sssssss hh hh a DDDDDD OOO wwwwwww wwww wwwwwww sssssss hh hh a a D DDDDD O O wwwwww wwww wwwwww sss hh hh a a D DDDDD O O wwwww wwww wwwww sssssss hhhhhhh a a D DDDDD O O wwww wwww wwww sssssss hhhhhhh aaaaaaaaa D DDDDD O O www wwww www ssss hh hh aaaa aaaa D DDDDD O O ww wwww ww ssssss hh hh aaaaa aaaaa D DDDDD O O wwwwwwwwww ssssss hh hhaaaaaa aaaaaaDDDDDD OOO wwwwwwww The Hedgehog ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon FAQ Copyright 2006 by Jose Reyes By: Jose Reyes (raak1010) Created: January 6, 2006 Version: 0.75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.Table of Content ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Table of Content 2. Version history ------- (vrhst) 3. Introduction ---------- (intro) 3a. About me ---------- (intra) 3b. About the game ---- (intrb) 4. Basic Controls -------- (bsct) 5. Weapons --------------- (Wpns) 5a. Guns -------------- (guns) 5b. Cannon ------------ (cnno) 5c. Lock-on ----------- (loon) 5d. Laser ------------- (lser) 5e. Close Combat ------ (clco) 5f. Vacuums ----------- (vccm) 6. Vehicles -------------- (vhcl) 7. Contact me ------------ (cntc) 8. Legal stuff ----------- (lgst) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2.Version History (vrhst) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version History, you know the deal... You do know the deal, right? Version 0.75- Did everything, except the vehicles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3.Introduction (intro) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome everyone to this FAQ about Shadow the Hedgehog. This FAQ was made with the purpose of helping those who don't know what weapon to choose during the trajectory of the game. Some are good, others are useless, and others are just playing weird. Let me explain how to navigate around this FAQ. Did you see those five or four letters in parenthesis the Table of Content? Well, is you copy one them with parenthesis and all, press Ctrl + F, paste the code in the window and search, it should take you to that part of the FAQ. Use them to find what you want to know quickly. 3a. About me. (intra) First of all, I want to introduce the maker of this FAQ, me. This is my first FAQ in my entire life, so please be nice. If you think I should change something that could make my FAQ better, I will gladly consider your offer and I'll make sure you get credit for it. For more on how to contact me, see the "Contact Me" part of the FAQ. 3b. About the game. (Intrb) The part all of you have been waiting for, the part I start talking about the game. Shadow he Hedgehog is a platform game that is quite different from any other normal Sonic game you may have play. First of all, is not a Sonic game. The game is about Shadow, a hedgehog who might resemble Sonic, but has an entire different attitude. Now, some of you might say "WEAPONS???!!!". Yeah, weapons. Once again, this is not a Sonic game, is a Shadow game. Shadow is hunted by his past... Well, what hunts him about his past is that he don't remember it, and to get back his memory, he will do anything, if that include shooting someone on his head, he couldn't care less. All of that said, in this game there is a wide variety of weapon, but not all of them appear on all of the levels and not all of them can kill (I will use kill to make it easy for me) the same enemies with the same numbers of shot. I think that with all of that you get the purpose of the FAQ. That said, let move on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4.Basics Controls (bsct) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basic control of the game, I don't need to explain myself. Joystick-----Move Shadow, Aim in turrets. A button-----Jump. B button-----Attack, if you got a weapon, with the weapon, if not, you start punching. R button-----Start sidestep. This will let you have better aim with a weapon X button-----Next to an item that can be pick up, pick it up and throw it to an enemy. This will cause damage. On an item able to be overturn, overturn it over an enemy and kill him. When you got a weapon, go to another weapon and press it to change weapon. Finally, use it to get on a vehicle. Y button-----Drop weapon I will not tell you any other special actions and unnecessary action of a button buttons. This FAQ specialize on weapons. I'm just telling you this control because they are necessary to use effectively a weapon. However, I might tell you during the course of the FAQ tips to use a certain weapons, which, in that case, I might need to tell you a special action necessary. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5.Weapons (Wpns) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally, the moment, errr, the second moment you all have been waiting for, the weapons section. First, some thing you need to know. To pick up ammo of the weapon you got, just pass over it. In vehicle, you will change weapon automatically if you one, so be careful. When you consume all the ammo of your current weapon, you will drop it automatically. When you're either Hero or Dark Shadow, you will have unlimited ammo, DON'T WASTE THAT TIME. Some weapons are easier to find in some levels than in others, identify that weapon, what race it is, and stick with it. Make sure not to end up with a weapon from the side you're making the mission or you will have difficult time finding ammo for that weapon without killing you're "allies". This section will be divided on the group the game give about the weapons. Next, this is how I will show the weapons: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: See NOTE below. Race: If it is a human, alien or Eggman (by Eggman I mean his robots) weapon. This will tell you which kinds of enemies own certain weapons. Some close-combat weapons and all special weapons don't have a race. Power: The strength of the weapon. I will use a scale of 1-5, one is the lowest, five the greatest. Ammunitions: The number of shot the weapons will add every time you pick it up. Firing rate: I hope it is called like that; I'm not such a weapon fan. This will tell you how fast each shot will come out after the last shot. I will use the 1-5 scale, 1=lowest, 5=greatest. Average: This tells you how good are this weapon is all around. Who has it? : Some weapons are own only by a certain kind of enemies. Note: A special "think you must know" for this weapon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, before I forget, each type of weapon has a special weapon only found inside the Shadow containers. This weapon will normally be the strongest of it type. All of them have a version 2.0, which is ALWAYS better, except for the Shadow rifle, it don't have a version 2.0. NOTE: Just as a reminder, I don't know the name of all the weapons (I miss Omochao bugging me around (T_T)). If someone knows the name or sees that the name I gave is wrong, feel free to e-mail me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, for the weapons themselves: 5a. Guns (guns) Guns are your basic kind of weapons. Fast, reliable, strong, you can't go wrong with this kind of weapon. All of these weapons got an auto-aim feature, meaning that if there is enemy within the range of the weapon and in front of you (it can be at a certain angle of course) Shadow will shoot at the enemy. Some of them can fire at a fast rate just by pressing and holding the B button. Other will fire fast if you press rapidly the B. Black Giants 2 and shield enemy might block the shots. -------- Name: Pistol Race: Humans Power: 2 Ammunitions: 10 Firing rate: 3 Average: 3 Who has it? : GUN soldiers. Note: This is the second weakest weapon in the game. It will do for weak enemies, but later in game this weapon will even stop appearing and a lot of better and easier to find weapon will appear. -------- Name: Black Pistol. Race: Aliens. Power: 2 Ammunitions: 20 Firing rate: 3 Average: 3 Who has it? : Black arm soldiers. Note: Just as his name said, this is your common day pistol, only that is from the aliens. It is same as Pistol. -------- Name: Egg Pistol. Race: Eggman. Power: 2 Ammunitions: 20 Firing rate: 3 Average: 3 Who has it? : Eggman's pawns Note: Same as pistol and black pistol. This weapon will appear on all levels with Eggman pawns and it will surely be your common weapon on those levels. -------- Name: Machine gun. Race: Humans. Power: 2 Ammunitions: 20 Firing rate: 4 Average: 3.5 Who has it? : GUN soldier, GUN mech, GUN beetles. Note: A better weapon than the pistol because of his firing rate, plus you can hold the B for rapid fire. It will quickly replace the Pistols. -------- Name: Flash shot. Race: Aliens. Power: 2 Ammunitions: 20 Firing rate: 4 Average: 3.5 Who has it? : Black arm soldiers. Note: Same as Machine gun. -------- Name: Rifle. Race: Humans. Power: 3 Ammunitions: 30 Firing rate: 3 Average: 4 Who has it? : GUN soldier, GUN mech, GUN beetle. Note: The riffle is stronger than the Machine gun, but a little difficult to get in earlier levels. -------- Name: Flash rifle. Race: Aliens. Power: 3 Ammunitions: 30 Firing rate: 3 Average: 4 Who has it? : Black arm soldiers. Note: Same as a human rifle. I had only seen this weapon in Final Haunt and The Last Way. -------- Name: Gatling gun. Race: Humans. Power: 4 Ammunitions: 30 Firing rate: 2.5 Average: 4.5 Who has it? : GUN mech, GUN beetle. Note: Strong and can take almost any enemy in one or two shot. Because it is a Gun, you can't go wrong with it. It ammo is difficult to find. -------- Name: Chain gun. Race: Humans. Power: 4 Ammunitions: 40 Firing rate: 5 Average: 4.5 Who has it? : GUN Bigfoot. Note: This is one of the fastest, if not the fastest, weapon in the game, plus it power is something that the enemies should fear. The problem is finding ammo for it. The Black Comet is a place where you can get a nice quantity of ammo. -------- Name: Wave pistol. Race: Aliens. Power: 4 Ammunitions: 20 Firing rate: 3.5 Average: 4 Who has it? : Black arm soldiers. Note: This weapon is slow, but is not like the enemy is going to do great thing to dodge it, unless it is a constantly moving Beetle or Black Volt. This weapon is very easy to find on the Black Comets levels. -------- SPECIAL WEAPON!!! Name: Shadow rifle. Race: None Power: One-hit KO Ammunitions: 20 Firing rate: 3 Average: 5 Who has it? : Shadow containers. Note: This weapon is so strong it lack a version 2.0. You unlock it when you beat the Last story. The Shadow rifle will kill almost any enemy with one shot. Enemies that aren't affected by his one-hit KO are: Artificial Chaos (to many parts) Shield enemy (I need to research a little more) Black Giant 2 (Same as shielded enemies) The alien's tank and Eggman's blimp will just receive heavy damage. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5b. Cannons (cnno) Cannons are a kind of weapon that got a great damaging area, a pretty slow firing rate, little ammo, and a good power. The problem with them is that they don't have an auto-aim system, so you got to aim manually. Also, Shadow got the bad habit to fire them at a negative angle, meaning that their range is average, but if they not hit something, they got a great range. It also appears that the gravity pull shots down, mostly on alien cannons, I need to do more investigation. Because of these two factors, with some enemies you might have to jump to hit them. Oh, and they are great to fight Artificial Chaos or take down a blimp *wink*. -------- Name: Bazooka (A must be). Race: Humans. Power: 3.5 Ammunitions: 6 Firing rate: 2 Average: 2.5 Who has it? : GUN soldiers. Note: A good weapons for quickly disperse the enemy (or at least know them of their feet). Is kind of difficult to find, to use, and there is a load of better weapons to use. -------- Name: Black barrel 1.0 Race: Aliens. Power: 3.5 Ammunitions: 8 Firing rate: 1.5 Average: 2.5 Who has it? : Black arm soldiers. Note: 1.0? Yeah, the black barrels have two versions of itself, the one normal Black arm soldier use and the other I will talk about it in a second. In this version of the Black barrel, Shadow shoots it in a more noticeable angle but have more range. -------- Name: Black barrel 2.0 Race: Aliens. Power: 3.5 Ammunitions: 8 Firing rate: 1.5 Average: 2.5 Who has it? : Black Giants. Note: Is practically the same as version 1.0, only that it got better angle, but worst range. Oh, and is more difficult to get -------- Name: Egg cannon Race: Eggman (Bet you didn't know). Power: 3.5 Ammunitions: 6 Firing rate: 2 Average: 3 Who has it? : Egg pawns. Note: A red and orange bazooka, nothing more. -------- Name: Grenade launcher. Race: Humans. Power: 3.5 Ammunitions: 6 Firing rate: 2 Average: 3.5 Who has it? : GUN Soldiers Note: As any other cannon, I don't sympathize with it, but this one gets a little more appreciation for the level you get enough ammo. In Lost Impact, this baby will kill small A. Chaos with one direct shot, something that let you get an easier A. -------- SPECIAL WEAPON!!! Name: Heal cannon. Race: None Power: hhhmmm, 1-3, depend on situation. Ammunitions: 10 Firing rate: 2 Average: 3.5 Who has it? : Shadow containers. Note: This weapon is the only non-offensive weapon in the game. You unlock it by beating a pure hero ending. It heals an enemy unit. When the enemy unit is healed, he doesn't longer attack you, unless it is a robot, they seem not to care. This weapon is extremely useful in The Doom hero mission. -------- Name: Heal cannon 2.0. Race: None Power: 1-5 Ammunitions: 20 (A little too much for a cannon) Firing rate: 2 Average: 4 Who has it? : Shadow containers. Note: You unlock it by beating the second pure hero ending. It got more ammo and better damage area the first version. Once again, The Doom = Best weapon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5c. Lock-on (loon) The lock-on weapons will, as the name indicate, lock-on to object, and their missile won't rest until they hit their target, doing some amazing things in the way like passing through purple walls and becoming a satellite of their targets. Lock-on weapons have a regular firing rate if you are shooting like a maniac, but a not so decent one if you're actually trying that the missiles home to the target. Also their range is difficult to get because is how far you have to be from the enemy for the weapon to lock-on to them. Normally one to three missile will take kill the enemy, more if we are talking about Bigfoots and Black Giants. -------- Name: Home-in missile: Race: Humans Power: 3 (Not so sure about this) Ammunitions: 6 Firing rate: 2 Average: 3 Who has it? : GUN soldiers Note: It seems that this weapon is difficult to find, plus it can only lock to one object at a time. Personally, I prefer a gun. -------- Name: Worm shooter 1.0 Race: Aliens. Power: 4 Ammunitions: 6 Firing rate: 2 Average: 3.5 Who has it? : Black worms. (Earth) Note: Earth? By that I mean the Black worms that appear on that planet. It can lock to two objects and it got a decent power. If you can find enough ammo, this weapon is good enough to shoot. -------- Name: Worm shooter 2.0 Race: Alien (sheesh, I wonder why) Power: 4 Ammunitions: 18 (That a LOT) Firing rate: 2 Average: 4 Who has it? : Black worm. (They are black, Black Comet's levels) Note: This weapon is basically the same as version 1.0, but has more ammo and worst range. The range is not that important and doesn't affect it that much and it can lock-on to a lot of enemy, so much I couldn't even count them. -------- Name: Worm shooter 3.0 Race: Aliens. Power: 5 Ammunitions: 6 Firing rate: 2 Average: 3.5 Who has it? : Black worm (Yellow ones, only Black Comet and Last Way) Note: This Worm Shooter is the last of the family (Finally) and the most powerful and rare. It lack on ammo, but with it power, killing a yellow Black worm should just take one shoot. Finding ammo is difficult, but in Last way there is a good number of Worms. It can only lock to two objects. -------- Name: 4-shot RPG (uh?) Race: Human Power: 4 Ammunitions: 24 Firing rate: 2 Average: 4 Who has it? : GUN beetle, GUN mech, GUN Bigfoot. Note: This lock-on weapon can lock to four objects, plus, it got a lot of ammo and his power isn't a pushover. I find this to be the best weapon of it type. Even better than the special weapon, which, by the way... -------- SPECIAL WEAPON!!! Name: Satellite Laser. Race: None. Power: 3 Ammunitions: 4 Firing rate: 2 Average: 2 Who has it? : Shadow containers. Note: You unlock it by beating a neutral evil ending. At this state, this weapons suck. It got low ammo, poor damage area and it can only lock to one object. It sucks, wait for level two. -------- Name: Satellite laser 2.0 Race: None Power: 5 Ammunitions: 8 Firing rate: 2 Average: 3.5 Who has it? : Shadow containers. Note: You unlock it by beating the second neutral evil ending. It not the best lock-on weapon, but surely not the worst. It got a wider damage area, let say Westopolis's laser size, but the problem is that because some enemies are constantly moving in circle or toward Shadow, and the laser attack when you release the B button, so it miss much more often than normal lock-on weapons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5d. Laser (lser) Ahh, the laser weapons, a kind of weapon that has the same qualities of guns and, even amplifies them. This is indeed a good type of weapon to use. They normally appear on later levels. They can auto-aim, just as a normal gun, plus they either: A) pierce through the enemy, causing enemies behind to also get hurt. B) Ricochet of the enemy, making other enemies susceptible to the shot. After that, they got practically all the characteristic of a gun. -------- Name: Laser Rifle (pretty original) Race: Humans. Power: 3 Ammunitions: 20 Firing rate: 3 Average: 4 Who has it? : GUN mech. Note: This laser can pierce. I find this laser to be the worst of them all. The power is low for a laser, plus is not like your going to find every time an enemy behind another. For the levels where you find this weapon, I suggest using any other weapon. -------- Name: Razor laser. Race: Aliens. Power: 3 Ammunitions: 20 Firing rate: 3 Average: 4 Who has it? : Black arm soldier. Note: The alien pierce weapon. It is the same as the laser rifle. -------- Name: Refractor. Race: Aliens. Power: 3 Ammunitions: 20 Firing rate: 4 Average: 4.5 Who has it? : Elite Black Arms. Note: I found this weapon better and easier to find, plus it ricochet, which is more useful than piercing, because you find more enemies in a circle than in a line. -------- SPECIAL WEAPON!!! Name: Omochao gun. Race: None. Power: 3 Ammunitions: 10 Firing rate: 4 Average: 3 Who has it? : Shadow containers. Note: You unlock it by beating a neutral hero ending. How do this get to be a laser type weapon!!??, nobody will ever know. This laser is not useful at all at this level, but if you like to kill an enemy with Omochao or take revenge on that little robotic freak, one or two shots won't kill you. This weapon doesn't have any characteristic of a laser, not yet anyway. --------- Name: Omochao gun 2.0 Race: None Power: 4.5 Ammunitions: 20 Firing rate: 4 Average: 4.5 Who has it? : Shadow containers. Note: You unlock it by beating the second hero neutral ending. This is a much better upgrade to version 1.0. Omochao will know ricochet of the enemy, plus cause more damage. When it ricochets, it seems that Omochao will defy the laws of physic and ricochet to another enemy, like a smart gun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5e. Close combat (clco) Close combat is THE WORST KIND OF WEAPON YOU CAN GET. Seriously, why would you attacking with a weak weapon in close combat when you can attack with a more powerful weapon from a mile away. In all this kind, there are only three weapons I will say, "Go for it.", and one them is the weakest, but a mission-must. There is also a lot of this type of weapon, but more than half of them are the same with different form. They can be easily be find by destroying something that got a part you can swing, like the base of a torch, a decorative pole (being the most common), even a street sign. Anyway, this kind of weapon will increase both, range and power of your melee attack, and are also worldwide known for their crappy ammo (if you can call it ammo). All of that and you can't get into vehicles with them, so you will have to let it go when you need ride an Air Saucer or a Black Hawk -------- Name: More than half of the close-combat weapon. Race: Various. Power: 2 Ammunitions: 4-6, normally 6 Firing rate: None Average: 0.5 Who has it? : The stage itself <_< Note: Just use them for fun or in case you need it really, REALLY bad. How bad?, lets just say you need to have no other weapon close, against a pair of Black giants, with no attacking partner and your homing attack is so bad that 75% of the time you fall off stages that are impossible to fall off. -------- Name: Egg lance Race: Eggman Power: 2 Ammunitions: 6 Firing rate: None Average: 0.5 Who has it? : Egg pawns Note: Same as more than half the close combat weapons. -------- Name: Blue torch. Race: Eggman? Power: 1 Ammunitions: 4 Firing rate: None Average: 1 for combat, a-must-have for a mission. Who has it? : Cryptic castle. Note: This torch is the weakest weapon on the game; it would be useless if it wasn't because you need it for Cryptic Castle dark mission. There are various things this torch can do that other close-combat weapon can't: 1) Lit torches. 2) Hurt enemies with the fire and not losing ammo in the process. 3) Hurt enemies just by making the fire touch them without even swinging it. This can also make bombs explode in your face. I just don't suggest using it for any other thing beside the mission. -------- Name: Black Sword. Race: Aliens. Power: 3 Ammunitions: 6 Firing rate: None (again) Average: 2.5 Who has it? : Black arm soldier. Note: A big ugly flashy purple sword, you can't miss it. This is going to be your main or second main close combat weapon, if you even use them. Not the best weapon, but if you like close-combat (something I would let to Knuckles department) I suggest this weapon, especially on Glyphic Canyon and Sky Troops. -------- Name: Dagger Race: Human Power: Unknown Ammunitions: 6 Firing rate: None Average: Yet to be determined. Who has it? : GUN soldiers. Note: I don't know much about this weapon, but I assure you the Black sword is better, mainly because this kitchen utensil only appear on The Doom and lack A LOT of range, beside, you will find better guns on this level. -------- Name: Black hammer? Race: Alien. Power: 4 Ammunitions: 6 Firing rate: None Average: 1.5 Who has it? : Black Giants 2. Note: The infamous Black Giant 2, so, what is exactly the difference between this guy and his weak counterpart? These guys only use this weapon plus will shield against anything throw at them. But this is a Weapon FAQ, not an Enemies FAQ. The hammer is the strongest normal close-combat weapon in the game. The problem is that is rare to find ammo for it and one hammer won't help that much. The Black sword is weaker but more abundant, stick with that, or better... -------- SPECIAL WEAPON!!! Name: Samurai blade. Race: None Power: 3 Ammunitions: 4 Firing rate: None Average: 1 Who has it? : Shadow containers. Note: Better? Not yet. You unlock it by beating a pure dark ending. It has low ammo, is not that abundant and it power won't make for it. At this level the Black sword is better. But... -------- Name: Samurai Blade 2.0 Race: None Power: 4 Ammunitions: 8 Firing rate: 2(I will get back to this later) Average: 4 Who has it? : Shadow containers. Note: Level 2 is unlocked by beating the other pure dark ending. This weapon is one of the coolest weapon and the best close-combat weapon. It can kill almost everything with one or two swing. It got more ammo, more power, and a little something from the Blue torch. When you swing it, it will let out a shockwave that looks like that of a Black Volt, only that faster. If the shockwave hit the enemy, he will receive the same amount of damage of a direct slash, plus the sword won't lose ammo. One problem: the center of the shockwave have to hit the directly the enemy to work. A little practice and you will master it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5f. Vacuums (vccm) Even though the game didn't add this as an official type of weapons, it does exist. There are only two weapons here. The vacuum will suck enemy into the weapon. Black Volt will fight to escape and I still haven't caught one no matter how close I am. The vacuum will also suck crates, debris and ring. Crates and debris will take ammo. -------- Name: Black Vacuum. Race: Alien. Power: 3 Ammunitions: 20 Firing rate: 5 Average: 2 Who has it? : Black arm soldier. Note: This vacuum will suck the enemy and force them into a ball (like Sonic magic gloves) transforming them into a bullet. Releasing the B will shoot the enemy. It is same for crate and enemies. In Central City, where you have to collect 20 small bombs, you need this vacuum. Actually, this is the only weapon that got a real strategy to it, beside random shooting and swinging. -------- SPECIAL WEAPON!!! Name: Egg vacuum Race: None or Eggman Power: 4 Ammunitions: 20 Firing rate: 5 Average: 4 Who has it? : Shadow containers. Note: You unlock it by beating a neutral ending. Think about it, even though it miss Eggman red and orange trademark, you get it by beating the Egg Dealer, no matter what. Anyway, the Egg vacuum is a white with blue dots rubber chicken. It can suck even a Black worm. When you use all the ammo, you get a 1-UP. Once again, it can suck crates and debris. Is powerful enough like this, imagine it level up. -------- Name: Egg vacuum 2.0 Race: none or Eggman Power: 4 Ammunitions: 30 Firing rate: 5 Average: 5 Who has it? : Shadow containers. Note: A great weapon, great ammo, great power, great everything. And when you use all ammo you get 3! 1-UP and the weapon don't even double the ammo, something that is both good and bad, but mostly good. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, that's the entire weaponry Shadow will use to be good or bad. Let's move, shall we? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6. Vehicles (vhcl) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why vehicles? Well, they aren't a lot, and if something can run over an alien (or human for certain situation), I consider it a weapon. COMING SOON!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Contact me (cntc) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I bet you people wanted to get to this part all the time. Or you just skip right to it <_<. Anyway, if you want to contact me, e-mail at Here is some thing you need to know when you're e-mailing me: 1) Don't ask about my weird hotmail. 2) The e-mail should have as theme: Shadow the Hedgehog FAQ. 3)E-mail that said: "Your FAQ suck" will do the same effect to me as if the world get destroy, mainly because I will die if it get destroyed <_<. 4) Don't even bother putting an attachment. I will only see texts on the e- mail itself. Once again, don't bother. 5) I will only response thing that have to do with the game, so don't even think about it. 6) This I will gladly accept and see are: -Weapon stat, just to compare. -Extra note, something I might have missed about a weapon. -Mostly anything that might help my FAQ to be better And finally, we get to the last part of the FAQ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8. Legal stuff (lgst) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, how to start? First of all, thank to my sis. for helping me collect the data I needed. To Kirby021591, for being an inspiration, I really like your FAQs. I like to thanks Sonic Team, for making this game. To Nintendo, for letting this game on their console. Thanks to Gamefaqs, for hosting this FAQ. This FAQ is: Copyright 2006 by Jose Reyes The only place where this FAQ may be published is Don't get yourself in trouble, will you?