll probably miss. Medium characters work best for dealing with Bandits. A combo or two will kill one. BARBARIAN Barbarians are pretty tough for Medium characters, so use Heavy characters to attack them. Combos work very well. Make sure you keep your Light characters away from Barbarians. BEAR Bears are Heavy beasts. Using combos from a Heavy character will kill a Bear pretty quickly. Also, you can have a Heavy character hit a Bear from the front while you have a Secutor come around back and use Surprise Attack to kill it. BERSERKER Berserkers have two states - regular and Rage. In their regular states, they are fairly weak. Have a Medium character use a combo to kill them in this form. When they use Rage, they become Heavy units. Medium characters will still work okay, but it's best to have a Light character use Surprise Attack or a Heavy character use combos to finish them off in their Rage form. Also, be careful when their HP falls below 1/2. They'll use Adrenaline, which boosts their attack power. CENTURION Centurions are pretty strong. They will kill your Medium characters, so keep them away. You can kill a Centurion by using combo attacks with your own Heavy characters. You can also have a Secutor sneak around to their back and use Surprise Attack to bring them down. CHANNELER Channelers have no weight advantage, so use your Heavy characters, who have the highest attack power. Use combo attacks to kill Channelers. They have high defense, so it will take a couple of combos to bring one down. You can also kill them using Surprise Attack from behind with a Secutor. One of two of those will do the trick. Be careful of Tornado, which rearranges your positions. They have some spells, but none of them are too strong. CYCLOPS Cyclopes are Heavy, but they're weaker than most Heavies. Have your own Heavy character use combos on them to kill them. You can also have a Heavy character attack from the front while a Secutor goes to their back and uses Surprise Attack to kill them. They don't really have any powerful moves, but watch out for Glower, which inflicts Fear. DARK CAT Dark Cats are similar to Plains Cats, but with Dark affinity. They can steal affinity from everyone on the battlefield and use Dark affinity attacks. Kill them the same way you would a regular cat; have a Medium or Heavy character use combos on them. DARK LEGIONNAIRE Dark Legionnaires are similar to regular Legionnaires, but with Dark affinity. Their attacks are mostly the same, so deal with them in the same way you would a Legionnaire. One combo from a Heavy character will kill them. Just make sure you get critical hits, because Dark Legionnaires have pretty high evasion. DARK WOLF Like a regular Wolf, but with Dark affinity. Like the Dark Cat, they can steal affinity from everyone on the battlefield, and they can also use Dark affinity attacks. Treat them like regular Wolves - use combos with your Medium characters to bring them down. DERVISH The number one rule when fighting Dervishes - do NOT use Air affinity characters against them. They are immune to Air, so have your Medium non-Air affinity characters attack them to kill them. Watch out for Blood Letter, which can do quite a bit of damage and cause bleeding. They can also use Whirlwind, which pushes you back a square. GALDR Galdr have terrible attack power, but they use songs to boost their team's stats. They will boost their team's movement and speed, and probably decrease your team's speed. This means the enemy team will be getting more turns than you. If there is only one Galdr, leave her in the back and take care of her last. If you're fighting more than one, try to kill the Galdr first before they can reduce your speed too much. Any attacks from any characters will work, they're pretty weak. GREATER BEAR Greater Bears are very large; they take up several squares in the arena. Their attacks are pretty strong, too, and they can attack both squares in front of them. The best way to kill a Greater Bear is to have a Secutor move behind him and use Surprise Attack. One or two Surprise Attacks will kill a Greater Bear. If you don't use a Secutor, have Heavy characters surround the bear and use combos until he dies. GREATER PLAINS CAT Use the same strategy as with the Greater Bear - use Surprise Attack from the back, or surround him and use combos relentlessly until he falls. Just be careful, because he can attack both squares in front of him, so try to have only one person on each side of him when attacking. GREATER WOLF Similar to the Greater Cat and Greater Bear. Surprise Attack works very well. Otherwise, surround him and use combos. Despite their large size, Greater Wolves don't really do that much damage. They have a couple of powerful moves, but their regular attacks aren't too bad. GUNGNIR Gungnirs are strong at long-range, but weaker at close range. If you have your own ranged characters, attack them with Long Throw or Long Shot to bring them down quickly. If not, have a strong character quickly move into close range and attack with combos. When they're at close range, they'll probably change into a bear. The Gungnir bears are weaker than regular bears, though, so just use a combo to kill them. IMPERIAL CITIZEN You'll rarely see citizens in the games, but they're incredibly weak. They are Light enemies, and they have no armor and use a stick for a weapon. Save them for last while you take care of the stronger enemies. Then take down the citizens with one combo from a Medium character. LEGIONNAIRE Legionnaires are Medium characters, and will fall very quickly if you attack with Heavy characters. One combo will kill a Legionnaire. They don't really have any strong attacks, but they can kill your Light characters, so keep them away. MINOTAUR Minotaurs are strong. Rampage will probably kill you in one hit if it hits you. The worst part is that they're immune to back attacks, so Surprise Attack won't work. You're only real option is to hit them hard with combos from other Heavy characters until they go down. MONGREL Mongrels are really weak. Just use combos with Medium characters to kill them. They have no strong attacks to speak of. MONGREL SHAMAN Mongrel Shamans have high defense, but low attack power. They won't really be able to damage you, so send one of your characters to attack him. Combos work well; one or two combos will kill a Mongrel Shaman. MURMILLO Murmillos have very high evasion, so make sure you get critical hits. They will counterattack if you miss, too. Have Heavy characters use combos on them to kill them, just make sure you get critical hits. They can hit you from a distance using Throw Shield, so be careful. NORDAGH CITIZEN Like Imperial citizens, you'll hardly ever see them. But when you do, they're really easy. Save them for last since they can't really hurt you, and use one combo with a Medium character to kill them. OGRE Ogres are Heavy, so either use combos with your Heavy characters or Surprise Attack to kill them. They'll be able to kill your Medium characters pretty easily, though. They don't really have any attacks that you need to watch out for, just attack them with combos or Surprise Attack to bring them down. PELTAST Like Gungnirs, Peltasts are powerful at long range. Either take them out from a distance with your own long-range characters, or have one person move into close range and attack them there. Once you're right next to them, they can't really hurt you, so use combos or skills to kill them. PLAINS CAT Plains Cats are Light, so use Medium characters against them. Watch out for their Petrification attack. They can also use Swipe to stun you. A few combos with Medium characters will kill one. SAMNITE Samnites are Heavy enemies. Use Surprise Attack against them for best results, or just attack them using combos from your Heavy characters. They have attacks that will push you out of the way, so don't count on cornering a Samnite. SATYR Satyrs are very weak Light characters. One Medium character will be more than enough to bring down a Satyr. One combo will do the trick. SCARAB Scarabs are tough Heavy beasts. Surprise Attack works, but the best way to deal with them is to use Heavy characters. A combo or two from a Heavy character will kill a Scarab. Watch out for Poison Spittle and Fiery Spittle, which can hit you at medium range. SCORPION Scorpions are Light beasts and they're very strong. Poison Flick can hit you from several squares away, and will deal a huge amount of damage. Venom will also do a lot of damage, but it's a close range attack. You can kill them quickly by using Running Attack with a Heavy character, then following up with a combo. SECUTOR Secutors are Light characters, so use Medium characters to fight them. Try not to let them attack your side or back, because Surprise Attack will do a lot of damage that way. A combo or two from a Medium character will kill them. Just make sure you get critical hits, or you'll probably miss. SOUTHERN EXPANSE CITIZEN Citizens are very weak and can hardly damage you at all, so save them until the end, then kill them with one combo attack from a Medium character. SUMMONER Summoners will gather affinity on their first turn, then summon a skeleton or a beast. Ignore whatever it is they summon, just focus on killing the Summoner. Once you kill the Summoner, the beast will disappear. Any attacks from any character will work against them, but combos from a Heavy character will do the most damage. UNDEAD LEGIONNAIRE Undead Legionnaires are strong against long-range attacks. Use your Heavy characters to attack them. Combos from a Heavy character will work well, and affinity attacks are very effective against them. Watch out for Fear of Death, which will inflict Fear on your characters. They will also poison any nearby characters when they die. UNDEAD SUMMONER As with Summoners, ignore the summoned skeletons. Undead Summoners will take some of their own HP to get affinity. Then you can attack them using combos from a Heavy character or affinity attacks to kill them. Once the summoner dies, the summoned skeleton will disappear as well. Once again, long-range attackers are not effective against them. WINDWARD STEPPES CITIZEN Like the other citizens, they are very weak and hardly do any damage. Kill any other enemies first, then attack them with a Medium character to kill them. WOLF Wolves are Light beasts. Attack them with Medium characters for best results. Also, make sure you get critical hits against them, or your attacks will probably miss. They have high HP, but it will go down quickly after a couple combos. Their only really strong attack is Tear Throat, which can cause quite a bit of damage and bleeding. YETI Yetis are Heavy, so use your own Heavy characters against them. Combos are effective. Also, while you have a Heavy character attacking a Yeti, you can have a Secutor move behind it and use Surprise Attack to kill it. Yetis will use Cry of Anger to boost their attack power. =============================================================================== CONTACT INFO {CI8} =============================================================================== Feel free to send me any comments, corrections, or questions. Just be sure to follow these rules to make sure I will read your mail: - Make sure you put something about Gladius or my FAQ in the subject. - Don't send me any attachments, or I will just delete your email. - If you're asking a question, try to make sure it's not already answered in this FAQ. - Constructive criticism only, please. Don't send me an email saying "Your FAQ sucks". My email address is: Ultima13(dot)FAQs(at)gmail(dot)com =============================================================================== CLOSING {CL9} =============================================================================== Thanks for taking time to read my FAQ. I hope it was useful to you in completing the game. I may make more updates in the future, but for the most part, this FAQ is now complete. CREDITS/THANKS I'd like to thank the following people for helping with this FAQ: CJayC - For all his hard work creating and maintaining the #1 site on the World Wide Web, GameFAQs. Without him, I would not be able to bring you this FAQ. Jmaneuv011 - A big thanks to him for his help on the character classes section. He calculated everyone's Speed stat and gave an exact rating, which is a lot more accurate than the ratings I had before. He also listed the affinity of each character's final weapon, which was a big help. OldSkoolKamikaze - His Side Quest FAQ was useful for completing a few of the side quests in the game. Sczoyd and Hell PhD - Their information on recruiting classes on the Gladius message board was helpful. Also thanks to Hell PhD for reminding me about the temporary Amazon and Dervishes in Imperia. Everyone on the Gladius boards - I learned some things about the game I didn't know on the Gladius message boards, and the members of the boards gave me suggestions and support when I was writing this FAQ, so thanks to all of them. The posters on the FAQ Contributors board - For reminding me to put a search function in my FAQ, and giving me some general suggestions. And last but not least, thanks to you for reading this FAQ.