____ _ __ __ / __ \ ___ _____ (_)____/ /___ ____ / /_ / /_/ // _ \ / ___// // __ // _ \ / __ \ / __/ / _, _// __/(__ )/ // /_/ // __// / / // /_ /_/ |_| \___//____//_/ \__,_/ \___//_/ /_/ \__/ ______ _ __ / ____/_ __ (_) / / / __/ | | / // / / / / /___ | |/ // / / / /_____/ |___//_/ /_/ .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | FAQ/Walkthrough / Version 2.0 / June 24, 2002 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Written by mayonnaise | '----------------------------------------------------------------------' This little document will basically hold your hand through the game with both Jill and Chris, along with covering some of the other optional things (files, weapons, ect.). About 75% of the remake is entirely different than the original, so watch your back! ======================================================================== T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ======================================================================== 1. Revision History 2. Important Legal Information 3. Resident Evil Basics • Background • Controls • Tools of the Trade • Survival Tactics 4. Jill Valentine Walkthrough 5. Chris Redfield Walkthrough 6. Cute Critters 7. Weapons 8. Files Transcript 9. Frequently Asked Questions 10. Secrets and Easter Eggs 11. Credits 12. Contact Information ======================================================================== 1. R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2.0 - (Monday, June 24th, 2002) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Chris Redfield walkthrough is fully complete. • Separated the "Jill Valentine" and "Chris Redfield" walkthroughs into two different sections due to the massive size. • Added some more questions to the FAQ section; one about what happens if you use the Red Gemstone in the Tiger Altar Room. • Put in some additional details about the "One Dangerous Zombie". • Fleshed out the "Game Endings" section...it's now finished. • Added in several extra gameplay details from a reader contribution. That person has also been added to the credits. • Spellchecked everything and fixed a bunch of annoying errors. • This guide is now 100% complete! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.8 - (Saturday, June 22, 2002) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Chris Redfield walkthrough is up to when you get back to the "Mansion" for a second time. • The "Files Transcript" is complete...mainly due to the fact I got Minesweeper's permission to borrow info from his. ;) • Created a "Contact Information" section (standard section from now on). Didn't want too...really DIDN'T want too, but it seems some people need to be baby-sat when using email! Just hope they don't stick a fork in an electric outlet... • Moved the "Important Legal Information" to the beginning of the guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.5 - (Monday, June 17th, 2002) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Walkthrough for Chris Redfield is about halfway complete for the first "Mansion" section. • Added the "Cute Critters" and "Secrets and Easter Eggs" sections to the guide; which respectively are an enemy list and information that covers stuff you can unlock. • I've started the dreaded "Files Transcript" section -- BRING on the tedium! Boy do I need some sleep right about now, too tired... • Fleshed out the "Weapons" section making it fully complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.0 - (Monday, June 3rd, 2002) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yah know, at first I was quite surprised to see a FAQ/Walkthrough for this game at 400 KB+. But silly me, than I realized they just copied a normal Jill walkthrough twice, and changed some details on the second one to make it work for hard mode! Then they added a Speed Guide -- but get this -- from a reader contribution! Hohoho. Now I know what marshmallow was talking about when he wrote for Perfect Dark...OH well, if somebody passes this over for a larger guide, so be it... • Jill Valentine's walkthrough is now FULLY complete! Time to start on Chris Redfield. Didn't want to get left behind and look like a complete fool! You know what the funniest part is? My time on the game I used to write the Jill walkthrough -- 53:37:26 -- bahaha! Besides, I better finish this FAQ up before I get cracking on Eternal Darkness... • Started up the "Frequently Asked Questions" section. This might even keep my email down to sane levels. • Added a little trick about blowing off the legs of Zombies in the Survival Tactics section. Discovered it while tooling around the Laboratory with a Grenade Launcher. :p • Added the "Self defense gun", "Assault Shotgun", "Magnum Revolver", and "Barry's 44 Magnum" to the Weapons section. • The next version of this guide will be listed under my new soon-to-be contributor name "mayonnaise," so don't freak out when the guide supposedly disappears. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 0.7 - (Monday, May 13th, 2002) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • It's been a week already?! Completed the "Courtyard" and "Residence" parts of Jill Valentine's quest. Took a lot less time then I thought it would, actually, but God that J-VOLT thing took a while to write up... • Added an alternative strategy for beating Yawn the Python, thanks to a GREAT reader contribution. • Fixed some errors in the "Herb Chart" in the Survival Tactics section. • Added the "Flash Grenade" and "Flamethrower" to the Weapons section. • Fixed a terrible spacing error, there should be NO horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the screen anymore. This should ease the headache of those with low-resolution monitors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 0.5 - (Monday, May 6th, 2001) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Even though I bought this game a mere six days ago, I must have already logged in at LEAST 30 hours; I want to stop playing, but it's just so addictive! It's going to be quite difficult to pry myself away from the game to write this guide. The game basics are complete, and I suggest you check them out, as I spent a substantial amount of time trying to make that section as detailed as possible. The walkthrough is complete for the first "Mansion" part of Jill Valentine's quest, and the weapons section is started up. I'll probably play for another week before sending in another version. But hey, you never know, I might actually get ambitious and decide to update before then... ======================================================================== 2. I M P O R T A N T L E G A L I N F O R M A T I O N ======================================================================== This guide may ONLY appear on the following site: - GameFAQs That's because I DIRECTLY send my FAQs there. It's so irritating when people have outdated or badly-updated versions of my FAQs. I would always get a lot of emails saying "update your guide" or "where's the newest version of your guide." This legal note should hopefully fix it. If you want to use this FAQ, webmasters, take note: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Webmasters do NOT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Post this guide directly on your site. This doesn't apply to GameFAQs, as shown above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Webmasters please DO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want to post this FAQ, do NOT post it directly. Instead link to the page on GameFAQs that lists ALL the guides for the game. In other words, DON'T link to the URL that ends with ".txt" or ".doc", which is the actual text guide. Again, nothing that ends with ".txt" or ".doc" This is all in the GameFAQs' legal section... This FAQ may not be used in any magazine, video game guide, or any possible form of printed or electronic media. It may not be used in any form of commercial efforts for your website or place of business. It cannot be given away as a free item, for profit, for promotional purposes, or given away in any situation whatsoever. All characters, places, or objects are copyrighted by their respective companies. I am in no way affiliated with Nintendo, Capcom, or any other companies that were involved with the production of this game. Document © 2002 mayonnaise All rights reserved ======================================================================== 3. R E S I D E N T E V I L B A S I C S ======================================================================== With flesh-eating zombies and mutant guard dogs running amok, you'd better keep yourself up to date on some survival tactics... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B A C K G R O U N D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S.T.A.R.S. Investigation Helicopter Missing!! ------------------------------------------------- Arclay Mountains, Raccoon City, 24th A spokesperson at the Raccoon City Police Department reported that an investigation helicopter of the special task force S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team is missing. According to the announcement from the Raccoon City Police Department, the team was sent to investigate the Arclay Mountain and Raccoon forest area, where a number of people have been reported missing. Contact with the team has been lost since the last communication before dawn. The Raccoon City Police Department suspects the team has been involved in some trouble. Now it will send the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team to investigate and collect information from witnesses. Recently there have been a number of bizarre murders reported near Raccoon City. This incident is likely to make Raccoon City residents feel even more uneasy. The special task force S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) was founded in 1996 under control of the Raccoon City Police Department to counteract increasing city terrorism and other crimes. -- From Raccoon Press evening issue, July 24, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C O N T R O L S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The controls are quite sluggish in this game, and take practice to use effectively. But in all seriousness, the controls should only give you trouble if you haven't played the original RE. Even then, it should only take about 15 minutes to acclimate yourself, and they get to be REALLY intuitive after about an hour of play. Expect to accidentally run into a zombie when you meant to shoot it, forget to switch between weapons, ect. I know, because it happened to me quite a bit at the beginning...stop laughing. But what would be the point if you could run away from Zombies at 50 MPH? 'Type A' control is default, but feel free to experiment between the three control schemes. • • • =-=-=-=-=-=- TYPE A =-=-=-=-=-=- Control Stick: Movement Control Pad: Movement C Stick: Jut in any direction for an immediate 180 degree turn Start/Pause: Brings up the pause menu, which has game options A Button: • Open doors • Examine room objects • Climb waist high objects (while facing them) • Fire/use weapon (while pressing R) • General "confirm" button in menus B Button: • Press down to run (while holding control stick/pad forward) • 180 degree turn (press while holding DOWN on control stick) • General "cancel" button in menus X Button: Not used Y Button: Access Status Screen Z Button: Access your Map L Button: Used ONLY if you set your defense items to manual; press this to discharge a defense item when attacked by a Zombie/enemy R Button: Ready yourself in attack position, so you can use a weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T O O L S O F T H E T R A D E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Know the Difficulty =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Normal Mode -- I. MOUNTAIN CLIMBING - beyond the hardships lies accomplishment. Easy Mode -- II. HIKING - the destination can be reached rather comfortably. There's also a few secret difficulties, but let's not get into that yet. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Your Map =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The map is very useful in this game, so use it often. A few notes on the icons found on it: DOORS --------- • Red are locked. • White are unlocked. • Blue are doors you've been through. ROOMS --------- • Faded/clear rooms you haven't visited yet. • Orange rooms you have visited, but they're not complete (items left). • White rooms are "complete" or "explored." And that little block with the arrow is you! The red arrow shows which direction your facing. Typewriters and Item Boxes are appropriately marked in with pencil, but you must find them first before they pop on the map. NOTE: Of course, you get to see an entire mansion floor after collecting a piece of Mansion Map, but let's leave that to the walkthrough... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Status Screen =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Accessing this screen allows you to view your health, examine your item stock (right side; and the graphical details are AMAZING), and select which weapon you want to use. You can also set your defense item and read various files...which by the way, may range from interesting bits of background info to clues on where to go next. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Health =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- On the status screen, you should notice in the upper-left hand corner that lovely heart monitor, or "electrocardiogram." This measures your health, with green (fine), yellow (caution), and red (danger), along with the label turning purple for the special status (poison). Once you flatline, you're dead and die in a pool of blood, where appropriately enough, a "You Are Dead" screen pops up. Use health items, like herbs, to restore yourself to the "fine" condition, and remember, just a few Zombie attacks can make your health drop like lead... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Saving the Game =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To save your game you need to find some Ink Ribbon (which looks like a small, circular black container), and then find a typewriter. After saving, one Ink Ribbon is used, so NO, you don't have unlimited saves...save only when you absolutely have too. This adds a new dimension of challenge to the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S U R V I V A L T A C T I C S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1# -- "Survive the horror" Resident Evil is part of the "survival horror" for a reason people. Zombies and other enemies are quite strong in this game (especially since Capcom ramped up the difficulty for this remake), so if you don't need to fight them, DON'T. Sounds simple, right? That is, until your stuck in a corner with three Cerberus (Zombie dogs) breathing down your neck. Use corners/terrain to shield you, or simply retreat to another room/area for safety. Along with that, keep in mind... • Dodging zombies is quite tough, but to gain maximum speed to get around them, try to run in as straight of a line as possible. Easier said then done, since the controls are less than forgiving. Geometry: the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Watch out, as the Zombies will always reach out for you as you pass. And sometimes you may want to pop a cap in their chest to stun them so you can get around, or unload enough rounds to drop them to the floor. • Listen carefully. Whenever Jill/Chris runs, they make footprint sound effects -- you should listen for enemy footprints according. This point is best illustrated in one of the first areas of the Courtyard, as you can hear the Cerberus pacing back and forth WAY before they attack you, allowing you too ready a Shotgun. Also listen for changes in music that indicate an enemy presence, along with enemy "moans" and room effects. • Check EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE in a room. Press A like a madman, as you never know when you might stumble across some well hidden ammo, files, ect. You might even be entertained by some item's descriptions. ;) • Oh yea, get rid of the friggen "Survival" (oh brother) Knife as soon as you can, it's 99.9% USELESS. You should use it only once in the entire game, but that's in the walkthrough. 2# -- "Conserve ammo, least you be stranded" Ammo is EXTREMELY valuable in this game, so don't waste it! Enemies take many bullets to die, and if you run out of ammo, you've also run out of luck...unless you actually enjoy tooling around with that "sweet" Survival Knife. Easy mode seems to have plenty of clips, though, so it depends on your game. Guess easy mode is easy, hyuk hyuk. Which leads me too the next point... 3# -- "Multiple saves equals double the pleasure, double the fun" Even though Ink Ribbons are quite precious, you still have five different slots to save in. If I were you I would create multiple saves (two is fine, maybe even three if you have room) for a single game in case you screw up. Certain points are very difficult. 4# -- "When in doubt, push" If you happen to see any waist-high objects, or suspicious furniture, don't be afraid to push them. Remember they can go left-right and forward-back. This is the key to finding some well hidden items and advancing in the game. 5# -- "Defense items are your friends" Daggers, Stun Gun, and the like. But, just like your friends, you DON'T want to abuse them. Defense items in this game are valuable, so uh, don't run into zombies. :p The best part is they take up no space in your inventory, so think of them as freebies. Of course, if the Zombie ends up grabbing you from behind you're pretty much screwed...but we wouldn't let that happen, will we? Of course not. 6# -- "Use herbs, and not the cooking kind" Herbs come in planted pots or terraces found throughout the game. Keep at least one Green Herb with you (if you have room), as you never know when you're health will drop like a sack of potatoes. Here's some herb explanations and a chart to help you out -- •combining• herbs together has extra effects. Green Herb -- Heals physical ailments. Red Herb -- Does nothing alone, but once combined with Green Herbs can boost their effects. Blue Herb -- Heals the poison status ailment. .-------------------------. | HERB CHART | |-------------------------| | Green | 1/3 Health | | Red | nothing | | Blue | Poison Cure | |---------'---------------|-------------------------------. | Green + Green | 2/3 Health | | Green + Green + Green | Full Health | |-------------------------|-------------------------------| | Green + Red | Full Health | | Green + Blue | 1/3 Health and Poison Cure | | Green + Green + Blue | 2/3 Health and Poison Cure | | Green + Red + Blue | Full Health and Poison Cure | '-------------------------'-------------------------------' NOTE: It's probably MUCH better to combine a red and Green Herb, rather then a green and green if you want more health. For one thing, you get full heal rather then 50%, and it's better to have spare Green Herb then red. Red Herb is COMPLETELY useless alone. 7# -- "Intelligence counts" It may be a survival horror game, but this Resident Evil game has MANY puzzles in it, usually involving finding an item, and delivering it to the appropriate spot. But luckily, most of the puzzles are pure logic (oh no, guess that counts out most people) and just require you to observe your surroundings, and take note of ANYTHING that may be a clue. 8# -- "Go for the glitter" Whenever there's an item that needs to be picked up, it should sparkle like a diamond. Keep it mind though, that many items have no glitter, so check anyway. Remember that fully completed rooms (as in all items collected and objectives completed) show as white on the map. • Dead-end paths are notorious for non-glitter items. I mean, why create a dead-end unless something is there? 9# -- "Zombies 101" You're basic zombie isn't too bright. But that doesn't matter, because he's a bastard to kill and has a taste for human flesh, namely, your flesh. While he's lumbering at you, you can fill his body with some Handgun rounds if you want to bring him down. But once he drops the first time, no, no, don't think he's gone. He'll get right back up and come straight for you again. Once he's down, AND a pool of blood forms around the body, you're safe for the time being. But just you wait, eventually that Zombie carcass is going to get up again, when you least expect it, only as a Crimson Head. To permanently dispatch of your undead comrade, you can: • Head removal. Make sure to blow off his head in a bloody mess while he's still lumbering after you; this takes PRECISE aim, and I'm rarely able to do it, but it only takes one shot. • Incineration. Have a Lighter and a FILLED Fuel Canteen with you. Next, stand near the body of the Zombie laying on the floor, and use your canteen. Get back, as it's barbecue time, extra crispy style. Nothing like the smell of partially dehydrated, trans-mutanagenic hair in the morning. These two methods were also covered in the "Body Disposal" file you find in the East Stairs Storage Room in the Mansion. • And sometimes, if a Zombie is blocking you way, but you have no fuel to burn'um, pop a few caps in there hide to drop them to the floor momentarily allowing you to pass. Just be careful not to kill them... • Sometimes when you shoot a Zombie in the legs you might make his kneecap explode -- kinda hard for him to chase you now as a Crimson Head! Use this method when trying to kill a Zombie...unless you're good at getting headshots. And I have to add a paragraph about the special super-zombie, nicknamed "Crimson Head" or as called in the medical files, "V-ACT." Like normal Zombies, except the Crimson Head will run straight at you kamikaze style, then attempt to rip off your face with his claws. Recommended antidote is a Handgun blast to the face or a few well-placed Shotgun shells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MORE TO SAY: (from Toadman527@aol.com) "As for using the survival knife, you should dump it as soon as possible. However, before you get a chance to dump it, I found a good use. If a zombie falls to the ground, but isn't dead, you can take out the knife and poke them at least once, maybe twice before they get up. This only saves a bullet or two, and isn't very practical to do the whole game, but ammo counts, so it's worth a try." Another great technique for Hard mode! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== 4. J I L L V A L E N T I N E W A L K T H R O U G H ======================================================================== Most people new to the game will first play as Jill, and with good reason. Getting through the game is MUCH easier as Jill Valentine, as not only does she have the Lock Pick, she's also got EIGHT inventory spaces to hold items...these two facts will be painfully reminiscent when you try your hand at Chris. Jill also has the Grenade Launcher! ____ ____ __ __ (_ _)(_ _)( ) ( ) .-_)( _)(_ )(__ )(__ \____) (____)(____)(____) _ _ __ __ ____ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ( \/ ) /__\ ( ) ( ___)( \( )(_ _)(_ _)( \( )( ___) \ / /(__)\ )(__ )__) ) ( )( _)(_ ) ( )__) \/ (__)(__)(____)(____)(_)\_) (__) (____)(_)\_)(____) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M A N S I O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Ink Ribbon 11. Shotgun 21. Shotgun Shells 2. Lock Pick 12. Fuel Canteen 22. Mask w/out eyes 3. F1 Mansion Map 13. Dog Whistle 23. Mask w/out mouth 4. Blue Gemstone 14. Lighter 24. Grenade Launcher 5. Golden Arrow 15. Acid Shells 25. Serum 6. Arrowhead 16. Collar 26. Musical Score 7. Book of Curse 17. Coin 27. Jewelry Box 8. Sword Key 18. Imitation of a key 28. Mask w/out all 9. Herbicide 19. Armor Key 29. Fishhook 10. Ink Ribbon 20. Ink Ribbon 30. Lure of a bee ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31. Bee Specimen 41. Mask w/out nose 32. Wind Crest 42. Stone & Metal Object 33. Ink Ribbon 34. Emblem 35. Ink Ribbon 36. Musical Score 37. Moonlight Sonata 38. Gold Emblem 39. Shield Key 40. Assault Shotgun ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPENING ----------- After watching the GREAT cutscene with a forest and a pack of mutant guard-dogs, the remaining S.T.A.R.S. team members heed safety in an old, dilapidated mansion. This is where the "fun" begins... MANSION FOYER ----------------- There's three of you left: Barry, Wesker, and yourself, Jill Valentine. After a shot goes off, you and Barry head into the adjacent room to check it out... DINING ROOM --------------- Nothing much here, except grab the INK RIBBON sitting upon the table in front you, then save at the TYPEWRITER at your side. Head down the long table to fireplace, where Barry has found a blood stain (notice how he tastes it to check it out!). Take the door on the side. KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- Head left, where we meet up with a Zombie having his midnight snack. Um...guess we caught him at a bad time? After gaining control turn yourself straight around and enter the Dining Room again. DINING ROOM --------------- The Zombie has followed Jill, but Barry quickly pumps him full of a few Magnum rounds and it drops to the floor. Time to report back to Wesker! Head along the table and exit out the double doors. What was that "moan" you heard as you left? :p MANSION FOYER ----------------- Crap. Wesker is gone, just like Chris went missing a few minutes ago. Barry decides we need to look for Wesker, so he searches the ground floor, while you're •supposed• to search the upper floor (LOL). Just trot up one set of stairs, then turn around and come right back down. You've "searched." Barry and Jill decide to split up, and you get the LOCK PICK from him (this will come in HANDY). After Barry goes off to the Dining Room again, take the double doors on the opposite side... NOTE: If you take the double entrance doors, some Cerberus will be waiting on the porch for you, and Jill will get scared and quickly shut the door -- but not before a dog comes in after you. This is quite a nuisance if you have no Shotgun, and, you don't. STATUE ANTEROOM ------------------- Yes, that IS a sparkle you just saw in the vase part of the statue. Run past the statue, over to where a dresser is partly blocking a side passage. Push it right SLIGHTLY, so you can squeeze into the corridor, then turn around and push the dresser TOWARDS the statue. Climb up, and press A to get the glitter...the F1 MANSION MAP. Hop down from the dresser, then take the side corridor; we've got some old art supplies and things covered in tarp. At the end of the corridor, grab the DAGGER. Turn around, but when you go around the corner a Zombie "ambushes" you. God this is easy. Just get around it (even if you mess up, you just end up using the dagger). Don't bother wasting the ammo killing the thing. Exit the corridor, then exit back to the Foyer. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Dun dun dun. Most all of the doors are locked (except two). Head up the stairs, then take the double doors on the left side. DINING BALCONY ROOM ----------------------- Circle around left, and watch yourself, a Zombie is on the right. Push the statue forward, then off the ledge where the gap in the railing is. It'll hit the floor below and shatter. Circle around to the left side, avoiding the Zombie, and grab the DAGGER on the shelf. Exit to the foyer again. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head downstairs and enter the Dining Room yet again. DINING ROOM --------------- Nothing's here, not even Barry like he supposed to be...except remember the statue we pushed off the balcony upstairs? Run to the shatter debris and pick up the BLUE GEMSTONE. We'll use that MUCH later (it's not really a required item, but quite handy). Exit to the hallway. KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- The Zombie's up and about, but to your right, and is moving about 1 friggen MPH. Head left, and examine the dead body of your comrade, Kenneth (I named it "Kenneth Hallway" for a reason). You get a VCR tape file, but you can't view it yet. Exit out the end door. FAR WEST STAIRS -------------------- Head around the darkened corner, and in the next chamber is a HANDGUN MAGAZINE sitting beside the bird cage...there's a dead raven in it, spooky. Ahem. Grab a GREEN HERB at the foot of the chairs, but only if you need it, then head up stairs and exit. YELLOW CORRIDOR ------------------- A dead body's in front of you, and you'd better torch it in the future unless you want a Crimson Head running around. Cross in front of the mirror beside you, and watch out, a Zombie is just around the corner. Dodge him and run down the hall with the spears. Grab that sparkle sitting on the statue, the GOLDEN ARROW. There's also a HANDGUN MAGAZINE resting on the floor beside the mirror. Exit out the door just beside the mirror. DINING BALCONY ROOM ----------------------- Watch the Zombie, and exit out the double doors to the foyer again. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head down the stairs, and right where the stairs branch in two different directions, there's a "hidden" (cough) door to exit out of. GRAVEYARD ------------- This area is where GameCube's lighting abilities come in handy, the fog really sets the mood and makes it look like more then just pre-renders. Head down the steps, turn the corner, head down some more steps, then follow the path straight to the end. Examine the Angel Statue, which suspiciously has an Arrowhead-shaped hole on it (duh, duh). On your status screen examine the Golden Arrow and Jill will find she can remove an ARROWHEAD, which you should then use on the statue to open a secret passage. Head down the stairs... CRYPT --------- An eternity later, you'll be at the bottom, in a creepy crypt room complete with roaring furnaces, some gears, and a coffin suspicious suspended by chains. Run underneath the coffin (don't worry, it wouldn't open) and check the pedestal to get the BOOK OF CURSE. Examine the back of the book, and you'll find a Mansion Key lodged in its back cover. If you check the key itself, and you should see a sword symbol on the "handle" of it -- the SWORD KEY. Wooo. The Book of Curse is then filed away, and what it's talking about is those four face statues lining one of the Crypt walls...remember that later, when you have to come back here. Exit out of here. GRAVEYARD ------------- Enter the foyer again. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Take the double doors on the right again. STATUE ANTEROOM ------------------- Run over to the door, and open it up using the Sword Key. KITCHEN CORRIDOR -------------------- Run forward, and make sure not to freak out when the window PARTLY shatters. That scared me the first time. :p Push the first china cabinet forward to uncover a DAGGER. Head around the corner, then at the end push the last china cabinet away from the door to get a MUCH needed HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Exit through the door... NOTE: If you backtrack through here •backwards•, some Cerberus will bust through the windows and attack. So this is a BAD IDEA. EAST WINDOW CORRIDOR ------------------------ Take the door on your left, and Jill uses the Lock Pick. Time for some fresh air... SIDE GARDEN --------------- There's more Cerberus, but they're safely outside the gates. NOTE: If you come back here in the future, expect some Cerberus to be on you quickly. Plan accordingly by bringing a Shotgun. Head around the corner, and grab the plastic bag in the wheelbarrow, some CHEMICAL. Once you examine it, it's renamed HERBICIDE, which should give you a hint on it's use (kills plant life). Grab some herbs, but ONLY if you can leave a space open in your inventory. Head back inside. EAST WINDOW CORRIDOR ------------------------ Enter the room next door... BATHROOM ------------ The bathtub's full of dirty water, so examine it, and pull the plug. A zombie pops out (gee surprise) and attacks Jill...on her ankles. She delivers a swift blow to his head to end it, then proceeds to vomit in the nearby toilet. All in a days work...examine the tub again for a DAGGER then get outta here. EAST WINDOW CORRIDOR ------------------------ Head around the corner, pass some windows, then go around another corner and enter the door. QUAINT LITTLE ROOM ---------------------- Cross over and enter the next room. ANTIQUE ANTEROOM -------------------- If you examine the coffee table, you'll find a DAGGER on one end and some precious INK RIBBON on the other. At the back wall, grab the SHOTGUN sitting on the two hooks...which looks like they trigger a switch. ;) Exit out. QUAINT LITTLE ROOM...OF DEATH --------------------------------- Immediately after entering, Jill is confounded with the fact the ceiling is lowering, and about to crush her into a Jill sandwich (snicker). Turn around and check one door (locked), run across and check the other door (locked also), then run to the center of the room. Jill is saved in the nick of time by Barry. WHERE'S MY "JILL-SANDWICH" LINE BARRY?!?! EAST WINDOW CORRIDOR ------------------------ Head through the double doors. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Take the first side door on your left... BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Head along the hallway, but immediately off to your right is a Zombie. I •strongly• recommend killing him off (with your Handgun), since the "stairs" areas are some of the most frequently traveled in the game. Take the door you find here at the bottom of the stairs. EAST STAIRS STORAGE ROOM ---------------------------- Ah, safety. This room is completely safe, and has a ITEM BOX and a TYPEWRITER for you. Grab the FUEL CANTEEN sitting right of the Item Box, then the "Body Disposal" file on the floor in front of the box. Read that file, know it, love it. Also grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE sitting on the crates with the lamp. Run over to the Typewriter, and beside it you should notice a plastic, white tank. This is a KEROSENE TANK, which you should use to fill the Fuel Canteen you just picked up. This fuel, used with a Lighter (you get it soon) allows you to burn Zombie bodies so they don't come back to life as Crimson Heads. Save your game, then deposit any superficial items. You basically just need a Handgun and some ammo, your Shotgun, and maybe a Green Herb (there's one right outside, under the stairs). BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Head up the stairs to the top... EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Off to your right a Zombie will greet you, so pump him full of lead, then run past his corpse and exit the door at the end (the other door has no doorknob...hyuk). DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Head left, and enter the door at the end. STUDY --------- Directly beside you, collect the DOG WHISTLE sitting on the dresser. You also get a "crumpled memo" which reveals what you should do with it -- summon a dog who hangs around the west, second floor balcony; apparently he's got something special hidden in his collar. Beside the chess board is a HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Head to the next section in the room, and pick up the LIGHTER sitting on the desk. Beside it is a "Book of Botany" (file) you also want to pick up. Exit out the other door. EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Before continuing on, you NEED to have your Shotgun, Handgun, Handgun ammo, Sword Key, and Dog Whistle. Get rid of the Lighter in the Item Box down stairs, and make SURE you have at least 2 spots open in your inventory. Take the door at the end on your right again. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- All the other doors are locked, so just turn right and run all the way to the door at the end, where you head through using your Sword Key. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Jill startles Barry who just happens to be strolling through here, and they chat for a bit. "Other than I'm still alive in this mad house...? No." Classic line right there folks. :p Barry gives you some ACID SHELLS (upgraded Grenade Launcher ammo) and then you part ways. NOTE: If you didn't have any room in your inventory, the conversation with Barry would have been much shorter, and you wouldn't have gotten the Acid Shells. Which sucks, really. Head to the other side of the foyer and use the double doors again. DINING BALCONY ROOM ----------------------- Head around the left side (the Zombie is on the left side now!) and open up the second side door using your Sword Key. WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Turn to you right and open up the first door (Jill uses her Lock Pick). OUTSIDE TERRACE BALCONY --------------------------- OK, prepare yourself for some heavier fighting. Use the GREEN HERB TERRACE on that side area if you need health. Remember that terrace, and don't waste it later in the game healing on stupid things. Head along the balcony edge until you reach the area where the balcony widens. Trot down the stairs and get in the center of the wide area. Make sure you have your Shotgun equipped, and you're facing the left (direction you just came from). Blow your Dog Whistle. Seems Lassie and his little friend have come for a visit! Blow them away with your Shotgun (sey h'llo t'my lil' friend!) and collect the COLLAR from the one dog. Examine the Collar on your status screen -- look at the buckle -- and you'll find a switch. Push it and out pops a COIN. Sure looks suspicious...examine the back of it to find an armor insignia, and transform the Coin into IMITATION OF A KEY. Continue along the balcony, going to the other end and unlocking the door. DON'T go out it. Head back to the other end of the balcony and exit out the door you came from. WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Head directly forward and exit out the door. DINING BALCONY ROOM ----------------------- Take the door right beside you. YELLOW CORRIDOR ------------------- Turn the corner, head down the spear path. Dodge this Zombie yet again, then pass around the mirror. Head right, going down that hallway piece and exit out the door (Crimson Head will appear from that body, scary). KNIGHTS' HALLWAY -------------------- Head up the stairs. This cramped hallway has three •suspicious• Knight statues along it, all with inscriptions relating to death. Find the pedestal with the key in it and inspect it. "May whoever takes this emblem find peace in death." Take the Mansion Key... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KEY PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ First "real" puzzle of the game, and it's easy, to say the least. After taking out the key from the pedestal, place in your Imitation of a Key. The whirling-blade knight will retreat and the surroundings will return to normal. Wow...that was hard...wait, no. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Examine the Mansion Key -- the ARMOR KEY! The door at the other end is locked, so turn straight around, and head down the stairs. Exit out the door at the bottom. YELLOW CORRIDOR ------------------- Run straight ahead and exit out the other door. FAR WEST STAIRS ------------------- Head down the stairs -- don't be alarmed at that noise, just some creepy crows on the pole. Guess they're here to avenge the death of their friend in the cage. Round the dark corner and exit out the door. KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- Head into the narrow hall, and if the Zombie is ahead of you (as in, you didn't kill him yet), use only enough bullets to drop him, as we don't want a Crimson Head running around. Unlock the second door on the left with your Armor Key (don't go in) then continue on, passing the inactive lift and heading down the stairs. Open the door with your Sword Key, and then discard it. KITCHEN ----------- Nothing much is here, just grab the DAGGER at the edge of the food table and the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the table corner. There's another lift around the corner, but it's also inactive. Exit out the door you came in. We have a nice little cutscene of a Zombie (what else?) coming down that stairs and confronting you in the kitchen. Could this get any friggen easier? Dodge the thing and leave. KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- Head up the stairs, and take the door on the left that leads to the Dining Room. DINING ROOM --------------- Run along the table and exit to the foyer... MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head up stairs, and take the double doors on the left. DINING BALCONY ROOM ----------------------- Head around right, and take the second door. WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- The door to the terrace is shaking. Wonder what it could be? :p Ignore it and run past (it wouldn't burst open...yet). Head around the stairs and then turn the corner. Take out the Zombie you find. Trot to the top of the stairs, where the terrace door will burst open, revealing another Zombie -- take no heed. Head down the stairs, and midway take out another Zombie with some Handgun rounds. Run back up, and take out the Zombie who's coming for you. Danger is over, for now, and I can stop typing "Zombie" every two seconds. Head down the stairs to the bottom... BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Enter the door off to the side. DRUG ROOM ------------- Drugs as in medicines...cough. ;) This room is just like the other "save room" on the opposite side of the mansion, complete with TYPEWRITER and ITEM BOX. Definitely SAVE your game. Before you leave, get rid of any items you don't need, just make sure leave the two inventory spots open and have a Handgun, Handgun ammo, Shotgun, Herbicide, Armor Key and the Blue Gemstone (told you we'd use it). Exit out of here... BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Head around the corner, then down the hall with the windows. Take the side door... FURNITURE STORAGE CLOSET ---------------------------- We got a KEROSENE TANK here...but grab the INK RIBBON in the desk drawer, and the BATTERY PACK on the edge of the other dresser. Ignore that BROKEN SHOTGUN sitting in the case, unless, you like cluttering your inventory...leave. NOTE: You may want to take some time and burn all those Zombie bodies littering the stairs area. Crimson Heads is something we don't need around here. BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Take the door directly beside you. LONG WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- Grab the BATTERY PACK sitting on the desk beside you...yah, that's the shadow of a Zombie knocking at the window, but you're safe from it for now. Head right, going down the hall, then turn left and enter that tiny side hall. Go through the door... TIGER ALTAR ROOM -------------------- Tiger Statue with a suspicious inscription. Guess you could say it's suspicious. :p Use the Blue Gemstone, and Jill will place it in the statue's right eye, causing it to turn and reveal some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Just what we needed! Grab them then leave. LONG WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- Head across the hall and exit through that door. KEEPER'S ROOM ----------------- What happened here?! Grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the bed, and head around...did that closet door just move? Anyway, go to the desk and read the HILARIOUS file of the Keeper's Diary. Brace yourself -- turn around and the closet doors should fling open, revealing a Zombie. Use what little space you have to maneuver around him, then grab the DAGGER in the closet. Get around the bed -- WATCH OUT -- that other Zombie came alive as well. Get outta here... LONG WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- Turn right, and head down the hall, round the corner and pass the windows, then enter the door at the end. NURSERY ----------- We have a bunch of plants here, of course, and a water pump in the corner beside where you enter. If you head forward a little, you can see a giant "vine-ish" plant that engulfs a fountain. If you go around the first planter you'll get whipped by one of his vines, so be careful. Head to the water pump, and use your Herbicide...Jill places the bag in the water. Now examine the pump and say "yes" you want to pump the water. PUMP TO THE RED SIDE. The fountain will turn on, spurting out a colorful red water and kill off the vines (don't freak out when they suddenly jerk upwards). The threats over, so head to the other side of the Nursery -- we have some Green Herbs on some planks, but more importantly, grab the DEATH MASK sitting on the shield. Examine it to get MASK W/OUT EYES. Exit out. NOTE: If you pump to the •green• side, the Herbicide-laced water will be sprayed on the pots of Green Herbs and wither/KILL them, rendering the things useless. SECOND NOTE: It's rather obvious where the water leads. Just check the red and green pipe lines leading from the pump -- one clearly goes left and the other to the right. LONG WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- The Zombie is not at the window...run forward...SHATTER. Keep running and dodge the Zombies as they fly out of the windows (must be Jackie Chan Adventures; they take some time to get up). Turn right, and run down the hall to the end, unlocking the door and heading through. KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- We basically went in a circle. Take the door back to the Dining Room. DINING ROOM --------------- Exit to the foyer. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Now, we're going to finish up unlocking doors with the Armor Key; there's four left in total. Head up the stairs, and at the top, head to the right side (side with two single doors). Unlock the door in the far corner with your Armor Key. Don't enter, head to the other door on this side and exit out. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Unlock the door just ahead of you. Head around the corner, then unlock metal double doors. Keep going, then take the first side door to the stairs. EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Run forward, go around the corner, then head down and open the side door with your Armor Key. One left to go! Head down the stairs. BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Take the door at the end of the hall piece. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Trot around the chair, and watch that Zombie around the corner! Unlock the final door in the corner with your Armor Key...discard it. Enter through the door. PORTRAIT GALLERY ------------------- OK, we have another puzzle here, and this one is actually •puzzling•. Without my help, you might actually have to try it two, maybe even three times. ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PORTRAIT PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Along this hallway are six portraits, and at the end is a portrait of Lisa, whom is guarded by the "three spirits." If you notice carefully in the picture, Lisa is wearing a GREEN CROWN, PURPLE NECKLACE, and ORANGE BRACELET. The six portraits along the hall consist of: • 2 Valiants, which wear bracelets • 2 Sages, which wear necklaces • 2 Saints, which wear crowns Each picture has a switch on it, which can be used to light a certain color. You need to light a Valiant orange, a Sage purple, and a Saint green. Keep the rest of the lights off. Easy, no? If you mess up at any time, the crows perched on the rails will let you know...hoho. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Press the switch on the Lisa portrait and head outside, grabbing the DEATH MASK. Examine it, it's the MASK W/OUT MOUTH. Lock Pick the gate and head out... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOW SCIENTIFIC: (from Toadman527@aol.com) "First, the puzzle with the "pictures" and lights to get a death mask doesn't involve pictures, those are glass windows. You are mixing the light on either side." I'm still calling it "Portrait Gallery" though! :p ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRAVEYARD ------------- Head up the stairs, entering into the Mansion Foyer again. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head up the stairs to the RIGHT. Take the single door in the far corner. GARDEN BALCONY ------------------ We have a little glass greenhouse going on here, so exit out, and pass the glass table. Head around the corner, there's some more plants, and, the DEAD BODY of your S.T.A.R.S. teammate Forest. But it's not all bad, pick up his GRENADE LAUNCHER! Sch-weet. Make sure to arm yourself with this new piece of hardware and head around the last corner. Forest comes alive and paces at you! Hit him with a few grenades and the "fight" is over. You have access to some Green Herb at the end here. Before leaving, grab the DAGGER sitting on the side of the brown bench. Exit out of this area... MANSION FOYER ----------------- Take the door just beside you. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Head forward and take the first door on the right. RICHARD HALLWAY ------------------- Run forward, where you're greeted by a fellow S.T.A.R.S. member, Richard Aikens. He's been bitten by a snake -- unfortunately, it was poisonous. We need to retrieve some Serum for him before you passes away...yea, you're officially the errand girl for the time being. Make it over to the Drug Room in the west side of the mansion (hey, it's on you're map, and it's just the save room at the bottom of the stairs, besides, you even get that nice color photo). And don't THINK I'm writing room by room to walk you over there. Lazy. DRUG ROOM ------------- Once here, check that medicine cabinet beside the Item Box to get the SERUM. Also deposit the masks away and MAKE SURE TO GET your Lighter, you'll need it soon. And have two spots open in your inventory. Leave here, then head back to Richard. Seconds count! RICHARD HALLWAY ------------------- Give the Serum to Richard and he's cured! Wooray. Head through the next door around the corner. NOTE: If you take too long delivering the Serum to Richard, you'll find him dead in a crumpled mass on the floor. ATTIC HALLWAY ----------------- Turn left, and watch yourself for the Zombie that is waiting for you. You can actually get around him without firing a single shot if you wait for him to hobble to where the halls intersect. Do whatever, and enter the door at the end of the hall. ATTIC DINING ROOM --------------------- Collect the HANDGUN MAGAZINE setting on the edge of the table, then trot around it, and use your Lighter to set ablaze the candlestick on the table corner. If you dodged your friend in the hall, he should come barreling in, so fill him full of lead then check the cabinet in the left corner for some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Over on the other wall, you should notice that suspicious green cabinet -- push it to the right, and reveal a secret room. A ZOMBIE is waiting inside, so take it down. Check the bookcase and rechieve the MUSICAL SCORE. Exit out. ATTIC HALLWAY ----------------- Exit out the door you came in to where Richard is. RICHARD HALLWAY ------------------- Round the corner and exit out. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Head right, and round the corner, entering the metal double doors. KNIGHT ARMORY ----------------- Immediately when you enter, four Knight statues move forward. Puzzle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KNIGHT PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OK, I was reading CVXFREAK's guide, and I have to say his solution is whacked up. You can solve this puzzle in just three moves. THREE of'em. 1# -- Move the FAR RIGHT statue back into place. 2# -- Move the CLOSE LEFT statue back into place. 3# -- Move the CLOSE RIGHT statue back into place. And the final statue automatically moves into place. This puzzle is made even easier with the fact the four knights each are holding a different weapon, and if you look at the back wall you see four portraits with the different knights. :p ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check the pedestal in the center of the knights, then flick the switch, which opens up a depression in the back wall. Go check it, and rechieve the JEWELRY BOX. Examine the Jewelry Box on your status screen, and if you check the lid it mentions a hint about "sunlight." The sun icon clearly has two shapes in it, a small tear-drop shape and large one. Press the switch on the front side, and on the back side (which have the same shapes). The center of the sun icon with light up, allowing the box to open and giving you a third DEATH MASK. Examine the mask -- it's MASK W/OUT ALL. Exit out this room. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Go left and around the corner, then take the first door. EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Run forward and head down the stairs. BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Sitting on the wall by the stairs is a brown note: "I left you some bullets in the room on your right. Feel free to use'em if you manage to get yourself in trouble. -Barry-" Enter the save room... EAST STAIRS STORAGE ROOM ---------------------------- Ah sweet ammo! Take all the clips, grenade (incendiary!) shells, and First Aid Sprays and put them away in the Item Box. Dump all the superficial crap, basically you just need Handgun, Handgun ammo, Shotgun, and Grenade Launcher. Keep the other four spots open in the inventory. SAVE your game, then get outta here. BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Trot up the stairs, again... EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Turn left and take the first door you see. DEER HEAD GALLERY --------------------- Errrr...no comment. Grab the RED HERB and GREEN HERB in the corner and combine them to get some MIXED HERBS. Full health heal, yah baby! Take the right door. SPECIMEN LAB ---------------- Here we catch Barry checking out a Researcher's Will (file). Suspicious how the best part is missing and Barry scurries off in a hurry... ;) • Check the hook box on the wall by the fish tank, and get the FISHHOOK. • Head to the insect box by the bookcase, and get the LURE OF A BEE. • Head to the lure box by the door, and pick up the BEE SPECIMEN. Now, combine the Fishhook and Lure of a bee on the status screen. Seems the lure and specimen were reversed in the boxes...hint, hint...put the lure in the lure box, and the insect in the insect box. Press the switch, and you uncover a hidden alcove! After the bee comes alive, shoot it a few times with your Handgun to get rid of it. NOTE: If you walk exactly right, you can squish the bee's body on the floor. Sweet sweet revenge...and it makes a beautiful "squish" sound and a large green puddle. Grab the WIND CREST then leave this creepy room... DEER HEAD GALLERY --------------------- Take the door on the opposite side. UPSTAIRS BEDROOM -------------------- Take no heed of the camera view, there's NO monster under the desk. Grab the FIRST AID BOX sitting on the chair, and examine it's lid to get FIRST AID SPRAY. Check the desk in the corner for some INK RIBBON, then leave the room. NOTE: Around the bed is some outta-sight Green Herb. DEER HEAD GALLERY --------------------- Take the center door to the hall... EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Before moving on, go downstairs and dump any unneeded items, and make sure to have your Musical Score, Grenade Launcher loaded with Acid Shells, Shotgun, Handgun, Handgun ammo, and three empty inventory spaces. Come back upstairs and head right, round the corner, and exit out the door on the end. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Travel to the end and use the last door. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Travel down stairs, taking the double doors on the left. DINING ROOM --------------- Run along the table, then examine the fireplace at the end. Take the EMBLEM from the wall. Use the door to your side... KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- The first door on your left •may• be shaking if a Zombie is pounding at it. Head right, and go down the hall. Take the second door on the right. BAR AND LOUNGE ------------------ Examine the bar counter and pick up some lovely INK RIBBON, then take the little passage at the side of the piano. Push the bookcase to the right, revealing a shelf where you can pick up another MUSICAL SCORE. Combine the two scores on your status screen to get the complete MOONLIGHT SONATA. Trot Jill over to the piano and use the sonata; she then plays it (how moving, hold me...), revealing a hidden passage. Travel inside the passage grabbing the GOLD EMBLEM on the wall piece...the door retracts behind you. Gee, I wonder what we do next? Place the Emblem in the Gold Emblem's place to open it up again. Grab Trevor's Diary at your feet before leaving... KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- Head down and exit to the Dining Room again. DINING ROOM --------------- Place the Gold Emblem in the blank spot over the fireplace...nearby, the door on the clock opens revealing it's gears. Head over, and inspect the clock. I think it's puzzle time! Cha-ching. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLOCK PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This puzzle is extremely easy if you observe a few clues. But first, remember that: • small gear moves the LONG hand • large gear moves the SHORT hand • both hands are pointing straight up, AKA, it's midnight As you inspect the clock, you read the inscription -- "When the two have run each other through, the path to your destiny will open." Now, if you check the painting by the clock, it says -- "A picture of two knights striking each other. The short sword has been thrust into the breast of one knight, while the long sword has pierced the head of the other." This should make the puzzle just TOO EASY. Just turn the short hand (large gear) twice to the RIGHT. Bing, bang, bong, we have the long hand pointing at the HELMET, and the short hand pointing at the ARMOR. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab the MANSION KEY from the alcove that is revealed, and inspect it -- the SHIELD KEY. This key is actually pretty useless, as it opens up only one door. I sure hope you're well armed; with a Handgun, Shotgun, and Grenade Launcher...exit out the double doors. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head up the stairs, then take the first door on the RIGHT, which leads to the crappy (pun) looking brown hallway. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Take the door on the right... RICHARD HALLWAY ------------------- Round the corner (Richard is still asleep; unless you killed him like a horrible person by not bringing him Serum fast enough) then exit out the door. ATTIC HALLWAY ----------------- Run forward and trot up the stairs. BEFORE entering, have your Shotgun equipped. Open the cobweb-infested door with your Shield Key, then discard it... ATTIC --------- Hmmm...quiet, too quiet. Head down the room -- out of no where a GIANT Python pops out of the rafter. I swear, that scared the LIVING CRAP out of me the first time! :p Time, for a boss fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Yawn the Python ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This guy is such a pain. He'll sling around and try to trap you in a little space with his body, and then when he rears up, prepare for a bite -- which not only damages you, but POISONS as well. Where's that Blue Herb when we need it? Blast him a few times with your Shotgun, and maybe a few Acid Shells if you run out of Shotgun ammo. A little ways into the battle, Richard comes in to get his revenge and starts firing at the snake with a Shotgun. Eventually Yawn eats Richard like a bastard, but you should quickly finish off the snake causing it to run away... NOTE: If you didn't save Richard earlier using the Serum, you're going to have to scare off Yawn all by yourself! SECOND NOTE: •Technically•, you don't have to fight Yawn, you can just take the Death Mask and Assault Rifle and leave. But it's definitely not as much fun... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY: (from Dart533@cs.com) "I tried a different way of attacking Yawn. I used the survival knife. Yes, the knife. What I did was I set up Yawn so he was coiling up, but I was on the outside. I would slash him, run a couple steps, slash him, run a couple steps, slash him, etc. This actually worked amazingly well. He tried to bite me a couple times, but as long as you stay near the middle of his body, it'll work really really nice. Just make sure you are on the OUTSIDE of him, and only slash one time before running again. It takes time, but it saves lots and lots of ammo. Oh, by the way, you should put in that you won't get hit at ALL. (at least I didn't) And it also works for both fights." Thank you, Dart533. I'm sure this would work EXCELLENTLY for Hard mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Where Richard was eaten, head over a grab the sparkle, an ASSAULT SHOTGUN. This weapon is great, not only does it hold 10 shells, instead of a regular Shotgun's six, but just look at it -- the things GREAT looking. Head to the upper left hand corner of the room and grab the fourth and final DEATH MASK sitting on the wooden crate. This one's MASK W/OUT NOSE. Since we have all four Death Masks, we can use them in the Graveyard. You remember those four statues in the Crypt, right? Exit out of here... ATTIC HALLWAY ----------------- Run straight ahead and use the door. NOTE: If you were bitten by the snake and POISONED, Jill will say she needs some Serum and you need to get to the downstairs Drug Room. On my last game, Barry carried Jill to the Drug Room bed...I don't know what triggers that, but maybe it happens if you were REALLY badly damaged. RICHARD (BYE-BYE) HALLWAY ----------------------------- A Zombie will be waiting for you, so get around him then exit the other door. You should head to the Drug Room save area so you can get ALL four of the Death Masks, along with a Handgun, Handgun ammo, Shotgun, and your Grenade Launcher filled with INCENDIARY SHELLS. Serum too, if you're poisoned. Also save your game...head to the foyer when you're through. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head up the first set of stairs and use the door to the Graveyard. GRAVEYARD ------------- Run down both sets of stairs, then travel forward and descend the stairs to the Crypt. CRYPT --------- See the four statues lining the wall? Place the four Death Masks on each appropriate statue -- everytime a mask is place, the nearby suspended coffin is disturbed...and what the nut is that blood from?! After all four masks are placed, the coffin falls and flies open...head over to inspect it. A gate shuts blocking the entrance and out pops an ol' Crimson Head. Ah crap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Mega Crimson Head ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you're prepared, this guy is a chinch. Equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER filled with INCENDIARY Shells, then fire a few at him. Each shell should knock him to the floor. Unless your pathetic, you shouldn't get damaged, AT ALL, and you probably wouldn't even need to move! The incendiary shells should leave his corpse extra crispy...I just need some barbecue sauce now...delicious... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab the item beside the coffin -- some SHOTGUN SHELLS -- then check the coffin. Jill will flip a switch opening the entrance along with finding a STONE & METAL OBJECT. Basically, an octagonal-edged disk with the Umbrella insignia. Leave the Crypt, backtracking up the stairs. GRAVEYARD ------------- Run along the path, but at the end take the side gate. PORTRAIT GALLERY -------------------- Travel down the hall and exit out the door at the end. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Clever shortcut, no? Run forward but watch that friggen Zombie. Get around him and exit out the door at the end... VINE PASSAGE ---------------- Arm yourself with a Shotgun, then tread lightly down the path. Blow to bits that Kojo Jr. that pops over the wall and continue on -- at the end, examine that "shelf" depression. "To the defiler of the accursed coffin." Place in the Stone & Metal Object, which unlocks the adjacent door...head through. GARDEN SUPPLY SHED ---------------------- There's a FIRST AID SPRAY and BATTERY PACK on the shelf over the stairs, and some SHOTGUN SHELLS in the shed corner. There's two ways to get to the Courtyard (area two), but we want to exit out the door at the bottom of the stairs... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C O U R T Y A R D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Courtyard Map 2. Square Crank 3. Moon Crest 4. Star Crest 5. Sun Crest 6. Magnum Revolver DESOLATE SIDE PATH ---------------------- It may be a bit uneasy to step out side, but there's no enemies in this section. Trot down the steps then turn right, following the path till you come to a nearby signpost...we've got another puzzle here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CERBERUS PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The sign reads: North: Valley of Destruction South: Cave of Hatred East: Summit of Madness West: Path of Revenge Keep those locations in mind. Follow the winding path all the way to the end, where you come to two Cerberus statues and a locked gate. The gate reads -- "The gates will open when the guard dog's desires are fulfilled." Now check both statues... LEFT STATUE -- "The Last Gasps of Destruction" RIGHT STATUE -- "The War Cry of Revenge" Back a ways you should have passed two weathervanes -- the blue one goes to the left statue, and the red to the right. Turn the blue one to the NORTH, and the red one to the WEST. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ta-dah, the gate unlocks! Pass on through... FOREST GRAVEYARD -------------------- Absolutely nothing to do here yet, unless you like watching some Crows. Follow the path straight and take the opposite gate. PATH THROUGH THE WOODS -------------------------- What was that strange noise? Cough. ;) Another no-brainer here -- follow the trail to the end, where you find a Cabin at the top of the hill. Enter the front door. CABIN --------- Head around the corner, then another one. Everything is covered in cobwebs and there's a bunch of junk laying around, but strangely, the fireplace is lit...hmmm. Trot up the staircase then grab the COURTYARD MAP on the wall. Enter the next room, where we have a bed, but more importantly a TYPEWRITER. Examine the area of the table where the lamp is -- we get a STRANGE file that's in barely decipherable English. Head to the next area, which is a hallway with an ITEM BOX. Take out some Ink Ribbon if you need to and go save your game, then come back here. Trot to the right, hop down to the lower area, and grab the CRANK sitting on the board at the end. Examine the tip of it; it's renamed SQUARE CRANK. Climb back up and deposit any junk in the Item Box. You just need a Handgun, Handgun ammo, Shotgun, Square Crank, and your Wind Crest. Head back to the bedroom -- THE FRONT DOOR opens -- check the window beside you to see some-body/thing slink out of view...trot out the doorway. THUNK! Jill is knocked unconscious by a pair of arms, but she awakens in time to have an encounter with Lisa (the monster in chains)! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Lisa Trevor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now we know what that sound was at the beginning of the Path Through the Woods! DO NOT fight this thing (as it's invincible) just get out the HELL of here. You may want to fire a few times to stun her, since Lisa will swipe you if you get close, which takes off a hefty amount of damage. Leave the Cabin when you get to the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PATH THROUGH THE WOODS -------------------------- Backtrack all the way to the bottom of the hill, though you will encounter a (as in ONE) Zombie along the way...hardly exciting. FOREST GRAVEYARD -------------------- The Crows make this part so friggen ANNOYING. Run forward and up the trail between the gravestones, causing the Crows (99% of the time) to be disturbed and start chasing you. Puzz-ah time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREST PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Examine the right tombstone to uncover a suspicious indentation...place your Wind Crest in it, which causes a panel to flip over revealing three more crests. • Check the tombstone three more times, picking up the MOON CREST, STAR CREST, and SUN CREST. • Examine the back of each crest on your status screen and press the buttons you find, causing styles of iron bars to pop out. • Place the crests in the opposite tombstone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your prized is revealed -- a coveted MAGNUM REVOLVER. An EXTREMELY powerful gun, but slow firing (and the ammo is scarce), so use it ONLY on bosses. Now take the other gate out of here before you get mauled to death by the Crows. Woo boy. DESOLATE SIDE PATH ---------------------- Backtrack to the beginning and use the door. Once in the Garden Supply Shed, take the wooden double doors. PILLAR COURTYARD -------------------- Run forward a few steps and Brad will contact you on your radio. After a totally pointless cutscene, you can here a strange "pacing" sound ahead. This is coming from a GROUP of Cerberus in the next little area...there are two ways to tackle this problem. Man's Way -- Arm yourself with a Shotgun (Assault, preferably) and bust on in there, firing off shots at POINT-BLANK range at the dogs. Use the pillars to shield you, too. Coward's Way -- HUG the right wall as you run, to keep from being mauled... I prefer the first way, as not only do you free yourself from danger, but you also get access to a some herb. Plus, it boosts your ego. :p Either way, exit out the gate at the top of the stairs. STORAGE POOL ---------------- I have no idea why they would have this pond, maybe for the Mansion's plumbing system, but I sure wouldn't be drinking that water. Run around the left side of the pool, where at the end you find a pillar with a square-shaped hole (ahem). Use your Square Crank on it, causing some gates below to open and drain the pool. Cha-ching! Head back around and use the ladder, running along the brick path at the bottom and taking the other ladder. Follow this path to end where an old-style Lift is waiting for you... WATERFALL COURTYARD ----------------------- More Crows, arg. Run forward, going around the waterfall and use the other gate (nothing to see here yet). BRICK CORRIDOR ------------------ Follow the Corridor all the way to the end and use the door. RUN the whole time, to avoid Snakes that drop from above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R E S I D E N C E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Ink Ribbon 11. Ink Ribbon 21. VP-017 2. Red Book 12. Empty Bottle 22. J-VOLT 3. Key for Room 001 13. Empty Bottle 23. Helmet Key 4. Self defense gun 14. Empty Bottle 5. Control Room Key 15. Water 6. Aqua Ring Map 16. UMB No.3 7. Gallery Key 17. Yellow-6 8. Insecticide Spray 18. NP-004 9. Residence Map 19. UMB No.7 10. Key for Room 003 20. UMB No.10 FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- Oh, so •that's• why they call it RESIDENT Evil. Hohoho. Ahead is some BLUE HERB on shelves, so come back here if you get poisoned. Round the corner and take the first door on the right. RESIDENTIAL STORAGE ----------------------- Another save room, if you will. You can find a TYPEWRITER on the table and a KEROSENE TANK and ITEM BOX past the fence. Grab the FIRST AID SPRAY at your feet, and the BATTERY PACK and INK RIBBON on the shelf. SAVE your game, and deposit •all• your stuff in the Item Box and take out your Lighter. Exit out of the room... FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- Turn right, and use the double doors at the end. RECREATION ROOM ------------------- Ahhhhh, Giant Spider on the roof (avoid these things entirely). Quickly, run left, then in the back corner you should spot a RED candle on a table. Go over and light it, casting a strange silhouette: _\|/_ <_(_)_> | Yes, crappy ascii, but bare with me (besides there's two more muwahah). Head back to the door, watching the Giant Spider, and go round the corner. Run down the first set of stairs. At the bottom, grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS on the first table, then the RED BOOK and FIRST AID BOX on the bar. Examine the box to get MIXED HERBS -- one green, one blue. Now light another strange candle (this one's GREEN) on the other table. We get a silhouette like so: _\_/_ <_(_)_> Different then the previous one, yes? Head back up the stairs, then take the next set of stairs. There's another Giant Spider, but he wouldn't bug'ya. Light the final (ORANGE) candle in the corner: _____ -<_(_)_>- Now check the pool table at the center...we have some balls (snicker) with varying colors and numbers: 2 -- Blue 4 -- Purple 6 -- Green 3 -- Red 5 -- Orange All those previous clues add up to a solution to a very tricky puzzle coming up shortly. Exit completely out of this room. FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- Head back to the storage room... RESIDENTIAL STORAGE ----------------------- Deposit all the stuff you just got in the Item Box, and get out a Handgun and Handgun ammo. Exit out. FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- Head to the right, where you'll spot a crate in the hall, and a nearby corridor with littered with holes in the floor. If you just run over the holes, expect to be strangled for a few seconds by a giant vine that pops up. It's only slightly damaging, but VERY annoying. To get around this, take the crate and push it like the diagram shows below. I added the diagram because the other guides are poorly written on this fact! (BEFORE) (AFTER) | | | | | [1]|________ D | |________ D | [][] o | [2][][] o | ________ o | ________ o | | r | | r | | | | Like so...now all you need to do is climb over the tops of the boxes and use the door at the end! INNER HALLWAY ----------------- Run down the hallway and go around the corner, taking the second door with the "002" on top of it. Before going in, Jill listens to a INTERESTING conversation with Barry and some shadow-type character. Apparently, they wish to get rid of S.T.A.R.S...afterwards Jill accesses the room and Barry scurries off. ROOM 002 ------------ Take the door on your right side. It's actually quite hard to see, and in my first game I couldn't find it for awhile! Doh. 002 BATHROOM ---------------- Toilet's busted...lovely, trotting over a fecal covered floor. Not what I had in mind. Grab the shiny object on the shelf by the toilet; it's a RESIDENCE KEY, and if you examine it on the status screen it's renamed -- KEY FOR ROOM 001. Yes, that's the door rattling, and after the Zombie pops it kill the dang thing then leave. ROOM 002 ------------ Run forward and check the desk at your left for a "Plant 42 Report." Read that, it has very useful information. Head to the two identical bookcases at the end of the room...push the left one back against the wall, then push the right bookcase to the right. You uncover a ladder, but don't go down it yet, instead exit this room going back to the hallway. INNER HALLWAY ----------------- Round the corner and backtrack down the hallway to the door at the end. FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- Climb over the tops of the crates, then take the door off to your left, unlocking it with the Key for Room 001. Discard the key and enter. ROOM 001 ------------ Some guy's foot is at the corner of the screen, he's hanging from the rafters, so no, he wouldn't attack. Run down the hall piece and in the next bedroom area grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the desk. Beside that, grab the SELF DEFENSE GUN -- you also get a "Suicide Note." The gun fires a single bullet that should stop a Zombie dead in its tracks. Grab the other HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the rocking chair then exit through the side door... 001 BATHROOM ---------------- Drain the bathtub and grab the CONTROL ROOM KEY you find in the bottom. SNAP -- outside a rope breaks and should be PRETTY obvious where it came from. The dead guy by the bathtub also comes alive, so get out of here, NOW, don't bother wasting ammo. ROOM 001 ------------ Exit back into the hallway. FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- Run ahead and climb over the crate tops, then use the door again. INNER HALLWAY ----------------- Follow it to the end, then enter Room 002. ROOM 002 ------------ Use the ladder in the back by the bookcases. AQUA RING -- ACCESS TUNNEL A664-1 ------------------------------------- Follow this tunnel to the end, where you find three wooden crates and a pool of water you can't pass. • Push the crate closest to the water straight ahead, into the pool. • Push the second closest crate into the pool. • Push the farthest crate around the corner, then into the pool. Run across the bridge created, and DEFINITELY, grab that GREEN HERB in the corner. Wade through the water and open the metal double doors. AQUA RING -- SHARK ENCLOSURE -------------------------------- If you stick around here you'll be shark-food for sure! NOTE: Due to the waist-high water, your running is slowed considerably. Run along the catwalk to your left, and you'll see a cutscene of incoming sharks. MOVE YOUR JILL VALENTINE ASS! Keep following the catwalk till you come across a small bridge. Cross it, then head left along the inner catwalk. Trot up the stairs when you reach them, and unlock the door with the Control Room Key. Discard the key and enter inside QUICKLY. SECOND NOTE: Those sharks that swim around and bite at you are only the BABIES. Yes, only BABIES. If you hang around you might actually see the mother, Neptune -- she can swallow you in ONE BITE! Not to mention scare the crap out of you... AQUA RING -- CONTROL ROOM ----------------------------- You can use the herb you got in the Access Tunnel if you got bit by a shark (and you most likely did). The red lamp to your right indicates an emergency has occurred. Head down the ladder. At the bottom here, check the spotted document on the table to your left. It'll say which valve to release in case of a drop in OIL PRESSURE. Keep this number in mind! Collect the AQUA RING MAP on the back wall, then head back to the ladder. Our goal now is to drain the water in the Shark Enclosure... • Head to the side window, and examine the console...say "yes" to draining the water. A malfunction occurs, and one of those bastard sharks headbutts the window, causing a critical loss of pressure in the room. NOTE: When the critical gauge comes on, your difficulty (easy/normal) depends on how fast it fills up. • Run to the console with the black chair in front of it. Examine, then release the safety. • Run to the console in front of the main window. Choose to lower the Pressure Doors. Another malfunction -- the doors stop midway. We need to restore the oil pressure before continuing. • Head out to the hallway and check the tanks just to your right. Choose the correct valve (1,2,3...whatever was on the document) and turn it back on. • Head back into the room, examine the console with the chair, and release the safety a second time. • Examine the console in front of the main windows, and lower the Pressure Doors. The emergency is OVER! Now just lower the water in the Shark Enclosure using the console in front of the side window. Head into the hall, grabbing the FIRST AID BOX by the tanks. Examine it to get MIXED HERBS, of two Green Herbs. Run down the hall, and use the door at the end. AQUA RING -- STORAGE CHAMBER -------------------------------- Everything is soaking wet. Turn right and go down the hall, then run right into that little cloister will stuff piled everywhere. Grab the GRENADE SHELLS here (they're quite hard to spot). Turn around and exit out the single door on the other side. AQUA RING -- ENCLOSURE FLOOR -------------------------------- Run along the tank bottom...eventually you come across the body of Shark laying on the floor. He's still alive, but a Handgun bullet to the skull outta do him in. :p Keep going to the end, and wade through the waist- deep water. Don't worry about Neptune...she's "dead." ;) Climb up on the grating, then •attempt• to press the switch in the box. SPLASH! The box breaks and Neptune is actually alive...you can't go back in the water, what to do?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Neptune the Shark ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are two ways to do this... (Stupid) Pump tons of rounds into her body, wasting precious ammo yet eventually killing her. (Smart) Push that green box (an electrical generator) into the water, then flip the lever on the control panel beside you. The water will electrify and shock Neptune to death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...glad you made the right decision. Hop down into the water again and wade around her charcoaled body, picking up the sparkle. Another RESIDENCE KEY. Examine it, this one's the GALLERY KEY. Wade out of the water then backtrack to the door at the beginning of the tank and exit. AQUA RING -- STORAGE CHAMBER -------------------------------- Turn right, and head down the hall, exiting out the double doors. AQUA RING -- EXIT TUNNEL ---------------------------- Run forward and grab the MAGNUM ROUNDS on the box, then climb up the ladder at the end of the tunnel. At the top use the door... AQUA RING -- ACCESS TUNNEL A644-1 ------------------------------------- Run left, and backtrack to the end, using the ladder to climb back out. ROOM 002 ------------ Use the main door and exit into the hall. INNER HALLWAY ----------------- Trot around the corner and use the Gallery Key to unlock the adjacent door. Discard the key. Before heading in the Gallery, you should go back to the Residential Storage (save room) and put EVERYTHING in the Item Box, and take out your RED BOOK. GALLERY ----------- God, this place is SWARMING with Killer Bees (they can also poison you if you're stung enough), so don't try to do ANYTHING in here yet, just stay moving! Run forward, then turn left at the table and run down the hall. Examine the body laying dead in the corner, uncovering something he's holding, INSECTICIDE SPRAY. Gee, wonder what we should do with this? NOTE: Off to your left is the Killer Bee Hive (it's HUGE!) but you can't access it because the swarming is so veracious. Turn 180 quickly so you're not stung, and run back down the hall. Turn at the table then exit back out the door at the end. INNER HALLWAY ----------------- Turn right and pass the door to Room 002, then at the dead end grab the RESIDENTIAL MAP. There's a hole behind it, DON'T INSPECT IT (as bees will pop out). Just use your Insecticide Spray and Jill will send a cloud through, killing the hive in the adjacent hallway. Turn yourself around and enter the Gallery again. GALLERY ----------- Run forward and grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the table...turn left again and go down the hall, then turn left a second time. Grab the sparkle at the end, the final RESIDENTIAL KEY. Examine the back of it, where it's renamed KEY FOR ROOM 003. Backtrack out of the hallway, and use the key to unlock the door on the right. Discard and head in. ROOM 003 ----------- Nab the INK RIBBON on the little shelf ahead of you. Take the side door. 003 BATHROOM ---------------- Weird plant roots are sticking out of the wall! Drain the water in the bathtub, and grab the DAGGER that's uncovered. Exit out... ROOM 003 ------------ You can SAVE YOUR GAME with the TYPEWRITER on the table. Examine the bookcase beside the table, and you'll find a row of red books, yet suspiciously the center book is white colored. Remove the white book and you get an "Organic Chemistry Lab Experiment" file. Now, place the Red Book in the gap. Ding ding, puzzle time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RED BOOK PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Our task is to arrange the "Bandage with Blood" books in the correct order so that the naked woman on the book spines is arranged properly. Don't know why, she's ugly to begin with, but anyway... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8| |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| Exchange books 1 and 4. Exchange books 2 and 7. Exchange books 3 and 8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Afterwards the nearby bookcase moves, revealing a SECRET DOOR! Once you go through there, you're going to be in the Lair of Plant 42, something we don't want to do, yet...unless you feel like fighting the Plant 42 with conventional weaponry, then you can just skip ahead to the Boss Strategy. If you read on here, we're going to make J-VOLT, a chemical to kill the plant without using ANY AMMO (should know that if you read the Organic Lab file). Exit Room 003, back into the Gallery. GALLERY ----------- Head over to that door by the lab table. Examine it, and you'll discover it's locked by a rather sophisticated keypad device. If you remember the clues earlier from the Recreation Room (the candle silhouettes, the pool balls) this code is pretty easy, but here's the solution anyway: RED -- 3 ORANGE -- 5 GREEN -- 6 NOTE: On HARD MODE, the game actually gets RID of the colors, making you remember where each number goes just by the silhouette shapes! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ J-VOLT CREATION PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now that we're here in the Chemical Lab, time to make some J-VOLT! But first, look at the diagram so you know what's around you: CHEMICAL LAB DIAGRAM ------------ D.-----------.-------------------------------. Legend o (8) | (4) | ------------ o | (1) (2) (3) | r '-------------------------------| (1) -- UMB No.3 | .-------| (2) -- Empty Bottle | | (5) | (3) -- Empty Bottle | | | (4) -- Water | (9) | | (5) -- Empty Bottle | | (6) | (6) -- Empty Bottle |-----------------------------------'-------| (7) -- Yellow-6 | (7) | (8) -- Values | | (9) -- Equations '-------------------------------------------' OK, now let's begin -- follow these instructions EXACTLY, as making a mixture in the incorrect proportions results in a TOXIC gas, i.e. it hurts you. STEP #1 -- Grab three of the EMPTY BOTTLE, they're the small shiny things on the counters. You only need three, not four. STEP #2 -- Now that we have something to mix in, you should check the "Values" and "Equations" on the two walls shown above. EQUATIONS VALUES .-------------------. .-------------------. | 1 + 3 = 4 | | Water = 1 | | 4 + 6 = 10 | | Red = 3 | | 1 + 6 = 7 | | Purple = 4 | | 10 + 7 = 17 | | Yellow = 6 | | 17 + 3 = 20 | '-------------------' '-------------------' No, these aren't here to make sure you've graduated second grade math (though you sure would be in trouble if you failed), they show how the chemicals should be mixed together to reach J-VOLT, with a value of 20. STEP #3 -- Fill one your bottles with Water. Then fill another bottle with UMB No.3. Now, combine those two together in one bottle to get NP-004. STEP #4 -- Collect some Yellow-6 in an Empty Bottle, then combine that with the NP-004. You'll get the chemical UMB No.10. STEP #5 -- Collect some more Water in an Empty Bottle, and then some more Yellow-6. Combine those two together to get UMB No.7. STEP #6 -- Combine UMB No.10 and UMB No.7 in the same bottle. You'll get the chemical VP-017. FINAL STEP -- Collect some UMB No.3 in an Empty Bottle, and combine it with the VP-017. You get the J-VOLT! Cha-ching! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since we've got the J-VOLT, now we have to apply it to Plant 42's roots. Where are they you ask? Follow this steps: A) Exit the Chemical Lab. B) Exit the Gallery, going back to the Inner Hallway. C) From the Inner Hallway, enter Room 002 D) Use the ladder at the bookcases. E) In the Access Tunnel, follow it till you reach the door, then enter. F) In the Exit Tunnel, climb down the ladder and exit out the door. G) In the Storage Chamber, use the single door right beside you. H) Climb the ladder, and exit out of the Control Room. I) We're back at the Shark Enclosure, so use the door adjacent to you. GUARD ROOM -------------- This room is partly flooded and the roots are undulating out of the ceiling! Run over to them, and use your J-VOLT...they'll shrivel away and now all you must do is head back to the Gallery. GALLERY ----------- Head around the table, and use the door to Room 003. ROOM 003 ------------ Use the door you uncovered earlier...prepare yourself! :p LAIR OF PLANT 42 -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Plant 42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Depending on what you did earlier, there's two ways to fight this Botany Biohazard (crap, that was catchy...). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GUNS BLAZIN' The key here is that once you get in the room, IMMEDIATELY barrel up the stairs in front of you, then at the top STAY MOVING while you fire shots at the plant's "flower." Mind you the flower has to be OPEN. Keep doing that till it dies. Now most guides will say something along the lines of "equip a Grenade Launcher loaded with...blah blah." IGNORE THAT! The Shotgun is FAR superior against the Plant 42 -- let me explain. See, when you try to shoot grenades at the flower, the trajectory of the grenade tends to fall and narrowly miss. This can lead to misspent ammo...not so with the Shotgun! Every shot will lock on target (unless you have REALLY bad aim, I'm talkin' actually aiming in the WRONG direction). Besides, who really wants to waste precious ammo? However, if you REALLY feel like using some grenades, try to alternate between Incendiary Shells and Shotgun Shells... NOTE: Sometimes when you're on the top balcony, and a vine hits you, it'll knock you clear off and onto the GROUND FLOOR. SECOND NOTE: When the main "flower" opens, Plant 42 also gets more aggressive -- some vines will try to spray you with damaging pollen. THIRD NOTE: Also watch those little "buds" found on some of the walls, they can spray pollen too! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ J-VOLTIN' If you used the J-VOLT on the roots earlier, a cutscene plays showing the plant dying -- but not before it scoops Jill up with one of it's vines. Barry trots in with a Flamethrower, gets scooped up too, but quickly barbecues the entire plant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ With the threat over, run to the fireplace and grab the sparkle, another MANSION KEY. Examine the back of it; the HELMET KEY. Yes, we merely trekked all the way over here for the SOLE PURPOSE of just getting another key. This fact in particular pissed me off. You can exit the room now, except you have to take the double doors, because some mysterious fool removed one of the Red Books in the adjacent room causing the single door to relock. GALLERY ----------- Exit out the main door, going into the Inner Hallway... INNER HALLWAY ----------------- Head right, where a cutscene will play; Jill finds Wesker shooting some Giant Bees with his Handgun (why?!). Apparently there are some rooms in the mansion we still have to explore (duh duh). Exit out the door at the end of the hallway...squish the bees on your way out! :p FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- You can just run directly over the holes, as Plant 42 wouldn't grab you anymore. Round the corner to the right, then round another corner. You may want to grab a BLUE HERB from the shelves (just one) in case you get poisoned in a bit (as the mansion has no readily available Blue Herb, and trust me, you don't want to waste coming all the way out here again). Exit out the front door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C O U R T Y A R D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRICK CORRIDOR ------------------ Follow this all the way to the end and use the gate... WATERFALL COURTYARD ----------------------- Well, well, well. Seems some Cerberus have come to greet you. The dog right in front of you wouldn't get up until you run right beside him -- head for the lift! If you're fast (aka good) you'll make it without taking any damage. STORAGE POOL ---------------- After you step off the lift, run down the path. We have a little snake problem to take care of... L_______________________ I swear, nearly •every• time that I | snake gets me. NEVER AGAIN! This F_________________ | is a little diagram of the T | |_________ problem...yes I'm probably insane | 2 | for making it. :p | 1 | '---------. | (LAMP) | | 1 -- Snake | | 2 -- Safety Point | | Ladder | |_____| See, once you round the corner with the lamp, a "hidden" snake will pop out at POINT 1, and attempt to bite you. To avoid this, round the corner as tight as possible against the wall at POINT 2. There...the "horror" is over. Head down the ladder, run along the path at the bottom, and use the other ladder. Exit out the gate. PILLAR COURTYARD -------------------- Exit out the wooden double doors in the alcove. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M A N S I O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Last Book Vol.1 11. Jewelry Box 2. Medal of Eagle 12. Broach 3. B1 Mansion Map 13. Emblem Key 4. Battery 14. Metal Object 5. Last Book Vol.2 6. Medal of Wolf 7. Red Gemstone 8. Yellow Gemstone 9. MO Disk 10. Ink Ribbon GARDEN SUPPLY SHED ---------------------- Barry's been here! If you head to the door opposite of you, you'll find another brown note on the wall: "Use this thing to protect yourself from that bullet-proof thing in chains. I went ahead and fixed that piece of crap door, too. -Barry-" That door with the faulty doorknob in the east of the mansion is now fixed. Grab the stuff Barry left for you, then take the door beside you. VINE PASSAGE ---------------- Head down the passage and use the door at the end, entering the mansion building proper again. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Run own the hall piece and round the corner...THE HORROR! ;) A cutscene plays showing something following you. Now, those growls and screams are coming from a "Hunter," Which basically looks like a guy in a frog suit, not nearly as scary as Crimson Head. However Hunters are more dangerous, as sometimes they'll do a "Leap Attack" where they claw your head killing you instantly. Now some people say it decapitates you, but I've never actually seen the removed head. You can either take this Hunter out or do the smart thing and exit out the side door by the chair. BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Run down the hall, and watch yourself, another Hunter is waiting here for you. Take the side door entering the save room. EAST STAIRS STORAGE ROOM ---------------------------- Deposit all extraneous stuff and SAVE YOUR GAME. You just need a Handgun, Handgun ammo, a Grenade Launcher filled with Acid Shells, and your Helmet Key. Exit out. BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Barrel up the stairs as soon as possible to avoid the Hunter, or use your Shotgun to turn him bloodier than Jason's acting career. Either way, get to the top of the stairs. EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Head left, and run down the hall, rounding the corner. Use the end door. FIREPLACE STUDY ------------------- Herbs off to your side...open the other door using your Helmet Key and exit out. ART GALLERY --------------- Could also be called "Room of the Crushing Walls of a Horrible Squishy Death by Proxy." But I like my name better. :p We have another puzzle, and this one is pretty hard, as if you screw up you'll die and find out what a pancake feels like. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATUE PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run ahead, and immediately push the grey statue FORWARD, as it AWAY from the wall. Keep pushing it to the next chamber, where the two walls will begin to crush inwards. They CAN'T hurt you, you have the statue as protection. Push the statue ALL the way to the VERY end. Turn yourself around and run down the narrow space. When in the next little area, take the other passage. We're actually behind the wall now! Run all the way to the end and examine the alcove on the wall. OK, here's where it gets hard. • Hit the switch, causing the walls to start retracting. • Flip yourself around, and backtrack to the other area. • Take the other passage again, and run down to the statue. • Push it LEFT, until it covers that square with the "N". • A secret passage is revealed! The camera angles seem to make this puzzle much harder then it should be...but ah well, you'll get it eventually, that is if you don't die a horrible death in the meantime. :p ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head through the passage and go to the left. Examine the dresser to get a BATTERY PACK. Turn around and go to the other side, where you find a hole. Say "yes" to pop on in. GEORGE TREVOR'S CRAPPY GRAVE -------------------------------- Who turned out the lights? Run forward and grab the LAST BOOK VOL.1 laying on the ground. On your status screen examine the edge of the book where you can see the length of the pages. The book will open up, revealing a MEDAL OF EAGLE. Head forward some more, and check the gravestone to get a file -- "George Trevor's Diary." It's so long, and my eyes glaze over most of the time before I finish it. Say "yes" to hitting the switch, which reveals a hole and a ladder. Head down... BASEMENT CORRIDOR --------------------- There are some Giant Spiders in this area, and they're acid spit will poison you. But, there's a Blue Herb in the next area, so you can pretty much ignore them. Head forward and round the corner, ignoring the first spider. Travel down, then go to the right. Grab the B1 MANSION MAP on the wall. Round another corner, and examine the •seemingly• useless stack of boxes...you get some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Turn around, go around the corner, and backtrack, this time taking the left way. Watch the second spider! Round a final corner and use the door at the end... GENERATOR CORRIDOR ---------------------- This corridor has a layer of water at the bottom...interesting. Round the first corner and use the Blue Herb if you need it. Keep going till you reach the fork (two Zombies will greet you). Head through the gated passage. Go around the flooded corner and at the end examine the machine on the wall. Say "yes" to switching the fusepack, thus restoring power to the elevator. Backtrack around the corner and to the fork, this time taking the other way (watch the Zombies). Head to the end, but before exiting out the door, examine the shelf just to the right of the door. You get a HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Now you may exit... KITCHEN ----------- OK...let me get this straight, the floor of the previous corridor was flooded, but the Kitchen's floor isn't? Even though they're on the same level. And clearly the door between them isn't waterproof...arg. Anyway, on the opposite side of the table from you is a Zombie, which should be approaching at a snail's pace. Wait for it to come a few paces from you, then go around the other side of the table. At the back round the corner into a small side area (no, that guy wouldn't magically wake up all crimsony). Go to the elevator and say "yes" to bring it down. Press A when it reaches you. Wait. Where's my elevator music?! *pops in Donkey Kong 64 soundtrack* ELEVATOR HALLWAY -------------------- Head to the right, and round the corner. NOTE: Off to your left is some herbs, but it's hardly worth it. The plants are in a dead end and there's a Zombie keeping watch. A Zombie greets you...get past it, then open that first door here. CLOSET ---------- At your feet to the left is some ACID SHELLS and MAGNUM ROUNDS. Yummy metallic goodness. Head forward and examine the floor by the desk for a BATTERY PACK, then check the desk itself for the BATTERY. This Battery will activate a lift in the Courtyard...exit the room. ELEVATOR HALLWAY -------------------- We've come out of the closet! *snicker* Turn to the left and run down the hall, unlocking the door. Exit out. YELLOW CORRIDOR ------------------- A Crimson Head and a normal Zombie are in here (unless you killed them...), except they're up ahead and will try to ambush you from two directions. Be CAREFUL, or you could be a Jill sandwich before you know it. ;) Head forward and turn to the right, running down the long hall. *breaths heavily* Whip left around the corner (CRIMSON!) then cross through that little gap with the mirror, then turn right, running down the hall and exiting out the door. NOTE: You might just want to kill the Crimson with a grenade or two and be done with it. KNIGHTS' HALLWAY -------------------- Trot up the stairs and head to the end, where you open the door with your Helmet Key...head into the abyss. LIBRARY ----------- Herbs are in front of you, grab them if you have room. Run down the window hall and head around the corner where the first bookcases are. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXTRA LOOT: (from Toadman527@aol.com) "Secondly, while playing on easy, with Jill, you can find some shotgun shells right before your first battle with the giant snake. Right after you enter the loft area with the snake (before he comes out), you can search the boxes by the door to find some regular shotgun shells. Nothin extraordinary, but every little bit helps." I feel stupid for missing those! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DUN DUN! Out pops Yawn again! The bastard never gives up...and you can't run away this time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Yawn the Python, strikes back! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ First you need to turn yourself around and get down that ladder as quickly as you can. If you stay up on this ledge, Yawn can actually SWALLOW you in one bite -- not pretty. All right, here's a strategy that I've found works GREAT: Time for a little game of "Run Around the Mulberry Bush" with Yawny boy. LIBRARY SCHEMATIC .----------------.----------------------------. | Ladder| | | _______| .-----. | | | | | | | | | s | | | | | h | | | | | e | | | | (1) | l | | | | | f | | | | '-----' | | | | '--------'------------------------------------' Make sure to equip your Grenade Launcher filled with Acid Shells. Now, get Yawn to follow behind you as you run from the bottom of the ladder, and run COUNTER-clockwise around the shelf. Don't run too fast, as you want Yawn to follow at a comfortable distance. Once you run BACK to point (1), whip around and wait. To the right of you Yawn's tail should be wagging in the breeze, and Yawn should rear up and come after you from behind the shelf. FIRE AT WILL! When Yawn gets too close for comfort, run around the shelf again... Hitting Yawn's head and "neck" brings him down faster than injuring the length of his body. If you run out of grenades, finish him off with Handgun rounds. If you don't have the Grenade Launcher to begin with...well...use the Handgun, but it'll take a WHILE longer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The death animation of Yawn is quite gruesome (and he's DEAD FOR GOOD), causing some books on the nearby shelf to be thrown to the floor. But more importantly a sparkle is revealed! Run behind the shelf and pick up the sparkle -- LAST BOOK VOL.2 -- and just like the first book, examine the long side of the pages on the status screen. You'll pull out a MEDAL OF WOLF. Now head back up the ladder, and backtrack to the beginning. Exit out the door... KNIGHTS' HALLWAY -------------------- Head down to the beginning and exit out. YELLOW CORRIDOR ------------------- Run forward, then turn and head through the gap with the mirror. Exit through the first door here. WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Run forward, then trot on down the stairs... BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Use the door off to the side at the bottom. Save room time! DRUG ROOM ------------- Deposit ALL the items you picked up in the box. You just need a Handgun, Handgun ammo, the Helmet Key, and a fully-loaded Shotgun. The Shotgun is basically just for emergencies. Feel free to SAVE YOUR GAME, just remember to redeposit the Ink Ribbon in the Item Box. Exit the room... BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Trot back up the stairs. *creak creak* WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Head to the right, and open the nearby side door with your Helmet Key. Enter inside...can you feel the anticipation?! EAGLE STATUETTE ROOM ------------------------ Grab the GRENADE SHELLS on you right, on the shelf below the Deer head. Run to the other side of the room, and grab the DAGGER sitting to the left of the Buffalo head. Trot over to that table between the two dressers and pick up a "Mail from the Chief of Security" file. It's puzzle time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEMSTONE PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As you should have already noticed (unless you're blind) that Eagle Statuette follows you whenever you run around the room. Suspicious? Yes. So what are we going to do about it? Simple. Run back to the door, and flick the light switch beside it to turn the lights off in the room. The eyes in the Eagle glow bright purple. An eye in the Deer head glows red, and an eye in Buffalo head glows yellow. Push both of the cabinets forward so they're against the walls and underneath the animal heads. Now, here's the trick with the Eagle: • The Eagle will lock on and follow you if you're running in its VIEW. • If you run AGAINST the wall on which the Eagle is mounted, you'll pass BELOW its view, causing it not to follow you. Now, get the Eagle to lock on to the Buffalo head (the eyes will flash). Pass below the Eagle, then quickly hop on top of the cabinet below the Deer head and examine the head. Take out the RED GEMSTONE. Now just repeat this process, but opposite, for the Buffalo to get the YELLOW GEMSTONE. Now you can take your pansy self outta here... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Head left, then run down the stairs. BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Arm yourself with a Shotgun (just incase) then run forward and around the pillar. Round the corner...you'll be having lunch with two Hunters in a matter of moments. Run forward past the first window -- SHATTER. Hunter number one pops in. Run past the other window -- SHATTER. Another Hunter pops in. Run your little Jill legs to the end of the hall and exit out the END door. LONG WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- Immediately turn left and run down the way. Turn left, into that little alcove piece. Use the door... TIGER ALTAR ROOM -------------------- Position yourself in front of the Tiger Statue and place in the Yellow Gemstone. It'll revolve and give up an MO DISK. This we'll use in a bit. Exit the room. LONG WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- Run out of the little alcove, then turn left, and run down that long strip of hallway. Exit out the end door. KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- Trot to the right and use the door. DINING ROOM --------------- Turn right, running down along the table. Use the double doors. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Run yourself straight across the room to the double doors on the opposite side. Use your Helmet Key and open the single door just to the left. Discard the key and enter... SCIENCE ROOM ---------------- Off to your right you should notice that jar housing a green liquid and a human digestive system. But more importantly, pick up the "undated note" sitting beside the jar. Speaks something about an "art room." Head around the shelves and turn left. Run to the end and examine the bookcase to get some INK RIBBON. Flip around, then run down this hall and use the door. WARDROBE ROOM ----------------- Oooh, a Zombie! Get around him, and in the area opposite the mirror we have GREEN HERB and a BLUE HERB TERRACE. Grab the DAGGER on the floor, then the JEWELRY BOX sitting in the cabinet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JIGSAW PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We had every puzzle-type except the classic jigsaw. You knew it was coming! The impression on the top of the Jewelry Box is in the shape of an octagon. You have to arrange the pieces so they fit perfectly inside. The easiest way is to start with the largest piece and work your way down in size. Piece 2 goes in the very center, e.g. the last one you use. All the pieces: __ / \ _____ / \ _ / / \ \ / \ / / ___ | | __ / \ / 1 / / \ | | / \ / \ \ | / \ ____| 3 | / \ | | \ | / 2 \ | | / 4 \ | 5 | \ | | / | / / / | | \| |_______/ |________/ /_______/ /_______\ But if you want a better full-color image of the solution, which puts my crappy ascii to shame, you can see DEngel's "Jewel Box Puzzle Solution" at this location: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/gamecube/file/resident_evil_jewel_box.gif ------------------------------------------------------------------------ With the puzzle solved, the Jewelry Box opens, revealing a BROACH. Examine the Broach further (press A), and at the bottom out folds a key. We have the EMBLEM KEY, the final key in the Mansion. Wew. Now leave the room before that Zombie gives yah a hug. SCIENCE ROOM ---------------- Run down the hall then turn right, exiting out the door. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head to the main stairs. Run up one set of stairs then use the painted door to exit out. GRAVEYARD ------------- Head down the stairs, round the corner, and head down even more stairs. Run over to that gate and exit. PORTRAIT GALLERY -------------------- Run your legs all the way to the other end and use the door. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- If you haven't done so already, equip a Shotgun and pump the Hunter in front of you full of lead. Now watch, point, and laugh as his body convulses and dies. Dance with it -- DANCE I SAID, DANCE! ;) Now run to the gray door with the emblem on it. Open it with your Emblem Key (yah, really). Discard the key and enter inside. SPENCERS' ROOM ------------------ If you examine the things in the room, the game will tell you it's too dark to see anything. But before you run back to get your Lighter, walk to the desk and examine the lamp. Press "yes" to turn it on! That fooled me the first time! Examine the shelf just LEFT of the lamp to reveal some well hidden SHOTGUN SHELLS. Now turn around, and on that small cabinet, grab the BATTERY PACK on one corner, and the ever-elusive and spiffy METAL OBJECT. Doesn't the object look familiar?! Exit the room. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Take the door to the right of you beside the chair. BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Run forward, and kill this Hunter here as well (dance...), then take the door at the bottom of the stairs. EAST STAIRS STORAGE ROOM ---------------------------- Deposit EVERYTHING in the box. SAVE YOUR GAME, then redeposit the Ink Ribbon. Now, you need: fully-loaded Shotgun, Shotgun shells, Square Crank, and your Battery. DON'T forget anything! Exit the room... BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Head around the corner and use the door at the end. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Head left, round the corner, and exit out the metal door. Fresh air... VINE PASSAGE ---------------- Run along it to the end and use the metal door. GARDEN SUPPLY SHED ---------------------- Head forward and use the wooden double doors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C O U R T Y A R D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Shaft 2. Hexagon Crank 3. Ink Ribbon 4. Survival Knife 5. B1 Courtyard Map 6. Cylinder 7. Cylinder Shaft 8. Broken Flamethrower 9. Jewelry Box 10. Stone Ring 11. Stone & Metal Object PILLAR COURTYARD -------------------- If Cerberus are still here, clean them ALL out with your Shotgun before moving on. Head up the stairs and use the gate. STORAGE POOL ---------------- Pop down the ladder, running along the bottom. Use the other ladder then run along the path (watch the Snake by the lamp) to the lift. WATERFALL COURTYARD ----------------------- Pace...pace...pace. Two Cerberus are here (unless you killed them WAY before, while exiting the Residence) The goal is to make sure BOTH of them don't gang up on you at the same time. With Shotgun in hand, run kamikaze at the first dog, which is taking a nap to the left of the waterfall. BANG! Now run between the pillars and down the steps (if the other dog hasn't already spotted you). Dog -- BANG! Beside the fountain is another lift...yet, it has no power and there's a strange box beside it spiting out sparks. Hyuk hyuk! Place your Battery in the box to restart the power. Ride the lift up... PILLAR COURTYARD -------------------- We went in a circle -- how quaint. Run along this corridor then head around the pillars. Use the steps and the metal gate again... STORAGE POOL ---------------- Run forward then go off to the right. Use your Square Crank on the hole again, filling the pool with water. The game says a waterfall has stopped. Duh...hint? Flip around then exit out the gate. PILLAR COURTYARD -------------------- Head down the stairs, round the pillars, then run and use the lift... WATERFALL COURTYARD ----------------------- Trot up the steps then run over to where the waterfall use to be. Surprise surprise, a passage has been uncovered in the back after the water was drained. Head in. BEHIND THE WATERFALL ------------------------ Run down the long passage and use the ladder at the end. Candles? Who lit candles? Ahem... :p MINING AREA -- MAIN TUNNEL ------------------------------ I hate this part. I repeat, I hate this part. It has got to be the most BORING part of the ENTIRE game! Whoever designed it should be fired! You could run forward and find a TYPEWRITER, ITEM BOX, and a dead end. Or, you could just take that side door -- which is what you should do! MINING AREA -- WINDY TUNNEL ------------------------------- Run forward, then turn left. There's a huge boulder with wind blowing out from behind it. Grab the ACID SHELLS sitting on the floor. Turn around, trot down the stairs, and use the door at the end. MINING AREA -- INDUSTRIAL ELEVATOR -------------------------------------- Head just to the left and grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the floor. That gapping hole is the elevator (or at least where it should be...). Run around the elevator, then head into that alcove with the machinery. Examine that square panel, the main power console. Say "yes" to removing the SHAFT. No jokes please... ;) Run out of the alcove and head down that corridor...grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE in the pool of water (quite hard to see) then use the door. MINING AREA -- ENRICO TUNNEL -------------------------------- Trot forward a bit and a cutscene automatically starts playing. We meet Enrico, another fellow S.T.A.R.S. officer: "S.T.A.R.S. is finished." "Umbrella set us up." No, no, tell use what you REALLY feel (LOL)! And then BANG, he's dead with a handgun blast to the heart. Examine Enrico's body and Jill will find he's holding something -- a CRANK. Examine its tip so it's renamed HEXAGON CRANK. Make SURE to have your Shotgun equipped, then head back to the door. Right before you reach the door it swings open and a Hunter pops out. Kill him then exit... MINING AREA -- INDUSTRIAL ELEVATOR -------------------------------------- Run down the hall, around the elevator, and exit out the other door. MINING AREA -- WINDY TUNNEL ------------------------------- Trot forward, then wait at the bottom of the stairs -- ANOTHER Hunter. Kill'em then exit out the door. MINING AREA -- MAIN TUNNEL ------------------------------ Follow the around the corner. Ah, safety. Grab the INK RIBBON sitting by the Typewriter, and SAVE your game. Now deposit everything away, just make sure to have a Grenade Launcher filled with Acid Shells, extra Acid Shells, and your Hexagon Crank. Go around the next corner and you find the dead end -- but there's a panel on the left wall with a hexagonal- shaped hole. I wonder; use your crank on it, causing the tunnel section to flip over. Run across the path, and grab that GREEN HERB in the corner before exiting out the door. MINING AREA -- BOULDER TUNNEL --------------------------------- To the left is a dead end, but to the right is a suspicious boulder blocking the passage. Run over to the boulder and check it...flip around and begin to walk away. KATHUNK! The boulder has broken lose and will kill you instantly if it touches you! Run down the tunnel and duck into the alcove with the door. If you don't feel like Indiana Jones now, you never will. After that danger is done, run back to where the boulder originally was for some well hidden SHOTGUN SHELLS. Turn around and run the other direction -- the boulder has broken a new passage -- exit out the door. NOTE: Clearly I was equipped with a Grenade Launcher. But when Jill dived into the alcove she wasn't holding a weapon. LAZY Capcom! MINING AREA -- SPIDERS' NEST -------------------------------- Holy fruit salad! Everything is covered in spiderwebs, and from the ceiling a GIGANTIC Spider crawls down. Boss time... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Queen Spider ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wow! This is so freaking easy it's unbelievable! Don't move...don't even breath. Just stand in place and fire a few acid rounds at the Queen Spider. Don't worry if she nails you with acid spit, you have a Green Herb and there's a Blue Herb in the next tunnel. It only takes a few grenades and the Queen will roll over and die faster than the French in World War II. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The major threat is over, but there's still two "normal" (whatever that is) Giant Spiders in the room. I usually use a few grenades and take them both out, because they're highly annoying. NOTE: If you check out the Queen Spider's body, her abdomen should have been ruptured. Tons of tiny Spiders are pouring out -- you can squish them! Good for satisfying a perverse nature (or at least mine). Heh. :p Run over to the wooden crates and grab the sparkle, a SURVIVAL KNIFE. YEAH! Wait, a, second...that's crappy! See, Capcom was extremely kind with you by not making you run all the way back to the Item Box to get your original Survival Knife. You need to use this knife and slash away the spider web strands that are blocking the door. After you're done cleaning, exit out. MINING AREA -- SIDE TUNNEL ------------------------------ Run to the left, where there's a dead end with some BLUE HERB. Also grab the B1 COURTYARD MAP posted on the bulletin board. Turn around and head the other way. Use the door and exit. MINING AREA -- ANOTHER BOULDER TUNNEL ----------------------------------------- Run forward and go around the corner. We're greeted with the familiar sight of a dead end and a hexagonal hole panel. Use your crank on the hole to flip the tunnel -- except use it THREE TIMES. After the third time (remember to exit your status screen) the boulder across the way breaks lose. RUN JILL RUN! Turn around and run down the tunnel, ducking around the corner. Wew...round the corner again, and run down ALL THE WAY to the end. In this little area that was blocked by the boulder we find a FIRST AID BOX, which when examined gives you a FIRST AID SPRAY. Turn around, and take the side tunnel. Exit out the door. MINING AREA -- GODDESS STATUE CHAMBER ----------------------------------------- We have another puzzle here. The object of it is to get that loose Goddess Statue positioned by the wall, and push it over and into the alcove by the other statue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GODDESS PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Push the loose statue along the wall to the right, so it rests in front of that dark panel. • Use your Hexagon Crank on the hole by the door. The dark panel will move out into the room, pushing the statue. • Use your crank a second time, retracting the dark panel. • Run over to the Goddess Statue and push it towards that circle panel on the floor, then push it FORWARD onto the circle. The statue will turn 90 degrees. • Move the statue off the circle panel, then push it back on by pushing it FORWARD. The statue turns another 90 degrees. • Now just move the statue over into the alcove! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOD the camera angles make that puzzle almost unbearable! After the statue is back in its alcove the center panel raises revealing an item. Pick up the CYLINDER. The next task is just to backtrack all the way to the Main Tunnel (place with the Typewriter). I'm sure you'll manage... MINING AREA -- MAIN TUNNEL ------------------------------ Deposit everything in the Item Box EXCEPT the Cylinder, then take out the Shaft. Combine the Cylinder and Shaft on your status screen to get a CYLINDER SHAFT (there's so many jokes I could crack right about now). Examine the Cylinder Shaft further on the status screen and the game will tell you if you want to turn it...say "yes." Turn it enough times and on the curved side four Roman numerals will be formed: IV II III I Which is 4, 2, 3, 1, for you "challenged" people. All you should have in your inventory is the Cylinder Shaft and maybe a First Aid Spray just incase. You might want too SAVE YOUR GAME too. Head around the corner and use the door by the ladder. MINING AREA -- WINDY TUNNEL ------------------------------- Round the corner, trot down the steps, and use the door at the bottom. MINING AREA -- INDUSTRIAL ELEVATOR -------------------------------------- Run around the elevator and head into the alcove. Place the Cylinder Shaft into the main console on the machinery -- you have to get around a little security feature consisting of four buttons. The solution is so obvious I wouldn't even bother telling you... ...alright, alright. Press buttons 4, 2, 3, 1. ;) The power is restored to the elevator, and it raises itself to your level. Run on to the elevator and examine the console -- say "yes" to go down. Barry magically shows up (lead down here by a sound; yeah, my ass), and decides to ride down with you... MINING BRIDGE ----------------- After the elevator stops Barry hears a sound in the next room (haven't we heard that somewhere before...). Barry stays behind while you're supposed to go ahead. Oh brother. Get off the elevator and run forward, using the door. CIRCULAR TUNNEL COMPLEX --------------------------- Head down the tunnel and midway you hear a door swing open. Hmmm...keep going, and at the fork go right -- LISA TREVOR! AHH MOMMY! She appears whichever direction you take first. Turn around and head left, following the circular tunnel (don't turn in that little side tunnel) and trot up the stairs. Take the door in the alcove. CARGO UPLOAD ---------------- There's lots of cargo crates around, hence the name. Head forward and go around the corner to the next little area. In the other corner you should notice a massive stack of crates. Climb the first (tan) crate, then climb up the next (green) crate, then run up the brown bags. At the very top you hit the motherload -- a BATTERY PACK, HANDGUN MAGAZINE, and MAGNUM ROUNDS. *faints* Get back down to the ground, and see that brown crate? Push it slightly to the left then forward onto the materials lift. Examine the console, sending it on it's way. You may exit now. CIRCULAR TUNNEL COMPLEX --------------------------- Head to the right, there appears Lisa Trevor. So turn around and take the left tunnel (keep in mind that switch on the wall that you pass) and turn into the exit tunnel. Follow it to the end and use the door. MINING BRIDGE ----------------- Arg...Barry takes the elevator and leaves you there. Surprise surprise. Guess we're taking the back way -- cross the bridge (Item Box), and climb down the ladder at the end. MATERIALS DROPOFF POINT --------------------------- Head to the left -- there's your crate on the lift. Push it left, off the elevator. Then push it forward so it drops into that "pit." Examine the console and turn on the "Garbage Compactor." Classic. The crate is crushed, revealing a shiny item, which you should hop down and collect. The BROKEN FLAMETHROWER! Get out of this pit and take the ladder again. MINING BRIDGE ----------------- Cross the bridge and use the door by the elevator again. CIRCULAR TUNNEL COMPLEX --------------------------- Run down the first tunnel to the end...OK, this is where we can actually manipulate Lisa Trevor to our own ends. Turn left, and she'll appear. Now go to the right. Around the first corner you should see lever on the wall. IGNORE IT FOR RIGHT NOW! Wait in front of it; Lisa Trevor will slink over. Right as she's breathing down your neck, hit that funky lever -- nearby a panel sprouts two hooks. NOTE: You're probably wondering why we waited till the last minute to hit the lever. It's simple really, we don't want Lisa giving us a birthday surprise and going the other way through the tunnel rather than following behind. The hooks don't last forever (time limit), so run to the right, head down the stairs, and turn into that side tunnel -- here's the panel with hooks and a door. Use your Broken Flamethrower on the hooks and the door unlocks. Exit out. LISA TREVOR'S HOME ---------------------- Head forward and enter through the gate. This places looks like a cross between "Child's Play" (Chucky) and "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom"! Run around the center structure of wood and candles then enter the partly submerged tunnel. MOVE IT! This place is swarming with snakes. Once you reach the end you come to another candlelight room -- check off to your left. Grab the JEWELRY BOX sitting on the shelf, and examine its lid on your status screen to take out a STONE RING. You also get "A family picture and notes" file. Grab the DAGGER laying on the bed and climb up the ladder. At the top head to the left and climb up another ladder to exit outside. NOTE: If you got poisoned by the Snakes in the water tunnel, head to the right to find a dead end, some water barrels, and a BLUE HERB. CABIN --------- Aha! I always thought that board looked suspicious ever since we got the Square Crank! Head down the dusty hall and pull yourself up to the wooden floor. Check the Item Box at the end and pull out your Metal Object. Combine the Metal Object with the Stone Ring on your status screen to get -- brace yourself -- a second STONE & METAL OBJECT. Tadah! Your can deposit everything else from your inventory in the box, just make sure to keep the Stone & Metal Object. Now all you have to do is make your way back to the Garden Supply Shed in the Mansion...it's a straight line, very easy... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M A N S I O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Stone & Metal Object GARDEN SUPPLY SHED ---------------------- Head forward and use the metal door... VINE PASSAGE ---------------- Trot over to the shelf depression on the wall and remove the second STONE & METAL OBJECT. The door subsequently locks behind you. You should now have two of the octagonal beauties. Follow the passage and exit out the other door. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Run down the hall piece and exit out the door in the corner. PORTRAIT GALLERY -------------------- Follow the hall to the end and use the gate. GRAVEYARD ------------- Head right, trot up both sets of stairs, then use the door. MANSION FOYER ----------------- If you did any exploring in this room earlier in the game, you should remember that locked gate beneath the stairs. Head down this set of stairs, then go either left or right and head down another set of stairs...you come to a little hallway. Examine the large gate in the center -- it's locked, for now at least. Place in BOTH of your Stone & Metal Objects, causing them to fit snugly in each door. Head through. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A L T A R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Barry's 44 Magnum (optional) STAIRWAY PASSAGE -------------------- This place is TINY, and you wouldn't be spending much time here. At the top of the stairs is a TYPEWRITER and at the bottom is an ITEM BOX. You should take out a fully-loaded Magnum Revolver, a First Aid Spray, your Medal of Eagle, and your Medal of Wolf. Make sure to SAVE YOUR GAME! Head down several sets of stairs, and at the bottom follow the haphazard catwalk. Use the door at the end. INNER SANCTUM TUNNEL ------------------------ Even more candles! Run down the steps and at the bottom descend the ladder. Prepare yourself... THE TOMB ------------ Here we find Barry working over a stone casket and preparing some rope and pulley system. After the pudgy fool notices Jill he tries to pull a gun on her...but she quickly counters and grabs it out of his hand. In comes Lisa Trevor, in all her mutanagenic-glory (check out the eyeball on her back!) and the gate locks behind her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Give the gun back to Barry? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You may not realize it now, but how you answer this question will effect •MANY• things later on... NO: ------- If you choose to be a selfish bastard and not return the gun, a cutscene will play showing Lisa Trevor knocking Jill to the floor. Barry intervenes, but Lisa ends up knocking him into the pit to his demise. A sparkle gets left behind from Barry -- the "Barry's Photograph" file. The caption on the back of the photo, a sickeningly sweet memoir from his daughters Moira and Polly, is enough to make you regret your decision. BUT, you also get to keep "Barry's 44 Magnum" which is very powerful weapon that comes with 6 rounds (no extra ammo), and will waste almost any enemy in a few shots, including the final boss. YES: -------- Ah! So you want to be kind and generous like every other hero? Well you will be richly rewarded! Not only does Barry survive, but he also helps you against Lisa Trevor in the upcoming battle. This provides a great distraction allowing you to deal Lisa the final blow. Plus, if Barry stays alive you get to play the ultra-cool, must-be-seen second battle of the final boss...you MUST experience it at least once! The guide will assume you gave Barry his gun back. CONCLUSION: --------------- All in all, I almost ALWAYS pick "yes." The rewards are much BETTER! The only times I ever picked "no" was when I was doing a speed run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Lisa Trevor, back for more! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After you make the gun decision you have to fight Lisa Trevor, AGAIN. Don't worry, she wouldn't be coming back after this! There are two strategies for this boss. The "stones" one tends to be much easier, doesn't give you a migraine, and you don't have to waste any ammo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAGNUM POWER This is SO much easier with Barry alive, since he'll provide a nice distraction after taking his position beneath the ladder. Careful, Lisa Trevor can still knock him into the pit! That would suck, Barry dies and you don't even get to keep his gun! Well, I've tried every weapon I can think of against Lisa (launcher, handgun, shotgun, ect.) and the MAGNUM REVOLVER is the only one that works well. • When Lisa is near a platform edge, shoot •low• at her LEGS to knock her off...she'll hold on the edge. • Now aim •low• and hit her in the skull. Wave bubye... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STONES See those four stones at each corner of the platform? Well all you have to do is push them off and into the pit. A cool trick I learned is you can actually get Lisa Trevor to knock them off! Stand in front of a stone, and wait for Lisa to slink over...right as she's about to smack you, GET OUT OF THE WAY! Hopefully she'll hit the stone send it flying. Whichever way you use, once all four stones are gone, the stone casket will open, revealing Lisa's mother. Lisa takes the skull and then jumps into the pit... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, didn't those strategies make the other guides look like melted cheese? :p After the gate retracts, exit through. Run down the tunnel and take the elevator at the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C O U R T Y A R D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUNTAIN MONUMENT --------------------- Run forward and round the corner. Here we have a large pool of water. There are two places along the wall of the pool that have ornate decoration -- place your Medal of Eagle and Medal of Wolf in these places. Two hidden doors open draining out the water. Find the gap in the wall, head through, then trot down the stairs. Press A to take the elevator you find at the bottom. • SWITCH TO DISK 2...highly illogical. I mean, why not have a disk per character, or something that actually makes sense? And the disk is a terribly hard to get out of the game case -- it feels like I'm going to BREAK THE DANG THING! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L A B O R A T O R Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Ink Ribbon 11. Fuel Supply Capsule 2. MO Disk 12. Fuse Unit 3. X-Ray of CLARK 13. Signal Rockets 4. X-Ray of GAIL 14. Rocket Launcher 5. Ink Ribbon 6. Slide Filter 7. MO Disk 8. Laboratory Map 9. Key for the Power Area 10. Ink Ribbon MACHINERY ROOM ------------------ In this area, all loose-ends in the story are tied, all rights are wronged, and we get to fight a mean final boss! This area should take about 20 minutes to complete. 25 minutes if you're going to complete the MO Disk scenario (which WILL be covered in the guide). Head around the machine at the center of the room and take the ladder in the alcove. LAB ENTRANCE ---------------- Nab the INK RIBBON sitting at your feet, and you should obviously SAVE your game using the TYPEWRITER. Beside it is an ITEM BOX, and in your inventory you should have a First Aid Spray and a fully-loaded Shotgun. Take the double doors at the end. UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR --------------------- Many Zombies in this hall, so be careful, but DON'T KILL THEM. Head down this hallway and round the corner. Head down, and turn left, where a sparkle awaits you at the end on top of a pile of debris -- an MO DISK. Collect it and head right, trotting down the stairs. At the bottom use the double doors. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Turn right, and use the other door. PATIENT HALLWAY ------------------- Collect that FIRST AID BOX at your feet and examine it to get MIXED HERB, containing two Green Herb. Take the door just to your left. ROENTGENOGRAM ROOM ---------------------- Run over and grab the sparkle sitting on the box, an X-RAY. If you examine it on the status screen, you'll find it belongs to somebody named "Clark David". Subsequently the X-ray is renamed X-RAY OF CLARK. Trot farther into the room and examine the computer setup to the right. You get a "Researcher's letter"; read the whole thing for some good background info. You also learn a screename and password to access the Umbrella computer system, which flashes on screen when you're done: "...JOHN......ADA..." Check the bulletin board to the left to get another X-RAY. Examine it. This one belongs "Gail Holland" and is renamed X-RAY OF GAIL. You also find a note: "To use the electronic door, place the initials in alphabetical order." *sniff sniff* I smell a puzzle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ X-RAY PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The whole goal of this puzzle is to determine the password that will allow you to unlock the door on basement floor 2 (remember it mentioned in the letter) via the Umbrella computer system. If you observe the diagram on the bulletin board, you'll notice human organs. Take note of their locations: • Esophagus • Lungs • Liver • Stomach • Large Intestine • Small Intestine • Colon Now, on the other board (where there's already two X-rays up), place the X-Ray of Clark in the left blank, and the X-Ray of Gail in the right blank. Which strangely, makes them in alphabetic order of ABCDEFGH. ;) Now run back to the door, and on the wall beside it, hit the light switch -- the room glows in a red light, and highlights a portion of each X-Ray in red. The organs that glowed red, from left to right, were: Colon, Esophagus, Liver, Lungs. If you take the first letter of each organ, you end up with the word "CELL." Password to Basement Floor 2: CELL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now all you have to do is exit the room. Amazing, yes? PATIENT HALLWAY ------------------ Take the door adjacent to you... DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Run forward and head down that narrow tunnel. There's a ZOMBIE in here, and barely any room to maneuver, so be careful. At the end of the tunnel take the double doors off to the left. MEDICAL RESEARCH LAB ------------------------ What the hell happened here? Blood streaks on the floor with cockroaches all over them? Trot forward from the door and check that console on the left wall -- it's beside that "arm" thing. You get some MAGNUM ROUNDS. Trot to the other side of the room and enter through that little door to the freezer...hey how's it hangin' guys (couldn't resist). Check the sparkles on the shelf for a BATTERY PACK and a FIRST AID BOX -- examine the box for a GREEN HERB. That's kinda sucky! I usually just use it right away so it doesn't clutter the inventory. Exit the freezer and trot over to the computer desk. Check just to the right of the PC for a "V-ACT" file. Now examine the computer... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ l33t h4x0r ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the login screen pops up, type in: Login: JOHN Password: ADA • When the floor selection screen comes up, select the second basement floor to unlock it. Password: CELL • Select the third floor and unlock that too. • You can now "cancel" and "quit." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can exit the room now... DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Head right, run down the tunnel, and take the double doors straight across the way (NOT the one to the stairs). PATIENT HALLWAY ------------------- Run down the hall and take the green door off to the right. CHEMISTRY RESEARCH LAB -------------------------- Grab the INK RIBBON on the chair. Run forward, and on the counter grab that circular container with the red lid -- the SLIDE FILTER. Round the corner to the next area, ZOMBIE! Get around it and grab the sparkle on the side desk; a "FAX" file. Check the main desk to find a GameCubesque Data Reader, which you should use your MO Disk on (you should have one in your inventory; got it in the Upstairs Corridor). One of the locks on a security door is green-lighted. Now exit the room before that Zombie gives you a hug... PATIENT HALLWAY ------------------- Head left, running down the hall. Use the double green doors. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ---------------------- Take the grated double doors adjacent to you. UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR --------------------- Run up the stairs, and at the top run parallel to the stairs, head around the corner, and use the door at the end. LAB ENTRANCE ---------------- Ditch all the supplies you collected -- just keep your fully-loaded Shotgun and the Slide Filter. Take out the MO Disk you stored in the Item Box from earlier (from the mansion; yellow gemstone). Exit out using the doors. UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR --------------------- Run down the hall, then go around the corner. Run down this hall and turn left. Take the double doors, as they're open now! VISUAL DATA ROOM -------------------- Just to the right of the door (on the bookcase), grab the (last) MO DISK sparkling like nobody's business. You should have two MO Disk in your inventory now. Just to the left of the door (on the glass case), examine it to get a LABORATORY MAP. Grab the FIRST AID SPRAY on the end of the table. Trot around the table, and on the other side you find a projector -- use your Slide Filter on it, allowing you to view the Umbrella briefing in a sexy red tint. Scroll through slides of the different "Bio-Organic Weapons" (hey, I didn't just make up these enemy names!) and at the end you get to see a picture of the development team. The very last slide shows a bar-code, but only four numbers are visible: 8642. NOTE: On the slide of the development team, did you notice Wesker standing on the right side? Ahem... ;) SECOND NOTE: If you viewed the slides without the Slide Filter, they would have appeared white. At the end the bar-code would be complete, meaning you wouldn't get the special combination. On HARD MODE the combination is different... Run back to the door. To the right of it on a pillar you should notice the keypad (has a light on top of it). Examine the keypad and input "8462" -- nearby, a hidden door will open. Oh, a secret room behind a mirror! Clever! *cough* Run over to where the door is, and examine the •tall• bookcase to find a "Security Protocols" file. Examine the •low• bookcase to find some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Head through the door, and grab the LABORATORY KEY. Examine it and it's renamed KEY FOR THE POWER AREA. On the opposite wall is a VCR where you can view Kenneth's Film that you got WAY back in the beginning of the game. But the film really pisses me off: • He's a highly-trained S.T.A.R.S. police officer. • He's got a weapon. • It's a SHOTGUN. • HE'S FACING •ONE• ZOMBIE AND IT'S TEN FEET AWAY! GAH! If I was there, not only would the Zombie be dead, but I'd be wearing it's head as a hat! Well, you can completely exit this room now, we're done here... UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR --------------------- Run down the hall piece then trot down the steps. Use the double doors at the bottom. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Run forward and down the hall. Dodge the Zombie and go right around the corner, where you find some medical supplies -- check the cabinet for a DAGGER and the medical gurney (bed) for a HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Keep going down this hall and take the double doors on the left. After you unlock it with your Key for the Power Area, head in. COLD STORAGE ---------------- Those various "grunts" and "growls" are from the Chimera enemy, which basically looks like a skinned human with many insect limbs. They're dangerous only if you're not prepared, but you have (SHOULD HAVE) a Shotgun equipped. Run forward and push that shelf unit forward. To your left collect the SHOTGUN SHELLS on the shelf, and climb up on the ledge to your right. Examine (press A) against that hole high up on the wall (it's an air vent). AUTOPSY ROOM ---------------- You've climbed through! But don't stick around here unless you like being lunch for a Chimera. Run along the countertop to the air vent right beside you and climb through. COLD STORAGE ---------------- Make this QUICK -- Chimeras can pop in through the vent. Hop down from the ledge and run along the body bags. On the counter in the corner, check it to find another GameCubesque Data Reader -- use an MO Disk to green-light another lock on the security door. Flip around, and run along the other side of the body bags. Push forward the shelf unit then exit out the door on the right. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Turn to the left and unlock the door in the corner. Discard your Key for the Power Area and head through. BRANCHED HALLWAY -------------------- Run forward down the hall and take the door straight across. LAB LOUNGE -------------- Look at the bag of goodies in this room (no jokes :P )! Grab all the stuff waiting for you, especially the INK RIBBON beside the TYPEWRITER. I'd SAVE your game if I were you. But if I were you, you'd be me, and then I'd use your body to tell you to tell me to save. *goes cross-eyed* In your inventory, you should have a fully-loaded Grenade Launcher, and your last MO Disk. Exit the lounge. BRANCHED HALLWAY -------------------- Turn left and trot down the stairs. Ew, naked Zombie. Take the double doors at the end of the hall. BOILER ROOM --------------- You only have to kill ONE Chimera the entire time you're in here. Turn to the right (JILL'S RIGHT!), and run down and round the corner. A Chimera is waiting at the other end of this path -- NUKE'EM! Run down to where his body should be melting into a pile of gut juice and examine the blue light beside the "WARNING" sign. Take out the FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE. It's empty and we need to fill it with fuel! The refueler is located in the "Chemistry Research Lab", the room with the first GameCubesque Data Reader. Once you backtrack... CHEMISTRY RESEARCH LAB -------------------------- From the door head around to the next area and examine that glass door. Say "yes" to put in the capsule, causing it to refill with fuel. The fuel contains a "nitro compound" -- if you run with it in your inventory you will EXPLODE! So walk. WALK. W-A-L-K!!! DO NOT RUN. Now •WALK• on back to the Boiler Room... BOILER ROOM --------------- Head right again, round the corner, and at the end press A in front of the blue light to set the Fuel Supply Capsule in place. We can now go to turn on the power. Flip around and run back to the door. From there head left, round the corner and run down -- CHIMERA -- use the door. BOILER HALLWAY ------------------ The Chimeras are endless! Immediately run STRAIGHT across. At the end you find the final GameCubesque Data Reader -- use your last MO Disk. Flip around and run back, this time taking the other path. Follow this path and RUN THE WHOLE TIME, those Chimeras will take you down if you're not careful. Use the double doors. POWER ROOM -------------- Even more Chimeras! Take either path and follow the catwalk around. In the back you find an alcove -- examine the console in it and say "yes" to turn on the power to the elevator. Now RUN back to the door! Exit, and you just need to backtrack to the "Branched Hallway." BRANCHED HALLWAY -------------------- Run forward, go up the steps, and take the door on the side. LAB LOUNGE -------------- Back in the save room; save your game and prepare for the MOTHER of all battles! Heal yourself so your health is in the "fine" condition. Now load up with: • First Aid Spray • First Aid Spray • Grenade Launcher (10 shells minimum) • Magnum Revolver (fully-loaded) • Magnum rounds • empty • empty • empty Ready? Leave the room... BRANCHED HALLWAY -------------------- Head right and run down to the end -- here's the elevator. Examine the console on the right side of it to bring it up to you. Barry catches Jill just as she's about to go down...LOL. BIOHAZARD HALLWAY --------------------- Go around the corner and use that spiffy futuristic door. It makes a "whoosh" like in Star Wars! BIO-ORGANIC WEAPONS LABORATORY ---------------------------------- Watch the long-ass (yet INTERESTING) cutscenes. Everything is explained; Wesker, Barry, the Mansion, Umbrella Corporation, ect. NOTE: Have you ever wondered why the hell RPGs have so many cutscenes? I mean for God's sakes, if you're going to have a LONG cutscene AT LEAST make it interesting! I was playing Breath of Fire 4 and nearly fell asleep...twice. Afterwards Wesker manages to release the 'Tyrant' from its water tube. Except Tyrant is "Premature!" as Wesker says, and Wesker gets smacked aside. Tyrant's awake. He's pissed. And he's after Jill... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINAL BOSS -- Tyrant ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This battle is much easier if you can use the layout of the lab to your advantage! Here's some ascii to help you: LABORATORY SCHEMATIC .-D o o r----.----------------------.------------. | | | Electronic | | | | Lock | | | CRYO TANKS | | | | | | | |______________________| | | | | ______________________ | | | | | | | CRYO TANKS | | | J | | | | |______________________| | | | | Barry T Wesker | '------------------------------------------------' "J" is where Jill starts out, and "T" is where Tyrant is. The key is to keep your distance from Tyrant, and not get trapped in either dead end with the door or the Electronic-Lock Console. Use grenades, then switch to Magnum rounds if you run out of ammo. Fire some ammo, run, fire again, run -- keep repeating the process while making laps around the block of Cryo Tanks (which by the way, look like they're housing Tyrant's cousins). After Tyrant "dies" (snicker) he'll fall over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go visit Wesker knocked unconscious in the corner to get a precious "Observation Note" file. Everyone always misses that one! Now check Barry to wake him up (Wesker also disappears). Head over to the Electronic Lock Console and examine it to unlock the door. Take the door and exit out... BIOHAZARD HALLWAY --------------------- Seems Wesker has activated the Mansion self-destruct system! Jill and Barry both ride the elevator up. BRANCHED HALLWAY -------------------- After Barry runs on ahead, round the corner. Turn right at the fork and run down, using the door. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Chimeras are coming out of the air vents! RUN forward, then turn right at the corner and run down. Take the double doors off to the LEFT. PATIENT HALLWAY ------------------- Purdy lights. *has seizure* Head all the way to the other end -- the Security Door; if you used all three of the MO Disks on the GameCubesque Data Readers, then all three lights on the lock will be green. Press down all three of the levers. Head through the unlocked door... HIDDEN CORRIDOR ------------------- Run down the stairs and go around the corner. Open the door. CHRIS' PRISON CELL ---------------------- Sure the toilet is bad, and the bed is filthy, but at least there's no cellmate named Bubba. :p Chris is rescued, and the two of you leave. HIDDEN CORRIDOR ------------------- Don't move, just turn yourself around and enter the cell again. CHRIS' PRISON CELL ---------------------- Aha! Been holding out on us? Grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS beside the bed. OK, now you're done here and can leave. HIDDEN CORRIDOR ------------------- Go around the corner and run up the stairs. Use the door. PATIENT HALLWAY ------------------- Follow Chris to the other end of the hall and use the double doors. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Take the double doors right beside you. UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR --------------------- Run up the staircase and flip around, running parallel to the stairs. Round the corner and use the door at the end. LAB ENTRANCE --------------- Heal yourself, stock up on supplies, and SAVE YOUR GAME. Don't save if you want to fight the first Tyrant again! Use the ladder beside you... MACHINERY ROOM ------------------ Run forward, where you find Chris and Barry waiting for you. Use the huge metal door that's now open due to the self-destruct sequence. MACHINERY HALLWAY --------------------- Ignore the goodies laying on the floor -- some FIRST AID BOX and SHOTGUN SHELLS -- unless you can collect them while leaving ONE space open in your inventory. Run along the catwalk all the way to the end, where you should grab that small box thing, the FUSE UNIT. Head around the corner and check the alcove beside the elevator. Place in the Fuse Unit, restoring the power to the elevator and also triggering a cutscene. Tyrant is baaaaaack! Barry and Chris go to hold him off, while Jill makes her way up the elevator. A timer of 3 minutes appears. HELIPORT ------------ After you reach the top, grab that large gray case sitting on the ground, some SIGNAL ROCKETS. Immediately use them where you stand, and Jill will run to the center of the Helipad and shoot them off to signal Brad in the helicopter. Nearby the elevator comes back up, delivering Chris and Barry. Tyrant -- INCOMING! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINAL BOSS -- Tyrant, the FINAL battle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This guy really isn't too difficult. Use Magnum rounds or Grenades to take him out. Just make sure you let Barry distract the Tyrant. With Tyrant's back to you, you can get off a full clip of Magnum rounds before he even notices. If Tyrant starts pacing slowly at you -- WATCH IT! He will soon run full speed and attempt to do a powerful bitch-slap attack which can instantly deliver you into DANGER health. Run perpendicular to him to dodge. After doing enough damage to Tyrant, Brad will actually develop a set of balls and drop a ROCKET LAUNCHER down onto the helipad. Pick it up; this takes several seconds to grab, so plan accordingly. Now fire a rocket at Tyrant -- sometimes he blocks it and you need to shoot again, otherwise he'll be blown into little bits of confetti. You 1, Tyrant 0. GAME OVER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the ending (whichever one you got) and the credits. Now beat the game again -- but go faster! Maybe you can unlock more game modes or even some hidden weapons... ----------- FIN ----------- ======================================================================== 5. C H R I S R E D F I E L D W A L K T H R O U G H ======================================================================== Ah, Chris Redfield -- how the game was meant to be played! After using him you'll never want to go back to Jill, at least that's how it was for me. Chris is great because his limited inventory of 6 spaces FORCES you to use less herbs, meaning you have to practice your Zombie-dodging. Which by the way, is much easier, since Chris runs twice as fast as Jill and has more stamina. And there's no sad Grenade Launcher in the game to hold your little hand! Oh by the way, due to the lack of space in Chris' inventory, I'll also be doing "Inventory Checks" along the way so you know exactly what you should have. ___ _ _ ____ ____ ___ / __)( )_( )( _ \(_ _)/ __) ( (__ ) _ ( ) / _)(_ \__ \ \___)(_) (_)(_)\_)(____)(___/ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ ____ ( _ \( ___)( _ \ ( ___)(_ _)( ___)( ) ( _ \ ) / )__) )(_) ) )__) _)(_ )__) )(__ )(_) ) (_)\_)(____)(____/ (__) (____)(____)(____)(____/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M A N S I O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Ink Ribbon 11. Old Key 21. Imitation of a key 2. Handgun 12. Dog Whistle 22. Armor Key 3. F1 Mansion Map 13. Blue Gemstone 23. Shotgun Shells 4. Golden Arrow 14. Old Key 24. Old Key 5. Arrowhead 15. Ink Ribbon 25. Mask w/out eyes 6. Book of Curse 16. Broken Shotgun 26. Mask w/out mouth 7. Sword Key 17. Ink Ribbon 27. Serum 8. Old Key 18. Shotgun 28. Musical Score 9. Herbicide 19. Collar 29. Jewelry Box 10. Fuel Canteen 20. Coin 30. Mask w/out all ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31. Old Key 41. Shield Key 32. Ink Ribbon 42. Mask w/out nose 33. Fishhook 43. Stone & Metal Object 34. Lure of a bee 35. Bee Specimen 36. Wind Crest 37. Emblem 38. Musical Score 39. Moonlight Sonata 40. Gold Emblem ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPENING ----------- After watching the GREAT cutscene with a forest and a pack of mutant guard-dogs, the remaining S.T.A.R.S. team members heed safety in an old, dilapidated mansion. This is where the "fun" begins... MANSION FOYER ----------------- There's three of you left: Jill, Wesker, and yourself, Chris Redfield. After a shot goes off, you head into the adjacent room to check it out. DINING ROOM --------------- Nothing much here, except grab the INK RIBBON sitting upon the table in front you, then save at the TYPEWRITER at your side. Head down the long table to fireplace. Take the door on the side. KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- Head left, where we meet up with a Zombie having his midnight snack. Um...guess we caught him at a bad time? After gaining control turn yourself straight around and enter the Dining Room again. DINING ROOM --------------- Time to report back to Wesker! Head along the table and exit out the double doors. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Crap. Both Wesker and Jill are gone, just like Barry went missing a few minutes ago. Chris spots a HANDGUN laying on the floor. After you gain control, stand over it and pick it up. Immediately equip the weapon, as you'll be using it a LOT. Now take the double doors opposite from where you just came, on the right side. NOTE: If you take the double entrance doors, some Cerberus will be waiting on the porch for you, and Chris will get scared and quickly shut the door -- but not before a dog comes in after you. This is quite a nuisance if you have no Shotgun, and, you don't. STATUE ANTEROOM ------------------- Yes, that IS a sparkle you just saw in the vase part of the statue. Run past the statue, over to where a dresser is partly blocking a side passage. Push it right SLIGHTLY, so you can squeeze into the corridor, then turn around and push the dresser TOWARDS the statue. Climb up, and press A to get the glitter...the F1 MANSION MAP. Hop down from the dresser, then take the side corridor; we've got some old art supplies and things covered in tarp. At the end of the corridor, grab the DAGGER. Turn around, but when you go around the corner a Zombie "ambushes" you. God this is easy. Just get around it (even if you mess up, you just end up using the Dagger). Don't bother wasting the ammo killing the thing. Exit the corridor, then exit back to the Foyer. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Dun dun dun. Most all of the doors are locked (except two). Head up the stairs, then take the double doors on the left side. DINING BALCONY ROOM ----------------------- Circle around left, and watch yourself, a Zombie is on the right. Push the statue forward, then off the ledge where the gap in the railing is. It'll hit the floor below and shatter. Circle around to the left side, avoiding the Zombie, and grab the DAGGER on the shelf. Exit to the foyer again. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head downstairs and enter the Dining Room yet again. DINING ROOM --------------- Remember that statue we pushed off the balcony upstairs? Well IGNORE it for right now! If you pick up the prize that was inside your inventory will be too full to get some specialty items up ahead. Exit to the hallway using the door by the fireplace. KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- The Zombie's up and about, but to your right, and is moving about 1 friggen MPH. Head left, and examine the dead body of your comrade, Kenneth (I named it "Kenneth Hallway" for a reason). You get a VCR tape file, but you can't view it yet. Exit out the end door. FAR WEST STAIRS -------------------- Head around the darkened corner, and in the next chamber is a HANDGUN MAGAZINE sitting beside the bird cage...there's a dead raven in it, spooky. Ahem. Head up stairs and exit. YELLOW CORRIDOR ------------------- Cross in front of the mirror beside you, and watch out, a Zombie is just around the corner. Dodge him and run down the hall with the spears. Grab that sparkle sitting on the statue, the GOLDEN ARROW. There's also a HANDGUN MAGAZINE resting on the floor beside the mirror. Exit out the door off to the right around the corner. DINING BALCONY ROOM ----------------------- Watch the Zombie, and exit out the double doors to the foyer again. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head down the stairs, and right where the stairs branch in two different directions, there's a "hidden" (cough) door to exit out of. GRAVEYARD ------------- This area is where GameCube's lighting abilities come in handy, the fog really sets the mood and makes it look like more then just pre-renders. Head down the steps, turn the corner, head down some more steps, then follow the path straight to the end. Examine the Angel Statue, which suspiciously has an Arrowhead-shaped hole on it (duh, duh). On your status screen examine the Golden Arrow and Chris will find he can remove an ARROWHEAD, which you should then use on the statue to open a secret passage. Head down the stairs... CRYPT --------- A while later (Chris runs down much faster than Jill!), you'll be at the bottom, in a creepy crypt room complete with roaring furnaces, some gears, and a coffin suspicious suspended by chains. Run underneath the coffin (don't worry, it wouldn't open) and check the pedestal to get the BOOK OF CURSE. Examine the back of the book, and you'll find a Mansion Key lodged in its back cover. If you check the key itself, and you should see a sword symbol on the "handle" of it -- the SWORD KEY. Wooo. The Book of Curse is then filed away, and what it's talking about is those four face statues lining one of the Crypt walls...remember that later, when you have to come back here. Exit out of here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Survival Knife • Ink Ribbon • Handgun • Handgun ammo • Sword Key • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRAVEYARD ------------- Enter the foyer again. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Trot down the stairs and take the double doors on the right again. STATUE ANTEROOM ------------------- Run over to the door, and open it up using the Sword Key. KITCHEN CORRIDOR -------------------- Run forward, and make sure not to freak out when the window PARTLY shatters. That scared me the first time. :p Push the first china cabinet forward to uncover a DAGGER. Head around the corner, then at the end push the last china cabinet away from the door to get a MUCH needed HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Exit through the door... NOTE: If you backtrack through here •backwards•, some Cerberus will bust through the windows and attack. So this is a BAD IDEA. EAST WINDOW CORRIDOR ------------------------ Head off to the left, and take that side door. BATHROOM ------------ The bathtub's full of dirty water, so examine it, and pull the plug. A zombie pops out (gee surprise) and attacks Chris. Unlike Jill, Chris is a retard and just stands there gawking at the Zombie, giving it ample time to recover. Rather then wasting ammo killing the thing, quickly run over and examine the tub again for an OLD KEY. Now get outta here! EAST WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- Head left, and open that door in the corner using the Old Key you just got. Time for some fresh air... SIDE GARDEN --------------- There's more Cerberus, but they're safely outside the gates. NOTE: If you come back here in the future, expect some Cerberus to be on you quickly. Plan accordingly by bringing a Shotgun. Head around the corner, and grab the plastic bag in the wheelbarrow, some CHEMICAL. The last space in your inventory is filled. Once you examine it, it's renamed HERBICIDE, which should give you a hint on it's use (kills plant life). Head back inside. EAST WINDOW CORRIDOR ------------------------ Run forward and head around the corner -- your friend from the Bathroom is BACK! Pass some windows, then go around another corner and enter the double doors at the end. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Take the first side door on your left by the chair... BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Head along the hallway, but immediately off to your right is a Zombie. Take the door you find here at the bottom of the stairs. EAST STAIRS STORAGE ROOM ---------------------------- Ah, safety. This room is completely safe, and has a ITEM BOX and a TYPEWRITER for you. Grab the FUEL CANTEEN sitting right of the Item Box, then the "Body Disposal" file on the floor in front of the box. Read that file, know it, love it. Run over to the Typewriter, and beside it you should notice a plastic, white tank. This is a KEROSENE TANK, which you should use to fill the Fuel Canteen you just picked up. This fuel, used with a Lighter (Chris already has it in his inventory) allows you to burn Zombie bodies so they don't come back to life as Crimson Heads. But Chris' paltry inventory space makes burning any Zombies not economically feasible. Grab the OLD KEY sitting in front of the Typewriter. Save your game, then deposit any superficial items and exit the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Handgun • Handgun ammo • Sword Key • Old Key (1) • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Head up the stairs to the top... EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Off to your right a Zombie will greet you, so get around him, then run past and exit the door at the end (the other door has no doorknob). DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Head left, and enter the door at the end. STUDY --------- Directly beside you, collect the DOG WHISTLE sitting on the dresser. You also get a "crumpled memo" which reveals what you should do with it -- summon a dog who hangs around the west, second floor balcony; apparently he's got something special hidden in his collar. Beside the chess board is a HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Head to the next section in the room, and pick up the purple "Book of Botany" (file). Exit out the other door. EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Be careful of the Zombie and take the door to your right at the end of the hall a second time. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- All the other doors are locked, so just turn right and run all the way to the door at the end, where you head through using your Sword Key. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Run forward, then head down the stairs. At the bottom use the double doors off to the left. DINING ROOM --------------- Alright, remember a ways back when we pushed that statue off the ledge from the room above? Well run to the debris of the statue over near the fireplace and grab the sparkle there -- a BLUE GEMSTONE. We'll use this later. Take the side door by the table... KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- Head right, where the Zombie is waiting. To get past him you should pop him in the legs a few times; just enough to drop him to the floor. Keep going down the hall, then go around where the elevator is and run down the stairs. Use the door at the bottom. KITCHEN ----------- Trot farther in the room and should notice that sparkle on the shelf by the glass door. Go over and grab it...another OLD KEY. Grab the DAGGER sitting on the wooden table above where that dead guy is laying on the floor. Exit out the door you came in. We have a nice little cutscene of a Zombie (what else?) coming down that stairs and confronting you in the kitchen. Could this get any friggen easier? Dodge the thing and leave. KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- Head up the stairs, and take the door on the left that leads back to the Dining Room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Handgun • Handgun ammo • Sword Key • Old Key (2) • Dog Whistle • Blue Gemstone ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DINING ROOM --------------- Run along the table and exit to the foyer... MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head up stairs, and at the top take the double doors on the left. DINING BALCONY ROOM ----------------------- Head around the left side (the Zombie is on the left side now!) and open up the second side door using your Sword Key. Discard the key and exit through the door. WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Turn to you right and open up that first gray door using one of your Old Keys. However do NOT go through! Head around the corner, then run along the edge of the stairs. Run down the stairs (watch the ZOMBIE). BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Enter the door off to the side. DRUG ROOM ------------- Drugs as in medicines...cough. ;) This room is just like the other "save room" on the opposite side of the mansion, complete with TYPEWRITER and ITEM BOX. Definitely SAVE your game. Before you leave, get rid of your Blue Gemstone and Ink Ribbon. Exit out of here... BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Head around the corner, then down the hall with the windows. At the end, open the side door using your last Old Key. Head through. FURNITURE STORAGE CLOSET ---------------------------- We've got a KEROSENE TANK here...but grab the INK RIBBON in the desk drawer beside the tank, and the FLASH GRENADE on the edge of the other dresser. Also grab the BROKEN SHOTGUN out of that glass case. Exit from the room. BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Backtrack right, and head around the corner with the pillar again. Keep going then trot up the stairs. WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Back around the perimeter of the stairs again. Round the corner and exit out the end door. DINING BALCONY ROOM ----------------------- Dodge the Zombie and use the double doors at the other end of the room. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Run down the stairs. At the bottom use the double doors to the right. STATUE ANTEROOM ------------------- Head to the other side and use the door. KITCHEN CORRIDOR -------------------- Follow this all the way to the end and use the other door. EAST WINDOW CORRIDOR ------------------------ Run left and go around the corner -- WATCH the Zombie. Pass in front of the windows then round another corner, taking that single side door. QUAINT LITTLE ROOM ---------------------- Cross over and enter the next room. ANTIQUE ANTEROOM -------------------- If you examine the coffee table, you'll find a DAGGER on one end and some precious INK RIBBON on the other. At the back wall, grab the SHOTGUN sitting on the two hooks...which looks like they trigger a switch. ;) Now use your Broken Shotgun and place it on the hooks. Exit out of this room. QUAINT LITTLE ROOM ---------------------- NOTE: If you hadn't placed the Broken Shotgun on those hooks, the ceiling would be trying to crush you right about now... Exit out the other door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Handgun • Handgun ammo • Dog Whistle • Ink Ribbon (6) • Shotgun • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EAST WINDOW CORRIDOR ------------------------ Trot forward and use the double doors. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Take the side by the chair... BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Run forward down the hall, dodge the Zombie, then run up the stairs. EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Head right and go around the corner, dodging the Zombie and taking the door at the end. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Follow this hall all the way to the end and use the door you find. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head to the opposite side of the foyer and use the double doors. DINING BALCONY ROOM ----------------------- Head around and be careful of the Zombie! Take the second side door. WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Turn to you right and open up the first gray door (should have unlocked it earlier with one of your Old Keys). OUTSIDE TERRACE BALCONY --------------------------- OK, prepare yourself for some heavier fighting. Use the GREEN HERB TERRACE on that side area if you need health. Remember that terrace, and don't waste it later in the game healing on stupid things. Head along the balcony edge until you reach the area where the balcony widens. Trot down the stairs and get in the wide area, right beside that circular planter at the base of the steps. Make sure you have your Shotgun equipped, and you're facing the left (direction you just came from). Blow your Dog Whistle. Seems Lassie and his little friend have come for a visit! Blow them away with your Shotgun (sey h'llo t'my lil' friend!) and collect the COLLAR from the one dog. Examine the Collar on your status screen -- look at the buckle -- and you'll find a switch. Push it and out pops a COIN. Sure looks suspicious...examine the back of it to find an armor insignia, and transform the Coin into IMITATION OF A KEY. Continue along the balcony, going to the other end and unlocking the door. DON'T go out it. Head back to the other end of the balcony and exit out the door you came from. Yeah, you can discard the whistle! WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Head to the right and go around the perimeter of the stairs. Head down that hall and use the door at the end (you unlock it). Exit out. YELLOW CORRIDOR ------------------- Trot through the gap with the mirror corner. Head right, going down that hallway piece and exit out the door (Crimson Head will appear from that body, scary). KNIGHTS' HALLWAY -------------------- Head up the stairs. This cramped hallway has three •suspicious• Knight statues along it, all with inscriptions relating to death. Find the pedestal with the key in it and inspect it. "May whoever takes this emblem find peace in death." Take the Mansion Key... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KEY PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ First "real" puzzle of the game, and it's easy, to say the least. After taking out the key from the pedestal, place in your Imitation of a Key. The whirling-blade knight will retreat and the surroundings will return to normal. Wow...that was hard...wait, no. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Examine the Mansion Key -- the ARMOR KEY! The door at the other end is locked, so turn straight around, and head down the stairs. Exit out the door at the bottom. YELLOW CORRIDOR ------------------- We have to deal with that Crimson Head that appeared a few minutes ago (or at least dodge it). Run down this hall piece to where the gap is. Brace yourself...duck through the gap and as fast as you can exit out that first door there. Most of the time the Crimson wouldn't even get yah once... WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Run down this hall piece then trot down the stairs. BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Take the door of to the side... DRUG ROOM ------------- Definitely SAVE YOUR GAME, but also make sure your inventory looks like the check below. Exit the room... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Handgun • Handgun ammo • Armor Key • Blue Gemstone • Herbicide • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Head around the corner, then down the hall with the windows. Unlock the end door with your Armor Key and exit out. LONG WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- Grab the FLASH GRENADE sitting on the desk beside you...yah, that's the shadow of a Zombie knocking at the window, but you're safe from it for now. Head right, going down the hall, then turn left and enter that tiny side hall. Go through the door... TIGER ALTAR ROOM -------------------- Tiger Statue with a suspicious inscription. Guess you could say it's suspicious. :p Use the Blue Gemstone, and Chris will place it in the statue's right eye, causing it to turn and reveal some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Just what we needed! Grab them then leave. LONG WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- Head across the hall and exit through that door. KEEPER'S ROOM ----------------- What happened here?! Grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the bed, and head around...did that closet door just move? Anyway, go to the desk and read the HILARIOUS file of the "Keeper's Diary." Brace yourself -- turn around and go check the closet doors...causing them to fling open, revealing a Zombie. Use what little space you have to maneuver around him, then grab the OLD KEY in the closet. Get around the bed -- WATCH OUT -- that other Zombie came alive as well. Get outta here... LONG WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- Turn right, and head down the hall, round the corner and pass the windows, then enter the door at the end. NURSERY ----------- We have a bunch of plants here, of course, and a water pump in the corner beside where you enter. If you head forward a little, you can see a giant "vine-ish" plant that engulfs a fountain. If you go around the first planter you'll get whipped by one of his vines, so be careful. Head to the water pump, and use your Herbicide...Chris places the bag in the water. Now examine the pump and say "yes" you want to pump the water. PUMP TO THE RED SIDE. The fountain will turn on, spurting out a colorful red water and kill off the vines (don't freak out when they suddenly jerk upwards). The threats over, so head to the other side of the Nursery -- we have some Green Herbs on some planks, but more importantly, grab the DEATH MASK sitting on the shield. Examine it to get MASK W/OUT EYES. Exit out. NOTE: If you pump to the •green• side, the Herbicide-laced water will be sprayed on the pots of Green Herbs and wither/KILL them, rendering the things useless. SECOND NOTE: It's rather obvious where the water leads. Just check the red and green pipe lines leading from the pump -- one clearly goes left and the other to the right. LONG WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- The Zombie is not at the window...run forward...SHATTER. Keep running and dodge the Zombies as they fly out of the windows (must be Jackie Chan Adventures; they take some time to get up). Turn right, and run down the hall to the end, unlocking the door and heading through. KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- We basically went in a circle. Head down the hall here (going towards the Zombie) and unlock the next side door with your Armor Key. Backtrack, and take the other side door beside you to the Dining Room. DINING ROOM --------------- Exit to the foyer again... MANSION FOYER ----------------- Now, we're going to finish up unlocking doors with the Armor Key; there's four left in total. Head up the stairs, and at the top, head to the right side (side with two single doors). Unlock the door in the far corner with your Armor Key. Enter through the door. GARDEN BALCONY ------------------ We have a little glass greenhouse going on here, so exit out, and pass the glass table. Head around the corner, there's some more plants, and, the DEAD BODY of your S.T.A.R.S. teammate Forest. Sorry, no Grenade Launcher for Chris Redfield! Before leaving, grab the DAGGER sitting on the side of the brown bench. You DO NOT want to go around the last corner as Forest will come alive and ambush you...besides there's just some semi-useful Green Herb. Exit out of this area... MANSION FOYER ----------------- Take the single door just beside you. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Unlock the door just ahead of you with your Armor Key. Head around the corner, then unlock metal double doors. Keep going, then take the first side door to the stairs. EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Run forward, go around the corner, then head down and open the side door with your Armor Key. One left to go! Head down the stairs. BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Sitting on the wall by the stairs is a brown note: "I left some bullets in the room on your right. I'll go ahead and look for a way out. -Wesker-" Enter the save room.... EAST STAIRS STORAGE ROOM ---------------------------- Ah sweet ammo! Take all the clips and goodies and put them away in the Item Box. Dump all the superficial crap then exit the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Handgun • Handgun ammo • Armor Key • Old Key • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Take the door at the end of the hall piece. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Trot around the chair, and watch that Zombie around the corner! Unlock the final door in the corner with your Armor Key...discard it. Enter through the door. PORTRAIT GALLERY ------------------- OK, we have another puzzle here, and this one is actually •puzzling•. Without my help, you might actually have to try it two, maybe even three times. ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PORTRAIT PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Along this hallway are six portraits, and at the end is a portrait of Lisa, whom is guarded by the "three spirits." If you notice carefully in the picture, Lisa is wearing a GREEN CROWN, PURPLE NECKLACE, and ORANGE BRACELET. The six portraits along the hall consist of: • 2 Valiants, which wear bracelets • 2 Sages, which wear necklaces • 2 Saints, which wear crowns Each picture has a switch on it, which can be used to light a certain color. You need to light a Valiant orange, a Sage purple, and a Saint green. Keep the rest of the lights off. Easy, no? If you mess up at any time, the crows perched on the rails will let you know...hoho. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Press the switch on the Lisa portrait and head outside, grabbing the DEATH MASK. Examine it, it's the MASK W/OUT MOUTH. Use your Old Key on the gate beside you. Exit out. GRAVEYARD ------------- Head up the stairs, entering into the Mansion Foyer again. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head up the stairs to the RIGHT. Take the first side door. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Head forward and take the first door on the right. RICHARD HALLWAY ------------------- A cutscene automatically starts playing; you're greeted by nurse Rebecca Chambers treating a fellow S.T.A.R.S. member, Richard Aikens. He's been bitten by a snake and unfortunately, it was poisonous. Chris agrees to go get Rebecca some Serum to help treat the wounds (yea! cough...). After the cutscene Chris exits back into the hallway. We're officially the errand boy for the time being! Make it over to the Drug Room in the west side of the mansion (hey, it's on you're map, and it's just the save room at the bottom of the stairs, besides, you even get that nice color photo). And don't THINK I'm writing room by room to walk you over there. Lazy. DRUG ROOM ------------- Once here, check that medicine cabinet beside the Item Box to get the SERUM. Also deposit the masks away. Leave here, then head back to Richard. Seconds count! RICHARD HALLWAY ------------------ Run in and Chris will hand over the stuff to Rebecca...she treats the wounds, then gets the bright idea to carry Richard back to the Drug Room. Oh the tedium! DRUG ROOM ------------- Richard's safely in bed, and after Chris leaves the room, if you come back in and talk to Rebecca you can get her to FULLY HEAL your wounds. Talk 'bout a deal! Also make sure your inventory is like below, then head back to the Richard hallway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Handgun • Handgun ammo • Green Herb (or First Aid Spray) • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RICHARD HALLWAY ------------------- Head through the next door around the corner. ATTIC HALLWAY ----------------- Turn left, and watch yourself for the Zombie that is waiting for you. You can actually get around him without firing a single shot if you wait for him to hobble to where the halls intersect. Do whatever, and enter the door at the end of the hall. ATTIC DINING ROOM --------------------- Collect the HANDGUN MAGAZINE setting on the edge of the table, then trot around it, and use your Lighter to set ablaze the candlestick on the table corner. If you dodged your friend in the hall, he should come barreling in, so fill him full of lead then check the cabinet in the left corner for another HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Over on the other wall, you should notice that suspicious green cabinet -- push it to the right, and reveal a secret room. A ZOMBIE is waiting inside, so take it down. Check the bookcase and rechieve the MUSICAL SCORE. Exit out of the room. ATTIC HALLWAY ----------------- Exit out the door you came in. RICHARD HALLWAY ------------------- Round the corner and exit out. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Head right, and round the corner, entering the metal double doors. KNIGHT ARMORY ----------------- Immediately when you enter, four Knight statues move forward. Puzzle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KNIGHT PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OK, I was reading CVXFREAK's guide, and I have to say his solution is whacked up. You can solve this puzzle in just three moves. THREE of'em. 1# -- Move the FAR RIGHT statue back into place. 2# -- Move the CLOSE LEFT statue back into place. 3# -- Move the CLOSE RIGHT statue back into place. And the final statue automatically moves into place. This puzzle is made even easier with the fact the four knights each are holding a different weapon, and if you look at the back wall you see four portraits with the different knights. :p ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check the pedestal in the center of the knights, then flick the switch, which opens up a depression in the back wall. Go check it, and rechieve the JEWELRY BOX. Examine the Jewelry Box on your status screen, and if you check the lid it mentions a hint about "sunlight." The sun icon clearly has two shapes in it, a small tear-drop shape and large one. Press the switch on the front side, and on the back side (which have the same shapes). The center of the sun icon with light up, allowing the box to open and giving you a third DEATH MASK. Examine the mask -- it's MASK W/OUT ALL. Exit out this room. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Go left and around the corner, then take the first door. EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Run forward and head down the stairs. BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Enter the save room... EAST STAIRS STORAGE ROOM ---------------------------- SAVE your game, then deposit all the extraneous stuff. Exit out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Handgun (fully-loaded) • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Trot up the stairs, again... EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Turn left and take the first door you see. DEER HEAD GALLERY --------------------- Errrr...no comment. The door on the left is locked, so you should obviously take the right (pun) door. UPSTAIRS BEDROOM -------------------- Take no heed of the camera view, there's NO monster under the desk. Grab the FIRST AID BOX sitting on the chair, and examine it's lid to get a FIRST AID SPRAY. Check the center desk for your last OLD KEY, then check the desk in the corner for some INK RIBBON. Leave the room. NOTE: Around the bed is some outta-sight Green Herb. DEER HEAD GALLERY --------------------- Head to the opposite side, unlocking it with your Old Key. Exit through. SPECIMEN LAB ---------------- First things first...grab the white "Researcher's Will" file sitting on the table across from the fishtank. Now... • Check the hook box on the wall by the fish tank, and get the FISHHOOK. • Head to the insect box by the bookcase, and get the LURE OF A BEE. • Head to the lure box by the door, and pick up the BEE SPECIMEN. Combine the Fishhook and Lure of a bee on the status screen. Seems the lure and specimen were reversed in the boxes...hint, hint...put the lure in the lure box, and the insect in the insect box. Press the switch, and you uncover a hidden alcove! After the bee comes alive, shoot it a few times with your Handgun to get rid of it. NOTE: If you walk exactly right, you can squish the bee's body on the floor. Sweet sweet revenge...and it makes a beautiful "squish" sound and a large green puddle. Grab the WIND CREST then leave this creepy room... DEER HEAD GALLERY --------------------- Take the center door to the hall... EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Before moving on, go downstairs and dump any unneeded items, and make sure to have... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Shotgun • Shotgun Shells • Musical Score • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Come back upstairs and head right, round the corner, and exit out the door on the end. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Travel to the end and use the last door. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Travel down stairs, taking the double doors on the left. DINING ROOM --------------- Run along the table, then examine the fireplace at the end. Take the EMBLEM from the wall. Use the door to your side... KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- The first door on your left •may• be shaking if a Zombie is pounding at it. Head right, and go down the hall. Take the second door on the right. BAR AND LOUNGE ------------------ Run around the grand piano and then take the little passage. Push the bookcase to the right, revealing a shelf where you can pick up another MUSICAL SCORE. Combine the two scores on your status screen to get the complete MOONLIGHT SONATA. Now trot on over to the piano and use the Sonata -- Chris will "play" the song...HORRIBLY. Luckily Rebecca comes in and takes over, playing the song again; except her interpretation is off a bit. Say "yes" to let Rebecca practice. The fastest way to get her all practiced-up is to TRIGGER A CUTSCENE. How to do that you ask? Simple. Head back over to the Drug Room and examine Richard laying on the bed...a scene will play showing Chris sitting next to him keeping Richard company. Tadah! Now come back to this room and Rebecca will summon you over, playing the song flawlessly. Nearby, a hidden panel retracts. Travel inside the passage grabbing the GOLD EMBLEM on the wall piece...the door retracts behind you. Gee, I wonder what we do next? Place the Emblem in the Gold Emblem's place to open it up again. Grab Trevor's Diary at your feet before leaving... KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- Head down and exit to the Dining Room again. DINING ROOM --------------- Place the Gold Emblem in the blank spot over the fireplace...nearby, the door on the clock opens revealing it's gears. Head over, and inspect the clock. I think it's puzzle time! Cha-ching. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLOCK PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This puzzle is extremely easy if you observe a few clues. But first, remember that: • small gear moves the LONG hand • large gear moves the SHORT hand • both hands are pointing straight up, AKA, it's midnight As you inspect the clock, you read the inscription -- "When the two have run each other through, the path to your destiny will open." Now, if you check the painting by the clock, it says -- "A picture of two knights striking each other. The short sword has been thrust into the breast of one knight, while the long sword has pierced the head of the other." This should make the puzzle just TOO EASY. Just turn the short hand (large gear) twice to the RIGHT. Bing, bang, bong, we have the long hand pointing at the HELMET, and the short hand pointing at the ARMOR. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab the MANSION KEY from the alcove that is revealed, and inspect it -- the SHIELD KEY. This key is actually pretty useless, as it opens up only one door. Exit out the double doors. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head up the stairs, then take the first door on the RIGHT, which leads to the crappy (pun) looking brown hallway. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Take the door on the right... RICHARD HALLWAY ------------------- Round the corner then exit out the door. ATTIC HALLWAY ----------------- Run forward and trot up the stairs. Open the cobweb-infested door with your Shield Key, then discard it...enter. *cue music* ATTIC --------- Hmmm...quiet, too quiet. Head down the room -- out of no where a GIANT Python pops out of the rafter. I swear, that scared the LIVING CRAP out of me the first time! :p Time, for a boss fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Yawn the Python ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This guy is such a pain. He'll sling around and try to trap you in a little space with his body, and then when he rears up, prepare for a bite -- which not only damages you, but POISONS as well. Where's that Blue Herb when we need it? Well, due to lack of a Grenade Launcher and the scarcity of Shotgun shells, Chris Redfield should NOT EVEN FIGHT THIS BATTLE. Just ignore the snake the whole time... And oh for GOD'S SAKES don't let Yawn bite you...if you do, Chris ends up getting poisoned. This means when you step out into the hall again, the poison in Chris' bloodstream will cause him to fall to the floor. Then Rebecca comes along, and you have to PLAY AS HER and head over to the Drug Room, grab a Serum, then come back...a TOTAL waste of time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ While avoiding the snake, head to the upper left hand corner of the room and grab the fourth and final DEATH MASK sitting on the wooden crate. This one's MASK W/OUT NOSE. Since we have all four Death Masks, we can use them in the Graveyard. You remember those four statues in the Crypt, right? Exit out of here... ATTIC HALLWAY ----------------- Run straight ahead and use the door. RICHARD HALLWAY ------------------- A Zombie will be waiting for you, so get around him then exit the other door. You should head to the Drug Room save area so you can get ALL four of the Death Masks, also save your game...head to the foyer when you're through. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Shotgun • Shotgun Shells • Mask w/out eyes • Mask w/out mouth • Mask w/out all • Mask w/out nose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head up the first set of stairs and use the door to the Graveyard. GRAVEYARD ------------- Run down both sets of stairs, then travel forward and descend the stairs to the Crypt. CRYPT --------- See the four statues lining the wall? Place the four Death Masks on each appropriate statue -- everytime a mask is place, the nearby suspended coffin is disturbed...and what the nut is that blood from?! After all four masks are placed, the coffin falls and flies open...head over to inspect it. A gate shuts blocking the entrance and out pops an ol' Crimson Head. Ah crap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Mega Crimson Head ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you're prepared, this guy is pretty easy...but do expect a •HARDER• battle then when you were playing as Jill Valentine. Have your Shotgun equipped and try to play a game of "toro" with the Mega Crimson Head. Fire off a shell, then wait for him to charge at you; dodge as he tries to claw you, then fire another shell. And TRY TO RELOAD your Shotgun on your status screen BEFORE your character has to reload during game play. Wouldn't want to be caught with your pants down...so to speak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab the item beside the coffin -- some SHOTGUN SHELLS -- then check the coffin. Chris will flip a switch opening the entrance along with finding a STONE & METAL OBJECT. Basically, an octagonal-edged disk with the Umbrella insignia. Leave the Crypt, backtracking up the stairs. GRAVEYARD ------------- Run along the path, but at the end take the side gate. PORTRAIT GALLERY -------------------- Travel down the hall and exit out the door at the end. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Clever shortcut, no? Run forward but watch that friggen Zombie. Get around him and exit out the door at the end... VINE PASSAGE ---------------- Arm yourself with a Shotgun, then tread lightly down the path. Blow to bits that Kojo Jr. that pops over the wall and continue on -- at the end, examine that "shelf" depression. "To the defiler of the accursed coffin." Place in the Stone & Metal Object, which unlocks the adjacent door...head through. GARDEN SUPPLY SHED ---------------------- There's a FIRST AID SPRAY and FLASH GRENADE on the shelf over the stairs, and some SHOTGUN SHELLS in the shed corner. There's two ways to get to the Courtyard (area two), but we want to exit out the door at the bottom of the stairs... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C O U R T Y A R D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Courtyard Map 2. Square Crank 3. Moon Crest 4. Star Crest 5. Sun Crest 6. Magnum Revolver DESOLATE SIDE PATH ---------------------- It may be a bit uneasy to step out side, but there's no enemies in this section. Trot down the steps then turn right, following the path till you come to a nearby signpost...we've got another puzzle here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CERBERUS PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The sign reads: North: Valley of Destruction South: Cave of Hatred East: Summit of Madness West: Path of Revenge Keep those locations in mind. Follow the winding path all the way to the end, where you come to two Cerberus statues and a locked gate. The gate reads -- "The gates will open when the guard dog's desires are fulfilled." Now check both statues... LEFT STATUE -- "The Last Gasps of Destruction" RIGHT STATUE -- "The War Cry of Revenge" Back a ways you should have passed two weathervanes -- the blue one goes to the left statue, and the red to the right. Turn the blue one to the NORTH, and the red one to the WEST. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ta-dah, the gate unlocks! Pass on through... FOREST GRAVEYARD -------------------- Absolutely nothing to do here yet, unless you like watching some Crows. Follow the path straight and take the opposite gate. PATH THROUGH THE WOODS -------------------------- What was that strange noise? Cough. ;) Another no-brainer here -- follow the trail to the end, where you find a Cabin at the top of the hill. Enter the front door. CABIN --------- Head around the corner, then another one. Everything is covered in cobwebs and there's a bunch of junk laying around, but strangely, the fireplace is lit...hmmm. Trot up the staircase then grab the COURTYARD MAP on the wall. Enter the next room, where we have a bed, but more importantly a TYPEWRITER. Examine the area of the table where the lamp is -- we get a STRANGE file that's in barely decipherable English. Head to the next area, which is a hallway with an ITEM BOX. Take out some Ink Ribbon if you need to and go save your game, then come back here and deposit the ribbon away. Trot to the right, hop down to the lower area, and grab the CRANK sitting on the board at the end. Examine the tip of it; it's renamed SQUARE CRANK. Climb back up and deposit any junk in the Item Box... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Shotgun • Shotgun Shells • Square Crank • Wind Crest • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head back to the bedroom -- THE FRONT DOOR opens -- check the window beside you to see some-body/thing slink out of view...trot out the doorway. THUNK! Chris is knocked unconscious by a pair of arms, but he awakens in time to have an encounter with Lisa (the monster in chains)! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Lisa Trevor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now we know what that sound was at the beginning of the Path Through the Woods! DO NOT fight this thing (as it's invincible) just get out the HELL of here. Due to Chris' greater stamina, even when Lisa hits you it's not too much to worry about. Leave the Cabin when you get to the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PATH THROUGH THE WOODS -------------------------- Backtrack all the way to the bottom of the hill, though you will encounter a (as in ONE) Zombie along the way...hardly exciting. FOREST GRAVEYARD -------------------- The Crows make this part so friggen ANNOYING. Run forward and up the trail between the gravestones, causing the Crows (99% of the time) to be disturbed and start chasing you. Puzz-ah time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREST PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Examine the right tombstone to uncover a suspicious indentation...place your Wind Crest in it, which causes a panel to flip over revealing three more crests. • Check the tombstone three more times, picking up the MOON CREST, STAR CREST, and SUN CREST. • Examine the back of each crest on your status screen and press the buttons you find, causing styles of iron bars to pop out. • Place the crests in the opposite tombstone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your prized is revealed -- a coveted MAGNUM REVOLVER. An EXTREMELY powerful gun, but slow firing (and the ammo is scarce), so use it ONLY on bosses. Now take the other gate out of here before you get mauled to death by the Crows. Woo boy. DESOLATE SIDE PATH ---------------------- Backtrack to the beginning and use the door. Once in the Garden Supply Shed, take the wooden double doors. PILLAR COURTYARD -------------------- Run forward a few steps and Brad will contact you on your radio. After a totally pointless cutscene, you can here a strange "pacing" sound ahead. This is coming from a GROUP of Cerberus in the next little area...there are two ways to tackle this problem. Man's Way -- Arm yourself with a Shotgun (Assault, preferably) and bust on in there, firing off shots at POINT-BLANK range at the dogs. Use the pillars to shield you, too. Coward's Way -- HUG the right wall as you run, to keep from being mauled... I prefer the first way, as not only do you free yourself from danger, but you also get access to a some herb. Plus, it boosts your ego. :p Either way, exit out the gate at the top of the stairs. STORAGE POOL ---------------- I have no idea why they would have this pond, maybe for the Mansion's plumbing system, but I sure wouldn't be drinking that water. Run around the left side of the pool, where at the end you find a pillar with a square-shaped hole (ahem). Use your Square Crank on it, causing some gates below to open and drain the pool. Cha-ching! Head back around and use the ladder, running along the brick path at the bottom and taking the other ladder. Follow this path to end where an old-style Lift is waiting for you... WATERFALL COURTYARD ----------------------- More Crows, arg. Run forward, going around the waterfall and use the other gate (nothing to see here yet). BRICK CORRIDOR ------------------ Follow the Corridor all the way to the end and use the door. RUN the whole time, to avoid Snakes that drop from above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R E S I D E N C E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Ink Ribbon 11. Key for Room 003 2. Red Book 12. Helmet Key 3. Key for Room 001 4. Self defense gun 5. Control Room Key 6. Aqua Ring Map 7. Gallery Key 8. Assault Shotgun 9. Insecticide Spray 10. Residence Map FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- Oh, so •that's• why they call it RESIDENT Evil. Hohoho. Ahead is some BLUE HERB on shelves, so come back here if you get poisoned. Round the corner and take the first door on the right. RESIDENTIAL STORAGE ----------------------- Another save room, if you will. You can find a TYPEWRITER on the table and a KEROSENE TANK and ITEM BOX past the fence. Grab the FLASH GRENADE and INK RIBBON on the shelf by the typewriter. SAVE your game and deposit ALL your stuff away. Exit out of the room... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- Turn right, and use the double doors at the end. RECREATION ROOM ------------------- Ahhhhh, Giant Spider on the roof (avoid these things entirely). Quickly, run right and go round the corner. Run down the first set of stairs. At the bottom, grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS on the first table, then the RED BOOK and FIRST AID BOX on the bar. Examine the box to get MIXED HERBS -- one green, one blue. Now exit completely out of this room (watch that spider on the way out). FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- Run forward, where you'll spot a crate in the hall, and a nearby corridor littered with holes in the floor. If you just run over the holes, expect to be strangled for a few seconds by a giant vine that pops up. It's only slightly damaging, but VERY annoying. To get around this, take the crate and push it like the diagram shows below. I added the diagram because the other guides are poorly written on this fact! (BEFORE) (AFTER) | | | | | [1]|________ D | |________ D | [][] o | [2][][] o | ________ o | ________ o | | r | | r | | | | Like so...now all you need to do is climb over the tops of the boxes and use the door at the end! INNER HALLWAY ----------------- Run down the hallway and go around the corner, taking the second door with the "002" on top of it. ROOM 002 ------------ Take the door on your right side. It's actually quite hard to see, and in my first game I couldn't find it for awhile! Doh. 002 BATHROOM ---------------- Toilet's busted...lovely, trotting over a fecal covered floor. Not what I had in mind. Grab the shiny object on the shelf by the toilet; it's a RESIDENCE KEY, and if you examine it on the status screen it's renamed -- KEY FOR ROOM 001. Yes, that's the door rattling, and after the Zombie pops it kill the dang thing then leave. ROOM 002 ------------ Run forward and check the desk at your left for a "Plant 42 Report." Read that, it has very useful information. Head to the two identical bookcases at the end of the room...push the left one back against the wall, then push the right bookcase to the right. You uncover a ladder, but don't go down it yet, instead exit this room going back to the hallway. INNER HALLWAY ----------------- Round the corner and backtrack down the hallway to the door at the end. FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- Climb over the tops of the crates, then take the door off to your left, unlocking it with the Key for Room 001. Discard the key and enter. ROOM 001 ------------ Some guy's foot is at the corner of the screen, he's hanging from the rafters, so no, he wouldn't attack. Run down the hall piece and in the next bedroom area grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the desk. Beside that, grab the SELF DEFENSE GUN -- you also get a "Suicide Note." The gun fires a single bullet that should stop a Zombie dead in its tracks. Grab the other HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the rocking chair then exit through the side door... 001 BATHROOM ---------------- Drain the bathtub and grab the CONTROL ROOM KEY you find in the bottom. SNAP -- outside a rope breaks and should be PRETTY obvious where it came from. The dead guy by the bathtub also comes alive, so get out of here, NOW, don't bother wasting ammo. ROOM 001 ------------ Exit back into the hallway. FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- Take the door off to your side again... RESIDENTIAL STORAGE ----------------------- Deposit everything away...you just need to see below. Also make sure to SAVE YOUR GAME (and redeposit the Ink Ribbon away)! Exit out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Control Room Key • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- Run ahead and climb over the crate tops, then use the door again. INNER HALLWAY ----------------- Follow it to the end, then enter Room 002. ROOM 002 ------------ Use the ladder in the back by the bookcases. AQUA RING -- ACCESS TUNNEL A664-1 ------------------------------------- Follow this tunnel to the end, where you find three wooden crates and a pool of water you can't pass. • Push the crate closest to the water straight ahead, into the pool. • Push the second closest crate into the pool. • Push the farthest crate around the corner, then into the pool. Run across the bridge created, and DEFINITELY, grab that GREEN HERB in the corner. Wade through the water and open the metal double doors. AQUA RING -- SHARK ENCLOSURE -------------------------------- As Chris steps in, he sees Richard nearby clinging to a metal outcropping...as soon as Chris tries to walk over to him, Neptune the shark pops up and eats Richard. The bastard! If you stick around here you'll be shark-food for sure! NOTE: Due to the waist-high water, your running is slowed considerably. MOVE YOUR CHRIS REDFIELD ASS! Run along the catwalk to the left till you come across a small bridge. Cross it, then head left along the inner catwalk. Trot up the stairs when you reach them, and unlock the door with the Control Room Key. Discard the key and enter inside QUICKLY. SECOND NOTE: If you hang around you might actually see Neptune again -- she can swallow you in ONE BITE! Not to mention scare the crap out of you... AQUA RING -- CONTROL ROOM ----------------------------- You can use the herb you got in the Access Tunnel if you got bit by a shark (and you most likely did). The red lamp to your right indicates an emergency has occurred. Head down the ladder. At the bottom here, check the spotted document on the table to your left. It'll say which valve to release in case of a drop in OIL PRESSURE. Keep this number in mind! Collect the AQUA RING MAP on the back wall, then head back to the ladder. Our goal now is to drain the water in the Shark Enclosure... • Head to the side window, and examine the console...say "yes" to draining the water. A malfunction occurs, and one of those bastard sharks headbutts the window, causing a critical loss of pressure in the room. NOTE: When the critical gauge comes on, your difficulty (easy/normal) depends on how fast it fills up. • Run to the console with the black chair in front of it. Examine, then release the safety. • Run to the console in front of the main window. Choose to lower the Pressure Doors. Another malfunction -- the doors stop midway. We need to restore the oil pressure before continuing. • Head out to the hallway and check the tanks just to your right. Choose the correct valve (1,2,3...whatever was on the document) and turn it back on. • Head back into the room, examine the console with the chair, and release the safety a second time. • Examine the console in front of the main windows, and lower the Pressure Doors. The emergency is OVER! Now just lower the water in the Shark Enclosure using the console in front of the side window. Head into the hall, grabbing the FIRST AID BOX by the tanks. Examine it to get MIXED HERBS, of two Green Herbs. Run down the hall, and use the door at the end. AQUA RING -- STORAGE CHAMBER -------------------------------- Everything is soaking wet. Turn right and go down the hall, then run right into that little cloister with stuff piled everywhere. Grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS here (they're quite hard to spot). Turn around and exit out the single door on the other side. AQUA RING -- ENCLOSURE FLOOR -------------------------------- Run along the tank bottom...eventually you come across the body of Shark laying on the floor. He's still alive, barely, but is harmless. :p Keep going to the end, and wade through the waist-deep water. Don't worry about Neptune...she's "dead." ;) Climb up on the grating, then •attempt• to press the switch in the box. SPLASH! The box breaks and Neptune is actually alive...you can't go back in the water, what to do?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Neptune the Shark ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are two ways to do this... (Stupid) Pump tons of rounds into her body, wasting precious ammo yet eventually killing her. (Smart) Push that green box (an electrical generator) into the water, then flip the lever on the control panel beside you. The water will electrify and shock Neptune to death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...glad you made the right decision. Hop down into the water again and wade around her charcoaled body, picking up the sparkle. Another RESIDENCE KEY. Examine it, this one's the GALLERY KEY. Wade out of the water then backtrack to the body of the dead shark...grab that (sorta) hard to see sparkle beside him. It's the ASSAULT SHOTGUN. Richard must have had it on him when he was eaten. This weapon is great, not only does it hold 10 shells, instead of a regular Shotgun's six, but just look at it -- the things GREAT looking. Head back to the door at the beginning of the tank and exit. AQUA RING -- STORAGE CHAMBER -------------------------------- Turn right, and head down the hall, exiting out the double doors. AQUA RING -- EXIT TUNNEL ---------------------------- Run forward and grab the MAGNUM ROUNDS on the box, then climb up the ladder at the end of the tunnel. At the top use the door... AQUA RING -- ACCESS TUNNEL A644-1 ------------------------------------- Run left, and backtrack to the end, using the ladder to climb back out. ROOM 002 ------------ Use the main door and exit into the hall. INNER HALLWAY ----------------- Trot around the corner and use the Gallery Key to unlock the adjacent door. Discard the key. Before heading in the Gallery, you should go back to the Residential Storage (save room) and put EVERYTHING in the Item Box, and take out your RED BOOK, along with some other stuff. And do remember to SAVE YOUR GAME and then redeposit the Ink Ribbon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Shotgun (assault preferably) • Shotgun Shells • Red Book • Healing Item • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GALLERY ----------- God, this place is SWARMING with Killer Bees (they can also poison you if you're stung enough), so don't try to do ANYTHING in here yet, just stay moving! Run forward, then turn left at the table and run down the hall. Examine the body laying dead in the corner, uncovering something he's holding, INSECTICIDE SPRAY. Gee, wonder what we should do with this? NOTE: Off to your left is the Killer Bee Hive (it's HUGE!) but you can't access it because the swarming is so veracious. Turn 180 quickly so you're not stung, and run back down the hall. Turn at the table then exit back out the door at the end. INNER HALLWAY ----------------- Turn right and pass the door to Room 002, then at the dead end grab the RESIDENTIAL MAP. There's a hole behind it, DON'T INSPECT IT (as bees will pop out). Just use your Insecticide Spray and Chris will send a cloud through, killing the hive in the adjacent hallway. Turn yourself around and enter the Gallery again. GALLERY ----------- Run forward and grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the table...turn left again and go down the hall, then turn left a second time. Grab the sparkle at the end, the final RESIDENTIAL KEY. Examine the back of it, where it's renamed KEY FOR ROOM 003. Backtrack out of the hallway, and use the key to unlock the door on the right. Discard and head in. ROOM 003 ------------ You can SAVE YOUR GAME with the TYPEWRITER on the table if you brought Ink Ribbon, but you shouldn't have any if you've been paying attention to the inventory checks. ;) Examine the bookcase beside the table, and you'll find a row of red books, yet suspiciously the center book is white colored. Remove the white book and you get an "Organic Chemistry Lab Experiment" file. Now, place the Red Book in the gap. Ding ding, puzzle time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RED BOOK PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Our task is to arrange the "Bandage with Blood" books in the correct order so that the naked woman on the book spines is arranged properly. Don't know why, she's ugly to begin with, but anyway... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8| |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| Exchange books 1 and 4. Exchange books 2 and 7. Exchange books 3 and 8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Afterwards the nearby bookcase moves, revealing a SECRET DOOR! Prepare yourself by equipping the Shotgun. Head through the door... LAIR OF PLANT 42 -------------------- Here's good ol' planty boy! Unlike Jill Valentine's game, Chris Redfield with get a (harmless) hug from the plant before the battle begins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Plant 42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The key here is that once you get in the room, IMMEDIATELY barrel up the stairs in front of you, then at the top STAY MOVING while you fire shots at the plant's "flower." Mind you the flower has to be OPEN. Keep doing that till it dies. It shouldn't take too long... NOTE: Sometimes when you're on the top balcony, and a vine hits you, it'll knock you clear off and onto the GROUND FLOOR. SECOND NOTE: When the main "flower" opens, Plant 42 also gets more aggressive -- some vines will try to spray you with damaging pollen. THIRD NOTE: Also watch those little "buds" found on some of the walls, they can spray pollen too! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ With the threat over, run to the fireplace and grab the sparkle, another MANSION KEY. Examine the back of it; the HELMET KEY. Yes, we merely trekked all the way over here for the SOLE PURPOSE of just getting another key. This fact in particular pissed me off. You can exit the room now, except you have to take the double doors, because some mysterious fool removed one of the Red Books in the adjacent room causing the single door to relock. GALLERY ----------- Chris stumbles upon Rebecca out here, and tells her the bad news. Richard is dead! Oh boohoo...at least we got the Assault Shotgun, and that's what counts. ;) After Rebecca leaves, exit out the main door, going into the Inner Hallway... INNER HALLWAY ----------------- Head right, where a cutscene will play; Jill finds Wesker shooting some Giant Bees with his Handgun (why?!). Apparently there are some rooms in the mansion we still have to explore (duh duh). Exit out the door at the end of the hallway...squish the bees on your way out! :p FRONT HALLWAY ----------------- You can just run directly over the holes, as Plant 42 wouldn't grab you anymore. Round the corner to the right, then round another corner. You may want to grab a BLUE HERB from the shelves (just one) in case you get poisoned in a bit (as the mansion has no readily available Blue Herb, and trust me, you don't want to waste coming all the way out here again, I speak from experience). Exit out the front door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C O U R T Y A R D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRICK CORRIDOR ------------------ Follow this all the way to the end and use the gate... WATERFALL COURTYARD ----------------------- Well, well, well. Seems some Cerberus have come to greet you. The dog right in front of you wouldn't get up until you run right beside him -- head for the lift! If you're fast (aka good) you'll make it without taking any damage. STORAGE POOL ---------------- After you step off the lift, run down the path. We have a little snake problem to take care of... L_______________________ I swear, nearly •every• time that I | snake gets me. NEVER AGAIN! This F_________________ | is a little diagram of the T | |_________ problem...yes I'm probably insane | 2 | for making it. :p | 1 | '---------. | (LAMP) | | 1 -- Snake | | 2 -- Safety Point | | Ladder | |_____| See, once you round the corner with the lamp, a "hidden" snake will pop out at POINT 1, and attempt to bite you. To avoid this, round the corner as tight as possible against the wall at POINT 2. There...the "horror" is over. Head down the ladder, run along the path at the bottom, and use the other ladder. Exit out the gate. PILLAR COURTYARD -------------------- Exit out the wooden double doors in the alcove. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M A N S I O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Last Book Vol.1 11. Jewelry Box 2. Medal of Eagle 12. Broach 3. B1 Mansion Map 13. Emblem Key 4. Battery 14. Metal Object 5. Last Book Vol.2 6. Medal of Wolf 7. Red Gemstone 8. Yellow Gemstone 9. MO Disk 10. Ink Ribbon GARDEN SUPPLY SHED ---------------------- Wesker's been here! If you head to the door opposite of you, you'll find another brown note on the wall: "Use this to protect yourself from that monster in chains that can't be hurt by guns. I also fixed the doorknob to make sure you can get away. -Wesker-" That door with the faulty doorknob in the east of the mansion is now fixed. Grab the stuff Wesker left for you, then take the metal door. VINE PASSAGE ---------------- Head down the passage and use the door at the end, entering the mansion building proper again. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Run own the hall piece and round the corner...THE HORROR! ;) A cutscene plays showing something following you. Now, those growls and screams are coming from a "Hunter," Which basically looks like a guy in a frog suit, not nearly as scary as Crimson Head. However Hunters are more dangerous, as sometimes they'll do a "Leap Attack" where they claw your head killing you instantly. Now some people say it decapitates you, but I've never actually seen the removed head. You can either take this Hunter out or do the smart thing and exit out the side door by the chair. BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Run down the hall, and watch yourself, another Hunter is waiting here for you. Take the side door entering the save room. EAST STAIRS STORAGE ROOM ---------------------------- Deposit all extraneous stuff and SAVE YOUR GAME. Exit out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Shotgun (assault preferably) • Shotgun Shells • Helmet Key • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Barrel up the stairs as soon as possible to avoid the Hunter, or use your Shotgun to turn him bloodier than Jason's acting career. Either way, get to the top of the stairs. EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Head left, and run down the hall, rounding the corner. Use the end door. FIREPLACE STUDY ------------------- Herbs off to your side...open the other door using your Helmet Key and exit out. ART GALLERY --------------- Could also be called "Room of the Crushing Walls of a Horrible Squishy Death by Proxy." But I like my name better. :p We have another puzzle, and this one is pretty hard, as if you screw up you'll die and find out what a pancake feels like. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATUE PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run ahead, and immediately push the grey statue FORWARD, as it AWAY from the wall. Keep pushing it to the next chamber, where the two walls will begin to crush inwards. They CAN'T hurt you, you have the statue as protection. Push the statue ALL the way to the VERY end. Turn yourself around and run down the narrow space. When in the next little area, take the other passage. We're actually behind the wall now! Run all the way to the end and examine the alcove on the wall. OK, here's where it gets hard. • Hit the switch, causing the walls to start retracting. • Flip yourself around, and backtrack to the other area. • Take the other passage again, and run down to the statue. • Push it LEFT, until it covers that square with the "N". • A secret passage is revealed! The camera angles seem to make this puzzle much harder then it should be...but ah well, you'll get it eventually, that is if you don't die a horrible death in the meantime. :p ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head through the passage and go to the left. Examine the dresser to get a DAGGER. Turn around and go to the other side, where you find a hole. Say "yes" to pop on in. GEORGE TREVOR'S CRAPPY GRAVE -------------------------------- Who turned out the lights? Run forward and grab the LAST BOOK VOL.1 laying on the ground. On your status screen examine the edge of the book where you can see the length of the pages. The book will open up, revealing a MEDAL OF EAGLE. Head forward some more, and check the gravestone to get a file -- "George Trevor's Diary." It's so long, and my eyes glaze over most of the time before I finish it. Say "yes" to hitting the switch, which reveals a hole and a ladder. Head down... BASEMENT CORRIDOR --------------------- There are some Giant Spiders in this area, and they're acid spit will poison you. But, there's a Blue Herb in the next area, so you can pretty much ignore them. Head forward and round the corner, ignoring the first spider. Travel down, then go to the right. Grab the B1 MANSION MAP on the wall. Round another corner, and examine the •seemingly• useless stack of boxes...you get some more SHOTGUN SHELLS. Turn around, go around the corner, and backtrack, this time taking the left way. Watch the second spider! Round a final corner and use the door at the end... GENERATOR CORRIDOR ---------------------- This corridor has a layer of water at the bottom...interesting. Round the first corner and use the Blue Herb if you need it. Keep going till you reach the fork (two Zombies will greet you) and grab the DAGGER on the floor. Head through the gated passage. Go around the flooded corner and at the end examine the machine on the wall. Say "yes" to switching the fusepack, thus restoring power to the elevator. Backtrack around the corner and to the fork, this time taking the other way (watch the Zombies). Head to the end and exit out. NOTE: Yes, I am aware there is a HANDGUN MAGAZINE hidden in the shelf unit by the door. But as a Chris Redfield player, you can't get it if you want an open space in your inventory (and you DO)! KITCHEN ----------- OK...let me get this straight, the floor of the previous corridor was flooded, but the Kitchen's floor isn't? Even though they're on the same level. And clearly the door between them isn't waterproof...arg. Anyway, on the opposite side of the table from you is a Zombie, which should be approaching at a snail's pace. Wait for it to come a few paces from you, then go around the other side of the table. At the back round the corner into a small side area (no, that guy wouldn't magically wake up all crimsony). Go to the elevator and say "yes" to bring it down. Press A when it reaches you. Wait. Where's my elevator music?! *pops in Jet Force Gemini soundtrack* ELEVATOR HALLWAY -------------------- Head to the right, and round the corner. NOTE: Off to your left is some herbs, but it's hardly worth it. The plants are in a dead end and there's a Zombie keeping watch. A Zombie greets you...get past it, then open that first door here. CLOSET ---------- At your feet to the left is some SHOTGUN SHELLS, and some...SHOTGUN SHELLS! Yummy metallic goodness. Head forward and examine the floor by the desk for a FLASH GRENADE, then check the desk itself for the BATTERY. This Battery will activate a lift in the Courtyard...exit the room. Notice how you have (should) one space open in your inventory! ELEVATOR HALLWAY -------------------- We've come out of the closet! *snicker* Turn to the left and run down the hall, unlocking the door. Exit out. YELLOW CORRIDOR ------------------- A Crimson Head and a normal Zombie are in here (unless you killed them...), except they're up ahead and will try to ambush you from two directions. Be CAREFUL, or you could be a Chris sandwich before you know it. ;) Head forward and turn to the right, running down the long hall. *breaths heavily* Whip left around the corner (CRIMSON!) then cross through that little gap with the mirror, then turn right, running down the hall and exiting out the door. KNIGHTS' HALLWAY -------------------- Trot up the stairs and head to the end, where you open the door with your Helmet Key...head into the abyss. LIBRARY ----------- Some Green Herb ahead; might want to use it to health yourself to "FINE" and/or take one with you. Run down the window hall and head around the corner where the first bookcases are. DUN DUN! Out pops Yawn again! The bastard never gives up...and you can't run away this time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Yawn the Python, strikes back! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ First you need to turn yourself around and get down that ladder as quickly as you can. If you stay up on this ledge, Yawn can actually SWALLOW you in one bite -- not pretty. All right, here's a strategy that I've found works GREAT: Time for a little game of "Run Around the Mulberry Bush" with Yawny boy. LIBRARY SCHEMATIC .----------------.----------------------------. | Ladder| | | _______| .-----. | | | | | | | | | s | | | | | h | | | | | e | | | | (1) | l | | | | | f | | | | '-----' | | | | '--------'------------------------------------' Make sure to equip your fully-loaded Shotgun. Now, get Yawn to follow behind you as you run from the bottom of the ladder, and run COUNTER- clockwise around the shelf. Don't run too fast, as you want Yawn to follow at a comfortable distance. Once you run BACK to point (1), whip around and wait. To the right of you Yawn's tail should be wagging in the breeze, and Yawn should rear up and come after you from behind the shelf. FIRE AT WILL! When Yawn gets too close for comfort, run around the shelf again... Hitting Yawn's head and "neck" brings him down faster than injuring the length of his body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The death animation of Yawn is quite gruesome (and he's DEAD FOR GOOD), causing some books on the nearby shelf to be thrown to the floor. But more importantly a sparkle is revealed! Run behind the shelf and pick up the sparkle -- LAST BOOK VOL.2 -- and just like the first book, examine the long side of the pages on the status screen. You'll pull out a MEDAL OF WOLF. Now head back up the ladder, and backtrack to the beginning. Exit out the door... KNIGHTS' HALLWAY -------------------- Head down to the beginning and exit out. YELLOW CORRIDOR ------------------- Run forward, then turn and head through the gap with the mirror. Exit through the first door here. WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Run forward, then trot on down the stairs... BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Use the door off to the side at the bottom. Save room time! DRUG ROOM ------------- Deposit ALL the items you picked up in the box. Feel free to SAVE YOUR GAME, just remember to redeposit the Ink Ribbon in the Item Box. Exit the room... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Helmet Key • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Trot back up the stairs. *creak creak* WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Head to the right, and open the nearby side door with your Helmet Key. Enter inside...can you feel the anticipation?! EAGLE STATUETTE ROOM ------------------------ Grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS on you right, on the shelf below the Deer head. Run to the other side of the room, and grab the DAGGER sitting to the left of the Buffalo head. Trot over to that table between the two dressers and pick up a "Mail from the Chief of Security" file. It's puzzle time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEMSTONE PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As you should have already noticed (unless you're blind) that Eagle Statuette follows you whenever you run around the room. Suspicious? Yes. So what are we going to do about it? Simple. Run back to the door, and flick the light switch beside it to turn the lights off in the room. The eyes in the Eagle glow bright purple. An eye in the Deer head glows red, and an eye in Buffalo head glows yellow. Push both of the cabinets forward so they're against the walls and underneath the animal heads. Now, here's the trick with the Eagle: • The Eagle will lock on and follow you if you're running in its VIEW. • If you run AGAINST the wall on which the Eagle is mounted, you'll pass BELOW its view, causing it not to follow you. Now, get the Eagle to lock on to the Buffalo head (the eyes will flash). Pass below the Eagle, then quickly hop on top of the cabinet below the Deer head and examine the head. Take out the RED GEMSTONE. Now just repeat this process, but opposite, for the Buffalo to get the YELLOW GEMSTONE. Now you can take your pansy self outta here... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Head left, then run down the stairs. BOTTOM OF WEST STAIRS ------------------------- Go around the corner and the pillar. Round the next corner...you'll be having lunch with two Hunters in a matter of moments. Run forward past the first window -- SHATTER. Hunter number one pops in. Run past the other window -- SHATTER. Another Hunter pops in. Run your little Chris legs to the end of the hall and exit out the END door. LONG WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- Immediately turn left and run down the way. Turn left, into that little alcove piece. Use the door... TIGER ALTAR ROOM -------------------- Position yourself in front of the Tiger Statue and place in the Yellow Gemstone. It'll revolve and give up an MO DISK. This we'll use in a bit. Exit the room. LONG WINDOW HALLWAY ----------------------- Run out of the little alcove, then turn left, and run down that long strip of hallway. Exit out the end door. KENNETH HALLWAY ------------------- Trot to the right and use the door. DINING ROOM --------------- Turn right, running down along the table. Use the double doors. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Run yourself straight across the room to the double doors on the opposite side. Use your Helmet Key and open the single door just to the left. Discard the key and enter... SCIENCE ROOM ---------------- Off to your right you should notice that jar housing a green liquid and a human digestive system. But more importantly, pick up the "undated note" sitting beside the jar. Speaks something about an "art room." Head around the shelves and turn left. Run to the end and examine the bookcase to get some INK RIBBON. Flip around, then run down this hall and use the door. WARDROBE ROOM ----------------- Oooh, a Zombie! Get around him, and in the area opposite the mirror we have GREEN HERB and a BLUE HERB TERRACE. Grab the DAGGER on the floor, then the JEWELRY BOX sitting in the cabinet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JIGSAW PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We had every puzzle-type except the classic jigsaw. You knew it was coming! The impression on the top of the Jewelry Box is in the shape of an octagon. You have to arrange the pieces so they fit perfectly inside. The easiest way is to start with the largest piece and work your way down in size. Piece 2 goes in the very center, e.g. the last one you use. All the pieces: __ / \ _____ / \ _ / / \ \ / \ / / ___ | | __ / \ / 1 / / \ | | / \ / \ \ | / \ ____| 3 | / \ | | \ | / 2 \ | | / 4 \ | 5 | \ | | / | / / / | | \| |_______/ |________/ /_______/ /_______\ But if you want a better full-color image of the solution, which puts my crappy ascii to shame, you can see DEngel's "Jewel Box Puzzle Solution" at this location: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/gamecube/file/resident_evil_jewel_box.gif ------------------------------------------------------------------------ With the puzzle solved, the Jewelry Box opens, revealing a BROACH. Examine the Broach further (press A), and at the bottom out folds a key. We have the EMBLEM KEY, the final key in the Mansion. Wew. Now leave the room before that Zombie gives yah a hug. SCIENCE ROOM ---------------- Run down the hall then turn right, exiting out the door. MANSION FOYER ----------------- Head to the main stairs. Run up one set of stairs then use the painted door to exit out. GRAVEYARD ------------- Head down the stairs, round the corner, and head down even more stairs. Run over to that gate and exit. PORTRAIT GALLERY -------------------- Run your legs all the way to the other end and use the door. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Now QUICKLY run to the gray door with the emblem on it. Open it with your Emblem Key (yah, really). Discard the key and enter inside. SPENCERS' ROOM ------------------ A few seconds after entering, you hear Rebecca scream like a little pansy. Chris -- "Rebecca?! Is she upstairs?!". HINT HINT. We need to go save her so exit the room (oh yes we do, unless you don't want the sweet second battle with the final boss). EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Take the door beside you... BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Take the door at the bottom of the stairs. EAST STAIRS STORAGE ROOM ---------------------------- Prepare to battle! Deposit all your items and get some weaponry, then exit out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Shotgun (assault preferably) • Shotgun Shells • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Move it, seconds count! Barrel up the stairs. EAST STAIRS HALLWAY ----------------------- Head right, round the corner, and use the door at the end. DILAPIDATED BROWN HALLWAY ----------------------------- Run left and use the door in the corner. STUDY --------- Egads, Rebecca is in trouble? Who would have thunk that? As hilarious as it is to see Rebecca coward in the corner as a Hunter is about to turn her face into Swiss cheese, we need to save her...boohoo. Kill the Hunter with a few shells. Now watch, point, and laugh as his body convulses and dies. Dance with it -- DANCE I SAID, DANCE! ;) When Rebecca finally slinks off (I love it when she says "I can take care of myself") use the door behind her, and just head downstairs to the save room again. EAST STAIRS STORAGE ROOM ---------------------------- Time to change inventory again...don't forget to SAVE your game before leaving, too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Shotgun • Shotgun Shells • Square Crank • Battery • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTTOM OF EAST STAIRS ------------------------- Trot around the corner and use the door at the end. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Take the emblem door a second time, maybe we can actually get something down now! SPENCERS' ROOM ------------------ If you examine the things in the room, the game will tell you it's too dark to see anything. But before you try to whip out your Lighter, walk to the desk and examine the lamp. Press "yes" to turn it on! That fooled me the first time! Examine the shelf just LEFT of the lamp to reveal some well hidden SHOTGUN SHELLS. Now turn around, and on that small cabinet, grab the FLASH GRENADE on one corner, and the ever-elusive and spiffy METAL OBJECT on the other corner. Doesn't the object look familiar?! Exit the room. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Head left, round the corner, and exit out the metal door. Fresh air... VINE PASSAGE ---------------- Run along it to the end and use the metal door. GARDEN SUPPLY SHED ---------------------- Head forward and use the wooden double doors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C O U R T Y A R D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Shaft 11. Jewelry Box 2. Hexagon Crank 12. Stone Ring 3. Ink Ribbon 13. Stone & Metal Object 4. Flamethrower 5. Survival Knife 6. B1 Courtyard Map 7. Cylinder 8. Flamethrower 9. Cylinder Shaft 10. Broken Flamethrower PILLAR COURTYARD -------------------- If Cerberus are still here, clean them ALL out with your Shotgun before moving on. Head up the stairs and use the gate. STORAGE POOL ---------------- Pop down the ladder, running along the bottom. Use the other ladder then run along the path (watch the Snake by the lamp). Use the lift. WATERFALL COURTYARD ----------------------- Pace...pace...pace. Two Cerberus are here (unless you killed them WAY before, while exiting the Residence) The goal is to make sure BOTH of them don't gang up on you at the same time. With Shotgun in hand, run kamikaze at the first dog, which is taking a nap to the left of the waterfall. BANG! Now run between the pillars and down the steps (if the other dog hasn't already spotted you). Dog -- BANG! Beside the fountain is another lift...yet, it has no power and there's a strange box beside it spiting out sparks. Hyuk hyuk! Place your Battery in the box to restart the power. Ride the lift up... PILLAR COURTYARD -------------------- We went in a circle -- how quaint. Head back to the steps and use the metal gate again... STORAGE POOL ---------------- Run forward then go off to the right. Use your Square Crank on the hole again, filling the pool with water. The game says a waterfall has stopped. Duh...hint? Flip around then exit out the gate. PILLAR COURTYARD -------------------- Head down the stairs, round the pillars, use the lift... WATERFALL COURTYARD ----------------------- Trot up the steps then run over to where the waterfall use to be. Surprise surprise, a passage has been uncovered in the back after the water was drained. Head in. BEHIND THE WATERFALL ------------------------ Run down the long passage and use the ladder at the end. Candles? Who lit candles? Ahem... :p MINING AREA -- MAIN TUNNEL ------------------------------ I hate this part. I repeat, I hate this part. It has got to be the most BORING part of the ENTIRE game! Whoever designed it should be fired! You could run forward and find a TYPEWRITER, ITEM BOX, and a dead end. Or, you could just take that side door -- which is what you should do! MINING AREA -- WINDY TUNNEL ------------------------------- Run forward, then turn left. There's a huge boulder with wind blowing out from behind it. Trot down the stairs and use the door at the end. MINING AREA -- INDUSTRIAL ELEVATOR -------------------------------------- Head just to the left and grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the floor. That gapping hole is the elevator (or at least where it should be...). Run around the elevator, then head into that alcove with the machinery. Examine that square panel, the main power console. Say "yes" to removing the SHAFT. No jokes please... ;) Run out of the alcove and head down that corridor...grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE in the pool of water (quite hard to see) then use the door. MINING AREA -- ENRICO TUNNEL -------------------------------- Trot forward a bit and a cutscene automatically starts playing. We meet Enrico, another fellow S.T.A.R.S. officer. There's a double crosser on the team... "Um...brel...la" And then BANG, he's dead with a handgun blast to the heart. Somebody was just around the corner. Examine Enrico's body and Chris will find he's holding something -- a CRANK. Examine its tip so it's renamed HEXAGON CRANK. Lucky you, it should fill up the last space in your inventory. Now head back to the door. Right before you reach the door it swings open and a Hunter pops out. UH hello! Dodge him then take the door. MINING AREA -- INDUSTRIAL ELEVATOR -------------------------------------- Run down the hall, around the elevator, and exit out the other door. MINING AREA -- WINDY TUNNEL ------------------------------- Trot forward, then wait at the bottom of the stairs -- ANOTHER Hunter. Kill the Hunter waiting at the top of the stairs, but don't waste ammo on the other guy (we definitely don't want both Hunters to sandwich us in). Exit out the door. MINING AREA -- MAIN TUNNEL ------------------------------ Follow the around the corner. Ah, safety. Deposit EVERYTHING away except your crank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Hexagon Crank • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now grab the INK RIBBON beside the typewriter and save your game. Remember to deposit the ribbon in the Item Box! Round the next corner and you find the dead end -- but there's a panel on the left wall with a hexagonal-shaped hole. I wonder; use your crank on it, causing the tunnel section to flip over. Run across the path, and grab that GREEN HERB in the corner before exiting out the door. MINING AREA -- BOULDER TUNNEL --------------------------------- Right beside you, grab the FLAMETHROWER sitting on the hooks...the hooks trigger the door right behind you to lock. Immediately equip this spiffy-looking, though ultimately pathetic weapon. To the left is a dead end, but to the right is a suspicious boulder blocking the passage. Run over to the boulder and check it...flip around and begin to walk away. KATHUNK! The boulder has broken lose and will kill you instantly if it touches you! Run down the tunnel and duck into the alcove with the door. If you don't feel like Indiana Jones now, you never will. After that danger is done, run back to where the boulder originally was for some well hidden SHOTGUN SHELLS. Turn around and run the other direction -- the boulder has broken a new passage -- exit out the door. NOTE: Clearly I was equipped with a Flamethrower. But when Chris dived into the alcove he wasn't holding a weapon. LAZY Capcom! Oh well, at least Chris does that neat "jumping-roll" unlike Jill... :p MINING AREA -- SPIDERS' NEST -------------------------------- Holy fruit salad! Everything is covered in spiderwebs, and from the ceiling a GIGANTIC Spider crawls down. Boss time... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Queen Spider ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This battle is pretty easy, but don't expect as big of a cakewalk as when you were playing as Jill. You should use the Flamethrower for this fight so you don't waste any ammo...but due to the short range, you're going to have to get right up in her face. Fire a stream at her from the side or from behind, then when she tries to turn and face you, move and fire again. Sometimes when the Queen charges at you, it just ends up "pushing" Chris meaning you can fire the entire time while moving backwards! Hilarious to watch. After about 30 seconds the queen is dead, and don't worry if she nails you with acid spit, you have a Green Herb and there's a Blue Herb in the next tunnel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The major threat is over, but there's still two "normal" (whatever that is) Giant Spiders in the room. I usually use a few flame bursts (if I have any fuel left) and take them both out, because they're highly annoying. NOTE: If you check out the Queen Spider's body, her abdomen should have been ruptured. Tons of tiny Spiders are pouring out -- you can squish them! Good for satisfying a perverse nature (or at least mine). Heh. :p Run over to the wooden crates and grab the sparkle, a SURVIVAL KNIFE. YEAH! Wait, a, second...that's crappy! See, Capcom was extremely kind with you by not making you run all the way back to the Item Box to get your original Survival Knife. You need to use this knife and slash away the spider web strands that are blocking the door. After you're done cleaning, exit out. MINING AREA -- SIDE TUNNEL ------------------------------ Run to the left, where there's a dead end with some BLUE HERB. Also grab the B1 COURTYARD MAP posted on the bulletin board. Turn around and head the other way. At the end, place your Flamethrower on the two hooks to unlock the adjacent door. Head through... MINING AREA -- ANOTHER BOULDER TUNNEL ----------------------------------------- Run forward and go around the corner. We're greeted with the familiar sight of a dead end and a hexagonal hole panel. Use your crank on the hole to flip the tunnel -- except use it THREE TIMES. After the third time (remember to exit your status screen) the boulder across the way breaks lose. RUN CHRIS RUN! Turn around and run down the tunnel, ducking around the corner. Wew...round the corner again, and run down ALL THE WAY to the end. In this little area that was blocked by the boulder we find a FIRST AID BOX, which when examined gives you a FIRST AID SPRAY. Turn around, and take the side tunnel. Exit out the door. MINING AREA -- GODDESS STATUE CHAMBER ----------------------------------------- We have another puzzle here. The object of it is to get that loose Goddess Statue positioned by the wall, and push it over and into the alcove by the other statue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GODDESS PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Push the loose statue along the wall to the right, so it rests in front of that dark panel. • Use your Hexagon Crank on the hole by the door. The dark panel will move out into the room, pushing the statue. • Use your crank a second time, retracting the dark panel. • Run over to the Goddess Statue and push it towards that circle panel on the floor, then push it FORWARD onto the circle. The statue will turn 90 degrees. • Move the statue off the circle panel, then push it back on by pushing it FORWARD. The statue turns another 90 degrees. • Now just move the statue over into the alcove! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOD the camera angles make that puzzle almost unbearable! After the statue is back in its alcove the center panel raises revealing an item. Pick up the CYLINDER. You can exit the chamber now... MINING AREA -- ANOTHER BOULDER TUNNEL ----------------------------------------- Head around the corner then backtrack all the way to the entry door. Exit through it. MINING AREA -- SIDE TUNNEL ------------------------------ Most people will forget this, but -- MAKE SURE to grab the FLAMETHROWER off the hooks. The next task is just to backtrack all the way to the Main Tunnel (place with the Typewriter). Enroute, redeposit the Flamethrower on its original hooks to unlock the door again. I'm sure you'll manage... MINING AREA -- MAIN TUNNEL ------------------------------ Deposit everything in the Item Box EXCEPT the Cylinder, then take out the Shaft. Combine the Cylinder and Shaft on your status screen to get a CYLINDER SHAFT (there's so many jokes I could crack right about now). Examine the Cylinder Shaft further on the status screen and the game will tell you if you want to turn it...say "yes." Turn it enough times and on the curved side four Roman numerals will be formed: IV II III I Which is 4, 2, 3, 1, for you "challenged" people. All you should have in your inventory is the Cylinder Shaft. You might want too SAVE YOUR GAME too. Head around the corner and use the door by the ladder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Cylinder Shaft • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINING AREA -- WINDY TUNNEL ------------------------------- Round the corner, trot down the steps, and use the door at the bottom. MINING AREA -- INDUSTRIAL ELEVATOR -------------------------------------- Run around the elevator and head into the alcove. Place the Cylinder Shaft into the main console on the machinery -- you have to get around a little security feature consisting of four buttons. The solution is so obvious I wouldn't even bother telling you... ...alright, alright. Press buttons 4, 2, 3, 1. ;) The power is restored to the elevator, and it raises itself to your level. Run on to the elevator and examine the console -- say "yes" to go down... MINING BRIDGE ----------------- After the elevator stops, get off and run forward, using the door. CIRCULAR TUNNEL COMPLEX --------------------------- Head down the tunnel and midway you hear a door swing open. Hmmm...keep going, and at the fork go right -- LISA TREVOR! AHH MOMMY! She appears whichever direction you take first. Turn around and head left, following the circular tunnel (don't turn in that little side tunnel) and trot up the stairs. Take the door in the alcove. CARGO UPLOAD ---------------- There's lots of cargo crates around, hence the name. Head forward and go around the corner to the next little area. In the other corner you should notice a massive stack of crates. Climb the first (tan) crate, then climb up the next (green) crate, then run up the brown bags. At the very top you hit the motherload -- a FLASH GRENADE, HANDGUN MAGAZINE, and MAGNUM ROUNDS. *faints* Get back down to the ground, and see that brown crate? Push it slightly to the left then forward onto the materials lift. Examine the console, sending it on it's way. You may exit now. CIRCULAR TUNNEL COMPLEX --------------------------- Head to the right, there appears Lisa Trevor. So turn around and take the left tunnel (keep in mind that switch on the wall that you pass) and turn into the exit tunnel. Follow it to the end and use the door. MINING BRIDGE ----------------- Run forward and examine the elevator console -- "It's broken". Arg. Surprise surprise. Guess we're taking the back way -- cross the bridge (Item Box), and climb down the ladder at the end. MATERIALS DROPOFF POINT --------------------------- Head to the left -- there's your crate on the lift. Push it left, off the elevator. Then push it forward so it drops into that "pit." Examine the console and turn on the "Garbage Compactor." Classic. The crate is crushed, revealing a shiny item, which you should hop down and collect. The BROKEN FLAMETHROWER! Get out of this pit and take the ladder again. MINING BRIDGE ----------------- Cross the bridge and use the door by the elevator again. CIRCULAR TUNNEL COMPLEX --------------------------- Run down the first tunnel to the end...OK, this is where we can actually manipulate Lisa Trevor to our own ends. Turn left, and she'll appear. Now go to the right. Around the first corner you should see lever on the wall. IGNORE IT FOR RIGHT NOW! Wait in front of it; Lisa Trevor will slink over. Right as she's breathing down your neck, hit that funky lever -- nearby a panel sprouts two hooks. NOTE: You're probably wondering why we waited till the last minute to hit the lever. It's simple really, we don't want Lisa giving us a birthday surprise and going the other way through the tunnel rather than following behind. The hooks don't last forever (time limit), so run to the right, head down the stairs, and turn into that side tunnel -- here's the panel with hooks and a door. Use your Broken Flamethrower on the hooks and the door unlocks. Exit out. LISA TREVOR'S HOME ---------------------- Head forward and enter through the gate. This places looks like a cross between "Child's Play" (Chucky) and "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom"! Run around the center structure of wood and candles then enter the partly submerged tunnel. MOVE IT! This place is swarming with snakes. Once you reach the end you come to another candlelight room -- check off to your left. Grab the JEWELRY BOX sitting on the shelf, and examine its lid on your status screen to take out a STONE RING. You also get "A family picture and notes" file. Climb up the ladder. At the top head to the left and climb up another ladder to exit outside. NOTE: If you got poisoned by the Snakes in the water tunnel, head to the right to find a dead end, some water barrels, and a BLUE HERB. CABIN --------- Aha! I always thought that board looked suspicious ever since we got the Square Crank! Head down the dusty hall and pull yourself up to the wooden floor. Check the Item Box at the end and pull out your Metal Object. Combine the Metal Object with the Stone Ring on your status screen to get -- brace yourself -- a second STONE & METAL OBJECT. Tadah! Your can deposit everything else from your inventory in the box, just make sure to keep the Stone & Metal Object. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Stone & Metal Object • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now all you have to do is make your way back to the Garden Supply Shed in the Mansion...it's a straight line, very easy... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M A N S I O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Stone & Metal Object GARDEN SUPPLY SHED ---------------------- Head forward and use the metal door... VINE PASSAGE ---------------- Trot over to the shelf depression on the wall and remove the second STONE & METAL OBJECT. The door subsequently locks behind you. You should now have two of the octagonal beauties. Follow the passage and exit out the other door. EAST HALLWAY ---------------- Run down the hall piece and exit out the door in the corner. PORTRAIT GALLERY -------------------- Follow the hall to the end and use the gate. GRAVEYARD ------------- Head right, trot up both sets of stairs, then use the door. MANSION FOYER ----------------- If you did any exploring in this room earlier in the game, you should remember that locked gate beneath the stairs. Head down this set of stairs, then go either left or right and head down another set of stairs...you come to a little hallway. Examine the large gate in the center -- it's locked, for now at least. Place in BOTH of your Stone & Metal Objects, causing them to fit snugly in each door. Head through. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A L T A R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STAIRWAY PASSAGE -------------------- This place is TINY, and you wouldn't be spending much time here. At the top of the stairs is a TYPEWRITER and at the bottom is an ITEM BOX. You should take out your Medal of Eagle and Medal of Wolf. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Medal of Eagle • Medal of Wolf • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Make sure to SAVE YOUR GAME! Head down several sets of stairs, and at the bottom follow the haphazard catwalk. Use the door at the end. INNER SANCTUM TUNNEL ------------------------ Even more candles! Run down the steps and at the bottom descend the ladder. Prepare yourself... THE TOMB ------------ Here we find Wesker firing Handgun rounds at Lisa Trevor. After he notices Chris he tells him to take a piece of the action... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS -- Lisa Trevor, back for more! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magnum Rounds are precious in a Chris Redfield game, so we're going to use the "Stones" strategy to beat Lisa. See those four stones at each corner of the platform? Well all you have to do is push them off and into the pit. A cool trick I learned is you can actually get Lisa Trevor to knock them off! Stand in front of a stone, and wait for Lisa to slink over...right as she's about to smack you, GET OUT OF THE WAY! Hopefully she'll hit the stone send it flying. Whichever way you use, once all four stones are gone, the stone casket will open, revealing Lisa's mother. Lisa takes the skull and then jumps into the pit... NOTE: After Wesker takes his position beneath the ladder, he serves as an excellent distraction. BUT BEWARE, he CAN get knocked into the pit by Lisa just like Barry on a Jill game. If he gets knocked off, I'd recommend starting over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, didn't that strategy make the other guides look like melted cheese? :p After the gate retracts, exit through. Run down the tunnel and take the elevator at the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C O U R T Y A R D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUNTAIN MONUMENT --------------------- Run forward and round the corner. Here we have a large pool of water. There are two places along the wall of the pool that have ornate decoration -- place your Medal of Eagle and Medal of Wolf in these places. Two hidden doors open draining out the water. Find the gap in the wall, head through, then trot down the stairs. Press A to take the elevator you find at the bottom. • SWITCH TO DISK 2...highly illogical. I mean, why not have a disk per character, or something that actually makes sense? And the disk is a terribly hard to get out of the game case -- it feels like I'm going to BREAK THE DANG THING! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L A B O R A T O R Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIALTY ITEMS TO COLLECT: ------------------------------- 1. Ink Ribbon 11. Fuel Supply Capsule 2. MO Disk 12. Fuse Unit 3. X-Ray of CLARK 13. Signal Rockets 4. X-Ray of GAIL 14. Rocket Launcher 5. Ink Ribbon 6. Slide Filter 7. MO Disk 8. Laboratory Map 9. Key for the Power Area 10. Ink Ribbon MACHINERY ROOM ------------------ In this area, all loose-ends in the story are tied, all rights are wronged, and we get to fight a mean final boss! This area should take about 20 minutes to complete. 25 minutes if you're going to complete the MO Disk scenario (which WILL be covered in the guide). Head around the machine at the center of the room and take the ladder in the alcove. LAB ENTRANCE ---------------- Nab the INK RIBBON sitting at your feet, and you should obviously SAVE your game using the TYPEWRITER. Beside it is an ITEM BOX, and in your inventory you should have...absolutely nuthin'! Exit out the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR --------------------- Many Zombies in this hall, so be careful, but DON'T KILL THEM. Head down this hallway and round the corner. Head down, and turn left, where a sparkle awaits you at the end on top of a pile of debris -- an MO DISK. Collect it and head right, trotting down the stairs. At the bottom use the double doors. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Turn right, and use the other door. PATIENT HALLWAY ------------------- Collect that FIRST AID BOX at your feet and examine it to get MIXED HERB, containing two Green Herb. Take the door just to your left. ROENTGENOGRAM ROOM ---------------------- Run over and grab the sparkle sitting on the box, an X-RAY. If you examine it on the status screen, you'll find it belongs to somebody named "Clark David". Subsequently the X-ray is renamed X-RAY OF CLARK. Trot farther into the room and examine the computer setup to the right. You get a "Researcher's letter"; read the whole thing for some good background info. You also learn a screename and password to access the Umbrella computer system, which flashes on screen when you're done: "...JOHN......ADA..." Check the bulletin board to the left to get another X-RAY. Examine it. This one belongs "Gail Holland" and is renamed X-RAY OF GAIL. You also find a note: "To use the electronic door, place the initials in alphabetical order." *sniff sniff* I smell a puzzle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ X-RAY PUZZLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The whole goal of this puzzle is to determine the password that will allow you to unlock the door on basement floor 2 (remember it mentioned in the letter) via the Umbrella computer system. If you observe the diagram on the bulletin board, you'll notice human organs. Take note of their locations: • Esophagus • Lungs • Liver • Stomach • Large Intestine • Small Intestine • Colon Now, on the other board (where there's already two X-rays up), place the X-Ray of Clark in the left blank, and the X-Ray of Gail in the right blank. Which strangely, makes them in alphabetic order of ABCDEFGH. ;) Now run back to the door, and on the wall beside it, hit the light switch -- the room glows in a red light, and highlights a portion of each X-Ray in red. The organs that glowed red, from left to right, were: Colon, Esophagus, Liver, Lungs. If you take the first letter of each organ, you end up with the word "CELL." Password to Basement Floor 2: CELL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now all you have to do is exit the room. Amazing, yes? PATIENT HALLWAY ------------------ Take the door adjacent to you... DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Run forward and head down that narrow tunnel. There's a ZOMBIE in here, and barely any room to maneuver, so be careful. At the end of the tunnel take the double doors off to the left. MEDICAL RESEARCH LAB ------------------------ What the hell happened here? Blood streaks on the floor with cockroaches all over them? Trot forward from the door and check that console on the left wall -- it's beside that "arm" thing. You get some MAGNUM ROUNDS. Trot to the other side of the room and enter through that little door to the freezer...hey how's it hangin' guys (couldn't resist). Check the sparkles on the shelf for a FLASH GRENADE and a FIRST AID BOX -- examine the box for a GREEN HERB. That's kinda sucky! I usually just use it right away so it doesn't clutter the inventory. Exit the freezer and trot over to the computer desk. Check just to the right of the PC for a "V-ACT" file. Now examine the computer... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ l33t h4x0r ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the login screen pops up, type in: Login: JOHN Password: ADA • When the floor selection screen comes up, select the second basement floor to unlock it. Password: CELL • Select the third floor and unlock that too. • You can now "cancel" and "quit." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can exit the room now... DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Head right, run down the tunnel, and take the double doors straight across the way (NOT the one to the stairs). PATIENT HALLWAY ------------------- Run down the hall and take the green door off to the right. CHEMISTRY RESEARCH LAB -------------------------- Grab the INK RIBBON on the chair and the MAGNUM ROUNDS sitting in the sink. Run forward, and on the counter grab that circular container with the red lid -- the SLIDE FILTER. Round the corner to the next area, ZOMBIE! Get around it and grab the sparkle on the side desk; a "FAX" file. Check the main desk to find a GameCubesque Data Reader, which you should use your MO Disk on (you should have one in your inventory; got it in the Upstairs Corridor). One of the locks on a security door is green-lighted. Now exit the room before that Zombie gives you a hug... PATIENT HALLWAY ------------------- Head left, running down the hall. Use the double green doors. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ---------------------- Take the grated double doors adjacent to you. UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR --------------------- Run up the stairs, and at the top run parallel to the stairs, head around the corner, and use the door at the end. LAB ENTRANCE ---------------- Ditch all the supplies you collected -- just keep your Slide Filter. Take out the MO Disk you stored in the Item Box from earlier (from the mansion; yellow gemstone). Exit out using the doors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Slide Filter • MO Disk • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR --------------------- Run down the hall, then go around the corner. Run down this hall and turn left. Take the double doors, as they're open now! VISUAL DATA ROOM -------------------- Just to the right of the door (on the bookcase), grab the (last) MO DISK sparkling like nobody's business. You should have two MO Disk in your inventory now. Just to the left of the door (on the glass case), examine it to get a LABORATORY MAP. Grab the FIRST AID SPRAY on the end of the table. Trot around the table, and on the other side you find a projector -- use your Slide Filter on it, allowing you to view the Umbrella briefing in a sexy red tint. Scroll through slides of the different "Bio-Organic Weapons" (hey, I didn't just make up these enemy names!) and at the end you get to see a picture of the development team. The very last slide shows a bar-code, but only four numbers are visible: 8642. NOTE: On the slide of the development team, did you notice Wesker standing on the right side? Ahem... ;) SECOND NOTE: If you viewed the slides without the Slide Filter, they would have appeared white. At the end the bar-code would be complete, meaning you wouldn't get the special combination. On HARD MODE the combination is different... Run back to the door. To the right of it on a pillar you should notice the keypad (has a light on top of it). Examine the keypad and input "8462" -- nearby, a hidden door will open. Oh, a secret room behind a mirror! Clever! *cough* Run over to where the door is, and examine the •tall• bookcase to find a "Security Protocols" file. Examine the •low• bookcase to find some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Head through the door, and grab the LABORATORY KEY. Examine it and it's renamed KEY FOR THE POWER AREA. On the opposite wall is a VCR where you can view Kenneth's Film that you got WAY back in the beginning of the game. But the film really pisses me off: • He's a highly-trained S.T.A.R.S. police officer. • He's got a weapon. • It's a SHOTGUN. • HE'S FACING •ONE• ZOMBIE AND IT'S TEN FEET AWAY! GAH! If I was there, not only would the Zombie be dead, but I'd be wearing it's head as a hat! Well, you can completely exit this room now, we're done here... UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR --------------------- Run down the hall piece then trot down the steps. Use the double doors at the bottom. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Run forward and down the hall. Dodge the Zombie and go right around the corner, where you find some medical supplies -- check the cabinet for a DAGGER. Keep going down this hall and take the double doors on the left. After you unlock it with your Key for the Power Area, head in. COLD STORAGE ---------------- Those various "grunts" and "growls" are from the Chimera enemy, which basically looks like a skinned human with many insect limbs. They're dangerous only if you're not prepared, but I just told you, so you are prepared. :p Run forward and push that shelf unit forward. To your left collect the SHOTGUN SHELLS on the shelf, and climb up on the ledge to your right. Examine (press A) against that hole high up on the wall (it's an air vent). AUTOPSY ROOM ---------------- You've climbed through! But don't stick around here unless you like being lunch for a Chimera. Run along the countertop to the air vent right beside you and climb through. COLD STORAGE ---------------- Make this QUICK -- Chimeras can pop in through the vent. Hop down from the ledge and run along the body bags. On the counter in the corner, check it to find another GameCubesque Data Reader -- use an MO Disk to green-light another lock on the security door. Flip around, and run along the other side of the body bags. Push forward the shelf unit then exit out the door on the right. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Turn to the left and unlock the door in the corner. Discard your Key for the Power Area and head through. BRANCHED HALLWAY -------------------- Run forward down the hall and take the door straight across. LAB LOUNGE -------------- Look at the bag of goodies in this room (no jokes :P )! Grab all the stuff waiting for you, especially the INK RIBBON beside the TYPEWRITER. I'd SAVE your game if I were you. But if I were you, you'd be me, and then I'd use your body to tell you to tell me to save. *goes cross-eyed* Use the Inventory Check then leave the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Shotgun (assault preferably) • Shotgun Shells • MO Disk • EMPTY • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRANCHED HALLWAY -------------------- Turn left and trot down the stairs. Ew, naked Zombie. Take the double doors at the end of the hall. BOILER ROOM --------------- You only have to kill ONE Chimera the entire time you're in here. Turn to the right (CHRIS' RIGHT!), and run down and round the corner. A Chimera is waiting at the other end of this path -- pump him full of shells! Run down to where his body should be melting into a pile of gut juice and examine the blue light beside the "WARNING" sign. Take out the FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE. It's empty and we need to fill it with fuel! The refueler is located in the "Chemistry Research Lab", the room with the first GameCubesque Data Reader. Once you backtrack... CHEMISTRY RESEARCH LAB -------------------------- From the door head around to the next area and examine that glass door. Say "yes" to put in the capsule, causing it to refill with fuel. The fuel contains a "nitro compound" -- if you run with it in your inventory you will EXPLODE! So walk. WALK. W-A-L-K!!! DO NOT RUN. Now •WALK• on back to the Boiler Room... BOILER ROOM --------------- Head right again, round the corner, and at the end press A in front of the blue light to set the Fuel Supply Capsule in place. We can now go to turn on the power. Flip around and run back to the door. From there head left, round the corner and run down -- CHIMERA -- use the door. BOILER HALLWAY ------------------ The Chimeras are endless! Immediately run STRAIGHT across. At the end you find the final GameCubesque Data Reader -- use your last MO Disk. Flip around and run back, this time taking the other path. Follow this path and RUN THE WHOLE TIME, those Chimeras will take you down if you're not careful. Use the double doors. POWER ROOM -------------- Even more Chimeras! Take either path and follow the catwalk around. In the back you find an alcove -- examine the console in it and say "yes" to turn on the power to the elevator. Now RUN back to the door! Exit, and you just need to backtrack to the "Branched Hallway." BRANCHED HALLWAY -------------------- Run forward, go up the steps, and take the door on the side. LAB LOUNGE -------------- Back in the save room; save your game and prepare for the MOTHER of all battles! Heal yourself so your health is in the "fine" condition. Now load up with: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Magnum Revolver • Magnum Rounds • First Aid Spray • First Aid Spray • EMPTY • EMPTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ready? Leave the room... BRANCHED HALLWAY -------------------- Head right and run down to the end -- here's the elevator. Examine the console on the right side of it to bring it up to you. Rebecca catches Chris just as he's about to go down...no! How could you do this to me Capcom? After I patiently played those underground caves! BIOHAZARD HALLWAY --------------------- Go around the corner and use that spiffy futuristic door. It makes a "whoosh" like in Star Wars! BIO-ORGANIC WEAPONS LABORATORY ---------------------------------- Watch the long-ass (yet INTERESTING) cutscenes. Everything is explained; Wesker, the Mansion, the strange creatures, Umbrella Corporation, ect. But the best part is that Rebecca gets shot! YES YES! *laughs maniacally* Afterwards Wesker releases the 'Tyrant' from its water tube. Except Tyrant is a bit cranky and decides to skewer Wesker with his claw, causing a fountain of blood to spurt out. Just one of the perks of a Chris game! Tyrant's awake. He's pissed. And he's after Chris... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINAL BOSS -- Tyrant ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This battle is much easier if you can use the layout of the lab to your advantage! Here's some ascii to help you: LABORATORY SCHEMATIC .-D o o r----.----------------------.------------. | | | Electronic | | | | Lock | | | CRYO TANKS | | | | | | | |______________________| | | | | Rebecca ______________________ | | | | | | | CRYO TANKS | | | C | | | | |______________________| | | | | T Wesker | '------------------------------------------------' "C" is where Chris starts out, and "T" is where Tyrant is. The key is to keep your distance from Tyrant, and not get trapped in either dead end with the door or the Electronic-Lock Console. Use your Magnum rounds to take him down. Fire some ammo, run, fire again, run -- keep repeating the process while making laps around the block of Cryo Tanks (which by the way, look like they're housing Tyrant's cousins). After Tyrant "dies" (snicker) he'll fall over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go visit the disemboweled Wesker in the corner to get a precious "Observation Note" file. Everyone always misses that one! Now check Rebecca...aw crap, she was wearing a bullet-proof vest! (Wesker also disappears). Head over to the Electronic Lock Console and examine it to unlock the door. Take the door and exit out... BIOHAZARD HALLWAY --------------------- Head around the corner and ride the elevator up again. BRANCHED HALLWAY -------------------- Round the corner...Rebecca pipes up that she found a "Self Destruct System" earlier and we need to use it to stop the spread of the virus. After she runs ahead, turn right at the fork and run down. Use the door. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- As Chris dashes ahead, the Self Destruct System is activated! Chimeras are coming out of the air vents, so RUN forward, then turn right at the corner and run down. Take the double doors off to the LEFT. PATIENT HALLWAY ------------------- Purdy lights. *has seizure* Head all the way to the other end -- the Security Door; if you used all three of the MO Disks on the GameCubesque Data Readers, then all three lights on the lock will be green. Press down all three of the levers. Head through the unlocked door... HIDDEN CORRIDOR ------------------- Run down the stairs and go around the corner. Open the door. JILL'S PRISON CELL ---------------------- Sure the toilet is bad, and the bed is filthy, but at least there's no cellmate named Tina. :p Jill is rescued, and the two of you leave. HIDDEN CORRIDOR ------------------- Don't move, just turn yourself around and enter the cell again. JILL'S PRISON CELL ---------------------- Aha! Been holding out on us? Grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS beside the bed. OK, now you're done here and can leave. HIDDEN CORRIDOR ------------------- Go around the corner and run up the stairs. Use the door. PATIENT HALLWAY ------------------- Follow Jill to the other end of the hall and use the double doors. DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR ----------------------- Take the double doors right beside you. UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR --------------------- Run up the staircase and flip around, running parallel to the stairs. Round the corner and use the door at the end. LAB ENTRANCE --------------- Heal yourself, stock up on supplies, and SAVE YOUR GAME. Don't save if you want to fight the first Tyrant again! Use the ladder beside you... MACHINERY ROOM ------------------ Run forward, where you find Jill waiting for you. Use the huge metal door that's now open due to the self-destruct sequence. MACHINERY HALLWAY --------------------- Ignore the goodies laying on the floor -- some FIRST AID BOX and SHOTGUN SHELLS -- because you need ONE space open in your inventory. Run along the catwalk all the way to the end, where you should grab that small box thing, the FUSE UNIT. Head around the corner and check the alcove beside the elevator. Place in the Fuse Unit, restoring the power to the elevator and also triggering a cutscene. Rebecca catches up, but some Chimeras are following you, so Jill and Rebecca go to hold them off. Chris makes his way up the elevator. A timer of 3 minutes appears. HELIPORT ------------ After you reach the top, grab that large gray case sitting on the ground, some SIGNAL ROCKETS. Immediately use them where you stand, and Chris will run to the center of the Helipad and shoot them off to signal Brad in the helicopter. Nearby the elevator comes back up, delivering Jill and Rebecca. Tyrant -- INCOMING! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINAL BOSS -- Tyrant, the FINAL battle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This guy really isn't too difficult, especially as Chris Redfield, since his increased stamina allows you to survive SEVERAL "super attacks" from Tyrant without needing to heal. Use Magnum rounds or Shotgun Shells to take him out. Just make sure you let Rebecca distract the Tyrant. With Tyrant's back to you, you can get off a full clip of Magnum rounds before he even notices. Hey, and he might even kill Rebecca by skewering her, making it worthwhile after all LOL (seriously though, if she gets killed, start over, as you will get a worse ending). If Tyrant starts pacing slowly at you -- WATCH IT! He will soon run full speed and attempt to do a powerful bitch-slap attack which can take off about 1/3 of your health. Run perpendicular to him to dodge. After doing enough damage to Tyrant, Brad will actually develop a set of balls and drop a ROCKET LAUNCHER down onto the helipad. Pick it up; this takes several seconds to grab, so plan accordingly. Now fire a rocket at Tyrant -- sometimes he blocks it and you need to shoot again, otherwise he'll be blown into little bits of confetti. You 1, Tyrant 0. GAME OVER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the ending (whichever one you got) and the credits. Now beat the game again -- but go faster to unlock some modes and weapons. Also check the "Secrets and Easter Eggs" section to find the full range of goodies available...Invisible Enemy mode is a killer! ----------------------- FIN...or is it? ----------------------- ======================================================================== 6. C U T E C R I T T E R S ======================================================================== These adorable little things inhabit areas throughout the game. Remember to pet...er...plaster a bullet to their forehead as you come across'em. Under the strength stat: 5 stars means they're a goliath, while 1 star means they're an absolute pansy/push-over. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cerberus =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A standard dog who's received massive amounts of the mutanagenic virus. They tend to hunt in packs and make a tell-tail "click" sound when walking. If they spot you, it's best to zigzag back in forth in 45 degree angles. A Shotgun will take them out quickly, and if they grab a limb on your character rapidly press A and wiggle the control stick to throw them off. STRENGTH: *** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chimera =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Pronounced (KHY - mare - UH). The appropriate way to say it, as it's from mythology. :p This thing is really bizarre -- it looks like a cross between a skinned human and Gorilla, with insect limbs jutting out all over the place. It inhabits the air vents of the Laboratory and makes disturbing grunt sounds. You can kill them if you want (with grenades or a shotgun), but they spawn continually...so it's a waste of time. The only •one• you ever really need to take out guards the area with the Fuel Supply Capsule. But if you want to have a little fun with a Chimera (heh), wait for it to crawl up on the ceiling. Next, run directly underneath it -- sometimes the thing will pick you up! Your character struggles a bit, but ends up using a defense item... STRENGTH: ***** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Crimson Head =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dangerous, VERY dangerous! The worse part is how insidious they are. If you kill a Zombie, and forget to either burn his body or remove the head, the corpse will go in a state of sleep/metamorphosis. Sometime later (like when you get a key) the body will resurrect itself as a super-zombie Crimson Head. They run as fast as your character and have sharp claws in the place of hands which they try to stab you to death with. Use a shotgun, run, or better yet, make sure they don't spawn. STRENGTH: ***** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Crow =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This giant black bird is perhaps the biggest pest in the game! Just ignore them like you would Giant Bees. These guys try to attack you by mauling you on the head. STRENGTH: ** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Giant Bee =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This massive insect pest travels in small swarms -- don't waste ammo on them. However if you actually do manage to shoot them to death, squish their bodies on the floor with your shoe to see some green sludge... STRENGTH: * =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hunter =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Honestly these guys are very dangerous, but the way they look -- like a guy in frog costume -- just doesn't cut it for me. Shotgun blasts work wonders; and when they try to lunge/leap at you dodge them or else they may deliver a one-hit kill by ripping off your face. You know they're dead when they convulse and spasm out like their doing Riverdance on the floor. STRENGTH: **** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Neptune =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Comes in baby and full-grown varieties. These sharks inhabit the main tank of the Aqua Ring. You can stick around and deliver a few Shotgun Shells to drop them, or just do the smart thing and RUN. Watch out for the Mommy Shark, which can eat you in one bite. STRENGTH: *** (Baby) ***** (Mommy) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sweeper =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Take a Hunter, turn it's reptilian skin slightly red, and add in the inexplicable ability to poison you. Run if you can, but it's better to nuke Sweepers with a few grenades. STRENGTH: ***** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tarantula =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Also called "Giant Spider" and "What the hell was that?". I don't even bother killing these things unless they REALLY get in my way. Use a Shotgun or Grenade Launcher to watch their frail bodies rupture and spill green bodily fluid everywhere. Watch the poison spit, it's a killer! STRENGTH: *** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Viper =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These snakes always find a way to ambush you and ALWAYS travel in groups. Ignore'em unless you feel like getting poisoned by their bite. And believe me, if you're playing on HARD mode these things will find a way to poison you by what seems like telepathy! Bad experiences. :p STRENGTH: * =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Zombie =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You better know what this is -- a human who has received the virus and is now a lumbering pile of rotting flesh with a taste for blood. They take many bullets to die, and instead of just repeating what I've already said about them, check the "Survival Tactics" section at the beginning of the guide. STRENGTH: *** ======================================================================== 7. W E A P O N S ======================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Survival Knife =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This has got to be the most useless pieces of crap in the game. When you "attack" with it, you execute a wimpy little slash that does barely any damage. Don't even think about using it against anything but Zombies, and even then it's pathetic because its limited range opens you up for attack. Aim for the head, I guess...still a pathetic weapon. STATS --------- Slash Rate: Slow Power: Very Low FOUND --------- Both Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield have the Survival Knife in their inventory at the start of the game. However, you can find an additional Survival Knife in the "Spiders' Nest" chamber in the subterranean tunnels behind the Courtyard waterfall. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Handgun =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sturdy and dependable, the Handgun is probably THE weapon used most in the game. It has great range, the ammo is fairly plentiful, and its great against Zombies and other minor nuisances. The "everyman's gun." STATS --------- Fire Rate: Fast Power: Moderate Ammo Type: Handgun Magazine Capacity: 15 Rounds FOUND --------- Jill Valentine starts the game with this in her inventory. Chris Redfield finds it shortly after the start of the game, in the Mansion Foyer. Apparently left behind when his other team members disappear. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Shotgun =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Though a MAJOR upgrade in power from the Handgun, the ammo is scarcer for this guy, so only use it when needed -- like against Hunters, Crimson Heads, or Zombie Dogs. Basically anything you want to get rid of quickly before they do damage to you. The spread radius from the Shotgun shells is an added bonus, since you can hit targets even with slightly bad aim. STATS --------- Fire Rate: Slow Power: Strong Ammo Type: Shotgun Shells Capacity: 6 Rounds FOUND --------- Both Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield get the Shotgun from the "Antique Anteroom" in the east side of the Mansion. After removing the weapon, two hooks are triggered causing the ceiling to lower in the nearby "Quaint Little Room". If you're Jill, just check both doors to have Barry save you, but if you're Chris, you need to replace the Shotgun with the Broken Shotgun so the trap isn't activated. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Assault Shotgun =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Take the Shotgun, make it hold 10 shots instead of the standard 6, make it fire faster, and make it cooler looking -- this is the Assault Shotgun! If you have a choice, pick this over the standard model! You get this from Richard after he meets an (unhappy) demise. STATS --------- Fire Rate: Moderate Power: Very Strong Ammo Type: Shotgun Shells Capacity: 10 Rounds FOUND --------- Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield get this weapon at two different points in the game, THOUGH both require you save Richard with the Serum. Jill will get it from Richard in the Mansion "Attic" while fighting Yawn the first time. Chris gets it from Richard in the "Shark Enclosure" at the Residence. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Magnum Revolver =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The hand-held love child of death! Each shot packs a HUGE punch. But due to it's slow-fire rate and scare ammo, use against bosses only. STATS --------- Fire Rate: Very Slow Power: Extremely Strong Ammo Type: Magnum Rounds Capacity: 6 Rounds FOUND --------- On the second floor of the Mansion, enter the "Specimen Lab" that's on the East Stairs Hallway. Do the trading sequence to get the Wind Crest hidden by the panel in the wall. Once you reach the Courtyard, you'll find a "Forest Graveyard" enroute to the Cabin. Examine the main tombstone on the right and place in the Wind Crest to get a Moon Crest, Star Crest, and Sun Crest. Use them on the opposite tombstone to get the revolver. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Barry's 44 Magnum =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A major upgrade in power from the standard Magnum -- it comes with 6 shots and you get no EXTRA ammo. Use against Tyrant for maximum effect...and hilarity, as Tyrant drops like a sack of potatoes. STATS --------- Fire Rate: Very Slow Power: MASSIVELY Powerful Ammo Type: NONE Capacity: 6 Rounds FOUND --------- This is a Jill Valentine-only weapon. Barry leaves it behind in "The Tomb" at the Altar area after he gets knocked in the pit by Lisa, IF you said "no" to giving him his gun back. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Grenade Launcher =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When the job calls for some serious firepower, except no substitute. If one shot doesn't kill them, it will at least stun them for a moment allowing you some breathing room. Use this against bosses, and enemies that just wouldn't die. The Grenade Launcher, along with having normal (gray) rounds, also has two types of special ammo. • Incendiary Shells (red). More powerful then normal rounds, and they are able to set things on fire. So if you say, take out a Crimson Head with these things there's no need to worry about burning his body. • Acid Shells (green). As powerful (or more so) as Incendiary Shells, yet they also have a bonus -- the shells are filled with sulfuric acid, allowing them to continue to a burn a target long after they have made contact. STATS --------- Fire Rate: Moderate Power: MASSIVELY Powerful Ammo Type: Grenade Shells, Incendiary Shells, Acid Shells Capacity: Unlimited FOUND --------- Only Jill Valentine can find this lovely tool; it's on the second floor "Garden Balcony" which you use your Armor Key to access. The weapon is sitting by Forest's dead body. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Flamethrower =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Oh boy does this weapon SUCK, and it's even more a shame because this is like the "Grenade Launcher equivalent" for Chris Redfield. You only get it about five minutes (as it's used as a switch trigger), and it has limited ammo -- you start out with "100%" and when it reaches "0%" you're done. The flame spurts produced are for close range fighting ONLY. You can use it against the Queen Spider, but that's it... STATS --------- Fire Rate: Moderate Power: Moderate Ammo Type: NONE Capacity: 100% FOUND --------- Well, in the subterranean tunnels underneath the Courtyard, you find the Flamethrower sitting on some hooks on the wall in the tunnel before the Spiders' Nest. Then you have to place the Flamethrower on some more hooks after the nest to unlock the door to continue. All in all you have the weapon about 5 minutes... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rocket Launcher =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The most powerful weapon in the entire game, bar none, but the problem is you only get it in the last few minutes of the game. Comes with four rockets, but it only takes one to beat the final boss, Tyrant, and blow him into colorful confetti pieces. STATS --------- Fire Rate: Very Slow Power: INSTANT KILL Ammo Type: NONE Capacity: 4 Rounds FOUND --------- At the very end of the game, if you fighting the second battle with Tyrant, Brad will drop the Rocket Launcher onto the Helipad. Use it to destroy Tyrant. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Self defense gun =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This tiny gun is a .22 Magnum. It's capable of firing two rounds, though one of the bullets has already been spent when you find it. Use it against Plant 42 for heavy damage, or Tyrant at the end of the game. Just don't waste the single bullet on stupid things! STATS --------- Fire Rate: Moderate Power: Very Strong Ammo Type: NONE Capacity: 1 Round FOUND --------- In the Residence, in Room 001 (the place with the guy who hung himself). You find the Self defense gun on the desk beside the bed. It also comes with a "Suicide Note" file...I think we know where the other bullet went! Heh... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dagger =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A weak defense item, the Dagger causes your character to stab a Zombie in the head when it grabs them, allowing you to break free. POWER: Moderate =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stun Gun =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VERY strong defense item, and exclusive to Jill Valentine. After a Zombie grabs you, Jill will shock'em with this causing the Zombie's body to flash and go into paralysis. It might even (re)kill them in one shot. You have to find Battery Packs to charge the Stun Gun. POWER: Very Strong =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Flash Grenade =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Literally the best defense item, PERIOD! And it is so much fun to use! :p After Chris is attacked by a Zombie, he'll jam one of these in its mouth. RUN FOR COVER! In a few seconds, a huge explosive will ensue, blowing the Zombie's head to bits and killing it...for good. If you're caught near the Zombie when it explodes, expect to take SERIOUS damage. Of course, you can make sure the Zombie blows up faster by firing a bullet (which hits the grenade). And another thing, the Flash Grenade is so powerful, not only will it kill its target, but also knock over any Zombies nearby! POWER: Instant Kill ======================================================================== 8. F I L E S T R A N S C R I P T ======================================================================== Read any file you come across (as they contain valuable info), but in case you've missed some, here's a complete transcript. I'll also tell you were to collect each file. ANY grammatical errors you see in the files are also in the game! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M A N S I O N 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= S.T.A.R.S. Manual =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATIONS: Located in your files since the beginning. Gets more extensive after you find the Golden Arrow and your first Defense Weapon. S.T.A.R.S. Manual If you have changed your controller type to TYPE-B to TYPE-C, please keep in mind that the contents explained here correlates with controller TYPE-A. --How to view your STATUS SCREEN-- Press the Y Button during the game. (You will not be able to view the STATUS SCREEN during Cut-Scenes or while being attacked.) In the STATUS SCREEN you'll able to do the following things. •Equip weapons •Use items •View maps •Read files --How to VIEW MAP-- In the STATUS SCREEN select MAP from the menu bar or simply push the Z button during the game. If you have not obtained a map, only the places you have explored will be displayed. --How to READ MAPS-- uncolored room(s): Unexplored room(s). orange room(s): Room(s) with still items left. green room(s): Explored room(s) without any items left. red door: Locked door. white door: Unlocked door. blue door: Door you've been through. --How to PUSH THINGS-- When there is a movable object, face the object in the direction you want to push it and press the Control Stick (+ Control Pad) in the direction you are facing. --CLIMBING ON & CLIMBING DOWN-- Walk up to an object that's waist high of the character, and then press the A Button. (You can climb on movable objects as well.) To CLIMB DOWN from an object, press the A Button while standing on the edge of the object. --How to EQUIP WEAPONS-- In the STATUS SCREEN select the "weapon" you want arm, then select the "EQUIP" command. (Even if you have a weapon you must EQUIP it in order for you to attack.) --ATTACKING STANCE-- Hold down the R Button. (The player will take an attacking stance towards the closest enemy.) --How to ATTACK-- While holding down the R Button, press the A Button. (You can attack the enemy with the weapon you have equipped.) --180 DEGREE TURN-- While pressing down the Control Stick (or the + Control Pad), press the B Button. (This can also be done using the C Stick alone.) --EXAMINE AN ITEM-- From the STATUS SCREEN select an ITEM and then select the EXAMINE command. (The details of the item will be displayed.) --Emergency Evade-- Using DEFENSE ITEMS such as Daggers, will allow you to escape momentarily when grabbed by an enemy. (However, you will not be able to escape when the enemy grabs you from behind.) To equip a DEFENSE ITEM, go to the STATUS SCREEN, and then select an ITEM from the DEFENSE ITEM menu. Then select the EQUIP command. If your DEFENSE ITEM mode is set to MANUAL in the Controller Settings, you must press the L Button to use the DEFENSE ITEM. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Kenneth's Film =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: Found on the dead body of your S.T.A.R.S. teammate Kenneth in the "Kenneth Hallway" adjacent to the "Dining Room" at the beginning of the game. It's the film that belonged to Kenneth. I need a video player to see what's recorded on it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Trevor's Diary =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATIONS: (1) Hidden antechamber with the Gold Emblem, adjacent to the room with the grand piano. (2) On the gravestone in Trevor's Grave, which if found adjacent the room with the crushing walls. (3) On a counter in the Science Room, near the jar with the human intestinal system. Trevor's diary Nov. 24, 1967 Eleven days have past since arriving on this estate. How did I end up like this? A guy in a lab coat came with a plate of skimpy meal and said to me, "Sorry to put you through this, but it's for security reasons." That's when it hit me. It all makes sense now. There are only two people that know the secret of this mansion, Sir Spencer and myself. If they kill me, Sir Spencer will be the only person that knows the secret. But for what purpose? It doesn't matter now. It's too dangerous here. My family...I hope they are all right. I've decided to escape... Jessica, Lisa, I pray you are safe. Nov. 26, 1967 How could I be so careless? I lost my favorite lighter -- the one Jessica gave me for my birthday. Now it's going to be that much harder to get out of this dark place. Nov. 13, the date when my fate was sealed. My aunt was hospitalized just three days before that. Jessica and Lisa said that they were going to visit her. I wish I could be there with them. But wait, even as I'm writing my memory is coming back to me more vividly. Just before I passed out, I remember the men in the lab coats said something like "Most likely your family is already..." I pray for their safety. Nov. 27, 1967 Somehow I managed to get out that room. But getting out of this mansion won't be as easy. I have to get past all the booby-traps. Tiger Eyes, Gold Emblem...I have to try and remember for my own sake... Nov. 29, 1967 I can't get out. I have tried every possible way to escape but only to be faced with the reality that I'm trapped. I've been everywhere. The laboratory with the large glass tubes filled with formaldehyde and those dark, wet and errie caves... What can I do? At first I didn't want to believe my eyes. But that familiar high-heeled shoe in the corridor... It was like reflex. One name came to my mind, Jessica! I don't want to believe they share the same fate as me. No! I can't give up hope. I have to hope they're alive. Nov. 30, 1967 I haven't had anything to eat or drink for the past few days. I feel like I'm going crazy. Why is this happening to me? Why do I have to die like this? I was too obsessed with designing this ghastly mansion. I should have known better. Nov. 31, 1967 It was a dark and damp underground tunnel. And another dead end. But even in the darkness something caught my eye. Carefully, I lit the last match I had to see what it was. A grave! But deeply engraved into the stone was my name! "George Trevor" At that instant, it all became clear to me. Those bastards knew from the beginning that I'd die here and I fell right into their trap. But it's too late now. I'm losing it. Everything is becoming so far away. Jessica... Lisa... Forgive me. Because of my ego, I got both of you involved in this whole damn conspiracy. Forgive me. May God justify my death in exchange for your safety. George Trevor There's something handwritten. It's not dated. Nothing's changed. I never thought that this room I designed as an experiment would pay off like this. I can hide here safely for a while, because nobody knows about the secret behind this painting. Not even Sir Spencer. Painting of a mansion... in the back of the art room. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Crumpled Memo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: In the Study; you get it when you collect the Dog Whistle. A crumpled memo Today, Sir Spencer told me to hide something where no one could find it. Well, I had this idea. I figured if I could somehow have it protected by a dangerous animal like the vicious canine that lives here, no one would be able to get near it! As far as I can tell, the mutt is always hanging around the second floor balcony on the west side of the terrace, and he ought to come running at the sound of a dog whistle. This is where you come in. The thing is, I reckon you're the only person that can get near that damn dog without risking a serious mauling. Which means only you can put this collar on him. The object that Sir Spencer wants hidden is concealed inside. You're the only person I can trust with this. Of course, you'll get something out of it as well. Remember that certain item that you've always wanted to get hold of? Well, in exchange for your services, I just might be able to get it for you. This could work out well for both of us... Jon Toleman ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M A N S I O N 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Botany Book =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: This purple book rests on the desk beside the Lighter (if you're Jill) in the second floor Study. BOTANY --Uses of Medicinal Herbs-- It is a well-known fact that there exist many plants that are credited with medicinal healing powers. Since ancient times, mankind has been healing wounds and diseases using various plants. In this book, we will sample three herbs that are a native of the Arklay Mountains and briefly outline each of their medicinal qualities. Each herb as a distinct color and a distinct medicinal quality. The green herb recovers physical strength. The blue herb neutralizes natural toxins. However, the red herb has no real effect by itself. We have found that mixing green and red herbs results in a magnified effect. We will outline the effects of red herbs when mixed with other herbs when we have more data. Meanwhile feel free to experiment on your own, for true knowledge is best acquired through own experience. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Body Disposal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATIONS: (1) In the East Stairs Storage Room beside the Item Box. (2) In the Drug Room in the west wing beside the typewriter. Special instructions when disposing dead bodies. We have new information regarding those "beings". They may appear to be dead but in fact they are able to come back to life. However, there are ways to prevent them from becoming active again. Currently there are two known methods to cease their resurrection. 1. INCINERATION 2. DESTRUCTION OF THE HEAD If further methods are discovered, they will be notified immediately. Meanwhile to those of you who still have the will to live, oil has been placed on the first floor of the mansion. Take as much as you need. You'll need something to light it with, which you'll need to find by yourself. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Keeper's Diary =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: On the desk in the Keeper's Room...the room where that Zombie pops out of the closet. May 9, 1998 Played poker tonight with Scott and Alias from Security, and Steve from Research. Steve was the big winner, but I think he was cheating. Scumbag. May 10, 1998 One of the higher-ups assigned me to take care of a new creature. It looks like a skinned gorilla. Feeding instructions were to give it live animals. When I threw in a pig, the creature seemed to play with it...tearing off the pig's legs and pulling out the guts before it actually started eating. May 11, 1998 At around 5 A.M., Scott woke me up. Scared the shit out of me, too. He was wearing a protective suit. He handed me another one and told me to put it on. Said there'd been an accident in the basement lab. I just knew something like this would happen. Those bastards in Research never sleep, even on holiday. May 12, 1998 I've been wearing the damn space suit since yesterday. My skin's getting grimy and feels itchy all over. The goddamn dogs have been looking at me funny, so I decided not to feed them today. Screw 'em. May 13, 1998 Went to the Infirmary because my back is all swollen and feels itchy. They put a big bandage on it and told me I didn't need to wear the suit anymore. All I wanna do is sleep. May 14, 1998 Found another big blister on my foot this morning. I ended up dragging my foot all the way to the dog's pen. They were quiet all day, which is weird. Then I realized some of them had escaped. Maybe this is their way of getting back at me for not feeding them for the last three days. If anybody finds out, I'll have my head handed to me. May 16, 1998 Rumors going around that a researcher who tried to escape the estate last night was shot. My entire body feels hot and itchy and I'm sweating all the time now. I scratched the swelling on my arm and a piece of rotten flesh just dropped off. What the hell's happening to me? May 19, 1998 Fever gone but itchy. Today hungry and eat doggie food. May 21, 1998 Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so killed him. Tasty. 4 / / Itchy. Tasty. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Researcher's Will =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: In the "Specimen Lab" on the second floor, on the desk adjacent to the fishtank. Researcher's Will There is a letter. June 3, 1998 My dearest Alma, Let me first apologize for not being able to call you. A man wearing sunglasses didn't permit any phone calls. Sorry Alma. I sit here trying to think of where to begin, of how to explain in a few simple words all that's happened in my life since we last spoke, and already I fail. I hope this letter finds you well, and that you'll forgive the tangents of my pen; this isn't easy for me. Even as I write, I can feel the simplest of concepts slipping away, lost to feelings of despair and confusion -- but I have to tell you what's in my heart before I can rest. Alma, please believe that what I'm telling you is the truth. The entire story would take hours for me to tell you, and time is short, so accept these things as fact: last month there was an accident in the lab and the virus we were studying leaked. All my colleagues who were infected are dead or dying, and the nature of the disease is such that those still living have lost their senses. This virus robs its victims of their humanity, forcing them to seek out and destroy life. Even as I write these words, I can hear them, pressing against my door like mindless, hungry animals. Alma, I have tried to survive only to see you again. But my efforts delayed the inevitable; I am infected, and there is no cure for what will follow -- except to end my life before I lose the only thing that separates me from them. My love for you. In an hour I'll have entered my eternal sleep where there is peace. Please understand. Please know that I'm sorry. Martin Crackhorn NOTE: If you're playing as Jill Valentine, somebody has ripped off the top of the letter (Barry probably...) so you can only read the bottom part...it is as follows: "A letter is slipped inside. The top part of the letter is torn off. The rest of the letter is legible. Alma, I have tried to survive..." And so on like normal. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mail from the Chief of Security =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: On the table in the center of the "Eagle Statuette Room"; or where you get the Red and Yellow Gemstones. Mail from the Chief of Security CONFIDENTIAL Attn: Chief of Security Date: July 22, 1998 2:13 X Day is drawing upon us. Execute the following procedures within one week. Prompt actions are demanded. 1. Lure S.T.A.R.S. to the estate, and obtain B.O.W.'s raw combat data against S.T.A.R.S. 2. Collect two embryos of each mutated specimens as samples, excluding the Tyrant. Dispose of the Tyrant. 3. Ensure complete disposal of the Arklay Laboratory including all personnel and test animals. Disguise their deaths as an accident. When the above procedures are executed, report to headquarters for further instructions. If for some reason you are unable to execute the procedure by the deadline, report immediately. In case of emergency situations, report directly to the extension number 5691. Good luck. Umbrella Headquarters. Umbrella Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C O U R T Y A R D / R E S I D E N C E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Suicide Note =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: Found in the Residence, in Room 001. You automatically pick up the note when you grab the Self defense gun from the desk. Suicide Note June 22, 1998 I had to do it. We ran from those things -- helping each other to survive. But Robert started to show the symptoms. I had to do it. Those damn things are pure evil. There was no other way. He would have done the same if it were the other way around. After I put him out of his misery I had to just leave him in the bathroom. Now I'm probably the last one.... How could this happen? I'll never forgive myself for being part of this project. Eventually I'll get what's coming to me, though. There's no way to escape from this nut house. It's just a matter of time now. Everything is set. All I need is a little courage to get it done. Knowing I'll leave many things undone is regret beyond words. But, this is better than just waiting to turn into one of them. Please understand and at least let me end my life as a person. There's a message on the back. Linda, please forgive me... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Plant 42 Report =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: Found in the Residence, in Room 002. The file is laying on the desk beside the bed. PLANT 42 REPORT Four days have passed since the accident. The plant at Point 42 is growing at an amazing rate. Although there are many unknown aspects about this plant, we know in comparison with the other group of plants, the T-Virus has had a substantially stronger affect on this one. The T-Virus has drastically morphed its host's anatomy as well as its size. Looking at its current state, it's difficult to imagine its original appearance. Nowhere on Earth will you find anything like it. We've also found that PLANT 42 has two main source of acquiring its necessary nutrients. One source is through its root. Somehow it has rooted itself down into the basement. Immediately after the accident, a scientist went mad and destroyed the Aqua Ring. Ever since, the basement has been like a pool. There is a high possibility that it's one of the chemicals in the water that's promoting the PLANT 42's rapid growth. However, we have yet to determine the specific chemical. A bulb-like body of the PLANT 42 has been sighted hanging from the ceiling of the first floor. We are sure that it used the air ducts to reach the first floor. Numerous long tentacle-like vines are protruding from the bulb. We believe the vines are the second means of acquiring its nutrients. When the PLANT 42 senses prey, it uses the tentacle-like vines to capture its prey. After doing so, suckers on the vine drain the prey of its blood. We've also noticed that it has some intelligence. When it captures its prey or when it's inactive, the vines twine around the door to stop possible intruders. Unfortunately, a several of our scientists have already fallen victim to this PLANT 42. When we heard the stories from the survivors, they all observed one thing in common: When the uniform petal-like flaps open and reveal its vital internals, it has a tendency to become more aggressive. One witness reported that it was as if it was trying to protect itself. Why it behaves the way it does is still unknown. May 21, 1998 Henry Sarton =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Organic Chemistry Lab Experiment =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: At the Residence. It's the white book in the bookcase in Room 003. You must remove it to place in your "Red Book". Organic Chemistry Lab Experiment The similarities in the cellular characteristics of the rapidly growing plant infected by the Tyrant Virus have been reported in previous papers. However, while repeating these experiments, an interesting new fact became clear. We learned that a chemical in the UMB family, UMB No. 20, contains a compound that that is toxic to the cells of the plant. We have given UMB No. 20 a new name: V-JOLT. If calculations prove correct, when V-JOLT is applied directly to the root of the plant, the entire plant should be dead within 5 seconds. The V-JOLT can be made by simply mixing the VP and UMB chemicals in a specific ratio. However, extra care must be taken when handling these UMB chemicals. They have been known to generate toxic gases if mishandled. The characteristics of each UMB chemical are as follows: UMB No. 3 red Yellow-6 yellow UMB No. 7 green UMB No. 10 orange VP-017 blue V-JOLT dark brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Family Picture & Notes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATIONS: (1) On the desk beside the lamp and typewriter in the Cabin. (2) You get another piece when you collect the Jewelry Box from Lisa Trevor's Home. (3) Last section is found in the stone tomb in the "Altar". A family picture and notes (picture of Trevor family) There's something written on the back. Nov. 10, 1967 -Progenitor Virus administered -Jessica Administered virus: Type-A Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation. Virus fusion: Negative Action: Disposed -Lisa Administered virus: Type-B Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation. Virus fusion: Positive but delayed fusion. Body modification: Observed constant results. Status: Continue protective observation. -George Action: Terminated (Nov. 30, 1967) There's a journal left by someone. Nov. 14, 1967 I feel dizzy after that shot they gave me. I don't see Mom. Where did they take her? She promised that we would escape together. Did she escape alone and leave me behind? Nov. 15, 1967 I found Mom. We ate together. I was very happy. But she was a fake. Not my real Mom. Same face but different inside. Have to find Mom. Have to give face back to mother. I got Mom's face back. Nobody can have my Mom except me. I attach her face to me so she doesn't go away. Because Mom sad when I meet her without her face. Nov. 17, 19 7 from inside box, scent of mommy. maybe true mother there. stone box hard. It hurt. steel rope in the way. can't see mother becuz 4 stones. 19 daddy atached first momm atached scond iNside reD and sLimy whiTe and haRd not true moM wheRe dunno dad found mum again whne atachd momMy she move no more she screaming why? Jst want to b with her 4 mom where? I mis yuo It's a letter. To my Lisa, Day by day I can feel my consciousness drifting further away. The shots given to me by men in white clothes made some of mommy's itching go away. Today they gave me another shot saying it was "nutrition". When they give me the shots mommy's can think straight, but mommy's shocked and sad because mommy's unable to think of you all the time. Mommy's afraid. Afraid of forgetting everything, especially the memories of you and daddy... What your faces look like, how we used to be together... They're all starting to disappear into somewhere dark in my mind. Oh Lisa, I wish I could touch your face and hold you in my arms right now, so that I can hold on to our wonderful memories of you and daddy. Lisa we can't stay here and longer. We have to escape! Listen to me Lisa. Our chance to escape is the next time when we go to that lab together. We'll both pretend that we are both unconscious and when that man in white clothes is off guard that will be our chance. When we're on the outside, let's look for daddy together. Okay sweetie? Be strong, Lisa. Nov. 13, 1967 Jessica Trevor =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Barry's Photograph =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: Found on the floor in "The Tomb" area at the "Altar" if you say NO to giving Barry his gun back. Jill Valentine only! BARRY'S PHOTOGRAPH (picture of Barry's family) This is the photograph that fell out of Barry's shirt just before he fell in to the pit. There's something written on the back. We love you daddy. From your sweet daughters, Moria and Polly ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L A B O R A T O R Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Letter of a Researcher =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: In the "Roentgenogram Room" of the Laboratory (place with the X-Rays) beside the computer system. Researcher's letter June 8th, 1998 My dearest Ada, By the time you read this letter, I will no longer be the person you once knew. The results of my test came out today, and as I suspected, it came out positive. I feel like I am teetering on the edge of reason just thinking about my impending doom. I would give anything not to have to become one of them. As far as I know, you are not infected. I sincerely hope things do not reach such a desperate pass, but if it has turned out that you are now the last person remaining alive, I want you to get the material from the Visual Data Room. Then, activate the Self-Destruct System in the Power Room, and escape from here. Please do everything in your power to make this whole accident public. If everything is still running normally, you should be able to release all the locks using the Security System. I have set up the terminal in the small security room so that you can log in to the system using my name and your name as the password. You will need another password to release the lock of the door in Basement Level Two where the Visual Data Room is located. As a safety measure I have coded that password into an X-ray picture; a roentgenogram. I know you, and I'm sure you will be able to work it out without any trouble. There is just one more thing...and it's my last request. I hope you never have to lay eyes on me in this state, but if you do happen to run into me in my hideous form, I beg you to put me out of my misery. I hope you understand. Thank you, Ada. Yours truly, John =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V-ACT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: Found on the table right beside the Umbrella computer system in "Medical Research Lab", which is the place with the hanging cadavers. V-ACT Researcher's note There is now evidence that when the host loses consciousness, the body goes into a dormant state. During this time the virus becomes active and rapidly transforms and reconstructs the basic composition of the body. The host eventually mutated into a humanoid creature. (We call them V- ACTs) Already four of our researchers have died from trying to feed it, turning the place into an instant blood bath. (Ever since this tragic and barbaric accident, we have decided to call its kind "Crimson Heads"). That dangerous and precious prototype specimen can't be left there. We have to figure out a way to deal with it. Termination is definitely not an option. We finally decided to freeze the specimen and confine the body inside the basement of the backyard cemetery. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FAX =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: On the shelf beside the GameCubesque Data Reader, in the "Chemistry Research Lab", which is the room with the refueler for the capsule. FAX To: Sanitation Division Attn: Manager of Sanitation From: Raccoon Disaster Contingency Committee The contents of this fax are confidential and intended for the named addressee only. Any copying, or disclosure of the contents of this fax to any third party is strictly forbidden by the sender. After reading the contents of this fax, must be destroyed immediately. We expect significant increase in the damage done by the recent T-Virus' outbreak than initially estimated. There are several concerns. First concern More than half of the researchers have been infected by the T-Virus and died. It has also been reported that almost all of the survivors of this accident are starting to show symptoms of the T-Virus infection. Second concern Our Secret Security Patrol Team has also been completely eradicated. Therefore, our most secret research is in danger of public disclosure. Quick actions are demanded to prevent mass media coverage. Third concern There is a high possibility that most of the specimens are running loose inside the compound. We expect many casualties to follow. However yet unfortunate, these casualties underscore the success our research results. Actions must be taken to prevent our research results from being made public. We suspect the first official intervention will come from the State Police and S.T.A.R.S. We strongly recommend taking measures against them first. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Security Protocols =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: In the "Visual Data Room" (place with the projector) check the TALL bookcase just to the right of the entrance to that secret room behind the mirror. SECURITY PROTOCOLS LEVEL ONE Heliport/For executive use only. This restriction does not apply in the event of an emergency. BASEMENT LEVEL ONE Passage to Heliport/Entry is prohibited unless accompanied by a Consultant Researcher or the Chief of Security. Unauthorized persons entering the heliport will be shot on site. Elevator/The elevator stops during emergencies. BASEMENT LEVEL TWO Visual Data Room/For use by the Special Research Division only. All other access to the Visual Data Room must be cleared with Keith Arving, Room Manager. BASEMENT LEVEL THREE Prison/Sanitation Division controls the use of the prison. At least one Consultant Researcher (E. Smith, S. Ross, A. Wesker) must be present if viral use is authorized. Triple Lock Door/Entry into the room is limited to the sole person who deactivates the lock with all of the Pass Codes. Accessing the exclusive Output Terminals located in each section of the Senior Researchers deactivates the lock. Power Room/In this room nitro compound is used as the primary fuel source of power. Access is limited to Headquarters Supervisors. This restriction may not apply to Consultant Researchers with special authorization. Pass Code Output Terminals/Use and access of the Output Terminals is limited to authorized Senior Researchers. BASEMENT LEVEL FOUR Regarding the progress of "Tyrant" after the administration of T- Virus... (Illegible hereafter...) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Observation Note =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LOCATION: On Wesker's body in the lab where you fought Tyrant the first time. If your Jill Valentine, check Wesker BEFORE you check Barry or he'll end up running off... Observation Note The discovery of the G-Virus was in fact 21 years after the administration of the primogenitor virus. The "Prototype Parasite" which we had delivered from a laboratory in France was administered to the sample specimen. The sample specimen took in the parasite without showing any signs of adverse reaction. The lack of any reaction was an unsolved mystery. But now everything is clear to me now. The "Prototype Parasite" was incubating in the sample specimen's body for 21 years. Then from that incubating state the prototype suddenly mutated. ("Evolved" may be a more appropriate word to describe it.) This observation gave me more insight in my research. Through further modification and testing, I was able to derive a method to create the "G" that surpasses the performance of the "T". This was the breakthrough that would change the future of the B.O.W.'S history. I can't wait to see the look on Alexia's annoying face when I finally announce my research. But unfortunately I'll have to wait a few more years to completely verify my findings. William Birkin ======================================================================== 9. F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S ======================================================================== Question: What is a general outline of a typical game? Answer: Mansion, Courtyard, Residence, Mansion, Courtyard, Mansion, Altar, and Laboratory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: What are the differences between EASY and NORMAL mode? Answer: Well, on easy, there are more ammo clips and Ink Ribbon, less Zombies, and each Zombie is slower and takes off less damage. The bosses are also pathetic. Basically easy mode is the pansy version of the game -- play normal to get full enjoyment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: How many different game endings are there? Answer: Six. Collect'em all! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: What is the Wooden Mount for? Answer: Use it to get a "2F Mansion Map"! Grab it, then head to that room with the fireplace at the other end of the East Stairs Hallway. Light the fireplace with your Lighter, then use the Wooden Mount and your character will place it on the metal plate -- scorching in a map outline due to the heat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: What are the locations of the three "MO Disks" and what do they do? Answer: MO Disks open a special door, which allows you to rescue a character and get a SLIGHTLY better ending. I always thought it was a waste of time! When you find a MO Disk, place it in a GameCubesque Data Reader in the Laboratory. DISK 1 -- Get the Yellow Gemstone in the Eagle Room of the Mansion. Use the gemstone in the Tiger Altar Room to get the disk. DISK 2 -- In the first hallway of the Laboratory. It's off to the left of the stairs sitting on a pile of debris. DISK 3 -- In the Visual Data Room (room with projector) in the Laboratory. Sitting on the shelf just right of the entry door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: What are these "Naked Zombies" people talk about? Answer: If you play the game on normal or hard, you get to see some white-skinned Zombies that run around naked in a few areas of the Laboratory. It's worth buying Resident Evil just for that! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: HELP! I'm out of defense items, out of healing items, have red/danger health, and am surrounded by Zombies! Answer: Pop one of them in the legs a few times to quickly drop'em so you can bowl on through -- otherwise say g'night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: I'm at the Residence, and playing as Chris. When I try to make the J-VOLT in the lab, it says I need somebody who knows how to work with medical equipment... Answer: That's because you have to get Rebecca to make the J-VOLT for you! But she •wouldn't• make it if you saved Richard in time with the Serum in the Mansion. It doesn't really matter, using the J-VOLT while playing as Chris is a waste of time since you have to fight Plant 42 anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: What happens if you use the Red Gemstone on the Tiger Statue in the small altar room? Answer: Something...bad. :p You're supposed to only use the Yellow and Blue Gemstones, but if you accidentally use the red one, here's what happens: The statue convulses, then raises into the ceiling. A short time later, a HUGE mass of Vipers rains down from the ceiling...if you exit the room and come back, you'll find your Red Gemstone laying on the floor. Creepy. You have to see this at least once! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: What happens if I open the "front door", i.e. the door at the front of the Mansion Foyer? Answer: Some Cerberus are waiting for you on the porch and one of them will manage to pop in for a visit... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: What's this "infinite Grenade Launcher ammo trick"? Answer: See any other FAQ yah cheating bastard! I honestly don't see how you can call yourself a real player when you use this trick to get through the game -- EVEN if you're doing a speed run. "Look Mommy, I got a time of 45 minutes! I'm special and used eleventy billion grenades! Hyuk hyuk! Der." It would be one thing if it was, say, a secret code, but it's nothing but a glitch overseen by the programmers! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: I died on Hard Mode REALLY quickly! Any tips?! Answer: Ding ding! Junior here found out that hard mode was actually (wait for it) HARD! See the appropriate FAQs...I recommend marshmallow's "Chris Hard Mode Walkthrough". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: How do I kill Lisa Trevor? I've tried everything. Answer: She's invincible. Maybe that's part of the problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: I talked to Barry, and in the guide it says you get Acid Shells from him. But I didn't get ANY! Answer: That's because you need an open space in your inventory you dunce. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: When a Zombie grabs you, especially from behind, anyway to minimize the damage? Answer: Rapidly press A and roll the control stick back and forth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: What's the best way to dodge a Cerberus? Answer: Run back and forth in 45 degree angles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: I'm poisoned, and in the Mansion. Where's the Blue Herbs? Answer: There is a Blue Herb Terrace. To find it, you must get to the "Wardrobe Room." From the Mansion Foyer, unlock the single door on the right with your Helmet Key. Head through this room and you're at the Wardrobe Room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: How do I get the Shotgun as Chris Redfield? Answer: Remember the Broken Shotgun you got in the side closet near the West Stairs save room? Do the switch-a-roo and there yah go... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: What should I use the Self defense gun on? Answer: Try the Plant 42 or Tyrant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: Playing as Jill, I tried to get the Shotgun but got crushed in the room with the lowering ceiling. What went wrong? Answer: Did you remember to check BOTH DOORS so that way Barry saves you? That was in the guide you know! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: Should I give Barry his gun back? Answer: *cries* It's in the guide...I typed...it...so beautiful. Mommy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: Is Lisa Trevor invincible? Because I can't kill her... Answer: Wait a second! Didn't I just answer that? Arg!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: In the "Keeper's Diary" file when he referred to the "skinless Gorilla", was he talking about a Hunter or a Chimera? Answer: ...I like cake. And cheese. But especially Cheesecake! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: Where's the Sword Key? Answer: It's in the guide! Graveyard. Yard with graves? In the back of the Book of Curse! Do you know what a book is? That helps! ======================================================================== 10. S E C R E T S A N D E A S T E R E G G S ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G A M E E N D I N G S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Game endings are based upon two factors: (1) Whether your "partner" stays alive till the end; Barry/Rebecca. (2) If you save the other character trapped in the Prison Cell in the Laboratory, using the three MO Disks to unlock the door. BARRY VARIBLES: ------------------- 1# -- While you're in "The Tomb" at the Altar area, a fight with Lisa Trevor ensues. Give the gun back to Barry? "Yes" lets Barry live, while "no" ensures he plummets to his doom. 2# -- During the second fight with Tyrant, you can either ignore the battle and let Tyrant skewer Barry to death or supply enough firepower to keep Tyrant at bay. REBECCA VARIBLES: --------------------- 1# -- When trying to access the "Spencers' Room" with the Emblem Key, Rebecca screams upstairs in the Study. She's being attacked by a Hunter. Save her and she lives...ignore her and she dies. 2# -- During the second fight with Tyrant, you can either ignore the battle and let Tyrant skewer Rebecca to death or supply enough firepower to keep Tyrant at bay. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jill Valentine =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BEST -- Give Barry his gun back, make sure he lives, and rescue Chris Redfield. Jill, Barry, and Chris all escape in the helicopter. The Mansion explodes. Good -- Give Barry his gun back, make sure he dies, and rescue Chris Redfield. Jill and Chris escape in the helicopter. The Mansion explodes. Good -- Give Barry his gun back, make sure he lives, and don't rescue Chris Redfield. Jill and Barry escape in the helicopter. The Mansion explodes. Decent -- Give Barry his gun back, make sure he dies, and don't rescue Chris Redfield. Jill escapes in the helicopter. The Mansion explodes. Bad -- Don't give Barry his gun back, and rescue Chris Redfield. Jill and Chris escape in the helicopter. The Mansion doesn't explode, allowing the T-virus and Tyrant to survive. WORST -- Don't give Barry his gun back, and don't rescue Chris. Jill escapes in the helicopter. The Mansion doesn't explode, allowing the T-virus and Tyrant to survive. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Chris Redfield =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BEST -- Rescue Rebecca from the Hunter, make sure she lives, and rescue Jill Valentine. Chris, Rebecca, and Jill all escape in the helicopter. The Mansion explodes. Good -- Rescue Rebecca from the Hunter, make sure she dies, and rescue Jill Valentine. Chris and Jill escape in the helicopter. The Mansion explodes. Good -- Rescue Rebecca from the Hunter, make sure she lives, and don't rescue Jill Valentine. Chris and Rebecca, escape in the helicopter. The Mansion explodes. Decent -- Rescue Rebecca from the Hunter, make sure she dies, and don't rescue Jill Valentine. Chris escapes in the helicopter. The Mansion explodes. Bad -- Don't rescue Rebecca from the Hunter and rescue Jill Valentine. Chris and Jill escape in the helicopter. The Mansion doesn't explode, allowing the T-virus and Tyrant to survive. WORST -- Don't rescue Rebecca from the Hunter and don't rescue Jill. Chris escapes in the helicopter. The Mansion doesn't explode, allowing the T-virus and Tyrant to survive. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Other =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Kaboom! -- Get to the second Tyrant battle and allow the timer of 3 minutes to run out. They'll have to scrape your carcass off the nearby forest! Pool of Blood -- Just have your character die and you get a "You Are Dead" screen. Not much of an ending, I know! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E X T R A G A M E M O D E S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Once Again... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HOW TO EARN: Beat the game just one time. Refers to any game you play from the puke-green starting screen. The screen also allows you to continue to unlock new features. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HOW TO EARN: This extra difficulty level is listed under a "Once Again..." game. Beating this gives you some SERIOUS bragging rights. A lot of the Ink Ribbon and ammo pieces are removed from the game, Zombies are faster and more aggressive, and the bosses take a TON of punishment to bring down. Your herb supply is also cut in half. I love this mode! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Real Survival =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HOW TO EARN: Beat a "Once Again..." game on either normal or hard, and in under 3 hours. Oh boy...only try this mode if you're •really• patient and dedicated to the game. Real Survival is set on HARD MODE, but Capcom also throws in a few new challenges -- auto-aim is turned off and the Item Boxes AREN'T linked. This means whatever item you put in one box, you must go BACK to the same box to get it. This mode is a total nightmare with Chris...but I've beaten it that way! Muah! :p =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Invisible Enemy =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HOW TO EARN: (1) Beat "Real Survival" mode once. (2) Beat a "Once Again..." game on either normal or hard, with BOTH Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield. A very fun way to play the game, this mode makes all the enemies (you guessed it) invisible! The bosses are also invisible, which isn't pretty when you factor in that Mega Crimson Head waiting in the Graveyard. Auto-aim is also disabled so you're on your own! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ H I D D E N W E A P O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are two sweet pieces of hardware you can add to your arsenal... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Samurai Edge =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HOW TO EARN: Beat a "Once Again..." game on either normal or hard, and in under 5 hours. This weapon is an upgraded version of the standard S.T.A.R.S. Handgun, which has unlimited ammo and fires in three-bullet spurts before pausing. Each round also tends to pack a bit more punch... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rocket Launcher =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HOW TO EARN: Beat a "Once Again..." game on either normal or hard, and in under 3 hours. The ULTIMATE weapon, though I don't use it much...which is ironic since it took so much effort to get and I used it a bunch in the beginning. I mainly stopped with it because using it makes the game easier than tic- tac-toe. It has unlimited ammo and each round is a "fire-and-forget" rocket which instantly kills almost any enemy (or at least blasts them back). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E A S T E R E G G S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Additional Screen =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Beat the game just once to access a new puke-green starting screen. Much better then the original I think! To get the screen again, just load your "CLEAR" game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hidden Costumes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Both Jill and Chris have some extra costumes; AKA the clothes they wear. Beat the game with either character one time to rechieve a fancy metal and ivory "Closet Key". When you start a new game with that same character, you can find the Closet Key in the ITEM BOX. Use the key on a hidden door: • In the central Mansion Foyer, head to the ground floor. Take the double doors on the RIGHT. • In this "Statue Anteroom" use the side tunnel. • Head down the tunnel, and in the first corner you should notice that large painting of the Mansion on its side. Use the key on this "door"! Now you get to try on a new costume from the racks of clothes. How nice, they even included a mirror. After all, when being attacked by a flesh- eating mutated dog trying to gouge your eyeballs out, you should always look your best! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- One Dangerous Zombie =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HOW TO EARN: Beat a "Once Again..." game on either normal or hard, with BOTH Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield. Not really too much per say, but throughout the beginning of the game when you're in the Mansion, your old S.T.A.R.S teammate Forest (the guy you got the Grenade Launcher from) has come back to LIFE as a Zombie and is chasing you. The real trick is, he's covered in GRENADES -- shoot him, use your knife, or use a defense item...KABOOM!!! Say goodnight! • Forest takes the place of many Zombies, but in a few instances he actually acts as an EXTRA Zombie. • The Forest Zombie makes a particular "scream" that's a higher pitch then your normal undead fellows. • "Clinking" happens as he runs due to the grenades covering his body. • He runs about the same speed as your character! • Once the Hunters are activated in the Mansion by you completing the Residence, Forest will disappear with the rest of the Zombies. You can't turn this feature on or off, it just gets added in after you meet the game's conditions. And if you want to learn ALL about this feature in copious detail, see GForce9x's guide at: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/gamecube/file/resident_evil_one_dangerous _zombie.txt =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Shinji Mikami Memo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HOW TO EARN: Beat an "Invisible Enemy" game, and in under 5 hours. Most players will NEVER get to see this! But if you meet the time requirement, at the end you rechieve an inspirational (some would say psychotic) message from Shinji Mikami, the creator of the Resident Evil series. You want too know what it says...? ...something interesting. Hoho. ;) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Costume Catalogue =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HOW TO EARN: Beat an "Invisible Enemy" game, and in under 5 hours. Along with getting a memo from Mikami-boy, you also get to see a catalogue of all costume ideas -- used AND unused. Some you wish they hadn't taken out, while others will make you cringe. They should have had a "John Travolta disco-inferno" suit. :p ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S P E E D T I P S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since I've mentioned a bunch of stuff that gets unlocked based on time, why not help you with a few tips... • First off, to get the best time possible you should play as Jill Valentine on NORMAL mode. Do not pick hard, since well, it's more difficult, and the Zombies slow you down a LOT. And do NOT use Chris. Why? Well here's just a few reasons: - Jill has the super-handy Grenade Launcher, and Chris does not. The launcher will save you a ton of time throughout the game. - With the launcher, you can skip getting the Magnum Revolver in the Courtyard, thus saving you about ten minutes (you skip getting the Wind Crest upstairs, then doing that crest switch-a-roo in the graveyard). The Grenades easily compensate for lack of Magnum Rounds. - Jill is the "Master of Unlocking" meaning she can open up doors with her Lock Pick. No need to waste time getting Old Keys. - You can get the Shotgun right away since Barry helps you. This means you can proceed straight to the balcony to face the Cerberus. - Has eight spaces in her inventory. Good for stashing everything. - Jill can ACTUALLY play the piano! You don't have to wait for stupid ass Rebecca to "practice." • Run in straight lines as much as POSSIBLE. Getting caught on walls is bad too, but you probably already knew that... • The less you get injured, the less time you have to squander healing yourself. Also grab herbs as you go, DON'T go back for them. • Skip ALL cinema scenes, namely by pressing the "Start/Pause" button right at the BEGINNING of them. Some scenes can't be skipped, so just press start regardless. In case you're wondering, YES, the game clock continues to run while you're watching them. • Whenever text is popping up, hit the "A Button" one time to have the text pop up a lot faster. You'd be surprised how much time this saves. • The Status Screen, Pause Screen, Map, and Item Box Screen will NOT save your ass when it comes to time. Spend as LITTLE time as possible in these places. Only when you hit "game reset" are you safe from the omnipresent game clock. • Skip 95% of the Zombies you come in contact with. This isn't as bad as it sounds, because a lot of them disappear after you come back from the Residence...but they're replaced with Hunters. Oh well. ;) • Need to get around a Zombie quickly? Aim for the legs! Drops them faster than Rosie O'Donnell's acting career. • Don't bother killing Crows, Giant Bees, Cerberus, ect. Any minor enemies you should ignore. You can kill some Hunters though. • If you mess up BADLY or even MODERATELY, start from your last save. You'll thank yourself later. Nothing's worse than being a few minutes or seconds short of that Rocket Launcher... • Kick the crap out of the Plant 42 normal style. SKIP the J-Volt thing! • Don't give Barry his gun back, that way you skip the second Tyrant battle entirely and save a good 5-10 minutes. ======================================================================== 11. C R E D I T S ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPANIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nintendo: Made the GameCube, your playing Resident Evil on the system. Still waiting for Mario Sunshine... Capcom: Developed, produced, and made Resident Evil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SITES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ www.GameFAQs.com -- Posted this FAQ...holds all my others as well... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PEOPLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CJayC: The insane, incurable webmaster of GameFAQs, who apparently sleeps 1 hour a night. Dart533: Emailed me a GREAT alternative strategy for beating Yawn. Minesweeper: Gave me permission to use his "Files Transcript" for the guide. Yea I'm so lazy...*looks at 250KB+ guide*...*eyes glaze over*. Toadman527: Emailed me some various gameplay tips that I added throughout the guide...excellent work. ======================================================================== 12. C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N ======================================================================== Feel free to contact me at my email address: mayonnaise47@yahoo.com. It's quite frightening, but I seem to be getting more and MORE email (along with a greater quantity of crap) everyday. Here's a few things I always rechieve... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When I get I a question, I will try to answer it as best I can...you may get an answer right away, or it might be awhile. And if I happen to not answer your question right away, DON'T email me back ten seconds later saying "hey, you didn't answer my question!" unless you want me to ignore you. If I'm really busy (new video game) I might not even log on the internet for a few days. No questions will be answered that are already answered in the guide. I thought that was rather obvious myself, but you'd be surprised. Arf arf. If you question is really crappy (i.e. bad grammar, barely decipherable english, ect.) I will simply delete it from my inbox... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRAISE LETTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You mean after I busted my hump you want to complement me? I may not reply, but these letters are much appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HATE LETTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, I've actually gotten these things before. A sad fact when you think about it, as I make these guides for free. Some are valid criticism, and I will acknowledge those, but others (most) are let's say..."colorful". Sincerely, mayonnaise ~ End of Document ~