Resident Evil 4 famitsu demo faq version 1.0 by erbgorK ****************************************************************************** *Disclaimer: This was written by me, erbgorK, unless noted otherwise. Please * *do not steal. You may post it/copy it, whatever, as long as you provide full* *credit. * * * *This is something I want to post quickly. Right now there are a lot * *of questions about the demo, and by collecting information it here I * *hopefully save some people time wasted searching. * *If your questions about the RE4 demo were not answered here, you should try * *the RE4 message board. If that doesn't work, you can also email* *me: erbgor[at]gmx[dot]de. English or german. * * * *The demo itself might still be found at online stores. The place where I got* *it is sold out though. I payed $19,90 plus shipping. * * * *The full game will be out in 2005. Some sources say the US release date is * *January 11, but of course this is subject to change as always. * ****************************************************************************** Updates: 10/28 0.6 Minor additions to the "how to get 30000 on normal" guide. I will write one for hard in the future, shouldn't be much different anyway. Listed some stuff that is not mentioned in the guide. Some more translations. 10/29 0.7 Some more items and the like I missed. 10/29 1.0 Hole thing got a new structure. I hope it is easier to read now. Also rewrote most of the content, added information. This should be done now. Table of contents: I Walkthrough II Location of items et cetera not listed in walkthrough III Translations IV Differences of this Famitsu Demo to the earlier E3 Demo I Walkthrough ************* *a* Before you start When you start the demo, you can only play on normal. After beating the demo once, you can also play on hard and play a movie (the one shown at e3). If you get 30000 on a single run on either normal or hard, you will have an uzi in your inventory the next time you play on normal difficulty. You cannot have the uzi in hard difficulty. Since you cannot save, the next time you start the demo (after having resetted) you can only play normal again and the uzi is gone. The following walkthrough should help you get 30000 points. You do so by collecting money that appears after killing villagers, opening crates or is just lying around. The guide was tested on normal and hard. Hard means enemies have more health and deal more damage. A rough map guide to important locations in the village: Upon entering, there is a house with two crates (one of them always holding a high explosive grenade) on the far right. On the left are three houses, the second one is the Chainsaw Guy house, the third one the shotgun house. Behind the third house is the tower with shotgun shells. Directly across the shotgun house is another house you can enter. In there you will find a number of items, most important more shotgun shells. I think the only way to get 30000 is to kill Chainsaw Guy 2 times: First at his "starting point" at the door, secondly when he appears after you enter the shotgun house. *b* Up to the village The first "enemies" you'll come across are birds. We don't want to scare them away so when you spotted them, walk. One on the tree (1), one in the left on the ground (2), one further down the path (3). This is how I usually get all three birds: Shoot (1), now (2) will fly where (1) was. Wait a split second to see where it goes exactly then shoot it. Takes just a little practice. If you were not too close, (3) might still be on the ground. It always has only a first aid spray though. Go behind the first house, there is a crate. Then enter the house, kill the single ganado, if he collects something don't forget to collect it. Then go up the stairs, get the handgun ammo on the far wall, and jump out of the window. Quickly shoot the ganado you see, but be careful, there are two more of them on your right side. Go into every shed, open every crate, kill every enemy. Try to shoot the ganado in the legs, even when they are on the ground. It kills just as fast as shooting in the torso and I get more money this way. About halfway, you'll encounter more birds. Shoot the one on the right first, he has a grenade, then try to get the other one as he is flying away. The three enemies you encounter that run away you cannot shoot at this moment, but they might sneak up behind you if you go into the village, then back to this point. You should have about 5000, hopefully more when entering the village. If you have less consider resetting. *c* In the village Before I shot anybody, I went right into a house with two crates to get a grenade and hopefully money (if you wait a split second before you go right, you will not be noticed), then into Chainsaw Guy's house (the second house on the left, if you go the lon way around the first house you might not be noticed) to get some more stuff, out ouf the window there, pop the crate for a red herb (and here you will get noticed if they haven't seen you before), ignore the "woman" by turning right and running along behind the shotgun house, over the fence or through the gap, and follow this trail to the left till the end. There he is. The way I kill him: Throw a grenade (explosive (best) or fire), hopefully killing his two companions and flooring him. Now quickly get into "minimum grenade safety distance" (as close as possible to him so you could still throw a grenade at him without being hit yourself) and shoot his head with the handgun. If he gets up either throw another grenade and repeat, or, if you trust your aim, simply shoot him in the head as he approaches you. It is quite simple to run past him as well. Try to finish him quick or you will be ambushed by villagers that followed you. Pick up the 10000, and clear a path to the tower, preferably running, shooting them now wastes too much time. Go up to the tower to get the shotgun ammo, go down again and make a sharp right, over the fence and into the shotgun house. Grab the grenade and the ammo, then hope that you find money in the baskets under the stairs. Note: If you have 19000 you don't need to get more here. Go up, get the shotgun, the money on the table (1000 I think) and the handgun ammo. If you were quick, there is nobody here. Go to the first window and blast the two zombies with the shotgun, then kill them with another blast or handgun shots. Go through the window onto the roof, turn left and jump down on the ground. No if I make a right I can usually see Chainsaw Guy. Get his attention, then quickly 180 and get to the barn, a few steps behind the cow. Let's hope Chainsaw Guy is one of the first of the 15+ villagers that will come after you now. Throw your grenades, try to hit Chainsaw Guy and as many villagers as possible. Now if Chainsaw Guy is floored and there are no villagers close to you, shoot him in the head with the handgun, otherwise use the shotgun to floor him and get rid of villagers that are close. But Chainsaw Guy is your top priority, if you run out of time before he drops you you can't get the 30000. If you get Chainsaw Guy to drop, QUICKLY rush to his corpse to get the money, you should now have 30000 or just a little below that. If you got the 30000, just stay alive, you are faster than them, if you have the ammo you can shoot them of course. If you still need a little money remember to shoot the legs and try to gather the rest. Also, there is some more shotgun ammo in the building across the shotgun building, but I didn't waste time there, but you might wanna try. You can kill 2nd Chainsaw Guy as he will follow you, but I find it harder in here than outside in the open. II Location of items et cetera not listed in walkthrough ********************************************************* There are two doors in the village that you cannot open. See below what the text means. One chicken, I think it is always the one close to the Chainsaw Guy house, drops an egg when it sees you. The egg is a full healing item just like a red/green herb combination. In the north east end of the village there is a handgun magazine in a corner. I found it by accident. Go to the cow and a little further. There is a crate with a yellow herb. AFAIk, the only way you can use it is to combine it with a green herb and a red herb. Use this new superherb, and your total life increases AND you get fully healed! There is a dog in a bear trap (can't miss it really) that you can help. Doesn't seem to do anything in the demo, but it is probably safe to assume that it will affect something later in the full game. If you go a little further after the dog, but go off the trail to the right before the road sign, there is a red herb there. There is handgun ammo on the roof of the second house on the left. If you go there through the window of the shotgun house, then straight ahead it will be on the schornstein. If you go through the window of the shotgun house, then 180 and to the next roof there is another handgun magazine. If you stay up on the tower with the shotgun ammo too long, the villagers will throw burning sticks at you. Hit zones: It seems there (at least) different hit zones for the head, right arm, left arm, upper torso/neck, stomach/groin, left leg, right leg, left foot, right foot. If you shoot the feet they should fall over. It seems to me that every hit zone except upper torso/neck and head deals roughly the same overall damage to villagers (3-4 handgun shots to kill them, 4-6 on hard). In the upper torso/neck or head zones 1-2 shots or 2-4, respectively. Villagers drop money, ammo or health (only green herbs), or nothing. It seems they drop money more often if you shoot them in the legs/feet. Crates/baskets can be destroyed by weapons. They can give money, ammo, health or grenades. Some of these are "fix", that means they always have the same items, some have either money or nothing, et cetera. *If I still have missed something, please tell me. III Translations **************** When you first walk into the first house and check out the first bookshelf it says,"There is nothing suspicious here." The second bookshelf says, "These are old books. They are not in English." After you kill the first villager and look at his body it says, "Is this a zombie?!" When you examine the hanging skulls, it reads: "It looks like many people have died. I hope she's alright." (presumably referring to Ashley.) In the shed with the typewriter, if you try to use it, it will say, "This can not be used in this version." When you examine the Chainsaw man painting, it says: "This is the Chainsaw Man of local myth. No matter how many times you kill him, he seems to revive. Really, according to the talk of the village, he's the richest." When you try to open one of the two the locked doors in the village there is a text message: " It can't be opened.". As for the menu, the first and third selections I can't make out. Here's the menu: *?? *Item *?? *Map *File *Option *Close (Exit) The blue text on the map simply says, "Destination". *The translations were done by justinsinjapan. IV Differences to E3 demo ************************* 1. Inventory menu now uses "block" system (gun=4 blocks, herbs=2 blocks...). 2. Female villagers added. 3. Your two drivers burning in the village bonfire is now gone. 4. Close-up animation of Leon's head falling after chainsaw attack is gone. 5. Woman impaled with pitchfork on the wall of one of the shacks is now gone. *provided by Glitch